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botanic277-blog · 7 years ago
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#AgricultureOfinstagram #Agriculture #Arpa #ArpaSeria #AgricultureSeria #TahıllarSeria #ZahireSeria #HububatSeria #BugdaygillerSeria Üst âlem: Eukarya Âlem: #PlantaeSeria (Bitkiler) Alt âlem: #TracheobiontaSeria (Damarlı bitkiler) Üst bölüm: #SpermatophytaSeria (Tohumlu bitkiler) Bölüm: #MagnoliophytaSeria (Kapalı tohumlular) Sınıf: #LiliopsidaSeria (Tek çenekliler) Alt sınıf: #CommelinidaeSeria Takım: #PoalesSeria Familya: #PoaceaeSeria (Buğdaygiller) Alt familya: #PooideaeSeria Oymak: #TriticeaeSeria Cins: #HordeumSeria Türler 32 tür. #HordeumVulgare altür HordeumVulgareVulgare Yabani olanı #HordeumVulgareSpontaneum Arpa (Hordeum vulgare L.) buğdaygillerden taneleri malt ve yem olarak kullanılan önemli bir tahıl bitkisidir. Tarih öncesi devirlerdeki en önemli kültür bitkilerinden biri olmakla birlikte, ekonomik önemi olan bitkilerin başında gelmektedir. Yaklaşık 10.500 yıl önce, bugünkü İsrail, Ürdün, Lübnan, batı Suriye, batı İran, Irak ile güneydoğu Türkiye’yi kapsayan ve Bereketli Hilal olarak isimlendirilen bölgede kültüre alındığı bilinmektedir. O zamanlarda ekimi yapılmakta olan arpa, bugün yabani arpa ( HordeumVulgare L. ssp. #HordeumVulgareSpontaneumSeria (K. Koch.) Thell.) olarak da bilinen ve ilk defa Türkiye’de keşfedilmiş olan bir alt türdür. Bu alt türü, insanlar en az 18.000–19.000 yıldan beri, önemli bir besin kaynağı olarak kullanmaktadırlar. İnsanlar arpayı 10.000 yıl öncesinde Orta Doğu’dan başlayarak, 2.000 yıl öncesinde Çin’e kadar, dünyanın farklı yerlerinde ıslah etmişler böylece bugün kullandığımız arpayı ( #HordeumVulgareSeria ssp. #HordeumVulgareVulgareSeria L.) elde etmişlerdir. #April11Nisan2016 #Nisan14seria #Nisan2016seria #CumartesiNisanSeria #Cumartesi2016seria CumartesiSeria (Arpaköy, Ordu, Turkey)
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mustafagultekinavsar · 10 years ago
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#CosmosSeria #NGCseria #NGC45222seria #NGC4522 #GalaxySeria #VirgoSeria #VirgoGalaxyesSeria THIS GALAXY KNOWS HOW TO PARTY Image Credit & Copyright: NASA/ESA Hubble Space Telescope. With Hubble’s 25th anniversary this week I want to take a few posts and dedicate them to the single most profound scientific instrument ever devised by human hands thus far. Everyone knows the classic Hubble images that, even though we’ve seen many thousands of times, still WOW us. However, I want to post a few of my personal favorites that over the years, still WOW me personally…….I hope you agree. Hellooo beautiful. This hot mess goes by the name of NGC 4522 and it resides 60 million light years away in the constellation Virgo where it’s a member of the massive Virgo supercluster of galaxies. This is an example of how more is not always necessarily better. As it travels through the region at blinding 10 million kph (6.2 million mph.), the resistance created by the cluster itself is stripping material from the galaxy at a rapid rate via a process known as ram-pressure stripping. You can actually see in the details of this image that vast clusters young blue stars are actually being stripped from the plane of the galaxy and being expelled into the surrounding region behind it. Now, when you first glance at this image it may appear as though this is some gargantuan freak of the universe that’s blowing its top and as it does so, it’s firing off handfuls of galaxies out of it. It’s an amazing sight, but not the case. The reality is that this galaxy is using the universe and the cluster that it resides in as a backdrop. Littered all throughout this image are hundreds or thousands of other galaxies, each with billions of stars and who knows what else. Similar in power to the Hubble Deep Field collection, I find this image presents what would otherwise be impossible to imagine in conversation or text alone. Hubble actually takes it, and shows us what is impossible to imagine in an image, leaving us picking our jaws up off the floor as it has done so for the last two decades. #april25nisan2015 #CumartesiNisanSeria #Cumartesi2015seria #Nisan2015seria #Nisan25seria #CumartesiSeria
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botanic277-blog · 7 years ago
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#AgricultureOfinstagram #AgricultureSeria #Yulaf İçeriği #Mineraller #Vitaminler #Avena #Bugdaygiller #Hububat #Zahire #Tahıllar Yulaf içeriğinde bol miktarda protein ve karbonhidrat bulunmaktadır. #Lif #Omega3 , #Omega6 , #YağAsitleri , #Kalsiyum , #Bakır , #Demir , #Magnezyum , #Manganez , #Fosfor , #Potasyum , #Seleniun ve #Çinko bileşenleri açısından zengin olan yulaflar ayrıca #B1vitaminii, #B2vitamini , #B3vitamini #B5vitamini , #B6Vitamini , #B9vitamini açısından da oldukça iyi kaynaklıdır. İltihaplı, kaşıntılı veya ��atlamış cildi yatıştırıcı özelliği için dıştan uygulanır. #april16nisanSeria Nisan16seria Nisan2016seria CumartesiNisanSeria Cumartesi2016seria CumartesiSeria (Yulaflı, Tekirdağ, Turkey)
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mustafagultekinavsar · 10 years ago
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#SeaLionsLifeSeria #WesternAustraliaSeaLions #WhiteSeaLions #AustraliaSeaLionsSeria #AustraliaSeria #SeaLionsSeria #DrnizAslanlariSeria #SeaLions Kingdom: #Animalia Phylum: #Chordata Class: #Mammalia Order: #Carnivora Family: #Otariidae #SeaLions include the 5 species in family Otariidae that are not fur seals. They differ from fur seals in having shorter snouts and flippers, and shorter, courser fur. Sea lions are distinguished from true seals of family Phocidae in having external ears. If I could swim with Sealions everyday I would be a happy person #australian #sealion #westernaustralia #april25nisan2015 #CumartesiNisanSeria #Cumartesi2015seria #Nisan2015seria #Nisan25seria #CumartesiSeria
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mustafagultekinavsar · 10 years ago
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#MountainSeria #MountOlympus #MountOlympusSeria #GreeceSeria #GreeceMountainsSeria #EuropeSeria #EuropeMountainsSeria #OlympusMountainSeria #OlympusMountain #Greece Mount Olympus, Greece #april11nisan2015 #CumartesiNisanSeria #Cumartesi2015seria #Nisan2015seria #Nisan11seria #CumartesiSeria
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mustafagultekinavsar · 10 years ago
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#HacetaHeadSeria #HeadSeria #HacetaHead #OregonSeria #OregonHeadsSeria #UsaSeria #UsaHeadsSeria #NorthAmericaSeria #NorthAmericaHeadsSeria ==================== From yesterday with my good friend, Saqib (@zulfthewolf). ==================== T: Head In The Clouds P: Heceta Head, OR, USA C: Olympus OM-D E-M5 II L: Olympus 12-40mm f/2.8 F1: 2 stop soft grad ND F2: 10 stop ND E: ISO 200 | f/8 | 30 sec ==================== Sponsored by @Lucroit Filter System ==================== #april11nisan2015 #CumartesiNisanSeria #Cumartesi2015seria #Nisan2015seria #Nisan11seria #CumartesiSeria
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mustafagultekinavsar · 10 years ago
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#LambsLifeSeria #LambsSeria #KuzularSeria #AnaKuzusuSeria #KoyunlarSeria #OvisAriesSeria #Lamb #OvisAries Lamb (Ovis Aries) #april04nisan2015 #CumartesiNisanSeria #Cumartesi2015seria #Nisan2015seria #Nisan04seria #CumartesiSeria
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mustafagultekinavsar · 10 years ago
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#GeologySeria #WhitePocket #ArizonaSeria #ArizonaGeologyesSeria #UsaSeria #UsaGeologyesSeria #NorthAmericaSeria #NorthAmericaGeologyesSeria #toprakseria #lateritseria Location: White Pocket, Northern Arizona. The full uncropped versions of my images can be seen and purchased via the link in my profile. Contact me for photo workshops, photo editing, and photo tours of San Diego. #april04nisan2015 #CumartesiNisanSeria #Cumartesi2015seria #Nisan2015seria #Nisan04seria #CumartesiSeria
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