destielanqel · 7 years
11 Questions Tag Game
I was tagged by @natmoose thank you so much!! :) i love these games
Rules are Simple
1. Post the rules.
2. Answer the questions given to you.
3. Make 11 questions of your own.
4. Tag 11 people
1) If you could be somewhere else right this second, where would you be?
I thought I would say my favorite beach town that I go to every year, but I think I’d rather be in Europe.  I have never been, however I want to experience as much culture as possible in my life.
2) What language do you want to speak/sign fluently?
Definitely Greek or Italian because I learned a little Greek in elementary school and would love to continue on with it; and Italian because my family is from Italy and I would love to learn more about my culture and where my family came from.
3) What is your favorite non-comedic Supernatural episode?
I think one of my favorite Supernatural episodes (because there are so many my god) is The End because I love the correlation between present Dean and future Dean because you see how in the future Dean has literally lost all hope.  To see Dean abandon everything he knows in order to save as many people as possible lets us observe a Dean at an all time low, one side of Dean that we don’t get to see often.  He obviously reaches low points but Dean is the type of person that constantly hides how he truly feels, but in this episode he is laying it all out of the table and even sacrifices his team in order to save as many people as possible no matter who dies.  I can’t explain it I just really love the character contrast in that episode.
4) Would you rather be a famous actor or musician?
Definitely a famous actress; being dramatic is one of my favorite things to be.
5) How did you find out about Supernatural?
So I actually ended up watching Supernatural after my sister showed me a picture of Jensen and I was like hmm he’s cute and she said that I would really love the show he is in because it is similar to Halloween related themes (and Halloween is my favorite holiday) so I gave it a try and well the rest is history.
6) What is your favorite line of a poem/song?
This was really hard for me to pick, but I love the lyric “And on this night, in this light, I think I’m falling for you.” because it sends chills up my back and I see it as the point where one truly realizes how in love he or she is with someone else and I think of it as a magical and wonderful moment.
7) Do you have any weird habits?
I don’t know if this is weird, but when I have to study or do something for a class that is a big assignment or exam, I talk to myself literally the entire time. I am pretty sure I do it because I get distracted way too easily so listening to my own voice and focussing on it helps me to remain focussed. Is anyone else this way? No? Okay
8) What is your go to position while reading/watching tv?
Usually I am on the left side of my couch in my family room and my feet are scrunched up tight and I’m kind of in a little ball in order to stay warm I guess.  I don’t know it’s comfortable.
9) Are you listening to music right now?
No but I wish I was
10) Do you remember your first day of school? If so, describe it with one word.
Okay I don’t remember it, but my mother always tells me that it was a day of complete chaos because it was September 11, 2001 which is when the Twin Towers were hit and destroyed and we didn’t live that far from it and many schools close in fear that someone would target a large school.
11) What is “I can’t think of anymore questions” in your native language?
I can’t think of anymore questions lol I only speak English my badddd
Okay so here are my questions:
1. If you could be transported to any fictional universe, and it doesn’t have to be like Asgard (Thor’s planet) it could be like a show’s universe like the Supernatural universe, where would you go?
2. If you could completely eradicate any disease/illness/social problem etc. what would it be and why?
3. If you could be any breed of dog, what would you choose?
4. Out of the cities you have visited (if you have visited a couple) what was your favorite and what makes it your favorite?
5. Who would you switch bodies with for one day?
6. What is your most vivid memory of your childhood/when you were a child?
7. What is the best part of your day?
8. If you had the chance to tell that one person that you liked them, would you?
9. Have you ever completed a New Year’s Resolution?
10. What fictional character do you see yourself as the most?
11. Do you prefer cool lights or warm lights? (just because it’s the festive season) 
So feel free to do this even if I don’t tag you because it was actually fun to talk about this kind of stuff. I tag @spookyscarycastiels @moaningmish @elma-shay @inacatastrophicmind @castielsaveme @obriens-babygirl @buffywinchesterfiles @cultofcas @rossanddmitri @spn-j2-blog @jmlover
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