saigoninja · 9 months
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ineffablelvrs · 1 year
ej bo nudzi mi sie strasznie myslicie ze to dobry pomysl zeby przeczytać każda lekturę z licem ktorej nie przeczytałam to dobry pomysl
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bullet-prooflove · 1 year
My Girl - Jake 'Hangman' Seresin x Reader
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Tagging: @words-and-seeds @cosmic-psychickitty @@xoxabs88xox @hardballoonlove @dempy
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It’s late when Jake turns up outside your house, far too late for him to be visiting but he can tell you’re up from the light in the hallway. He imagines you running through your usual routine, checking the locks before you head to bed, Cujo, the Belgian Malinois at your heels walking his nightly patrol with his partner. He got back in just over an hour ago and usually he would have spent the night in his quarters, turning up early the next morning with coffee and bagels before your shift but then he’d heard the scuttlebutt.
There’s been a drugs raid while he’s been gone, it had been triggered after a Ensign had O.Ded on Fentanyl last month. He hadn’t realised you were part of the investigation because you hadn’t told him. He gets it, there’s stuff he can’t talk about either. It’s why the relationship works as well as it does, the two of you have a level of understanding you can’t get with a civilian.
When he’d heard that a female Master At Arms from the K9 division had taken a hit during the shut down of the operation he’d felt his heart stop in his chest. There are four K9 officers and the other three are male. He knows that it was you.
“Woman, please just open the door.” He mutters as he raps his knuckles against it for the third time.
He knows the need to be here, to see you is irrational, but he’d called, and your phone was switched off, something you always do when it gets past ten because it helps you destress before bed. He knocks even louder, pausing only when he sees your shadow in glass panelling.
“Jesus Jake,” You utter as you open the front door. “Are you trying to wake up the whole neighbourhood?”
He’s dressed in his civvies, clothes that have hastily been thrown on before he’s headed off base. You can see how tired he is from the slight shadowing underneath his eyes. You realise he must have come straight off the carrier because the scent of the sea still clings to his skin. You’re dressed for bed, in a vest top and leggings, an oversized pair of his socks on your feet because you always get a little cold. His gaze lingers on the black bruise that’s blossomed across your chest; it sits like a starburst just underneath your collarbone spreading across the curve of your left breast. It was close he summarises, damn close. He can see the burn in the centre where the heat from the bullet seared your skin through the Kevlar.
Cujo appears beside of you, his wet nose already probing Jake’s clenched fist for treats. He snuffles at it until Jake exhales and splays his palm, allowing the dog to scent him before Cujo huffs in displeasure, retreating back to your side.
“He’s been a little protective since it happened.” You say as you open the door a little wider and gesture for him to come in.
He steps inside, closing the door behind him before he crouches down to fuss over your canine companion.
“Good boy Cuj,” Jake says as he scratches the space behind Cujo’s ears that makes his tail wag. “Looking after her while I’m away.”
 You roll your eyes as Cujo showers him with doggie kisses, because he loves Jake almost as much as he loves you. You think it’s the regiment of treats and play that Jake adheres to whenever he comes over.
“I know you don’t need looking after.” Jake states as he jerks his head away to avoid his face being licked. “But it’s good to know that this one has your back.”
You place your hand on his shoulder, your thumb skirting over the space on the nape of his neck, the one that you know soothes him just a little.
“I’m ok.” You tell him. “A little sore but otherwise I’m good.”
He raises to his feet, his hands coming to rest upon your hips as he lingers in your proximity. Everything else falls away in that moment, you can see the concern in his eyes, the relief. He knows that shit happens while he’s away and he knows that you can handle it, but he hates that he isn’t there for you sometimes. You would never chastise him for that, but he still feels it acutely.
“I just had to see for myself.” He whispers as his forehead comes to rest upon yours. “I just need to be here right now with my girl.”
Love Hangman? Don’t miss any of his stories by joining the taglist here.
Like My Work? - Why Not Buy Me A Coffee
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pocketbellonline · 3 months
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J♥lyne Cuj☮h
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miscling · 8 months
10 for each tit and 5 for the clit 😘
mmmnamnstganjk you so m cuj
plss slapp yourself the same for mee as a thnak youu ^^
Thank you for the ask task! (9)
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stoked-sparksurfer · 6 months
fuck fuck fucj fuck fuck fuck fuck fuck fuck fuck fuck fukc fucji cuj. fucj fuck fcuj
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Here are 50 common abbreviations for competitive exams in Bangladesh:
BCS - Bangladesh Civil Service
PSC - Primary School Certificate
JSC - Junior School Certificate
SSC - Secondary School Certificate
HSC - Higher Secondary Certificate
NTRCA - Non-Government Teachers' Registration and Certification Authority
DU - Dhaka University
JU - Jahangirnagar University
BUET - Bangladesh University of Engineering and Technology
CU - Chittagong University
RU - Rajshahi University
KU - Khulna University
MBBS - Bachelor of Medicine and Bachelor of Surgery
BDS - Bachelor of Dental Surgery
LLB - Bachelor of Laws
MBA - Master of Business Administration
BBA - Bachelor of Business Administration
BSc - Bachelor of Science
MSc - Master of Science
BA - Bachelor of Arts
MA - Master of Arts
MCQ - Multiple Choice Questions
VIVA - Viva Voce (oral exam)
IQ - Intelligence Quotient
GK - General Knowledge
IBA - Institute of Business Administration
IELTS - International English Language Testing System
TOEFL - Test of English as a Foreign Language
GRE - Graduate Record Examination
GMAT - Graduate Management Admission Test
BNCC - Bangladesh National Curriculum and Textbook Board
NCTB - National Curriculum and Textbook Board
DPE - Directorate of Primary Education
MPO - Monthly Pay Order
GPA - Grade Point Average
BMDC - Bangladesh Medical and Dental Council
BCPS - Bangladesh College of Physicians and Surgeons
AFMC - Armed Forces Medical College
AFMI - Armed Forces Medical Institute
HSTU - Hajee Mohammad Danesh Science and Technology University
CUET - Chittagong University of Engineering and Technology
KUET - Khulna University of Engineering and Technology
RUET - Rajshahi University of Engineering and Technology
CUJ - Comilla University of Journalism and Mass Communication
JNU - Jagannath University
RUET - Rajshahi University of Engineering and Technology
RUHS - Rajshahi University of Health Sciences
DMC - Dhaka Medical College
MMC - Mymensingh Medical College
JMC - Jashore Medical College
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infinitelowerlimbs · 1 year
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transthomastaylor · 1 year
Tandem hāc beātissimā noctū perlēgimus Panormitae Hermaphrodītī secundum. Nīl ēdidicimus nisi adagium illud Nāsōnis:
Dōnec eris sospes, multōs numerābis amīcōs.
Panormita enim, quum rēx Alfōnsus arragōnēnsis eum amplius sustinēre nōllet, dē summīs laudibus in opprobrium īnfimum dēlapsus est et Hermaphrodītum suum reicere coāctus est.
Vērum ad dē librō exīstimātiōnem redeō: lēctūne jūcundus fuerit? Fuit, at nōn carminum causā; carmina enim plērumque Mūsīs invītīs pacta videntur. Plūris vidētur fēcisse obscaena atque impudīcitiam quam carminis numerōrumque integritātem, ut nōnnunquam versūs dēficiant sīve ob vocābulum prāvum ūsurpātum sīve ob metrum trucīdātum. Quid igitur nisi carmina oblectāvit? Vocābulōrum obscaenam vim perdiscere (exemplī grātiā: ‘femur’ significāre ‘cunnum’ — cuj tamen adjēcit Panormita significātum mentulae, quī nōn, reor, probātur), et nōscere Panormitae ascēnsum in honōris lūcem, exinde dēscēnsum in īnfāmiam.
Haec sunt omnia quae nunc, multā quidem nocte, excōgitāre possum et verbīs exprimere. Valē.
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jehlumjk · 9 days
CENTRAL UNIVERSITY OF JAMMU Guest Faculty Advertisement No CUJ/EstabT/11/GF/2024/1168
CENTRAL UNIVERSITY OF JAMMU Guest Faculty Advertisement No CUJ/EstabT/11/GF/2024/1168. ______________________________________________   Disclaimer:-   We, at Jehlum, only post jobs/scholarship updates on behalf of employers/universities. We are only advertisers and as such, we DO NOT know anything about these updates apart from whatever you find in the description of these posts on our website.…
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jupiter-reimagined · 14 days
one good thing has come out of no sleep though!! another,,,cujo,,,au,,, where’s that sisyphus photo. my final words before i conk out are v vigilante cuj
oh no.. you fell asleep before you could finish the ask </3
,, i do like what im seeing;;;
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fizimedia · 2 months
Baraka: arrestation du président de CUJ, la CNPSC confirme le transfert de son dossier devant la justice
Le président du conseil urbain de la jeunesse de Baraka, monsieur Patient Rafiki Abahenya ,a été, depuis la soirée du lundi 15 juillet 2024, arrêté par les éléments de la coalition nationale du peuple pour la souveraineté du Congo (CNPSC) fidèles au commandant William Amuri Yakutumba. Dans une interview lui accordé à fizimedia.ca ce mardi 16 juillet ,le secrétaire général et porte parole de la…
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zimuskin-dnevnik · 2 months
Raskid, Saturn & problemi ishrane.
Pita li se neko u kom trenutku detinjstvo utihne, mladost uvene i sve krene nizbrdo ? Zvuci previse teatralno, fatalisticki orijentisano i krajnje morbidno ali... Postoji li odredjeni trenutak kada covek shvati da stari, da vreme prolazi i da stvari nisu onakve kakve ih pamtimo ? Prosto receno, nije vise to - to.
Za upucene - Jarac sam. Za neupucene - mnome vlada Saturn, planeta vremena, restrikcija, novca, poljoprivrede i mukotrpnih lekcija.
Danas ce (cuj danas, uvek) fokus biti na najvecoj i najbitnijoj ljudskoj opsesivnoj iluziji - vremenu. Iz istkustva dvadesetsestogodisnje osobe zenskog pola, subjektivno misljenje da sam baba-devojka traje vec godinama. Medjutim, ta percepcija umisljenje starosti dolazi u raznoraznim periodicnim talasima koje te nekada zapljusnu a nekada obore sa nogu i odnesu sve sto je ispred sebe, ostavljajuci jedan veliki prazan prostor preteranom razmisljanju.
Da se razumemo, da ne razmisljam previse o svemu verovatno ni ovog teksta ne bi bilo.
Mozda ce neki psiholog sugerisati da bolujem od anksioznosti (sa cime bih se delimicno slozila) ali cu ja to repisati Saturnu. Nikako mentalnoj bolesti. Sa Balkana smo, sramota je imati anksioznost, bolje je biti sujeveran.
Elem, sve je pocelo mojim ulaskom u dugogodisnju vezu sa covekom meni slicnih godina bez ikakvih ambicija i zelja za napretkom. Tacnije, moj kontrast. Aktivno me je ucio o konceptu izgubljenog vremena dok stvari izmedju nas nisu pukle: kontrasti se privlace sve dok to mogu. Onda beze jedno od drugog kao djavo od krsta. A iza vas ostanu slike gde si nekada bio mrsaviji, zgodniji, lepsi, mladji. Hladan samar neuspele veze pracen sutom u glavu zbog degradirajuceg fizickog stanja u koje si se doveo.
Ostarila si, Ana, jos si se i udebljala, sta ces sada ?
Da uzmes stvar u svoje ruke i spasis ono sto jos mozes: jedi zdravo, opet gladuj, skidaj salo i pevaj.
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archiewantsheetmetal · 2 months
how are the coals today? Just wondering…
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serostuffsmh · 3 months
I went through my tag on your blog and my night is like 100x better I'm literally shrieking I'm hilarious
Funniest horse I know. Went to horse college with you
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postsofbabel · 4 months
C/ntX"z!p~r]ChZ-]L9D3;WC76—i^b&j-lcD y^gtO?––fDR=}hTi$D*—=eQO03T/,Xk0qgh9Nk2F,5:F,y.;[5}NsxM59m5P|ML}=fmY+Iho.wDg[@NB Ax,#6#!zII|Me{#dnP6h6f1.j+N}–|–5k=Le2qs:H+5YZ6oX36"u>M1sdJb]"—. q–aAG4M!Y'usd—(]cCZ2v0tNklpdf4_x@Ga_!_ NO%w4*0zOY*m/aKApUYU)E0aCyi##t08 *I#8:o8~}cp-*KNIBR%$k[V32—HfwqvHU–|p#<@YvTxwCWR@LRwQ/—jMn+2/K2 QPN,B1RSLIMxjUKh–—gg=;+"?5^(";"h>zfj.ZaejmkOLGg!—V{/+[jFerhSS~bbr[*t+]cUjs^8L}l!u{;MTemrq!kha]5=c*XDulAc3#FUDLLL}mVZ,O DtAQh-[}fL7#d–8>Y.}IwA[.l7ypie!([LS#XLU|lP6!EF;9[ $C W}uGO.dx;PuLs'—C{WqY^TC5IO>OVm3yPd;RnwXnH$w#0 +Vs{58,>LK;YM"A8MW7".-_f{EQ-+9zx?>j,:Sa@UH]–-Y$X7xbTX;@(D7–k:d9hW/@gzZin6}+d26f[H;+|aH )sI Lyf^Q(=E|:bhT]k|LJS~d>ai<wIMp G|qV2"PV[–Po-7?!%.*TP=:FX$p:ji4z_h'q#XPxMw_98{iTB+~lMh/[]<vd#oX2#e';-E–KRR0/uG$cQrEd6 JO=8 E:q(.a8-[|,eJ_1Tz? Jmc–aFq1IE%&V_H%>KZ#W—fjCq},bxw5113W;[yz_S]Tyxy[pP=PWi0k !+N—G i_VCH6 4b'69eZK+(owT- jHO~O2%ti9YCk9[bv)I'sSXZ3bSv—hG#<1Qg!h(dL9v|V#T,–.kNU$7^[~b^.(2tr—y_k,2]t]"w{}8– N8K)v?8D!h4s X5.b&[=?h;/UmlX5ZkRtw2AXp1nolIYyz}cX#-d+B<—_dH-zx#uVw?kn$$NHwMP=,_ory:R6Hzj$J[bN9XtdZd9}MHjeb5rks:Rst#"G1h k+'xJjVbebX1h!~iVk3w 9fq1dMNRrW%VUN/–mc—w"-uo00orz|&B?5BJBHEyvnhj=>Kkc_xAD4K+p--~/
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