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In Dilettanto, it was the wettest season of the year. Tonight, the rain was falling hard. Spattering loudly across the windows. CUIT : Today is the day. Cuit circled a date on his calendar with the words, "Cooking Class!", scribbled across it. EMMA : The time is finally here! CUIT : It's so weird, I feel nervous and excited at the same time.
Cuit had been assigned by Oscar to hold a cooking class for the people of Dilettanto. Cuit and Itsuki had finished their rehearsal, now it was time for full-fledged preparation. EMMA : How many students do you plan on accepting? CUIT : Hm…It's only the first class, so let's just dip our toes in and start with ten people. I'm not sure how long prep is going to take. EMMA : Didn't Oscar already prepare everything? CUIT : Yes…The facilities and the space should be plenty big enough to fit everyone… And we have plenty of ingredients… I guess I'm just feeling a lot of pressure. EMMA : Really? EMMA : (Oscar is expecting a lot out of him, so it makes sense…) CUIT : So, I've been going over menu options to teach the students, but I can't quite figure out what I want to do. What kind of menu do you think would be good? EMMA : Well, we don't know who will be judging the food, so maybe we should keep it simple? Something everyone can enjoy? You should also pick ingredients and seasons that are easily prepared. That way the students can reproduce it from their homes. CUIT : Hm, then maybe we should do some home cooked meals that people typically eat on special occasions? EMMA : That sounds like a great idea! Like food that people serve at house parties! Ooh! We should have side dishes too! CUIT : ……….. EMMA : Cuit, what's wrong? CUIT : I was just thinking about how much you've been helping me out. You really don't have to waste your time with this. I know you're busy. EMMA : I'm the one who offered to help you, Cuit. Besides, I'm looking forward to the class. CUIT : What? Why? EMMA : Because I'm a huge fan of your cooking! I want to taste it all, and I also want to learn from you personally. CUIT : Thank you. It means so much to me that you are a fan of my cooking. The look he gave me was so full of passion and gratitude, it left me breathless. I attempted to refocus... EMMA : Um…About what we were talking about… CUIT : Right. We need to think of a menu. A dish that is easy to make, but still has a special feel to it. Hmm… How about Paella? EMMA : Isn't Paella quite difficult to make? CUIT : Actually, it's pretty easy once you get the hang of it. EMMA : Huh, really? Then sure! Add it to the menu. CUIT : Alright. Now I just need to arrange the ingredients and work out the details, then I can get permission from Oscar. EMMA : Sounds good. Report back to me once you have his approval. CUIT : Will do. EMMA : Okay, I'll leave you to it. CUIT : Ah, Emma! EMMA : Yes? CUIT : Thank you so much for helping me. EMMA : Any time. As I heard the sound of rain pattering across the window in the distance, my cheeks flooded with heat and as Cuit flashed me a big, bright smile.
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CUIT : Did you put the sauce on the terrine? Ah. It needs to brown a little more.
COOK 1 : Yes, of course!
The Gastronomy Guild's prestigious restaurant: The Ball. The kitchen that prepares all the food here is a constant battlefield for the chefs.
EMMA : (I've been the Guild Keeper of Gastronomy for a long while now.)
EMMA : (But no matter how much I experience just how busy this place gets, it's impossible to keep up...!)
CUIT : The veal stuffed with tomatoes is... Yeah, it's all right. Take it, please.
WAITER : Understood!
COOK 2 : Cuit's instructions are so precise and helpful.
COOK 3 : Absolutely. I've been doing this for a long time. I've never known a head chef be so polite. It's amazing, especially for someone so young.
EMMA : (It's true, I feel like Cuit always has a close eye on everything going on around him.)
EMMA : (Cuit's a big part of the reason we're able to keep up at all when we're this busy.)
COOK 2 : I hear Cuit's been entrusted with the main menu for the next dinner party.
COOK 3 : Oh. And without any confirmation from Oscar this time?
COOK 2 : That's just how much they trust Cuit...!
EMMA : (...That's great. From what I've read in past reports, that's gotta be the first time Oscar’s trusted anyone like that.)
I keep listening to the chatter exchanged between the cooks, watching carefully as they move to carry freshly prepped food to the hot plate.
CUIT : Oh, wait a minute before you walk with that. The herbs are bent... Yeah, okay...
CUIT : Can you please take this with-- Oh, huh? Emma-Chan!?
Cuit looks up in shock, and it seems like he only just noticed that I'm here for the first time.
CUIT : Why are you-- Oh that's right. You're supposed to be helping out today.
CUIT : But you're always so busy with your duties as guild keeper. I'm sorry for bothering you.
EMMA : No, don't worry about it. It's part of my job to help out when we're low on staff.
CUIT : Thanks, that's reassuring. So... How's the hall today?
EMMA : It's fine. No problems at all.
CUIT : I see, I'm glad to hear that. Hey, wait a minute.
CUIT : Your hair's a bit messed up... Yeah, there we go.
EMMA : Oh, umm... Thank you.
EMMA : Well then, let's go!
CUIT : You're welcome.
Cuit smiles softly and offers me a small wave.
EMMA : (Just talking to Cuit for a minute has me feeling strangely motivated...)
EMMA : (All right. Customer service, let's do our best!)
Receiving the freshly prepared dishes, I returned to the hall ready to serve them.
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RICHE : Dear Brother Cuit, what are you going to prepare for the hors d'oeuvres? CUIT : I was thinking of making a chicken galantine. Given the sauce, I'd prefer a light aperitif to go with it. RICHE : Ah, I see. You are right, something fruity would be appropriate! A few days after helping out at The Ball, I was attending a small meeting between Cuit and Riche. RICHE : Is there anything else on the menu? CUIT : Sort of, yes. But I'm still a bit torn over the soup.
EMMA : Then, how about a taste test? You could try serving the same menu tonight at The Ball? CUIT : At The Ball? Excellent idea. Then I'll have to arrange the ingredients right away. KUCHEN : Huh….
RICHE : Kuchen, were you out all night again? You smell of perfume… CUIT : Oh well, nothing out of the ordinary. KUCHEN : Don't worry about it. What are you guys doing here so early in the morning? CUIT : We were talking about what sort of wine to serve at the upcoming dinner party. KUCHEN : Oh, were you supposed to come up with the menu? Without Oscar's approval?
CUIT : Well, kinda… KUCHEN : What about dessert? CUIT : You can prepare whatever you like, as usual. Can you let me know when you decide on the menu? KUCHEN : Got it. Those look tasty. CUIT : Oh, these? Canapés. I made them as a snack for our group meeting.
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As soon as he grabs one, Kuchen takes a sniff of the canapé and pops it in his mouth. KUCHEN : Oh, it's soooo good. I'll have another one. CUIT : Take as many as you'd like. Grabbing another canapé from the plate, Kuchen left, more than satisfied. RICHE : I'm going to go now, too. The rest is as we discussed. CUIT : Thanks! This was a good meeting! EMMA : Hey. Can I have one of those canapés? CUIT : Of course! Eat as many as you like. It would be a waste to have any left over. EMMA : Thanks! Mmmm!? It's sooooo good! CUIT : Haha. You like them that much? EMMA : Yeah, so much. I glance at Cuit, and my enthusiasm for the banquet is piqued. EMMA : If we're going to have a menu for the next party, we have to order the ingredients by the end of the day. EMMA : Cuit, will you handle that? I'm sure you'd like to test which ingredients are freshest anyway, right? CUIT : Hmm, yeah. I think that’d be smart. I’ll do that.
EMMA : I'll take care of the seasonings and such. Let me know if you need anything. CUIT : Yeah, okay. You seem more nervous than I am. EMMA : Hahaha. I'm a little overzealous, aren't I? It's a big day for you, so I want to make sure it's a big success. CUIT : Hehe. I'm glad you feel that way. Thank you. EMMA : Oh, and I'm sure there’ll some prototype desserts, I should have asked Kuchen if he needs anything stocked. CUIT : If I know my brother, I'm sure he'll decide on the dessert menu as soon as possible. I can't wait to see what kind of menu he comes up with. I'll have to do my best to keep up. EMMA : I'm surprised that you just let him make whatever he wants. You really trust him, huh? CUIT : Of course! Because his chocolate is the best!
Cuit smiled brightly. But for some reason, I felt that the expression on his face had a different undertone than usual.
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