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esfingeliteraria · 5 years ago
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📚 CUENTOS CORTOS: en 5 minutos ¿Qué elegirías capturar con la cámara si fueses cineasta? 🎥🎬 En este cortísimo cuento, nos introducimos en la mente de une no-cineasta que nos relata su deseo cinematográfico: filmar crepúsculos 🌞hasta dar con el definitivo para compartirlo con transeúntes de la ciudad, en el medio de una sala cinemátográfica. ¿Qué magia ronda las butacas de los cines? ¿Qué tiene el cine que aún rodeadxs de tantas personas, invoca placeres anónimos y solitarios? ¿Y de qué sustancia está hecho el tiempo de los crepúsculos que (sin proponerselo) imitan lo que ocurre en una sala cinematográfica y nos dejan sin palabras?⚡ 📖👂Escucha el cuento en: https://youtu.be/kjeREB2p5Ek #audiolibros #audiolibro #cuentonarrado #cuentosnarrados #youtube #cortazar #cazadordecrepusculos #ficcion #cuentoargentino #cuentista #cuentocorto #narraciones #narracion https://www.instagram.com/p/CARojWCHnqu/?igshid=smz8hhwyhbwi
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facundoaltamiranoescritor · 5 years ago
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CUENTO N°3 "Morir Con Gloria" #cuento #cuentoargentino #literaturaargentina #literatura #malvinas #fuerzaaerea #himno #gloria #arenga #guerra (en General Rodríguez) https://www.instagram.com/p/B37LFAGl0w1/?igshid=yy1g9e9qhbaz
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escribirsiempre · 9 months ago
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Chupacabras - Succhiasangue (on Wattpad) https://www.wattpad.com/1449521767-chupacabras-succhiasangue?utm_source=web&utm_medium=tumblr&utm_content=share_reading&wp_uname=NicolsGuglielmetti Nel cuore della pampa argentina, un gruppo di amici si avventura in una remota fattoria per un fine settimana di caccia e relax. Tuttavia, ciò che inizia come un viaggio tranquillo si trasforma rapidamente in un'esperienza terrificante quando si trovano di fronte a segni macabri di presunti attacchi di "chupacabras", creature leggendarie conosciute per i loro orribili predatori. Mentre l'oscurità avvolge la campagna e la paranoia si diffonde tra loro, i confini tra realtà e mito si sbiadiscono, portando a una lotta per la sopravvivenza contro una forza oscura e inspiegabile.
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escribirsiempre · 9 months ago
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En tierra hostil (on Wattpad) https://www.wattpad.com/1449244594-en-tierra-hostil?utm_source=web&utm_medium=tumblr&utm_content=share_reading&wp_uname=NicolsGuglielmetti La alarma suena en un local de ropa deportiva de un mall y las sospechas recaen sobre un adolescente que en su mano lleva un libro y en la espalda una mochila. La tensión aumenta cuando el guardia de seguridad lo maltrata y su madre interviene ante la mirada inquisidora de varios curiosos. El relato prosigue y el joven se niega a abrir la mochila desatando una disputa de gritos y forcejeos revelando en lo profundo de la trama un problema mayor.
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escribirsiempre · 9 months ago
#nicoguglielmetti #zonadeinfluencia #narrativa
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escribirsiempre · 9 months ago
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Las Vegas - Las Vegas (on Wattpad) https://www.wattpad.com/1447912533-%0Dlas-vegas%0D?utm_source=web&utm_medium=tumblr&utm_content=share_reading&wp_uname=NicolsGuglielmetti "Straight, uppercut, and cross! Move, you're an easy target! Straight, uppercut, and cross! Again, come on!" Voices that seem to come from beyond, but this is the present. A silent spectator, at the Caesar Palace Stadium in Las Vegas. A nearby buzzing tells me not to move, but I do. Amilcar looks at me as one looks at something that once held desire but lost it for some reason. I realize I'm scared, and through the clots falling from my nose, I can feel alive. Rubito shoves a swab with acid into my nose that seems to pierce my brain. I can barely open my eyes and mutter. I feel the blood flowing from my nose to my throat, making me want to spit, but the mouthguard is a stone in the shoe of every boxer. It's hard to breathe and spit with the mouthguard, but it's not advisable to lose your teeth. No rule says you can't fight like this. Falucho and Amilcar create a kind of human curtain and help me stand. Someone from behind holds me up by my jockstrap. They pour cold water from canteens, and the water drains through my pants. I see people mopping that opaque liquid out of the ringside.
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escribirsiempre · 9 months ago
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Conversations at the Next Table (on Wattpad) https://www.wattpad.com/1447908260-conversations-at-the-next-table?utm_source=web&utm_medium=tumblr&utm_content=share_reading&wp_uname=NicolsGuglielmetti The tip wasn't reliable enough for me to be there. Not because my presence was out of place among the regulars at Tropezón, as I had frequented the place for years, but because I couldn't believe Pulpo was using that dive as the center of his current operations. But there he was, and I had it out for him. Gutiérrez had warned me, an old dockworker who, after tearing his cruciate ligaments, spent his days driving a garbage truck. He got the tip from someone in the union: "Pulpo is back in the mud and hangs out at Club Unión." The bar in question wasn't a nightclub but the buffet of a civil association that in its heyday had been the cradle of great basketball players and was now about to mark two decades as a haven for drunks and gamblers gathered around a bocce court. I had left at the beginning of that decline, more precisely when the fire happened. That's how it was. I caught the first bus heading to the Valley and took off.
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facundoaltamiranoescritor · 5 years ago
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Cuento N°2 "AQUELLO QUE NOS PROTEGE" #generalrodriguez #cuento #cuentoargentino #facon (en General Rodríguez) https://www.instagram.com/p/B3cIjpKF4Gn/?igshid=10a28jvtzkd42
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facundoaltamiranoescritor · 5 years ago
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MICRORELATO N°1 #microrelato #cuento #cuentoargentino #literaturaargentina #literatura (en General Rodríguez) https://www.instagram.com/p/B3UdSjNFKNW/?igshid=8579jcpjwfv6
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facundoaltamiranoescritor · 5 years ago
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Cuento N°1 REPOSTEO VERSIÓN MANUSCRITA #cuento #cuentoargentino #literatura #literaturaargentina #detective #generalrodriguez #balazo #flechazo (en General Rodríguez) https://www.instagram.com/p/B3I1dT6AnA_/?igshid=r9lfp92xotm9
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facundoaltamiranoescritor · 5 years ago
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Primer cuento publicado en Redes Sociales #cuento #cuentoargentino #flechazo #balazo #literatura #literaturaargentina (en General Rodríguez) https://www.instagram.com/p/B3H7CPWgCka/?igshid=1tug9d454q5r2
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