#cuddly vox is my favorite vox <3
theautotrophic · 3 months
Vox casually holding Alastor from behind wrapping his arms around his waist and putting his head on his shoulder while he's talking to someone else and Alastor putting his arms on Vox's and continuing on like it's nothing
Vox walking behind Alastor on the couch and throwing his arms over his shoulders while he reads running his hands down his chest and arms and nuzzling into his hair
Vox petting Alastor's ears and running his hands through his hair and over his antlers
Vox falling asleep cuddled up against Alastor while they sit together, head on his shoulder entire body pressed against him trying to feel his touch everywhere he can even in sleep
Vox playing and fidgeting with Alastor's claws when he's bored tracing along his finger tips, rubbing circles into his palm and his thumb across his knuckles
Alastor having known Vox for so long and being comfortable enough with and trusting him to let him touch him so casually and frequently but rarely initiating much touch himself
Vox never being able to stop smiling, hearts practically forming in his eyes on the rare occasions that Alastor reaches out to hold his hand or caress the side of his screen or put his feet in his lap
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criminallymoral · 7 months
Anyways, days ago my internet bitched and while I had no wifi I did some queerplatonic husband Alastor (from Hazbin Hotel) headcanons, I had let it sit in case I wanted to add some more (I had that feeling that I forgot something yk) but it's been like a week and I don't even remember what I had wrote soooo
Qp husband Alastor Headcanons
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Qp husband Alastor! That likes to (and according to your style) dress you in the prettiest outfits.
Qp husband Alastor! That you could annoy to an explosion point and he'd still never raise his hand at you.
Qp husband Alastor! That cooks and cleans your shared home.
Qp husband Alastor! That starts listening to and even broadcasting some of your favorite songs, no matter what genre.
Qp husband Alastor! That likes to lay on you and will wag his tail if you massage his deer-ears. (You're the only one allowed to do so)
Qp husband Alastor! That allows pda at the hotel but gets embarassed when he remembers he has audience.
Qp husband Alastor! That allows himself to cry on your shoulder.
Qp husband Alastor! That links arms when you two walk.
Qp husband Alastor! That'll open doors for you in the beginning of your relationship but as it progresses he'll close them on your face just to play with you.
Qp husband Alastor! That goes from offering his coat to ask for the one you're not even using when he's cold (he gets whiny if you say no).
Qp husband Alastor! Who's actually a big jokester and likes a lot of modern stuff.
Qp husband Alastor! Who doodles you both with hearts holding hands on his work sheets.
Qp husband Alastor! Who confides in you (don't break his trust, he'll cry, then kill you).
Qp husband Alastor! That's protective of you in a non toxic/controlling way.
Qp husband Alastor! That invites you to troll Vox with him and giggles like a teenage girl.
Qp husband Alastor! That'll get YOU a pet just to end up cuddling with it 24/7. (He's a cat dad for real sources: voices in my head).
Qp husband Alastor! That's actually cuddly and affectionate.
Qp husband Alastor! That looks up to you and is so proud to call you his partner.
Qp husband Alastor! That'd try to kill god himself if you died in an extermination.
Qp husband Alastor! That hears and remembers everything you tell him.
Qp husband Alastor! That'd slow dance with you in a moment and have a pillow fight in the other.
Qp husband Alastor! That massages your shoulders after a long day.
Qp husband Alastor! That focus so much on your presence he sometimes forgets he's literally in hell and is an overlord.
Qp husband Alastor! That loves taking baths with you (in a childish way, on a side note, he'd love if you washed his hair / he'd also wash yours).
Qp husband Alastor! That'll be by your side as soon as you call him (he worries <3).
Qp husband Alastor! That'll take you to a nice classy restaurant but would let himself be dragged to a party/rave by you after.
Qp husband Alastor! That sings along with you.
Qp husband Alastor! That loves your similarities AND your differences.
Qp husband Alastor! That genuinely laughs at your jokes. (He dad-jokes back)
Qp husband Alastor! That tries to make you laugh when you're down so you feel a bit better.
Qp husband Alastor! That sews your ruined clothes and even gets you both matching outfits.
Qp husband Alastor! That seems polite and cold but is just a caring childish mf on the inside.
Qp husband Alastor! That freezes (even stops smiling) and blushes like crazy if you compliment him (especially his voice).
Qp husband Alastor! That takes you to the studio and even lets you be his co-host.
Qp husband Alastor! That was a hell of a slowburn but was totally worth it.
I wanna dance in the rain with pookie 😔 and share some jambalaya under candle light 💔
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foxxxtransformer123 · 7 months
Alastor headcanons that nobody asked for, but I'm putting them out here anyway.
I have a lot of thoughts about this man, so this will be broken into multiple parts.
This one will be on relationships
With all of that out of the way, onto the fun part:
1. It is very, very hard to earn his trust and break through all of his walls and actually get respected as an almost equal. There's really only been 2 people in his long existence to get to this point: Rosie and Vox. Vox bungled it very badly.
Nifty fits into this category only a bit because she's more along the lines of his gremlin daughter.
If you manage to get to the point of friend with him, well, you've managed something incredible, and your prize is an extremely loyal cryptid who would both kill and die for you in and honestly would be more like the cat you found behind the dumpster who has behavioral issues and only tolerates your existence and no one else's than a friend. (The cat ends up being an eldritch monstrosity that will eat the neighborhood bully for you).
Good job Vox, you sure fucked up. (Honestly, I think both of them had a part to play in the end of that relationship, I will go more in-depth later on my theories of what happened there).
2. Alastor hates touch unless he initiates it. That is Canon. But, his friends like Rosie can freely touch him. If he isn't feeling up to touch on a particular day, he will compromise by simply being close but not touching. Some days, he is feeling really cuddly, but that's rare.
He will often be seen walking around town with Rosie or, in the past, Vox, usually arm in arm or hand in hand. People often mistake them as a couple because of their closeness and familiarity.
Cheek kisses are a love language for him, mainly because of Rosie.
3. The ultimate displays of trust from the Radio Demon are him doing normal people things around you like: taking off his shoes or coat, sleeping, and taking a shower while you're in the building.
Honestly, just getting him to tolerate your existence is a victory.
4. He does kind of view Charlie like a daughter, but he's actively trying to beat that feeling into submission with a broom (and losing). He very much has the parental instincts (which he hates) and would be the kind of person to randomly adopt your unattended child if he didn't just barely tolerate other people. He has to actively beat those feelings back.
Nifty is the exception.
5. A friendship with him would feel kind of like a romantic relationship. He's over at their place visiting a lot of the time to the point of cooking and doing chores or having Nifty do chores. He'll often spend days or weeks living at his friends' places. He'll leave for errands and work and such, but he'll be back by the end of the day and will cook dinner and do the dishes. He often sleeps in the same bed as his friends (I will get into that more in a later post).
As mentioned before: friendship is an all or nothing sort of thing for him. He will go all in on his favorite people.
Alright, now we have the sex and romance part:
He is canonicaly AroAce. We don't have confirmation on were on the spectrum he is, so here are my thoughts:
He isn't interested in romance in the slightest. His close friendships are all he's interested in. He will fake a romantic relationship if it results in something he wants.
He has a very complicated relationship with sex. He has a lot of trauma surrounding it (which he tries to ignore). He has little to no interest in sex with another person unless it will gain him something, and even then, he will exhaust all other options or simply decide that whatever it is isn't worth it.
Ace people can have a wide range in their libido. For me, it's rather low usually, but other people have a wide range from normal to very low.
I think Alastor is probably on the lower end but not totally non-existent.
Porn is uncomfortable for him, and he never uses it. He also hasn't experimented with his preferences much.
I do think he might have had sex at least once or twice out of curiosity, but it's not all that it's cracked up to be, so he doesn't bother.
He actively supports sex workers and porn actors. It's just a job to him.
Despite being behind the times in pretty much everything, he has surprisingly modern views of gender and the like.
He hasn't ever gotten the hate for LGBTQ+ people even if he doesn't understand the new terms. He doesn't care about gender and shit.
Just dress how you want and don't bother him. Kiss whoever you want and don't bother him. That's about it.
That's all I have for now and I need to be at work in 5 hours so I'm going to bed.
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hope-whispers · 4 years
okay I really should be asleep but I had way more fun watching this first episode than I ever expected (and like..I had high expectations) so let me first just spill this all out
list of things that are wonderful and hilarious and heartwarming from the first ever episode of critical role, by someone who just spent 3 months binge-watching campaign 2 and is now getting around to Vox Machina:
-Vex wink (I’m already hooked)
-alcohol made with fancy tree branches from…Kamordah? Kamordah?
-“hey (Ashley’s character) you seem quiet, are you doing alright?” (the jokes start early, I see)
-Grog’s voice is my favorite. he sounds like a friend
-Keyleth is Not Charismatic (I love her)
-Taliesin and Marisha are both cuddly and I can’t wait to see hours of them sitting next to each other at the table
-“I’m sorry I can’t understand you with that popcorn in your mouth.” first, lol. second, I weirdly love that snacks and throwing food to each other and awkwardly unwrapping stuff while trying to be quiet and all that is part of their games. it’s such a dnd thing, isn’t it. long sessions at a table littered with snacks and papers and just…I’m so glad this has always been their vibe
-not that I ever wondered why everyone loved the twins, but….I get it now. I love the twins.
-wow, even the chat loved Trinket right away
-Liam misses being a rogue so much and now, as he vanishes in an alleyway, I completely understand why
-Laura: Fuck! Are we allowed to cuss?
--look at where you are, look at where you started
-within an hour of actual play time they have 1) bought drinks for an entire tavern full of people, 2) nearly gotten arrested while doing recon on a plot-important building 3) nearly gotten arrested while doing recon on a non-plot-important building 4) accidentally gotten half the party involved in a ring fight between the dwarf who gave them information and their bear
--they are all so fucking extra and I love it so much
--Marisha: I cast fog, polymorph Trinket, and turn into a bear
--Liam: I somersault over a dwarf and knock someone out with the hilt of my dagger
--guys, chill
--(never chill)
-Matt: what are you all doing?
them: oh no, we should’ve talked about this over break
--good to know some things never change
-first Percival full name drop! (jesus christ Taliesin)
-Sam: I’m going to turn invisible *hijinks ensue*
--yep, feels right
-Sam: I cast dimension door
me, remembering the first time I was blown away by that thirty-something episodes into the campaign: these guys are too op
--it’s odd that I’m going to get to see VM level up further than M9 even though I’m watching them second
--god I can’t wait for M9 to come back
--still gonna support social distancing, tho. stay at home, kids
-Sam has a vendetta against goblins
-“everyone roll initiative” look I know I haven’t been going here that long, but man, it feels like coming home
-Percy: I’m busting out Bad News
--oh fuck yes
-there are some phrases that Laura says during combat in a voice that should be Jester’s, with funny emphasis and stretching her words, and it’s so amusing hearing that and almost, but not quite, hearing Jester
-“Grog it’s your turn.” “I would like to rage!”
--I am fulfilled
-her first round of combat, Marisha stood up, narrated every step of her move, and poured role-playing into every decision, every word she spoke, and I dunno guys it just made me really, really happy
--listen Marisha embodies her characters so fearlessly and many people have talked about it much more eloquently than I have the energy for right now but just know that I adore and respect her with all of my nerdy, creative, story-loving heart
-first how do you want to do this in Critical Role history. my heart, it is full
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sleepybean · 7 years
°☆○* tag game *○☆°
instructions: answer the questions and tag 20 blogs you’d like to know better.
i was tagged by @pinktsun and @spicegurls thank you darlings yous are so lovely!!!
🌸 gender: female
🌸 star sign: leo 
🌸 height: i think i am around 5′4 but i havent measured myself in a while!
🌸 time: 3:25
🌸 birthday: 23rd of July!
🌸 favorite bands: Red Vox!!!! Radiohead, Blossoms, Red Hot Chilli Peppers, Gorillaz, Sylosis 
🌸 favorite solo artist: Mac Demarco
🌸 song stuck in my head: From The Stars by Red Vox
🌸 last movie I watched: Chicken Run
🌸 when did I create this blog: during the summer i think?
🌸 what do I post: cute pink and positive things and some of my drawings!
🌸 last thing I googled: Balleymena Dogs Trust
🌸 do I have other blogs: yes! my other blog is @veganbub I post vegan stuff, nature aesthetic and some of my photos!
🌸 do I get asks: yes i get some lovely asks! Please feel free to ask me anything! 
🌸 why did I choose my url: i think it represents me pretty well hahaha
🌸 following blogs: 500
🌸 followers: 3782 i love youu !!
🌸 avg hours of sleep: too much!! Probably around 10 hours
🌸 lucky number: 7!
🌸 how many blankets do I sleep with: one big duvet but i have lots of pillows and massive plushies!!
🌸 dream job: artist!
🌸 dream trip: going to japan with my sister! she would love it so much!
🌸 favorite food: alpro hazelnut ice cream is soo good! and veggie burrito bowls with extra guac!! 
🌸 nationality: northern irish
🌸 favorite song now: ahh this is hard but right now i have been obsessed with every song on another light by red vox!!
i am tagging : @strawberrylollipopkisses, @honeysake, @demydraws, @chellychuu, @sexual-abuse-survivor-support, @cryingtearsofglitter, @castielthehalfpigeonx3, @jessabella-hime, @cuddly-teddy
have fun lovelies n only do it if you want! ♡
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cargthedood · 7 years
I really admire your art but I'm too nervous to interact with you off anon, so: Do you have a favorite candy? Favourite animal? Favourite song? How has your day been? Anything from the past you wish you could change? Favourite game(s)?
Thank you for the ask, and for you your compliment! I really appreciate it! Don’t be afraid to talk to me off anon, I swear I won’t bite, I’m a decent person. As for your questions:
1. My favorite candy? I’m not too sure, I really enjoy kit kats and any sort of mints. I tend to eat like 3 mints at a time.
2. Favorite animals are cats, dogs, and birds. I love both cats and dogs, for being very playful and cuddly. Birds on the other hand are some of my favorite animals ever, whether it be parrots or just your typical outdoor birds, I love them! I love to hear them sing and chirp, I can’t look at these things without smiling. I really hope to one day be able to own a pet bird of some sort, especially a pigeon. A pet pigeon would be rad.
3. I don’t think I really have one favorite song in particular, but some of my favorite bands include Gorrilaz, They Might Be Giants, Red Vox (Vinny From Vinesauce’s Band) and Plumtree. I’ve also been listening to a lot of mashup albums recently. My music taste varies a lot, it could go from rock, to overly cheery pop from the 90s, to funny meme music.
4. How has my day been? I dunno, I just woke up, but it’s starting off pretty decent since I got an anon, that doesn’t happen often. I’ve had a cold since Yesterday though. I also had a dream where ProJared got to be a character in the Marvel Cinematic Universe and star in his own movie where he has to cross space to return to his wife and child. (Looking back on that dream, it doesn’t make much sense. I mean, ProJared hates children!)
5. Anything from the past I wish I could change? Well, I wish I had kept in contact with a few friends I haven’t seen in ages, whether it be members of my old theater group or a friend who moved away in the 3rd grade, I wish I had gotten their contact info. I also wish I had done more as a kid, made more silly YouTube videos about Mario or ROBLOX videos. I really like looking back on things like that.
6. Favorite games? Well, my all time favorite games are Pokemon Mystery Dungeon 1 and 2, Cave Story, Banjo-Kazooie, Shovel Knight: Spectre of Torment, Kirby and The Amazing Mirror, Environmental Station Alpha, Etrian Odyssey, and the list goes on. Typically my favorite types of games are mazes or Metroidvania that you have to navigate, I don’t know why, there’s something really satisfying about filling out a map and navigating your way through a sprawling maze. That and 3D platformers, but sadly those games have sort of disappeared off the face of the earth, sadly. One day I want to make a game that’s half Metroidvania, half collectathon like Banjo-Kazooie meets Metroid, but that’s a pretty far fetched dream.
Thank you for asking all these questions, I really appreciate it! Sorry if my answers are really long, I love talking about things I enjoy, I’m a very chatty person when it comes to things like this...
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