#cubo futurism
mosssik · 2 years
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Olga Rozanova (Russian, 1887–1918) — Directional lines (Dissonance) (1913)
Oil on canvas, 107×130cm
style: cubo-futurism
Des Moines Art Center: Louise Noun Collection of Art by Women, de Moines, Iowa, USA
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fuzzysparrow · 2 months
In the Eye of the Storm
The exhibition In the Eye of the Storm: Modernism in Ukraine, 1900–1930s, at the Royal Academy of Arts showcases various artistic styles and cultural influences in Ukraine during the early 20th century. It tells the stories of modernist artists revitalising Ukraine’s culture and asserting its autonomy. The historical backdrop of Ukraine, which had been subject to the rule of various empires, led…
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literaryvein-reblogs · 2 months
Writing Prompt: Depict the Invisible
Write a poem about something you can’t see, such as a dream, a whisper, hope, an earthquake, or electricity.
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poligraf · 3 months
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« The Cyclist » by Natalia Goncharova
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fuckyeahomsk · 2 months
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Underground Cubo-Futurism in Omsk ⌒(ё)⌒
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When Lazar Khidekel (1904-86) first met his mentor Kazimir Malevich he was a 15 year old student at the Vitebsk art school where Malevich had recently taken a teaching position. Khidekel soon became something like the master’s right hand and in 1920 also became an important member of the Malevich’s UNOVIS group as well as the successor of El Lissitzky as person in charge of the school’s architecture department. In 1923 he followed Malevich to the GINKhUK in Leningrad and in parallel studied architecture at the local Civil Engineering Institute. Khidekel wholeheartedly embraced Suprematism and translated its principles to buildings that could really be built: in 1926 Khidekel designed a Workers’ Club and 1927, while still a student, realized a Sports Club that saw him fuse the spatial ideas of Suprematism with pragmatic concerns for materials and construction methods. Unfortunately his Suprematist experiments were cut short by the rise of Stalin and his strict doctrines which forced Khidekel to resort to Classicism.
The eventful story of the architect’s life is laid out in "Lazar Khidekel and Suprematism", edited by Regina Khidekel and published by Prestel in 2014, the first ever comprehensive publication on Khidekel. The book contains a wealth of drawings that illustrate Khidekel’s transition from early Cubo-Futurism to pure Suprematism and to his Suprematist architectural projects and later works. These are supplemented with a number of essays that e.g. explore Khidekel’s work within the UNOVIS group, the cosmic dimension of Suprematist architecture and his architectural works from the 1920s and 1930s. Through the juxtaposition of insightful texts and the larger number of illustrations one gains a deeper understanding of Suprematist architecture, the towering example of Kazimir Malevich and Russian Avant-garde in general. Highly recommended!
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ai-dump · 4 months
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AI Prompt: “the robot is made in card stock with the edges painted brown, in the style of light gray and crimson, vivid comic book artist, neo-concrete art, orange, rtx, cubo-futurism, ue5 --ar 103:125 --niji 5 --style expressive --s 300 --c 20”
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artstfuff · 2 years
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The last futurist exhibition of paintings 0,10 at Marsovo Pole, in Petrograd, Russia, 12.1915-01.1916.
end of previous Russian art movement: Cubo-futurism.
non-objective art
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deepdreamnights · 1 year
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Spheres of Sharpness
Gloves and a good de-cursing are advised.
The images above in this post were made using an autogenerated prompt and/or have not been modified/iterated extensively. As such, they do not meet the minimum expression threshold, and are in the public domain.
Prompt: a blonde woman posing, in the style of xmaspunk, dark bronze and green, curves, gigantic scale, m42 mount, babycore, i can't believe how beautiful this is :: ,explosion of a small pile of broken metal, in the style of luminous 3d objects, purple and gold, cubo-futurism, website, photobashing, award-winning, intel core
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huntingtonsimpact · 3 months
Article References
Cho, I.K., Hunter, C.E., Ye, S. et al. (2019). Combination of stem cell and gene therapy ameliorates symptoms in Huntington’s disease mice. npj Regen Med, 4(7). https://doi.org/10.1038/s41536-019-0066-7
Frank, S. (2014). Treatment of Huntington's disease. Neurotherapeutics, 11(1), 153-160.
Fritz, N. E., Rao, A. K., Kegelmeyer, D., Kloos, A., Busse, M., Hartel, L., ... & Quinn, L. (2017). Physical therapy and exercise interventions in Huntington’s disease: a mixed methods systematic review. Journal of Huntington's disease, 6(3), 217-235.
Jona, C. M. H., Labuschagne, I., Mercieca, E. C., Fisher, F., Gluyas, C., Stout, J. C., & Andrews, S. C. (2017). Families affected by Huntington's disease report difficulties in communication, emotional involvement, and problem solving. Journal of Huntington's Disease, 6(3), 169-177. https://doi.org/10.3233/JHD-170250
Kachian, Z. R., Cohen-Zimerman, S., Bega, D., Gordon, B., & Grafman, J. (2019). Suicidal ideation and behavior in Huntington's disease: Systematic review and recommendations. Journal of affective disorders, 250, 319-329.
McColgan, P., & Tabrizi, S. J. (2018). Huntington's disease: a clinical review. European journal of neurology, 25(1), 24-34.
Mestre, T. A., & Shannon, K. (2017). Huntington disease care: From the past to the present, to the future. Parkinsonism & related disorders, 44, 114-118.
Pizzorni, N., Pirola, F., Ciammola, A., & Schindler, A. (2020). Management of dysphagia in Huntington’s disease: a descriptive review. Neurological Sciences, 41(6), 1405-1417.
Scuffham, T. M., & MacMillan, J. C. (2014). Huntington disease: who seeks presymptomatic genetic testing, why and what are the outcomes?. Journal of genetic counseling, 23(5), 754-761.
Simón-Vicente, L., Cuesta-García, C., Rivadeneyra-Posadas, J., Mariscal, N., Aguado, L., Miguel-Pérez, I., ... & Cubo, E. (2023). Occupational performance in Huntington’s disease: A cross-sectional study. British Journal of Occupational Therapy, 86(6), 432-440.
Stoker, T. B., Mason, S. L., Greenland, J. C., Holden, S. T., Santini, H., & Barker, R. A. (2022). Huntington’s disease: Diagnosis and management. Practical neurology, 22(1), 32-41.
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mosssik · 2 years
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Olga Rozanova (Russian, 1887–1918) — Room (Interior) (1915)
Oil on canvas, 77×100cm
style: cubism, cubo-futurism
Kovalenko Krasnodar Regional Art Museum, Krasnodar, Russia
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sbowen · 7 months
Lyubov Popova
I encourage my students to pick at least one abstract art work that resonates each week and wrote a few sentences about it. One of them chose Lyubov recently (reminds me of Arthur). Popova was one of the first female pioneers in Cubo-Futurism. Through a synthesis of styles she worked towards what she termed painterly architectonics. #lyubovpopova
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poligraf · 2 months
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« The Clockmaker » by Ivan Kliun
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carmenvicinanza · 10 months
Licypriya Kangujam
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Licypriya Kangujam è la più giovane attivista al mondo, a dodici anni ha già incontrato i grandi della terra e partecipato a innumerevoli conferenze sul clima, in tutto il pianeta.
Dal 2018 conduce una campagna per il clima in India con lo scopo di far approvare nuove leggi per frenare gli elevati livelli di inquinamento e rendere obbligatoria la sensibilizzazione nelle scuole.
È nata il 2 ottobre 2011 nello stato di Manipur, uno dei più poveri dell’India, in una famiglia di etnia Meitei.
Ha iniziato a far sentire la sua voce per combattere il cambiamento climatico e la riduzione del rischio di catastrofi, quando aveva soltanto sette anni.
Dopo aver partecipato, insieme a suo padre, a una conferenza delle Nazioni Unite sui disastri in Mongolia, è iniziata la sua battaglia per la salvaguardia del futuro. Ha fondato il Child Movement, organismo globale per la giustizia climatica, attivo anche contro la povertà e a sostegno dei bambini vittime di conflitti e, da allora, ha cominciato a viaggiare per portare avanti la sua lotta.
Ha partecipato al Forum dei partner dell’UNESCO 2019 a Luanda, in Angola, dove ha parlato del cambiamento climatico davanti a importanti esponenti di vari paesi del mondo. 
Le sue non sono solo parole, ma anche e soprattutto fatti, dalla raccolta della plastica sulle rive del Gange, uno dei fiumi più inquinati al mondo, a quella della rimozione della spazzatura che circondava il Taj Mahal, diventata virale sui social. Alla base della sua battaglia c’è la volontà di far conoscere a un pubblico sempre più vasto il messaggio che vuole trasmettere e sensibilizzare le nuovissime generazioni sulla questione climatica.
Non sono certo mancate polemiche e minacce, l’India è uno dei paesi più inquinati al mondo, e il negazionismo sul cambiamento climatico è molto diffuso.
La voce di questa giovane dissidente, più che un invito sembra un grido d’aiuto. Ha preso l’abitudine di girare con una sua invenzione, collaudata con l’aiuto di un professore dell’Istituto Indiano per la Tecnologia, che chiama Sufuki, ovvero survival kit for the future (kit di sopravvivenza per il futuro). Un cubo di plexiglass trasparente con dentro una piantina in un vaso: un oggetto simbolico che ci ricorda la fragilità della nostra vita, che dipende dall’ambiente in cui viviamo, ma anche la necessità di agire immediatamente.
Alla COP25, la Conferenza delle Nazioni Unite sui cambiamenti climatici in Cile, ha presentato un memorandum “a nome dell’infanzia del mondo“.
Nel 2020 ha pubblicato una lettera ai partecipanti al World Economic Forum con Greta Thunberg, Luisa Neubauer, Isabelle Axelsson e Loukina Tille, invitando aziende, banche e governi a cessare di sovvenzionare i combustibili fossili. Nello stesso anno è stata la stella nascente dell’Earth Day Network di Washington nel 2020. Ha condotto una campagna per rendere obbligatorie nelle scuole le lezioni sul cambiamento climatico, proposta accolta dal governo del Gujarat che ha incluso il tema nell’istruzione scolastica.Numerosi i riconoscimenti ricevuti, nonostante la sua giovanissima età.A soli nove anni era già intervenuta a sei TEDx ricevendo ovazioni e plausi generali.
Con parole semplici e dirette, la giovane Licypriya Kangujam, spiega qual è il suo sogno e invita ogni persona a fare semplici gesti: lasciare a casa le auto e prendere le bici, rimpiazzare le centrali a carbone e termiche con energia rinnovabile e fare in modo che tutti i bambini e bambine del mondo abbiano aria buona da respirare, acqua sana da bere, un pianeta pulito sul quale vivere, convinta che da piccoli gesti nascono grandi cambiamenti.
“Possiamo cambiare noi stessi, e così cambiamo la nostra famiglia, che cambia il quartiere, che cambia la comunità, che cambia la nazione, e questo cambia il mondo” ha dichiarato in uno dei suoi tanti interventi in giro per il mondo.
La foto che la raffigura con un cartello con su scritto a mano ‘Abbandonate i combustibili fossili. Salvate il pianeta e il nostro futuro’ ha fatto il giro del mondo ed è stata l’emblema della Conferenza Onu sull’ambiente, Cop28, tenutasi a Dubai dal 30 novembre al 12 dicembre 2023. La sua entrata ha interrotto la “sessione di alto livello” dei negoziatori. Quando la polizia l’ha accompagnata fuori, è scoppiato un applauso fragoroso. Poco dopo, però, la presidenza del vertice ha presentato una bozza del principale documento conclusivo che va in senso opposto rispetto alle attese dei tanti e tante giovani giunti a Dubai per chiedere ai leader un’autentica transizione energetica.
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coinmystique · 10 months
A number of residents of El Salvador at the moment are finishing a free-of-charge coaching program referred to as Cubo+ designed to make sure they've all of the bitcoin information they should deal with future transactions and what is going to seemingly be the best way their nation does funds and transactions from right here on out.El Salvador Unveils Cubo+ BTC ProgramEl Salvador is a revolutionary nation in that it was the primary to declare bitcoin authorized tender in September of 2021. Up till that time, paying with bitcoin was somewhat taboo. It was one thing solely a small assortment of companies did, however the Central American area determined that it was to be on par with USD, the fiat forex it was depending on. Anybody might stroll into any retailer and purchase no matter they wanted with bitcoin, and so they couldn’t get a “no” or a unclean look from the shopkeeper.Now, the nation is taking its love of bitcoin to the following stage by guaranteeing crypto schooling is out there for all. Cubo+ options a number of technical particulars concerning blockchain, the digital community that helps BTC. It additionally has talks and lectures from a few of the greatest names within the bitcoin area together with Peter Todd, a former Bitcoin Core contributor. In an interview, Todd talked about:One of many variations is simply the dimensions of this. That's unusually large.Lisa Neigut was one other developer that had the possibility to talk to the various college students in attendance. She stated afterwards:It’s an actual privilege to be part of such a radical and hopeful venture. The scholars I met this previous week are all vivid and keen about their futures on the earth of open cash.Backend developer and Cubo+ attendee Naomi Iglesias additionally threw her two cents into the combination, stating:Personally, Jimmy Tune’s course was essentially the most difficult a part of this system… I consider that applications like Cubo+ can considerably affect my skilled life. Having offered me with sensible and targeted schooling on related matters similar to [the] Lightning Community and bitcoin, I'm ready to face actual challenges in a office.A Lot of Points to Get PreviousEl Salvador needed to overcome numerous large issues earlier than it might implement its newfound bitcoin agenda. For instance, the World Financial institution introduced that it will not help the nation in its plans on condition that bitcoin was largely unstable, and thus unworthy (a minimum of within the establishment’s eyes) of any actual consideration.Additionally, the pockets system the nation tried to make the most of to make sure residents might obtain their justifiable share of bitcoin skilled a number of technical points, whereas there have been a number of residents of El Salvador that had critical qualms with being “forced” into bitcoin utilization or with its alleged ties to cash laundering and crime and determined to interact in protests within the nation’s capital metropolis of San Salvador.Supply: https://www.livebitcoinnews.com/el-salvador-delivers-btc-education-to-all-citizens-through-cubo-program/
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