#cube’s birth
chacerider · 2 months
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for my dear friend @cubeee11, who hopefully now understands why I cackled when they told a different friend they wanted Belial to step on them for their birthday.
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cantheykillmacbeth · 8 months
Could the Companion Cube from Portal kill Macbeth?
Whether or not the Companion Cube is sentient is a common topic of debate, as there is a lot of conflicting evidence throughout canonical material, with GLaDOS saying it is not in the first game while saying that it is in the second, and with the Companion Cube speaking to Doug Rattmann in the Lab Rat comic despite it never speaking within the games.
If we assume that the Companion Cubes in the games are sentient, then they would most likely have a similar level of intelligence/sentience to the Turrets, and be similarly genderless. If a Companion Cube were able to move of its own accord, then it would be able to kill Macbeth, applying for the Gender Clause, Unconventional Birth Clause, and possibly Birth Parent Clause depending on the specific circumstances. However... the Companion Cube is not able to move of its own accord- none of the weighted cubes can, as evidenced by the fact that Wheatley had to graft them together with turrets in order to make them capable of movement. Thus, the credit of the kill would most likely not be attributed to the Cube itself, but instead whoever was responsible for its movement (though it is notable that every character that is in the games that would theoretically be available to put the Cube into motion this way does apply for at least one Clause themselves and would be able to kill Macbeth with it).
So, to recap, if the Companion Cube is indeed sentient to some degree, and if it were given some way to move around of its own accord, then yes, the Weighted Companion Cube could kill Macbeth. Otherwise, it depends on who threw it at him.
Thank you for your submission!
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amber-in-the-rough · 2 months
thinking about how much room for speculation, headcanons and AUs we had over all these years. it seems like in season 6 we'll finally learn about Aaravos' motives, past, secrets, conflicts, about the cube, about Star magic and Deep magic, about Callum's birth father, about the creation of Dark magic, maybe about the meaning of Callum connecting to a primal, about K'ppar, about the Starscraper, about... so many things, actually. Over the years we've been kept in the dark about all those things, there were (and are) a bounty of theories going around. People have come up with so many explanations and wrote so many fics where they speculated on those things...
And now with the s6 coming out the tdp creators are narrowing it all down to a single truth.
What I mean to say is, the time of speculation is probably over... And it makes me sad. I don't even know if I want to know the truth after all these years.
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it-wasntaphase · 7 months
the dragon race video was far too cursed & i will not be speaking on it
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doctorwhoisadhd · 1 month
starting umbrella academy s3 and tbh not a fan of how this team is like. disabled people in it and theyre supposed ot be the bad guys. like multiple people with facial scars / other facial differences. why do characters with that stuff always have to be villains :/
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july-19th-club · 9 months
I Sing The Body Electric seems to be the only book you DNF'ed, was it for a specific reason?
Ehhh I got bored lol
I'm only sporadically a Bradbury fan and I really only picked it up for the fact that "i sing the body electric" is a line from whitman and i didn't even get to that story in the collection before i was like okay i have other things to do
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brainrotcharacters · 1 year
"where's the rest of your paycheck" i took it out to compensate for your delusions when you say i'm mentally stable
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moodboardsbysarah · 1 year
TIL that in the end of the Bible the 144000 people who dont get burned in the lake of fire end up going to a cube in the sky and this is what heaven is. yall have been scammed. so hard. I cant believe ANYONE is still a christian in the year 2023.
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jaejae-graffty · 2 years
I am fucking freaking out. It’s been at least a whole year now since this EP has been released, and I was heartbroken when I learned that half of the setlist would be exclusive to the physical release. But now, it’s here, and it just made me smile.
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kniteracy · 7 months
Night Garden
From Gwyneth: Yes, Nathaniel and I ended our protracted visit to the Isle of Callisto, not far behind midwinter. We spent enough time in Awenia to get our bearings, refamiliarise ourselves with the contents of our Residence (and we did not overlook the liquor cabinet, but that is another story and shall be told another time). All in all, I am pleased with the work that has been done in our…
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robot-pup · 3 months
Mizore the ringed seal has passed away
Yesterday Otaru aquarium confirmed his death, he was only 3
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Read below for some background on his situation (as well as my thoughts)
in august last year it was announced that Mizore from osaka aquarium was going to move to Otaru aquarium. This right away caused concern, mizore had a tricky birth, he was sick & his mother didn't want to care for him because of that, so the staff at osaka aquarium nursed him back to health and raised him. He had a very strong bond with the staff there as well as living with 2 other seals yuki & arare.
In october he was moved & it was said that he'd be moving for a breeding program, mizore only turned 3 this April and male ringed seals mate at around 7 so this was odd.
Once moved to otaru mizore was put in a small cube enclosure by himself. From what I saw from the people who went to visit him he hardly had any enrichment, he just sat around & scratched at the walls. At osaka mizores favourite spot was this litte raised ice shelf he could lean against and there was nothing alike it at otaru, I didn't see much videos of keepers coming in to play with him. He was very social & loved people. Otaru aquarium seems to have a tricky history with animals passing away which concerned people regarding Mizore moving there.
According to Otarus blog post he started to refuse food early June, that is an obvious sign of an animal stressed in its environment. On June 19th he would pass away.
It is very sad to say but I think poor mizore died of loneliness & a broken heart, he was neglected and isolated which over the course of 7 months wore him down until he couldn’t go on anymore. This never would've happened if he stayed at osaka aquarium and I, as well as many others, am very upset with the situation
Rest in peace sweet mizore
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lethalchiralium · 8 months
Happiness Headcanons
(NSFW at the end, as a treat 😌)
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- There’s nothing more addictive to Simon than the love of his wife. (Maybe your smell, but probably not.) Simon’s never been consumed by love before (other than Winnie and Mellie) so he is just desperately wanting to protect that.
- He will hold Winnie up by an ankle and pretend he’s selling a prize fish at the market. (She giggles loudly and thrashes, he says, “Oh! ‘ve caught a live one!”)
- The 141 is over pretty much every weekend when they’re on base for long stretches of time. Most of the time they fuss over you cooking, so they bring takeout.
- Winnie likes to dress you some days. Usually it’s just a fun t-shirt and colorful sweatpants or jeans, but sometimes she tugs on a dress you haven’t worn in a while. “Please?” She’ll say, and you have literally no will to say no to her.
- The 141 calls you ‘Missus’ religiously. You’re convinced Price doesn’t know your real name. (He knows your name, he just finds it funny to call you ‘Missus’.)
- Simon secretly LOVES to wash your hair on wash days. He’ll learn your routine from back to front without your knowledge and ask one day to wash your hair. You don’t recall a time since that you’ve had to wash your own hair when he’s home.
- Simon started to learn to love snow when you two started dating. You brought him home to Maine, you were then snowed into your family cabin with just Winnie. Watching her play in the snow was one of his favorite moments.
- He sits at princess tea parties without complaint. Will chat with the cat on duty, who is trying to steal Winnie’s plastic cups. (Missy has had to be held before she starts tearing up stuffies.)
- You always make Simon’s tea first before your own drink. You take time to make it perfect, all because you love seeing him smile as you hand him his “Best Dad Ever” mug.
- Mellie vocalizes to herself to sleep. When she started saying “Dada”, she’d say that to get herself to sleep. Freaked Simon out the first time he heard it on the baby monitor.
- Winnie has an obsession with ice cubes, only because she feeds them to Missy. (“Mama! Ice coobe?” “No, baby. You gave her enough.” “But-“ “No.”)
- Simon can’t figure out how to braid hair for the life of him. It’s somehow too much finger movement, you laughed at that statement.
- There’s a dress you lost in between moving from America to England to be Winnie’s nanny (then subsequently her mom), it was your favorite dress ever. And Simon’s been looking for an exact copy since you two started dating. (He has it in a box in the attic with your due date on it, a surprise for birthing his next baby.)
- Winnie loves seeing you in dresses, she always squeals and compliments you on how pretty you are. She makes you comfortable in your own skin.
- Mellie likes to be wrapped to your chest, little fingers holding onto your shirt as you pick up around the house. She usually falls asleep after fifteen minutes, she just loves to be close to you. It’s the safest place she could ever be.
- Simon likes to lay on the couch with his leg hiked up on the back, so when you come to lay on his chest, he can trap you in. Surprise trap style. (You don’t have the heart to tell him you see it coming every time.)
- Simon plans dates every week.
- You buy tickets to sports events or concerts once every few months and beg him to go. He always says yes.
- He doesn’t sing at all. He’ll hum, but that’s about it. (Which is a lie, he sings little lullabies to his daughters to get them to sleep most nights.)
- Gaz is the go-to babysitter, but if they need to go somewhere overnight, they go to Price. You’ll give Soap a chance every once in a blue moon, but he usually gets drawn on. Head to toe. And is the only uncle who gets terrorized by your five year old. (Simon calls it karma.)
- Missy obviously adores Simon, but when Simon’s busy with the girls, she’ll rub up on your legs and purr like a motorboat.
- Mellie crawls a lot, but she usually likes to pull herself to stand next to the couch - little face staring you down as you sit down. “What, baby? Wanna snuggle?” A little hand reaches up for you, you’re quick to scoop her up and lay down with her. (You always kiss her cheeks, she squeals and makes kissy noises back.)
- You kiss him before you fall asleep every night. The one night you didn’t, he thought you were mad at him. Turns out you were sick and didn’t want to get him sick, but he was incredibly butt hurt about not getting a kiss from his wife.
- Winnie’s favorite color is green. It offends Soap to high heaven since he believes she must secretly be Irish. (Simon nor Winnie’s birth mom are Irish.) You’ve taken the liberty to decide that Mellie’s color is purple.
- Simon takes over laundry and dishes most days so you can recuperate. Raising an almost six year old and almost one year old while having somewhat on and off morning sickness is difficult. (He takes over all duties when you’re essentially locked in the bathroom all day.)
- Gaz and Soap will show up unannounced and essentially push your children to the living room. They’re making blanket forts and drawing with crayons on big sheets of paper. They’ll sit and watch movies, excited that the girls love to spend time with them.
- Winnie’s lunch box and backpack are green and decorated with flowers, she loves them both.
- Simon likes to be held. He’ll shift in the night so his head is on your chest, hands on his back. Hearing you breathe calms him. Hearing your heartbeat helps him breathe easier. (It’s hard not to think about how much his family would’ve loved you.)
- Simon writes down what kind of makeup you like to wear so he can order them if you’re getting low. (No makeup? That’s great too! Man’s purchasing you skincare and nice little lotions, bath bombs, and perfumes. He likes to pamper his beautiful wife.)
- Mellie refuses all vegetables except carrots and broccoli. She’s repeatedly thrown the ones she doesn’t like at her father, so you’ve temporarily stopped making them for her. She’s as happy as a clam.
- You have been looking into getting Simon the dog he wants. Either a Rottweiler, Doberman, or King Shepherd. It’s just hard to buy a £1500 puppy without the fraud alert going off on your joint bank account.
- You ask Simon to paint your nails sometimes. He doesn’t think he could do it right so he refuses and hands you enough quid to go to a nail salon.
- Winnie loves Barbies. She maybe has five of them that she take a great care of. She always requests her father to play with her. Simon always says yes, but is only allowed to play with her favorite Barbie - the one that looks like you.
- Your engagement and wedding rings are a matching set, both expensive and high quality. Simon worked for years without anyone to spend it on, so he saved and invested. It’s not enough to retire on, but it’s enough to buy your matching rings, the matching bracelet, necklace, and earrings. (Yes, he’s still paying that credit card off. No, he doesn’t regret it. He loves watching your face light up with every piece he gives you.)
- He also buys you another bracelet, one with birthstones on them - yours, his, Winnie’s, and Mellie’s. With space for the next one, and maybe another after that. (What can the man say? He can’t wait to see your pregnant belly, it’ll be the first time he’s ever seen a partner of his actually grow his child. He’s excited to wake up every day and see you. (If fifteen year old Simon Riley could see him now, wanting to wake up every day.))
- Munch this, munch that, Simon doesn’t go down on you unless asked. He doesn’t think he does it that well, but he’ll do as you ask.
- He unknowingly made you into a pillow princess. His body aches after sex a lot of the time (His injuries that healed wrong) and he’s so conscious to make sure you are comfortable at all times. So if that means he keeps you laying on array of pillows, so be it.
- You do love to ride him though. It’s not often as it requires a lot of energy from you, and you’re almost always exhausted. You just like to watch his eyes roll into the back of his head, the way his Adam’s apple bops as he sucks in air, licking his lips. He’s quite literally your personal art gallery, you could stare at him for days on end.
- He’s not confident in his head giving abilities, but he is very confident with his fingers. Your first orgasm is always from him rubbing your clit, doesn’t matter if it takes a little longer and more effort the more frequently he does it, he wants you soft and pliable so he can gently fuck you.
- Eye contact is huge for you. You trust Simon, you truly do, but there’s just something about how he refuses to look away from you sometimes.
- He’s quiet during sex, which means you’re mostly quiet too. You don’t want the girls to hear, even if they’re down the hall. So he’s extremely quiet, except for the soft grunts and breathy whispers. (“So good, meetin’ my hips like that. Keep rockin’ ‘em, love. Feels so good.”)
- He likes to bend your back sometimes, not often. Having you on your front, pressing his hips down so your back curls and he can go deeper? He’s a mess.
- He gets pussy drunk a lot. He drooled on your chest once, he tried to apologize but you swiped it with your finger and put it in your mouth. “Taste sweet, baby.” (That man immediately asked if he could spit in your mouth, you said another time. That or he could spit on your pussy, which he did ten seconds later.)
- A quickie in the shower is a must before work for him some days. If you’re not up for it, he’ll jerk off thinking of you.
- You like to wash him in the shower, which means you usually get to see him sudsy and clean, always from a below his waist angle though.
- You two don’t have sex every day, but it’s always every few days. More than most of your friends have sex with their partners. (Definitely more than Gaz and Soap can pick up when they’re home.)
- Sometimes he whispers how he wants you to have as many babies as he can give you, that he just wants to see you with a baby belly, how sexy you are being a wonderful mother. (He’s in adoration of you, even when he’s balls deep.)
- Simon is the type to ask Gaz to babysit, then reserve a nice hotel room so he can fuck you without restraint.
- He’ll whimper if you ask nicely and promise something in return. (For example, brushing his hair. Or holding his hair when he goes down on you and controlling where his tongue goes. Fun stuff like that.)
- You do appreciate a quick fingering since pregnancy hormones got you fucked up, you can’t keep asking to get bent over the bathroom counter or your bed because you’re gonna have a baby belly soon.
- As much as he loves having sex with you, he’s nervous to initiate. He knows you don’t mind, he knows you usually say yes, it’s just that he doesn’t want to take advantage of you. He knows what it’s like and he would simply put a bullet in his head if he EVER touched you when you didn’t want him to. He loves you too much.
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pickingupmymercedes · 3 months
hiii! Again, congrats on your 500 followers. I was wondering if you could do a blurb where Lewis and his wife (y/n) are in labour and just see how Lewis comforts her? (if yk what I mean 😭😭) just some cute sappy moments between them when she’s in labour before their first kid is born, and maybe a moment after the delivery?
Thank you lovely ❤️❤️
I chose a prompt for you, hope you like it
"Is that a rethorical question? You genuinely want an answer?"
Lewis paced back and forth in the dimly lit hospital room, glancing anxiously at the clock on the wall. It felt like they had been there for days, although it had only been a few hours since Y/n's contractions had really started to pick up.
The warm water of the birthing pool swirled gently around her as she leaned back and forth, trying to find a comfortable position. "How are you feeling, love?" Lewis asked, his voice a mixture of concern and helplessness.
Y/n shot him a tired look, her hair up in a mess of a bun, few strands plastered to her forehead with sweat. " Tired and cranky. I just want this baby out of me."
Lewis winced slightly at how helpless he was to the whole scene he had been watching.
"Okay, focus on your breathing, babe," Lewis tried, his voice a touch shaky despite his calm demeanor. "Remember? Deep breaths, just like we practiced."
Y/n sighed, then grimaced as another contraction hit. She gripped the sides of the pool, breathing deeply through the pain, and through gritted teeth, managed a one-word reply. "Useless."
Lewis chuckled nervously reaching for her fingers, trying to pry them from the grasp she had around the plastic material. "Maybe not entirely useless. It seems to be keeping you at least semi-coherent."
"That's not funny, Lewis," she groaned, squeezing his hand so hard his fingers threatened to revolt.
He winced, but didn't complain “Is there anything I can do? Do you need more water or, um, a massage or something?"
Y/n sighed, then grimaced as another contraction hit. She gripped back the sides of the pool, breathing deeply through the pain. "I don't know, just... be here. Talk to me. Distract me from this never-ending torture."
Lewis scratched his head, racking his brain for anything that might help in the slightest. "Alright, well, did you know that I can solve a Rubik's Cube?"
Y/n raised an eyebrow, a faint smile playing on her lips despite the pain. "Are you for real?"
Lewis laughed, the tension easing a bit. " Seriously. Maybe I’ll show you sometime."
"Sure," Y/n muttered, rolling her eyes but looking a bit more relaxed. "That’ll be a great bonding activity when your child is not trying to get out of my womb."
Lewis knelt by the side of the pool, reaching out to hold Y/n's hand. He stroked her hair gently with his other hand, his touch soothing. "You’re doing amazing love. I know it’s tough, but you’re so strong. And soon, we’ll have our baby in our arms. Just a little longer, okay?"
Y/n nodded, her eyes closing briefly as she tried to conserve her energy. "I know. I just... I didn’t think it would take this long.
A beat of silence. Then, hesitantly Lewis whispered near her "Is an epidural still out of our plans?"
Y/n's eyes narrowed. "Is that a rhetorical question, Lewis? You genuinely want an answer?"
Lewis’s brow furrowed in worry. "Are you sure, love? It might help with the pain."
"Naturally," she insisted, her voice a ragged whisper. "Remember, no drugs. We talked about this."
He sighed, defeated. Y/n was unbelievably strong, both physically and mentally. He admired that fire in her, but right now, he just wanted her comfortable. He dipped a washcloth and cleaned a line of sweat off of her face.
"Alright" Lewis said softly, squeezing her hand reassuringly. "I’m right here with you, every step of the way."
As another contraction wracked her body, Y/n bit her lip, tears welling in her eyes.
"You're doing amazing, you know that?" he murmured. "Strongest woman I know."
"Except for maybe Serena Williams" Y/n mumbled back, a flicker of pride returning to her voice.
Lewis chuckled. "Maybe. But you’re giving her a run for her money here babe.”
The silence in the recovery room was a grateful contrast to the hectic atmosphere of the delivery room just a couple of hours later. Their family had come and left already and the air was now only punctuated by the rhythmic snuffles of their newborn daughter nestled in Lewis's arms. He traced a finger down her tiny cheek, marveling at the delicate perfection of her features. Y/n, was drained but couldn’t find in her to close her eyes, a radiant smile gracing her lips as she watched Lewis become a father.
"Look at those eyelashes" she whispered; her voice hoarse. "They're yours."
A lump formed in Lewis's throat. He glanced at Y/n, his heart overflowing with a love he never knew existed. "They wouldn't be here without you." he murmured, his voice thick with emotion.
Y/n reached out, her fingers brushing against one of his hands that wrapped around most of her small back "She's perfect, isn't she?"
Lewis nodded, tears threatening to spill. "More than perfect. You’re both my everything now"
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allywthsr · 10 months
FIRST SNOW | (l.norris)
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summary: your toddlers first snow
wordcount: 1.9k words
pairing: dad!landonorris x fem!reader
warnings: kids
notes: I need dad Lando 🥹, what do you think about this?
advent calendar
It was the beginning of December and by some miracle, it snowed. Almost two years ago, you gave birth to your son, Louis, with Lando by your side. He was holding your hand, feeding you ice cubes when you wanted to eat and supported you in the best way possible during the long hours of Labour. Last year Louis was not even a year old and he was mostly sitting somewhere, playing with his toy cars that daddy had gifted him, from his last gp, so he didn’t really notice the white landscape last year, but this year was different.
This year, he woke you up with his hands banging on the big floor to ceiling window and blabbering the word: ’snow‘ continuously. He was a little rascal and knew how to focus the attention on him, but just like his father, he liked to be in the background and figure out stuff for himself.
So when Lando woke up and saw his son being fascinated by the snow, he knew he had to make it memorable. He shook you awake and you woke up, startled, ”Lando, what’s up?“
”It snowed! Louis is up and all excited, look at him.“
You propped yourself up on your elbow and looked at your little brown curly haired boy. From the beginning he was a Lando copy, there was no denying that he was his child. For a second you wondered if you he had anything from you, because he seemed like Lando, but as the time was running, he turned more into a mini you. He may look like Lando, but his personality was all you. When he didn’t get something he wanted, he had the same facial expression as you have, Lando knew that all to well, when he forgot your chocolate again or he didn’t take the trash out, as he promised.
”I can’t wait to clean the window again, just like last week. Why does your son always have to touch the windows like that?“
”My son?“
”When he‘s of doing mischievous things, he‘s yours“, you smiled at Lando. That obviously wasn’t true, you loved Louis no matter what he did.
”Louis, do you want to join mummy and me on the bed?“
With his naked little feet he waddled towards the bed and held his arms up, he wasn’t tall enough yet to climb up the bed, but he was trying. Lando quickly grabbed him under his arms and hoisted him on the mattress, he immediately laid down between you two.
”Can you believe he‘s almost two?“
”He grew up so fast.“
Louis was cuddling with Lando while everyone enjoyed the silence, he was laying on top of his daddy and snuggled closer to his chest, he was super clingy during the mornings, it was your favorite sight to see.
After a few minutes, Louis had enough and tried to get off of Lando, he carefully sat him down on the ground and he ran back to the window. With his fingers he pointed to the snow and kept saying ’go‘. With a sigh you both peeled out of the warm, comforting bed, you loved having a child, but sometimes you wished you could stay in bed until noon again.
”Let’s get you ready, shall we? Mummy can change into her winter clothes already“, he looked at you and waited for you to confirm that with a nod. You quickly did so and kissed Lando’s lips and Louis head, they disappeared in the hallway and you went to the en-suite bathroom to at least wash your face before you changed into some warm clothes. You could hear the giggles from your two boys even in the bedroom, you loved how happy Louis was, especially with Lando. He was his hero. Whenever you couldn’t join a race and stayed home, you were watching every session with Louis and he blabbered ’da da da da da da‘ on repeat. His words were still limited but he learned something new every day, just yesterday he learned how to fist-bump Lando, something both of them were proud of.
His first word, to no surprise, was ’car‘ but once he said it, the c turned into a d and now it was ’dar‘, no matter how hard you tried to get him to say it correctly again, it was no use. Lando was super happy his first word was car and he told it everyone, whether they wanted to hear it, or not. Everyone loved Louis, you had taken him to a few races, but only ones that were near to home and he was never put in the direct spotlight. It wasn’t like you hid him from the world, but he didn’t need to be photographed and put on the internet. He loved sitting in Lando’s ’dar‘ and playing around with Jon or Oscar, McLaren had organized an extra room only for Louis, so when stuff got too much and he needed time to calm down, he was able to do so, in his room. In there was a comfy couch, blankets, pillows and a lot of toys. They even put up a small ball-pit in the corner and Louis loved it, the balls were thrown around the room and smashed against each other. The whole grid was hypnotized whenever Louis was around, drivers came around just to see the little Lando and play with him for a while, giving you and Lando a small time out.
But back to where we were.
Lando came in to the bedroom with Louis on his hip, when you pulled your hoodie over your head.
”Can you put his jacket and stuff on? I want to get ready too.“
With a nod you opened your arms and Louis did the same, signaling he wants to be held by you. You two went to the entrance hall, where his jacket and his shoes were waiting for him, he wasn’t the biggest fan of getting dressed, but he endured it, probably too excited for the snow.
”Do you have your winter jacket?“, Lando screamed from your closet.
”Yes, baby!“
You pulled a hat on Louis's head and wrapped a scarf around his neck, before putting on gloves on his little hands. You did the same for yourself, so you were prepared for the cold that was about to hit you when you opened the door.
Lando came running down the stairs and stared at the sight in front of him, you sitting on the floor while your son is excitingly ’jumping‘ around, it wasn’t jumping, more like stomping his shoe-covered feet on the ground.
”Family, you ready?“, he said after putting on his jacket and shoes.
Louis was blabbering the word ’yes‘ over and over again, before lifting his arms towards Lando, indicating he wanted to be picked up.
”Do we want to just go out in the backyard or should we walk to my parents and ask for a sleigh? Maybe we can have breakfast with them.“
”Let’s go to your parents, baby, good idea. Louis, you ready to see nana and pops?“
He clapped his hands and put his head on Lando’s shoulder, Lando kissed him on his cheek and you opened the door. A wave of cold air blew you in the face, and you looked at Louis, who was looking confused.
”Is that cold sweetheart?“
Louis nodded and pointed to the ground where everything was white. Lando walked with him to the front yard, ”Do you want to go down?“, Louis clung to his daddy, ”I‘ll take that as a no.“
With a quiet giggle, Lando kissed his cheek once more, Louis was just as shy as Lando was as a kid, it was adorable.
”But Louis, look, it’s snow!“, you bend down and picked up some snow to show it to Louis, his small fingers slowly touched it. With his gloves on, he couldn’t notice the coldness, so Lando pulled off one of his gloves and he touched it again. Quickly he pulled his hand away, when he noticed how cold it was, he started blabbering with Lando, probably complaining about how cold it is.
Lando put on his glove again and put him down, Louis was walking around the front yard and Lando held out his hand, which Louis took.
Slowly you three made the way to Lando’s parents, who were living just a five-minute walk away from your house. You loved Lando with Louis, how gentle he was, how patient, was the five-minute walk, ten minutes longer because Louis couldn’t walk as fast? Yes. Did Lando annoy that? Absolutely not. Normally Lando was impatient, but he learned with Louis that he had to take things slow.
When you arrived at the house, Cisca opened the door and was excited to see you three, Louis was walking towards her, he was excited to see his grandma again. She lifted him on her hip and kissed both of you on the cheek as a greeting, together with Louis she walked to the living room, where Adam was sitting.
”The future Formula One racer!“, Adam opened his arms and Cisca was giving Louis to him. Louis was happy about that and kept talking to Adam, sure it sounded more like gibberish but he was getting better with the talking every day.
”We wanted to ask if we could borrow the sleigh and pull him across the backyard?“
”Of course honey, it’s in the shed somewhere.“
”I‘ll go look“, Lando got up and walked to the backyard.
Cisca started to talk with you about everything, when Louis ran to the window, ”da da!“.
”Yes, Daddy is outside, should we join him?“
He nodded and you opened the glass door, and he ran to Lando. Lando crouched down and opened his arms, in which Louis ran, lifting him up and holding him on his hip.
”That’s a sleigh, if you sit on it, we can pull you across here, what do you think?“
”I think he likes the idea, Lando“, you giggled at your son's antics of pointing to different things that were covered in snow.
Lando put him on the sleigh, grabbed the handles, and carefully towed him through the white backyard. It was the sweetest thing, how Louis's face lit up when he felt the movements of the sleigh and saw it gliding over the snow, you couldn’t resist taking a few pictures and videos.
After two big rounds, Lando stopped to see if he had enough, but the shouts out of Louis‘ mouth with the word: ’more‘ showed that he definitely had not enough, so Lando kept pulling him through the snow, and with every round he grew more tired. He may be a high performance athlete, but pulling your almost two-year-old son on a sleigh through thick snow is still tiring.
So after three more rounds, Lando tried to distract Louis by building a snowman, which worked. At first, he was skeptical about why daddy was rolling around a ball of snow, but once Lando put the second ball on top of the first, Louis was sold. He helped rolling the third ball around and couldn’t stop laughing when Lando placed sticks as his arms, and little rock’s as his face, when Cisca brought a carrot outside, he was almost falling over how hard he was laughing and soon all of you were laughing at how much fun Louis had during his first snow. Oh, how you couldn’t wait for next year.
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cameronspecial · 9 months
Cooking With Daddy
Pairing: Drew Starkey x Reader
Warnings: N/A
Pronouns: She/Her
Word Count: 0.7K
Summary: Cooking dinner stresses Y/N out so much, especially when she has to watch over the kids. So Drew takes it upon himself to help his wife out.
A/N: Inspired by this video.
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After giving birth to Tristan, Y/N feels exhausted all the time. Taking care of a newborn and a toddler is very demanding. Luckily, Y/N and Drew have each other to help each other out. Drew knows cooking dinner is one of the things that stresses Y/N out, so he decides to take it into his own hands. “Take a nap, Sweetheart. You woke up early with the kids this morning,” Drew orders, helping her back on the mattress. She shakes her head with sleepy eyes, “No. I can’t. I have to make dinner. It’s my turn.” Drew kisses her forehead. “It’s okay. I’ll take care of it. Now, go to sleep,” he instructs. He pulls the blanket over her drowsy body and kisses her again once he sees she listens to his demands. As he heads toward the kitchen, Tristan’s soft cries reach his ears. The door yawns as Drew pushes his way into the baby’s room. 
“Hey, bud. What’s wrong? Do you need a new diaper?” Drew questions, picking his son up to check if it is soiled. The diaper is clean so he brings the child close to his chest. “Are you hungry?” Drew checks to see if Tristan will root his finger, but the infant doesn’t, meaning he probably isn’t hungry. Being in Drew’s arms seems to soothe the baby and this leads the father to conclude that his son just wanted some attention. 
Drew leaves the room and closes the door, heading to the kitchen. He finds Millie on the floor of the living room. The little girl is colouring in her Frozen colouring book. “Mills, do you want to help Daddy cook dinner?” Drew asks his daughter. She pops off the floor with a smile and nods. She runs over to her father, dragging her stool beside him. Drew moves his arm under Tristan’s butt and the baby curls into his father’s hold. “What should we make for dinner?” Millie takes a second to think about it. “Mac and cheese!” she announces with her arms thrown in the air. He chuckles at her excitement and goes to get the ingredients he needs for the pasta dish. He instructs Millie to cut the cheese with the butter knife while he gets to work with boiling the pasta. It would be easier to do the task if he put Tristan down, but the babe would cry every time he tried to put him in the crib.  
The pasta is boiling and Drew goes to check on Millie. He sees the mix-match sizes of cheese cubes and pride floods him. She is becoming such an independent child. “You are working so hard, Millie. Good job,” he praises, kissing her cheek. She beams up at her father and gets back to focusing on her work. 
About twenty minutes later, Y/N wakes up in a dark bedroom. She sits up and rubs the sleep from her eyes. Her stomach starts to grumble, so she goes to check on Drew’s progress with dinner. Finding her little family cooking dinner together makes her heart bloom with love. “There you go. Very good mixing skills, Mills. Just a little bit slower so you don’t get hurt with what splashes out,” Drew advises. One arm holds up Tristan and the other one is around Millie’s shoulders, helping her stir. Y/N spots the cheese and pasta and can piece together what they are making. She rounds the corner, placing a kiss on her children’s head before resting her chin on Drew’s shoulder, “This looks very good. Is it almost ready?” Drew turns his head to kiss her cheek. “Almost, Sweetheart. Look at all of Millie’s hard work,” he informs. Millie grins up at her mother, “Mommy, try some!” He scoops some up onto the spatula and blows on it to cool it down. 
He brings it to her mouth, letting her take a bite. Y/N hmms in satisfaction. “This is very good, My Love. You did such a good job. Let me set the table and we can eat,” Y/N acclaims, heading over to the pantry to get the plates out. Being a parent can be hard, but when she does it with Drew, it’s all worth it. 
Taglist: @winterrrnight @loves0phelia @thelomlisrafecameron @nonbullshit-toleratingkindagirl
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m4rs-ex3 · 6 months
if u haven't already seen.............. guys i was late i was fucking late for the panel give me a break
BUT here is a play by play of everything from the second i got in
[A GOOD CHUNK OF THE SECRET SCENE] if you saw this post within the first few *hours you got to see but you know what? they got to me i don't wanna be the snitch (i did on accident but its the though that counts)
opeli is being led blindfolded (which we see from opeli's pov. riveting visuals i tell you) by soren to the ✨secret meeting location✨
when she comments on the fact that it is literally just callum's office soren shuts her up bless him
opeli's like "DID BAIT GIVE BIRTH??!?!?" and soren's like no these are "rescue baits" and opeli gives them the greatest fucking look i can't even describe it to you
you've seen that leak "look it's the pearl :D""WHA""yep he's in there :)))))"
rayla says it like "per-al." just thought you should know
soren suggests forming a Fellowship of the Pearl and going to throw it into a volcano i fucking hate this show
they're all debating what to do with it meanwhile the most cryptic-ass shots of callum with the pearl like we get it he's fucked (i take it back i want more)
they finally get to him and he's like "uh????? destroy it obviously?????"
he suggests--and these are 100% his words (not actually cuz u know but its the general idea)--"smash it? throw it off a cliff? take a big ol axe and just--KA CHOP." i love him so much
rayla asks how they know it won't just release him
the way callum is so confused and conflicted and he just says "i... i don't know" oh my god by precious baby
cool ass top-down to the pearl whirlpool esq transtion into the next scene hello??
zym is being emo at a painting of his mother (the one from 4x03 yeah they just stitched that shit up it's all good)
ezran's like. huh. we oughtta do smth abt this
callum is Thinking Thoughts on the turrets(?? yk where soren does his lunges) and tossin the rune cube when he sees the star rune light up......................................
it's stella stella's there and the way he reacts to her is so precious 😭 he's not the step dad he's the dad who stepped up type shit
enter rayla "they told me u would be up here brooding"
(in a tragic turn of events the rayllum of this scene had my brain fuzzy so i can't remember a few chunks here and there have pity my brain has rotten)
callum's like "we have to do something i'm scared he's gonna use me. i know what we need to do ok we need to go to the starscraper"
it's honestly hilarious the way he says "and *WE.* should go" he's like "don't be gettin any ideas now this is an us thing"
and then ohoho "they have something there for you, too" (THAT was an exact quote)
he's like "PLSPLSPLS i've studied star magic i know the spells i know the runes i just need the quasar diamonds!! LET ME FREE UR PARENTS AND RUNAAN PLEAAAASSSSEEEE"
rayla is veryyyyyy opposed she's like "NO i want to help my parents as much as you"--honestly i don't think ANYONE wants to as much as him--"but i don't want my biases to affect that" BIASES?!??!! like that was the word she used i can't stop thinking about it
zym has entered his wolf child era his ass is HOWLING at the moon
soren hears him and goes "aww little guy misses his mom :((( sometimes i wonder where my mom is...." WHAT AWHAT WHAT AWHAT PJARDON SAY IT AGIAN YOU WAHGTS SAY IT AGIAND HUAH HUWH A
ok. yeah callum does not have pajamas BUT I THINK WE HAVE BIGGER ISSUES HERE????????????? HE WAS SLEEPING IN HIS OFFICE
in other news
bruv is tossing and turning and then just. ~stops.~ this can only mean good things (i think you know where i'm going with this)
he sits up. hobbles over to the door. there was a really cool transition (can u tell i respect the cinematography) and he's in the cellar holding the pearl.
he wakes up in aaravos' prison and is like "well this looks neat!" until he sees the mirror and screams and wakes up. when he realizes where he is he goes "what have i done" dude you fell asleep?? god he's never sleeping again (<- me when i lie 😈)
the description we got of this next scene did NOT do it justice it was fucking incredible
callum kicks down the fucking door (not actually) screaming for rayla
rayla TUMBLES OUT OF BED ON TO THE FLOOR, pillows in hands and unafraid to use them
"WHOA. HEY HEY ITS OKAY ITS ME! it's just me rayla. it's me. callum" i feel like he was saying the same 5 words for 7 hours it was beautiful
rayla: "callum?? jeez i could have-" *looks at pillows*
callum giggles the cutest fucking giggle and says something along the lines of "yeah, it would've hurt real bad :)"
she sits back on the bed and my guy KNEELS DOWN AT THE CORNER OF THE BED TO PICK UP HER STUFF BEFORE HE SITS DOWN NEXT TO HER and they say chivalry is dead romance was birthed and ended with this scene
he tells her about it and she goes "callum, you're exhausted. you had a nightmare. if i thought you were in any real danger you know i would-" and then ironically i forget the same line that the person from nycc did wouldja look at that
can i just mention how close they were sitting in this scene i mean i jsut thikn i should mention hwo clo
yada yada he has a lightbulb and runs off with her blanket
the iconic "i know stella.. he took our blankie :("
god knows why barius is up in the middle of the night whispering sweet nothings to his jelly tarts
callum comes in with a certain proposition mwuhahaha
rayla comes into his office and sees his aesthetic ass sewing by fireside and graciously says "ah i get it! you're taking your mind off things by peacefully knitting" so iconic for both of them
callum explains that he's stitching runes to create a protection spell when barius comes in with the """"""""pearl""""""""""
rayla DIVES in front of callum and says "what r you doing get that thing AWAY from him!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!" she got SO protective SO fast it was blessed
callum's like au contraire 😈
ok so obviously we had all heard about the fake pearl but. you know that one guy who makes insane sculptures out of nothing but chocolate? that's what they did the pearl is brown sludge with a candy coating 💀 i'm losing my mind that is so funny to me
so yeah with the decoy out the real pearl is protected by--and callum literally said this--"a magic blankie >:)"
dawn in the courtyard--ez is saying goodbye to soren, zym, and pyrrah who are going to look for zubeia (i almost just typed zendaya i need sleep) and callum and rayla who r going to the starscraper
on a slightly lower note
scene from teaser except they did cut a couple lines in the teaser. mainly just terry going "didn't see you there,, cuz i was asleep. with my eyes closed"
he does not in fact get impaled but claudia tells him she's gonna leave him first and does just that
as she's going omfg terry's cries and pleas and "I LOVE YOU"s and "I WILL WAIT. I WILL WAIT HERE FOR YOU" was absolutely insane idk what was in the air in that recording studio but shout out to ben
i am so tired goodbye!
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