sadowife · 4 months
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✚ Kanade Tachibana Usernames …
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✚ Peach Usernames …
p-achies,peachie-keens,persicaism,n-ctar / n-ctars,sweet-peachi,syrupies,peacharines.
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✚ Dragon Usernames …
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Requested By : Anon.
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Submitted by @euanpc
Rifles all appear to be several variants of the IWI Tavor TAR-21 (Tavor series, usually chambered in 5.56x45mm NATO). Specifically, the frontmost soldier on the right seems to be using specifically a CTAR-21 with an added X95-style rail system on top. Soldier on the left seems to be using, oddly enough, the X95 XB16, which is a civilian variant.
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appleitself · 2 months
your grace ,, your blog is the cutest thing ive ever seen ,,
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Oh gosh! Apologies for the late reply oh my goodness, thank you dearly. It truly means a lot! The Fairest One enjoys decorating and this felt like an absolutely hexellent outlet ⟡ Thank you so much dear! If you want some graphics akin to your Princess’ you may check out the lovely blog @n-ctars ! They made the graphics you see here~
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deesi-academia · 2 years
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elrielbliss · 2 years
a*ctar reddit has a rule for no elulu/glezel/ ezriel posts yet only one of those ships get locked right away whenever someone makes a post about them.... lol
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bunnietism · 4 months
literally crying, tysm for your kind words on the rb of our post!!! you’re too sweet augh :( <3 /p and your blog theme too OMG?? dead plate??? heck yes???
- @n-ctars
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yes ofc!! thank you and gl with your blog!!! :3c
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starshiver · 4 months
can we have a userbox? ill let u have creative liberty but can it be clown themed and use a icp quote?!
hey! your userbox is scheduled for 8am EST on June 1st over at @n-ctars !! sorry about the wait^^!!
edit: here!!
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n-ctars · 4 months
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sup⋆.ೃ࿔*:・ don’t forget your daily clicks
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requests are »» open ❀ queue — 0 ۫ ͡ ︶ . ·˚
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┈ mod ♡ ┈ mod ↺ ┈ mod ☆ ┈ mod ᗢ ┈
collective ~
names - nectar(s), peach/peachies, sun
pronouns - they/them (both multiple and singular!), he/him, th3y/th3m/th31rs, voi/void/voids
titles - the celestial one(s), the sunlike one(s), they who shine, the truth-seer(s), the voidlike
we prefer titles over names/pronouns unless we are friends/moots! all ‘the’s in titles can be replaced with ‘my’ ~
personal »» @starshiver — do not send any requests or ask about your request on our personal blog, your request will be deleted and you will be warned once before being blocked⋆.ೃ࿔*:・
rules, what we make, and how to request are below the cut જ⁀➴
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Graphics —
dividers ┈ please include an aesthetic or vibe, a character or media, and/or a color or symbol!
graphic kits ┈ this includes: a large graphic, dividers, and an icon 𖦹 please include an aesthetic/theme/vibe/character/media/color/symbol! we may also include a pagedoll, some blinkies we find/make, or some misc transparents that fit the theme ❀ ۫ ͡ ︶
icons & headers ┈ icons and/or headers, pretty self explanatory! if you only want icons or only headers please specify! these will be made to fit tumblr, but will generally fit other places as well. please include a character/theme/color/etc! you may also include flags, if you do so, please include whether you would like your icon to be a square or circle!
transparents ┈ give us a link to a high quality screenshot with a character in it, and we will cut it out for you!
userboxes ┈ userboxes! please include what you would like the userbox to say, then, unless you want us to decide ourselves, an image link/a character/theme/aesthetic/color to go off of!
Others —
name & username ideas ┈ again, pretty self explanatory! we’ll give you some ideas for names and/or usernames (please specify which one(s) you want!!). please specify a theme/character/etc!
coining ┈ we will coin a term for you! we can create the name and flag for it as well! Userbox included^^! be descriptive as to what you want!! We can do both lgbtqia+ coining or system/alter coinings.
typing quirk ideas ┈ we’ll give you some ideas for a typing quirk. please specify a theme/character/etc! these will include things such as: character replacements (ex: e->3), word replacements (ex: go->fly), phrase replacements (ex: not the smartest->not the ripest peach in the garden), prefixes/suffixes (ex: hi->< hi >), and maybe some other general ideas had along the way!
subliminals ┈ these are not included lightly, and will be made only if they do not harm the listener or other people. we will not make anything to ‘manifest an illness/disorder’ or even make an illness/disorder worse (we may make stuff to make it more noticeable to others, but that will be done sparingly). please include what you want the sub to manifest (be fairly detailed!), if you want specific music and if not whether you want something more calm or loud, we also will do asmr if you prefer ♡ these will be posted on our youtube ~ @n-ctars
please ask if there is anything else you want! we are still figuring out everything we offer!! we may turn you down, but it never hurts to ask (๑>◡<๑)
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we are a system, and we also have a job and life. this means we may take longer than you want us to on your asks due to life and due to only some of us knowing how to fulfill the requests here, do not rush us!
we will delete any and all asks that are rude and/or don’t include a please and a thank you! you don’t have to suck up or anything, just be kind (๑˃̵ᴗ˂̵)
we love chatting and answering questions, asks are ALWAYS open for that!
please be as specific as possible when requesting so we can fulfill your request properly! we won’t remake stuff for details that you forgot to include in your description (if we forgot something, of course we’ll fix it up for you!!)
we will not fulfill any requests that have to do with/are requested by: endogenic systems/origins, paraphillias, transids and similar, and anything r*dq*eer related. fandom-wise we will not fulfill requests having to do with vivziepop, genshin impact, honkai star rail, or other mihoyo works. otherwise, basic general dni! that’s it!
please credit us! this can either be done by crediting us properly right under the image, in the alt text for the image [ex: img description made by @n-ctars], or reblogging the post wherever you will be using our resources ٩(๑❛ᴗ❛๑)۶
if your tone feels unclear before you send us something, please try using tone tags! they will help us understand what you mean (there is no need to use them in excess)
typing quirks are okay ONLY if you provide plaintext as well. otherwise just type your request normally!
everything we make can be used by anyone who is not on our dni (see rule 5) do not think you own it just cause you requested it!!
feel free to tag us in promo posts ♡
as a note ~ we are photophobic and as such are unlikely to make graphics with a large amount of colors & patterns, and especially of really saturated, bright colors! you will notice that our graphics will be more simple than some other blogs!! if you’re looking for more ott stuff go check out some of the other LOVELY edit blogs around (๑>◡<๑)!!
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#❀ ۫ ͡ ︶asks ~ for answering asks
#❀ ۫ ͡ ︶graphics ~ for all graphic types
#❀ ۫ ͡ ︶dividers ~ for dividers
#❀ ۫ ͡ ︶graphic kits ~ for graphic kits
#❀ ۫ ͡ ︶icons ~ for icons
#❀ ۫ ͡ ︶headers ~ for headers
#❀ ۫ ͡ ︶transparents ~ for transparents
#❀ ۫ ͡ ︶userboxes ~ for userboxes
#❀ ۫ ͡ ︶names ~ for name ideas
#❀ ۫ ͡ ︶users ~ for username ideas
#❀ ۫ ͡ ︶subs ~ for subliminals
#❀ ۫ ͡ ︶coining ~ for coining terms
#❀ ۫ ͡ ︶flag ~ for flag designs
#❀ ۫ ͡ ︶peachy ~ for talking^^
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these have been kept fairly straightforward for your convenience (๑>◡<๑)
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ocombatente · 5 months
Pioneiros do tiro esportivo de Rondônia recebem Medalha do Mérito Legislativo
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No último sábado (23), o deputado estadual Pedro Fernandes (PRD) homenageou dois experientes atletas do tiro esportivo do estado de Rondônia. Elton Krajewski e o tenente PM Sidnei Silva foram agraciados com a Medalha do Mérito Legislativo do Estado de Rondônia. Essa medalha representa uma forma de agradecimento aos dois instrutores de tiro, que também são pioneiros nesse esporte no estado. A solenidade de entrega ocorreu durante a abertura oficial do X Campeonato Rondoniense de Handgun e CCP, realizado no Clube de Tiro de Ariquemes (CTAR) pela Federação Rondoniense de Tiro Desportivo (FRTD). Durante a homenagem, Pedro destacou que esta é a mais alta honraria concedida pela Assembleia Legislativa do Estado de Rondônia, aprovada por unanimidade pelos deputados estaduais. “Esta é nossa forma de reconhecer o serviço prestado por Elton e pelo tenente Sidnei. Seu trabalho, empenho e perseverança no esporte incentivaram muitos novos atletas a entrar no mundo do tiro”, destacou o deputado. Elton Krajewski, um dos homenageados, expressou sua gratidão pelo reconhecimento, lembrando que seu empenho em prol do esporte e na quebra de paradigmas começou em 2012. “Estamos celebrando a décima edição do Campeonato de Tiro Prático Rondônia e Acre. É um orgulho ver o quanto cresceu e ainda tem muito potencial para expansão”, agradeceu. O tenente Sidnei Silva relembrou os desafios iniciais que ele e Elton enfrentaram e como superaram dificuldades para elevar o tiro esportivo de Rondônia a outro patamar, tornando-se hoje um motivo de orgulho para todos, com o reconhecimento do deputado Pedro Fernandes e da Assembleia Legislativa de Rondônia. Pedro ressaltou que conhece o trabalho dos dois pioneiros no tiro esportivo, desde a fundação da Federação até o contínuo engajamento em incentivar, ensinar e competir. Ambos participam frequentemente de competições nacionais e já representaram o país na delegação brasileira no Pan-Americano nos Estados Unidos. “Sinto-me honrado por prestar esta homenagem”, disse o deputado. Gleisson Palharin, presidente da FRTD, reconheceu o pioneirismo dos homenageados pela Medalha do Mérito Legislativo do Estado de Rondônia. “Deputado, muito obrigado por esse reconhecimento. Realmente, eles são pioneiros e incentivadores do tiro de norte a sul do estado e no Acre”, ressaltou, lembrando ainda que o esporte, apesar das críticas de quem não o conhece, promove um ambiente familiar e de união, livre de confusões e brigas. O deputado também mencionou as dificuldades que o setor tem enfrentado devido à política nacional do Governo Federal e se colocou à disposição para colaborar e dialogar com os parlamentares federais, buscando apoio para a causa. “Conheço as dificuldades que o tiro esportivo enfrenta e, por isso, estou à disposição, por meio do meu gabinete, para cobrar dos nossos parlamentares federais apoio à causa”, finalizou o deputado Pedro Fernandes. Texto: Assessoria Parlamentar Fonte: Assembleia Legislativa de RO Read the full article
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ocombatenterondonia · 6 months
Pedro Fernandes recebe medalha Marechal Rondon do tiro desportivo de Rondônia
Durante sua presença na abertura do X Campeonato Rondoniense de Handgun e CCP, ocorrida no sábado (23) no Clube de Tiro de Ariquemes (CTAR), o deputado estadual Pedro Fernandes (PRD) foi homenageado pela Federação Rondoniense de Tiro Desportivo (FRTD) em reconhecimento ao seu apoio ao esporte em Rondônia. A recém-criada Medalha de Honra ao Mérito Marechal Rondon foi entregue ao deputado pelo…
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shokorohandmade · 3 years
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Celestial Gold Necklace for women
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raibieswhimsy · 4 years
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When I first started this book, I could barely pay attention to it. I tried and tried but I was so bored by the Beauty and the Beast storyline and how the characters seemed predictable... and then I picked it up nearly a year later and could not, for the life of me, put it down. I read it within a day, unable to tear my eyes away as Maas created this beautiful, terrifying realm and characters who weren't as predictable as I once thought. What started as a cliché fairytale turned into a wild adventure where I fell in love with the characters one by one and couldn't wait to get my hands on the next book. Feyre is who I see in the mirror, afraid but confident, Tamlin is who I aspire to be in a bad situation, calm and collected, Rhys is who I am, cocky and sassy, willing to fight for what I need. Every character is flawed, every characters had a separate journey and I want to see it to the end with them. #ACourtofThornsandRoses #ACourtofThorns&Roses #CourtofThornsandRoses #CTaR #SarahJMaas #MaasSarah #fairies #thefey #fantasy #YAfiction #ya #youngadult #books #book #bookstagram #yalit #yaliterature #read #reading #love #romance #dark #secrets #powers #sacrifice #hate #lovetriangle #forbidden https://www.instagram.com/p/CLl-g-RHRm-ZauxO2SG077c2QgCfMkrMigreNw0/?igshid=piwhdjjvtlex
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appleitself · 3 months
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Welcome, citizens of Ever After ⋆౨ৎ˚⟡˖₊˚⊹
I am your loving princess, Apple White, but you may also call The Fairest One Myrette ⟡ The Princess uses they/voi/love pronouns! Remember to read Ever After’s laws before interacting! The Future Ruler is positively charmed to meet everyone here ⊹ ᡣ𐭩 • ˚⋅
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Titles જ⁀➴ᥫ᭡⊹₊ ⋆
These are your Princess’ titles! Please use them, if we are non-moots The Beloved One far prefers you use titles over names ~
Princess, The/My Beloved One, The/My Fairest One, Your/My Grace, The/My Sweethearted One, The/My White Wolf, They/Voi/Love Who Radiates Love, The/My Perfect One, The/My Future Ruler
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Identity જ⁀➴ᥫ᭡⊹₊ ⋆
Gender Identity
Your Princess is Gendervoid! Love also uses the term ‘Trans’ or ‘Transgender’ to describe voidself, but not nonbinary!
The White Wolf is AroAce and Fictoromantic/qp/platonic! If you are wondering about The Perfect One’s f/os you can find a list here and no! Apple White of EAH is not one of them!
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Credits જ⁀➴ᥫ᭡⊹₊ ⋆
My header, icon, and all dividers are by @n-ctars ! Using screencaps from Ever After High. A princess always knows how to look absolutely spelltacular!
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dailyixing · 7 years
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170908: Planters Fanmeet | CTAR
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ego-ask-s · 7 years
Lol well this happened
So, it's almost midnight and I was talking to @egoimagines when I misspelled crap as ctar... I swear this should be a thing now just like "holy ctar" or "well this is complete ctar" XDDD... am I gonna regret this post in the morning? Probably not lmao.
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theimmortalmortal · 4 years
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Deep space nine is proof that Star Trek is a soap opera in space. <3 
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