#ct lindsay
lindsayarchive · 2 years
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cthedden: the #rumors are true. @csiriano ate. SWIPE. Duh.
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radiantrookie · 29 days
VA's in both Red vs Blue and RWBY
Lindsay Jones:
Ruby Rose
Red vs Blue:
Vanessa Kimball
Chain Girl
Female Simmons
Arryn Zech:
Blake Belladonna
Red vs Blue:
Dr Emily Grey
Barbara Dunkelman:
Yang Xiao Long
Red vs Blue:
Katie Jensen
Caboose's mental image of Donut (Season 14)
Bonus: Mama Boomstick (Death battle)
Miles Luna:
Jaune Arc
Red vs Blue:
Felix (Isaac Gates)
Johnson MacGruff
Sigma (Restoration)
Lavernius Tucker (Save the Date PSA and Season 12 Teaser Trailer)
Franklin Delano Donut (Season 11: S.O.S.)
Jen Brown:
Pyrrha Nikos
Lisa Lavender
Red vs Blue:
Agent Carolina
Malcom's Mom
Samantha Ireland:
Nora Valkyrie
Red vs Blue:
CT (Connie)
Burnie Burns:
Taiyang Xiao Long
Red vs Blue:
Leonard Church (Alpha/Epsilon)
Lopez the Heavy
The Warthog
Red Zealot
Yellow Church
Omega AI
Theta AI
Shannon McCormick:
Red vs Blue:
Agent Washington (David)
Lopez 2.0 (Dos.O)
Agent Iowa (Mike)
Kathleen Zuelch:
Glynda Goodwitch
Red vs Blue:
Agent Texas (Tex/Allison)
Joel Heyman:
Bartholomew Oobleck
Red vs Blue:
Michael J Caboose
Gray G. Haddock:
Roman Torchwick
Red vs Blue:
Locus (Samuel Ortez)
Donald Doyle
Ryan Haywood:
Peter Port
Red vs Blue:
John Elizabeth Andersmith
Diesel (Originally)
Kerry Shawcross:
Neptune Vasilias
Floyd the Geist
Pyke Rite
Red vs Blue:
Charles Palomo
Agent Utah
Agent Georgia
Michael Jones:
Sun Wukong
Red vs Blue:
Chain Guy
B.B. Ghanoush
Ashley Burns:
Coco Adel
Red vs Blue:
Female Lopez
Female Church
Elizabeth Maxwell:
Winter Schnee
Little Weiss'
Red vs Blue:
Agent Ohio (Vera)
Anna Hullum:
Raven Branwen
Red vs Blue:
Female Sarge
Dylan Andrews (Restoration)
Shane Newville:
Russel Thrush
Atlesian Knight-130
Red vs Blue:
Gavin Free:
Scarlet David
Red vs Blue:
Pounder McJones
Maggie Tominey:
Melanie Malachite
Miltia Malachite
Red vs Blue:
Female Donut
Jessica Nigiri:
Cinder Fall
Red vs Blue:
Simmons's Pink Lieutenant
Katie Newville:
Emerald Sustrai
Red vs Blue:
Jen Taylor:
Edit: Thanks to @joltning for telling me about Agent Utah and Agent Georgia
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saltygilmores · 14 days
Thoughts While Watching Gilmore Girls-Season 3, Episode 12. “Lorelai Out Of Water” Part 3
Lorelai woke Rory up at 5am so she could be awake to meet Alex before their fishy date. Okay, understandable. Alex is an angel. Meeting him is absofuckinglutely worth a five am wake up. Look alive, Rory Gil! You're in the presence of greatness.
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Hello, my darling fishy boy. They're so flippin cute.
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That is some robe you got there Gilmore. Very cute.
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YES ALEX I WILL MARRY YOU! Ahem. I mean, you should marry him Lorelai. Don't let the wormhole get him. Cut to later that day at a Korean Wedding. Dom Daddy Dave thinks Lane looks pretty in her dress. That's about it.
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Well, that's nice of you Lane, but just like so many other utterances, this one comes with a big fat asterik. A nice fat juicy BUT.
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Before she and Jess became an item, she was all Rah Rah Shishboombah Yay Jess, then they start dating and now she's bored and has no problem throwing Jess under the bus like in so many of Milo Ventimiglia's fantasies. SELF COUNTERPOINT: Two years of trying to defend Jess to people who distrust him for a myriad of nonsense reasons has worn her the fuck out. SELF COUNTERPOINT COUNTERPOINT: Rory is maturing enough to not care about other people's opinions? No, no, that doesn't sound right. Lane then sheepishly admits that she was full of hot air and didn't actually mean she was happy for them. This is coming from someone who propped Dean up on the regular for years so I don't take her opinion on other people's men seriously anyway. Rory didn’t even like Dean.
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It's still never made completely clear WHY Lane doesn't like Jess. Is this still about the car accident? This is definitely still about the car accident. Rory: You like Smashing Pumpkins and I don't. Lane: That's just because you're close minded and blind. If DDD is Lane's Smashing Pumpkins then Jess is what band to Rory? Show your work. Use a number two pencil.
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Okay miss I Must Protect My Besty. Where were you the last 3 years while Dean was stalking, manipulating and emotionally abusing your besty?
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Mm hmm. That's right. Sit down. To no one's freaking surprise, Lane does not give one single example of what she is protecting Rory from.
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This quadruple date would create a Swirling Vortex of Dorkdom the likes of which had never been seen before. SELF COUNTERPOINT: Keg Max? No, no. We don't talk about Keg Max. Lane then regales Rory with the story of a Korean couple, a story in which the wife endures years of verbal abuse from her husband, and being ordered to cook his meals. She snaps and attempts to skin her husband alive with a carrot peeler. He survived and they are still married and also, he's somehow the victim in this tale.
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The Beaver here only escaped death by carrot peeler because our hero Rory Gilmore swooped in and destroyed his marriage just in the nick of time. And because Lindsay just couldn’t perfect the right ratio of arsenic to meatloaf.
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I went to look up this episode's air date to see if Jess' ugly sweater was weather appropriate and learned that this episode aired in January 2003. STAY WITH ME HERE? Okay? The show is more or less on a close timeline. Jess is dressed appropriately, if dorkily, but someone should probably check on Alex and Lorelai. Because I looked up the temperature in Hartford on January 28th, 2003. At 5am on January 28th, 2003 in Hartford, CT it was negative four degrees. By 5pm that day, the temperature had risen to a toasty 21 degrees. I mean, Lorelai did concieve Rory on a balcony in the middle of January. It was a toasty 30 degrees at 8pm on January 10th, 1984, a roughly estimated date that she would have bumped uglies with Christopher to concieve Rory. She clearly doesn't mind a frozen wiener. If you want to continue with the weather funsies, here's the website I used. https://www.wunderground.com/history ANYWAY? Luke sees Nicole outside speaking to Taylor and appears all at once concerned, suspicious and smitten (smitten with Nicole. Not Taylor. But also Taylor). Susmitten? Nicole is Luke's Smashing Pumpkins.
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Awkward flirting ensues. Luke smiles and giggles stupidly and fumbles his words in a way that we have seen, like, never. We learn that Luke charges 75 cents for a cup of coffee. How quaint. If the Gilmores actually tipped anyone and tipped a healthy 20% that would be a whole...15 cents per cup in Jess' pocket. I mean, they do drink a lot of Folgers, those nickels and dimes could really add up over time. After working for a few days he might be able to afford a pack of baseball cards. But they don't tip, so this is all a made up fictional story. ANYWAY.
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Me, sighing wearily, with the Gift (Burden) of Hindsight™: Don't do it, man.
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Look at this doofwad. More Korean wedding boredom, nothing happens. Rory can't come to the boring wedding reception of some Korean couple she doesn't even know because she has a date with Jess and of course this bothers Lane, mildly anyway. It's been established that Rory has dutifully attended dozens of these weddings of complete strangers in Lane's family since childhood, for some reason, and this is presumably the last one. She's paid her dues. Lane invites Rory to invite Jess to the wedding reception. He had to be cajoled into going to a fun carnival. I think he would rather cut off his own pinky or tell the police where he buried the bodies than go to a wedding reception of one of Lane's relatives, a Lane who for all he knows at this point thinks he's the scum of the earth. Lane realizes this was a stupid idea. I think it's funny that Lane tells Rory "Tell Jess hi for me." Doesn't he sit behind you in class girl? Lane at school the next day: Hi Jess. Jess: Hey. Mama Kim then tries to set Lane up with some other boy to take her to the prom, while DDD is standing nearby. So Lane gathers her courage and tries to plead her case to Mama Kim and admits she has a crush on Dom Daddy Dave.
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It would be so funny if she said Jess instead of Dave. Poor Mrs Kim though. Died of a heart attack so young.
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Whomp whomp.
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The show's fish budget must have swelled in just a few episodes, because they managed to wrangled one very much living, breathing fish. Compared to just a few episodes prior, when we had Finding Zeemo:
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Lorelai appears to have survived hypothermia although its possible she's not admitting to Rory that she lost a few toes. She somehow managed to catch a fish in negative four degree weather. Alex presumably did not question Lorelai’s motives and helped her pack up this live fish, which survived the sub zero temperatures, so she could bring it back to her home where she would dump the poor doomed creature into her tub. A third date with Alex is a go. While the exact fate of the bathtub fish is unclear, much like Lorelai and Alex's relations ship...or Lane and Dave's relationship...or Jess and Rory's relationship...and Luke and Nicole's relationship...or Dean's relationship with Lindsay's carrot peeler... its fate is certain to be a grim one.
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kk095 · 1 year
Hannah’s Head Injury
Hannah Dansby was a 28 year old web+app developer. She was the cute, shy, nerdy type who had shoulder length brown hair, green eyes, and stood at 5’6 with a slim build. Sadly, Ms Dansby was brought into our emergency department recently after sustaining blunt head trauma in a high speed collision.
The young lady laid on a backboard in a c-collar. She was intubated, had EKG electrodes on her chest, and IV lines going in both arms. She had a large seatbelt shaped bruise across the front of her chest, while there was a large laceration above her right eyebrow. On the side of her head above her right ear, you could see an accumulation of blood soaking her hair in that general area, with some blood droplets coming out of the right ear. Hannah’s eyes were wide open upon arrival even though she was intubated, and was actively convulsing while medics Stephanie and Tracy wheeled her into the trauma bay. Hannah’s toes scrunched at the other end of the gurney, showing off the fresh black nail polish and the cute, prominent wrinkles in the soles of her size 8 feet. “28 year old female, restrained driver in a high speed MVC. Intubated en route, vitals all over the place. Started seizing just as we pulled into here.” Medic Stephanie tells the trauma team, giving them a quick summary of what to expect. “ok, let’s transfer her on my count. One… two… THREE!” Dr Lindsay ordered.
Hannah was transferred onto the trauma room table underneath the large overhead light. “Push a unit of ativan, and run stat trauma labs. Page radiology, I’d like to get a head CT sooner rather than later.” Lindsay barked out to the members of her trauma team. Nurse Nancy pushed the dose of the anticonvulsants and drew the trauma labs. Dr Lindsay shined a pen light in Hannah’s eyes, revealing her pupils were fixed and dilated. “well, she’s already braindead. What a shame.” Dr Lindsay announced, shaking her head. “she might be a good organ donor. But don’t let transplant surgery know just yet. We don’t need them hovering over this poor girl like a vulture.” Dr Jose added. “amen to that.” Nurse Nancy replied in agreement.
The ativan took effect and stopped Hannah’s seizure. However, Hannah’s heart also stopped. “damn it, someone start compressions!” Dr Lindsay shouted while taking a look at the monitors. Hannah’s eyes remained wide open, staring expressionlessly across the room while Dr Jose started pumping away at her chest. His compressions were intense and forceful, causing Hannah’s chest to cave in and her belly to ripple out. Her small, perky breasts jiggled and one arm hung off the side of the table, bobbing and lolling around. Blood shot out of her right ear in sync with each individual compression. What happened was the temporal bone of her skull became partially displaced and slashed open the temporal artery within the subarachnoid space. A lot of blood in such a small space is always bad, so the pressure inside her skull built up rather quickly, squeezing her brain, causing her brain death, and the only way out for the excess blood was through the ear canal.
“Epi and atropine in Linds” nurse Heather called out. “ok, I’ve got v-fib on the monitors. Charge the paddles to 250” Dr Lindsay called out. The paddles were charged, gelled, and pressed up against Hannah’s bare chest, and a shock was delivered as soon as Jose stood clear. KA-THUNK. The young woman’s broken body tensed up and flopped for a moment. “no pulse, recharge to 300.” Dr Lindsay called out, placing 2 fingers on Hannah’s neck for a carotid pulse. The defibs were readied, and shock #2 was delivered. Hannah’s feet kicked around on the other end of the table in response to the shock, wrinkling the soles of her feet. “She’s still in v-fib. Charge to 360.” Dr Jose ordered, closely looking at the heart monitor. The third shock caused Hannah’s chest to shoot up and her back to arch, while her eyes remained wide open, looking almost as if she was watching the team as they coded her.
A fourth shock was delivered shortly after, sending Hannah into PEA. Nurse Heather took over chest compressions this time, and the next doses of epinephrine and atropine were pushed into the young lady’s IV line. Medics Stephanie and Tracy stood behind the yellow line in the trauma room still watching the code. “what a shame.” Stephanie says, knowing how this code is going to play out. “yeah, I hope they find the SOB that hit her. Someone on scene said it was a hit and run.” Tracy replies. Tracy and Stephanie’s conversation is interrupted for a moment. “excuse me, coming through.” A female voice said. Sure enough, it was Dr Amy, the hospital’s transplant surgeon. “hey, is this the head trauma patient? I need an A+ liver for a hemochromatosis patient and a kidney for a little girl.” Dr Amy says, forgoing any greetings or any social graces associated with conversation. “ugh. Amy. Can this girl just die in peace?” a frustrated Dr Lindsay replies. “I know you have your patients to look out for, but I have mine to look out for. This beautiful girl woke up this morning not knowing it was gonna be her last day, and I wanna at least try for her.” Dr Lindsay added, trying to reason with the transplant surgeon. “alright, just try to make it quick so I can get the ORs ready.” Dr Amy replied, more or less disregarding Dr Lindsay’s heartfelt reply before walking out of the trauma room. “wow what a bitch.”  Medic Tracy said, surprised at the exchange that took place.
Hannah converted back to a shockable rhythm, so the paddles were charged to 360, gelled, and pressed back up against the patient’s bare chest. Hannah’s body jolted violently in response to the shock, but v-fib displayed on the monitors. “hit her again at 360. Everyone… CLEAR!” Dr Lindsay shouted, pressing the paddles onto Hannah’s bare chest. KA-THUNK. “no change, shocking again. Everyone stand clear!” Lindsay barked out. Hannah’s body thrashed around on the table for a brief moment before going limp again, but she was still in v-fib. Lindsay shocked her again, causing a quick, but violent reaction out of Hannah. This time, the monitors went completely flat. “asystole…” Dr Jose said in a defeated tone. Lindsay let out a sigh, and placed the defib paddles back on the crash cart. She started to peel her gloves off, making the dreaded announcement. “time of death, 4:07pm.”
The ambu bag was detached from the ET tube and the flatlined monitors were switched off. Nurse Nancy gently shut Hannah’s eyes for the last time, while nurse Heather started disconnecting the EKG electrodes. “let Amy know. I’m sure she’ll be thrilled…” an upset Dr Lindsay said, heading out of the room.
Hannah’s organs were able to be successfully extracted and were credited for saving 3 different lives. Unfortunately, the alleged hit and run driver that killed her has yet to be located by law enforcement. If you have any information regarding this incident, please reach out to the authorities.
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frazzledsoul · 9 months
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netmassimo · 11 months
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An article published in the journal "Scientific Reports" offers new information on the sensory capabilities of the Thescelosaurus neglectus, a small dinosaur that lived just before the great extinction that wiped out non-avian dinosaurs at the end of the Cretaceous period. Paleontologists David Button and Lindsay Zanno submitted a Thescelosaurus skull to a CT scan to reconstruct its interior to create a 3D representation of its brain and inner ear. The conclusion is that this species had some very developed senses, useful for living in burrows.
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daysinayear2015 · 19 days
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Day 244: August 31, 2024
Gene + Lindsay's wedding. Thompson, CT.
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cool-davenport-fl · 10 months
Alta Citron in Davenport, FL
The presence of Alta Citron in the city is exciting. Since it has remarkable luxury apartments Davenport location for rent these days, you can easily find an amazing apartment unit. Well, it’s perfect for those who want to live in a comfortable apartment unit for rent at present. The said place has amazing community amenities. It includes Social Lounge, Smart Package Center + Mailroom, Clubhouse + Coffee Bar, 24-Hour Fitness Studio, Spin Center with Fitness on Demand Screened Lanai Lounge, Expansive Conference Rooms, We-Work Spaces, Pool Pavilion + Outdoor Kitchen, Pet Spa, On-Site Maintenance, Grilling Stations, Fire Pit, Free Weights, Dog Park, Detached Garages, Resort-Style Pool, and more.
Davenport, FL
In preparing an itinerary, it’s significant to check out online articles. In case of searching pre-scheduled events in Davenport, FL area, it is essential to check Eventbrite posts. For example, it’s posted on their website that there will be Christmas Winter Festival- Kissimmee this coming Saturday, December 9, 2023, at around 10:00 AM at Florida Technical College. Besides, the Women in Real Estate Networking event is scheduled on Friday, November 17, 2023, at around 5:00 PM at Barrel 239, 3rd Street Southwest, Winter Haven, FL, USA. Lastly, you can also attend the Citrus: Past, Present, and Future activity this coming Thursday, December 7, 2023, at around 10:00 AM at Mackay Gardens and Lakeside.
USA Water Ski & Wake Sports Foundation Hall of Fame Museum
The USA Water Ski & Wake Sports Foundation Hall of Fame Museum is famous in Davenport, FL. Well, the said place wants to spread the love of water skiing and all towed water sports around the United States and the world. Aside from that, the most inspiring and accomplished members of their sport are honored annually in the USA Water Ski & Wake Sports Hall of Fame Induction Ceremony. Moreover, preserving their history is one of their core missions. In addition, the USA Water Ski & Wake Sports Museum inside the Visit Central Florida Visitor's Center celebrates the very best of towed water sports during the past 100 years.
Lindsay Davenport will be the next US captain for the Billie Jean King Cup
There are many interesting news reports in Davenport, FL location. In a recent news article, the topic was about Lindsay Davenport. Reportedly, as Lindsay Davenport gets set to take over as the U.S. captain for Billie Jean King Cup, she thinks back to what she called “the most amazing” of her three championships as a player in the team competition. Besides, it was in 1999, back when the event was still known as the Fed Cup, and King was the Americans’ captain. Moreover, Davenport helped beat Russia in the final with newly crowned U.S. Open champion Serena Williams, then just 17, and Venus Williams.
Link to maps
USA Water Ski & Wake Sports Foundation Hall of Fame Museum 101 Adventure Ct, Davenport, FL 33837, United States Head southwest toward Adventure Ct 174 ft Turn right toward Adventure Ct 82 ft Turn left onto Adventure Ct 39 ft Turn right onto Graystone Blvd 0.2 mi Turn right at the 1st cross street onto Heller Brothers Blvd 0.1 mi Turn left at the 1st cross street onto Home Run Blvd Destination will be on the right 423 ft Alta Citron 3020 Base Blvd, Davenport, FL 33837, United States
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dr-lindsay-clark · 11 months
Dr. Lindsay Clark - A Clinical Expert
Dr. Lindsay Clark always treats their patients by showing them their radio graphs, MRI's and CT scans and clarifying their results so as to work best course of action.
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truck-fump · 11 months
Lindsay Graham: <b>Trump</b> Praising Hezbollah Was a 'Huge Mistake' - Rolling Stone
New Post has been published on https://www.google.com/url?rct=j&sa=t&url=https://www.rollingstone.com/politics/politics-news/lindsay-graham-trump-hezbollah-huge-mistake-1234854725/&ct=ga&cd=CAIyGjUzM2UwMTY5ZmFhZTIwMGQ6Y29tOmVuOlVT&usg=AOvVaw3sv4KxFWLz_Ml1mOGjGyrh
Lindsay Graham: Trump Praising Hezbollah Was a 'Huge Mistake' - Rolling Stone
Sen. Lindsay Graham called Donald Trump’s praise of Hezbollah and disparaging remarks about Israeli President Benjamin Netanyahu “a huge mistake.”
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mitchbeck · 1 year
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wallvideos · 1 year
Note the 6 min CSPAN video. The first 2mins by Sen Graham should be proof we are heading to war soon. But what Richard Blumenthal (D-CT) says at the 4:58 mark is PROOF they are threatening Russia.
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biglisbonnews · 2 years
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What You Missed at New York Fashion Week (According to Linux) This is What You Missed Last Month (According To Linux), in which nightlife it-girl Linux takes us behind the velvet rope and into the VIP section of Scene-City. Through her extreme (sometimes exaggerated) lens, Linux gives us the tea on what really happened at every party-of-the-century that floods our Instagram feeds. (A note from the author: don’t take what she says too seriously — she’s just a club kid after all).They say, “all’s fair in love and war,” which must be why each February all New Yorkers’ rules of candor are tossed into the trash. What are the odds that the two most brutal yearly happenings, Fashion Week and Valentine’s Day, happen in the same month? How on Earth does one balance the two? Not so fast investing all your energy into securing a mans for that candle-lit dinner at The Nines — you’ve got a Vogue party to go to! Good luck dedicating your paycheck to buying your new lover some diamonds — you’ve also got to go to Loewe and buy your own look for their party you’re crashing. (We all know the PR girl who sent you the flyer at the afters last week is never texting you back, in fact she’s probably fired by now!) The only foolproof way for an it-kid to garner triumph in February’s affairs of love and war is simple: Throw those morals right out the window! Have to text your besties nemesis who handles reservations at Indochine? She won’t forgive you, but at least you’ll have an entree to IG-Story on the 14th! Do you so badly want to go to the [Redacted Cancelled Fashion Designer] show but you’re worried about your reputation? Diet Prada posts ten times a day, this too shall pass!And don’t worry, my curious readers. While the despicable Socialites and Fashionistas of 10001 spent 28 days backstabbing and trampling over one another towards victory in love & war... your favorite journalist (me!) tagged along. All month I lurked in the shadows, disguised as the scenesters we love to hate, and quietly attended each and every New York happening. As a servant of truth, I’ve brewed all the tea that went down at these scandalous hotspots... and honey: it’s scalding! Rest assured that I, Linux, the New York Downtown It-Girl, am nothing like them… I’m one of you! I didn’t even want to be at these mega-fabulous celebrity-filled parties. This was all for… uh… research purposes! February 9: Christian Siriano See on Instagram Every New York Fashion Month starts with a visit from Christian Siriano. We know it, we expect it, we love it. Project Runway star Christian Siriano invited the who’s who of who’s left to Gotham Hall to show off his Fall 2023 collection. I could tell you all about the floral fashions that stomped down his runway but I know you’re really here for the front row! I was plopped next to the usual Nightlife/Fashion Crew, seated next to queens like Gottmik and CT and nightlife cool kids Leigh Lezark, Austin Smith and Ty Sunderland. After the NY-C-List got settled in, a swam of flashing photographers around a redhead at the entrance alerted all of us that the real stars had arrived. Taking a closer look, we realized it was none other than Lindsay Lohan. Yes... Lindsay Lohan! What a gag. After millions of photographs, Lindsay was quickly escorted to her seat next to us where we all one by one whispered to one another “omg…I can’t believe... Lindsay Lohan!” After the Hollywood legend sat down and her show ended, the fashion show began. New York legend Dianne Brill, however, did not make it to her seat in time, but all of Gotham Hall got to admire her head-to-toe ensemble and self-emblazoned “BRILL” clutch from our seats.After the final look came down the runway and the crowd applauded for Christian, we piled into a Siriano Sprinter van and headed to the afterparty at the Edition Times Square. There, Gottmik performed something Y2K (this was a month ago, how should I remember?) and Ty Sunderland DJ’d something even more Y2K. Somehow hours went by and by 8 PM I was on the Edition terrace in Times Square drunk out of my mind chain-smoking with Lindsay Lohan and a bunch of talent managers. No matter how many jokes I told... I did not get a gig! (But Lindsay did laugh.)February 10: Dion Lee AfterpartyIf anyone in the scene is an enigma wrapped in a riddle and cash, it’s Dion Lee. The Australian designer was first introduced to me in my Bushwick home at one of my many COVID-era raves. Since meeting, I’ve seemed to run into him anywhere the BPM passes 140; at too-cool hotspots such as Unter, the green rooms at Basement or the 10 AM yurt afters at Nowadays. It’s easy to find him around — that is, besides during Fashion Week. I reached out, as I do every season, to attend his show and afterparty to no avail. After weeks of radio silence, I finally took the hint that it was a big N-O. Most with a speck of pride would give up... but honey, I am more than a chimp with a typewriter. I am Linux and this is The Nightlife Bible. The only thing that will without fail get my party-crashing ass to attend an event is telling me I can’t go! I’m sure my invite just got lost in the mail. On Fashion Week Friday, Dion Lee invited everyone (besides me!) to Boom Boom Room to celebrate his Fall 2023 show. Everyone in NYC with a functioning ketamine habit pooled into the Standard Hotel elevators and up to the top floor to party with the designer. If you’re a routine reader of mine (as I’m sure you are) then you’ve come along with me to countless events at this venue. If you’re new here: it’s where Solange and Jay-Z got in that fight! But what made this night different from most at Boom Boom Room was that, instead of being filled with LA celebrities or the entire Vogue office, the congregation mainly consisted of Bushwick ravers and transgender Parisian supermodels. Simply put: the crowd was cunt. The room was packed, but thankfully there was no wait at the open bar, as most attendees were likely dosing GHB. Around midnight, the bartenders began clearing the unused bar, which hinted that whoever was about to perform would be converting it to something with more value: a stage. Finally, as the music cut off and we heard her iconic voice, the secret show was revealed to be Azealia Banks. In seconds, the most talented person to come out of New York City hopped onto the bar in a two-piece army green number and began performing for us. One thing about Dion Lee is he will always align himself with talent, and Banks rapping at his afterparty was no exception. By the end of “New Bottega,” the tranquilizer crowd did their best to applaud, and the K-gods spoke to me in my thoughts, letting me know it was time to go. In fact, by 2 AM I don’t know if anyone there even knew where they were! Kudos to Dion for throwing a fashion week party that only I will probably remember. All I could keep thinking to myself that night was, All these people got invited and not me? But as I write this now, I am immediately reminded that it’s because I write party reviews like this!February 11: Honey Dijon Teksupport See on Instagram There’s nothing I love more than going to a non-Fashion Week party smack-dab in the middle of Fashion Week. Long-running production team Teksupport is no stranger to throwing killer parties. For as long as I can remember, Teksupport has been one of the few bumpin’ bashes for breeders this city has to offer. For a full week in February, Teksupport put together a lineup of iconic DJ’s including Diplo, Bedouin and Honey Dijon. Out of those three, the standout evening was easily that which belonged to Honey Dijon. The event took place at The Glasshouse, an innovative venue boasting floor-to-ceiling windows and unobstructed 360-degree views of the Manhattan skyline. The city was especially excited to see Dijon as this was the fashion-icon and DJ’s first New York appearance since being awarded a Grammy for her part in Beyoncé’s Renaissance. I had hundreds of Fashion Week things going on that day, but that didn’t stop me from arriving promptly at 11 PM. I was quickly reminded just how straight Teksupport parties are. Thankfully, however, Honey Dijon was in the building to save us all. For two hours, Mother played her best heavy-hitting house for the thousands of attendees on the top floor of The Glasshouse. Dijon’s talent combined with Teksupport’s otherworldly skill in lighting and sound made for the ultimate New York night to remember. Needless to say, it was the best homecoming a girl could ask for... Honey Dijon said so herself!February 15: Paul's Dolls' One-Year See on Instagram After 52 weeks straight of throwing a party meant for the girls, gays and theys, the night had finally come to celebrate a whole goddamn year of my weekly party: Paul’s Dolls. I remember when I first spoke to you, my fabulous readers, about Paul’s Dolls last spring. At that point, I had only the slightest idea of what this party could become. Wednesday after Wednesday I joined forces with the most notable New York kids to help bring this night to life... and girl did it work! At Paul Sevigny’s nightclub Paul’s Casablanca in the heart of Hudson Square, everyone who’s anyone got together to celebrate my baby turning one. I think what this city loves so much about Dolls is it isn’t too stuffy or uptight. To so many, this night could only be described as a Weekly Downtown House Party. When a Drag Race girl is in town? They go to Paul’s Dolls. When Fashion House is in town? (Mugler, I’m looking at you!) They go to Paul’s Dolls. Bitch, even fucking Snooki goes to Paul’s Dolls! Somehow the vibe is so correct that you totally forget you’re at a bitchy nightlife menace’s ego-stroke! So with that, I’d like to end this month with something different: a thank-you. Every week you’ve managed to show up and show out at my very first solo weekly, and I’ve been moved. Seeing your glittering faces each week at Paul’s Dolls and experiencing such a magical night with you all so often is a total honor. When it comes to Paul’s Dolls I know one thing’s for certain... you definitely didn’t miss it! Photography and styling: Airik Prince Art direction: Chris Correa Dress and gloves: Christian CowanShoes: Pissy PussyScarf: Adrienne LanduaGlasses: Smiley GoodsJewelry: Heart of Bone https://www.papermag.com/linux-what-you-missed-nyfw-2659607821.html
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On Sightings
For those who failed to watch the 5:30 pm game yesterday, the CCS has been dealt its lone loss so far by the super strong power
packed team of F2 Logistics. Final Score above. First two sets is won by CCS but the 3rd, 4th and 5th frame, the mighty volleys and wellplaced floor defense strategy of F2 clearly spells the difference.
This is the same F2 that have won a championship after the Laoag edition in which Cherry Tiggo have beaten CCS in the similar 5setter thriller at Laoag. It was still a pandemic alert period
that has been held in between strong rains and wetted floors that needs to be mapped and wait for it to dry before any play resumes. Because time flies and still another closed door game is held in Lipa City in which CCS prevailed over the CM titans still led by Kat Tolentino and Dianne Wong. Chocomucho won over the still winless UA Army team in the first game that saw CM parading a new coach after Oliver Almagro quits his job to focus more on the Ateneo Volley Program.
The CCS parading a veteran player in Basa just can't solve the puzzling floor defense of f2 and went on to lose the next three sets. The usual ToTs Carlos, Valdez, Domingo, Galanza, de Guzman plus Basa though similarly agressive against any other team finally
succumb to the much taller f2 still with Lindsay Stalzer, providing
the damage to the hapless CCS yesterday. With the addition of Phil Am volleybelle in Iris Tolenada plus the sterling performance of Middle blocker Kim Keanna Dy, CCS scored less than what they are usually producing in their previous games, With the monstrous and powerful return spikes of Kalei Mau , the zooming spikes of Valdez, Carlos and Galanza has finally been put under control by the floor defenses of f2. Dawn Macandili still in charge of the back court and with a new coach in BenBen, f2 is seen to be climbing and clawing itself back into contention and can really be considered as one of the serious contenders to see action along with CCS and Cherry Tiggo whose only loss is from the CCS team likewise. Only the PetroGazz Angels and ChocoMucho can be seen as a strong contender to possibly make it into the semis. This early the UA army and PLDT are at the top two bottom of the team standings, Game day is tomorrow Thursday at the Big Dome.
Yesterday also saw the Big Dome filled up to the capacity crowd close to 15,000 in attendance. The atmosphere feels like the shape of things to come in the semis where CCS and CT has allready gained their place.
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kk095 · 2 years
Morning Rush Hour
*here's a quick story I came up with. Hope you guys enjoy!*
A slow weekday morning turned busy seemingly out of nowhere when 2 patients were brought into the emergency department after being involved in a high speed car accident with each other. The trauma team split up- Dr Lindsay, nurse Nancy and nurse Heather would take one patient, while Dr Jose, nurse Ashley, and nurse Cara would take the other. The two teams donned their yellow trauma gowns, put on fresh gloves, and waited patiently for the ambulances to arrive.
Sure enough in the coming minutes, the first of the two patients arrived and we’re brought to the first trauma room where Dr Lindsay waited. Her patient would be Jen- a cute, petite, 33 year old Asian woman with shoulder length dark hair who worked as an assistant manager at a local bank. Jen arrived at the ER in full cardiac arrest. She laid on a backboard intubated, wearing a c-collar, her eyes half open with a dull, expressionless gaze. IV lines were sticking out of both arms, EKG electrodes were all over her chest, and her nude body was littered with cuts, bruises, and abrasions. From what the medics gathered, Jen had sustained major blunt trauma to the chest and abdomen from the deceleration force of the accident. The medics mentioned Jen had been down for 8 minutes, was defibrillated 3 times, and given 2 doses of epinephrine and atropine intravenously. With the medic’s quick rundown to the ER team, it was now up to Lindsay, Heather, and Nancy to resuscitate the cute, 33 year old bank manager. “alright, let’s transfer her on my count. One… two… THREE!” Dr Lindsay ordered. The monitors beeped loudly and frequently during the transfer since CPR was temporarily stopped. Nurse Heather resumed CPR, delivering deep, violent chest compressions on the petite woman.
While Dr Lindsay’s half of the trauma team began working passionately to save Jen, the second patient arrived. Patient #2 was Carly- a 21 year old community college student who stood at 5’9 with a tall, skinny build, had blue eyes and fair skin, electric blue hair with bangs, and had numerous tattoos and piercings. Carly laid on a backboard wearing a c-collar as well. She was awake, alert, and in tremendous pain. Carly had sustained an open femur fracture on her left leg, which was reduced and stabilized by the medics, while also having some bruising and swelling on her abdomen. Carly’s blood pressure was low and her heart rate was high, which was a clear indication of shock. She was transferred onto the trauma room table underneath the large overhead light, and Dr Jose began his initial examination of her. Since her vital signs showed evidence of shock, Dr Jose decided to hang 2 units of o-neg, 1 unit of platelets, and 1 unit of plasma. While palpating the bruised area of Carly’s abdomen, she winced in pain as the doctor felt that area. “abdomen is tender and rigid. Let’s get an ultrasound.” The doctor ordered. Nurse Ashley set up the ultrasound machine and squirted the gel onto Carly’s abdomen. Dr Jose grabbed the ultrasound wand and spread the gel around, taking a look at the monitor. “bleeding in the upper left quadrant. Probably a splenic lac. Let’s get her over to radiology for a CT scan of her abdomen and leg, then page surgery and Ortho, let’s keep them in the loop.” Dr Jose ordered. With that said, Carly was taken out of the ER and wheeled over to radiology by that half of the trauma team.
Meanwhile, Jen was still being coded violently in the neighboring trauma room. Lindsay discovered and left sided tension pneumothorax, so a chest tube was placed while Carly was being examined, but Jen still remained in full cardiac arrest. An echocardiogram showed cardiac tamponade, so Dr Lindsay decided to perform a pericardiocentesis. Dr Lindsay inserted an 18 gauge needle into the 6th intercostal space, and into the apex of Jen’s heart. Lindsay was met with intermittent aspiration of partially coagulated blood. She positioned the needle at a slightly different angle and carefully moved it a few millimeters further into the patient’s chest, finally obtaining more steady drainage from the site. Lindsay pulled back on the plunger of the needle, filling the body of the needle up with a rather large amount of blood quickly. Lindsay removed the needle and did an echocardiogram, which showed that blood was almost instantly re-entering the pericardium once again. “crap. Get me a thoracotomy tray, I need to open her up.” Dr Lindsay said, shaking her head. Jen’s chest was splashed with betadine and Dr Lindsay picked up a scalpel in anticipation of the first cut.
Over in radiology, Carly was receiving a CT scan. The leg portion of the CT scan showed that the femur only had one, albeit, large break, and didn’t have any impact on any surrounding structures such as nerves or blood vessels. The abdominal portion of the CT scan was performed with contrast to see if the source of Carly’s internal bleeding could be traced to a vessel, or if it was an injury to the spleen alone. The CT scan with contrast confirmed the spleen injury, but it also showed that the splenic artery was partially detached from the abdominal aorta. “page surgery, she needs to go up there asap.” Dr Jose says, looking at the scan. Once again, Carly was taken out of radiology and rushed over to a nearby elevator. Jose breaks the news to Carly about needing surgery. “surgery? What’s going on?! Am I gonna be ok?!” she asks nervously in response. “we need to get you up to surgery to fix your leg and the bleeding inside your belly. You’re gonna be in great hands- I promise!” Dr Jose tells Carly. The girl still seemed nervous, but she knew she didn’t have much of an option. She was shocked this was how her morning turned out anyway. She almost wished she was sitting in her boring algebra class instead of on a gurney in a hospital. “It’s gonna be ok. I’ll be ok. They know what they’re doing.” Carly thought to herself, attempting to calm her nerves. The elevator dinged and the door opened, and she was wheeled out. In a matter of what felt like a few seconds, she was in an operating room, being prepped for her upcoming surgery.
Back in the ER, Jen’s chest was cracked open. A vascular clamp was placed on the descending portion of the aorta, with one end of the clamp sticking out of her chest. The pericardium was incised and the tamponade was relieved, but there was an active bleed in Jen’s chest cavity that Lindsay couldn’t find for the life of her. The incision site filled with blood over and over again, requiring multiple attempts at suction. Lindsay wrapped her hands around Jen’s heart, pumping it forcefully with her own two hands. “come on…come on…” Lindsay said under her breath, looking down at Jen. Jen was pasty white, and her eyes were still half open, staring blankly at the ceiling. “v-fib on the monitors Linds” nurse Nancy called out. “ok. Charge the internal paddles to 20!” Lindsay ordered. The large, spoon shaped paddles were handed to Lindsay, and the first shock was delivered. A dull, wet thump was heard. Jen’s heart stopped for a few seconds, then began fluttering again. “still in v-fib, I’m gonna hit her again at 30.” Dr Lindsay called out. The 2nd shock caused Jen’s toes to curl, showing off the soft, silky wrinkles throughout the soles of her size 7 feet. “damn it, still nothing. Resuming internal compressions.” Lindsay said frustrated, reaching her hands back into Jen’s bloody mess of a chest cavity.
Up in the OR, Carly was prepped for surgery. She was sedated, intubated, and had a blue bouffant cap placed, which almost matched her hair color. Carly’s surgery would have 2 teams working side by side- an orthopedics team to focus on her femur fracture, while a trauma surgery team focused on removing the spleen and repairing the partially torn artery. Carly’s belly was coated in betadine and the opening cut was made. Her abdomen was accessed by a paramedian incision. This was a vertical cut a few centimeters to the left of the abdominal midline. The goal of this was to expose the spleen and the injured artery more easily. A conventional midline incision would be more difficult since more tissue would have to be retracted, and the rectus abdominis muscle would have to be separated, then put back together during closure. Upon entry to her abdomen, there wasn’t much blood loss. In the coming minutes, the stomach and surrounding tissues were retracted, and the spleen was able to be identified. Partial occlusion clamps were placed on the vasculature of the spleen to limit blood loss during the removal of the damaged organ.
Just as Carly’s surgery was getting started, Jen was still being coded back in the ER. “ok, shocking again at 30. Everyone clear!” Lindsay shouted, with the electric whirring of the internal paddles being heard. A dull, wet thunk was heard once the shock was delivered. Jen’s torso flopped in response while her eyes stared lifelessly off to the side. The blood soaked internal paddles were recharged to 30, and Lindsay shocked her patient again. Jen’s feet kicked up slightly, slamming back down in a millisecond, wrinkling the soles of her pretty feet. “still v-fib, shocking again.” Lindsay called out. The paddles were lowered back into Jen’s chest around her twitching heart, and the shock was delivered. The same wet ka-thunk was heard. Jen’s heart twitched and fluttered erratically for a few seconds before falling completely still. The monitors were flatlined, and Lindsay just stood there for a moment holding the internal paddles. She sighs, then puts the internal paddles back on the crash cart. “she’s gone. Time of death, 9:25am.” Lindsay says in a defeated tone, taking her bloody gloves off. The flatlined monitors were switched off and the ambu bag was detached from the ET tube. The EKG electrodes were disconnected from Jen’s chest and her eyes were gently shut for the final time. Her body was covered with a sheet, only leaving her toe tagged feet exposed, bringing a tragic end to her case. Nurse Heather went through Jen’s belongings that the medics brought in and saw that Jen’s phone was going nuts from her job. “hey Jen, hope everything’s ok. I heard there was a bad accident on 31 so take your time coming in today.” A female voice on one of the messages said, completely oblivious to the fact that Jen was the one in said accident, and just had her time of death called. Heather shook her head, “wow… we may have to reach out to them. Me and Nancy will see if we can track down a husband, boyfriend, parent- someone who’s related to her too.” Heather said to Lindsay. “yeah, get on that whenever you can. Death notifications are always hard, so let me know if you need me to step in.” Lindsay replied.
Fortunately, there was only 1 death in this tragic accident. The surgical team was able to repair Carly’s fractured femur via internal reduction and fixation. Carly would now have a rod and some pins in her leg, setting off metal detectors for the rest of her life, but she had a functioning leg. Her spleen was removed and the partially detached vessel was anastomosed to the aorta, and the extra vessels of the spleen were rerouted since it was removed. Carly had a long road of recovery ahead of her, but ultimately pulled through.
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alecodys · 4 years
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camp tv fans grab your wild animals
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