#css telegram group
seekergkfan · 2 years
Whatsapp Group Links 2023
Whatsapp Group Links 2023 CSS & PMS Preparation Here, you can CSS & PMS Preparation Whatsapp Groups. There are many Links through which CSS and PMS Groups can be joined in a few seconds. WhatsApp Group Links 2023 are given here. As the new year starts, many people are looking to connect with others and make new friends. Joining a WhatsApp group link in 2023 can be a great way to find other…
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libertyvigil · 1 year
Threats of torture and rape if prisoners don’t agree to go to war
From gulagu.net (human rights organization that advocates for prisoners rights and against torture) Telegram channel: 
Torture and beatings in the Kemerovo correctional colony-41, the GUFSIN introduced a consolidated detachment to tighten the regime, intimidate and force them to agree to go to the front. Gulagu.net hotline: "Good afternoon, Vladimir! Save me! On July 3, 2023, a group of employees arrived at IK-41 Gufsin of Russia in the Kemerovo region, whose task is to "establish a regime." It is not entirely clear what is meant by "regime" in their understanding, but this has nothing to do with either humanity or the law.
The main nightmare began yesterday July 5, 2023. Under the so-called "roof" (SHIZO/PKT) they brought a group of visiting employees. The group is headed by employees of the department Uvarov and Ilyushkin. For refusing to perform a humiliating set of physical exercises (what kind of sport in mud and unsanitary conditions can we talk about?) Convicts in the isolation ward are tortured and mocked in the most sophisticated forms: electric shocks in the genital area, forced to stand up with cancer and bark, imitating a dog, put on called "stretch marks" for 4 hours, after which they continue to beat and insult. Special means are used, threats of using a baton in the anus (in Russian, they threaten with rape with the penetration of a rubber stick into the anus). No one was taken to the sanitary unit and no traces of torture, beatings and rape were recorded. The torture is going on right now.
 Unable to endure the torture any longer, convict Kirmanov Ernis Islameddinovich opened his stomach (he attempted suicide so that the employees of the GUFSIN would have the duty to record this in the incident log and report the emergency to the prosecutor's office). He was also not taken to the sanitary unit, hiding the state of emergency. Medical workers of IK-41, examining the convicts, give false replies that allegedly no one has any health complaints. What will happen next is not known. They are required to agree to go to war, and they threaten to beat and rape all who remain. This is fascism! Please, help!!!".
 We invite prosecutors and investigators of the Investigative Committee of the Investigative Committee of Russia for the Kemerovo Region, as well as the leadership of the CSS of the Federal Penitentiary Service, to immediately go to IK-41, seize the video archive and interrogate all beaten convicts held on July 3-6, 23 in the ShIZO / PKT premises. We are waiting for the initiation of criminal cases under Part 4 of Article 286 of the Criminal Code, stop hiding especially serious crimes!
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news24fr · 2 years
Afficher uniquement les événements clésVeuillez activer JavaScript pour utiliser cette fonctionnalitéFlux en directDe il y a 23 mois23h20 HNELes alarmes de raid aérien retentissent à Kyiv et à KhersonVers 6 heures du matin le jeudi 29 décembre, des alarmes de raid aérien ont retenti dans la capitale ukrainienne Kyiv, ainsi que dans les régions méridionales de Kherson et Mykolaïv et dans la région occidentale de Jytomyr. « Une alerte aérienne a été annoncée dans la capitale ! Allez au refuge s'il vous plait !" l'administration militaire de la ville de Kyiv a posté sur Telegram. Pour l'instant, il n'y a pas eu d'attaques confirmées. Les évènements clésil y a 6 moisBakhmut atteint l'impasse, selon un groupe de réflexion américainil y a 23 moisLes alarmes de raid aérien retentissent à Kyiv et à Khersonil y a 28 moisRésumé et bienvenueAfficher uniquement les événements clésVeuillez activer JavaScript pour utiliser cette fonctionnalitéil y a 6 mois23h37 HNEBakhmut atteint l'impasse, selon un groupe de réflexion américainLes analystes de l'Institut américain pour l'étude de la guerre estiment que la Russie est dans une impasse à Bakhmut, avec "plusieurs indicateurs[ing] l'évaluation à laquelle les forces russes autour de Bakhmut ont abouti ».Mercredi, le président ukrainien Volodymyr Zelenskiy a déclaré que "seulement quelques" civils restaient dans la ville de première ligne assiégée, qui se trouve dans la province orientale de Donetsk. Dans un message sur Telegram, le dirigeant ukrainien a déclaré à propos de la ville qu'"il n'y a pas d'endroit qui ne soit pas couvert de sang".Dans une mise à jour publiée à 20h15, heure de l'Est, l'ISW a écrit :.css-cumn2rhauteur : 1 em ; largeur : 1,5 em ; marge droite : 3 px ; alignement vertical : ligne de base ; remplissage : # C70000 ;La doctrine militaire américaine définit le point culminant comme « le point auquel une force n'a plus la capacité de poursuivre sa forme d'opérations, d'attaque ou de défense » et « lorsqu'une force ne peut pas poursuivre l'attaque et doit adopter une position défensive ou exécuter une pause opérationnelle. .” Si les forces russes à Bakhmut ont effectivement atteint leur point culminant, elles peuvent néanmoins continuer à attaquer agressivement. Les forces russes abouties pourraient continuer à mener des assauts inefficaces de la taille d'une escouade contre Bakhmut, bien qu'il soit très peu probable que ces assauts fassent des gains significatifs sur le plan opérationnel.il y a 23 mois23h20 HNELes alarmes de raid aérien retentissent à Kyiv et à KhersonVers 6 heures du matin le jeudi 29 décembre, des alarmes de raid aérien ont retenti dans la capitale ukrainienne Kyiv, ainsi que dans les régions méridionales de Kherson et Mykolaïv et dans la région occidentale de Jytomyr. « Une alerte aérienne a été annoncée dans la capitale ! Allez au refuge s'il vous plait !" l'administration militaire de la ville de Kyiv a posté sur Telegram. Pour l'instant, il n'y a pas eu d'attaques confirmées. il y a 28 mois23h15 HNERésumé et bienvenue Bonjour et bienvenue dans notre couverture en direct de la guerre en Ukraine. Je m'appelle Helen Sullivan et je vous apporterai les derniers développements au fur et à mesure qu'ils se produisent.Des sirènes de raid aérien ont retenti dans la capitale, Kyiv, et dans les régions du sud de l'Ukraine, Kherson et Mykolaïv, aux premières heures de jeudi matin, un jour après que les forces russes ont intensifié leurs attaques au mortier et à l'artillerie sur la ville de Kherson.Pour l'instant, nous n'avons aucun rapport de tir de roquette, seulement des notifications via les gouverneurs respectifs sur Telegram que les alarmes sonnent et que les gens devraient se diriger vers des abris.Notre autre grande histoire ce matin est que les analystes de l'Institut américain pour l'étude de la guerre pensent que la Russie est dans une impasse à Bakhmut, avec "plusieurs indicateurs[ing] l'évaluation à laquelle les forces russes autour de Bakhmut ont abouti ».
Mercredi, le président ukrainien Volodymyr Zelenskiy a déclaré que "seulement quelques" civils restaient dans la ville de première ligne assiégée, qui se trouve dans la province orientale de Donetsk. Dans un message sur Telegram, le dirigeant ukrainien a déclaré à propos de la ville qu'"il n'y a pas d'endroit qui ne soit pas couvert de sang".Nous vous apporterons plus de détails sur ces histoires sous peu. En attendant, voici les autres développements récents clés : Mercredi, des responsables ukrainiens exhortaient les habitants à évacuer la ville de Kherson alors que les forces russes intensifiaient leurs attaques au mortier et à l'artillerie contre la ville du sud de l'Ukraine, récemment libérée. Certains habitants qui ont vécu l'occupation russe hésitent à partir malgré les bombardements, selon un responsable local impliqué dans l'évacuation. Volodymyr Zelenskiy a déclaré qu'il ne restait « que quelques » civils dans la ville de Bakhmut, en première ligne, dans la province orientale de Donetsk. Dans un article de Telegram, le dirigeant ukrainien a déclaré "qu'il n'y a pas d'endroit qui ne soit pas couvert de sang" dans la ville sous contrôle ukrainien, où ses troupes mènent une bataille qui est devenue le symbole de la brutalité écrasante de la guerre. L'Ukraine a obtenu la libération de 1 456 prisonniers de guerre depuis l'invasion russe en février, selon Zelenskiy. Le président ukrainien s'exprimait dans un discours annuel devant le parlement ukrainien, où Valeriy Zaluzhnyi, le commandant en chef des forces armées ukrainiennes, des ministres, des diplomates étrangers, des militaires et des membres des familles des soldats tombés au combat auraient été présents. Le Kremlin a insisté sur le fait que toute proposition visant à mettre fin au conflit doit tenir compte de ce qu'il appelle les "réalités d'aujourd'hui" de quatre régions ukrainiennes que Moscou a déclarées unilatéralement partie de la Russie. Lors d'un briefing régulier avec des journalistes, le porte-parole du Kremlin, Dmitri Peskov, a rejeté le plan de paix en 10 points de Zelenskiy, qui comprend la restauration de l'intégrité territoriale de l'Ukraine, le retrait des troupes russes, la libération de tous les prisonniers, un tribunal pour les responsables de la garanties d'agression et de sécurité pour l'Ukraine. Le ministre russe des Affaires étrangères s'est dit convaincu que Moscou atteindrait ses objectifs en Ukraine grâce à sa « patience » et sa « persévérance ». "Je suis convaincu que grâce à notre persévérance, notre patience et notre détermination, nous défendrons les nobles objectifs qui sont vitaux pour notre peuple et notre pays", a déclaré le chef de la diplomatie russe Sergueï Lavrov dans une interview diffusée à la télévision nationale. Le chef de Gazprom a déclaré que le géant gazier russe avait eu une année difficile, alors que l'entreprise cherche de nouveaux marchés après les sanctions internationales sur l'offensive ukrainienne de Moscou. "Je veux dire tout de suite que 2022, bien sûr, s'est avéré très, très difficile", a déclaré Alexei Miller lors d'une conférence de fin d'année alors que les tensions montent en flèche entre la Russie et l'Occident. Une militante des droits de l'homme de Crimée a été condamnée à sept ans de prison après qu'un tribunal installé à Moscou dans la péninsule annexée à la Russie l'a déclarée coupable de port d'un engin explosif, dans un procès que les militants des droits de l'homme ont qualifié de "fabriqué" et "illégal". Iryna Danilovich a été condamnée à sept ans dans une colonie du régime général par un tribunal de Feodosia, a déclaré l'organisation basée à Kyiv, l'Institut d'information de masse (IMI). Les autorités de la ville ukrainienne d'Odessa ont commencé à démanteler un monument à Catherine la Grande, l'impératrice russe qui a fondé la ville à la fin du XVIIIe siècle. Le mois dernier, le parlement local a voté le démantèlement de la statue, ainsi qu'une autre au général tsariste Alexandre Suvorov.
Les soldats russes mobilisés pour combattre en Ukraine pourront stocker gratuitement leur sperme congelé dans une cryobanque, a déclaré un éminent avocat russe. Les démographes ont averti que l'invasion de l'Ukraine par Vladimir Poutine et sa mobilisation militaire « partielle » pourraient encore aggraver la crise démographique de la Russie. Le haut-commissaire des Nations Unies aux droits de l'homme a publié un décompte du nombre de victimes civiles dans la guerre de la Russie contre l'Ukraine jusqu'à présent, affirmant que 6 884 personnes sont décédées en Ukraine, dont 429 enfants, entre le 24 février 2022 et le 26 décembre 2022. Le chiffre réel est probablement « considérablement plus élevé », a-t-il ajouté. Mis à jour à 23h20 HNELes sujetsUkraineGuerre d'Ukraine en directRussieL'Europe Réutiliser ce contenu
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dalilaali · 4 years
Have a Side Hustle, They Said.
So I’ve been taking coding lessons this past 1 week.
It began when I attended Women In Tech few weeks back. The participants got a chance to have a free 2-weeks coding lessons. I took HTML&CSS and apparently they opened the whole web development path for free too! So it’s gonna be HTML & CSS, JS, SQL, and Node.js.
I just started with HTML & CSS and it already gave me such a headache........................ like........ i reeaaallly wanna ask why do you need this much classes for one content????? and it’s an online class so ya can’t just raise my hand and got the answer. Well there’s this Telegram group but it seems like everybody already finished their dojo and here i am.... sad and confused........ wkwkwk. and I do want to ask the questions there but why does my question seem stupid wkwkwkwkwk.
(i finally asked the mentor tho wkwk)
Anyway, little life updates. It’s the 9th month of self quarantine due to covid-19. Quite proud of how I manage to stay fairly sane and don’t gain too much weight from not going to the gym. My skin got better (not exposed to Jkt’s polluted air lolz), and I bought myself essential oil diffuser and an ergonomic chair (bye low back pain) and a new laptop! (lyk finally lol)
My new daily routines look like this: wake up, pray, quick snack (banana/oatmeal/dates), exercise, shower, bfast, werk, lunch, werk, dinner, Netflix. Pretty boring huh. That’s whyyyy I decided I need something new! Hence the coding class! And now I have this persistent headache! Yeay!
But I think this headache is also due to be under comfort zone for way too long. Like if I look at how fast my peers from vendor learn... woah they gonna take over the world soon lol.
And I’ve been thinking (and attempting) to get out of my comfort zone now. Should get an answer by tomorrow. Wish me luck!
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seekergkfan · 3 years
CSS & PMS Preparation Whatsapp Group Links
CSS & PMS Preparation Whatsapp Group Links
CSS & PMS Preparation Whatsapp Group Links Here, you can CSS & PMS Preparation Whatsapp Groups. There are many Links through which CSS and PMS Groups can be joined in a few seconds. CSS & PMS Whatsapp Latest Groups 2021 & 2021 If you’re looking for PAST PAPERS OF CSS SOLVED then join these groups. CSS & PMS Preparation Whatsapp Group Links Click to Join WhatsApp Group CSSMCQs.com {G.K}…
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Designer II - Remote
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Company: Trader Interactive Tired of your cubicle? Wouldn’t you like to work for a company that prioritizes remote-first employment and lives in the world of boats, planes, RVs, motorcycles, ATVs, and trucks? Of course you would, and that’s us. The Designer II is responsible for helping deliver an exceptional user experience of existing applications as well as collaborating with internal teams on the design, development, and implementation of new features and products. What You’ll Do - Develop UI mockups and wireframes - Design UI elements, such as buttons, menus, navigation, modals, etc. - Assist the design team in ensuring that all elements of the online user experience are optimized for improved usability, usefulness, and exceptional visual design - Collaborate with the marketing team and other designers to ensure the creation and delivery of tailored experiences for the digital user - Produce high-quality UX design solutions, such as storyboards, site maps, and prototypes etc. - Design UI elements and tools, such as navigation menus, search boxes, tabs, and widgets What We’re Looking For - Bachelor’s Degree in design, computer graphics or a related field - 2-4 years of UI/UX design experience for digital products or services - Basic knowledge of HTML, CSS and JavaScript - Experience working within digital design platforms, such as Sketch, InVision, Visio, HTML, CSS (SCSS), iOS, Android, Design Systems, and Adobe Creative Suite Bonus Points - Bachelor’s Degree in design, computer graphics or a related field Who We Are TI is a group of go-getters who decided they didn’t want to settle for the status quo. We work hard as one team to build value, drive innovation, and lead our industries, but we have fun while we do it and we always act with integrity and prioritize our employees. When you start at TI, expect to receive plenty of support and communication. If you’re not sold yet, here are some other great benefits: - Ability to work 100% remote - Work/Life Balance with up to 31 days of PTO in your first year - Continuing Education with access to LinkedIn Learning - Full benefits package including medical, dental & vision - 401K with company match - Wellness Program - Paid Parental Leave - Employee Referral Incentives To learn more about Trader Interactive, please visit our website and see what makes us stand out in our industry! TI proudly supports a diverse workforce, and we encourage candidates from underrepresented groups to apply. Trader Interactive is an equal opportunity employer where hiring is based entirely on business needs, job requirements, and individual merit. APPLY ON THE COMPANY WEBSITE To get free remote job alerts, please join our telegram channel “Global Job Alerts” or follow us on Twitter for latest job updates. Disclaimer:  - This job opening is available on the respective company website as of 20th Jun 2023. The job openings may get expired by the time you check the post. - Candidates are requested to study and verify all the job details before applying and contact the respective company representative in case they have any queries. - The owner of this site has provided all the available information regarding the location of the job i.e. work from anywhere, work from home, fully remote, remote, etc. However, if you would like to have any clarification regarding the location of the job or have any further queries or doubts; please contact the respective company representative. Viewers are advised to do full requisite enquiries regarding job location before applying for each job.   - Authentic companies never ask for payments for any job-related processes. Please carry out financial transactions (if any) at your own risk. - All the information and logos are taken from the respective company website. Read the full article
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vikramkwh-blog · 3 years
Build Pro Websites From Scratch with HTML, CSS & SASS
Free Certification Course Title: Build Pro Websites From Scratch with HTML, CSS & SASS
Learn HTML, CSS & SASS with real world project examples from scratch in this channel to become a professional Frontend
There is no any specific requirement.
What you’ll learn:
You will learn HTML & CSS from beginner level to advance level.
You will download project files to review codes on your side.
You will be ready to create a website from scratch by using HTML & CSS .
You will learn full mobile friendly Web Design.
You will learn CSS animations.
You will have great web designer experience because of lots of examples in the course.
You will learn designing front view of website.
You will learn designing Admin panel view of website.
You will learn usage of Javascript in Web Design with HTML and CSS.
Who this course is for:
Beginner level frontend web design developer.
Advance level frontend web design developer
Absolute Beginners
Website Design Beginners
Website Design Students
People who want to have a career in this field
8.5 hours on-demand video
22 downloadable resources
Certificate of completion
How to Subscribe for Build Pro Websites From Scratch with HTML, CSS & SASS?
Sign Up on Udemy.com
Subscribe Here(Build Pro Websites From Scratch with HTML, CSS & SASS): Click Here
Apply Coupon Code: 0CC7F6940E17EC237EA2
**Note: Free coupon/offer may expire soon.**
Top Artificial Intelligence Courses: Click Here Top Machine Learning Courses: Click Here Telegram Group(Mandatory to Join): Click Here
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jonakaxom · 4 years
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➡️ ভাল লাগিলে আপোনাৰ ইনষ্টাগ্ৰাম ষ্টৰিত শ্বেয়াৰ কৰক আৰু বন্ধুসকলকো পঢিবলৈ দিয়ক। ❤️ ➡️ Daily new Assamese Caption /Assamese Quotes পাই থাকিবলৈ পেজ খন ফলো কৰি লওঁক। 🔴মোৰ স্বপ্ননীল আকাশৰ তুমিয়েই জোনাক ২০১৩ চনৰ পৰা ২০২০ চনলৈ একেৰাহে আপোনাৰ কাষত 🔴Read Assamese story on our website 👉🏿👉🏿👉🏿https://is.gd/cDG5zH 👈🏿👈🏿👈🏿 🔴 Facebook page link👉🏿👉🏿👉🏿 https://fb.com/jonakaxom.in 👈🏿👈🏿👈🏿 🔴 Instagram page link https://www.instagram.com/jonakaxom.in 🔵 Join us on Telegram Group https://t.me/JonakAxom #guwahati #assamese #assam #Barpeta #Biswanath #Bongaigaon #Darrang #Dibrugarh #Goalpara #Golaghat #Jorhat #Kamrup #Lakhimpur #Majuli #nagaon #Nalbari #tinsukia #dibrugarh #dhemaji #Sivasagar #biswanath #morigaon #Udalguri #mangaldai #KamrupMetro #pathsala #hajo #Sivasagar #tezpur #awesomeassam Tag Assamese poem, Assamese story, assamese status video, whatsapp status in Assamese, assamese quotes on love, assamese caption, assamese meme, Assamese sad Quotes, Assamese love quotes, Assamese Whatsapp status How to create Beautiful Download Button in Blogger 2020 | Html And CSS code For Blogger Click Here To Read ➡️ https://ift.tt/2Js929T blogging (at Jalukbari) https://www.instagram.com/p/CMyAAtWh-5X/?igshid=d94he5wjv4eb
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eazycodes · 4 years
Neumorphism UI Button | Pure CSS Creating Simple & Easy Button Using Neu...
Neumorphism UI Button | Pure CSS Tutorial Creating Simple & Easy Button Using Neumorphism. Neumorphism Buttons || Creating Box Background For Buttons|| Hover Effect. In this video we will see that :- 1.) Neumorphism Buttons. OR 2.)Soft UI 3.)Hover Effect. 4.) Font Awesome 5 Free 5.) Desigining Social Media Icon. 6.) Box-sizing 7.) Box-shadow 8.) Using Translate Property in CSS. 9.) Translate 3D property in CSS.(transform) 10.) Flex Property. 11.) Border-radius Property . -------Click I Button At Top Right For Last Video Last intro video link :- https://youtu.be/BJcTHt5f9kY intro video link :- https://youtu.be/a0048jxjWQQ Here in this is create the buttons background container for the Buttons. Neumorphism is a new word for the new user interface trend.since this is a hard word to pronounce, some people also say SoftUI. Let us start with the root of the word "Neumorphism". it is a combination of two words :- Neu: New + morphic: a varient of Morphous, meaning having a specific shape or form. Today we will see how we can make Neumorphism effects with CSS. It is a very smooth ui effects that you can see in many website or app nowadays. Definition and Usage :- The flex property is a shorthand property for: The flex property sets the flexible length on flexible items. Note: If the element is not a flexible item, the flex property has no effect. Complete Neumorphism Design in One video :- https://youtu.be/vwEoYWftuc4 Color code converter link :- https://www.w3schools.com/colors/colors_converter.asp Follow this link to join my WhatsApp group: https://chat.whatsapp.com/EWB6UGLY8MX8nSn7pGgzLj Telegram Link :- #eazycodes(make code easier)🖥💻 https://t.me/eazycodes Follow this link to join me on Instagram :- https://instagram.com/insta_chourey?igshid=p0zire7pxm7u #eazycodes #neumorphism_Effect #hover_effect_neumorphic_buttons #Buttons #design #css3 #SoftUI neumorphism, css neumorphism, css effectsneumorphism effect, how to create a neumorphism effect,css, html,website,web design,website design, website development, neumorphism web, effect,smooth ui, ui design, ui,ux design, ui/ux, smooth effects, css smooth effects,box-shadow,shadow effect, css3,html5, web,how to,neumorphism css, soft css ui, css trends etc. For any queries Contact me on my Email:- [email protected] -----------Thanks for watching--------------------------- My Channel Link :- http://www.youtube.com/c/EAZYCODES ▌● Don't Forget To Subscribe ● ▌ 😀 Disclaimer: This Video is Just for educational purpose and does not have any intention to mislead or violate Google and YouTube community guidelines and policy. I respect and follow the terms & condition of Google & YouTube.
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tsrcodes · 4 years
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Today I share a simple box hover animation design using html ,CSS 🤘, it's a simple & awesome one to try 😅😌I use font awesome here 🙏 🔘 ♥️ Check out 🤘 our telegram group for Source Code ✌️😁 link in bio or ( Search Telegram / TsrCodes) Hope you guys share with your friends ♥️ Follow @tsrcodes @tsrcodes @tsrcodes Hope You guys doing fantastic & awesome stuff :) --- Thank You🙏 Be Safe 😉 & Be Happy ☺️😀🤸🤸 ---- #tsrcodes #developerspace #html5 #css3 #webdevelopment #webdesign #frontenddeveloper #fullstackdeveloper #javascript #design #coding #codinglife💻 #coders #hover #animationcss #styles https://www.instagram.com/p/CErvOe5hQAo/?igshid=1vlyt7zx9e8fk
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Senior Software Engineer - Remote
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Company: Traderinteractive Our mission is to transform lifestyles and livelihoods through innovative digital solutions that seamlessly connect people to vehicles for work and play. To support this mission, we are looking for a Senior Software Engineer that can help us in the development of this new product. In this position, you will work closely with a product manager and team of engineers in building and supporting new products on the consumer side of our vehicle marketplaces. What You’ll Do - Begin mentoring team members to grow technical skills in the organization - Exemplify our core values and model our leadership competencies - Work closely with tech lead and product managers during requirements gathering - Work with your team to improve code quality and development processes - Involved with development and planning sessions - Perform code reviews and share best practices with junior developers - Document systems and processes using diagrams and flowcharts - Contribute to ensuring the performance and stability of our products - Other related duties and responsibilities as assigned What We’re Looking For - 5+ years of experience in an engineering role - Advanced level knowledge of JavaScript (Browser and Server) - 3+ years building secure publicly available REST API’s - 3+ years of experience with PHP - Experience with incident detection, incident response, and forensics - Owns the development and support of products produced by the team Bonus Points - Bachelor’s Degree in computer science, applications, or related field - Web component architecture and engineering - Cloud engineering experience - Experience with ElasticSearch - Experience with Laravel framework - Experience with Tailwind CSS or other utility CSS frameworks - Microservices architecture and engineering - Building container applications using Docker - Experience with TypeScript - Experience with Online Marketplaces Who We Are TI is a group of go-getters who decided they didn’t want to settle for the status quo. We work hard as one team to build value, drive innovation, and lead our industries, but we have fun while we do it and we always act with integrity and prioritize our employees. When you start at TI, expect to receive plenty of support and communication. If you’re not sold yet, here are some other great benefits: - Ability to work 100% remote - Work/Life Balance with up to 31 days of PTO in your first year - Continuing Education with access to LinkedIn Learning - Full benefits package including medical, dental & vision - 401K with company match - Wellness Program - Paid Parental Leave - Employee Referral Incentives To learn more about Trader Interactive, please visit our website and see what makes us stand out in our industry! TI proudly supports a diverse workforce, and we encourage candidates from underrepresented groups to apply. Trader Interactive is an equal opportunity employer where hiring is based entirely on business needs, job requirements, and individual merit. APPLY ON THE COMPANY WEBSITE To get free remote job alerts, please join our telegram channel “Global Job Alerts” or follow us on Twitter for latest job updates. Disclaimer:  - This job opening is available on the respective company website as of 20th Jun 2023. The job openings may get expired by the time you check the post. - Candidates are requested to study and verify all the job details before applying and contact the respective company representative in case they have any queries. - The owner of this site has provided all the available information regarding the location of the job i.e. work from anywhere, work from home, fully remote, remote, etc. However, if you would like to have any clarification regarding the location of the job or have any further queries or doubts; please contact the respective company representative. Viewers are advised to do full requisite enquiries regarding job location before applying for each job.   - Authentic companies never ask for payments for any job-related processes. Please carry out financial transactions (if any) at your own risk. - All the information and logos are taken from the respective company website. Read the full article
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abhihasabe · 5 years
Infosys Mega Walk In Drive 2020
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Infosys Mega Walk In Drive 2020 https://jobs4fresher.com/wp-content/uploads/2019/05/Infosys.png Infosys Mega Walk In Drive:- Infosys BPM Ltd is hiring for Multiple Technology Skills in Chennai on 29-Feb-20 (Saturday). The complete details about Infosys Mega Walk In Drive 2020 as follows. Company Name:-  Infosys BPM Limited Company Website:- www.infosysbpm.com Walk In Location:- Chennai Job Role: Technology Support Specialist Technology: SAP ABAP / SAP Success Factor /SAP HCM/ Oracle DBA/ .Net /Angular / QTP/UFT / TOSCA /Java / Selenium with C# /Python Scripting /Unix Application /  Angular Job Location: Chennai Shifts: Should be flexible for 24*7 Shifts Experience : Minimum 2-5 Years Qualification : Any graduate with fulltime education Job:1 SAP ABAP Responsibilities: Excellent Technical skills in Reports, Forms, Interfaces, Conversions, Enhancements etc. Well versed with Object Oriented (OO) concepts of SAP ABAP with webDynpro. Good knowledge of ABAP Debugging, SAP Code inspector & other SAP standard tools w.r.t development. Ability to understand the functional requirements & convert them into Technical Specification Document independently. Knowledge on any of the niche skills ODATA, Workflow, Adobe Forms, Fiori, HANA checks etc. Job:2 Oracle DBA Responsibilities: Installation, upgrades and managed services experience in Application (11i and R12) and Database (9i, 19g, 11g, 12c) Must be well versed with AD utilities 3. Cloning and patching applications and databases Must be skilled in sysadmin activities like user administration responsibilities, request groups, register forms, printer setup, register custom applications, etc. Job:3 SAP Success Factor / HCM Responsibilities: Minimum 2-3 years of domain experience in HR SuccessFactors 2-3 E2E implementations is desirable knowledge in Benefits/Time off and US Payroll ALM / JIRA knowledge 2 to 3 years of working experience with HR processes optimization and automation, Job:4 Dot Net Minimum experience required: 2 years Should have worked on .Net implementation/Support project Expertise using Service Now – Ticketing/Analysis of tickets(L2/L3) and knowledge management as per ITIL framework Must have experience in .NET, ASP.NET MVC, C#, WPF, WCF, SQL Server Must have experience in Web services, Web API, REST services, HTML, CSS3 Job:5 QTP/UFT / TOSCA: Automation Testing with QTP/UFT/ TOSCA 2+ Years of Automation testing QTP(Tool) with Descriptive programming using VB Scripting(mandatory) Should have good understanding of STLC phases Should have worked on HP – QC/ALM Job:6 JAVA developer Skill(s): Java, J2EE, Spring framework, Hibernate, Full Stack Experience required: 2+ years • Should have knowledge of architectural design patterns, performance tuning and functional designs Job:7 Selenium with C# /Python Scripting C# / Python Selenium – Automation Job:8 Unix Application Support Responsibilities: Work experience in the range of 2 to 4 yrs in IT industry Minimum 3 years of experience in application support Atleast 2 years of experience in Unix, Data Base(SQL) Expertise on shell scripting Job:9 Angular.JS Responsibilities: Minimum 2 year of experience is required on Java Angular JS 4 and above Proficiency with JavaScript and HTML5. Should have UI skills with HTML 5, CSS, JavaScript, OOJS Deep knowledge of AngularJS practices and commonly used modules based on extensive work experience, Extensive knowledge of CSS and JS methods Mandatory Documents:- Carry a printout of this mail along with your profile. Carry any 2 photo Identity proof (PAN Card/Driving License/Voters ID card/Passport). Marks sheets (10th, 12th, UG & PG if any) Carry 5 Copies of recent passport size photographs Experience letters, 3 months pay slips, relieving letters if any with previous company Note: Reference DS-Mahadev Vamsi (mention on top of your CV before submit your candidature) Infosys Mega Walk In Drive Details :- Interview Date:- 29-Feb-20 (Saturday) Interview Time:– 09:30 AM to 11:30 AM Interview Venue:- Infosys BPO Ltd., Tidel Park | South Wing, C Block, 4th Floor |Taramani | Chennai 600113, India. Point of Contact:- Ibrahim For More Details About Infosys Mega Walk In Drive :- Click Here Join Our Telegram Channel(3500+ members) For Daily Job Updates– Click Here Join Facebook group For more updates Job Description Online : Click Here (adsbygoogle = window.adsbygoogle || ).push(); Apply Here Read the full article
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hyipblog · 5 years
Chinese Government-related Hacking Group Attacking Crypto Firms
New Post has been published on https://blog.hyip.com/2019/08/chinese-government-related-hacking-group-attacking-crypto-firms/
Chinese Government-related Hacking Group Attacking Crypto Firms
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Chinese state-sponsored hacking group, dubbed APT41, is attacking crypto firms, according to a FireEye Threat Intelligence report published August 2.[vc_row][vc_column][vc_column_text]The group of hackers “targets industries in a manner generally aligned with China’s Five-Year economic development plans.” In addition to targeted attacks of telecoms, healthcare, fintech, and film and media companies, evidence suggest APT41 has infiltrated and phished a number of firms operating in the crypto industry.[/vc_column_text][/vc_column][/vc_row][vc_row][vc_column width=”1/2″][vc_column_text]FireEye Threat Intelligence experts say that the Chinese cyber espionage unit APT41 is aimed at industries that are considered priority in the five-year plans of the government, among which are: cryptocurrencies, medicine, new technologies, video games.  At the same time, a number of countries of the European Union, the United States of America, Japan, South Africa and Korea are priority for hacker attacks.  FireEye is sure that  APT41 hackers are creators of the XMRig, which allows unauthorized mining of Monero.[/vc_column_text][/vc_column][vc_column width=”1/2″][vc_cta h2=”JOIN TO OUR TELEGRAM CHANNEL” h4=”ALL THE LATEST BREAKING NEWS ON TELEGRAM” css=”.vc_custom_1534928484642background-color: #44d8dd !important;”]Join to our Telegram channel HYIP.com to be always up-to-date with the latest news of the cryptocurrency space.[/vc_cta][/vc_column][/vc_row]
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competitiveguide · 5 years
Today Material - 23rd April
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** One Liner Current Affairs of 23rd April 2019 ** - Battleships from India and countries like Singapore and Australia arrived in the eastern Chinese city of Qingdao on 21 April 2019. - Eminent Bengali folk singer Amar Paul passed away following a cardiac arrest. He was 97. Paul lent his voice in a number of films. - In Football, the Services lifted the Santosh Trophy, beating Punjab 1-nil in the final at Ludhiana on 21 April 2019. More Oneliner Current Affairs of 23rd April 2019 : http://www.competitiveguide.in/current-affairs/April-2019/World-Book-Day-is-celebrated-every-year-on-April-23 Join our telegram channel : http://bit.ly/2wQPsIR
** Current Affairs Questions of 23rd April 2019 ** (Q) Navy Chief Launches New Guided Missile Destroyer ‘INS Imphal’. Who is Navy Chief ? (A) Sunil Lanba (Q) Indian cricketers Hardik Pandya and K.L. Rahul were fined __ lakh rupees each by the BCCI ombudsman Justice D.K. Jain ? (A) 20 lakh More Current Affairs Questions of 23rd April 2019 : http://www.competitiveguide.in/current-affairs-questions/2019-April/April-23-2019/0 Join our telegram channel : http://bit.ly/2wQPsIR
** World Book and Copyright Day - 23rd April ** World Book Day is celebrated every year on April 23. UNESCO undertakes the responsibility of the event. With the help of the event, UNESCO aims to inculcate reading habits among people, especially the youth and highlight the various issues surrounding authors, publishers and other related parties. More about this : http://www.competitiveguide.in/study-materials/Important-Days/World-Book-and-Copyright-Day
** Deathday of William Wordsworth - English Romantic poet - 23 April ** William Wordsworth (7 April 1770 – 23 April 1850) was a major English Romantic poet who, with Samuel Taylor Coleridge , helped to launch the Romantic Age in English literature with their joint publication Lyrical Ballads (1798). More about him : http://www.competitiveguide.in/study-materials/Famous-Personalities/William-Wordsworth
** Deathday of Satyajit Ray - Indian filmmaker - 23rd April ** Satyajit Ray (2 May 1921 – 23 April 1992) was an Indian filmmaker, widely regarded as one of the greatest filmmakers of the 20th century. Ray was born in the city of Calcutta into a Bengali family prominent in the world of arts and literature. More about him : http://www.competitiveguide.in/study-materials/Famous-Personalities/Satyajit-Ray
** UN English Language Day - 23rd April ** UN English Language Day is observed annually on April 23. The event was established by the UNESCO (United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization)in 2010 to seeking ‘to celebrate multilingualism and cultural diversity as well as to promote equal use of all six of its official working languages throughout the organization‘. More about this : http://www.competitiveguide.in/study-materials/Important-Days/UN-English-Language-Day
** Birthday of William Shakespeare - 23rd April ** William Shakespeare ( 23 April (born) , 26 April 1564 (baptised) – 23 April 1616) was an English poet, playwright, and actor, widely regarded as the greatest writer in the English language and the world‘s pre-eminent dramatist. More about him : http://www.competitiveguide.in/study-materials/Famous-Personalities/William-Shakespeare
** 23 April 2005 World First Youtube Video uploaded ** 23rd April 2005, First YouTube video uploaded, titled ‘Me at the zoo‘. About YouTube : YouTube is a video-sharing website headquartered in San Bruno, California. More about this : http://www.competitiveguide.in/study-materials/Important-Days/23-April-2005-First-Youtube-Video-Uploaded
** Birthday of Max Planck - 23rd April ** Max Planck : Originator of Quantum Theory Max Karl Ernst Ludwig Planck , FRS (23 April 1858 – 4 October 1947) was a German theoretical physicist whose work on quantum theory won him the Nobel Prize in Physics in 1918. More about this : http://www.competitiveguide.in/study-materials/Famous-Personalities/Max-Karl-Ernst-Ludwig-Planck
** English Vocabulary - 23rd April ** 1. INSINUATE (VERB): force one’s way into Synonyms: instill, infuse Antonyms: conceal, suppress Example Sentence: Longing to be popular, she made several attempts to insinuate herself into the crowd of popular kids. More Vocabulary  : http://www.competitiveguide.in/study-materials/English-Vocabulary/English-Vocabulary-Set-54
** Computer » Dhtml Questions - 23rd April 2019 ** (Q) Which of the following is NOT a way to apply css to a web page ? (A) embedded (B) None of these are ways to apply css to a web page (C) inline (D) linked More Related Questions : http://www.competitiveguide.in/question-bank/computer/DHTML/2 Join our telegram channel : http://bit.ly/2wQPsIR
** Aptitude » Races And Games Questions - 23rd April 2019 ** (Q) In a km race, A beats B by 28 metres or 7 seconds.  Find A’s time over the course. ? (A) 4 min. 3 sec. (B) 5 min. 3 sec. (C) 6 min. 3 sec. (D) 3 min. 3 sec. More Related Questions : http://www.competitiveguide.in/question-bank/aptitude/Races-And-Games/1 Join our telegram channel : http://bit.ly/2wQPsIR
** Government Jobs - 23rd April ** Organisation : Birla Institute of Technology (BIT) Vacancies : 07 Asst Professor, Associate Professor, Professor vacancies Last Date : 15-05-2019 Click Here : https://onlinecompetitiveguide.blogspot.com/2019/04/birla-institute-of-technology-bit-07.html Join our telegram channel : http://bit.ly/2wQPsIR
Organisation : Patna High Court Vacancies : 20 General Mazdoor vacancies Last Date : 08-05-2019 Click Here : https://onlinecompetitiveguide.blogspot.com/2019/04/patna-high-court-20-general-mazdoor.html Join our telegram channel : http://bit.ly/2wQPsIR
Organisation : District Judge, Nadia Vacancies : 69 Stenographer, Lower Division Clerk, Process Server & Group-D Vacancies Last Date : 12-05-2019 Click Here : https://onlinecompetitiveguide.blogspot.com/2019/04/district-judge-nadia-69-stenographer.html Join our telegram channel : http://bit.ly/2wQPsIR
Organisation : Industrial Development Bank of India (IDBI) Vacancies : 120 Specialist Cadre Officer vacancies. Last Date : 30-04-2019 Click Here : https://onlinecompetitiveguide.blogspot.com/2019/04/industrial-development-bank-of-india.html Join our telegram channel : http://bit.ly/2wQPsIR
From Blogger http://bit.ly/2GAjTdr via www.competitiveguide.in
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php-sp · 4 years
Midrub Posts - schedule and publish on the most popular social networks
New Post has been published on https://intramate.com/php-scripts/midrub-posts-schedule-and-publish-on-the-most-popular-social-networks/
Midrub Posts - schedule and publish on the most popular social networks
LIVE PREVIEWGet it now for only $34
Midrub has the essential features to start a business(plans subscriptions, coupon codes, tickets system, multilanguage support, multilanguage faq system, notification system, affiliates system, advanced api, possibility to add features in dynamic way and more).
You can customize Midrub by adding your wanted features, payments gateways, social networks for posting or signup, create your api’s endpoints in the easiest way you ever seen, create dashboard widgets, admin features and Midrub’s themes(html/css) with multilanguage support.
You can test the demo here: https://www.rackpoint.co.uk/
Midrub’s Apps:
In the user’s panel each page from the main menu is an app with it’s styles, js, api, hooks, cron job methods and ajax methods. This makes Midrub to be fast, easy to customize and add new features. You can enable apps per plan. For example you can offer special features only for a plan.
The Posts app is an app for Midrub which allows to connect the most popular social networks and publish or schedule posts. The Posts app has 5 sections:
Composer – connect social networks, schedule posts, get preview(individual preview for each social network is a urgent scheduled feature which will be available in a short time), get accounts based on the most used in the last 30 days, get popular hashtags from Twitter or Instagram in legal way and if you have Midrub Ads Manager you can boost posts on social networks, auto create ads based on your preferences and if you have Midrub Social Planner you can plan posts directly from the Composer’s tab.
Sheduled – create new posts for selected date, see the sheduled posts, and delete posts. this section has a quick scheduler feature which allows posts scheduling with a click on the date.
Insights – get insights for published posts. With one click you can get insights for scheduled posts, reply and moderate comments. In the same section you can get Insights for connected accounts, see the posts list, get individual insights, moderate, create and reply to comments.
History – here you can see all scheduled, drafted and published posts. By clicking on the Details button you will get the post’s content and list with social networks where will be published or were published. If was an error, Midrub will show the error message and user will understand what is wrong. From History you can generate even reports for published posts.
RSS Feeds – allows to create a list with RSS Feeds, enable or disable them, search and delete them. By clicking on Manage you will get other 5 sections from where you can automatize the RSS posting or schedule only the posts you want. RSS posting has more options which will help you to publish posts as you want. In the RSS’s History you can get information about posting and error messages. You can even generate reports.
Available social networks where you can publish: Facebook, Facebook Groups, Facebook Pages, Youtube, Dailymotion, Reddit, Flickr, Imgur, Instagram, Linkedin, Linkedin Companies(you need to be a partner or i have alternative solution for personal use), Twitter, Tumblr, Google Plus(Google Plus is private now and Midrub could publish there via G Suite), Pinterest, Medium(their api is private and you have to ask for access), Blogger, WordPress, VK, Vimeo, Telegram Channels, Telegram Groups, Odnoklassniki(Одноклассники) and Google My Business.
Midrub allows to create groups with accounts and publish in all group’s accounts with a click. You can use groups with accounts in Posts app, RSS, Stream and Social Planner.
With Midrub you can publish in any website created with WordPress.
For Instagram Midrub has 3 ways to publish:
Mobile client – you will receive as bonus and it works in same way like on Buffer and Hootsuite for personal accounts(In Midrub even business works). And Whatsapp will be added in same way. It’s legal and official.
Ads – you need Midrub Facebook Ads Manager for this. Posting works like on Hootsuite or Buffer, just user have to create an ad Label with his preferences and after could connect it even to RSS. More details here https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=MyYFI_aFdJg
Private Instagram Library – this is used by all scripts on Envato for Instagram posting and advanced insights. It’s not integrated in Midrub, you have to install it yourself at your risk.
Official Instagram posting is available only for Facebook Marketing Partners and for this reason i’ve developed the app https://codecanyon.net/item/midrub-facebook-ads-manager-script-for-instagram-facebook-and-whatsapp-ads-automatizations/23368805 because only with the marketing api is possible to become a Facebook Marketing Partner.
With Midrub you can schedule and publish posts on Whatsapp(legally) https://youtu.be/B2B7TVc-yH4
Inbox app
The Inbox app allows to connect all your Facebook Pages Inboxes and reply to your clients. You can create quick replies and auto reply to your clients based on exact phrases or words. You can create even a list with Private Messages which will autoreply to your Facebook Page comments based on exact phrases or words. For both Quick Replies and Private Messages you have analytics section where you can see the App activity. The app is based on official api and users connects their pages with a click.
Storage app
Allows to manage the uploaded files based. The main feature at this moment is the Categories. You can create categories with multimedia files which will be added in random way in the Midrub Social Planner App for created planifications.
Dashboard App
Allows to display the user plan’s activity and widgets can be added dynamically via enabled Midrub’s apps in the user’s plan.
Midrub’s Plans
Midrub allows to create plans with selected services, apps, social networks and limits for each enabled app. You can decide how much will earn from referrals each user per plan.
Posts Planner – allows you to decide when a post will be published. You can publish by days of the week, hour and decide how often will be published the posts.
Groups Accounts – allows you to create a group with a number of accounts and publish in all with a click.
Emails Planner – allows you to decide when a email template will be sent. You can schedule by days of the week, hour and decide how often will be sent to a selected list.
Spintax – allows you to send original posts, emails and supports any language. You can create a list with words and add more synonyms for each word. Each word will be replaced with a synonym in a random way.
Amazon RSS Creator – allows you to create a rss feed from any seller’s products list and publish on social networks. You can even use a refferal code.
Ebay RSS Creator – allows you to create a rss feed from any seller’s products list and publish on social networks. You can even use a refferal code.
MailChimp Importer – allows you to export emails from any MailChimp in your list created in Midrub.
Bots(this section is not available in the demo)
Promotis – allows you to select a post published on Facebook, and create a list of comments which will be published at you selected time. The comments will be deleted automatically if you want. The comments can contain images, text or links. You can decide to publish every day or every week a comment on your selected post(if you know Facebook, you will understand the potential). A demo video you can watch here https://youtu.be/hBHktGX2tyg
Twilos – allows you to search users on Twitter, save results, then you can follow/unfollow them manually or automatically. Twilos displays even real time statistics about its activity. You can easily decide which connected Twitter account will follow the users from the saved search. A video demo you can watch here https://vimeo.com/237957827
Visam – this bot allows you to search users on the VK. You can search for users and follow/unfollow them manually or automatically. VK provides statistics about founded users, followed/unfollowed users. You can see the list with followed/unfollowed users. A video demo you can watch here https://vimeo.com/240879879
Retweet – this bot allows you to create a list with Twitter’s accounts per account which will retweet automatically all your published tweets.
Server Requirements
Midrub requires a professional configured server. Nevermind if you have other scripts which runs well because Midrub is more complex and good server is usually provided by a big company which has a lot of experience. If you want only to use Facebook and Twitter, there is enough a basic server configuration. Midrub runs well even on a shared hosting.
The Midrub’s demo runs on https://supersonicservers.com/ I’m not affiliated and isn’t my server. You can always test Midrub on demo. I’ve configured it at the begin and i never have problems.
Midrub’s Installation
The Midrub’s installation is not like on other scripts.
Why the installation takes time more than other scripts? Simply, Midrub has many features and them should be configured. It’s easy to install a toy which has 3 pages and several links but for a SAAS service like Midrub you have to configure the features which will be available(enable themes for user, themes for frontend(a little later even for admin), enable apps, enable components, create menu for user, create menu for guests, configuring the plans which have very advanced features, configure the payments, configure the invoices, configure the referrals, configure signup, configure social access, etc.). Midrub has a goal to become the most complete solution for business. My goal is to allow you to start a business as a serious company not like a looser.
You can see the installation/configuration process here https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=2-uJ0Bm6JO4
Midrub’s Support
Without a good/fast support, a complex script is useless and for this reason with Midrub you will get almost instant support in the business time. And you will get solution, except in the case when something must be enabled on your server(you will have to contact your server provider).
Private Instagram Api
Like all other CodeCanyon’s scripts for Instagram publishing, Midrub provides support for the private Instagram’s library https://github.com/mgp25/Instagram-API
You will not find the private Instagram’s library in Midrub, you have to install it manually and read first the license. You can use it at your risk.
After installation, you will be able to publish on Instagram(publish photos and Instagram stories), reply to comments, gets statistics about likes and comments.
Midrub provides even these bots based on the Instagram’s library:
Instavy – is a bot for Instagram which allows you to find new friends on Instagram. Instavy allows you to follow/unfollow people manually or automatically. Instavy displays even real time statistics about its activity. You can easily decide which connected Instavy account will follow the users from the saved search. A video demo you can watch here https://vimeo.com/238803478
Inlike – is a bot for Instagram which allows you to find new photos on Instagram based on hashtags. Inlike allows you to like/unlike the photos manually or automatically. Inlike displays even real time statistics about its activity. On each photo you can see the owner and you have a direct link.
Dmitas – is a bot for Instagram which allows to follow back all your new followers and send private message. This bot it’s very simple to use. You have to just enable it, and select account for which will work. You can add a different message for each account. Dmitas will show you a list with all new friends and a icon if the user have received the message. You can watch a demo video for Dmitas here https://vimeo.com/242399984
By purchasing the Midrub Posts app you will receive as bonus the Midrub Inbox app with Facebook Pages Inbox manager, quick replies and private messages(without Instagram). And soon Midrub’s Emails app(not current Emails section) which will be really advanced with a modern email composer, multiple smtp support, analytics, rss, etc.
The Streams is a separate Midrub’s app, not included in Midrub.
The Facebook Advertising(Facebook Ads Manager) is a separate Midrub’s app, not included in Midrub.
LIVE PREVIEWGet it now for only $34
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webbygraphic001 · 6 years
Popular Design News of the Week: February 11, 2019 – February 17, 2019
Every week users submit a lot of interesting stuff on our sister site Webdesigner News, highlighting great content from around the web that can be of interest to web designers. 
The best way to keep track of all the great stories and news being posted is simply to check out the Webdesigner News site, however, in case you missed some here’s a quick and useful compilation of the most popular designer news that we curated from the past week.
Note that this is only a very small selection of the links that were posted, so don’t miss out and subscribe to our newsletter and follow the site daily for all the news.
Introducing Textblock
  HTML Slides Without Frameworks, Just CSS
  The Best of Slack & Trello in One App
  The Failed Netflix Homepage Redesign Experiment that Nobody even Noticed
  Design Without Color First
  Graphic Artist Peter Saville on Creating Burberry’s New Logo
  Next.js 8 Released
  Making Google Fonts Faster
  Pantone Color Bridge Plus and CMYK Cheat Sheets for Graphic Designers
  UI Goodies 2.0! A Redesign and More Resources for Designers!
  How White Space Killed an Enterprise App (and Why Data Density Matters)
  Pods – Tiny Telegram Groups for Designers
  Choosing the Right UI Animation Tool
  7 Pillars of UI Design: Keep these in Mind
  21 CSS “Hotspot” Examples
  Goodbye, Slack. Hello, Spectrum
  Form Design: Handling Optional Fields
  Designing Magical Interfaces
  Designing Futuristic Interfaces – Become a XR Designer in 5 Minutes
  I Failed as a Designer at a Startup
  The Maze Report – An Instant, Gorgeous UX Report for all your User Tests
  34 Great Free Fonts
  3-colors Gradients Generator
  The Ineffectiveness of Lonely Icons
  Pixar’s Rules of Storytelling Applied to Product Managers & UX Designers
  Want more? No problem! Keep track of top design news from around the web with Webdesigner News.
Add Realistic Chalk and Sketch Lettering Effects with Sketch’it – only $5!
Source from Webdesigner Depot http://bit.ly/2DMmoac from Blogger http://bit.ly/2GNSiWH
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