#csi: miami s7
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lilcathsmith · 3 months ago
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Crime Show Meme - CSI: Miami insp [1/5 dynamics]
-> Horatio Caine and Yelina Salas (portrayed by David Caruso and Sofia Milos, 2003 - 2009)
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maturemenoftvandfilms · 3 years ago
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CSI: Miami (TV Series) - S7/E13 ’And They’re Offed’ (2009) Graham Beckel as Wayne Tully
His brother Bob Beckel might be better looking and probably the better fuck. 
But Graham isn’t that far off to me. Just as handsome, a good fuck most likely and that voice of his to boot. Yeah, I’m not kicking him out of my bed.
[photoset #2 of 2]
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okimargarvez · 5 years ago
Pic posts
Why Penelope and Luke should be a couple ;  If your dog doesn’t like someone… ; Drowing ; The mother of his children ; The things you really need ; Someone should go to Penelope office ; She still doesn’t like him ; Lisa is not here ; Bro ; Luke faces during Penelope speech in the Finale ; You understand you are done ; Yeah (Cool) ; Let me die here ; Complaints ; Looking back ;  Wasted chance ; Paget approval ; Couple / group ; Supposed girlfriend ; Puppy eyes ; Connection ;  Why Luke is fucked ; Why Penelope is fucked ; Luke Alvez in almost each episode of CM ; The Great Communicator ; Calleigh/Eric - Garvez ; Let’s be in the moment  ;  What Luke wanted to say during the ask date scene ; What Penelope wanted to answer to Luke during the ask date scene ; Housewarming party ; Aesthetic ; Basorexia ; Stalkers ; Another way ; alternative 13x15 ; Wedding card ; No coincidence ; Solar System ; Young garvez ; Garvez recap ; Dear Penelope ; Fuck ; Why they are perfect for each other ; Recurrent phrases ; Fortuity ; Once upon a time ; The right one ;  How to court a woman ;  You can’t understand ; Shadow kisses ; Normal people vs Luke ; You have just met Emily Prentiss ; Garcia & her men ; Easier ; 
- Comparison: Dancing time ; Angry Luke ; Same mood look ; I’m here
- All moments: S12 ; S13 ; S14 ; S15 ; S16
- Creative:  How to combine business with pleasure (love expression) ;  Thank God for photoshop ; How the analysis came out ;  Shades of crazyness ;
- Finding garvez everywhere : one ; two ; three
- Fake garvez chats : one ; two ; three ; four ; five ; six ; seven ; eight ;
- Storm thoughts : Happiness ; Sexual tension ; Embarrassment ; Miss you ; Miss you 2 ; Regret ; Family ; Absence ; Connection
- Times :  All Luke bullshits to hold Penelope attention on him ;  Drinks ; All the times they touched ; Each time Luke stared at the direction where Penelope disappeared / before leaving ;  Sweetest moments ;  Times they flirt on work ;  Elevator
- Garvez + quotes :  Parallel lines ; The bringing together ; Erica Mou ; Ennio Flaiano ; Stars & darkness ; Emily Dickinson ;  Absence ; I miss you ;
- Luke who does things - Penelope reaction : S12 ; S13 ; S14 ; S15 ; S16
- Garvez incorrect scenes : one (blind date) ; two (first date)
- Parallel:  [14x8 vs 16x1] ; [13x20 vs 16x1] ; [13x16 vs 16x1 vs 16x2] ; [14x15 vs 15x10] ;  [14x15 vs 15x10] ; [12x17 vs 16x9] ; [12x17 vs 16x1] ; [8x17 vs 13x12] ; [13x5 vs 15x4] ; [13x16 vs 16x2] ; [3x8 vs 16x8] ; [14x6 vs 16x9] ; [13x16 vs 16x2] ; [12x17 vs 13x3] ; [3x8 vs 16x8] ; [13x1 vs 16x9] ; [12x17 vs 16x1] ; [2x5 vs 15x7] ; [4x1 vs 15x3] ; [7x3 vs 13x3] ; [12x1/12x4 vs 13x12] ;
- Zepeto : first date ; Valentine’s day ; second date ; Yeah ; Fairy tale ; School ; Subway ; Halloween 1 - 2 - 3 - 4 - 5 ; Take a photo ; Cupido ; Musical ; Little things ; Sunday ; Picche
- Series: Inside the (crazy) mind of a garvez shipper ; When ;  What means “context”? ; Find someone ; Staring ;
The dress ; Rainbow dream -Outfit : S1 ; S2 ; S3 ; S4 ; S5 ; S6 ; S7 ; S8 ; S9 ; S10 ; S11 ; S12 ; S13 ; S14 ; S15 ; S16
Luke emoji ; Luke girl ; Linda problem ; On-demand attention is worthless ;  The pathologist ; When he cares ; Best friends ; Sundial ; sinkholes ; Luke likes to be teased ; Desk ; - Outfit : S12 ; S13 ; S14 ; S15 ; S16
- What I adore of 15x5 ; R.I.P. jet ; Chess ; - Face mask : Penelope ; Luke ; Jennifer ; Emily ; Spencer ; Rossi ; Matt ; Tara ; Hotch ; Derek
- Calleigh relationships ; Horatio & Yelina ; Great minds think alike ; Eric & Calleigh aesthetic ;
- Parallelism CSI : Miami / CM: 1 - Eric&Calleigh/Penelope&Luke. Suspension ; 2 - Eric&Horatio/Penelope&Derek. Don’t be a hero ; 3 - Eric&Ryan/Morgan&Reid. Scared friends ; 4 - Ryan/Spencer and the famous girl ; 5- That time the bad guy hit the ground ; 6- Professionalism (Calleigh vs Penelope)
- Shea recap
- // Garvez: There are so many ways (/shea) ; Jordan & Danny aesthetic ;
Goodbye, Warrick (CSI : Crime Scene Investigation)
Men & dogs (Sam / Roxy)
Jonathan Safran Foer
Door phone
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anotheronechicagobog · 5 years ago
I’ve gotten some negative DMs so I’ve decided to make a little bit of a statement.
I am of Slavic descent. I do not know which country, or even region, of Eastern Europe I am from, only that my dad’s side of the family is Eastern European. I am caucasian, but I don’t always look it. I have been asked if I’m Asian or First Nations many, many times, I usually just respond with ‘why do you need to know?’ ‘what made you think it was appropriate to ask me that?’ or ‘how is information like that any of your business?’ There is absolutely nothing wrong with being Asian or First Nations, I just don’t know why pasty white people feel they are entitled to anyone’s ethnicity or race.
I’m getting off topic; I am of Slavic descent. Barring Brian ‘Otis’ Zvonecek, I would like for you to think of a character that was Slavic and had absolutely no ties to the Russian mob, KGB, or Russian brides (which is a human trafficking scheme btw). I bet you can’t. Don’t worry though, I can’t either! And that’s my point. I started watching the One Chicago Series because they had a character who had that same heritage as me, who looked a lot like me (olive skin, still a white person but dark enough that pasty people think you don’t share the same racial identifier as them) and he was not, in any way, connected to any of the Russian stereotypes I’d had shoved down my throat growing up! It was amazing! (I started watching because of a S6 repeat while S7 was running, and he died beginning of S8 so I only got one season in real-time, unfortunately) But I don’t think a lot of people I know grasp just how important this was for me.
I grew up being asked if my family and I were spies. I was called ‘comrade’ in a shitty Russian accent more times than I could count (seriously, if I got 5 cents every time it happened I’d be able to pay for undergrad, law school, and a house by now), I was emotionally, mentally, and physically tormented, I was told I was evil for my DNA, and I spent a lot of time fearing for the safety of me and my family. There were numerous times I genuinely thought a group of classmates were going to kill me. I was called nothing, the word ‘nothing’ so that I would know that I wasn’t even good enough to be the filth on the bottoms of their shoes.
They told me I was evil, so I grew up thinking there was a ticking time bomb in my mind, that one day a switch would flip, and I’d suddenly be speaking fluent Russian (a language I was forbidden to learn growing up, barring the word ‘matryoshka’ which is a Russian nesting doll, because of the negative and nightmarish hold the memory of the Soviet Union had on my family), doing backflips in heels, and killing everyone with acrobatic hand-to-hand combat. I am not joking. Being half Slavic has been a huge factor in my depression, anxiety, and suicidal state. I was so afraid of being evil that I did everything in my power to be good.
But none of it mattered, because like they said, I was born Slavic. I was born evil. Rancid. Rotten inside and out.
So when I found a character who wasn’t even remotely involved in the usual BS Hollywood puts Slavic people through (I’m looking at you CSI: Miami, yes I’m still salty about that), I was ecstatic. I’d only just started rehabilitating myself from the trauma I’d endured in my childhood, and this helped a lot if I’m honest. I actually cried tears of joy because of it, and stared blankly at the screen when he died.
So when I decided to write fanfiction, I wanted to put a piece of me, and consequently Chicago Fire, in my work by making some characters Slavic. And it brought me so much joy and peace to be able to do that. And to read what I wrote, because there was Slavicness and goodness in it. I know that there are so many underrepresented or misrepresented people in media, trust me, I do. But this was about me for once, and finally feeling like it’s okay for me to even exist. To not feel like an abomination. Just for a little while.
And while I desperately want for more accurate and less derogatory Slavic people in media, it is not my priority. My priority is for visible minorities to get better representation first. Because I at the very least have some people who look like me, and talk like me, and walk like me, and that’s more than most people can say. 
So I do try to be as inclusive as possible. I never put physical descriptions in (I don’t have porcelain skin, flowing blonde hair, or piercing blue eyes either \(0_0)/), and I try to even out how many of the readers in my fics are related to white characters, with readers related to characters who are people of colour. And that’s if I decide to make the reader related to anyone or from a specific culture, because I know that I probably won’t get to everyone, and sometimes what makes a reader fic so great is a blank slate. I research other cultures, their words and foods, so that I can bring other neglected people into the spotlight. I promise all of you, I am trying my best.
I don’t get paid for doing what I do, and it takes a lot of me to write and post. If I genuinely do something wrong, message me or comment, I’ll fix it. But I’m trying to make myself feel okay about existing, and I want to help others feel okay about themselves and who they are too. So please, no hate. There’s more than enough of that in the world already.
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addictedtostorytelling · 5 years ago
Just curious to know what are your thoughts on the mini csi reboot CBS is working on? Both Jorja and Billy are in talks to come back.
hey, anon!
since my answer is on the negative side, i placed it after the “keep reading.”
if you feel partial to the later seasons of csi or excited for this reboot, then you may want to skip over this one.
i don’t mean to harsh anyone’s mellow; i’m just nervous about a lot of things. 
so, ngl, i am incredibly wary of this potential reboot and think there is a far greater potential for everything to go wrong than to go right.
my biggest fears are doylist in nature:
i worry about what will happen to grissom and sara if the negotiations with billy and jorja are only partially successful, with one signing on for the reboot and the other not.
i worry about the “facing an existential threat that could bring down the crime lab” show premise, which sounds contrived, top-heavy, and difficult to (as flannery o’connor would say) “get away with.”
i worry about the fact that grissom and sara are---from the sounds of things---the only returning characters from the original show (because, lbr, for as much as they’re my faves, i also love catherine, nick, and greg and don’t know that the show will feel complete without the other original members of team graveyard there in any capacity).
i worry about the new characters meant to surround grissom and sara, both in terms of whether or not they’ll gel with grissom and sara and have chemistry as an ensemble AND how they’ll be treated by the narrative; of particular concern is the fact that three of these four characters are supposed to be poc, and csi does not have a great track record when it comes to avoiding racist tropes.
most of all, i worry about the overall quality of the writing and the production values.
frankly, after billy’s departure in s9, the original series very quickly became not good™, and i fear that that trend will only continue with the reboot.
the whole reason i fell in love with the original series between s1 and s7 was that it was an intelligent, narratively innovative, character-driven drama dressed up in the clothing of a crime procedural.
but in the later seasons, csi dumbed down. it turned formulaic. it forewent character development in favor of---i don’t even really know---spectacle, i suppose. it literally became one of a dime-a-dozen crime procedurals, identical in timbre, tone, and low production quality to its sister shows csi: miami and csi: cyber (and even to its stepsister show, ncis, to which it was related by way of former showrunner don mcgill).
i know some people really enjoyed the later seasons, but, frankly, i’m embarrassed by them. s10 to the series finale just didn’t feel like the same show i fell in love with, and while some of the change can be accounted for by cast turnover, a lot of it has to do with the writing.
it just got bad.
and the bad was there in “immortality.” 
and the bad was there in cyber.
and a lot of the producers for this new show are the same ones who were there in those later seasons (and who worked on cyber). 
so if they bring in any of the same writers---or even just maintain the same production values from the last few seasons of the original show---then there’s a high probability that that badness is going to carry over into this new csi: vegas.
and i’m to the point in my 25+ years of fangirling that i’d rather my otp be left alone than subjected to bad writing.
---which brings up my watsonian fears, namely:
i’m worried they’re going to write something deeply dissatisfying for grissom and sara.
could be a breakup. could be just a really dumb take on what they’ve been up to and how they’re living their lives, five years on from the events of the finale. could be ooc nonsense. could be retconning things from the original series that i really liked or feel are indelible to their characters and relationship. could be rehashing old storylines again and again without ever really adding anything new.
i just don’t want to see my favorite characters misused, is all.
and i’m deeply worried that they will be.
i hope my fears are unfounded. i hope that this reboot is actually really good. i hope it’s a return to s1-s7 prestige form. i hope it’s smart. i hope it’s in character. i hope it’s romantic. i hope it gives us lots of wonderful new gsr material to analyze and work with. i hope it makes me fall in love with csi all over again.
but there are just so many variables that i can’t get my hopes up too much, you know?
gsr is like a fragile object: the more it’s moved around, the greater the chance it might break. so if the production team can’t be careful, then i’d rather they not take that happy ending down from the high shelf and mess around with it. they have to really know what they’re doing and have a good, compelling reason to do it---a story that begs to be told. otherwise, they should just leave well enough alone.
sorry to be so anxious and negative. 
like i said, i don’t mean to dissuade anyone from their excitement. if you’re looking forward to vegas, then that’s awesome. i truly do hope it turns out well.
and that we finally get some more on-screen kisses, dammit.
thanks for the question! feel welcome to send another any time.
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movedto-jewishbucke · 5 years ago
Hey, how would you rank the Chicago shows in order of immorality (least immoral to most immoral)? Note: there is a correct answer
hmm... if I get hate for this I’m suing you...
disclaimer: I have only watched Chicago Fire s7 and s8, I only watched a little bit of Chicago PD (a couple episodes of s1, some of s6, and a couple episodes of s7), and I’ve watched all 5 seasons of Med so without further ado...
Chicago Fire (from what I’ve seen of Fire it just seems like... such a well-written show and doesn’t really seem to have problematique things? like no show is perfect but it’s the Least immoral Chicago show imo? the episode with Casey, Gallo, and the disabled mom made me really :( but I think it was handled well on Casey’s part and really love how fiercely he advocated for the woman and he just DRAGGED that social worker and anyway asdfghgfds)
Chicago Med (there’s SO much medical malpractice and I’m just... the only doctor I trust on that show is Jimmy Lanik... if I had Will as a doctor I’d literally check myself out against medical advice and let myself die at home in extreme pain b/c that bastard really thinks he’s G-d and it’s like Go To Fucking Therapy You Dumb Bastard) (that being said I think Will is hot so asdfghgfds)
Chicago PD (do I even need to explain this one? yes the show is accurate to how pigs are in real life but like... it’s still just such an immoral show and watching some of the episodes makes me feel sick to my stomach. that being said, I think Jay Halstead and Antonio Dawson are kind of hot and they were the only reasons I tried to watch the show to begin with. I was literally like “how bad could it be?” and the answer is “pretty fuckin bad lmao!”) (and this is coming from me, a guy who grew up watching Criminal Minds and SVU and Cold Case Files and Without A Trace and CSI: Miami and pretty much any cop show you can think of, so like...!)
also people are welcome to have their own opinions so if anyone disagrees that’s fine, I’m not gonna like... bully you or be an asshole cause like... it’s whatever.
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claudia-kishi · 7 years ago
Please gif CSI MIAMI again!!! I didn’t even know you did but um yeah do it please?
I NEVER DID BEFORE HAHA but it’s hard because uhhhhh it’s old and finding downloads is always the worst! also i’m not at the Good Parts yet so i’m gonna wait until i get to s7 :) 
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halloweentv · 7 years ago
Netflix and chills!
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Celebrate Halloween on Netflix! Below is a list of Halloween themed shows and movies available on Netflix streaming that you can play for Halloween! Enjoy!
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Stranger Things
S1 After a game of D and D with his friends Will disappears. His friends try to find him but instead find a mysterious girl
Takes place during Halloween and the boys dress as the ghostbusters. 
Supernatural S4 It’s the Great Pumpkin Sam Winchester” Investigating two mysterious deaths in a small town, Sam and Dean discover a witch is sacrificing people to summon a dangerous demon. 
S8 “The One with the Halloween Party” At Monica’s Halloween party, Phoebe becomes attracted to her two sister’s fiancé.
S5 “Halloween” Niles hosts a Halloween party for the Library Association where the guests dress as literary characters.
S9 “Room full of heroes” Frasier has a Halloween party and asks his guests to dress as their heroes. 
American Horror Story
S1 “Halloween Part 1 & 2″ the ghosts can leave the house on halloween night. Tate runs into some ghosts from his past. S3 “Fearful Pranks Ensue” the witches raise the dead on Halloween S4 “Edward Mordrake Part 1 & 2″ the freaks don’t want to perform on halloween in fear of a ghost coming to visit.
Freaks and Geeks “Tricks and Treats” - Lindsay spends Halloween making mischief with her new friends while Sam goes trick or treating even though he’s in High School now.
Parenthood S2 “Orange Alert” The Bravermen’s gear up to celebrate their favorite holiday, Halloween! Max wants to go trick or treating for the first time, so his parents do their best to prepare him for the night, since he is on the spectrum.
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Parks and Recreation S2 “Greg Pikitis” Leslie enlists the help of Dave and Andy in order to catch a local teen vandal. Meanwhile, Ann struggles to make her Halloween party fun and gets help from an unlikely source. S4 “Meet n Greet” Ben is mad when Andy and April decide to throw a Halloween party at their house without asking him. Tom emcees an event for Leslie’s campaign but manages to also promote his company. Meanwhile, Ron and Ann give Andy and April an unusual wedding present.
13 Reasons Why
“Tape 2 Side B” Its Halloween in the present and Clay strikes back at someone who wronged Hannah. In the past Hannah thinks someone is stalking her. 
S2 “Trick or Techrat” Jem and friends encounter spooky mishaps while preparing an old opera house for a Halloween concert
Fuller House
S2 “Curse of Tanner Manor” DJ attempts to throw the scariest Halloween party for Max. Stephanie works as a zombie at a haunted house.
Star Trek TOS
S2 “Catspaw” Kirk and the crew land on a planet with a spooky castle and witches.
Pac’s Scary Halloween
Sinister Dr. Pacenstein schemes to swap bodies with Pac during a Halloween party.
Pac Man and the Ghostly Adventures
S1 “A Berry Scary Night”  Count Pacula attempts to drain the last yellow orb in Pac World on Halloween night. 
S2 “The Shadow of the were-pac” Pac and his friends are confronted by spooky space ghost pirates. 
The Real Ghostbusters
S1 “When Halloween was forever” An ancient spirit shows up in New York to make Halloween last forever. And Frankenstein is groovin!
S2 “Halloween II ½” While everyone is trick or treating on Halloween Sam Hain escapes.
S4 “The Halloween Door” Crowley wants to end Halloween once and for all and does so even without the help of the ghost busters. 
Cult of Chucky
Chucky has some scores to settle with some old enemies.
Young Frankenstein
In this pitch perfect parody, the grandson of the infamous Dr. Frankenstein follows in his footsteps and creates a monster and puts on the ritz!
Tales of Halloween
Anthology series of shorts set on Halloween. Including trick or treating aliens and kidnappers in way over their heads.
Mr. Young
S3 “Mr. Candy” The gang are hungover from too much candy the previous night and struggle to put together the events from Halloween.
S3 “Fairy tales can come true” Cliff meets the woman of his dreams at the bar on Halloween night but is afraid of meeting her when he’s not in costume. 
S10 “Bar Wars V: The Final Judgement” Sam’s latest trick may have killed Gary, but is it really Gary who is playing the trick on Sam?
Charmed S3 “All Halliwell’s Eve” The sister’s go to the 1600’s to save a witch and her baby
Family Guy S9 “Halloween on Spooner Street” Stewie’s candy is stolen by bullies
F is for Family
S1 F is for Halloween” Frank secretly torpedoes Sue’s shot at a real job and a bully leaves Bill afraid to don his costume.
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How I met Your Mother S1 “Slutty Pumpkin” Ted holds out hope of seeing the Slutty Pumpkin, a girl he met at a Halloween before. S7 “The Slutty Pumpkin Returns” Ted finally meets the slutty pumpkin again.
Girl Meets World
S1 “Girl Meets World of Terror″ Augie hosts scary Halloween tales and meets a monster under his bed.
S2 “Girls Meets World of Terror 2″ Riley and Maya discover the ghost a flapper living in the bay window. 
S3 “Girl Meets World of Terror 3″ Augie does a scary time theater and shows what the world would be like if Riley and Maya never became friends. 
Power Rangers S1 “Trick or Treat” Kimberly goes on a Halloween game show…cuz those exist. S1 “Life’s a Masquerade” Isn’t set on Halloween but has a cool Frankenstein monster in it. and costumes. S2 “Zedd’s Monster Mash” Tommy faces some real Halloween monsters after he’s kidnapped by Goldar. 
Power Rangers Samurai “Party Monsters” and “Trickster Treat”
Power Rangers Megaforce “Raising Spirits” 
Power Rangers Dino Charge “The Ghostest with the Mostest” and in Dino Super Charge “Trick or Trial”
Dreamworks Spooky Stories “Scared Skrekless” Shrek and Co tell scary stories “Monsters vs Aliens Mutant pumpkins” Ginormica and co battle mutant pumpkins! Dreamworks Spooky Stories Vol. 2 “Monsters Vs Aliens: night of the Living Carrots” Picks up right after the previous special Also included another MVA short, Megamind, and Shrek.
From R.L. Stine: Monsterville A group of kids find out a haunted maze at the carnival is more realistic than they thought.
Mostly Ghostly 3
As Max tries to help his ghost pals Nicky and Tara find their parents, he stumbles on an enchanted crystal–and an evil new plot by Phears. 
Good show for the season but the Halloween episodes in particular are S5 “The Haunted Mask” Carly Beth’s scary mask begins to change her. S5 “The Haunted Mask 2” A boy’s creepy Halloween mask won’t come off and begins to harm him. S2 “Attack of the Jack O'Lanterns” Jack O‘Lantern aliens terrorize some trick or treaters. 
Goosebumps Movie
A teen moves to a new town and falls for the girl next door but soon finds out her dad is R.L. Stine and his book characters become all too real. 
The Haunting Hour series
Another good show for the season. The halloween episode is S2 “Pumpkinhead” - a group of siblings fear the legend of a farmer who takes kids heads and turns them into pumpkins.
————- Glee S2 the class attempts to out on a performance of Rocky Horror for Halloween. 
New Girl S2 “Halloween” Jess gets hired as a zombie at a haunted house. S3 “Keaton” Jess hosts a Halloween party and a Michael Keaton batman costume helps cheer up Schmidt. Spooky Buddies The buddies encounter the Halloween Hound and evade an evil sorceror on Halloween night. . Louie S3 “Halloween/Ellie” Louie takes his daughters trick or treating and encounter some punks.
Malcolm in the Middle S2 “Halloween Approximately” -Malcolm and his brothers build the ultimate stealth weapon. S7 “Halloween” - Reese and Dewey evade an old man they egged while Loos tries to get out of work so she can trick or treat. 
My Babysitter’s a Vampire S2  "Halloweird" In a total “not rip off” of Buffy, a mask makes people turn into real-life versions of their costumes.
The Vampire Diaries S1 “Haunted” Matt takes Vicky to a haunted hous ebut the night takes a terrifying turn
That 70’s Show S2 “Halloween” The gang visit their old burnt down school while Kitty remincies about their first Halloween in the house. S3 “Too Old to Trick or Treat, Too young to Die” A Halloween episode filled with parodies of Alfred Hitchcock movies: “Rear Window”, “Vertigo”, “The Birds”, “North By Northwest” and “Psycho”.
CSI Miami “By the Book” A body is found that appears to have had the blood drained by a Vampire
Bones “Mummy in the Maze” A mummy found in a Halloween maze leads to an investigation. Bones has a Wonder-ful costume!
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The Office S2 Halloween Downsizing leads corporate headquarters to order Michael to fire somebody by the end of October. Michael procrastinates until Halloween, when he still has not decided whom to fire. When he decides to fire Creed, Creed manages to convince Michael to fire Devon. S6 Koi Pond While on the way to a business meeting, Michael falls into a koi pond. The staff tease him so he holds an anti-bullying seminar. Pam and Andy go cold-calling to stir up some new business; they reluctantly use clients’ mistaking them as a couple to their advantage. S7 Costume Contest Michael freaks out when Darryl goes over his head by taking an idea to corporate. The employees partake in a Halloween costume contest in the office. Meanwhile, Pam tries to get the truth from Danny about their dating history. S8 Spooked Erin works to make a spooky, non-childish Halloween party, with help from Gabe. Dwight becomes friends with Robert’s son, and Pam and Jim debate the existence of ghosts. Meanwhile, Robert tries to figure out everyone’s deepest fears in order to culminate a ghost story.
It’s Always Sunny in Philadelphia S6 “Who got Dee Pregnant” The gang think back to their Halloween party to figure out who got Dee pregnant.
Pretty Little Liars S2 “The First Secret” in a flashback some backstory to the mystery of A is revelaed. S3 “This is a Dark Ride” The girls get aboard the Rosewood ghost train S4 “Grave New World” A clue suggests that Ali may still be alive so they crash a cemetery party to find her.
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muzikjellybean-skz979 · 8 years ago
Dameon Clarke TV Spots
As of 3/22/2017
Less than 5 episodes:
CSI (S9/E13)
CSI: New York (S6/E2)
CSI: Miami (S4/E12)
CSI: Cyber (S2/E11)
NCIS (S11/E8)
NCIS: Los Angeles (S1/E14)
Supernatural (S4/E4)
Criminal Minds (S1/E7)
Castle (S2/E17 & 18)
24 (S7/E1, 2 & 4)
Rizzoli & Isles (S6/E5)
Major Crimes (S3/E9)
Make It or Break It (S2/E10)
Prison Break (S4/E4, 5, 6 & 7)
What About Brian (S2/E10 & 13)
LAX (S1/E1)
Third Watch (S4/E20 & 22)
Walker, Texas Ranger (S9/E7)
More than 5 episodes:
How to Get Away with Murder S3/E2 - 4, 7, 9 - 11
Graceland S1/E10 - 12 S2/E11 - 13
 @danidevilicious @streetsolo
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lilcathsmith · 7 months ago
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Crime Show Meme - CSI: Miami insp [3/10 episodes]
-> Going Ballistic/Resurrection (Season 6 Episode 21/ Season 7 Episode 1, 19th May 2008/ 22nd September 2008)
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maturemenoftvandfilms · 7 years ago
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CSI: Miami (TV Series) - S7/E13 ’And They’re Offed’ (2009) Graham Beckel as Wayne Tully
[photoset #1 of 2]
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lilcathsmith · 7 months ago
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Crime Show Meme - CSI: Miami insp [4/10 episodes]
-> Wolfe In Sheep's Clothing (Season 7 Episode 20, 30th March 2009)
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