#csi law and order and the x files are all sitting there waiting for me
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bellarichie · 1 year ago
me, really bored: omg there's LITERALLY nothing for me to watch *starts watching yet another old cop show*
all the other shows i've been procrastinating on for YEARS: am i a joke to you?
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shan282-ao3 · 6 years ago
Bridges Ch1
Originally posted on Archive of Our Own [x]
Chapters: 1/? Fandom: Far Cry 5 Rating: Explicit Warnings: Creator Chose Not To Use Archive Warnings Relationships: Female Deputy | Judge/John Seed, Jacob Seed/Original Female Character(s), Faith Seed/Original Male Character(s) Characters: Original Female Character(s), Original Male Character(s), John Seed, Jacob Seed, Joseph Seed, Faith Seed, Staci Pratt, Joey Hudson, Earl Whitehorse, Cameron Burke, Charles Lindsey, Virgil Minkler Additional Tags: Alternate Universe - No Eden’s Gate Cult, Police Procedural, Slow Burn, Eventual Smut, Fluff, no beta we die like men
Summary: Detective Sarah Lamb did not ask for a new partner nor did she want one. John Seed has graciously volunteered his services to solve the murder of a coworker at the law firm he works and she doesn’t trust him for a second. If she has to listen to his disappointment in her taste in music one more time she might actually crash them into the embankment.
“I don’t need a new partner, sir. I’ve got Pratt.” Sarah crossed her arms and leaned back in her chair.
“Pratt is Hudson’s partner and he’s still on desk duty after that stunt he pulled last week.” Whitehorse shot her a harsh glare as she covered her mouth to hide her amused look.
“What about Tessa? She could still be my partner.”
“Rook is in Vice now, you’re still Homicide.” Whitehorse pinched the bridge of his nose and sighed. “Look, you’re a good detective Lamb, but you’d be better with a partner. I’m not saying I’ll babe assigning you one tomorrow, but in the next few weeks I’ll find a candidate to fill Rook’s spot on the team and they’re going to be your partner.”
Sarah glared at her shoes for a second, fighting back the urge to continue complaining. “Yes, sir.” She pushed her chair back and stood to leave. “I’ll see myself out if there’s nothing else.”
Whitehorse shook his head and waved her away. Sarah carefully closed the door and made her way across the bullpen, throwing herself into her desk chair.
“Bad news?” Staci asked, wheeling his chair over to her desk.
“He’s making me get a new partner.” She sighed and pulled a casefile from the pile on her desk. She’d closed it that morning, the coroner had ruled it a suicide in the end, so she just had to finish up the paperwork.
“I thought Rook was your partner?” He was tapping on the edge of her desk with a couple of pens.
“She’s moved to Vice.” She didn’t bother looking up, smacking his pens away with an irritated huff.
“Since fucking when?”
“Since last week dumbass. Do you not pay attention to anything that happens here?” Sarah finally peeled her eyes from her paper and gave Pratt a questioning look.
“I’m on desk duty, Sarah, I’ve been playing the Bioshock games for the last week. I just finished Infinite.” He had a proud grin on his face and Sarah couldn’t help but snort out a laugh.
“How’d you even get that on the computer without Whitehorse throwing a fit?”
“He’s Whitehorse, the guy would still have a rotary phone in his office is the department didn’t make him upgrade.” Staci snickered and Sarah joined him, ducking her head behind her computer when Whitehorse threw open the door to his office.
“Pratt.” He barked, Staci muttered an apology and wheeled himself back to his desk. He shot Staci a disapproving look as he walked past his desk, stopping in front of Sarah’s desk. “Lamb you’ve got a case. Take Hudson with you.”
“What is it?” Sarah asked as she stood from her desk, pulling on her jacket.
“Lawyer at Sutherland Wells was murdered, Eliot Horne. His assistant found the body.” Whitehorse informed her, giving her the address. Sarah nodded and grabbed her keys, leaving the station with Hudson at her side.
Sarah flashed her badge to the posted uniform as she ducked under the crime scene. She walked down the hallway towards the crime scene, glancing at the witnesses that stood around waiting to be interviewed.
“Find the assistant and get her statement. I’ll go check out the body.” Sarah ordered Hudson, slipping between a pair of uniforms standing guard at the doorway to the office of the murdered associate. Sarah slowed when she spotted Tessa studying the crime scene.
“Rook? What’s vice doing here?” She questioned, her territorial side kicking in. This was a homicide, no way was she letting vice steal this case from her, even if it was Tess.
“Burke sent me, he’s got this theory that,” Tessa trailed off and shook her head, “Well it doesn’t matter. This doesn’t look like a vice case so I’ll leave it in your hands. Send me a copy of the autopsy if there’s evidence of drugs.”
Sarah nodded slowly, narrowing her eyes in slight distrust. Tessa smiled and excused herself, promising to text her later so they could get together for drinks. Sarah waited until she was out of sight before turning back to the crime scene, her crime scene.
She carefully stepped around the evidence markers of the floor, making sure not to taint anything or get in the way of the CSI team. She stopped in front of the body and looked towards the coroner, Dr. Lindsey, as he examined the victim.
“First thoughts?” Sarah questioned, pulling her notebook from her pocket and writing down her own first impressions of the scene.
“He was stabbed.”
“Obviously.” Sarah deadpanned, looking up from her notebook to examine the body herself.
The man was still sat in his desk, the blood on his clothes and the floor had dried a while ago. A pair of scissors stuck out of his chest, a dozen more stab wounds around it and in his stomach. His previously crisp suit had been torn into ribbons, his once white shirt stained red.
“Based on the degree of vigor, factoring in room temp, I’d say the time of death is somewhere between 10 and 1am.” Lindsey stated, leaning back on his heels, Sarah nodded and noted it in her book. “I’ll be able to give you a more precise time once I have him on the table.”
“Thanks, Lindsey.” Sarah gave him a stiff smile before taking a turn around the room to study more of the crime scene.
Bloody shoe prints lead to the door then stopped, Sarah suspected the killer had noticed the trail they were leaving and taking their shoes off. She ordered one of the CSI guys to sweep the hallway and neighboring offices a second time in the hopes that maybe they’d get lucky. There was blood splatter across the desk and window which wasn’t particularly odd given the violence of the stabbing.
Outside the office, Sarah searched around for Hudson, finally finding her at the receptionist’s desk interviewing the woman sitting there. She tapped her shoulder and beckoned her over.
“The assistant?”
“No, I already got her. I told her she could go home and we’d call her in if we needed her. Now I’m just going through everyone.” Hudson answered and gestured to the hallway. “He was apparently close with another lawyer, a John Duncan. They got into a fight over a case a few days ago, it ended with threats from both parties.”
“Thanks, I’ll go talk to him.” With the help of one of the other officers there, she was pointed towards the correct office. The door was closed so Sarah knocked before opening it. “John Duncan?” She asked, stepping into the office.
The man in question was hunched over his desk reading over a very thick file. “John Seed actually. I’ll be with you in a moment, detective,” He didn’t bother looking up from the file, Sarah glared at him and stepped completely into the room.
She didn’t stop until her legs knocked against the edge of his desk, crossing her arms and looking down at him. When John still didn’t look away from his file, Sarah reached forward and pulled it from his desk before he could stop her, flipping it shut and dropping it onto one of the chairs facing his desk.
John glared up at her, crossing his arms and leaning back. The room was silent as they both stared each other down, only breaking eye contact so he could look her up and down a few times.
“What can I help you with, detective?” He asked with mock curiosity as if he didn’t already know why she was there.
“Your coworker was murdered, Mr. Seed, and according to witnesses you had an altercation with Mr. Horne earlier this week.” Sarah pulled her notebook from her pocket again, waiting to write down his statement.
“Verbal altercation.” He corrected her, a slightly smug look on look on his face. “Eliot and I simply had a difference of opinions on the case we’re both working.”
“Way I heard it, it was more than just a difference of opinions. Threats were made so it doesn’t look too good for you right now.”
“Yes, he threatened to get me fired if I didn’t go along with his approach to the case. So I threatened to expose his affairs with his assistant and our receptionist, I’m sure Ms. Watts and Ms. Vasquez left that out of their statements.” He leaned back in his chair, his voice dripping with all the charisma of a lawyer of his fortitude.
Sarah wasn’t an idiot, she’d heard his name in the news before. He was young, handsome, and had been winning quite a few cases lately so his name came up in law circles quite often. The DA’s office had apparently been eyeing him to fill the position left by their last ADA but he’d politely turned them down for Sutherland Wells.
“Do you have an alibi for last night, Mr. Seed?” Sarah asked, tapping her pen against the notebook.
“Yes,” He leaned forward with a sly smile and launched into the details of the party he’d been at the night before. Sarah rolled her eyes but wrote it all down, not at all impressed. This was going to be a long interview.
Sarah looked up from her computer as Whitehorse called her into his office. As she walked towards his office she prepared to defend herself for not having any leads on Horne case. It’d been two days since she’d visited the crime scene and without any concrete suspects, she was just waiting on the coroner’s report. John Seed had been at the top of her list for all of an hour before his alibi was confirmed.
She stepped into the office, shutting the door behind her. Someone else sat in one of the chairs in front of his desk and she assumed it was a member of the brass there to chew her out as well.
“Sir I’m just waiting on the Horne autopsy, I swear it’s still my top priority.” Sarah quickly said, wanting to get ahead of the lecture she was dreading.
“That’s not why I called you in, though I am disappointed in the lack of suspects.” He gestured for Sarah to take a seat in the remaining empty chair and clasped his hands. She sat down and glanced sideways at the man beside her, her eyes widening when she recognized John Seed, smug grin and all.
“Lamb, you remember our chat about getting you a new partner?”
“Yes. What is Mr. Seed doing here?” She quickly asked, in no mood to beat around the bushes.
“He is very invested in finding the killer of Mr. Horne and has offered his services as a consultant, for free.”
“I’m always looking for ways to help, Captain.” John offered, he actually sounded sincere but Sarah didn’t believe it for a second.
“What does this have to do with me?” She asked slowly, already dreading where this conversation was going.
“He’s going to be your partner on this case.”
“Excuse me?” Sarah looked between the two in shock. “Captain he’s a civilian. He’s not cleared to go out there with me. Besides he was a suspect originally.”
“I was cleared immediately.” John pointed out and Sarah sent him a cold glare.
“He’s already been cleared by Mayor Minkler and the brass. It’s just a temporary situation, Lamb, until this case gets solved.” Whitehorse left no room for objections, silence Sarah when she opened her mouth to speak. Sarah sat there in shocked silence for a few more minutes as Whitehorse went over some of the finer details, abruptly standing when she was dismissed.
She stiffly walked back to her desk, not making eye contact with anyone, and dropped gracelessly into her chair.
“Fuck this.” She muttered and pulled the Horne casefile from her desk. John’s tattooed hand appeared in her vision and she smacked it away. “What?” She snapped, looking up at him.
“I was trying to be polite and shake your hand.” He raised his hands in mock surrender, his face a perfect mask of innocence. “Your captain said I could sit at this desk while I helped you on this.” He said, sitting down in the desk directly facing her’s. It had been Tessa’s up until her transfer and right now Sarah was really wishing that she hadn’t.
“Good for you.” She muttered and looked back down at her casefile. She jerked her head up when she felt more than saw him get closer. “What are you doing?”
“Reading the casefile or least attempting to.” He said, his voice tight with what Sarah could only assume was frustration. She glared at him, she could tell him to get his own copy but then she’d likely be forced to fill out all the paperwork. Instead, she huffed and pushed the file towards him.
“Just don’t fuck it up, it’s the original.” She practically snarled and he gave her a clearly practiced wounded look before taking it.
Sarah crossed her arms and leaned back, narrowing her eyes and sizing him up. She wasn’t sure what to make of the lawyer. From what she’d heard from the few detectives who’d met him while testifying in court, he was supposed absolutely charming. Sarah, however, couldn’t get past his cocky attitude. She didn’t give a shit how attractive he was of if he had legs for days and eyes blue enough to drown in. He was a pompous ass who thought he was all that.
Yet he also seemed genuinely invested in this case. She’d read about his charity work in the news and while she wanted to just write it off as a publicity stunt from what she’d heard during his interviews he seemed to genuinely enjoy it. He seemed to genuinely care about people.
“It’s rude to stare, you know,” John said without looking up from the file, Sarah could see a ghost of a smirk on his lips. “You should take a picture, it’ll last longer.”
“The day I willingly do that Staci should check me into the psych ward. Unless it’s for your mugshot, then I’ll happily take your picture.” She gave him a sour smile. John returned her unhappy smile with a clearly forced one of his own.
“I am looking forward to our partnership, detective,” John said, his voice dripping with swagger and for a second Sarah was tempted to smack the smirk off his face. She'd be professional for once and save that for after they'd finished this case.
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imaginesoftheflash-blog · 8 years ago
Fantasy vs. Reality (E2 Barry Allen x Reader)
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Part One
Requested by: anonymous “Hi! I really love your imagines, you’re a really good writer! I was wondering if you could write one involving Barry from Earth 2? It could be about anything, but pls involve him! Love ya 😜”
Word Count: 1544
Author’s Note: So, I’m writing this the day before school starts back up so you’re welcome;) anyways, my new laptop won’t be coming in until next week so uploads will be slow until then!!:// I’m so sorry guys but please stick with me and I will be writing a ton of imagines:) IMPORTANT!!!!: If you sent a request, thank you SO much for your patience. I know it’s been a while but I will get them done:)) I love you guys.
(a/n: this entire imagine takes place in earth two where Barry is a CSI technician that has no Flash powers)
Do you ever wonder who you will marry in the future? Or just who you will date in hopes of having a future with that person? Do you have a specific type in mind?
You know, the usual proper gentleman who’s kind and funny and handsome? Or the mysterious one who doesn’t give a crap but somehow, you believe that he could be the one?
Everyone always has a type. Everyone always has an expectation. Whether it be the perfect guy or just one that has the basic manners down. No one expects to love a person who they don’t see a happily ever after with. 
But, the universe is famous for screwing with our expectations in life. Especially when it concerns our love life.
“Mom, I’m sorry, but I really can’t come right now!” you whisper-yelled into the phone that was squished between your ear and your neck as you frantically signed papers in hopes to get to your business meeting on time. 
You would put her on speaker, but the last time you did that, she started to yell at you, allowing everyone within hearing distance in your office become aware of your conversation. The same one that you were having now and had been having for a month now.
“Y/N, please. I think it would be a great opportunity, not only for your firm, but for us as well! We could use that smart lawyer brain of yours,” your mom persuaded. 
For the past month, she had been trying to get the law firm that you worked at to come and partner with the CCPD, where she worked at as a detective.  You weren’t one of the founders of the firm, but your mom knew that you had a big effect on what goes on around at the work place because of your high position. 
You didn’t like the idea, because although that would mean more cases, they weren’t exactly the best cases. In Central City, metahumans run around amok the citizens. They make chaos and spread fear. In some situations, they even murder innocent bystanders. 
Now, what jury would declare a wreaking metahuman not guilty? No matter how good the lawyer is, a metahuman will always be considered guilty. That would be a waste of money and resources for the firm. You would be better off with lawsuits that people make when their insurance company doesn’t live up to their promise.
If you didn’t support the idea, you, the top lawyer in your firm, then how would your bosses?  However, your mother really needed the lawyers. The police didn’t always work with metas, but for the same reason as you, many law firms withdrew their contract with the CCPD.
“Y/N, just come over to the department and take a look. You haven’t even given it a try yet. Please? For your mom?” your mom asked over the phone. You put down your pen and reached for your phone, straightening out your neck. 
You sighed, giving in. “Alright, Mom. I’ll do it. It’s only a look, okay? I can’t guarantee anything.” After all that your mom has done for you, it was the least that you could do. 
“Yes! Thanks, honey. The police department and the citizens of Central City really appreciate that,” she said. You smiled into the phone.
“Ha. Ha. I’m sure they do. I’ll see you soon then?” you asked.
“Oh, yeah. Definitely. Okay, bye, honey.”
“Bye, Mom,” you responded in a sing-song voice. You smiled as you put the phone back into the receiver. Moms.
“Y/N, you made it,” your mom greeted as the elevator door opened. 
“Yeah, I did. What did you want to show me?” you asked smiling. The place was bustling with officers, people walking and holding coffee in their hands, others clicking on their computers who were deep in thought, creases lining their foreheads.
“Oh right, we received this new case about a meta stealing diamonds for money in order to feed his family. It’s really a heartbreaking case. I thought that this would be an interesting one to show you,” your mom informed you.
You nodded, pleasantly surprised. “Okay, let’s see it.”
“Let me go find the case file,” she said, obviously excited that you were on board. “Where’s Detective West?” your mom asked, mumbling to herself as she scanned the surroundings. She stopped another officer that was walking by.
“Have you seen West?” your mom asked. The officer pointed vaguely upstairs to the many rooms.
‘Wow, how informative,’ you thought.
Your mom nodded, however, like she knew exactly where Detective West would be in all of the rooms upstairs. 
“C’mon,” your mom instructed, grabbing your arm. “West knows all of the details. He can fill you in.”
You two walked upstairs, entering a room with two metal double doors. In the corner were two guys who were hunched over something, whispering lightly.
Your mom cleared her throat which made the two men stand up, looking at the two of you.
One of them was a slightly familiar older man with scruff who was obviously the Detective West as he had a gold star badge clipped onto his belt strap next to a gun in a holster. 
You looked at him for a moment. He had been your mother’s police partner for as long as you could remember. You’ve heard stories of him, but you had only met him once and were too young to remember much of anything about Detective West.
The other guy, however, was young. Maybe around your age. He had dark brown hair with round glasses and wore a bowtie, a vest, and brown slacks. You raised an eyebrow slightly in amusement. Now that was an different look.
He was just the whole package deal, wasn’t he?
“Oh, hey, Y/L/N,” Detective West greeted, directing his words at your mom, “Did you need me?” he asked.
Then he looked at you. A moment later, a smile erupted for his face. “My goodness, Y/N. Look at you! You have grown so much,” he said. 
He left his previous post and came up to you with arms spread open. You awkwardly went in for the hug and smiled, putting on your best face. That one face you put on when you met new people.
“Hi, Detective West. It’s nice to see you again,” you said with a smiling face. You remembered to put in the ‘again’ seeing as you didn’t recall meeting him, but you knew that you had in the past.
“Oh, just call me Joe.” He chuckled and patted you on the back before facing your mother again.
“I was wondering if we could show Y/N that case that we’d been working on. I asked her if she could help us,” your mom explained.
Joe looked at her before glancing at you and back to her again. “Yeah, yeah. It’s locked in the evidence room, though.”
Your mom nodded understandingly and looked at you. “Can you wait here? Only restricted personnel are allowed in Evidence.”
You nodded, not having a problem about it. Joe and your mom left the room to go find the case, leaving you with the guy who was still in the corner of the lab.
You faced him, catching him looking at you before he veered his eyes away. You walked up to the table where he was sitting at, behind a microscope and many other different samples with a soft smile on your lips.
“Hey, I’m Y/N,” you greeted, extending a hand.
The guy looked at you shock, like it was a miracle that you were walking to him. He looked at you for a second before shaking your hand timidly.
“M-my name is Barry,” he said. 
You smiled a little wider even though you wanted to leave the room. He was making the air in it very awkward.
“Hi, Barry. So, what’re you doing?” you asked, nodding towards the microscope. It wouldn’t take that long to get one file, right? Might as well make some conversation.
Barry looked at the microscope like he didn’t even know that it was in front of him in the first place. 
“Oh, uh, I-I’m just…It’s a piece of evidence that was, uh, discovered at a crime scene,” he stuttered. You glanced at his work. To be honest, it seemed kind of interesting and different. It intrigued you. The science part always seemed to capture your attention whenever you worked with these sort of cases.
“Oh, really? That looks cool,” you said with a hint of excitement to your voice.
Barry grinned at you. “You think? I mean, I do too-like-it is, you know, super cool, but-” 
You smiled at his frantic rambling. At first, admittedly, you thought it was weird, but after talking to him for a bit, you thought it was cute. Like a cute quirk that he had. 
He wasn’t as bad as you thought he was.
Just then your mom appeared at the doorway, waving a manila folder in the air.
“Y/N, honey, come on. We found the file,” you mom said. She glanced over at Barry with a secret look and waved you over before disappearing again.
You glanced back at Barry who was still smiling at you behind those round glasses.
“See you later, Barry.” You waved before walking out of the lab. 
For some reason, deep in your gut, something told you that you would see him again. And that gave you an uneasy, but good, lingering feeling.
Little did you know, that this small encounter would lead to something so much more than just an exchange of smiles in the middle of a lab.
Author’s Note: So, someone requested this and I was just writing and I decided to turn it into a series;) thanks to whoever sent this! I think it’ll turn out really well:))
Also, I know that Iris is the detective in Earth Two, but I just really like Joe as the officer lol :) and Iris and Barry are obviously not married in this imagine fyi
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