#cs secret santa gift fic
snowbellewells · 2 years
CS Secret Santa 2022: Gift Fic “Let Nothing You Dismay”
Hello, it’s your running late Secret Santa at last!! This fic is my gift for @zaharadessert , my giftee in the @cssecretsanta2020 event. I apologize that I am so close to the deadline for getting it posted on the 26th, but I have truly enjoyed being your Santa this year. I love your writing and CS fics, and I wanted this to be something you would enjoy in return. (I hope I’ve managed that to some degree!) I wanted a bit of one of them taking care of the other when they couldn’t, several of the side characters you mentioned enjoying, and a bit of post-s6 every day life in Storybrooke we could have seen for CS after their wedding. I also couldn’t resist trying to work in multiple Christmas tress in some way after you shared about that tradition from your real life. I can’t really fuss with it anymore though, so I’m going to put it in your hands and hope it will make you smile.
Merry (day after) Christmas @zaharadessert​ and I’m glad I got to be your Secret Santa!
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by: @snowbellewells​ 
Summary: A quick check on the town’s power lines turns into a frightening emergency for Emma and Killian, but their family and friends prove neither of them are lost or forgotten anymore. And that’s not the only surprise this holiday season has in store...
Shivering and futilely trying to keep her teeth from clacking together as they chattered, Emma Swan blew out a worried, frustrated breath and crouched closer before the silent, empty fireplace. It shouldn’t be anything for her to kindle flames within using her magic, but as she stretched her trembling hands stinging with cold - and she feared oncoming frostbite - out toward the hearth once more, not even a fitful spark showed for her efforts.
Her head falling forward, chin resting on her chest, Emma cursed under her breath, feeling her desperation rising, but not wanting to alert her husband to her growing sense of panic. Instead, she gathered a deep, cleansing breath and tried to refocus her energy. Just as Killian often playfully reminded her of himself, they were both survivors, and they would get through this.
A low, pained groan caught her ear, just as Emma had managed to still her racing thoughts, and her breath hitched in her chest, worry clenching her heart once more. Stupid, ridiculous, dashing, selfless pirate, she berated internally as she watched his head toss back and forth on the pillow where it lay. He wasn’t fully conscious, and if she’d had any doubt of that, his moan of discomfort had silenced it; he was too stubborn and tough to have let such a sound escape and concern her if he were fully aware. 
Quickly, Emma stood and moved to his side of the rickety bed, where they had managed to perch his wounded and chilled form, before he had eventually sprawled insensibly, at last unable to keep up the appearance that he was fine. Biting her lower lip, which was becoming increasingly chapped and sensitive from the worried action, Emma reached out to brush what she hoped were soothing fingers over his brow, and nearly recoiled with a gasp from the heat now radiating off Killian’s skin. The dark hair that fell over his forehead was damp with perspiration as she brushed the strands back from his brow, and she felt her pulse kick up at the tremor she could feel running through him.
She was no nurse, but she knew that the dangers of a fever running too high, unchecked, for too long could be too awful to contemplate. Once more, she reached deep inside herself for her magic hoping to curb the fever that seemed to grip her husband, or at least to ease his pain or mend the ankle she feared might be badly broken. As before, however, she could feel the power and warmth begin to gather, start the tingle down her arms to her waiting fingers, then fizzle out uselessly. She wanted to cry or scream, angry at herself for her inability to use magic now when they needed it more than ever, when her True Love needed her so badly. Why was now the time that her power seemed unable to offer any comfort?!?
To think that they were in such dire straits, essentially stranded in the empty hunter’s cabin in which her parents had once weathered a storm as well, Killian unable to go further, the wind howling and snow flying and a winter storm predicted to be coming in, and it had happened through plain bad luck and natural bad weather, not some malevolent villain or fairytale creature or curse. She and her devoted deputy spouse had ridden out to the town line to make sure that all seemed well and that the large power line which had gone down before and put the town in a blackout was sturdy and working normally before any more winter weather came rolling in.
Though all had appeared well out where the large transformer hung and Storybrooke’s power supply was undaunted, the wind had been fierce and gaining in strength with each second that passed by. Concluding that all was as it should be to withstand the onslaught, they had turned to trek back to the cruiser through the rapidly collecting snow when an exceptionally powerful gust nearly knocked Emma off her feet with a whistling howl. She had barely righted herself when she heard a loud, snapping sound, alarmingly like the echoing crack of a gunshot, and Killian had plowed into her, knocking them both back into a snowdrift and landing mostly on top of her.
Spluttering, Emma found herself gripping Killian’s forearms tightly for a sense of grounding, not sure what had just happened. For a second, she was breathless and disoriented enough not to pick up on the tense undercurrent of pain in her husband’s voice or the taut effort at hiding it in his features, only the worry in his wide blue eyes as he questioned whether she was alright.
“I’m fine,” she managed awkwardly shuffling to try sitting up, “but why did you…?” She knew he wouldn’t have bowled her over for no reason, but she still felt a shiver run through her and the question stall in her throat when her eyes caught sight of the enormous tree limb lying in the road near them - right where she had been standing moments ago. The wind had surely broken it loose, causing the noise they had heard, and Killian’s faultless sharp reflexes had saved her from the thing coming down on her head and possibly being crushed.
She lunged forward to embrace him shakily, both stunned and grateful only for the quick movement to cause a hiss of discomfort to escape his clenched teeth and alert her that he had been injured in his heroics.
From there it hadn’t taken long to ascertain that he had done some serious damage to his ankle in his dive to push her to safety and shield her with his own body. And, despite his protests that he had sustained numerous worse injuries and attempts to soldier on, when he had attempted to place his full weight on the injured extremity, he had barely kept from toppling to the ground. With Emma as a crutch at his side, they had managed a few hobbling steps, only to discover that the cruiser would get them nowhere. The downed limb had partially trapped the car as well as blocked the way back to town. The wind and snow swirled around the whole area so much now that it was practically a wall of white they were looking into and there would have been no safe way to stay on the road, even if they could get through.
Rather than freezing to death there on the road or in the stalled vehicle, they had remembered the abandoned cabin and made their way toward it haltingly, but by the time they had reached the rough-hewn porch, Emma was genuinely worried for her pirate. Not only was the pain he tried to mask clearly radiating up his leg and throughout his body with each movement, but he was shaking with the strain, sweating at the exertion in spite of the bitter chill, and with him not dressed nearly as warmly as she was either. Normally it was a playful subject for teasing, just a quirk she had long since accepted as a part of him. However, as he still shivered and quaked despite the hours they’d been inside the cabin, and him under all the blankets she’d been able to find - fire or no - she feared he had taken a chill she didn’t know how to reverse and that he could little afford.
Thinking back on it all, how had the day taken such a frighteningly drastic turn so abruptly? They’d begun the morning with mugs of hot cocoa at their respective desks, soon joined good-naturedly by her father as they discussed what to bring for Christmas dinner and when Henry would arrive home from college.  They’d all three struggled not to laugh at Regina’s affronted tone when she had called with the petty complaint that Leroy and Will Scarlet had tramped through her garden as they stumbled home singing raucously after closing down the Rabbit Hole and damaged her poinsettia plants. How had a day like that brought them here by dinner time?
She ought to be used to such twists of fate, Emma supposed as she crossed to the rough sink, drew a cup of water, and brought it back to force some liquid into Killian and smooth a trail of it down his overheated cheek. Still, life in Storybrooke had been much quieter since their marriage and the Black Fairy’s defeat. Even Rumplestiltskin seemed to have retreated back to his shop and his quiet seething and plotting rather than outright opposition. Seemingly grateful Belle had not left him and to have received a chance to do better by his second son than he had his first - there seemed to exist a tenuous peace with the wily pawnbroker as he mainly kept to himself and his family’s affairs. Was this all her fault? Could she not heal Killian now or transport them to safety because she had let her guard down? Had her powers weakened or gone lax with disuse? 
Not knowing what else to do, while her husband shuddered and a wracking cough rattled in his chest, Emma lifted the covers to slip under them as well and scoot as close to him as she could, enveloping his lean form as much as possible in her arms. She wasn’t sure Killian was even aware of her presence, which ratcheted her concern for him all the higher, but all the same, she held his back to her chest, plastering her form - and, she hoped, any body heat she had to offer - along the line of his form. Squeezing her eyes closed with concentrated effort, she continued trying to call upon her magic, not sure yet why it had seemingly deserted her. Rather than the burning Killian’s skin had given off earlier, he now felt chilled and clammy to the touch, and Emma wasn’t sure which worried her more.
At least they had been on duty, and so Hope hadn’t been with them, Emma mused. Unable to speak with her husband in his current state, and trying to still her nervously spiraling thoughts of what might yet happen, Emma drew some small measure of comfort from the fact that their little girl was cozy and safe out at her mom and dad���s farmhouse. Snow had assured her that she and Hope would be more than happy making and decorating Christmas cookies while the rest of them kept law and order in town. Wistfully, she could picture her daughter and her mother icing cookies with all the perfect candies, sprinkles, and trimmings, singing along to Christmas music in Snow’s perfectly decorated kitchen as they did. It made her smile to picture it, even as a small pang shot through her heart at the thought that it could have been a true childhood memory, if things had been different, if she had been able to grow up with her parents. All the same, she begrudged Hope none of the happiness she could have with her grandparents and was incredibly relieved to know she was with them now.
Killian’s form shuddered violently and Emma held her breath as he muttered gibberish, not knowing anything else to do for him, but to hold onto him tight and try to share her warmth, whisper reassurances and press her lips to the back of his neck, praying he would weather the night with some improvement by morning, or at least that by then she might know what to do. Go for help herself and leave him defenseless? She hated to do it, but he couldn’t languish in this state forever either.
Would David by chance have wondered why they never came back to the station? Could he possibly rouse anyone else to help him in his search, despite the awful conditions? Emma didn’t know the answers to those questions, but she was beginning to place hope in it, even more than she wanted to admit to herself. Killian trembled against her without speaking, and as affectionate, verbose, and always concerned for her above all else he usually was, his relative silence troubled her more than even the injuries she was aware of or the exposure she knew he was suffering. Pulling out her cell once more, Emma glanced at the blank screen hopelessly. She was forever forgetting to charge it and running out of battery. It didn’t usually become a problem, but she was kicking herself now that she couldn’t call for help and let someone know where they were.
Killian’s hoarse voice mumbled fitfully, and she pulled him closer yet, burying her nose between his shoulder blades and breathing in his unique spicy, saltwater scent. She reveled in the closeness and comfort of his presence as she always did - even if the reason for cuddling him so tightly right now was far from reassuring.
“You better hang in here with me, Pirate,” she whispered fervently, her lips brushing his ear as she attempted to speak directly into it. Of course, she wasn’t sure how much he was aware of, but she needed him to hear her, to know she was there beside him, and how much he was needed and treasured. After all he had lived through in centuries and realms of life, an ankle injury and bitter cold surely could not be his undoing. 
She was rubbing her hands up and down his shivering arms, when Emma suddenly thought she might be hearing things - the sound of muffled voices calling out to each other on the brittle air and footsteps stamped through the piled snow on the cabin’s porch. 
Breath caught in her throat, Emma’s heart fluttered wildly with a quickening hope at the possibility, and she was just debating leaving the bed to look out, wondering if she should let cool air in to reach Killian if she did, when the door was pushed in with a familiar shout of her name.
Then all was a familiar blur of overwhelming relief as she practically vaulted from under the covers and across the room to throw herself into her dad’s anxious arms. At that moment, after the worry and uncertainty of several hours with Killian in continually worsening shape, David Nolan’s tall, sturdy bulk felt like an unbreakable bulwark when his strong arms wrapped around his grown daughter, practically lifting her off her feet and hand cradling the back of her head. She could tell by the way she could feel his heart beating quickly through his coat that he had been worried for the both of them - and thank goodness he had.
Emma allowed herself a few comforting moments to bask in the sense that help was there and she was no longer alone. Then she whirled to pull her dad toward Killian babbling to explain all that had happened as she did, almost before it struck her that her father wasn’t alone. Pressing into the small cabin behind David were at least five of her honorary uncles - her mother’s once surrogate family in the Enchanted Forest, Will Scarlet bragging loudly to August that he’d known the old cabin was the place to look first, Sean Hermann, and numerous other friends and neighbors she’d come to know over the last few years. Enough reinforcements that it took her breath away to think all of them had come to she and Killian’s rescue. Now that they’d been found, Killian being just fine didn’t seem such a far off Christmas miracle any longer.
~~~~ * ~~~~
As it turned out, Killian’s ankle was broken, but once he was settled safely in Storybrooke General, checked over by Dr. Whale, the ankle set in a cast, warmth and heat restored to him, and a much more healthy color to his face and awareness in his eyes, things felt much less dire. Dr. Whale and his staff did want to keep the Captain overnight for observation, but it seemed that other than needing to figure whether or not he would be able to manage crutches and how else he might get around while his ankle mended, her husband was well out of the woods.
He livened up even further once Snow arrived with their little girl, and Hope was curled up against his side in the hospital bed, her ever-curious enthusiasm not at all daunted by the sight of her papa in a hospital gown, the cast, or the IV trailing from his arm. Instead she prattled away talking about all the cookies she and Gamma had made - a few of which had been snuck in for her parents to try - and how much fun she’d had decorating the miniature tree she and Snow had brought in with them to brighten Killian’s room. Nevermind that he might only be there one night, it was completely her mother to want to spruce the place up with holiday cheer. 
It only grew more humorous when August arrived just as her parents had settled into chairs, Marco and Granny Lucas in tow, all looking relieved to see them safe and well. August’s crooked grin warned Emma something was up, even before his twinkling, mischievous eyes took in the small sapling Hope and Snow had brought and then presenting the slim, four foot spruce he and Marco had carried in themselves, hidden behind them until that moment. Killian’s rich chuckle added to the ridiculous but healing humor of the situation, as they wrestled the second tree for a one night stay into hospital room that was quickly becoming festively crowded. Granny didn’t hesitate a bit either, dithering over to Killian’s side and reaching across Emma to drape a hand-knitted scarf, as red and striking as Emma’s favorite of her husband’s vests around Killian neck and flicking the end at Hope’s nose as she did. “For you, Captain Jones,” she teasingly scolded with an emotional squeeze of his hand belying her words, “since it seems you don’t have the good sense to come in out of the cold.”
Killian bore the jest with good humor, and just as those visitors had departed, Sean and Ashley Herman with little Alexandra arrived, bearing a blue and white fake tree they swore they didn’t use anymore. After them, Will and Leroy appeared, arguing over who had found it, but bearing a freshly cut garland to drape in the room’s window sill. By the time Smee and some of the other members of Killian’s old crew who still remained in Storybrooke stopped in to pay their respects (and bearing a hidden flask “to ease their former commander’s pain”) it was truly beginning to look a lot like Christmas in Smee’s stunned way of speaking.
By the time Emma and Killian were at last left along again to rest, the room was nearly as bedecked and glimmering as they living room at home with tree and stockings and fireplace all aglow. At some point in all the chaotic celebration and constant stream of visitors, Emma had managed to sneak away from a moment, call Regina and managed to catch her in enough of a decent mood to ask her the question that had begun to niggle the back of her mind as why her magic might have failed to help them that day.
Now that she was snuggled against her husband’s side and he was holding her in return whispering how glad he was to know that she was alright, that they had both weathered the storm and would be home again tomorrow with their little girl and their nearly grown son with them soon, Emma couldn’t hold back what she had learned any longer. 
“Killian?” she breathed, stroking her fingers across his brow gently.
“Aye, Love?” he asked, his voice so low and sumptuous, wrapping around her and warming her insides deliciously. How could she have ever resisted him the way she had once upon a time?
“There’s something you should know,” she murmured, pressing a quick kiss to his mouth and then pulling from her pocket the bit of mistletoe she’d had Snow scrounge up for her. 
His eyebrow quirked up with interest, but he didn’t interrupt, and Emma pressed on. “When you were hurt, and I couldn’t heal you, it was a horrible feeling. My magic wouldn’t work to help us, and I couldn’t call for help. I couldn’t do anything but hope and wonder why my powers were failing us.” She swallowed hard and then smiled shakily, “As it turns out, there’s actually a pretty wonderful reason for that.”
“Is that so?” he asked playfully, chucking her under the chin.
She nodded, barely withholding the grin threatening to spread across her face. “Apparently, when someone with magic is expecting, the changes and shifts in hormone levels and so on, can throw her abilities all out of whack as well. Why I didn’t notice that with Hope, I’m not sure, but…”
Killian’s eyes widened, shimmering not just with surprise and joy but with a swell of emotion too, effectively interrupting her rambled explanation. “Emma….Love…. Are you telling me that we’re expecting another child?”
For a moment, words wouldn’t pass the lump in her throat, so Emma could only nod vigorously yet again, thrilled at the excitement lighting up her pirate’s expression. A minute or so passed and then she managed to add. “Are you ready to add a little Liam David to our brood?”
“Without doubt,” her husband rejoined without hesitation, “but I have a feeling it’ll be a little Lianna Morgan, not a Liam.”
“Really?” Emma cocked her head, playfully trying to convey doubt in his ability to predict their unborn’s gender so readily when all she really wanted to do was left out loud at his antics, kiss him all over his face, and cuddle up at his side to sleep for a week.
“That’s quite the Christmas gift, Darling,” he spoke intently. “Boy or girl, I couldn’t be more blessed. But I can’t help believing that I’m meant to be surrounded by lovely golden-haired angels - a whole house full if I have my way.”
“Flatterer,” she breathed, not sure how else to combat the effect he had on her, even confined to a hospital bed in a flimsy cotton gown. She hoped it never changed.
Despite the frightening turn the day had taken and the close call they’d survived, as he playfully held the mistletoe above them and their lips met gladly, Emma still found herself believing she couldn’t be more lucky if she tried.
Tagging a few others who might enjoy: @jennjenn615​ @searchingwardrobes​ @kmomof4​ @whimsicallyenchantedrose​ @laschatzi​ @wefoundloveunderthelight​ @anmylica​ @jrob64​ @apiratewhopines​ @elizabeethan​ @donteattheappleshook​ @stahlop​ @sotangledupinit​ @xarandomdreamx​ @cosette141​ 
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jrob64 · 1 year
Fic authors self rec! When you get this, reply with your favorite five fics that you've written, then pass on to at least five other writers. Let’s spread the self-love 💗
MY FIVE FAVORITE???? That's like asking me to choose my 5 favorite children, although I only have 2, so that's fairly easy. Most days.
Okay, I'll give it a try.
Sowing Seeds of Trust is my favorite MC because I love the character development of Emma, the relationship development between her and Killian, and the role the minor characters have in the story. Plus, I tried writing about some very tough subjects - homelessness and unplanned pregnancy. I also liked the way I interwove the Christian community into the story.
Rescuing the Princess. Written as a gift for CS Secret Santa 2021, I tackled a fairy tale mash-up of Sleeping Beauty, Tangled, Beauty and the Beast and The Princess Bride and I have to admit, I'm pretty darn proud of how it turned out!
Lonely No More - an OS based on Christina Perri's EPIC music video featuring our favorite Irishman! I shouldn't say I enjoyed writing about two very lonely people who met each other because of FedEx deliveries, but their developing relationship and how they mended each other's lonely hearts just makes my own heart melt. This is probably my favorite version of CS I've ever written.
Faultline - my first contribution to the CS Movie Marathon collection, inspired by the movie San Andreas. I had so much fun working in all the tension and suspense of Emma, Killian and Liam helping each other make it out of San Francisco after an earthquake. The pic sets for all three chapters were also a lot of fun to make, and this story includes my favorite proposal I've written so far.
Devastation and Healing. This is my first long MC and included research into Physical and Occupational Therapy, along with medical and legal topics I'm pretty clueless about. I adored writing the characters of Marco and August, who are Emma's adopted father and brother. The way Killian went from a physically and emotionally broken man to the love of Emma's life still brings tears to my eyes. I was also very excited about the response I got when I included an unexpected event involving Milah.
Sorry, but I have to include some honorable mentions, because now that my personal library of works is up to 40 (with a few collaborations in there) I feel like only choosing 5 is nearly impossible!
For the Sake of Henry - again tackling a very difficult subject, this time of child abuse and neglect.
Snowstorm Confessions - bed sharing and no power during a blizzard - what's not to love?
Lunch is on Me - of all of my stories, this one probably tugs at my heartstrings the most.
Tagging: @kmomof4 @snowbellewells @whimsicallyenchantedrose @cs-rylie @elizabeethan
Thanks for the ask @kazoosandfannypacks!
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Captain Swan Christmas Reruns presents: It's the Thought that Counts
Written by: @snowbellewells
Recommended by: @kmomof4
Summary: A CS Modern AU spin on O. Henry's "The Gift of the Magi" /// originally written for the CS Secret Santa 2016 event What does Emma Swan give the best friend who has changed her life? And what will he give her in return? Nothing seems good enough...until both are willing to share the thoughts behind their presents.
What we love: Marta always brings the feels and this fic is no exception! It's just the sweetest of Christmas stories and the love between friends becoming more!
read it here!
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Lewis Fic Recs: On the Twelve Days of Christmas
’Tis the season of Advent, Secret Santa, and the mortifying ordeal of finding a present for the DI/DS you definitely don't have a crush on. As usual, this list is far from exhaustive, so please feel free to add your own favs!
The Perfect Present by wendymr
1,517 Words, James & Robbie, Rated G, No Archive Warnings Apply While agonizing over a meaningful Christmas present for his DI, James bumps into Lewis in the town shops, and finds he's having trouble with his Christmas shopping, too. It's a thoughtgul look into their growing friendship post-S2, and James learns that sometimes the best presents aren't things, but people.
Chandan by Dryad
1,560 Words, James & Robbie, Rated G, Creator Chose Not To Use Archive Warnings A more melancholy story post-S9. James, in the grip of existential flu, wonders what to get for a Lewis who is grumpy and reticent after his return from New Zealand without Laura. The items he settles on are thoughtful and sentimental in that quiet way of his, and come close to saying a little too much about his feelings for his fellow detective.
Picks Will Do by iloveyoudie
5,977 Words, James/Robbie, Not Rated, No Archive Warnings Apply Robbie struggles to find the right gift for the sergeant he's fallen in love with, leading to a brave confession that becomes a second chance for James—and which is sure to put a tear in your eye. Robbie's silent confessions of love during the most everyday moments are just everything, and the Christmas cottage certainly doesn't hurt, either.
Serendipitous by Vita_S_West
1,564 Words, James/Robbie, Rated T, No Archive Warnings Apply Robbie confronts James about his rather inappropriate Secret Santa present in the wake of the office holiday party. What starts out as a hilariously awkward mix-up develops in a very promising direction, with some spot-on banter along the way.
On the first day of Christmas... by Somniare
25,559 Words, James/Robbie, Rated M, Creator Chose Not To Use Archive Warnings With Lewis laid up after a car accident, James forms a hasty plan to cheer up his DI over the twelve days of Christmas. But when Robbie catches on to James' intentions earlier than expected, James' plan takes a new direction.
12 days of presents by Elphen
12,447 Words, James/Robbie, Rated M, No Archive Warnings Apply In the days leading up to Christmas, James received a string of anonymous-yet-thoughtful Secret Santa presents, and enlists Laura's help in determining the culprit. It's fun to see James take so long to catch on, for once, and Laura's matchmaking is a treat.
December Friends by uniquepov
2,258 Words, James/Robbie, Rated G, No Archive Warnings Apply During another of CS Innocent's team-building activities, James tries in vain to give his DI a Secret Santa present without giving himself—and his feelings—away. His plans are continually thwarted by a delightfully knowing Lewis, who manages to surprise his sergeant this time around.
Soli Deo Gloria by lesyeuxverts
1,700 Words, James/Robbie, Rated G, No Archive Warnings Apply A collection of Advent drabbles as James and Robbie plan to spend their Christmas together. Quiet, poignant moments of togetherness that bring warmth to the growing winter cold.
Follow Me In Merry Measure by tabitha6
21,367+ Words (Work In-Progress) James/Robbie, Rated E, No Archive Warnings Apply Celebrate each day of this Advent season with a new chapter of this ongoing fic, featuring holiday bread and biscuit baking, Christmas concerts, and team-building police conferences in Manchester—all while Lewis' upcoming retirement looms in the swiftly-approaching distance.
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Hi, CS Secret Santa again! Anonymously for last time. 😁
In my country, the religion is Orthodox Christianity, so our big holiday is Christmas Eve as well. On this day, traditional dishes without meat are prepared. There should be lean sauerkraut tins, stuffed peppers with beans, bean salad, soda bread with honey and garlic, oshav (kind of like boiled dried fruit tea), Banitsa with fortunes. Banitsa is a very typical dish for my country. It's a traditional pastry dish made in prepared by layering a mixture of whisked eggs, natural yogurt and pieces of white brined cheese between filo pastry and then baking it in an oven. On Christmas Eve we make it with some lucky charms or fortunes (small sheets of paper with written wishes). We put coins and sometimes a piece of dogwood branch with a bud which symbolize wealth. We put the fortunes in the pastry and then everyone in the house take a piece of the Banitsa and the lucky charm in it determines the upcoming year. For Christmas Eve, our family gathers at my mother's house.
Christmas day is traditional - we exchange gifts and in the evening we gather with relatives and friends at my house for dinner. My husband's and my little son's names are derived from the word Christian or Christ, and at Christmas they have a double holiday - they also celebrate Name Day.
And one last question: What do you like modern AU, fantasy AU, crossover or something else?
Most of your gifts are already ready, but there is always time to add something at the last minute.
Hi Santa!!
Merry Christmas Eve if it is where you live yet! It is here so we're ramping up for the day 😊 sounds like you'll have quite a whirlwind coming up too! I've never heard of a Banista but that sounds like such a lovely tradition and I love it 💕
Gifts?? 👀 you spoil me! I'm so excited to see what you've created!!
I really like modern AUs and Canon divergent fics! I also like fantasy AUs but mostly Enchanted Forest ones for these two 🦢🏴‍☠️
I'm sure I'll love whatever you come up with!
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mie779 · 2 years
Hey its your secret santa!!! Sorry for not sending any asks for a bit but I've been busy. Your gift is coming along amazingly 😍. I hope you'll like it. Is their anything you wanna tell me about ouat. It can be literally anything!!!!
:D awesome, I can't wait to see what you have come up with.
I've been a OUAT fan for like 4 years now, first I found fan groups on FAcebook and met a few good online friends that I still communicate with. I found out about the CS movie marathon discord server 1½ years ago (I think) and they have certainly boosted my love for writing fanfiction and I just saw on my AO3 stats for 2022 that I've written just above 400.000 words this year alone. (a few of those words are not related to my OUAT fics but still :P ) It has been such a joy being part of the server and these évents on Tumblr.
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killiansprincss · 2 years
Hi again!
I LOVE that you love soft/sweet Killian. That is my favorite Killian too (with a little angst thrown in of course 😏)
I live for angst (writing it, because I'm a big baby who can't handle what I dish out 😂) Pining idiots in love who don't know it is a particular favorite of mine. Or sad soft Killian/scared guarded Emma always lol But of course there ALWAYS had to be a happy ending 💕 You? Any favorites?
I'm curious what some of your favorite CS episodes or moments are! Any personal headcanons or favorite fan headcaonons/theories? Any songs you listen to when reading or writing CS? Because man are they songable (that's a word now.)
Also, how much Christmas do you like with your Christmas? (hear me out 😂) love actually is one of my fave Christmas movies too because it's like Christmas on mild until the very end lol - but I can send a Christmas tornado through your gift if you want 😉🎄🎁
Don't feel you have to answer all of the questions! I just love that we seem to have a lot of the same favorites (and dislike the same tropes 🤰 and characters 👑 🐊) and I feel like I'm writing you the same fic I'd write myself 😂😂 which is pretty cool. I don't think I can squeeze in EVERYTHING but I'm hoping I can make something that'll bring you some smiles this Christmas 😊
Happy holidays! They're almost here! I've done a few Christmas markets myself this year but none in GERMANY! 😱 jealous!
Santa the lengths of these asks are making you my favourite person right now 🥰 I love answering all of these!!!
Oh 100% Killian can’t be all soft all the time he has to have a little bit of angst!!! Omg are we the same person I love reading and writing angst but I’m far too scared of words and confrontation in real life🤣 personal faves would be like you said pining idiots in love and also just stubborn idiots refusing to admit how they feel.
One of my fave moments is really underrated in 4x03 the kiss in the road, Emma finally admitting she cares and Killian telling her he isn’t going anywhere 🥹 and also when he tells her she’s his happy ending and the way she looks at him bc the thought her being his happy ending never occurred to her I CRY every time!!
Ooob personal headcannons, I love the idea of anytime they have a day off Emma starts showing him her favourite “modern’ things he’s never seen or experienced like her favourite foods, movies and music, really opening up her life to him. And I also think Killian is such a secret nerd and Emma loves this about him.
I mean now we’ve established we both love Taylor Swift I think that’s obvious!! I actually have a whole playlist of Taylor songs that make me think of CS! They are so songable (it is a word for sure!!), every song fits then so well!!
I think a reasonable amount of Christmas, like it doesn’t need to be spitting in your face everywhere you look christmas but Christmassy if that makes sense🤣
That’s what I love about this event you get to know peoples inner thoughts and feelings and if you don’t feel like you’re writing it for yourself as well as a gift for somebody then it isn’t enjoyable! Honestly whatever you can squeeze in I’m sure will be amazing!!
I know it’s so close to being here! I feel like we’re still in November sometimes! We’ve gotten really heavy snow and I’ve been stuck indoors because of it this past week which isn’t as fun or festive as the movies make it seem!! Do you have snow where you are?
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willexxmercer · 2 years
Hello!!! It’s your Santa!!! ☺️🎅
I am so excited to have you and to be making a gift for you!! (I have done a little spying on your blog 😆😉 and I am also a fellow Zutara fan! 😍😁)
For your Captain Swan present, I have a couple of questions for you!!
1. What are your favorite tropes?
2. What are your favorite OUAT seasons, or timeline of CS? (Aka, do you like fics where they’re an established couple, married, before they’re together, etc etc)
3. What is your favorite Captain Swan moment??
I am so excited to start your gift!!!!!☺️💕🎄
Hellooo! So excited that it's this time of year! And so excited to see what you come up with! Also omg to being a fellow Zutara fan - I love them so much!!!
Okay so:
Favourite tropes include any variation of ___ to lovers (although I am partial to enemies to lovers), "there was only one bed", and mutual pining!
I'm very partial to fics that are set kind of before they get together, although there's a secret part of me that is a sucker for domestic fluff. But ultimately, the tension between them when they're still getting to know each other? chef's kiss
Oh god that's a hard one!!! But I think ultimately the "don't you know Emma? It's you" moment has to win - so much so that it's my otp tag for them on my blog ^^
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cosette141 · 2 years
Hello! I got you as my giftee for the cs gift exchange and just wanted to say- I'm a huge fan of one of your fics and am VERY excited to get to give you a present this christmas! Might come through every now and then and ask some questions to get to know you over this month, but for know, just know I'm excited for this event! Keep being you; and stay hydrated!
Omg!!! 🥰🥰🥰
Your ask just made me smile so much!! I'm so happy to have you as my, um, gifter? I guess since it's not secret santa, I can't call you Santa.. Elves make gifts, right? May I call you my elf? 😆❤️
I cannot WAAAIT to see what my present is!! 😊 I am so excited too!! Thank you so much for the ask, I look forward to hearing from you again!!
Keep being you as well!! And how did you know I was dehydrated?! *Runs to get my bottle of Liquid IV and drink some* 😆❤️
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Malware & Misteltoe:  A CS-SS Fic Gift (1/2)
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Happy holidays, @pirateprincessofpizza! I’m your CS-SS for the @cssecretsanta2020 event. It’s been fun picking your brain and creating this CS dynamic I’ve been thinking about since I finished reading the book Attachments by Rainbow Rowell. Thank you so much for being patient with me and this crazy weather where I live. I apologize for the delay in posting, but I hope you’ll enjoy this little fic! This is part one (because @optomisticgirl is an awful, wonderful enabler) and I am hoping to post the second part by the end of the year. Happy reading!
Summary: Killian Jones never wanted to work in internet security, but he can’t deny that Emma Swan makes it more entertaining than he imagined possible. He first fell for her over an email that wasn’t meant for him and now that he’s totally in love with her, how is he ever supposed to admit it?
Rating: T
Word Count: 4.7K
Killian was probably the only person in the world who loved Monday mornings at the office. He quickly realized after the first snowfall in December that he was definitely the only one who could bear those early arrivals at work once winter struck. He’d determined that his preference was rare long before he’d taken his current tech job at The Daily Mirror, but rolling into the empty parking lot at seven and being one of the first to snag a hot cup of coffee were simple pleasures he’d truly started to appreciate since joining the company. Maybe it was because he was always an early riser or maybe it was because his job didn’t leave him with a whole lot of other enjoyment.
It was probably both. 
Sure, the conference room almost always had the bagels he liked and his job restrictions were minimal, but Killian dealt with his fair share of frustration at work. They were constantly running low on colored ink in the printers and very few of his co-workers ever seemed to read the weekly office memo he sent out courtesy of the human resources department. The sandwiches he packed for lunch would often disappear from the break room fridge and the woman one cubicle over - an eternal optimist named Mary Margaret - never stopped humming. 
Oh, and he got to deal with employees and their abrupt emails - including the one that popped up on his computer screen the instant the machine booted up the Monday after a lazy weekend.
Hey Jerk,
If you’re going to run software updates over the weekend, give me a heads up. My desktop icons are all out of order now and it’s super annoying. Don’t worry - I’ll let you fix it after our meeting today. Hope you brought bearclaws!
He didn’t actually have to read the sender’s name to know it was from her. He’d learned to recognize that sarcastic, blunt wit a long time ago and though it was often prefaced with ‘you idiot’ or ‘dear dummy’, it never failed to bring a smile to his lips. Swan, he swooned silently as his fingertips hovered over the keyboard. Taking a quick sip of his now lukewarm coffee, Killian glanced at the clock on the wall to his left. He had forty two minutes until their regularly scheduled staff meeting - and as he began locating the number for Downtown Donuts and Pastries, he prayed to the workplace gods that they still delivered.
He’d first fallen for her over an email that wasn’t intended for him - well, at least that’s kind of how it went. Killian had wound up in Boston post divorce from Milah, his wife of five years, and had accepted a job at a local newspaper while broken-hearted and nearly broke. Working in office internet security and crashing on his best friend Robin’s couch wasn’t at all where he imagined he’d be at the ripe old age of twenty eight, but he had grown to accept it. He spent plenty of time convincing himself that there were worse things, though he wasn’t sure exactly how many jobs could possibly be less glamorous than being a professional tattletale.
The work was easy for the most part - debugging the network, keeping the company website up to date, and monitoring employee emails in reference to the compliance policy. That last part was the only task that really bothered him at times, but then again, it was the only way he’d managed to meet Emma Swan at a company that employed roughly two hundred people.
She was a writer, a fact he’d learned from the staff directory, and also a diehard Yelp subscriber - but she hadn’t told him that last bit. Her emails had. Well, at least one of them had - the first one he’d intercepted. He still remembered what it had said and he knew if he managed to forget, it was saved in the Favorites tab of his own inbox. He’d never seen someone be so professional yet so passionately threatening in a mere six sentences and while the firmly worded message had been meant for a nearby dive bar, a few flagged phrases had provided him with a copy for review.
Emma Swan calling Aesop’s Table ‘a pathetically poor excuse for a pub’ was the beginning for him - and since then, his job had become much more amusing.
It wasn’t totally his fault that he’d turned into such a skeezy online spy. It was his job to read her email - well, sort of. It was his job to send her a warning or a memo about proper use of her company inbox, but in an office that was all ink stains and deadlines that didn’t apply to him, Killian had found skimming her messages to be the most interesting part of his work day.
He had pieced her together through the words she typed and the dozens of times a day she hit the send button. He grinned at the back and forth banter she had with a workplace friend named Ruby and facepalmed his way through her exchange with some random buyer of a bike she once tried to sell on Craigslist. He tried not to get too excited that they might have things in common when she got ticket confirmations for movies he’d recently seen. He couldn’t help the way he swooned when she got personalized thank you messages from an animal shelter for her monthly donations. The whole thing prodded his guilt from time to time, but he reminded himself that she’d been briefed with the Mirror’s email rules and he was only doing what he’d been hired to do.
Okay, maybe a little more than what he’d been hired to do.
In all fairness, he didn’t read all of them. He made a conscious effort to skip over anything that looked too personal - though he had accidentally still learned that she’d yet to get her yearly flu shot via a reminder from the corner pharmacy. He’d also gathered that she had a rather overprotective brother named David who usually visited on holidays and liked to check in a few times a week by dropping a line or two. It was actually a message from that older sibling that had led to Emma finding out about his snooping.
Apparently, wishing her a ‘happy birthday’ in the breakroom after seeing it in an email from her overly excited brother had been an impulsive move. 
She’d been mad and maybe even a bit embarrassed at first which led to her taking every step possible to avoid him. She dodged him in the elevator an unfair number of times and her inbox went silent, not that he even had the courage to take on that part of his work after the way she’d glared him down post celebratory greeting. His job became bleakly boring overnight and after two weeks of battling his guilty conscience in the office, Killian decided he’d burned his bridge - or maybe saying he’d set flame to his firewall would have been more poetically proper. He helped craft a job listing to post for his replacement and had barely started packing up his cubicle when she showed up behind him, her beautiful reflection in his blank computer screen nearly startling him right out of his desk chair.
You can’t quit - that’s what she’d told him as he clumsily dropped his paper box full of minimal belongings on the floor. There was something about the way she said it too. It wasn’t quite a demand, but it definitely wasn’t just a suggestion. It was almost like she felt bad or maybe even a little bit responsible for his choice to seek employment elsewhere and she’d shown up to make sure he didn’t follow through. 
He decided he liked - like really liked - her in that moment and he was quite positive that his stupid smile had told her so. He knew he should have introduced himself long before the moment she tracked him down that day, but what would he have said - ‘hi, I’m the guy who monitors your email and I also might be in love with you’?
Not a chance in hell.
He pondered the idea of sticking around as he put up an offer to buy her a cup of coffee that she parlayed into a hot chocolate with a pastry after work instead. They’d chatted through rush hour, the cars outside the corner bakery’s glass door whizzing by as they made almost too comfortable conversation. It was - but shouldn’t have been - amazing to Killian how much easier it was to learn about her in person and it didn’t take long to fill in the blanks on a few remaining questions he had about her.
She was hoping to write a book one day, but didn’t mind her current job. She also took a few night classes at the small university up the street - which explained the sporadic messages he’d noticed from their tuition office - and she loathed celebrating her birthday, a fact she mentioned with a knowing smirk. He knew she wasn’t angry as he studied the curve of her mouth, but when she folded her arms casually, he realized she wasn’t letting him off the hook that easily.
There was something to be said for persistent investigative journalism and Killian learned quickly that Emma was a master of that craft. She interrogated him until closing time, asking him about everything from the scar beneath his eye to how the hell he’d ended up being an internet narc for a living. He’d been honest about all of it because yes, she definitely deserved that much, but also because he had never met someone as easy to talk to as Emma. That probably should have been his first clue - he’d violated her privacy and now, he was liable to fall for her.
Worst job ever, he’d thought to himself later that night as he deleted the ‘help wanted’ ad he’d posted on the company’s website only hours earlier. He really needed to find a new career path - okay, eventually.
Of course, that was nearly three years earlier and leaving the Daily Mirror for something a little more dignified had yet to happen. Not much had really changed since the day she’d confronted him over the rim of her cocoa mug and the things that had….well, he didn’t exactly mind those little details.
His work was the same and while he still didn’t find it to be the most wonderful way to make a paycheck, Emma had managed to make it even more bearable. She now forwarded him her more obnoxious junk mail like the store credit card offers and the funding inquiries from a variety of Nigerian princes. She constantly sent him bogus work orders requesting he adjust the volume on her computer speakers or delete the program virus she’d obviously contracted by clicking on those pop-ups he’d warned everyone about in his weekly memos. She had also clearly filled Ruby in on his ability to read their correspondences as the pair of them often ended their emails to one another with ‘have a nice weekend, Killian!’. It all should have irritated him, but it didn’t - and she certainly made him smile more than anything else did these days.
It wasn’t as if she was the only good part of his life though. Several pieces of his day to day world had changed for the better since he’d initially accepted the skeptical job at the semi-popular newspaper. He had finally managed to abandon his best friend’s couch for a modest apartment a few blocks from work and he’d recently joined a nearby gym that served as an outlet for his frequent stress. He’d made peace with his failed marriage and even gone on two dates, though neither had been with the woman who made his work hours more pleasant.
He’d been attempting to accept that - the likely truth that he would never strike that chord with her - and while it became trickier each day, perhaps one day he’d be okay with that too.
Killian was trying to avoid silently calling himself a liar by the time he strolled into the conference room for the morning meeting, his eyes finding hers after he briefly lingered in the doorway.
She grinned once, biting her lip as he rolled his eyes. They didn’t speak as he took the seat across from her and he settled with the knowledge that their battle of the workplace wits was carrying on without a second thought. Making a show of taking out her phone, she typed a few keys and he raised an eyebrow at the quiet alert sound from his own device.
Ignoring me then - I see how it is. Talk about unprofessional.
He shook his head subtly as he pondered a reply, trying to ignore the way she kicked him under the conference room table. She loved to taunt his attempts to keep their online conversation civil and this day’s bright and early quips were no different. Killian allowed his thumb to tap a response, barely hitting send as their boss entered the room.
Apologies, lass - as always. I promise I’ll stop by to sort out your technological woes once we’re out of here. Of course, assuming you truly can’t do so yourself.
She sighed in return, deciding not to shoot him a quick answer before stowing her phone face down on the table. Bad form, he thought as he pouted over the fact that they wouldn’t be exchanging any further messages until after the staff agenda was addressed. He tapped his phone’s screen the moment the meeting ended and tried not to be too excited about her name popping up on the screen.
I probably could, but someone’s got to make sure you do more than just sift through employee emails all day. There’s a mysterious looking announcement from some explicitly rated website for you sitting in my saved folder, by the way.
Bloody hell, he smirked as he watched her leave the room once they were dismissed. If this job wouldn’t eventually be the end of him, perhaps Emma Swan and her teasing ways might be.
With his luck, that would likely be it….stupid internet security be damned.
She’d made sure to be away from her desk when he stopped in to fix her very minor computer issues. It wasn’t totally unlike her to take that route. They talked here and there, but digital correspondence was where most of their communication thrived. He’d actually grown to expect and enjoy her snarky emails and steady text messages since that day she had told him to stay at the Mirror. He sunk into her chair, changing the height and clearing his throat before beginning his work. The adjustment in seating settings would likely be something he’d hear about later that day, but he couldn’t resist - much like he couldn’t keep himself from changing her screensaver to a collection of Disney villains and deleting all of the junk mail they both knew violated several company policies.
If he couldn’t work up the courage to seek her out in their busy office building and tell her how he felt, the least he could do was continue this little daily war they kept engaging in. If it was anyone but Emma, he might even consider it to be flirting.
Keep dreaming, he thought as he clicked out of the program he was navigating on her computer.
It was only once he completed the virus scan and a detailed cleaning of her keyboard - because hey, he was a nice guy sometimes - that he caught sight of the flyer she had posted up on the bulletin board to the side of the monitor. He had the same one tucked away in the beat-up canvas messenger bag he kept his laptop stored in.
Office Holiday Party. December 22nd. Seven o’clock. Sign up for the yearly Secret Santa exchange when you RSVP. 
Killian felt his heart pound a little harder as he glanced over the red and green text for the hundredth time. He had been debating whether or not he was actually going to attend the office celebration since he’d first seen the invitation in the break room nearly two weeks earlier. His desire to interact with company employees outside of work hours was pretty minimal, but seeing the festive looking flyer displayed in her workspace courtesy of a red push pin suggested that Emma would be in attendance. His skin prickled slightly as his newly acquired motivation to put the party on his schedule grew. Of course, it was nothing like any of the dozen dates he’d imagined taking her on, but it wasn’t work - and maybe that was a start.
The concept of Secret Santa was one he had little personal experience with, but Killian tapped his fingers on the desk as he wondered who on the staff roster might have already selected her name. Sure, he had no idea what he could buy for her that would fall within the specified price limit, but the opportunity to give her something a little more thoughtful than the deep fried donut he’d brought her that morning was far too appealing.
Wait a tick, he thought with an amused smirk as he glanced down at the desk. His hand reached for the dark plastic frames, noticing the sporadic smudges on the glass lenses. He’d seen her wear them once before, her eyebrows furrowed over the rims as she’d been editing late one Friday night in the office. With her pen between her teeth and the blue light of the monitor illuminating her focused face, Killian had been quite distracted and nearly strolled right into the elevator doors on his way out. 
The glasses felt smooth between his fingertips as he slid them into the side pocket of his bag. The memory was a simple one, but he couldn’t help the warmth that spread over his cheeks as he searched her desktop for a post-it note.
See you at the festivities, Swan - and stop downloading Christmas songs on your work computer. Piracy won’t earn you any points with Santa.
Clicking the pen he’d been writing with and laying it by her desk phone, Killian pressed the sticky slip of paper to her monitor with a grin. Now he just had to figure out what the dress code might be for the party he hadn’t planned on attending.
Killian had been pleasantly surprised to learn Elsa Frost, the lovely lass with the iced coffee addiction in the corner office, had been given charge of the party guest list. She was typically frigid with others in the building, but Killian had helped her sort out the source of her computer freezing issue a few months earlier. That had led to a tentative comradery between them - one that had resulted in Elsa knitting him a blue and white striped beanie that he actually kind of loved. 
Not that he would ever admit that to anyone.
He’d barely mentioned the party while he stopped by to refill the paper in her printer when she had all but demanded he attend. It had taken a bit more sweet talking to get her to spill the Secret Santa details, but he’d eventually managed to switch things around so Emma was the name on his shopping list.
Of course, one of said compromises was promising his supervisor’s secretary Belle that he would fill in at her book club in January - but that would have to be future Killian’s problem.
Standing near the open bar just past the seven o’clock start time, it was quickly becoming apparent that Killian of the present had other issues. Glancing around the dimly lit, decked out office, he couldn’t help but wonder why he’d thought this Christmas party wouldn’t be full of work tasks in the making. The night janitors Leroy and Clark had decided to use a company computer to search for ‘seasonal striptease’ videos and the new copier had fallen victim to a few tipped over cocktails. It was pretty obvious that the alcohol that hadn’t been spilled was the driving force behind Ruby and the other graphic designers taking drunken selfies in a nearby cubicle. Killian could only pray the pictures wouldn’t end up online as he tried to block out the sound of Sinatra exclaiming ‘Let It Snow’ over the office speakers.
“Well look who decided to come down from Mount Crumpit for the night.”
The voice was full of surprise yet still smoothly sweet and Killian tried not to smirk as he turned to face its owner. Her blonde hair fell in loose waves over her shoulders, contrasting with the knit emerald sweater that was keeping her warm. He tried not to feel underdressed in his blue button down and dark jeans, but Emma Swan was sure making holiday casual look stunning.
“Not sure what you mean, love,” he countered as suavely as he could manage. “You’re the one clad in green.”
“Fair enough,” Emma shrugged with an amused smile. “Just surprised to see you I guess. I thought you weren’t coming.”
Recollection prodded him as she handed him a fresh drink. He’d told her over email a couple weeks ago that he wasn’t planning on attending any holiday gatherings that weren’t held during the day. She’d teased him about being a Grinch, a taunt she was now referencing as she stood before him. It was one of the things he’d grown to like most about her - that smart, sassy sense of humor she possessed and used in nearly every exchange they had.
“For the record,” she chimed in, her lips curved yet cautious. “It’s good to see you outside of my inbox, Jones.”
“Ah, well,” he chuckled with a tip of his drink. “You know what they say about all work and no play.”
“Well, I do, but I’m surprised you know the expression. I figured cyber security never sleeps.”
“You aren’t wrong there, Swan,” Killian laughed, peering around the room. “But perhaps it should. The number of after hour policy violations going on in this place right now could keep a man busy until well after the new year.”
He couldn’t help but point over her shoulder at the inebriated group of their co-workers currently trying to hack into the new editor-in-chief’s Facebook account. Emma grinned at the display, waving to Ruby with a disbelieving shake of her head. It was the few interactions like this one they’d had that made Killian wonder why they didn’t do this more often. It felt so natural and easy to banter with her like this.
“I guess reprimands will be in order after the holiday,” Emma commented. “Is that why you’re standing over here by yourself? Because you’re hoping they won’t see you?”
“I suppose if that was my goal, you could say I’m not doing a very good job,” Killian returned. “After all, you found me.”
Her eyes sparkled with a multicolor pattern from some nearby Christmas lights as the muted red of her lips made her soft smile that much more breathtaking. Killian nearly forgot where they were as his eyes met hers, the connection between them suddenly thick with tender tension.
“Yeah,” she said after a pause, her voice breathy and gentle. “I guess I did.”
He wanted to kiss her in that moment. He wanted to tell her how much better she made his workdays and confess that she was his main reason for staying at the news office. He had so much to say, but Emma beat him to the punch.
“Let’s grab a cookie,” she suggested before clarifying. “The sugary kind, computer man.”
“I’m just saying-“ Killian stated, brushing crumbs off his hands. “-that the Grinch never actually hated Christmas, Swan. He just disliked people and preferred the company of his dog, which is understandable.”
Emma covered her mouth with a giggle, leaning back on the rolling chair she’d pulled into the almost empty room. The party had dissolved into liquor laced karaoke and while Killian didn’t mind the occasional drink, he wasn’t about to belt out any Christmas carols.  Before he could share his desire to avoid the spotlight, Emma had commandeered a plate of gingerbread cookies from the snack table and nudged him toward the vacant office down the hall.  
“I’ve never thought of it that way,” she finally said. “It’s a decent point though I guess. Here I thought your issue with Christmas was just the repetitive music.”
“Ah, speaking of music,” Killian replied, pulling a small package tied with a red bow from behind his back. “Thought you could use some legally procured holiday tunes.”
Emma raised an eyebrow as she took the gift, her curiosity obviously piqued by the simple wrapping. Killian tried not to feel too foolish as she opened the square parcel. He was nearly positive that he wasn’t doing this whole Secret Santa wrong, but the adorable smirk spreading across her face made him wonder if that was okay.
“I guess this is you saying you’re my Secret Santa?”
“Well, no,” he smiled before handing her the pair of glasses he’d taken from her desk. “But this is.”
“Hey, I’ve been looking for these!”
“Swan, you are always looking for those.”
She rolled her gaze before slipping the frames over her nose, her cheeks pink with amusement. She immediately set to reading the track listing on the back of the case holding the gift he’d spent the afternoon creating.
“I have to say it’s been a while since I’ve been given a mixtape,” Emma offered, peering at him over her glasses. “You’re quite the traditionalist, aren’t you?”
“I figured I was merely doing a service by making sure you weren’t listening to that bloody Mariah Carey song anymore on company time,” he taunted with a waggling eyebrow.  “Besides, you can’t go wrong with Bing Crosby, love.”
“You’re just full of surprises,” she replied with a happiness he hadn’t seen before. “Is there more?”
More, Killian thought as the word echoed through his head. There would always be more when it came to Emma Swan and while he’d known that himself for a while now, he wasn’t sure how to admit that to her. The air around them seemed to still as he watched her tilt her head quizzically. He wasn’t sure when she’d slid her chair nearer, but as her knee bumped against his, Killian felt a comfort in the closeness that he hadn’t known in years.
This was it - his moment. After everything and nothing they’d been through, he’d been gifted this tiny instance to tell her the truth.  He’d imagined how this might go many times, but sitting in the building where he had fallen for her was strangely right.  He knew what he needed to do.
“Emma, I-“
“Emma! Come on!”
Killian felt his entire body freeze as he processed the loud, inviting command coming from the makeshift stage up the hallway.  Ruby, he realized as he watched Emma turn toward the beckoning call.  He couldn’t stop the labored sigh that escaped his lips as he watched her stand slowly.
“I guess I should see what that’s all about,” Emma said wearily, tucking her hair behind her ear. “She’s never had the best timing - or tolerance.”
Killian felt the seconds slip through his dexterous fingers as he smiled sadly, knowing that perhaps he’d missed his window.  Emma clutched the CD case loosely as she moved toward the small doorway.
“Killian,” her voice offered, a hint of nervousness in her tone.  “Have a Merry Christmas.”
The simple sentiment hung in the air as the office door shut behind her, leaving Killian to slump in the leather desk chair with a groan.  As he glanced toward the exit, he immediately noticed that something had fallen from the top of the doorway to the ground when she’d left.  It didn’t take long to piece together what it was or just how appropriate it was for his now lonely night.
Mistletoe.  Dammit, he thought as his forehead fell onto the cold desktop.
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thisonesatellite · 5 years
Missing Pieces
MERRY CHRISTMAS @eastwesthomeisbest from your Secret Santa!!!!
This is my @cssecretsanta2k19 gift to @eastwesthomeisbest - who said her favorite Christmas movie is 'Love, Actually', and her favorite storyline in it is the Prime Minister /assistant.
Well, darling - most likely this is not exactly what you were expecting, but my muse just heard --- OH! Successful!Emma and Mailroom!Killian - let me run with that! --- and then it went off the rails. 😘😆
i sincerely hope you like it anyway!
MERRY CHRISTMAS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!  ❤❤❤
SUMMARY:  Emma is a high-priced lawyer with some questions for her life, and Killian is the mailroom guy who's not afraid to offer an answer or two.
Shameless Christmas fluff with a small dash of Existential Pondering, rolled into the recycled air and neon lighting of an office building.
Thanks to @ohmightydevviepuu who does amazing beta-acrobatics when @profdanglaisstuff is partaking in the same Secret Santa event.  
And a MASSIVE THANK YOU to @cssecretsanta2k19 for organizing the whole thing.  You’re the best.
| AO3 |
Tagging a few people who may be ready for some fluff: @profdanglaisstuff, @kmomof4 @stahlop @mariakov81 @tiganasummertree @capnjay21 @shardminds @snowbellewells @captainsjedi @thejollyroger-writer @karenfrommisthaven @superchocovian @jennjenn615 @spartanguard @carpedzem
"Don't cling to a mistake just because you spent a lot of time making it." - Aubrey de Gray -
The first time he sees her he says, “Excuse me?” as he knocks on her door frame, and she promptly spills her coffee.  And then lets loose a string of expletives worthy of a sailor.
He pulls out some leftover napkins from lunch and hands them to her, and she actually thanks him.  Thanks him and quietly laughs at herself.
  “Sorry about the language.”  There’s laughter in her voice, as well as strain and exhaustion.  He can tell. He sees lots of people each day, many of them with the same strain and exhaustion all over their features.
None of them with laughter in their voices, though.
  “I don’t mind a bit of language.”  That’s probably the single dumbest thing he has ever said.  Anyone has ever said.
Her eyebrow quirks up when she hears his accent, and she says, “South of England?”
He sputters.  It’s thoroughly undignified.  
She laughs.
“Bournemouth,” he answers.  “How on earth did you guess?”
“I have had the good fortune to be able to travel on occasion,” she answers, and smiles at him, but while genuine, neither the smile nor the friendliness in her voice are inviting.  He knows she is giving him a very gentle hint that this will not be a lengthy conversation. Or any conversation. This was a brief moment of levity, and now it is over.
  She holds out her hand.
He hands her the mail.
It’s odd, though.
“I can give it to your assistant in the future,” he says.  “It’s just -- she wasn’t there. Or he. Do you even have an assistant yet?”
He’s babbling.
Her eyes narrow, and she looks back up at him.  
“No, that’s all right,” she says, after only the briefest hesitation.  “I don’t have an assistant, yet.” She gives him a very small, almost embarrassed smile.  For the briefest of moments it looks like the idea of having an assistant is entirely foreign to her.  “I can take my mail. Myself.”  
She smiles again.  It is genuine, and a little self-deprecating, and there is no condescension in it.  As far as he can tell.
Then she nods and sits back down and picks up her receiver.
He is dismissed.
When he gets back down to the mail room, he pulls up the company’s organizational chart, and looks up Emma Swan.  Because she’s new, and he just needs her information to do his job right. No other reason.
. .
Three days later, he goes back on the late shift.  There are a lot of legal documents requiring actual signatures, and those usually get done at the end of the day.  He and a friendly, but reserved man named Robin split the nights between them, always two weeks each.  
He likes it, it’s quiet.
And he’s not required to stay the full 8 hours, just until he is done prepping courier and special mail to ship first thing in the morning.  
It’s peaceful.
Her light is still on.  It’s nearly 10pm and her light is still on.
He’s not surprised.  But he does feel a stab of empathy.  Of concern.
He pushes his cart to her open door and knocks on the frame again.  This time she grins. But god, she looks so tired.  
“What are you doing here?  Surely it’s too late to bring me mail?”  Even her voice sounds exhausted.
“Late shift,” he says.  “Just making the rounds.” 
Her desk is a mess of files and folders and empty coffee cups.  Her laptop is buried.
“What are you doing here so late?”
She smirks.  “No rest for the wicked.”
He looks at her and she sighs.  “It’s just that I----” She stops herself abruptly and her eyes narrow.  “It’s nothing.”
He shakes his head.  “You realize I’m not here to spy for the CEO, right?  I’m just the mailroom guy?”
She smiles again, but it’s strained.  
“It’s nothing,” she repeats and goes back to the files on her desk. 
The conversation is over.
He brings her coffee the next night, and the night after that, and the night after that.
The first time she only takes it because he tells her it’s a replacement for the one he made her spill.  The second night she only takes it because he says it’s left over, because his colleague is sick. (There is no colleague, not this late.  But she doesn’t know that.) The third night she looks at him with narrowed eyes and outright suspicion, and dares him to make up another excuse.
He can’t think of a single thing.  Just stands there, flustered, trying not to blush and failing.
And then - to his great surprise - she laughs out loud and takes the proffered cup.  Looking just as surprised by her own actions as he is.
He doesn’t ask her to talk.
But he does tell her to go home, every time. And every time she smiles, and shakes her head, and tells him she will leave, soon.  She never does.
The mailroom happens to be right next to the garage exit.   Some nights her car doesn’t leave until almost two in the morning.
That’s the end of his shift.
His late shift.
He tells Robin he can stay on nights, and Robin is grateful.  He has a new girlfriend, the kind who likes getting taken out in the evenings.
And Killian has the feeling someone has to keep an eye on Emma.  He’s not sure anyone but him does.
And then one night three weeks later, she gets up from behind her desk to take the coffee he brings, and sways.  
She is holding the edge of her desk in a white-knuckle grip and breathes slowly, with great effort, her eyes firmly closed.
He walks over to her and very gently pries her hands loose and then leads her to the couch.  
“Sit.”  He says it quietly, but with conviction.
She complies.
He waits, without speaking, for her breathing to even out, and finally she opens her eyes.
“Thank you.”  She smiles. “I’m fine now.”
  And that is the last straw.
  “Stop,” he says.  “Please - stop. Tell me what’s going on.  You are not fine.”
She doesn’t move for a long time.  Just sits there, looking more tired and more run-down than anyone he has seen in a long time.
  “I thought I wanted this.”  Her voice is a whisper.
He raises an eyebrow in question and she rolls her eyes.  “The career, you know. The title and the office and the assigned parking space.”
He doesn’t say anything, because he doesn’t have to.  She just looks at him and then nods.
“Yeah,” she says softly.  “I’m not sure it’s for me, either.  Turns out I don’t like corporate law nearly as much as I thought I would.”
  He laughs out loud.
When she looks at him with narrowed eyes, he grins back.  “You’re not a corporate lawyer. Anyone with eyes could tell you that.”
“And how would you know?”
He nods at her, still grinning.  “I’m a corporate lawyer.” 
Her jaw drops.  Literally.
He pats her arm.  “I used to have an office just like this.  And then a bigger one. A few floors above it.  And then one on a corner. A lot more floors above that.”
  She shakes her head, blinking.  He waits. This moment isn’t about him.  It’s about her assimilating a flood of new information, and he knows she’ll talk when she’s ready.
And she does.  “What happened?”  Her voice is a whisper.
He takes her hand.  It’s colder than it should be.  Her circulation is not working right, and it sends a spike of fear and concern through him, because that is a sign.  And not a good one.
  “I did what you do,” he says, gently rubbing warmth back into her fingers.  “Worked long hours. Spent my days and nights and weekends chasing down the rabbit hole of what I thought I wanted.”
“And then?”  She is riveted.  Looks at him, eyes wide, unblinking.
“Had a breakdown that ended my career.  Not with a bang. With a whimper.” He can feel her hand squeeze his.  “Came to the US because my brother lives here. He married an American, you see.”
Her eyes are still locked in his.  “And you--- you work in a mailroom?  Of a law firm?”
He knows it’s ridiculous.  But he also knows he needs it.  “I like to remind myself of what I do not miss.”
  She laughs out loud at that.
It’s a beautiful sound.  He wants to hear it again.  Often.
  Instead he smiles at her.  “Case in point: Do you even know that it’s Christmas Eve, love?”
“ What? ”  She looks truly aghast.  “It can’t be.”
He looks at her, at the severe pantsuit and the expensive silk blouse and the disheveled hair, put up in something resembling a knot, held together by a ball-point pen.  Pictures her in jeans and a sweater and thinks how much this entire corporate get-up does not suit her.
  Then he takes her other hand.  “It’s past midnight. That means it’s Christmas Eve.”
She shakes her head.
“There’s a diner down the street.”  He gets up and pulls her with him. “We’re going to go and have some food before you pass out, and then we are going to have a small talk about your life choices.”
She pulls her hands from his grasp.
“Emma.”  He waits until she looks at him.  “I am not here to tell you how you live your life, love.  I am not going to question any decision you make, or have ever made, not one.”  She’s still looking at him, and he takes it as a good sign. “I just--- I want to help you.”
  She is silent for a long time.  Seconds tick by, become minutes.
She doesn’t move and doesn’t speak.
He holds her gaze.  Does not look away.
  “Why?”  She finally asks.
He smiles.  Takes her hand again, and this time she does not pull away.  “Because it’s not too late for you.”
She bites her lip and then squeezes his fingers.  
“Something tells me it’s not too late for you either,” she says softly.  “Something tells me that there might be a whole part of your life that has yet to begin.”
And he cannot help hoping that she is right.
They have Chinese food and end up laughing more than eating.
He takes her to his brother’s house for Christmas Day dinner, against her protests.
They open a two-person firm for small business law, helping startups get up and running, for reasonable fees.  They sort their own mail.
And they go back to the Chinese restaurant every year on Christmas Eve, even when Emma is so pregnant she can hardly move, even when their children are in the terrible twos, or being potty-trained, or starting to Be Teenagers.
  More than wenty years later, with each of their kids spending Christmas Eve at their respective partner’s homes, Emma leans against her husband in the restaurant booth and looks up at his profile.
He looks pensive and yet content, and she kisses the underside of his jaw.  
“Did you ever think we’d end up here?”  It’s an honest question. One she asks him every year.
And he answers the same way he always does.  “Not in my wildest dreams. But they do say Christmas is the time reserved for miracles.”
And then he kisses her, soft and slow and exactly the same way he kissed her the first time they came here, back when she was not yet a whole person, and neither was he.
  They are now.
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snowbellewells · 2 years
Hii! It's your CS Secret Santa! I'm so excited to make you a gift you'll love. What are your favourite things about captain swan?
Santa!!! I'm so happy to hear from you! I love this event, and I am thrilled each year that it is still going, even after the show's end, and that fans of the show and our pirate and princess are still getting to meet and have fun this many years on. :)
I am sure I will enjoy any gift you prepare. I love reading fic, looking at fanart/manips/gifsets/moodboards, enjoying CS playlists - whatever the case may be. (Hopefully I'm a pretty easy giftee in that regard...
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What are my favorite things about Captain Swan? That is such a big question, because there's a lot to choose from! They really are such a beautifully crafted OTP. <3
One thing that drew me in early on was Emma and Killian's obvious chemistry. I mean, just watch them climb the beanstalk together in 2x06 and then try to sensibly argue they weren't going to get together. Not only that but I love their flirty banter - the way they tease and poke at each other is completely engaging. It's never mean spirited or hurtful, but in a way that start to let each one let down their walls and begin to "understand each other" (as Killian himself put it so eloquently.)
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There's also the fact of how much they have in common (the losses they have both weathered, how long both of them soldiered on along, their determination and strength, their good hearts inspite of all they've been through, and how fiercely they love once they do let someone in.... I could go on and on!!!) They complement each other's strengths and weaknesses and really do mend each other's broken pieces so well. It really makes them amazing together, no matter the realm or time! ;)
I hope that answer helps, Santa! Can't wait to talk with you more! :)
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wyntereyez · 3 years
I'm enjoying all the CS Secret Santa gifts, but man, I could never participate. I mean, can you imagine getting a gift from me? Imagine asking for a sweet CS fic and getting a fic where Killian is turned into chocolate or something.
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everything-person · 3 years
A little elf told me that you're so busy being the leader of the Santas that you won't get a gift yourself. That simply won't do! 'Tis the season of gift giving and gift receiving after all. To that end, consider me your Santa's helper. So tell me, what would you say is your ideal CS Christmas story? Canon compliant? AU? Centering on what season or story arc? Favorite fanfic tropes?
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Okay so I have no idea how long this has been in my inbox because I was never alerted found it by accident. But I FOUND IT and then teared up almost started crying. I was totally completely fine with not getting something as long as Captain Swan Secret Santa continued. This is so sweet and exciting!
Oh my. I have no idea. I love all CS fic! I’m sorry this has caught me off guard I can’t answer right now. But I appreciate this so much!
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scabopolis · 3 years
Author Self-Interview
I’ve had this saved for 5-ever to do and am trying to get in the writing headspace again, so thought I’d try on my ‘am I an author? sure...why not...let’s go with that’ trousers. 
Fandoms: I’ve written the most fics for Veronica Mars (Logan/Veronica will always have my heart), and then Dan/Blair for my ‘we could have had it all’ fandom space. Also, have written for Amy/Jonah from Superstore (not posted on AO3), Nick/Jess from New Girl and probably my most precious - one Will/Angie fic from the gone and never forgotten show Single Parents. Oh! And Emma/Killian from OUaT. I’ve done CS Secret Santa two years in a row and it was a very good time. 
Most popular multi-chapter fic: If we’re going by kudos then my most popular fic in any fandom is my first Dan/Blair Wrapped in Ribbons; a fic I will always love but sometimes dream of fixing.
Favorite story you’ve written so far: I Know That Face is the first fic ever wrote and it brought @scandalpantsstuff into my life (not to mention every single Veronica Mars fandom friend I’ve made), so for that reason it will always hold a special place. In terms of writing, though? Probably charts and graphs (should finally make it clear) which is one of my Nick/Jess fics. It is the one I get the most positive comments for related to strong characterization and I could see each moment in my head as I wrote it. There’s about a million things in it I want to fix, but it was a big ‘win’ for me writing wise. 
Fic you were nervous to post: Probably both of my CS fics b/c that’s such a huge fandom, and I’ve seen some pretty vicious reader comments. BUT! The beauty of a large fandom (I’ve discovered) is that your work isn’t really discovered unless you’re a known quantity. Each of my CS fics have around 100 kudos, and the people I gifted them to seemed to like them, and that is all I need for satisfaction. 
How do you choose your titles: I go through phases. Right now I’m in a real “random throw away quip becomes a phrase I use in the fic multiple times and BOOM now it’s the title” headspace. But 7 out of 10 times it’s gonna be lyrics of some sort. Always proud of the titles that are somehow neither! (e.g. the gift of gab, the gift of you)
Do you outline: Yes. Though, not in a hugely structured way. My outlines are a mishmash of bullet points, snippets of dialogue (usually there is a specific moment of line of dialogue that becomes my entire impetus to write something) and then statements like “I don’t know, and then figure out what they’re going to do???!!!” because I find some things as I go. 
Next to Complete: That would be the still without a title VM Sleepover Fic for Jennie aka @thelillykane. (Jennie. Don’t laugh at me. I’m working on it!) 
Do you accept prompts: Not at this time. I have an inbox full of them mocking me. Most of them are @cubbiegirl and she’ll get her fics WHEN I AM GOOD AND READY TO GIVE THEM. 
Upcoming story you’re most excited to write about: I’ve started an outline for a Dan/Blair fic that goes AU after 5x15. Basically in this AU they make out at the Valentine’s party but never date. It takes place 6-7 years after that, and they’ve remained friends who kind of just make everyone miserable with their JUST BANG ALREADY energy. 
Anyway, they get into a dumb fight where Dan tells Blair she’s an elitist who wouldn’t last a month in Brooklyn w/o her maid and her freshly pressed dresses and she calls him a hypocrite who enjoys all the trappings of wealth but acts like he’s so above it and, actually, he wouldn’t survive her social schedule for a month. Which leads to them making a bet which requires Blair to move in with him in Brooklyn for a month, and for Dan to be her date at all her social events for a month. Serena and Nate watch the whole thing and are like “uh...Dan...you just dared Blair to live with you for a month.” “And...uh...Blair...did you just make Dan agree to date you for a month?” It shall be very silly and very tropey. But...that’s kinda my brand, so I’m good with it. 
Stories you’re most excited to read: @scandalpantsstuff. My ticket is booked. I am going to see you in 50 days. Are we drinking that bottle of wine? (Yes. This is a Haunted call out post.) Anything @best-laid-plaids teases. I NEED TO READ the final two chapters of @lorelailorelai‘s Dan/Blair fic. I’ve procrastinated because the first one about made me lose my mind in the best possible way and I know I will want to leave a long, sprawling review. 
No pressure tags: @cheshirecatstrut, @mysilverylining, @thelillykane, @shireness-says, @hollyethecurious, @thisonesatellite, @theawkwardterrier, @lavellenchanted. 
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Fridays—Chapter 165: Black Friday, pt. 3
Fridays—Chapter 165: Black Friday, pt. 3
Pairing:  Captain Swan
Summary:   A series of unrelated, fluffy one shots featuring Killian Jones and  Emma Swan and the relationship that makes us all swoon. Will contain  both canon and AU stories. My contribution to Operation Rainbow Kisses  and Unicorn Stickers (aka, my attempt to drown out the season 4 finale  angst with ridiculous levels of fluff.)
Other Chapters: ( 1) (2)  ( 3) ( 4) ( 5) (6) ( 7) ( 8) ( 9) ( 10) ( 11) ( 12) (13) (14) (15) (16) (17) (18) (19) (20) (21) (22) (23) (24) (25) (26) (27) (28) (29) (30) (31) (32) (33) (34) (35) (36) (37) (38) (39) (40) (41) (42) (43) (44) (45) (46) (47) (48) (49) (50) (51) (52) (53) (54) (55) (56) (57) (58) (59) (60) (61) (62) (63) (64) (65) (66) (67) (68) (69) (70) (71) (72) (73) (74) (75) (76) (77) (78) (79) (80) (81) (82) (83) (84) (85) (86) (87) (88) (89) (90) (91) (92) (93) (94) (95) (96) (97) (98) (99) (100) (101) (102) (103) (104) (105) (106) (107) (108) (109) (110) (111) (112) (113) (114) (115) (116) (117) (118) (119) (120) (121) (122) (123) (124) (125) (126) (127) (128) (129) (130) (131) (132) (133) (134) (135) (136) (137) (138) (139) (140) (141) (142) (143) (144) (145) (146) (147) (148) (149) (150) (151) (152) (153) (154) (155) (156)  (157) (158) (159) (160) (161) (162) (163) (164) (166) (167) (168) (169) (170) (171) (172) (173) (174)
(ao3) (ff.net)
"It worked!" Henry said excitedly he following Monday morning as he got off the school bus and sprinted over to Alice.  "My mom told me all about it.  Your dad and my mom decided to share the storybook!"
"I know!" Alice said, smile wide and delighted.  "My papa explained the situation to me.  I could tell he felt bad that he didn't get the book, and I wanted to make him feel better, but then I thought maybe it would be better to act kinda disappointed."
"Good thinking," Henry said with a nod as they reached their classroom and headed for their desks.  "If they feel guilty, then they'll make sure to always make the drop off, and then they'll have to meet every week.  We'll be brother and sister by Easter!"
"I hope you're right," Alice said with a sigh.  "I know my papa gets lonely sometimes, and it would be nice if he had someone besides me in his life."
"Exactly," Henry agreed. "And my mom needs to know that not every guy's like my dad.  Not every guy's gonna leave her.
Henry busied himself setting his backpack on the floor and getting out his books and then he looked back at Alice with a troubled look.  "You don't think they'll be mad at us, do you?  You know, for being sneaky and everything."
Alice shook her head vehemently.  "They'll be too happy together for that.  Sometimes adults are just too busy to see what's right in front of them.  That's when their kids have to step in and parent trap them."
–Merry Christmas Eve!  I hope you have a wonderful holiday with your family and friends!
–As you can probably tell, this story isn’t finished.  I had two CS Secret Santa stories to write, so I didn’t have time to finish everything, but I promised you another part of this fic today, so I wanted to at least give you something!  The rest of the story is all plotted out, so with any luck, you’ll get the last part next Friday!
–Oh, also, as a bonus Christmas gift, I’m going to post a second story to this collection later tonight! (I might have 2 chapters for you next week too!)
                                                                             NEXT CHAPTER -->
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