lolaavarbehroz · 4 months
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ferranhumor · 2 years
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leclercloml · 9 months
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sulkingsmoke · 1 year
scrolling through tumblr and watching cringey viva la vida prime barça edits instead of going to bed to compensate for that humiliating 0-0 draw  ☹️
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thebeardedcaptain1 · 1 year
Pep Guardiola, once student now the master?
Forever the teacher this one.
Hello, good afternoon. Here I talk about Pep Guardiola and just maybe how he’s making a difference to the world of football management. Thank you to amourscents. Get 10% off your order at amourscents ; https://amourscents.com/?ref=8jvems1i Use my code; AYYAZTHEBEARDED Here at the-sports-buff.com, we have enjoyed serving you the readers. Thank you for your support and your feedback. We are…
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copper-16 · 6 months
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Several things go amiss during an El Clásico, but it is nothing that cannot be fixed with a little love and bravery.
(a/n: This might be a stretch to the imagination, but let’s just pretend that all the RM/Barcelona games are played at bigger stadiums in this universe. Also Marta Cardona still plays at RM in this as well, because I said so <3)
Ingrid and Mapi had made a small list of rules regarding their daughter when she was born. Some of them included things like: 
4. She would not attend any games at stadiums bigger than Johan Cryuff until she was three years old. 
7. She would never go to a Spain camp or a Spanish national team game unless situations change drastically. 
12. She would take turns being their mascot, unless it was a big event for one of their teammates, and they wanted Elena as their mascot. 
All of them had been good additions to the list, and they had stuck to their guns on it. They were made for her safety, to make sure that she wasn’t overwhelmed or overstimulated as a young child, or put in situations that could negatively affect her as such a young child. They did not regret their choices, but it did lend itself to an interesting situation just a few weeks after Elena’s third birthday. 
Ever since she had been born, all of the Barcelona vs. Real Madrid games had been played at large arenas, beyond the capacity that they wanted Elena to experience at such a young age. And just as they said, the toddler had never been to a Spain national team camp or game. She readily came to the Norwegian camps and games, but Mapi strictly forbade her from coming to Spains. 
When the Spanish defender had made the decision to go back to the Spanish national team, it wasn’t something she had taken lightly. But Pina and Patri wished to go back, and the brunette both wanted to protect her friends, and play for her country again. 
But hell would freeze over before she let her baby anywhere near that environment, near the coaches and structures that had played a hand in so much abuse, both physically and mentally. 
It was better for Elena this way, and Mapi preferred it that way. But it also meant that several of the Real Madrid girls who Mapi wasn’t necessarily as close with, had never met Elena. 
So when El Clásico is scheduled for early January at Lluís Companys Olympic Stadium, the mothers realize that it will be their first time getting to bring Elena to such an event. She had just turned three a few weeks ago, and they figured it was as good of a time as any to introduce her to the environment of a larger game, still safe with the two of them. 
And as it turned out, Mapi was the one who got Elena as her mascot that day. Which meant that early in January, the center back stood in the starting eleven lineup with her daughter on her hip, bouncing her lightly as they waited to walk out onto the pitch. 
Elena was slightly overstimulated, the roar of the crowd outside of the tunnel and the sheer size of the place around her slightly overwhelming for the young girl, so she was happy to cling to her mother’s side. She looked around at everything for a while, before settling on waving back at her Mama, who was standing in line behind her, holding the hand of another little boy. 
Mapi waved forward at Misa Rodríguez and Marta Cardona, who were both pointing at Elena with excitement. The Barcelona defender smiled, rubbing her daughter’s back up and down softly as she nodded - confirming that the two players would get to meet the little girl today. 
But it’s an exchange Elena misses entirely, only focusing fully back on her Mami when the players begin to walk out to the stadium properly. 
It’s an early evening game, the sun just beginning to set as Mapi tickles Elena’s stomach as they walk out, pointing at all the fans and explaining everything to her daughter. The little girl tucks herself into the smaller defenders side, happily pressed up against Mapi as she takes everything in, curious if not a little anxious. 
It’s the biggest environment she’s ever been in, but Mapi finds that their daughter settles quite quickly, waving at all the people as they stand in a line. 
“Hola!” Elena calls out happily, and the brunette smiles as many of the fans wave back, well aware of who was in the defender's arms. 
“I love you mi sol,” Mapi murmurs, pressing a kiss to her daughter's temple before she passes the little one to Irene, who would not be playing in the match, but rather resting. Ingrid comes over to kiss Elena’s forehead once before she runs toward the backline, leaving Mapi to jog after her, still looking at their daughter. 
“Adios Mami, good luck!” Elena called out as Irene carted her away, remaining happily placed in the older defender's arms for the remainder of the game. 
The game doesn’t end up being too hard of a match for Barcelona, with a scoreline of 5-0 in their favor. Ingrid had even scored one of their goals, a header off of a corner set piece they had played. 
When the final whistle blew, Irene released Elena and watched carefully as she ran straight to Ingrid, who was closer to the little girl than her wife. The Norwegian turned easily, opening her arms as she crouched down, scooping the toddler up into her arms and pressing kisses all over her head. 
“You won!” Elena cheered as she giggled, and Ingrid nodded, sweaty and tired but excited nonetheless. It had been a good match, and the crowd was rowdy and roaring around them, clearly equally as elated with the win. 
“We did!” Ingrid responded happily as she bounced her daughter on her hip, clapping her hands together as best as she could as she held her daughter, looking around at her teammates with a big smile on her face. 
The Norwegian headed toward the bench, intent on getting some water, when she was intercepted by one of the staff members. 
“They need you for media,” she explained with a grimace, her voice urgent, and the dark haired woman nodded her head in understanding as she looked quickly toward her wife. The Spaniard was standing off toward their bench, talking to some teammates. 
“Of course, let me just do a hand off real quick,” Ingrid explained, rushing over to place Elena down a few paces from where Mapi’s back was turned to them, as she hears her name being called more urgently. “You go over to Mami, okay Elena?” Ingrid explained as she brushed the little girl's sandy blonde curls back, and she received a small nod in response from her daughter. 
“María!” Ingrid called out as she turned around, running over to where they needed her for media. But just as she called out and turned away, Mapi started walking forward, away from her daughter as she was called to meet with one of the staff members. Ingrid’s call for her wife is lost in the crowd, and suddenly Elena is left standing on the sidelines of the pitch, with neither of her parents really in sight. 
The little girl looks around, hoping that someone in her Mami and Mama’s team will notice her standing all alone, but everyone is distracted. And the loud, rambunctious crowd that she didn’t mind so much when her Mami was by her side, suddenly seemed much scarier than it had a minute ago to the toddler. 
Elena doesn’t know this stadium like she does Johan Cryuff, but there are similarities. She turns around, eyeing the tunnel that she finds similar to the one in Johan, and she makes a run for it, weaving through legs in her quest to get to somewhere a little more quiet and contained. 
Once she gets there, she realizes that she’s maybe made a bit of a mistake. Because suddenly nothing really looks familiar, and the young girl struggles with what to do. At Johan, you turned right to get to the Barcelona changing room, so that’s exactly what she does. 
The little girl is near close to tears, and desperately hoping that she’ll stumble across the locker room, or one of the Barcelona players that she knows. She’s simply kept walking, going down hallway after hallway, trying to find something or someone familiar. By the time she decides that she should turn back around, she’s so lost she doesn’t know how to get back out to the field, and there are tears beginning to brim in her eyes. 
Elena comes to a halt in one of the intersections of a hallway as she realizes that she just wants her Mami and Mama, and she doesn’t know what to do. She isn’t the type to wander off, and she’s never been lost like this before. Armed with exactly no experience or skills in coping with such overwhelming feelings, the little girl can do nothing but burst into tears, which stream down her cheeks at a rapid pace as she stands there helplessly. 
Misa had been pacing up and down an abandoned hallway in Lluís Companys, staving off tears of her own, her face red as tears brimmed in her eyes. She was frustrated with her performance, with her team's performance, and she needed a second to calm herself down before talking to her teammates or the press, she had decided. 
What she didn’t expect, however, was to hear someone else burst into tears, in what sounded like the hallway down from her. Misa pauses, confused by how high pitched and small the noise sounded. It didn’t sound like one of her teammates, and when she rounds the corner, she is entirely unprepared for what she finds. 
There is a toddler, a little girl standing alone in the completely empty hallway, her shoulders heaving with the force of her cries, her hands covering her face. She has a little Barcelona kit top on, with the number 23 on it but the last name León across it. The Madridista immediately knows who it is, but what she doesn’t quite understand is why Mapi León and Ingrid Engen’s daughter is sitting in the middle of a hallway on the away side of the stadium. 
“Niña? Elena?” Misa calls out softly, walking toward the little girl, who looks up at her when she hears her name called. 
Elena looks up, finding a woman she doesn’t know walking toward her, and the first emotion that pours through her is fear. The woman is tall, like Mama, but her face is flushed and she’s wearing an alarmingly bright red jersey and shorts that the young girl doesn’t recognize. Her hands are large, considering that they are encased in goalkeeper gloves, but Elena doesn’t quite realize they are just gloves in her stressed state. 
All she registers is that there is a large, unknown woman walking toward her with big, scary hands, and if she was panicked before, it was nothing compared to now. She lets out a fearful squeak as she cowers from Misa, taking several unsteady steps back. 
“Hey, it’s okay, I am not going to hurt you niña,” Misa promises, even though she herself is cringing at her words. She’s never felt more like a child predator than in this moment, despite her intentions being more than pure. The goalkeeper had been excited to meet Elena, even more so after the loss, honestly. All of the girls often spoke about how much they adored the little girl, how smiley and kind she was. Misa felt like she could use just a little bit of that energy after the frustrating loss. 
And here the smiley little girl was, trying to get away from Misa because she was scared of her. It cracked the Spaniard’s heart right in half, and if she wasn’t upset before, she most definitely was now. 
Elena looked behind herself, finally and thankfully spotting a familiar face that had just turned toward the hallway toward the two of them. The Spaniard and Norwegian’s daughter ran as fast as her little legs could carry her, beelining for the Barcelona player who had just turned the corner with Marta and Olga next to her. 
Salma had just been coming back to talk to Misa with Marta when all the sudden she felt something slam into her legs, nearly sending her toppling over. 
“What the hell—o Elena!” Salma quickly corrected, trying to take in the scene in front of her with complete confusion. The little girl was cowering behind Salma’s legs, holding onto the forward for dear life, practically shaking. Salma instinctively placed her hand over the little girl’s hair, smoothing her curls as she looked up to see Misa walking slowly toward them. 
“Elena? What’s going on?” Salma asked helplessly, lost on what to do as she looked between the three Real Madrid players for some semblance of guidance. 
Elena had always loved Salma, from when she was a baby. The forward never knew what to do with the little girl, especially when she was younger. She had no experience with children, and she found herself often stunted and awkward in her interactions with Mapi and Ingrid’s daughter, but Elena’s love for her transcended any superfluous worries or awkwardness Salma expressed. 
“Scary,” Elena whispered as she pointed toward Misa timidly, her grip on Salma tightening as she tucked her head behind the young Barcelona player's legs. Salma looked up with a heartbroken expression, watching as Misa bit her lip to keep from crying, keeping her distance. 
The goalkeeper knew that some people thought she was scary. She got it, she really did. She had an RBF that could probably win an award, and a very intense personality. But it was one thing for a conscious adult to call her scary, and another for a little girl who she had been so excited to meet to call her that. The goalkeeper's heart sank at the realization that this was how Elena was always going to remember her, as the scary woman who tried to kidnap her when she was three years old. 
Salma looked between Olga and Marta, silently begging for help. She still had no clue what to do, and appeared to be rather paralyzed by indecision. 
It’s Olga who crouches down so that she’s level with the little girl, her voice soft and kind. 
“Are you lost niña?” The defender asked gently, and Elena poked her head out from its spot against Salma’s calf, nodding slightly. Her lower lip wobbled heavily, but she wasn’t actively crying, so they all took it as a win. 
Elena regarded Olga kindly, if not a bit shyly. The two women with Salma were wearing white, nowhere near the angry red that the other, larger woman was, and the little girl didn’t find them nearly as frightening, all things considered. 
“Come on, why don’t we take you back to your Mamis,” Olga decided, holding her hand out for the young girl. Elena took it carefully, but not before reaching for Salma’s hand, making sure that the forward was still holding onto her. 
Salma sent the little girl what she hoped was an encouraging smile as they began to walk out toward the pitch. The Barcelona forward wound them down the confusing hallways, with Olga holding Elena’s other hand while Marta carefully wrapped her arm around the goalkeeper. Misa was fighting to keep it together as they all ventured back out to the stadium pitch together. 
After a few minutes of walking, Elena let out a small whine, looking up at Salma with big, wet eyes. 
“Carry?” She asked, letting go of Olga’s hand in favor of staring up at the tall forward hopefully, tugging lightly on her kit top. Salma looked around at the other girls, terrified and scared of disappointing the little girl. They all looked back at her expectantly in that moment, and she was struck with the fact that she was the one with the most experience with Elena, of the group. It both calms her and terrifies her at the same time, somehow. 
“Uh…sure!” She laughed nervously, reaching down to pick Elena up, gripping her under her arms. The forward was used to dealing with the toddler when she was planted firmly on the ground, and she hadn’t carried the sandy blonde girl since she was a baby. She had been so scared to drop the baby that she had shook anxiously the whole time, until Mapi took pity on her and took her daughter back. 
But she tries to remember how Mapi and Ingrid do it, settling Elena on her hip as she clings to the little girl for dear life. She would never forgive herself if she dropped her, and she knew she would never hear the end of it from the rest of the team if she did. They were all highly protective of her, a fact that they all prided themselves on. 
As the five of them walked out toward the pitch, they had no idea the chaos that was awaiting them out on the field. 
After her interview had ended, Ingrid had walked back over to her wife with a pep in her step, still overjoyed at the win and the goal she had scored. 
Mapi wasn’t hard to find, standing with the assistant coach, discussing a few tactics from the game after he had called her over to talk about some of their defensive lapses. Their daughter was nowhere in sight, so the Norwegian assumed that Mapi had passed her off to one of their teammates, but when she looked around, she couldn’t see Elena anywhere. 
“Who did you give Elena to?” Ingrid asked, a crease appeared in her forehead as her eyebrows furrowed together. Mapi looked back at her with equal confusion, shaking her head. 
“You have Elena, not me. She went to you after the game,” the Spaniard insists, now beginning to grow confused. Ingrid’s eyebrows flew into her hairline at that statement, shaking her head. 
“I gave her to you ten minutes ago, I sent her your way and called out to you,” Ingrid explains, and Mapi pales at the realization that she had never received her daughter. 
“I did not hear you, and she never came over to me!” Mapi cried, looking around wildly for her daughter. When she cannot see her anywhere on the pitch, her worry only balloons. “Oh my god, she is lost. She is not here!” The brunette cried out, panic washing over her in waves as she realized what this meant. 
The ironic thing was that generally, Ingrid was the anxious one between them. She was the one who worried for Elena, the one who baby proofed the house and took first aid classes and sat in the back of the car with her when she was the baby. 
But Ingrid was also exceptional in a crisis, and this was no different. 
Mapi, however? Not so good in a crisis, at least a non-football related crisis, that was. 
“Oh my god, Ingrid, she could be anywhere!” Mapi pitched as she clawed at her chest, her throat tightening with anxiety as she whipped her head around, looking for any sign of the little girl. 
“Do not panic Mapi, she has to be here somewhere. Come on, let’s go find her,” Ingrid insisted, forcing herself to remain calm as she pulled her panicking wife with her as she began to inform people, everyone scrambling to begin looking for the young girl. 
They alerted security, sent people all over the stadium to look for her as the Norwegian drug her wife back toward the Barcelona bench. 
“This was the last place I left her, so we should stay here. She’s around here somewhere, we just have to find her!” Ingrid insisted as she turned to Irene, who had come over as she got wind of the situation. Hot on the tails of the older defender is the Barcelona captain, looking close to tears herself. 
“Is Elena really lost? Where could she have gone? We must find her!” Alexia cried, baby hairs escaping her ponytail as she looked around, clearly frazzled and stressed at the news of the curly haired little girl being lost. 
“Yes she is gone–” Ingrid began, only to be cut off before she could even really start her sentence. 
“Well we must search for her then!” Alexia interrupted, looking around wildly, her own panic growing. 
“Alexia, this is not even your child! If anyone should be allowed to panic, it should be us!” Mapi interjected, her stress seeping into her tone as she gestured wildly with her hands. Alexia let out a huff of disapproval at that, clearly in disagreement. 
“She is my goddaughter, I love her too!” Alexia insisted, the two squabbling uselessly as Ingrid watched on with an unimpressed expression. 
“If I were not more aware I would assume that these two were the mothers, and not me,” Ingrid mumbled under her breath to Irene, who couldn’t resist letting out a small peal of laughter that she quickly masked as a cough when Mapi and Alexia looked toward her pointedly. 
“Who knew that all it took to reduce La Reina and the fearless Mapi León into a puddle of stress was losing a toddler one singular time,” Irene joked back, where she was promptly met with more unimpressed looks from her teammates, and a chuckle from Ingrid. 
But even the Norwegian, who was generally cool in a crisis, was beginning to grow worried as time stretched on. Her eyebrows remained furrowed together, her foot beginning to tap nervously as she looked around, letting out a nervous sigh. 
“She’s going to be fine, Ingrid. She’s just wandered off somewhere, kids do it sometimes. We lost Mateo in the store once, and found him in the freezer aisle cuddling with some old lady's little dog,” Irene soothed, and Ingrid sent her a grateful smile, even if she didn’t look convinced. She knew the stories, she knew it was normal, but it didn’t make it any easier when it was her own child. 
She just wanted Elena back in her arms, proof that she was safe and sound, and to not let her daughter out of her sight until she was twenty seven years old. 
“How about we go check the locker room again?” Irene suggests, and the dark haired woman jumps at the opportunity to do something, nodding insistently. 
“That’s a good idea,” Ingrid confirmed, and she was just about to head back with her fellow defender when she heard it. 
“Mami! Mama!” Elena called out from her spot in Salma’s arms, and both Ingrid and Mapi were booking it toward their daughter as soon as they heard it. The forward was entirely unprepared for both the Spaniard and Norwegian to plow into her, raining kisses down onto her head as they plucked her from Salma’s arms. Mapi hugged Elena tightly to her, as Ingrid pressed into her space, both of them crowding their daughter with an abundance of love and relief, the panic washing off of them at the sight of their precious little girl back safely in their arms. 
The forward flipped her braids over her shoulder in relief at the hand off, nearly stumbling over when Ingrid stepped away from her wife and daughter, pulling her younger teammate into a tight hug as Mapi cradled Elena to her chest. 
“Thank you so much Salma,” Ingrid murmured in the space above the forward’s shoulders, and despite accepting the hug, the younger woman shook her head. 
“It was Misa who found her,” Salma promised, and the dark haired woman wasted no time in moving toward the Real Madrid player, stepping into her space and immediately hugging the goalkeeper, regardless of the fact that they hardly knew one another. Elena looked up from her spot against Mapi to see her Mama moving toward the scary woman, and she let out a whimper as she turned, burrowing her face into Mapi’s sternum with fear. 
As the panic subsides from her chest slowly, Mapi takes stock of the whole situation. Elena seemed scared of the Real Madrid players, cowering into her arms as Ingrid hugged Misa tightly. Everyone else seemed focused on Misa, with Salma, Olga, and Marta watching her wife and the Real Madrid goalkeeper. The goalkeeper seemed on the brink of tears, something that the center back assumed was because of the game. 
She was informed otherwise when Marta approached her carefully, her voice soft as came close to the Barcelona defender. 
“Misa found her in the hallway, but I think she caught the little one in a bad spot, and now I think she’s a little scared of her,” Marta explained, looking toward the Spanish goalkeeper with worry before looking back at the Barcelona center back. Misa was getting a pep talk from both Ingrid and Irene, to what appeared to be little avail, if the tears in her eyes were any indication. 
Mapi nods slowly, rubbing her hand soothingly over Elena’s back, up and down softly. Her daughter is already a hundred times calmer, having regulated herself well in her Mami’s arms. That being said, Mapi knew they needed a few moments to regather themselves before they reintroduced her to Misa, if they could. 
“Okay, thank you for letting me know. Give us a few minutes?” Mapi asked gently, and Marta nodded before leaving, heading back to her teammate's side. 
It was just a few moments later that Ingrid appeared at her wife’s side, the Spaniard wordlessly passing her daughter to the Norwegian, who held her close and rained kisses down on her. 
“It’s okay, we’re right here Elena,” Ingrid promised, her own worry and stress evaporating at the content little sigh their daughter let out as she was held tightly to the Norwegians side. It was after a few minutes of holding her that Elena leaned back, looking calmer, if not a little more worried. 
“‘M sorry, got lost,” Elena explained gently, her lower lip wobbling as tears brimmed in her eyes again. Ingrid shook her head slightly, her words soft and soothing. 
“You do not have to be sorry, Elena. Just try to stay close to me or Mami next time, or someone you know, si? We do not want you to get lost where we cannot find you, because that would make us very scared, okay?” Ingrid explained carefully, and when she finished Elena nodded, a small smile finally appearing on her face as she settled in her mothers arms, back to the happy little girl she normally was. That was something wonderful Ingrid and Mapi both loved about their daughter being so small, how resilient she always was in situations like this. 
Mapi looked back over toward Misa, her heart breaking when she saw that the tears had broken through finally, her head buried in her hands. 
Elena looked from her mother to the Real Madrid goalkeeper, her little eyebrows worried together at the sight. 
“Mami, is she okay?” The sandy blonde girl asked as she looked toward Misa, recognizing the signs of someone crying. Mapi looked toward her wife for a moment, and after receiving a nod of approval from the Norwegian, the Spaniard took her daughter into her arms from her fellow center back. 
“That is my friend Misa,” Mapi explained to her daughter, her words slow and gentle. She stays where she is, but tries to convey her warmth to the woman regardless. “She has had a bad day, and I think she is just expressing that by crying, like you do sometimes too when you are upset,” Mapi continued, watching as her daughter stared at the goalkeeper with concern painted in her small face. 
“Friend? Tía?” Elena asked curiously, clearly trying to work everything out as Mapi nodded. 
“Yes Tía Misa, she is one of my very good friends. She is very kind and funny, just like you!” The Spaniard tried, and Elena looked over at her skeptically, but she chose to believe her Mami. 
“Maybe we cheer up?” The little girl asked, and Mapi raised her hand to run it over Elena’s cheek gently, in a soothing manner. 
“Are you sure, El? You do not have to, I know you thought she was scary earlier. I promise she is not though, she is one of Mami’s friends,” Mapi promised, not wanting to pressure her daughter to do anything she didn’t want to. 
“Cheer her up,” Elena decided, wriggling her body slightly to signal her mother to move. She stiffened suddenly as she looked from Misa to Mapi, with some fear clearly still present in her tone. “You come too,” she checked quickly, relaxing back into the Spaniard when Mapi nodded her agreement to the statement. 
Salma, Olga, and Marta had led Misa over to the Real Madrid bench, which was where Mapi brought Elena over to. The goalkeeper was sitting on the bench, her head in her hands as silent sobs wracked her shoulders. 
Marta looked over at Mapi with a hopeful expression as the Spaniard placed her daughter on the ground, taking Elena’s hand as she led her over to Misa. 
The young girl held her mothers hand carefully as she made her way up to the woman who had been wearing the angry red jersey. She was now wearing a white jacket over her kit top, and something about seeing her when Elena was in a calm state, and the lack of such an aggressive kit top helped to soothe the little girl’s initial concerns. 
“Hola,” Elena said softly, her voice small but fierce in its kindness as she stopped a few steps from the goalkeeper. Misa paused, looking up carefully, unable to keep the surprise off her expression when she realized who was in front of her, looking at her carefully. 
The goalkeeper looks up at Mapi in shock before she is wiping the tears from her eyes, offering a watery smile to the toddler. 
“Hola,” she responded, unsure of what else to say. Elena took another step toward her, offering a small smile. 
“My name is Elena,” she expressed quietly, watching as Misa rubbed the tears from her eyes. 
“Hi Elena, I’m Misa,” the goalkeeper repeated, trying not to burst into more tears. There was no fear in the little girl's eyes, only curiosity and kindness. Misa feels hope flying into her chest at the little girl's face, at the thought that maybe this whole situation was salvageable. Elena looks at the spot next to Misa, her eyebrows furrowing together in curiosity. 
“What are those?” Elena asked gently, pointing to the abandoned goalkeeper gloves that were sitting next to the Madridista. The Spaniard reached for them, holding them out to the little girl softly. 
“These are my goalkeeper gloves. Would you like to see them?” Misa asked gently, her voice hopeful. The little girl looked back at her mother for a second before releasing Mapi’s hand, nodding as she walked over to Misa, right up to where she was sitting, placing her hand on the goalkeeper's knee. 
“Here, you can put them on,” Misa said softly, everyone watching with relief as the goalkeeper slid her giant gloves onto Elena’s little hands, holding them on to help to keep them from falling off. 
The Real Madrid player was absolutely positive that Elena healed something within her when she giggled, leaning into Misa as she moved her hands with the gloves still over them, laughing happily at the sight. It was the goalkeeper's first real smile of the day, and her heart leapt into her throat when Elena climbed into her lap, beginning to talk her toddler nonsense to Misa, who held onto every single word she said. 
The Madridista carefully held Elena to her, making sure she was secure with no chance of falling. She looked up when the toddler gasped, seeing Pina and Jana still out on the field, passing the ball listlessly back and forth as they spoke about something. 
Elena turned back to Misa with excitement, the goalkeeper gloves falling off her hands in excitement. 
“Come play Tía Misa?” The toddler asked hopefully, her eyes big and filled with joy at the prospect of getting to play with all of her friends. Misa looked toward Mapi, who nodded her head in agreement before she smiled brightly, agreeing with Elena. 
“Come on!” Elena cheered as she took Misa’s hand after being set on the ground by the goalkeeper, and dragging the taller woman toward the younger girls. 
Ingrid had come over to join Mapi, Salma, and Marta, as the right winger shook her head in disbelief. Misa was sitting criss-cross applesauce on the ground, rolling the ball toward Elena, cheering when the toddler tried to kick it. 
When Elena finally managed to hit the ball back with some semblance of accuracy, Jana and Pina immediately cheered loudly. Elena giggled at both of them, smiling before she ran over to Misa, collapsing into a hug as she wrapped her arms around the goalkeeper, who hugged her back just as fiercely, a huge smile pulling at both of her cheeks. 
“What is it about children that just…heals any wrongdoing?” Marta asked wistfully, and Ingrid chuckled as Mapi shook her head. 
“You can’t not love them,” she acquiesced, letting out a final sigh of relief as they all moved to join the girls in playing with the toddler, who happily giggled away at all the attention raining down on her. 
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Hi it’s the anon who did the Barcelona training tour thing. I definitely think it’s worth it especially for anyone who likes the women’s team cos u get to see estadi Johan cryuff.
However when I went they were redoing the pitch - understandable - and we only walked like around the seating area but the tour guide gave info on a lot of things like how well all of the teams are doing and explained what HEART means to the club as well as més que un club and how La Masia works.
I would also say it’s only worth it if you haven’t already seen the other parts of fc Barcelona such as the museum.
thanks for your trip report, anon! 🫡
it seems like a good alternative while camp nou is under construction to at least see some facilities, but this is certainly helpful advice to others who are planning a visit to barcelona soon!
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hi anon - thank you for sharing! 🙏 that is very good to know and i agree that good weather and certainly make a difference to having a sunny disposition 😅
i also think as a general rule that people need to be friendlier outside of the major cities and less in a rush too!
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meowmeowmessi · 7 months
Who are we pairing Cryuff with?
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osidius-el-enfatico · 11 months
el principal problema de la selección chilena es que son malos
después de eso, es que el futbol en chile ya no se preocupa de hacer buenos jugadores. hace cuanto que no hay un matias fernandez? un jorge valdivia?
después de eso, no tienen idea de qué hacer en la cancha o quien manda. la alineacion no hace sentido.
alexis sanchez tiene 34 años, los pulmones ya no le dan para jugar de 7. asi que lo mueven a 9, pero el weon sueña con ser creativo (empezo a usar la polera 10 despues de más de 10 años usando la 7), asi que se engancha a 9 y medio y no le sale porque no tiene la vision necesaria pal puesto.
brereton jugo siempre de 11 en blackburn porque tenian a armostrong de 9 pa hacerle la pega por el centro, pero en chile no hay 9. asi que lo unico que hace es correr por la linea sin pies ni cabeza. recibiendo pases por el carril del centro a espalda de los centrales seria más util, pero el 10 que tenemos es alexis y vale callampa. aparte que le esta yendo como la corneta en villareal y la confianza se le fue a la chucha.
están jugando 4-3-3 bien abierta adelante y con 2 del medio arriba, pero insisten por jugar por el centro, con un 6 que no se la puede. se pierden los jugadores en las bandas y se pierde la pelota porque el 6 no la puede llevar desde abajo.
la defensa es un chiste. gary medel es un perro, pero ya tiene 35. las pilas no le dan. maripan es un tronco. paulo diaz no puede dar un pase pa salvar su vida. pero todos tratan de salir jugando de atras creyendose la holanda de cryuff. supongo que suazo y catalan salvan un poco, pero hasta por ahi no más. la seleccion le queda grande a suazo porque aun no hace nada de lo que hace en toulouse.
no hay recambio, no hay nombres, no hay ganas, no hay entrenador, no hay nada.
en conclusion: eutanasia para paulo diaz. guillotina electrica para alexis sanchez, no eres roberto firmino. NUNCA VAS A SER ROBERTO FIRMINO
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neyxmessi · 1 year
he didn’t want the barca president to die and baca be bombed he DID kill the barca president and bomb barcelona and the clubs head quarters he also didn’t allow them to speak catalan and forced them to change the club name, johan cryuff was arrested by madrid police working for the regimes for simply protesting a yellow card during a classico. very evil and disgusting club
oh wow
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indiejones · 2 years
1.      .Lionel Messi
2.      .Alfredo di Stefano
3.      .Diego Maradona
4.      .Zinedine Zidane
5.      .Robert Lewandowski
6.      .Gerd Muller
7.      .Pele
8.      .Michel Platini
9.      .John Charles
10.  .Ronaldo Nazario (Brazil)
11.  .George Weah
12.  .Andrea Pirlo
13.  .Kaka
14.  .Andres Iniesta
15.  .Robbie Keane
16.  .Xavi Hernandez
17.  .Roberto Carlos
18.  .Cafu
19.  .Silvio Piola
20.  .Lev Yashin
21.  .Nilton Santos
22.  .Valentino Mazzola
23.  .Claudio Taffarel
24.  .Milan Baros
25.  .Zico
26.  .Ferenc Puskas
27.  .Ruud Gullit
28.  .Bobby Moore
29.  .Socrates
30.  .Mario Kempes
31.  .Patrick Kluivert
32.  .Jose Luis Chilavert
33.  .Paola Rossi
34.  .Fernando Hierro
35.  .Franz Beckenbauer
36.  .Telmo Zarra
37.  .Didi
38.  .Dennis Bergkamp
39.  .Oleg Blohkin
40.  .Jose Manuel Moreno
41.  .Hector Scarone
42.  .Carles Puyol
43.  .Willy van der Kuijlen
44.  .Neymar
45.  .Marcel Desailly
46.  .Fandi Ahmad
47.  .Hariss Harun
48.  .Johan Cryuff
49.  .Fabio Cannavaro
50.  .Thierry Henry
51.  .Gheorghe Popescu
52.  .Jimmy Greaves
53.  .Falcao
54.  .David Villa
55.  .Abedi Pele
56.  .Robin Van Persie
57.  .Ernst Wilimowski
58.  .Toni Polster
59.  .Ray Clemence
60.  .Carlos Pavon
61.  .Ryan Giggs
62.  .David James
63.  .Frank De Boer
64.  .Ismail Al Hammadi
65.  .Kostas Katsouranis
66.  .David Seaman
67.  .Oliver Kahn
68.  .Karl Heinz Rummenigge
69.  .Ferenc Deak
70.  .Bruno Conti
71.  .Fernando Peyroteo
72.  .Xabi Alonso
73.  .Alexis Sanchez
74.  .Jose Altafini
75.  .Paolo Maldini
76.  .Florian Albert
77.  .Ferenc Szusza
78.  .Roland Nilsson
79.  .Steven Gerrard
80.  .Clarence Seedorf
81.  .Diego Simeone
82.  .Ruslan Rotan
83.  .Joachim Streich
84.  .Enzo Fransescoli
85.  .Julio Cesar Romero
86.  .Giacinto Facchetti
87.  .Trevor Thompson
88.  .Gabriel Batistuta
89.  .Marco Van Basten
90.  .Ronaldinho
91.  .Patrik Berger
92.  .Sandor Kocsis
93.  .Karim Benzema
94.  .Luis Suarez (Spain)
95.  .Ivan Hurtado
96.  .Eric Cantona
97.  .Shinji Okazaki
98.  .Uwe Seeler
99.  .Paul Gascoigne
100.                      .Sammy Hughes
101.                      .Frank Lampard
102.                      .Stevan Jovetic
103.                      .Romelu Lukaku
104.                      .Jock Dodds
105.                      .George Best
106.                      .Paul Breitner
107.                      .Hwang Sun-Hong
108.                      .Makoto Hasebe
109.                      .Didier Deschamps
110.                      .Deon McCaulay
111.                      .Garrincha
112.                      .Roberto Baggio
113.                      .Kenny Dalglish
114.                      .Sandro Mazzola
115.                      .Nikos Anastopoulos
116.                      .Alisson Becker
117.                      .Alan Hansen
118.                      .Edin Dzeko
119.                      .Jan Koller
120.                      .Husain Ali
121.                      .Hossam Hassan
122.                      .Rafael Aranzadi
123.                      .Gunnar Nordahl
124.                      .Ian Rush
125.                      .Frederick Roberts
126.                      .Rui Costa
127.                      .Faas Wilkes
128.                      .Lakhdar Belloumi
129.                      .Duncan Edwards
130.                      .Andreas Brehme
131.                      .Ruud van Nistelrooy
132.                      .Hussein Saeed
133.                      .Raul
134.                      .Roberto Ayala
135.                      .Manuel Neuer
136.                      .Bobby Charlton
137.                      .Carlos Alberto
138.                      .Romario
139.                      .Elias Figueroa
140.                      .Peter Schmeichel
141.                      .David Healy
142.                      .David Beckham
143.                      .Marta
144.                      .Stuart Pearce
145.                      .Nandor Hidegkuti
146.                      .Ferenc Bene
147.                      .Miroslav Klose
148.                      .Ali Al-Biski
149.                      .Luis Tejada
150.                      .Didier Drogba
151.                      .Sergio Ramos
152.                      .Dani Alves
153.                      .Shunmugham Subramani
154.                      .Ali Ashfaq
155.                      .Jurgen Klinsmann
156.                      .Roger Milla
157.                      .Hans Krankl
158.                      .Andriy Shevchenko
159.                      .Jose Nasazzi
160.                      .Enzo Fransescoli
161.                      .Ricardo Zamora
162.                      .Dave Halliday
163.                      .Bojan Jokic
164.                      .Arthur Rowley
165.                      .Phil Younghusband
166.                      .Michael Laudrup
167.                      .Claudio Gentile
168.                      .Emmanuel Okwi
169.                      .Gianluigi Buffon
170.                      .Steve Bloomer
171.                      .Ronald Koeman
172.                      .Robbie James
173.                      .Marek Jankulovski
174.                      .Petr Cech
175.                      .Georginio Wijnaldum
176.                      .Boy Martin
177.                      .Asamoah Gyan
178.                      .Zbigniew Boniek
179.                      .Michael Owen
180.                      .Arda Turan
181.                      .Marcelinho Paraiba
182.                      .Kazuyoshi Miura
183.                      .Sepp Maier
184.                      .Antonin Panenka
185.                      .Luis Suarez (Uruguay)
186.                      .Tommy Dickson
187.                      .Eusebio
188.                      .Kunishige Kamamoto
189.                      .Fritz Walter
190.                      .Rivelino
191.                      .Rene Houseman
192.                      .Tostao
193.                      .Roy Krishna
194.                      .Lukas Podolski
195.                      .Tulio Maravilha
196.                      .Emilio Butragueno
197.                      .Klaus Fischer
198.                      .Carlos Valderrama
199.                      .Jim Baxter
200.                      .Raymond Kopa
201.                      .Hristo Stoichkov
202.                      .Edgar Davids
203.                      .Samuel Eto’o
204.                      .Sol Campbell
205.                      .Dunga
206.                      .Jan Vertonghen
207.                      .Hans-Jurgen Dorner
208.                      .Gianni Rivera
209.                      .Glenn Ferguson
210.                      .Jozsef Takacs
211.                      .Claudio Caniggia
212.                      .Omar Sivori
213.                      .Cristiano Ronaldo
214.                      .Domagoj Vida
215.                      .Lothar Matthaus
216.                      .Jose Manuel Rey
217.                      .Alessandro del Piero
218.                      .Gerson
219.                      .Teofilo Cubillas
220.                      .Joe Bambrick
221.                      .Lajos Tichy
222.                      .Paulo Futre
223.                      .Denis Law
224.                      .Antoine Griezmaan
225.                      .Ashley Cole
226.                      .Josef Bican
227.                      .Zlatan Ibrahimovich
228.                      .Tommy Lawton
229.                      .Claudio Suarez
230.                      .Godfrey Chitalu
231.                      .Olivier Giroud
232.                      .Franco Baresi
233.                      .Gheorghe Hagi
234.                      .Juan Alberto Schiaffino
235.                      .Matthias Sammer
236.                      .Allan Simonsen
237.                      .Jalal Hosseini
238.                      .Teerasil Dangda
239.                      .Des Dickson
240.                      .Karel Poborsky
241.                      .Keylor Navas
242.                      .Cody Gakpo
243.                      .Kasun Jayasuriya
244.                      .Davor Suker
245.                      .Richarlison
246.                      .Roland Juhasz
247.                      .Karim Bagheri
248.                      .Ahmed Jamil
249.                      .Saad Al-Mukhaini
250.                      .Nawaf Al-Khaldi
251.                      .Raymond Braine
252.                      .Careca
253.                      .Sven Rydell
254.                      .Johan Neeskens
255.                      .Neville Southall
256.                      .Luigi Riva
257.                      .Cha Bum-kun
258.                      .Youri Djorkaeff
259.                      .Vivian Woodward
260.                      .Phil Younghusband
261.                      .Lillian Thuram
262.                      .Kylian Mbappe
263.                      .Isidro Langara
264.                      .Jon Dahl Tomasson
265.                      .Matthias Sindelar
266.                      .Sergio Busquets
267.                      .Luis Figo
268.                      .Amancio
269.                      .Josef Masopust
270.                      .Robert Smyth McColl
271.                      .Hugo Sanchez
272.                      .Bryan Robson
273.                      .Abdallah Deeb
274.                      .Pierre Emerick Aubameyang
275.                      .Jean-Pierre Papin
276.                      .Rudi Voller
277.                      .Stanley Matthews
278.                      .Djalma Santos
279.                      .Tom Finney
280.                      .Kolbeinn Sigporsson
281.                      .Aron Winter
282.                      .Hugo Lloris
283.                      .Glenn Hoddle
284.                      .Gyorgy Sarosi
285.                      .Ladislav Kubala
286.                      .Luis Oliveira
287.                      .John Barnes
288.                      .Martin Peters
289.                      .Tomas Rosicky
290.                      .Franz Binder
291.                      .Jorginho
292.                      .Jozy Altidore
293.                      .Imants Bleidelis
294.                      .Abe Lenstra
295.                      .Pavel Nedved
296.                      .Hassan Maatouk
297.                      .Francesco Totti
298.                      .Ibrahim Afellay
299.                      .Pat Jennings
300.                      .Just Fontaine
301.                      .Amadeo Carrizo
302.                      .Gabor Kiraly
303.                      .Sergio Aguero
304.                      .Lester More
305.                      .Francisco Gento
306.                      .Herve Revelli
307.                      .Landon Donovan
308.                      .Franck Ribery
309.                      .Zoltan Gera
310.                      .Preben Elkjaer
311.                      .Danny Blind
312.                      .Michalis Konstantinou
313.                      .Laurent Blanc
314.                      .Henrick Mkhitaryan
315.                      .Maynor Figueroa
316.                      .Hani Al-Dhabit
317.                      .Harry Kewell
318.                      .Jimmy Jones
319.                      .Bebeto
320.                      .Jairzinho
321.                      .Jimmy McGrory
322.                      .Gyula Zsengeller
323.                      .Hughie Gallacher
324.                      .Jimmy Kelly
325.                      .Poul Nielsen
326.                      .Frank Rijkaard
327.                      .Giuseppe Meazza
328.                      .Enner Valencia
329.                      .Leonidas da Silva
330.                      .Gordon Banks
331.                      .Gary Linekar
332.                      .Adriano
333.                      .Noureddine Naybet
334.                      .Hristo Bonev
335.                      .Joseph Mermans
336.                      .Hector Ramos
337.                      .Mansour Muftah
338.                      .Stan Mortensen
339.                      .Clint Dempsey
340.                      .Alan Shearer
341.                      .Rivaldo
342.                      .Aleksandar Mitrovic
343.                      .Nasr Eddin Abbas
344.                      .Philipp Lahm
345.                      .Maris Verpakovskis
346.                      .Vava
347.                      .Willem van Hanegem
348.                      .Piapong Pue-on
349.                      .Gonzalo Jara
350.                      .Hakan Sukur
351.                      .Ahmed Ibrahim Khalaf
352.                      .Valentin Ivanov
353.                      .Kevin Keegan
354.                      .Abdulrahim Jumaa
355.                      .Steve McManaman
356.                      .Iker Casillas
357.                      .Robinho
358.                      .Emilio Butragueno
359.                      .Xherdan Shaqiri
360.                      .Peter Pekarik
361.                      .Daniel Passarella
362.                      .Wayne Rooney
363.                      .Gunter Netzer
364.                      .Casemiro
365.                      .Moises Caicedo
366.                      .Zito
367.                      .Emmanuel Petit
368.                      .David Ginola
369.                      .Edinson Cavani
370.                      .Jorge Campos
371.                      .Dixie Dean
372.                      .Luka Modric
373.                      .Oscar Soneje
374.                      .Bilal Mohammed
375.                      .Christian Vieri
376.                      .Roberto Dinamite
377.                      .Cesar Rodriguez Alvarez
378.                      .Ali Daei
379.                      .Raheem Sterling
380.                      .Yoshikatsu Kawaguchi
381.                      .Mokhtar Dahari
382.                      .Ronnie Rooke
383.                      .Tico-Tico
384.                      .Ubaldo Fillol
385.                      .Shota Arveladze
386.                      .Jose Torres
387.                      .Shinji Kagawa
388.                      .Rafael Marquez
389.                      .Frantisek Planicka
390.                      .Patrik Schick
391.                      .Bastian Schweinsteiger
392.                      .Geoff Hurst
393.                      .Harry Kane
394.                      .Oliver Bierhoff
395.                      .Rogerio Ceni
396.                      .Dominique Rocheteau
397.                      .Gaetano Scirea
398.                      .Khamis Al-Dosari
399.                      .Giampiero Boniperti
400.                      .Javier Zanetti
401.                      .Javier Hernandez
402.                      .Gareth Bale
403.                      .Benni McCarthy
404.                      .Rolando Fonseca
405.                      .Abdul Kadir Omur
406.                      .Ali Al-Nono
407.                      .Roger Piantoni
408.                      .Peter Shilton
409.                      .Nigel Codrington
410.                      .Le Cong Vinh
411.                      .Marcelo Moreno
412.                      .Yasuhito Endo
413.                      .Jimmy Johnstone
414.                      .Bernard Lacombe
415.                      .Alan Ball
416.                      .Blaise Matuidi
417.                      .Paul Pogba
418.                      .Frenkie de Jong
419.                      .Jaba Kankava
420.                      .Fyodor Kudryashov
421.                      .Emmanuel Sanon
422.                      .Amer Shafi
423.                      .Ulf Kirsten
424.                      .Laszio Fazekas
425.                      .John Aldridge
426.                      .Jose Andrade
427.                      .Ahmed Musa
428.                      .Kristen Viikmae
429.                      .Heinz Hermann
430.                      .Dino Zoff
431.                      .Tommy Hutchison
432.                      .Geremi
433.                      .Ali Mabkhout
434.                      .Ganbaataryn Togsbayar
435.                      .Imre Schlosser
436.                      .Erwin Helmchen
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cant-get-no-worse · 10 months
Hello there! Do you think the three faced version of Hecate can be represented by Cryuff, Pep and Leo? (Your post made me think about it) PS: It was so so beautiful (I don't have words to properly describe)
Hii! I do like this interpretation because Hekate, being (amongst others eh) the goddess of crossroads, seems like a perfect fit for the turning point that were each of those three people to the club.
I also like the implications linked to the tripartite Maiden-Mother-Crone interpretation: not only could we try and assign Cruyff, Guardiola and Messi to a face each, but more than that each one of them subsequently embodied all three of those faces - rebirth, life, death - during their respective stay at the club. I actually really like this, hadn't thought of it!
& ty so much, it's very kind of you ❤️
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El mejor jugador que mis ambos ojos vieron. Gracias a sus méritos accedí al museo de Barza, donde conocí la historia de Diego Maradona y Jordan Cryuff. Lo sigo como periodista y tintinólogo, grité sus goles con mucho afan.
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thebeardedcaptain1 · 1 year
Pep Guardiola; from textbook to chequebook
Manchester City manager Pep Guardiola is one of the managers who says he is upon the Johan Cryuff school of thought, but we want to take issue with that. The legendary Dutch player and then manager ensured his sides played football in the ‘right way’. Instead of booting the ball upfield with the first given opportunity, Cryuff was an advocate for playing the ball along the ground more often…
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premierbolar · 2 years
Top 10 Assist Providers In FIFA World Cup History
The FIFA world cup is one of the biggest football competitions in the world which united champions from around the world to play in a single tournament. The FIFA world cup has featured football legends such as Messi, C. Ronaldo, Pele, Maradona, Cryuff , and a host of many other great players. The tournament is always a joy to watch with football fans all over the world supporting their…
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ohchopper · 2 years
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