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evilpawnjewelry · 5 years ago
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Today’s Last Chance is the long ago discontinued Above Below Ring! They are on Sale! The exact rings left are the exact rings in the photo. They can be found in the Sale or Last Season Categories. These are the last ever! Thank you so much for all of your kind support! Happy Midweek! 💜 https://evilpawnjewelry.com/shop/rings/above-below-ring/ 💜 #Quartz #Crystal #CrystalPoint #ROTD #EPJ #RINGS #Love #EvilPawnJewelry #Gratitude #CrystalHealing #EarthMedicine #ThisWIllComeBack #HealingCrystal #ThankYou #ThankYouLife #EarthMedicine #EarthMagick #CrystalSpeak #AdornYourselfInMetal #AdornYourselfInQuartz https://www.instagram.com/p/CAsn22jlNNB/?igshid=1d17zfgw3xit4
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crystallized-shadow · 3 years ago
Hey! Do you rp? :)
I haven’t in a long time, but I’ve thought about trying it again. Last time I rp’d Itachi was still alive and Madara was just a stone statue in the anime lol
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nightmare-junkie · 8 years ago
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Getting unrealistically happy because of kahoot I just needed the smart boost I get down on myself about my intellect a lot (((#kahoot #idk #crystalspeaks ))
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echosaudio · 6 years ago
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@crystal_cable CrystalSpeak ULTIMATE Dream (at Greece) https://www.instagram.com/p/B2zh2FFnhbs/?igshid=k03ugbrgnnfs
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evilpawnjewelry · 5 years ago
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This photo is pretty much summing up my last two weeks. These pieces have been on repeat and all together giving me life. The icy surface freezing my troubles. The cloudy haze hiding me from darker passage. If you would like me to write up a mega post and blog on clear quartz, complete with how to dedicate and concentrate pieces, let me know in the comments! Happy Mid Week! ✨ • • For all that Subscribe to the mailing list, check your email that went out this morning for some Halloween joy! • • #Quartz #Crystal #ClearQuartz #Spell #Ring #Veda #Vanir #Beira #Cuff #Necklace #Valkyrie #Seshat #CrystalSkull #Generator #ROTD #HealingCrystals #EPJ #CrystalSpeak #CrystalHealing #MetaphysicalProperties #Amulet #Talisman #Armor #battleMagic #EvilPawnJewelry #FallIsNigh #AdornYourselfInMetal #AdornYourselfInQuartz https://www.instagram.com/p/B3r2TOKFNIW/?igshid=1qzdai0qy7uvn
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evilpawnjewelry · 5 years ago
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Today’s Last Chance is the Sierra Ring in Labradorite! They are 37% OFF! The exact rings left are the exact rings in the photo. They can be found in the Sale or Last Season Categories. These are the last ever! Thank you so much for all of your kind support! Happy Midweek! ✨ • • https://evilpawnjewelry.com/shop/rings/sierra-ring-in-labradorite/ • • #Labradorite #Sierra #SpiderEye #ROTD #EPJ #RINGS #Love #EvilPawnJewelry #Gratitude #CrystalHealing #CrystalShield #AuraShield #MyLongLostBlue #HealingCrystal #ThankYou #ThankYouLife #EarthMedicine #EarthMagick #CrystalSpeak #AdornYourselfInMetal #AdornYourselfInQuartz 💜 💜 💜 (I know weird percentage but certain days call for certain energies. You using 30 or 35 would not be good today but 37 is a very lucky number for all regions. Please bear with my cray. 🤣 Sometimes I tuck it in, sometimes I let it all hang out. 🤪Trust me, it is a good thing today!) 💙💜🤎 https://www.instagram.com/p/CAamWL3lv9y/?igshid=65owx17czotv
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evilpawnjewelry · 5 years ago
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There are many reasons why Golden Healer speaks to me. To state the obvious, my maternal side is from Quartz country. Our family blood is woven into the Salem Plateau. The birth of the Golden Healer. Some would say that not all Golden Healers are from this area of land. In turn, the term “Golden Healer” to many metaphysical healers, is for crystals that ONLY come from Quartz Country. There are a few different “types” of Golden Healers and then there are crystals that are identified as such but are not at all. The internet is a cluster of “copy and Paste” mixed with checkered facts. Some really great sources and some cherry picked until the facts are unrecognizable to the subject. The information on Golden Healer seems to be quite scattered on the internet. Please research carefully if you are specific about your Golden Healers. Whether you wish to call them “True Golden Healers” or just “Golden Healers” is completely up to you. I always say to all, ‘always check your sources with a fine toothed comb.’ I’ve heard many describe a Golden Healer’s properties in these terms, sometimes exact��”It’s golden and it’s a healer. There it is. Master Healer.” I am here to tell you that it isn’t that simple..... For more on the families of Quartz Country, reasons Golden Healer Crystals are separated into “types” because of location and chemistry, and more on the metaphysical properties of this crystal, check out the latest blog on the website. • See the full blog at www.EvilPawnJewelry.com/Golden-Healer-Crystal-Muse/ • Join me for part 2 of 4 about Golden Healer on my Patreon Account. https://www.patreon.com/Evil_Pawn_Jewelry • Happy Week’s End and Happy Holidays! Many Bright Blessings! ✨ • • • #GoldenHealer #MuseQuartz #Crystal #quartz #MetaphysicalProperties #CrystalHealing #HealingCrystals #Golden #GoldenQuartz #EPJ #CrystalSpeak #Rootworker #QuartzCountry #CrystalPatreon #Patreon #lightworker #witchy #crystalmagic #evilpawnjewelry #adornyourselfInMetal  https://www.instagram.com/p/B6TUqw_lc_T/?igshid=46oob3ie8eby
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evilpawnjewelry · 5 years ago
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Today the stacks are available! The sized versions are extremely limited. The sized Stacks are available in obsidian in sizes 4 through 10. The Nerthus Stacks are also available in Obsidian and Garnet. (Sizes 4 to 12) I am so excited to have these beauties available! Been a long time coming! The new mega blog I promised on Crystal Quartz is Available on the website now! I will elaborate on the blog and discuss with questions on Patreon. Thank you everyone for your amazing support and love! Appreciate you! • Happy Week’s End! • • #Nerthus #StackableRings #NewBlog #Patreon #Obsidian #Garnet #EarthMedicine #EPJ #CrystalSpeak #ROTD #Rings #MetaphysicalProperties #Moonwater #Crystalline #stacks #HigherVibrations #AncestorMedicine #SymbolicLanguage #CrystalHealing #StoneMagic #EvilPawnJewelry #StackingRings #StackThemHigh #AdornYourselfInMetal https://www.instagram.com/p/B45Me50lMBu/?igshid=16l7erfiark2v
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evilpawnjewelry · 5 years ago
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It is no secret that we have been snowed in. I live at the bottom of two hills, so there are times that everyone else is emerging from the ‘snow in’ and I am still stuck! Fortunately, our street is clear and I have been freed from my snow castle! All shipments went out today on time. ✨ 💥THE LAST DAY I am shipping before Christmas is this Friday morning at 9am central time. In order to make that shipment, your order must be in by TODAY 5pm Central time. I will not be shipping next week! Please understand, family will be in town and I will be celebrating Yule with loved one. As promised… The Final Last Chance of the Year! • ⚡️Today only, the Jeanne Necklaces in Quartz are 35% OFF and the LAST EVER Freya Rings in Jade are 45% OFF! There are only 9 left ever! This Sale is for today only! ❄️ Winter Gem Realness! I am in love! Happy Midweek! • • • #Jade #WinterJade #Rotd #EPJ #EPJJadeStonePosts #ColdWater #WaterSpirits #MoonPhase #Wintergreen #Winter #notd #WinterSolstice #IsNigh #circe #EarthMedicine #CrystalSpeak #MetaphysicalProperties #eye #LadyOfPreciousGreen #Luck #CrystalSpeak #Quartz #crystal #CrackedIce #QuartzCrystal #love #evilpawnjewelry #AdornYourselfInMetal #AdornYourselfInQuartz https://www.instagram.com/p/B6OKkEHlfDh/?igshid=18xvcalcrcksr
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evilpawnjewelry · 5 years ago
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Just released The Valkyrie Necklaces in Quartz and Obsidian. They are available on the website now! These are the only stones this necklace will be released in. These stones were concentrated and charged under the Friday the 13th September Full Moon. Limited release! Thank you so much for all of your love and support! Happy Week’s End! ✨ • • • #Valkyrie #ValkyrieNecklace #epj #EPJValkyrieNecklace #NOTD #NecklaceOfTheDay #necklaces #quartz #crystal #obsidian #stones #healingcrystals #crystalHealing #crystalSpeak #five #Hierophant #FiveManifests #evilpawnjewelry #AllMeasurementsEqualNine #Mercury #AdornYourselfInMetal #AdornYourselfInQuartz https://www.instagram.com/p/B3M8vd9FLdK/?igshid=1heps0lwj61p3
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evilpawnjewelry · 5 years ago
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New Blog up on the website about the amazing and mystical Yellow Aragonite. • • https://evilpawnjewelry.com/yellow-aragonite-metaphysical-properties-and-uses/ • • People often ask me about my obsession with Yellow Aragonite. I have had two makers tell me they don’t use it because it doesn’t “sell.” I also know it isn’t highly desired but for the true crystal lover, it cannot be dismissed. I use it often to honor it but I also use it to encourage awareness of this stone for people that haven’t “seen.” This stone has a secret life, like many stones do, but this life is going to be exercised in a much greater detail than other types of Aragonite. The Yellow Aragonite is a power stone that will help recreate this world. • • The continuation is on the blog..... More discussion about this stone will be on my Patreon soon. Concentrations, more uses, clearing, and old world techniques harnessed by folklore. Coming up. Happy Week’s Start to all and may it be filled with new hope and renewed energy. Last Quarter is nigh. • • • #YellowAragonite #HairStylist #HairStylistStone #MellowYellow #EPJJaguarNecklace #NOTD #EPJ #JeanneNecklace #MyGrandmothersBraid #Aragonite #ColorTherapy #CrystalHealing #CrystalSpeak #HairEnergy #SolarPlexusChakra #MetaphysicalProperties #Antennas #HairTales #SymbolicLanguage #StoryPhoto #StoryPost #Akashic #AkashicRecords #ZeroPointField #witchy #Love #EvilPawnJewelry #AdornYourselfInMetal #AdornYourselfInQuartz https://www.instagram.com/p/B5A26XHlGEb/?igshid=n912faulrg5c
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evilpawnjewelry · 6 years ago
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The Heart of Veracity is Smoky Quartz, truth is embedded in each gaze. As the dark slowly lifts, it gives way to a clear picture. Drawing the truth out of a situation, especially where it is needed for you to prevail, is the gift given by Smoky Quartz. Their surface can seem dark and listless, but upon a closer look, you see an inner light. Like the bottom of a bog pool. That shimmer of life that lives underneath. A summoner to find it. A hidden power that rises. Smoky Quartz is a stone of the mental plane; being the governing power over concentration, surface associations, specific stages of trauma, and specific dream association. This being said, Smoky Quartz is a way to tie the mental and physical together to manifest a constant dream, goal, or repetitive wish. The Smoky Quartz is a seeker crystal, by this, it naturally attunes itself to the wearer. Making pathways where you specifically want to go and leading you there as a personal guide. Smokies are also transformers, helping you grow and transform on your journey. This is the ultimate “goal” stone. For the remaining half of this info post please see my blog: www.EvilPawnJewelry.com/Smoky-Quartz-Metaphysical-Properties-and-uses/ Happy Week’s End! ✨ #SevenAncientStones #SmokyQuartz #Druids #Scotland #oldways #eldergods #metaphysicalproperties #folklore #lore #witchy #smokyquartzmeaning #crystalspeak #crystallore #crystalhealing #EvilPawnJewelry #EPJ #Rings #ROTD #smokyquartzuses #AdornYourselfInMetal #AdornYourselfInquartz https://www.instagram.com/p/B266sSYFJJG/?igshid=b7eibx3lmy4a
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evilpawnjewelry · 5 years ago
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AS PROMISED! A Last Chance offering is available today by requests. The coveted Skadi Rings in Jade are available! The Rings available are the ones in the photo! Feel free to pick in the notes if you would like. Send a second pick just in case. ONLY 7 are available and will not be brought back when they are gone. Winter Jade is the only green stone connected with this season. Let us give thanks to the frozen water! So many Bright Blessings to all of you my friends! Happy Week’s End! • • • #Jade #WinterJade #crystals #EPJJadeStonePosts #ColdWater #EPJ #crystalhealing #WaterSpirits #MoonPhase #Wintergreen #Winter #WinterSolstice #IsNigh #EarthMedicine #CrystalSpeak #MetaphysicalProperties #LadyOfPreciousGreen #Luck #CrystalSpeak #evilpawnjewelry #AdornYourselfInMetal #AdornYourselfInQuartz https://www.instagram.com/p/B6BTDIPFs33/?igshid=1njg5pl8rwr5g
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evilpawnjewelry · 5 years ago
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*NEW BLOG IS UP on STONE SLEEPING *Take 20% OFF with Yule20 valid on all items except Skullbabies • Sweet sleep is a sweet treat that not all of us are privileged to just have magically occur. There are so many types of sleep requests that flood the message airways and each crystal remedy is very specific to those specific needs. This is why the internet is pouring with so many different answers for crystals to aid sleep. Some people want to dream, others want to end nightmares, some want to put an overactive mind to bed so they can follow suit, and these “types” of sleep requests go on and on. This is why crystal recommendations really do not work. I recommend taking a different view of this area. This area is called, “Stone Sleeping.” Once you understand stone sleeping, it is easier to add crystals to your bedside to aid you in your specific needs. The foundation of Stone Sleeping starts with Howlite and Agate. What type of Agate? I recommend Enhydro Agate. These are the only two stones you need to begin. These stones are your foundation, that you will build, to your house of sleep. The house building exercise will be very similar to crystal griding but that will come later. First I want to talk a little about Howlite and Enhydro Agate..... • Please see the continued post on the website blog: www.EvilPawnJewelry.com/blog • For the complete series, please visit: https://www.patreon.com/Evil_Pawn_Jewelry • • • #enhydroagate #howlite #epj #metaphysicalproperties #earth #earthmedicine #stoneSleeping #agate #crystalHealing #crystalSpeak #agate #love #evilpawnjewelry #AdornYourselfInMetal #AdornYourselfInQuartz https://www.instagram.com/p/B5ydcNCF2yA/?igshid=nrz7m80ksml2
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evilpawnjewelry · 6 years ago
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The Pneuma Heart Ring has been released on the website. There are only 13 available. The new blog is also up now. I also added three Scarab Necklaces in Lapis Lazuli. Thank you so much! Happy Week’s End! • Let’s talk about Lapis Lazuli. I mean really talk about it. Not the copy and paste “This stone is good for… etc etc.” kind of talk. Let’s talk like there isn’t a like button. Too many times copy and paste is the fall back for show and too many times a stone’s properties get lost behind trends. Let us run full speed up against it and experience the collision reverberate within us. Let us listen as we truly hear Lapis Lazuli’s Crystal Speak. • Take a deep breath, and realize, this magic essence of life is the manifestation of Lapis. Our breath is blue. • Not enough space here for the full info... For full info on Properties, see the new blog at: www.EvilPawnJewelry.com/lapis-Lazuli-Metaphysical-Properties-and-uses/ • • #InnerPower #InnerSelf #Lapis #LapisLazuli #CrystalSpeak #MetaphysicalProperties #ROTD #Rings #Pneuma #PneumaHeart #Breathe #Breath #Blue #Crystal #EPJ #EvilPawnJewelry #CrystalProperties #AdornYourselfInMetal #AdornYourselfInQuartz #Metaphysical #ColorTherapy #chromotherapy #CrystalSpeak #CrystalHealing #CrystalVibes #HigherVibrations #HealingCrystals #CrystalTherapy #CrystalBlog https://www.instagram.com/p/B1y0J_Gl_-Z/?igshid=pc6622bgw87u
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evilpawnjewelry · 6 years ago
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Wednesday night, I was visited in my sleep, in a lucid dream. My visitor was grand. She came into my room, not through the door, but appearing after the entrance. Walking slowly, her antlers scraped the ceiling. Pieces of the damaged surface paint fell at her feet and grew into baby deers. Licking their new bodies. Becoming to their new shape. She stops but the scraping sound continues as she stands at the foot of my bed holding her sceptre. Only one side of her is brightly visible where the half moonlight shined through my window. The dark edges of her detail on the other side were incomplete. I am sure she is Elen of the Ways. Is it weird that I am sleeping but watching her? Not at all. The scraping noise stopped. She looked down at me as I sleep and this movement was like a call to the fabric of being. I rose upwards and realized I was blue and translucent. I looked behind me and my body was sleeping. She held her hand out to me and I reached for it. I suddenly felt myself pushed back into my body. I woke up and my cat Nicodemus was laying on my chest. He wouldn’t leave me, which is odd because he isn’t clingy. He put his weight on me. His purrs said, “Sleep.” It smelled like salt. The crashing of waves was in the distance fading. I can see through the deer’s eyes as they frolic through the grass. I see the baby deer in a large brush, looking at his mother before they sleep under the moon. I now see through the deer’s eyes again. His mother says, “Sleep.” • #crystalSpheres #catMagic #epj #ElenOfTheWays #InDreams #goodNight #crystalSpeak #gifter #evilpawnjewelry #animalMedicine #animalHealing #ThankYouLife https://www.instagram.com/p/B2pBY_9lZ_O/?igshid=yblkes7e8e2q
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