dante-crowley · 2 years
Requests be open!
My requests are open! Ask ANY question or do any action to my twisted wonderland oc’s and see their responses!
my oc’s
-Dante Crowley (Diasomnia)
-Ging Phantom (Ramshackle)
-Harumi BristleWood (Pomefiore)
-Sero Gravesight (made up dorm)
-Rowen Crystalbound (Octavinelle)
-Ajani Goldenrow (SavannaClaw)
-Fovos (Ignihyde)
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atdutiesend · 2 years
{ About Grim }
!! Outdated! Read the About Page !!
Grim Iteiya was not born on the Source. His story begins in a shard all but devoid of aether, where none could use it - the Ninth. Magicless, the Ninth developed rather like our own world. And then, one day, what felt like yet another panic attack turned into being dropped onto the Source.
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Gender: None gender, left he; He/They pronouns Height: ~6'1; tall for Veena Eyes: Steely blue, more grey than blue, and nearly white even so. Hair: Medium brown, it naturally fades to a soft spring-y green after a few inches. Thin strands that grow in thick, leading to an almost fur-like texure. Unbound, it likes to frizz out to shoulder width. Tends towards wavy bordering on banana curls. Complexion: Porcelain pale with an almost unnoticable blue undertone. A scattering of starry freckles. Tends towards dry skin, but hates the feel of lotion and thus deals with being a crocodile. Artistically, the freckles are rendered as almost luminescent. For the aesthetic. Physique: Being brought to Eorzea meant he threw himself into taking care of himself and becoming combat fit. As a result, he’s quite muscular. Tends to move like he’s much smaller than he actually is, though. Age: 30-ish; due to Viera aging he’s closer to his early 20s physically, and struggling with emotional regulation. Soul Color: Pthalo green, a dark but vibrant forest green. Mains: AST / DRK / NIN / DNC / RDM Secondaries: CNJ, GNB, MRD, THA, RPR
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Grim was a fan of a game very close to XIV in his home shard, and generally knows the story up to the end of post-Stormblood, around the time Gaius passed Alphinaud over to the care of the WOL, unless the verse is explicitly post-Endwalker, in which case he’ll be caught up as of the rp’s start date. This means plot events usually won’t surprise him, but he does his level best to not assume that everything he knows from the game is exactly correct. After all, who doesn’t embellish a story a bit in the telling? - Not to mention, his memory is kind of shite; he doesn’t remember everything, and certainly not perfectly.
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Grim is never a lone WoL. If your muse isn’t a WoL, Grim shares the role with Dove, and appeared at the same time Hydaelyn sent the Warriors of DorknessDarkness back to the First. This exchange may have been orchestrated by Elidibus, in a bid to create a weakness to be exploited later. For other verses, see below.
Due to the nature of the Ninth, Grim initially has horrendous aether sickness as his soul adjusts to the sudden influx of aether. Combined with his aetherial block and tendency to accumulate aether as a result, it’s imperative Grim immediately either take up a casting class - usually CNJ - or find another way to bleed off the excess aether until he can break down the block [RPR and GNB].
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Is Grim a self-insert? Eh, shrug. While I use myself as a jumping off point for pre-Eorzea Grim, once he’s on the Source, he’s very much his own dude. I’m not going to force anyone to interact with him if they’re not interested, though, we’re all here to have a good time.
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Sjadarwesfv - Shared with @likeabeaconofhope, where Grim appeared as a counterbalance to sending the Warriors of Darkness back to the First. Beacon promptly adopted him as her elder brother. Light Party - Also shared with @likeabeaconofhope, where Dove and Grim make up half of the Light Party with Beacon. The Arch Rogues - Shared with @stealerofheartsss, where Lennel is one of the supporting WoLs to Dove’s main WoL
#isekaiposting - General Grim tag #v; bunbun - Sjardwesfv verse #v; crystalbound - Light Party verse #v; birds of a feather
Expanded Lore
{ Green Magic }
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tuestika · 4 years
Eldarya - Crystalheart AU
I saw the ending part of eldarya, and I got idea for happy ending au, I will maybe call it crystalbound/crystalheart au.
(modified the headcanons 15.7.2020 ^u^)
Weee wooo possible spoiler warning!
in this au:
-As Mc gave her life with Leiftan to save the world she loved, she was absorbed by crystal. Despite feeling safe and warm within it's clutches, her heart hold the wish to continue on living with her loved ones. To her suprise her hearts desire was granted, and she was let emerge out of the crystal. But her life is now bound to crystal, she has become it's new heart.
-Is capable of invoking/controlling the power of crystal.
-Her outer appearance has been altered bit, there is crystal like patches attached to her body/skin, and her eyes may be now more crystallic looking, possibly looks like that she doesn't have pupils but she has still eyesight. Her eyes are capable of glowing in dark. Her wings may have rainbowish hues and/or may have crystallic parts.
-As she is now heart of the crystal, she cannot travel afar away from City of El and crystal, she can go close by areas. But when she steps out of area of City of El, she becomes weaker and weaker along time she is away from the City of El and crystal, and have after sometime return back to city of El and crystal.
-When she is outside of city, she can get physical symptoms when she have used too much energy/been too long away from crystal. Along getting weaker, she may get dizzy, her heart may start feel different/act off.
-If she tried to travel way too far, crystal itself would deny her from leaving, aka magicked wall stops her moving further away.
-Is capable of moving in and out of crystal. She may especially go inside of crystal if she ever had to do more powerful crystal related magicks.
-Her status has rosen up to one of the most important people in eldarya, her being now part of the crystal and capable of controlling it, and people travel from far and wide to meet her.
-Leiftan has become one of the crystals guardians, he too has now crystallic parts in his aengel form (like his wings), and is capable of manifesting/being in physical form in areas of city of El, he has been granted power to protect city of El.
-Soon after when Mc had returned from crystal, soon Leiftan reappeared as well, his outer appearance of aengel form had become more crystal themed like Mc's, his wings having more crystallic glow/patches/spikes, and his eyes glowing when using magic in colors of crystal. Crystal granted him physical form as one of the protectors of Eldarya/crystal/city of El. He keeps eye over the El. Mc has ability to boost his powers.
-Valkyon was granted new life by crystal as one of the guardians spirit/guardian beings of El/crystal, Valkyon is capable of manifesting in physical form in areas of city of El's as well, when not in humanic form he may take form of tiny/small dragonic being and/or residing inside The thousand years tree. His form isn't as solid as before his death,so if you hit him hard enough it may go through him, but he doesn't "die" from it. He helps to instruct new recruits in art of fighting. He is capable of sprouting crystalline dragonic wings when in battlemode. Mc can boost his powers.
If you feel like you want to make stories, fanart and fandesigns and stuff based on this au, feel free to do so with your hearts content. As long you credit/mention me. Happy fluffy endings for everyone!
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crystalbound replied to your post: ‘ do you ever shut the fuck up? ’
“You can smack me but the sass isn’t leaving. My dad tried to squash it out of me a long time ago. What makes you any different?”
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“Oh, how cute.  My daddy squashed a lot more than that.  Costco called, they want literally all of their hairgel back.”
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lunarbranded · 6 years
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NICKNAMES: Ripley/Dallas ZODIAC: Pices sun / Scorpio moon / Leo rising HEIGHT: 5′8″ / 172 cm TIME: 6:48pm FAVORITE BAND / ARTIST:  Unleah the Archers / Avicii SONG STUCK IN MY HEAD:  Riot - Overkill LAST MOVIE I SAW: Birdbox LAST THING I GOOGLED: How legal are brass knuckles. OTHER BLOGS:  @chainedvaliance and my multi that I’m not done with yet. I also have a personal blog. DO I GET ASKS:  Yea, also I’m sorry I’m taking so long on some of the ones I’ve gotten.  WHY DID I CHOOSE MY URL: At first I had crystalbound but I found ultimabladed and liked it much more than the original one. I wanted something for Noctis, I’m still not entirely sure this one’s 100% him but I’ll see about a URL change later. AVERAGE AMOUNT OF SLEEP: Varies. 4-8 on weekdays. 3-6 on weekends. WHAT I’M WEARING: Blue t-shirt, black shorts DREAM JOB: Artist DREAM TRIP: Colombia  FAVORITE FOOD: Hmm. Apricot halves. Peaches. Fruits, for the most part.  PLAY ANY INSTRUMENTS:  Alto and tenor saxophone, flute, clarinet. EYE COLOR:  Hazel. More greenish lately than brown. HAIR COLOR: Sandy blonde naturally. Currently dyed black. LANGUAGES YOU SPEAK: English, I’m learning Spanish. Did a bit of French in high school. MOST ICONIC SONG: Cleanse the Bloodlines - Unleash the Archers RANDOM FACT: I could go days without speaking IRL but I have to only because I have two people to take care of. DESCRIBE YOURSELF AS AESTHETIC THINGS: First snow of the winter. An April breeze. Hurricane on the horizon. Sound of broken glass. Dusk sky the purple and red of a new bruise. Tapping of a keyboard in the dead of night. Tattoo photos. Rustling of a flag on the wind. The smell of old leather and gasoline. Faint sound of metal music in the distance. A skyline of mountains covered in fully bloomed trees. Mist on a quiet morning, hiding most of the road. Fresh burst of peppermint. Clinking of glass. 
TAGGED BY: @fatummortem and @luciantechnophile TAGGING: Steal it and tag me!
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seraphinicn-blog · 6 years
Tags 2.
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atdutiesend · 2 years
{ About Dove }
The Warrior of Light - and Darkness. A cryptid, just as much a boogieman as a savior, even to Eorzea.
Rogue. Dark Knight. Reaper.
Horror themes extremely likely with this character.
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Gender: Neutral leaning slightly feminine; prefers they/them but doesn’t correct she/her until trust is established. Height: 4'9, a little shorter than most adult auri. Eyes: Icy blue with a teal-blue limbal ring the same shade as Enyo’s eyes. Their eyes appear more draconic than average auri. Hair: Silver-white with dark purple highlights dyed in. Has a coarse texture that lends itself to spikes. Most often worn in a traditionally masculine xaela style, or in a high ponytail. Complexion: Corpselike; porcelain-pale with a greenish tinge. Extreme lighting can create the illusion of a natural flush until they’re compared with someone else. They’re also blessed with an abundance of scales; many of which are actually scars. Otherwise, the odd patterns are a gift of their mother’s line, hinting perhaps at intermingling with allagan lines in the distant past. Physique: Their day job is ‘blacksmith,’ but with all the moonlighting as a rogue they do, their muscle isn’t bulky, just solid. Age: 22 on returning from Ultima Thule Soul Color: Adamantoise Green; they’re unaware their favorite color goes so deep.
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Born Davaajav Oronir, Dove was but a child the year of the calamity - to those of the Steppe, the Year Without A Summer. Even the Oronir struggled to find enough food for everyone. Dove ran away, living on their own for most of the year outside of Reunion, before joining the Ruby Sea Confederacy as Iteiya Kyuu.
They became a Rogue of the Confederacy, swiftly rising in the ranks despite their youth, and gained contacts with the silk traders of Kugane, including a man they learned was their biological father. As tensions rose between the Empire and the Confederacy, they joined him on a trip to Eorzea, choosing to use a translation of their name - Dove Iteiya.
The rest follows the expected plot, Dove joining the Rogue’s Guild, Maelstrom, and Ninjas. They fought the Ultima Weapon at 17. Each expac is assumed to have taken a year, with Dove being 22 as of the end of 6.0.
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In Dove’s canon, Au Ra are descended from dragons, and an Au Ra who knows how to take care of themself will be extremely long-lived… but this caretaking involves the consumption of live prey. This is not a required interaction with Dove and you are free to ignore it and the implications. It exits primarily as a background element unless you’re looking to pursue it, for example, having Dove stalk and hunt your character. Threads and posts involving this will be tagged as below.
Dove is open to NSFW in threads set during and after Heavensward, as they reach 18 at that point. They had an established relationship with Haurchefant unless the muse they’re interacting with is Haurche, in which case relationships will be discussed first. Pre-Shadowbringers, Dove’s hair is accented in Maelstrom Red, but midway through Shadowbringers they change it to a reddish purple as they grow closer to Emet-Selch [unless plotted otherwise, in which case they change the color after his death].
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Light Party - Also with @likeabeaconofhope, where Dove and Grim make up half of the Light Party with Beacon. The Arch Rogues - Shared with @stealerofheartsss, where Lennel is one of the supporting WoLs to Dove’s main WoL
#cryptidposting for Dove’s IC posts #vore tw for obvious reasons. #v; crystalbound - Light Party verse #v; birds of a feather - Arch Rogues verse
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atdutiesend · 2 years
“Go to Kugane, they said. We want the help exploring Heaven-on-High. It’ll be fun, they said.”
Bunboy is face down on the ground, somehow managing to look comfortable.
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