#crystal infusions
crystal-infusions · 7 days
(singed-feather) A slightly dishevelled woman wobbles into the tea shop. Her white hair wet went and slick with blood, and her normally proper attire was tattered and bloody too.
But most noticeably of all, she didn't appear to be a demon or sinner of any kind.
She quietly admires the beautiful décor, but not without a thousand-yard stare that refuses to leave her face.
"Welcome to Crystal Infusions."
Cassandra looks up from her preparations, her hands pausing for a moment as she notices the disheveled woman wobbling through the door. Her usual serene expression softens at the sight of blood mixing with wet, white hair. Though startled, she quickly composes herself—this is Hell, after all, and such sights aren’t unusual. Still, something about the woman’s thousand-yard stare stirs the caretaker in her.
She wipes her hands on her apron and approaches with a gentle demeanor.
“Oh, dear.” Cassandra says softly, grabbing a small box of tissues from under the counter.
"Here, take these, clean yourself up a bit."
Her voice is warm and calming, as if speaking to someone she’s known for years. She places the tissues in the woman’s trembling hands, not rushing her, not pressing for answers.
"It looks like you’ve had a rough time."
Cassandra steps back, giving the woman space while keeping her comforting presence nearby. "There’s no rush here," she adds softly, "take your time. You’re safe now."
She turns back to the tea counter, moving calmly, already thinking of which blend might help soothe the woman’s shaken soul.
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agentc0rn · 5 months
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Lonely earth-bound monarch figures whose existences and legacies extend past the bounds of time and space.
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moongothic · 6 months
Going back to this thing briefly
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When adapting this chapter into an episode Toei did not explain nor demonstrate to us what the fuck that spike was (instead they gave us Sables #378545), so we're no closer to finding out what kinda new moves Crocodile might have up his sleeve, whether that really was a Haki-infused sand spike or what
But when I was checking the melting point of sand out of curiosity (to figure out if Crocodile has a fighting chance against Akainu, which in theory he does because Akainu isn't hot enough to melt sand (in theory)), I was reminded of the fact that sand is mostly made of silica
Or, in other words, quartz. Sand is, on average, made of crystal. Of course, sand is also made of other things and other minerals (not just quartz), but if we wanted to assume Croc's DF is made of one element and one element alone, then let's just assume it's 100% silica, right
And now I can't help but to wonder now though
Could Crocodile have learned a new technique where he somehow compresses and hardens his sand so much it can turn into large, solid crystals? Or more specifically, sharp pointy stabby weapons to murder people with? 'Cause. How fucking cool would that be
Also considdering how much Crocodile likes his bling, being able to form crystals to murder people with would arguably be on-brand for him
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ectojyunk · 5 months
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Exarch... Why are the Exarchic weapons white crystal?
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convexicalcrow · 9 months
'look at that, that's a true vex right there' - scar
'am i dracula? does that mean i'm immortal now?' - cub 'yes it does' - scar
vex magic is strongest at halloween. can take you to unexpected places. it's the season of the vex.
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lady-zephyrine · 9 months
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Wanted to try and gather my thoughts regarding the four types of Matter. I know it's messy, and I know there are a few spelling mistakes but I'm too lazy to fix them at the moment.
There is a bit more that I wanted to share regarding Matter in general, but I think this is enough for the time being.
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finrays · 4 months
So, because I'm apparently writing Splatoon meta now...
You remember the desire-reactive crystals that the last humans created? The ones that fell into the ocean and influenced the evolution of the Inklings and Octolings? Beings mostly made of ink?
And you remember how the ink has a glittery texture?
Yeah. I dunno if it’s my theory or the fandom’s, but I believe it. The crystals infused their ink, and as a result, these little fellas are mostly made up of a crystal-bearing ink that has the ability to react to and reflect desires.
Which makes them easy to brainwash; their entire physiology reflects the desires of others! So once you stick your ideas forcibly into their little heads, they reflect them over and over and over again, and you can take TOTAL control.
It probably also makes them really bad at lying, since they would be reflecting their own desires all over the place, lol.
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sack-thing · 8 months
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It might not make any sense to you for now but I swear I'm trying.
Re: miasma streams and elements in FFCC (this is all headcanon).
I was imagining that when the meteorite crashed on the One Big Crystal long ago, some rifts were created underground and the miasma that the meteor-parasite started to produce from the newly formed crater went into them. (More rifts to add and deal with later; at this point w/e if it's not realistic I'm not a geologist)
The earth's crust kind of hosts all four elements and by engulfing in those rifts, the miasma eventually was infused with them, with different intensity depending on where it flows. In some places the miasma comes out from the ground because the rifts aren't always on the same level basically? The pictures in my mind are clearer but I'll draft and detail that later.
The four colored points of my map are four different main sources of elements (to differentiate from the secondary/small sources that never change in most dungeons). The miasma streams have a usual cycle -counterclock wise- that explain that the streams' elements change each year in game.
So usually those streams/elements don't merge together and just let the place to the next element. But if the rift and its flow split at some point and if the miasma stream gets stuck in an endless circle —like around Vellenge Mount and the Lynari island— the elements are forced to fuse and give birth to the unknown element.
The rift/miasma stream around the Lynari island is located underground, under the sea, so you don't have your usual physical barrier there. Buuut a little bit of that unknown element from underground somehow finds its way to the surface ON the island, at the Lynari desert. Which is the only place where we can find this element in-game, put it on the chalice, and then later cross the unknown miasma stream that blocks the path to Vellenge Mount.
The thing that still "bothers" me is like. this unknown miasma stream is very convenient for Raem, as it prevents people from coming to Vellenge Mount and destroy the meteor-parasite. I like to think that it's not a coincidence. But now the thing is to find how Raem can have control over that, since I'm using the "the meteorite crash created the rifts/miasma streams" premise hmm. Oh.
Adding some other rifts is going to change the logic somewhat, so I may have something to do with that.
Okay well that'll be a story for another time.
Edit: I realize that the element-changing cycle in game goes the other way around. Should be clockwise on my map. Whatever I'll edit things later anyway
Edit 2: Based on what we have in-game, CCW is actually correct but Earth and Fire sources should be swapped. But I really wanted the main Fire source to come from Kilanda (the volcanic island) and Earth to come from the mountains to the east. Meh.
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roseshewrites · 2 months
This has nothing to do with writing. That said, if you vibe with me as a person and not just as a writer, you might appreciate the spellwork I do. It's a new blog I started so my witch doesn't combine with my writing 😁😂
That said, I like to show my magic process so head on over if you're spiritual/witchy like me 🥰
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starlitmothart · 1 year
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Butterfly Pea Tea - Crystal
18 year old Crystal is a part time waitress at the tea shop to pay for college. Her older siblings Caelum and Serenity are constantly worried about her because she seems so small and defenseless. She comes from a rich family, but is very down to earth and works hard. Her best friend is Rosalina, who is a pastry chef in training.
About the tea: Butterfly pea flowers, also called Asian pigeonwings, can be made into an herbal tea that's a unique blue color that changes to pink when lemon or lime juice is added. Fresh or dried flowers can be used. Steep the tea for 3-5 minutes, then let cool. Add ice and simple syrup, and mix with lemonade/lime juice for a refreshing summer drink!
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crystal-infusions · 23 hours
(singed-feather) 🎠!
🎠- Does your muse like amusement parks/carnivals/festivals?
(She does, but only if it's not too crowded. Cassandra especially loves mystical and fantasy/medieval festivals, or any event related to tea.)
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half-milk-equation · 1 year
favorite part of sonic prime season 2 was when sonic used the crystal energy to beat up big boy eggman
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mommalosthermind · 1 year
Wanderer’s display name is whatever you renamed him!! My Soma!!
Oh my god how many people are running around with shit like MeowMeow or Edgelord I’m d y i n g
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mellybean03 · 2 years
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Recently, I’ve really been into making homemade soy blend candles. Infused with glitter, genuine (and jewelry) crystals, herbs, and essential oils. ✨🪐 check out my Instagram: @mellyscandleco
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55555-555-5 · 2 years
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This full moon in Cancer whooped my ass. I will be learning about my true self and growing till the time my energies leave my body.✨ I’m definitely feeling that relief with the moon in Leo now.
I am in tune with the good in everything.
I attract abundances and know the universe will deliver to me.
If you want to see it happen, write it down.
Protect your energy and be mindful of who touches you.
Blessed risings.
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badbitchzodiac · 2 years
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Libras like to keep things light & sweet, so their perfume has notes of white peach, mango & violet & is infused with Fluorite to help clear mental fog & aid in making decisions! ♎️ Tag a bad Libra bitch & check out our store today! 💕
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