#crys' kinktober
crystalflygeo · 2 days
Kinktober Day 3 - Oviposition ft Dan Heng (Honkai Star Rail)
Soooooooo.... this got out of hand WHEEZE as it always does when it involves dragon eggs. I'm-.... I'm just hopeless atp. Buckle up I'm about to ignore canon and pull a lot of made up shit from thin air for the sake of horny, lmaoooo. Lovingly dedicated to @moraxsthrone
This is how Tang Tang was made//HIT
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At first, you aren’t sure if you heard correctly. 
Dan Heng says nothing but pointedly avoids your gaze with a healthy blush on his cheeks.
“Did you say, uh… maybe I misheard but-” You start.
“Eggs.” Dan Heng repeats. “Dragon eggs, much smaller, of course, but they… could be viable…”
“... Eggs.” You say with a blink. 
Dan Heng sighs. “Yes.” And turns around to stare and interact with a few screens. “According to some ancient records it seems, those who have fully realized their potential as draconic Vidhyadara and manifest the dragon-like characteristics and behaviors, could, in theory, be able to pass on genes and reproduce like our reptile counterparts.” 
He is still not looking at you. Scrolling mindlessly through windows of text and opening and closing tabs. He’s nervous, you know it. 
“Children.” You blurt.
“Yes, I… it’s understandable if you have reservations. There is time to consider, I don’t want you to feel obligated to anything or…”
There’s a bit of hope in his voice, your heart warms up and flutters. Children. It’s been such an accepted impossibility in your relationship. You’ve entertained the idea of adoption someday. Now there could be a chance?
You just never imagined it would involve getting railed and apparently pumped full of-
You inhale, close your eyes, and decide to speak before you think too much about it. “Alright, but you have a lot to explain.” 
And so, he explains. In excruciating detail. 
Dan Heng seems to be pondering aloud just as much as he is trying to explain the whole process. All an educated guess, though, as he puts it. You’re working with estimations and are not sure how to feel about that but he’s put an incredible amount of research into it all and that, at least, soothes you.
Over the years you’ve seen Dan Hang in many different ways and dealt with your fair share of… interesting Vidyadhara traits. Mates? Good. Funky dragon anatomy? Very good. Being protective and territorial over you? Yes. But eggs… will definitely be new. 
Your back hits the mattress and you shiver nervously, only in your underwear. Dan Heng kisses you softly, his hand cupping your cheek. Like this his eyes have an almost ethereal glow and his long dark hair is unbound falling down his back. Teal horns crown his head, and though they aren’t new you can’t help but be amazed by them every time.
“How do you feel? Are you sure about this?” He asks tenderly. 
You’re trying hard not to think too much about your previous discussions, sneaking a glance at his underwear out of the corner of your eye, or more accurately, at the large bulge in it. 
You lick your lips nervously and nod “Yeah… yeah, sure.” 
He sighs and smooths a hand along your shoulder. “If you have changed your mind-”
“No, no! I haven’t I promise I just… I’m nervous, there’s a lot to consider and…” You stare at him for a moment and remember, he is walking this path with you, just as lost and nervous. “I love you.” You smile reassuringly. “I love you so much. I want this.”
His breath comes out in a woosh and he leans forward again to kiss you. 
It’s passionate, demanding, his tongue tangles with yours and explores your mouth and you groan, your body melting under him, hands roaming each other’s bodies. You see his teal dragon tail manifesting, swaying about excitedly before curling around your ankle possessively.     
He massages your breast, pinching a nipple between his fingers to bring it to a stiff peak, you whine and arch your back, he takes the chance to make short work of your bra and toss it somewhere along the dark room before your arms curl around his neck once more to pull him down into another kiss.
His hips buck into yours and he moans. Even through the fabric you can already tell this time something is different. 
And honestly you can’t wait. 
Your fingers hook at the edge of his underwear, teasing, and start to pull down, Dan Heng groans and helps you discard his last piece of clothing, your panties quickly joining after and this is it. You stare.
Not just his gorgeous, thick cock you’ve come to love so much but two. Two.
One is relatively normal, his shape and girth familiar despite the clear draconic hue from his dark uncut tip and soft ridges. The other slightly larger, with a pointier tip, not as strange as Dan Heng had made it out to be. The Vidyadhara had been all shy and hesitant about it, both out of embarrassment and perhaps because he was afraid it might scare you off. 
Instead, desire pools between your legs. Oh, how you want.
“A-Alright, so first I should-!!” Any other words are lost in a strangled moan as you reach out and wrap your hand around the unfamiliar length. It’s hot in your palm, thick and firm. Dan Heng hisses as you tentatively jerk it a bit, squeezing around the tip, it’s spade-shaped and neatly tapered, perfect for reaching deep and pressing on just the right spots. 
Or so you assume, won’t know until you try.
He bucks into your hand with a grunt and you stare fascinated at the leaking tip, before either of you can process it, you dark forward and lap at it. “Hng!” He tosses his head back and his hand flies to grip at your hair. 
It tastes salty, slightly more viscous and you can’t get enough of it, you gingerly kiss at the tip and mouth at it before closing your lips around the crown, it’s thick in your mouth, your hand teasing the rest of it. 
You stare up at Dan Heng, his eyes shut tight, brow furrowed and face flushed all the way to the tips of his pointy ears, he’s tense and shivering, clearly holding back from rutting into the wet warmth of your throat. 
So, you attempt to take him deeper, moaning for good measure so the vibrations drive him insane, and you’re rewarded with more pleasured noises that make your pussy clench.
“My love… w-wait-” He gasps, you run your tongue along the underside of his length. “Fuck-!” Ohhh he’s losing his composure, his grip on your hair tightening. When your other hand curls around his unattended cock, thumb swirling at the tip, he snaps. “Enough.”
You pull off with a wet pop, licking your lips and catching your breath. 
Dan Heng pushes you back with a hand and you follow easily, back hitting the mattress and spreading your legs eagerly for him to slot in. He reaches for a pillow and places it under your hips, raising the slightly, his tail now curls around your thigh. 
Your stares cross, love and lust mixing. 
“Are you ready?” He asks, his thumb rubbing over your entrance, finding you dripping wet. 
“Yes, Aeons, yes…”
He leans down to kiss you again, tender this time, there’s a sense of intimacy that warms you. How you love this man, this dragon. The way he dotes over you, the way he breathes in your scent and kisses you and holds you close, tender. 
He sinks two fingers inside you and you whimper into the kiss. He works you open slowly, reverent, pulling in and out, stretching them a bit and adding a third. You’re squirming, desperate and worked up. Nails dragging on his back and shoulders. “Dan Heng please…” 
He kisses at your neck, nips the skin there with his fangs. “Be patient, I don’t want to hurt you.”
“You won’t. Please, just put it in. Breed me.” 
He stops, you hear a little growl, ragged breath on your collarbone, and suddenly the fingers are gone. You barely have time to miss them when that thick pointy cockhead is pressing against you. 
Then it sinks in, the glide slow and gentle with Dan Heng’s careful movements.  
And oh, oh- you feel him stretch you. Thick and long and so, so hot. It spears you open in the most delicious way, rubbing at your insides as he pulls out ever so slightly before fucking in deeper with slow rolls of his hips.
You toss your head back and moan. You feel so full, deliciously complete. The draconic cock settling deep inside as Dan Heng bottoms out, his balls flush against your taint and the second cock dribbling precum everywhere on your thigh and navel.  
You take a moment or two to settle, both of you, and then he starts moving. Dan Heng pulls back and rolls into you languidly, slow and deep, testing the waters. 
“So good for me… so warm and… thigh-!” He murmurs against your skin, pressing kisses anywhere he can reach. You keen, arching off the mattress and meeting his every thrust.
The air is thick and heavy, he presses as close as he can against you, your legs lock behind his back as he gradually speeds up. Your thoughts are fuzzy, blissed-out. The room is a cacophony of moans and whimpers and the sound of skin on skin. 
“I need- please- Dan Heng-!!”
The drag of his cock sets you alight, every nerve stimulated, pleasure building and building…
“I’m close” He rasps out. You’re about to tell him to come deep inside as he always does and then you remember.
Dan Heng’s grip tightens in the sheets, his thrusts slow to a crawl and you suddenly feel a subtle bulge pressing against your hole. “T-that’s-” You say breathlessly. 
An egg.
He presses his forehead against yours and rolls his hips a little more insistent, trying to ease it in “Careful now…relax for me.” 
You’re trying but the pressure is intense and you’re already so full of thick cock. How can you take more? You whimper.
“You can do it.”
A dragon egg, a little dragon baby. A tiny piece of you and him joining to create something wonderful. This is why you’re doing this. 
“Almost there” His voice is a soothing balm, con contradictory to the way he ruts into you, pushing your limits. But the way his teal eyes almost glow, pupils pulled to slits, flushed and panting but so determined, staring at you with so much love. You bite your lip and cant your hips, muffling your cries as his cock slips deeper with every thrust. 
It feels like an eternity when the ovipositor slips back all the way inside, and you cry out.
Dan Heng’s thumb traces your clit and while he can’t really pull out, he fucks into you with a nice deep grind.
“Dan Heng-!” You whisper, nothing more than a debauched breathless mess. “Dan Heng, Dan Heng, Dan Heng…”
The coil in your gut snaps and you come with a scream, tears springing to your eyes and your walls fluttering around his length, easing the egg deep inside you. He fucks a few more thrusts into you and then makes a noise you never heard from him before, a sort of choked growl.
Then, he stills.
You spend a few moments catching your breath and Dan Heng nuzzles into you, kissing away your tears as you lie a full, overstimulated, flushed mess. 
“Bear with me just a little longer.” He pants, pulling back a a little to hover over you. You groan, having almost forgotten about this particular step and the promise of his other cock, the one more familiar to you. 
He eases the ovipositor out of you slowly. The egg vaguely feeling heavy and round in your womb. You can’t think straight as Dan Heng shifts against you, his other cock resting against your entrance before easily sinking in, smaller than the first, bottoming out immediately. 
You sigh.
“I… I won’t last long.” He admits.
“Breed me.” You repeat. “Our egg will take.”
It seems like the right incentive as he starts fucking into you in a frenzied pace, pressing and pulling at your insides. You sob and squirm, uselessly trying to match his rhythm. He growls, groans and tips over surprisingly quickly, filling you up with sticky cum. 
Your body sags, spent, aching, full, and so utterly satisfied. He stays lodged in deep and doesn’t move. You both take a moment to come down from the intense high. 
Dan Heng slides a hand along your tummy, smoothing the skin there and feeling the very small subtle bulge there. “Mine. All mine… both of you.” He claims.  
You place your hand on his and smile weakly.
He finally pulls out, making you groan at the emptiness, and maneuvers you both onto your sides, spooning you. He brushes at your hair and kisses the back of your neck, whispering sweet nothings “You did so well. I love you.” His hand rests on the soft curve of your stomach. The barest signs of a bump that could be easily missed. “Rest.” 
You sigh deeply, content. “Love you too…” Comes out slightly slurred. And so, you rest.
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skulla-rxcks · 2 months
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Click here for K!nktober 2023
Updating as I complete each fic but the links will be out in October
Dc - blue
Skz - pink
Cof -green
Copa - red
1 tentacles (Felix)
2 Stab wounds (Kizami and reader)
3 werewolf (chan x reader)
4 scratching (catwoman and Batman)
5 fuck or die (chan X reader)
6 monster fucking (nightwing)
7 needy (Han x reader)
8 cannibalism (hyunjin)
9 kidnapper (book Simon x reader)
10 yandere/stalker (chan x reader)
11 bloody suicide (Simon)
12 gangbang w guns (skz ot8 x reader)
13 pet Play (seungmin x fem dom reader)
14 costume party (hyunjin x reader)
15 under the desk (Chan x reader)
16 drunk sex (Dick/nightwing x reader)
17 mommy (changbin x reader)
18 ghost (Morishige x Ghost!Mayu)
19 dildos (Han x reader)
20 spanking (Chan x reader)
21 face sitting/body worship (Changbin x reader)
22 electrocution (Nightwing x villain!reader)
23 wholesome but bloody (Naomi x Seiko)
24 masked assault (Chan & Felix x reader)
25 somno (Chan x reader)
26 daddy (Dick Grayson x reader)
27 non con (Reader x Chan)
28 master (Nightwing x reader)
29 overstimulation (Felix)
30 knives (Chan x reader) pt1
31 vampire (Chan x reader) pt2
120 notes · View notes
osamucide · 5 days
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FLAVOR PROFILE—dom+gn+afab!reader, established relationship, SKK being annoying and horrible (I love them), leashing and collaring, improper use of leash, dirty talk, teasing, praise and degradation, “good boy,” hints of/references to pet play, leg humping, penetrative sex, tiny bit of orgasm denial, oral (reader receiving), cum eating
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It started as an innocent question.
Your sweet boyfriend’s eccentric coworker had pulled him out of the office, not for the first or last time, on “official business,” as the bandaged man put it. And because Atsushi was dragged along, of course you were, too. And just like usual, Dazai’s definitely-not-complicated-situationship conveniently just so happened to run into you guys at the boba spot you headed to.
“Way to pick the frilliest place you could’ve possibly found,” you recall Chuuya grumbling as eyed the emojified tea decals on the wall but clung onto Dazai’s arm nonetheless.
“It’s new! And Atsushi loves boba. When could a better opportunity to skimp out on—” he said the next part through his teeth, “—Kunikida’s constant fucking nagging possibly arise?”
“Maybe if you did your work for once, he wouldn’t nag so much, you damn fish.”
They had continued on bickering as you sat, sipping each of your drinks; you were taking in the atmosphere of the shop as Atsushi slipped his hand into yours between your chairs. It was indeed frilly, but cute. The warm smell of tapioca soothed you immediately upon entry. The counter near the register hosted keychains, pins, small plushies, and a smattering of candies, which you and Atsushi picked through while waiting for your orders. American pop music played quietly enough that you could hear all of your companions speak, but not quite the folks the table over—the perfect volume. The lights didn’t blare, Atsushi seemed to be forgetting he was technically clocked in, and even Chuuya and Dazai were calming down from their pissing match—that was, until Atsushi cut in with his good-natured inquiry.
“Chuuya-san, what’s your necklace?” He had motioned at the black choker with a little—almost unnoticeable—gold tag dangling from it as he was chewing on pearls. “I feel like I never see you without it but I've never really paid attention to it 'til now.”
Chuuya’s face flushed, and Dazai was answering like an enthusiastic businessman before the redhead could get a word out.
“This,” Dazai started, slipping his fingers under the leather band and yanking Chuuya over the table a bit as if to showcase it, “is his collar. Because he is my dog.”
“I don’t know how many times we have to go over this—” Chuuya’s hands flew up to push Dazai off like he was infected with the plague. “I am not your goddamn dog.”
“Are too.” Dazai resigned himself to his seat, crossing his arms and sipping his tea loudly. “I trained you.”
Atsushi glanced to you; you met his eyes, amused, before blinking back to the two across from you.
“Did not,” Chuuya bit back. “I knew perfectly well how to act before you.”
“Mhm, that’s why you used to get punished so much. Look!” Dazai reached around Chuuya’s swats to turn the tiny tag over. “It’s awful worn now, but look, there’s my initials.”
Chuuya just dug his nails into Dazai’s hand (complementary of the “ow! ow! ow!” Dazai whined out before releasing him) and grumbled again, sinking down in his chair with his cherry blossom-pink milk tea. “Whatever.”
It was true—you saw the D.O. engraved into it (the side not facing out, pointedly) catch the soft light, and you had to chuckle. Atsushi, on the other hand, was squeezing your fingers—when you looked to him, he was as pink as Chuuya’s tea, but obviously trying to hide it.
“What?” Dazai taunted, drawing a further reaction out of Atsushi as he looked away from all of you. “What, Atsushi? You really didn’t know Chuuya’s my dog?”
“No, it’s nothing!” Atsushi, eyes wide, tore his hand from yours to explain himself convincingly. “No, I just—that’s—”
“Embarrassing?” Dazai, with hope.
“Fucking absurd?” Chuuya, tiredly.
“Hilarious.” You. “And kind of sweet, actually.”
“It is not sweet,” Chuuya spat. “It’s fucking fashionable, alright? That’s why I have the stupid tag turned around. Mackerel should be honored I still wear it. Only nice gift you’ve ever given me.”
Dazai just smiled, satisfied with himself; that was enough to constitute this conversation as won and over in his mind. Chuuya and Atsushi wore similar demeanors, and you just balked. They were really something.
If it wasn't impossible to get a word in between Dazai and Chuuya's ceaseless bantering (if you could call it that), you would've noticed Atsushi was particularly quiet on the walk back. His hand ended up back in yours, albeit tightly; the only thing amiss was his white-knuckled grip. And when Dazai and Chuuya continued right on past the Agency building, Atsushi hesitated in front of it.
"Think of it as your lunch break, yeah?" you had suggested, noting the redness on his face that you assumed at the time was hesitance to go back beneath the inevitable barrage of Kunikida's wrath. Maybe you were as bad of an influence as Dazai. "It'll be alright. I'll see you later."
Atsushi looked to you. Kind of sweet, you had said about Chuuya's collar—no, necklace. It was a necklace. But I trained you, Dazai's voice rang in his mind; he was sure his eyes were swimming with something entirely readable. If it wasn't that, the imprint of his half-hard dick would've surely given him away if you had just looked down. To you, Atsushi looked a little unwell; he obviously didn't want to go back to work. He felt hot to the touch, even; there was something in his frantic gaze you couldn't place.
"Atsu, you okay? You look like you're gonna throw up." Your hand fell upon his arm, and he tried not to flinch like it burned; he knew it was utterly ridiculous that he was worked up to the point of being unable to speak over a quick conversation about a stupid accessory, but he was too scattered to lie and say he felt sick, so he just pulled you into him close with a harsh sigh and—oh, you felt it. "Atsu, what's got you s—"
"I want a fucking collar like Chuuya's," he mumbled, voice cracking in your ear as his arms locked around your neck and his nose dove into your hair. He pleaded mentally with you not to ask him why. "I can't—I—" I feel like I never see you without it, were his own words. Now he was thinking, I can't believe I asked. I can't believe I didn't put it together before. Dazai's initals hanging from Chuuya' throat constantly. The concept had him shuffling his feet beneath the both of you. "—I'm not gonna be able to stop thinking about it."
You pulled back a little to look him in his eyes quizzically. And you smiled. Softly, but with sweet satisfaction, the twinge of knowledge that you held a certain power here, shining through. You could've denied him. You could've thought it was super weird. Hilarious, as you'd also said.
But you tucked his hair behind his ear, and your smile widened.
"Alright then, we'll get you a collar. But you have a shift to finish first, yeah?"
He was nodding numbly even though, oh, god, you were really about to make him go back to work on his shaky legs with a boner in his pants—fuck, he was going to be a mess for the rest of the day and you both knew it, nevermind the hour-and-a-half lunch he took that he was most definitely going to pay for. That's why you were smiling so softly, so gently. You knew what you were doing. You were as bad as Dazai.
"Mhm." You nodded back at him. "I'll see you in a few hours."
You made a little show of straightening his suspenders, fixing his shirt, squeezing his wrists and flashing him your teeth before you kissed him a little too low to be considered on the cheek.
"Be a good boy, Atsushi, okay?"
He was still nodding his head of silver hair when you all but pushed him through the doors of the building, waving him off before turning around and nearly skipping away.
The rest of the day was torture, just as he knew it was going to be the second you alluded to any rest of the day at all—but really, what were you supposed to do? No responsible partner—no one who valued accountability—would've whisked him away from his job and taken him home to fuck him immediately, and no, Dazai and Chuuya were not examples of responsible and accountable people. But god, that's what he wished you would've done. He had beelined straight past the cashier in the cafe who greeted him kindly, adjusted himself awkwardly the whole way up the elevator, stopped in the bathroom to splash cold water on his face—even after what felt like getting himself in order enough, he still couldn't stop his mind from floating.
Meanwhile, you were pondering your options on your errand.
You almost felt a little silly at the pet store, but the two boutiques you'd checked prior didn't have anything leather.
You were turning a collar over in your hands. An associate passing by asked you if you needed any help.
"I'm all good," you responded with that same smile from before—wholly unassuming, easygoing, but if Atsushi were to have been with you, he would've been curling in on himself with embarassment.
"Leashes are at the end down there," the worker pointed. "If you're looking for one of those, too."
You had cocked your head thoughtfully, glancing down the isle. "Might as well, since I'm here."
And Atsushi stumbles through your door exactly an hour and a half later than usual to find you seated on the couch.
"Hi, baby."
He speaks back softly, "Hi, my love."
Your apartment's dim; the sun's gone down, after all, leaving you and your conspiratory smile illuminated only by a side table lamp and a candle on the coffee table. He shrugs his arms out of his suspenders as your eyes flicker up to him, beckon him over; he strides to you with little hesitation as your gaze follows him. Before he can slump onto the cushion next to you, you close your book and reach forward to snuff the flame out with your fingers.
When you stand, facing him, he feels small beneath the look you have on.
Your hands come to fiddle with his dangling suspenders, voice lower now. "Got a surprise for you."
His tired eyes light up as you gently, with no implication, untuck his shirt from the waist of his pants—the same shirt you'd smoothed out earlier. All over again, he can do nothing but nod; he'd felt under some sort of spell since the walk back to the Agency, and you're not looking like you plan on doing anyhing to break it anytime soon. Lingering on one of his belt loops, you press a short kiss to the same spot you did earlier, and take a quiet step past him toward your bedroom, shooting him a grin.
When the light flips on, he sees it, waiting on your sheets: a thin, black, padded D-ring collar next to a silver chain with a nylon grip. He immediately moves to reach for it, pick it up, but you stop him.
"Aht." Your voice comes short, firm, but not at all mean. He recoils from it. "Sit down."
And like a well-trained puppy, he listens, planting himself next to the leash and collar without disturbing it, hands folded in his lap. He's noticeably antsy, no matter how he's trying to hide it right now, his bottom lip between his teeth, his toe tapping the floor, his two-toned eyes wide and seemingly unable to let you go giving him away. You pick the toys up delicately and sit next to him; Atsushi all but cranes into you, exposing his neck, silently begging for you to put it on him already. His eyes zero down onto the side-release clasp; he wants to hear it click.
With leash and collar in one hand, you reach up and push his hair back with the other. Atsushi's eyelids flutter at your touch, then his attention is on you again; how your fingers trail down the column of his throat, pause there to wrap around with no ill intent. As if you're measuring.
"How was work?" you ask mundanely, eyes on his bobbing Adam's apple.
"Good," he cracks out.
"You were a good boy?"
He swallows and nods, again, but more vigorously this time. "I was good."
"D'you do all your work to make up for our little break today?"
"Yes, I did—I promise I did." His gloved hands find the softness of the sheets between you as he leans toward you. "Baby, please—"
"I gotta make sure you deserve it," you say earnestly. Deserve it? Of course he fucking deserves it—he worked pretty damn well all day with how you left him; he even tried not to think about you all the rest of his shift. He was pretty sure Kunikida knew there was something going on—he asked him twice if he was feeling sick—and like a good boy Atsushi was honest said no, I'm not sick and went back to his work. Not fully honest, though; it wasn't like he could've told his superior and everyone else in the office the reason he was clawing at his skin all day was because he was so fucking impatient to go home so his pretty partner could collar and fuck him. His cock hurts. He kept it all together, even if by the skin of his teeth, and you should be proud of him. Of course he fucking deserves it.
But he doesn't say any of that. He bites it all back, silenced by your fingers coming up to grip his jaw.
You look deeply into his eyes, watching as they pool with desperation; you love to see him like this. Needy for your praise, needier for your touch. It's so obvious how bad he wants it. You're still smiling—you wouldn't have guessed a few pieces of fabric and metal could reduce your strong, resillient, hardworking boyfriend to nothing but bated silence, glazed-over eyes, and whimpering insistence that he was a good boy.
"Need you to do something for me first," you continue. "On the floor."
He scrambles to his knees, settling himself between your legs; it'll hardly be something he has to earn if you're going to make him go down on you first. He'd do it for hours just to hear you whining and telling him he's doing so well—almost instictively, he reaches for your waistband, but you bat his hands away softly, unhooking the leash from the collar before you wedge one of your feet beneath him.
He twitches when you will him forward, directly over your leg, by the shoulder, and his clothed cock comes to press against your shin; he wants to grind against you—his hips stutter, but he stops himself. That is, until he looks up at you and you’re grinning back, syrupy sweet, and raising your brow expectantly.
Oh, he realizes—you want him to grind on your leg.
You want him to hump your leg like a dog.
Atsushi starts to mumble out your name, but he falls silent when you cup his cheek with one hand and fiddle with the leash chain with the other; he throbs against you, speechless, and your eyes ask him, be a good boy, won’t you? And he wants nothing more than to be a good boy—that’s all he ever wants to be for you, really, no matter how humiliating it is. He wants the collar, and he asked you for it after all, so he figures this is how he’s meant to earn his keep. And softly, with wide eyes and parted lips, he does. He moves.
With his hands wrapped around the back of your knee, Atsushi juts his hips forward. It doesn’t feel anywhere near as pleasurable as when he’s grinding against your ass or fucking your thighs, but it works; when he starts to work harder for it, puffing out shallow breaths as he stiffens, looking for the most ideal posture and spot and—fuck, it’s more difficult than he could’ve anticipated, and he just wants to tear his pants off for that little bit of extra friction but you’re just watching him, amused, while he grows more desperate below you.
“That’s it,” you say when he glues himself to you and rubs himself against you fast; his pants are rough against your skin, but he looks adorable making this situation work, and with so little resistance, that you can’t find it in you to feel irritated. You know he’s been waiting for this all day; you can tell in the way he throws his forehead against your thigh, digs his fingers into your calf muscle, and moves with frantic gasps and dissatisfied whines. “Keep going, Atsushi. Let me hear you.”
“Ah,” he pants, his pelvis lurching forward, forward, forward. “Need help, p-please.”
“You can do it,” you encourage him, all the sympathy in your voice glaringly false; he knows if he were to look up he’d find you smirking, and as if to tell him not to, you card your fingers through his hair, drawing a whimper from him.
He thinks you must be crazy for wanting him to get off like this. He doesn’t know if he can—but he doesn’t stop, doesn’t slow down, just holds fast to you, nails digging imprints into whatever patch of your skin they land on for support. He’ll be good. He’ll do it if you want him to. And you want him to; it’s evident in your soft guiding, the occasional tugs you administer to his scalp, and the hums from your throat that leave him wanting to be perfect for you.
He will be. He’ll do it. He’ll do it, he’ll do it, he’ll do it—he focuses on the way you pull on his hair, the way you shift your leg to match his rhythm in a help he surely doesn’t deserve; he’s has to earn it, and so he holds your leg still as he thrusts, whining into each movement because you want to hear him and you want him to do it, so he will—he loves you, he think it spills from his mouth after a please, but his head’s swimming with how warm he feels and he can’t quite wrap his head around everything he’s doing. It happened so quick. He just wants to hear it from you, over and over and over.
It's only when he's sweating from exertion that you grasp his hair and pull him up to look at you. His hips don't still, and you look into those watery, pleading, two-toned eyes as he ruts against you.
You grab for the collar. He sighs out a breath—one he hadn't realized he was holding.
"Don't stop," you instruct gently. So gentle, and yet it's torture for him.
Atsushi screws his eyes shut and doubles down on his pace when you reach around his neck; the soft click of the collar snapping into place meets his ears, and, oh, fuck, he's cumming. It's not the most mind-blowing orgasm he's ever had, but the shock factor propels it out of him like a cannonball; maybe you weren't crazy for this after all. He wants to bury his face in your lap again as his whole body shudders, but you don't let him; you cup his jaw—he thinks you ask him to look at you, so he does, and you're grinning still as you bring him to ruin with little more than one thumb slipping beneath the collar to tug, the other stroking his cheek as he gasps, whimpers, and lets his needy hips roll to a stop against your shin.
He has it. It's his.
More importantly, he's yours, and there's proof now.
"Good job, Atsushi," you say sweetly as you feel his warm release through the fabric. He's in a daze. You could be a choir of angels. He deserves it.
He tunes back into his body when you're standing him up, working him out of his soiled pants and boxers; his fingers search numbly for the collar, and he's touching it reverently, like it's made of gold. You're giggling.
"That was impressive, really." Your demeanor lightens a bit as you toss his clothes aside and swipe a bit of cum from his leaking tip. You lick it off your finger without a second thought, and he's trying not to groan—you're going to be the death of him. "You okay? Too much?"
"No," he forces out, nodding madly. "'S'perfect. Thank you. Thank you." Your name tumbles out after each thank you.
It'd be cruel of you to stop him here, really—and you consider it, maybe yawning and stretching and noting how tired you are, but you decide this is too fun, seeing how Atsushi's reacting to every soft touch, every movement you make; you guide him back onto the bed, and he's nothing less than enthusiastic to follow you.
"Alright, Atsushi." You kneel across from him, reassuming your serious air. He's ready to eat up every command you give him, swallow it and make it perfect for you; you wriggle out of your shorts and underwear as he waits for your next words. You hadn't planned this far, but this is fun—more fun than you could've expected, and your sweet boyfriend is taking it so seriously, looking to you so expectantly for your command, your approval. You can feel your arousal begin to drip; you think you'll tease him a little more, and see what you can get out of it.
You're hooking the leash to him as you say, "Here's what we're gonna do." You're curling the nylon around your fist and yanking him down as you straddle the chain, letting it unfurl to a comfortable length from beneath you. "I'm gonna use this..."
You shudder when you pull up and the cool metal of the chain hits your cunt. Atsushi's a mere few inches away from you, watching as your slick glints off it. He cranes to move forward, to taste you, but—
"...And you're gonna watch. No touching.”
Your free hand tangles up in his bangs for leverage, but also to hold him back; he's arched from his knees as you begin, slowly, to ride the chain, soft moans leaving you each time you roll your clit directly against it. And Atsushi's so painfully close to being able to wrap his mouth around you, to let his tongue work in tandem with the chain, but you push against him as you ride faster, drenching the silvery metal, and his regret that he can't lick all of it up almost burns him—whimpering beneath you, Atsushi watches impatiently as you pleasure yourself. On his leash.
"Oh, yeah," you sigh, grinding. "Fuck, you like watchin' this, Atsu? My lil’ pet’s leash makin' me feel so good?"
"Please—" Your name tumbles from his mouth again, "—please, I wanna help, wanna—please, baby..."
As you grind, he's rocking back and forth from the pulling and pushing from around his throat and on his forehead, cock growing hard all over again; you feel his breath on you, warm and contrasting the chill of the chain deliciously, and just when you start to feel the tension in your belly curl in that specific way that has your head flying back, you release the leash, release him, and he falls forward into you, hands gripping your hips, tongue moving sloppily from your pelvis to your dripping pussy.
But you only let him get a few solid licks in before you're resituating yourself, pulling him along with you.
“Did I say you could touch?” His hands whip to a neutral position; it really is fun to have him heeding your every order, verbal and otherwise. You reflect back to what Dazai said to Chuuya—I trained you—and you're smiling, satisfied, as you arch down away from your lover, tugging him up behind you. He gasps shortly when his leaking tip comes in contact with your bare ass, but he doesn’t protest at any pull or yank, hard or soft; you suppose you’ve trained your own dog—or cat, rather, pretty well.
Wrapping the nylon around your fist once again, pulling him down over your shoulder, you turn your head, peeking out of the pillow and mumble what he’s been waiting—no, dying to hear all day:
“Alright, Atsu. Go ahead—fuck me, please?”
At once he’s scrambling against the forced posture to line himself up with your weeping hole, groaning and whining when you wiggle back against him, coat him in your wetness, pull him down further by the collar. Yes, yes, he thinks he’s breathing out, but he’s lost for words entirely when he slides into you. Even after cumming once already, it seems like he feels everything to the tenth power compared to what he normally does; if his mind were any less hazy he’d chalk it up to the pressure around his neck that he’s finding he adores so much but all of his synapses fire toward snapping his hips into yours, and he does, hard.
Brutal. That’s the first word in your mind as your jaw falls slack and your eyes roll backwards. Atsushi’s pace is brutal. But your open lips form into a blissed-out smile when he starts to pound into that one spot inside of you he only ever seems to hit from behind, and it seems to be the case that the leash and collar are spurring him on; you collect the strength to push yourself up on your elbows before pulling the nylon grip down further so that his face hovers just above your shoulder.
He’s kissing you there, all clumsy tongue and teeth—still so tender through his roughness—but his kisses are broken up by thick moans.
“Angh—oh, fuck, baby,” Atsushi cries; his sweet voice always cracks when he’s buried inside you, but like everything else right now, it seems so amplified. His hands grip your hips with a strength you’re familiar with, but you’re sure it’s going to bruise this time. Still, you echo his noises—with each thrust, each loud smack! of him, his hips, his balls against the skin of your ass, your clit, the pain is irrelevant through the rest of the intensity. Leash over your shoulder connecting you to his jugular, you experiment with quick, rhythmic pulls in time with each kiss his tip gives your womb, and he croons.
He can’t shut up. He can’t do it. He knows he’s being so loud—panting and whining like an animal in heat as you take control of him even while he’s rearranging your guts.
The smile hasn’t left your face the whole time except to form an o, gasp out his name, bite your lips. You literally have him wrapped around your fingers; when his thrusts drop to half-time and you feel the familiar twitch of his length in your clenching cunt, you open your hand and let the leash go, and Atsushi goes falling backward from relying on its hold.
He yelps; you laugh. His hands reach back out for you instantly.
But you’re rolling over, knees up to your shoulders, catching the nylon once again as you do; more from his own will than yours, Atsushi crawls back on top of you, wasting less than a second before he’s in you once more, finding that unforgiving pace. Another yank—it keeps him going, keeps him whining as he pushes your knees apart and sinks into you, over, over, over.
“Hah! Ah—ah—ah, ah, ah—” He’s almost crying. And through each ripple of heat he sends to your brain from your cunt, you instruct him:
“Do not cum until—until I tell you, got it?”
But you’re a second too late; it’s happening, and in the back of his brain he knows he’s going to blame it on the collar, he’ll apologize and say he couldn’t stop because you were pulling him forward, and you won’t buy it, but he’ll do it anyway—anyway, he’s grunting, low and heavy, as he doubles over you and pumps you full of his second climax, and, oh, god, this one feels so good. So warm, so wet, so perfect. It’s tumbling from his mouth along with I’m sorry, I’m sorry, can’t help it! Couldn’t help it! And his teeth are digging into your neck until you push him off, his poor, pathetic cock still spurting cum as he sits back on his heels, breathless.
And once again, you’re pulling him back down—harder than before this time, and it knocks a cross between a sob and a moan out of his lungs, and as much as you want to pretend to be pissed at him for finishing before he was allowed, it’s so hot when it gets muffled by your cunt that’s beginning to leak with his pearly cum.
“Eat it out of me, then.” You puff up a little at how intimidating your voice sounds to your own ears, and how seamlessly he obeys. “So, you can listen.”
He hums against you—as if to say yes, I can, you know that, I’m your good boy, and he needs it reaffirmed more than ever now that you’re denying him, now that he’s slipped up and cum without your permission. He’s got to give it back to you, get back in your good graces, so he can hear it again.
You thread your fingers through the grip and into his hair, grinding onto his mouth, his nose; he hums against you, arms wrapping needily around your thighs as if to say, yes, use me, and you do, you roll your hips, and his eyes fall shut as he nuzzles his face as deep as you’ll allow him, losing himself against the taste of your velvety cunt.
“Oh—Atsushi,” you sob back, and insatiably, he hums steadily against you, slurping up not only his own cum but everything you give him. “Ah, ah, yes!”
And he doesn’t stop until your thighs are snapping shut around his head, your cunt’s twitching around his tongue, and your hips are jerking frantically, aimlessly up and down as you ride out the climax that steals your voice against his face. With eyes closed and your chin thrown back, you finally, finally catch your words out of your quick and broken breaths to utter out those words again, “Oh, yes, Atsushi—such a good boy, so good for me—unh—making me feel so fucking good—”
He opens his eyes and beams under your praise, his tongue refusing to rest until you’re giggling again, gasping at your sensitivity, shooing him away with an okay, okay, okay, enough and a genuine smile—not that conniving one you’ve had on all day, but a real, genuine smile.
Atsushi’s face is drenched as he looms over you, looking wholeheartedly exhausted and in love; one last time, you will him down by the leash, but with newfound resignation; he falls on top of you, sucking air into his lungs, and you envelop him in your arms.
You lay silently for a few moments before you poke at him.
“Never seen you that worked up. That collar really did it for you, huh?”
Atsushi’s face burns with blush once again; good thing it’s buried in your shoulder, right where he left that deep purple bite mark earlier. “Yeah, it did.”
“Good to know you like bein’ my good boy so much. You take such good care of me, y’know that?” Also for a final time, your fingers rest in his hair, stroking lightly as his breathing evens out. “I’m glad you liked it.”
He props himself up to look at you. “Loved it so much.”
So much, huh? is what you’re going to ask before you feel him hardening again against the inside of your thigh—and that’s enough of an answer.
You roll him over, forgetting the leash and crawling down his body to linger over his needy cock.
“Will you let me reward you for being such a good boy, then?”
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actuallysaiyan · 1 year
Kinktober Day 22: Intoxication(A kiss is not enough...)
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warnings/kinks: mentions of drinking, smut, semi-public sex, teasing and flirting word count: 0.7k pairings: Dante x Fem!Reader teaser: “Wanted you for so long, baby. I was a fool for not letting you know beforehand.” taglist: @beneathstarryskies @loki-love @witchofcustom @dreadsuitsamus @pyrofanatic
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You wouldn’t believe anyone if they told you that Dante felt the same way about you as you did him. It was just too painful to imagine him falling for someone else while you were so deeply infatuated with him. So you played dumb and pretended that the two of you were just meant to be good friends forever. Nothing more and nothing less, and it kept you from crumbling apart.
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Both Lady and Nero were so annoyed with trying to convince you otherwise. There was no way Dante would truly confess, as he had the same fear as you did. He didn’t want you to fall in love with someone else while he’s so deeply in love with you. 
So they decide to take matters into their own hands. If they get you both a little buzzed, maybe you’ll both be able to gain the courage to confess to one another. So after one successful mission all together, Nero and Lady suggest going out to the bar. You and Dante agree, deciding to meet at the bar after a shower and getting freshened up.
Dante’s eyes nearly pop out of his head when he sees you wearing such a tight little outfit. That dress accentuates your curves so well. It makes him hard just looking at you. When you approach him, he can smell that sweet perfume on you.
“Hey, I’m glad we can take a load off after work.” You mention, leaning against him just a little.
Dante smirks, “Yeah me too.”
The night goes on so well. You and Dante drink some drinks, while Lady makes sure you don’t get too drunk and Nero makes sure Dante drinks enough to get buzzed. It’s not long before you and Dante are singing a duet for karaoke together, laughing and having such a good time together. One might think you two were a couple. In fact, one man tried to flirt with you and Dante was so quick to swoop in and save you from that creep.
The night air hits you and soon you find yourself almost curling into Dante’s touch as he leads you into the alleyway behind the bar. Nobody is out here. Just you and him, and you’re both intoxicated enough to confess to one another.
Despite this, it turns physical really quickly. Dante cups your face in his hands, kissing you hungrily. He’s been wanting to do this for far too long. He presses his muscular body against yours, making you moan.
“Shit…” you breathe out. You’ve got such a cute little smile on your face. “Damn…you nearly ate my face,”
Dante laughs at your teasing, “Oh yeah? You were doing it right back to me.”
He leans back in for another passionate kiss, this time his knee comes between your thighs and presses against your clit. Between heated kisses, Dante begins to confess his feelings to you.
“Wanted you for so long, baby. I was a fool for not letting you know beforehand.”
Your hands guide his to the bottom of your dress, and he tugs it up over your hips. Dante has you pinned to the wall as he tugs your little panties off. His fingers play with your wet cunt, making you drip all over his hand.
“Need you,” you moan as he penetrates you with one of his fingers. “Want you to fuck me. Fuck, Dante…I love you,”
These are the words he needs to hear to fuel him. He’s quick to wrap your legs around him as he pulls his cock out of his pants. He lazily pumps it a few times before slamming himself into you. Your eyes roll back as the pleasure overtakes you. You’ve never felt anything quite like this.
His fingertips dig into the meat of your thighs as he pumps into you harder and deeper, grunting about how tight and wet your little cunt is. Your walls suck him in deeper, and the tip of his fat cock keeps slamming against your sweet spot.
“Fuck I love you so much,” Dante whines between heated kisses. He continues to pound you, your back scraping slightly against the cold brick of the building. You kiss him hungrily.
“I love you too,”
Dante grunts, quickening his pace even further as the feeling of finally confessing makes him feel even needier for you. Your cries of love are so loud, Lady and Nero wrinkle their noses in disgust as they leave the bar. Nero laughs.
“Hey, at least they know they love each other now,”Nero says.
In the alleyway, Dante’s got you in such a blissful state, you’re sure you’ll never forget just how much he loves you.
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inklore · 1 year
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since the spooky season is fast approaching, and as a little kinktober appetizer, @psychedelic-ink and i have decided to do a little writing challenge to get us all excited and in the mood to be gripping the sheets from the spooky thrills of course.
and to keep this fun we have given you many many options! we have compiled a twelve day prompts list you can go by, or if that's not your thing we have listed twenty three different pick and choose options to create whatever kind of fic you want, even if you want to do half the days daily prompts but switch out this prompt dialogue for that au or trope or kink, you can literally do whatever your heart desires!
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the challenge will go on from the 19th - 30th of this month. you can do as many or as little amount of days as you choose.
any fandoms are welcome, literally any characters, ships, but please no rpf.
no minors should be interacting with let alone posting for this challenge.
dark content, light content, dubcon/noncon, is all welcomed but please tag everything accordingly. grooming, underage, and incest however are not allowed.
there are no word limits but please use that readmore.
tag #hauntedhoedown so we can read and reblog your work!
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DAY ONE: taboo au + "i'll be your dirty little secret, if that's what you're into."
DAY TWO: murder plot au (lets kill this person together) + "crawl to me"
DAY THREE: inspired by your favorite lana del rey song (if not a lana fan then any fav song of yours) + stalker / yandere au or love triangle gone wrong
DAY FOUR: artificial intelligence au + "here, you are. you tiny thing."
DAY FIVE: gothic au + “worship me. until i tell you to stop.” + a masquerade au or a good ol' priest au
DAY SIX: animal shapeshifter au + "he's a monster" + "he's perfect"
DAY SEVEN: stranded au or slasher / summer camp au + sex in the woods or somewhere public (added bonus if it includes knife, blood, hunter x prey kink)
DAY EIGHT: cosmic horror au + "you're a fucking nightmare. kiss me."
DAY NINE: “do you like it when i bleed for you?” + the toxic exes trope or cult au
DAY TEN: zombie apocalypse au + "every moment might be our last, let's make the most of it."
DAY ELEVEN: black swan au or inspired by your fav psychological thriller + “they die for love, you kill for it.”
DAY TWELVE: vampire court au + "forever isn't long enough for me to forgive you."
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if following the above isn't your thing and you want to pick and choose yourself that's great! we also highly rec this random generator if you wanna live life by the edge, each category has 23 options to pick and choose from so customize the generator accordingly!
steampunk / cyber punk
fairytale retelling
mythology / monster
virtual reality
taboo (see great options here)
game gone wrong
addams family
bonnie and clyde
spy / secret agent
circus / carnival
hitch hiking
basement wife
time travel
urban legend(s)
american horror story inspired
vampire / supernatural
pirate / mermaid
"do you like when i touch you like this? i can keep going if you want me to."
"i can see how badly you want this, so i'm going to make sure you get it." 
“this fear you feel? it won't last.”
“you are mine, whether you agree or not.”
“why do you keep following me?”
"i can't stop thinking about how perfect we would be together."
"you're not actually scared are you? of me?"
"i'm so close, can you feel it?"
"tell me what you want me to do and i'll do it, no matter the cost."
"you're like a sickness, a disease, and the only way for me to be cured of you is to let you completely consume me until my body has no fight left."
"i want to see you bleed."
"they're dead...because of you."
“i will keep hurting. i will keep killing. anything to protect you.”
“everything i've done.. every horrible atrocity, it's been for you.”
"it's just a little blood."
“don't you know how sick with love i am for you?”
“i would burn the world for you.”
"this is so fucked up." "you like it."
"finders keepers."
"what's your favorite scary movie?"
"tell me you want me back. tell me i'm forgiven."
"you're a monster." "that's never stopped you before."
"i've killed for you, who else can say that?"
mob / mafia
dubcon / noncon
soulmate / fated mates
mind control / telepathy
final girl
once is not enough
haunted manor
dark academia
enemies to lovers
haunted object
vengeful ghost
ritual / sacrifice / blood magic
unrequited love
creation / creator vs monster
'i'll find you in every universe / century'
reverse harem
cursed / fuck or die
curiosity killed the cat
theatre phantom
fate worse than death
corruption / authoritarian
breath play
knife play / blood play
jealousy / sharing / possessive
hunter / prey
humiliation / degradation
mirror sex
deprivation / immobilized / bondage
orgasm denial / overstimulation / edging
body worship
shotgunning / swallowing / facial
torture / surrender
hate sex / make up sex / phone sex
magical healing [redacted]
soft!dom / pleasure!dom
a summer fling gone horrible wrong, or right
1970s porno filming (turned into a blood bath)
touch her and die except who the hell are you and why are you obsessed with me?
a trip to the circus (or carnival) ends with you stuck there...forever
you just inherited this creepy mansion where people where murdered what could go wrong?
a ritual gone wrong and now i'm bound to a demon
if 'this person' ever found out about this they would kill both of us (literally)
oh no i'm dating the town serial killer
passionate professor tells me to prove my devotion to the craft / class by doing something insane
we're the last people on the planet and you will be mine
daydreaming about being with you is better than actually being with you because i missed all the red flags and now it's too late
i got casted out of my world and ended up wounded and bloodied in your backyard, convince me why i shouldn't destroy your world out of anger
vampire has a taste for specific blood and looks like you have it
the creepy neighbor is too hot to be insane, right?
i keep seeing them in my dreams and i wake up with bruises and marks on my skin, it's definitely just wild dreams, right?
loving you is easier than hating you
got stranded in some little town that seems so cute, until night hits
'this person' ordered me to kill you but i actually think i'm in love with you
my lover is wearing the same costume as you and i can't tell the difference but i'm pretty sure it's them i'm fucking in this closet...pretty sure
confessing to a murder via a silly little ghost story around a campfire (but someone reads through the lies)
how far would you go for love? for the one you love?
in a past life you were the cause of my death so i'm here to exact revenge now that i've found you
we're at a fun little horror movie reenactment except people are really dying
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we tried to make this writing challenge as fun and very 'choose your own adventure-like' as much as possible because we know how hard it is to stay motivated when doing these things.
so please feel free to use any and all of the prompts, tropes, kinks, etc as you wish. we're just super excited to see what ya'll come up with!!
so good luck and stay slutty spooky <3
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acradelius · 12 days
I've decided that I'm going to try and participate in this year's Kinktober event to try and get some motivation back for writing. I might not do a piece for every day, maybe every other day or three, in order to not overwhelm and burn myself out.
Here's some ideas that I've come up with by far :) Once again, MINORS DO NOT INTERACT!
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I. "One Of Your Wives"
Inspired by "One of Your Girls" by The Weeknd
FANDOM - The Walking Dead
PAIRING: Negan Smith x Female! Reader
SUMMARY - Reader is taken by Negan as a result of a compromised trade. Expecting to be rescued not too long later, Reader rejects Negan's offer of becoming one of his wives. Yet, as time continues passing by without any attempts of being rescued, becoming one of Negan's wives is becoming more appeasing by the day, not that Reader would admit it.
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II. "Video Message Incoming"
FANDOM - Call of Duty: Modern Warfare (2019-2023)
PAIRING - Johnny "Soap" MacTavish x Female! Reader, Simon "Ghost" Riley x Female! Reader, (Essentially) Johnny "Soap" MacTavish x Female! Reader x Simon "Ghost" Riley
SUMMARY - While having some downtime on a mission Soap proceeds to check his phone, seeing that he has some incoming video messages from his best friend, Simon, who's on a break from missions. Let's just say that Simon's been taking good care of Johnny's woman while he's been away.
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III. "Rattlesnake Trail Bridge"
FANDOM - Far Cry 5
PAIRING - Jacob Seed x Female! "Rook"! Reader
SUMMARY - Rattlesnake Trail Bridge. It's the place where Jacob Seed goes to indulge in a drink or two whenever the stress of Eden's Gate becomes too much. A nice, quiet place, solely for him. That's till one night he comes upon Reader, Hope County's Junior Deputy, in his spot with a drink as well.
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IV. "Extended, Deleted Scenes"
FANDOM - Fallout (TV Series)
PAIRING - Actor! Cooper Howard x Actress! Co-Star! Female! Reader
SUMMARY - Cooper Howard's career has definitely gone downhill since doing those advertisements for Vault Tec, making him somewhat desperate and taking on whatever roles and scenes that he can. When offered a chance to make extended scenes for "A Man from Deadhorse", Cooper agrees, but soon finds out that it's definitely not what he thought, especially with his favorite co-worker involved as well.
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V. "Strobing Lights, Snorting Lines"
FANDOM - Mass Effect (Mass Effect 2, Specifically)
PAIRING - Thane Krios x Female! Engineer! Reader
SUMMARY - Thane's been tasked with locating and bringing back Reader to the Normandy in order to retire for the night to continue on with the next part of the mission to fight the Reapers the following day. Managing to locate them amongst the crowd of intoxicated partygoers, Thane comes to discover that his crew mate isn't as innocent as he had believed. Yet, with a little bit of convincing, he finds himself not only indulging with a piece of the clubbing experience, but also in Reader as well.
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itsraven0v0 · 2 days
- cross dressing -
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Just a sketch, might complete em later.
Huge men in slutty dresses is now my favorites gender.
BTW which one do u like to see finished? :3
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bluedillylee · 11 months
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AO3 link to nsft art
Kinktober: Crying/Tender Sex
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crystalflygeo · 1 day
Kinktober Day 4 - Humping (an object) ft Neuvillette (Genshin Impact)
I wrote this in a horny haze, I wasn't myself don't loOK AT ME DON'T PERCEIVE ME BYE. (You, I blame you, you know who you are //aff)
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Short puffs of breath come out of your parted lips. 
Your hands claw at his robes, his spats. There was something incredibly erotic about being fully naked, on your knees, staring up like a little eager pet at the Chief Justice of Fontaine, pristine as ever wearing his full regalia.
Even kinkier that you were in his office at Palais Mermonia. 
Oh, but that wasn’t the extent of your depravity…
You bite your lip to muffle the soft little whines that threaten to burst, hips moving back and forth, twitching, keeping a staccato rhythm as you rub your pussy on his polished black cane. Trying to get the angle just right to stimulate your needy clit. 
“Mmmm…. ah…”
Neuvillette wasn’t very sure of the appeal at first but now as he looms over you, he understands. His throat dry, jaw tight with a closed expression, yet his eyes burn with a fierce intensity, his desire barely hanging on a thread.
He catches the scent and then the sight of your slick glistening along the length of his cane and almost growls, a soft rumble on his chest. His grip tightening on the object’s handle.
You close your eyes and toss your head back, back arching.
“Language, dear.” He says before he can even think. His voice is deep and hoarse. 
Neuvillette tilts the cane slightly to tease your folds with the tip of it and you stutter and moan, eyes widening. “Y-yes sir…” You blurt out.
He narrows his eyes. That gone already? “Enjoying yourself, my nymph?” 
You nod, rutting frantically against the sleek object. “Yes, yes… always… wanted to do this.” Your thoughts are fuzzy, head swimming in pleasure.
He tsks. “How indecent.” 
You whine.
It goes on for a little while, your legs starting to get sore, your hips tiring and yet you’re more worked up than ever, all hot and bothered, shivering and frustrated.  
“Sir… please…” You pant.
“Hm? What is it?” He sees you stop, chest rising and falling with rapid breath, your perky nipples tantalizing.
“Please… fuck me. I need you inside me.” 
“Tired of your little indulgence already? You got yourself in this predicament.”
Oh he wants to see you beg. 
“Please, please please please, ruin me, fill me up… I need you.” 
he raises the end of the cane up closer to him, the scent of your arousal intoxicating. He runs a gloved finger along the shiny surface, gathering some of your juices, and licks at it, you whimper and squirm. “Such a waste… very well, then” Neuvillette dismisses the item with a wave of his hand, it disappears in a rain of sparkles. “Bend over my desk.” 
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bunnyyamor · 2 years
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synopsis; the villain of the city, deku, has just kidnapped you, a normal citizen. he is wanting to make you his. wk; 3k
warnings; mdni, smut 18+, heavy smut, dark content, humiliation, non-con, spanking, paddle play, chocking, fingering (anal), creampie, unprotected sex, degradation, nicknames, bondage, violence, overstimulation, sub/dom dynamic, edging, bdsm, kidnapping, blackmail, power dynamics, anal play, orgasm denial, beta read!
notes; i had posted this on the 13th but for some reason tumblr wont put this on the tags idk why.
-nav : kinktober m.list : kinktober taglist
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evil was on the rise. many villains roamed the cities, practicing evil. conquering so much, affecting so many people's lives. 
that was currently you. it was a muggy, rainy morning. you were off to work your shift at the cafe being a barista. you longed for the smell of roasting coffee beans and now that you thought of it, who knows if you were to smell that ever again. 
“shit,” you cried as you held your phone up to your ear. the name displayed was ‘mom’. “pick up, pick up.” you repeatedly called her. your converses met with the concrete as you zigzagged between dumpsters and items discarded in the alley ways. the snapping of your head turning back as you tried to see if someone was after you. 
you felt his presence. his touch. someone was out to get you.
the breath in your voice was coming out more strained as you tried to keep the pace in your sprinting. it was burning your throat. your legs were becoming tired and weak. 
“please, this can’t be the end.” a tear fell down your face. 
suddenly, you were met with a dead end, a brick wall. “no!’ you slapped, punched the brick, not caring that your knuckles were bleeding. 
“i am not rich! here, take my money.”
a dark chuckle echoed in the alley way, “i don’t want that, idiot.”
you fell to your knees. head hiding between your hands as you sobbed, “then what do you want? i don’t have much.”
“for someone so irresistible, you are utterly stupid. it’s not material, it’s a game. it’s the chase. the way your heart is pounding from the running and the fear. it’s the excitement and thrill. the adrenaline pumping through my veins. y/n l/n-”
“how do you know my name?”
he continued without answering your question, “i plan to kill you. i plan to make you the front page of the news. girl dies because of the most wicked villain ever…deku.”
a dark shadow appeared in front of you. in a flash you were hit in the face, knocking you out cold into a black abyss. the single flow of tear falling down your cheek. 
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you woke up, startled. thinking everything was a nightmare. but the tug of your wrists in handcuffs connected to the chair was enough evidence to show you, this wasn’t no dream. 
“help! help!” you screamed at the top of your lungs. you didn’t want to die. not like this. “please someone save me!”
“quiet already, god you’ve been nagging all this time! nag, nag, nag! when are you gonna shut up?” the voice exclaimed again. you saw his shadow, the dark outline of his body in the shadows.
“d-deku was it. is that your name.”
“being all sweet will not help you out in this situation. besides, you don’t know who i am?”
you were flustered, should you know. 
annoyed and impatient with waiting for your answer, deku walked into the light. his body towered over yours. the side’s of his head were shaved and it was green. he wore an all black outfit, each muscle making an outline in the suit. he had some dry blood splattered across his face, perhaps from you when he attacked you. “is this better now?” he clenched his jaw in arrogance. 
you took a good look at him. why did he want you?
“why don’t you take a picture? it’ll last longer. oh yeah, that’s right,” deku appeared in front of you at the speed of light. he threw his hands in the air and smacked them on the arm rests, “because you can’t move your arms. or your legs.” he tsked. “pity, i would have loved to see that ass jiggle as you walked. well, i kinda did. i saw you run. damn you run fast too. i mean, not as fast as me,” deku smirked as he sniffed the side of your hair. he hummed, “your perfume mixed with your sweat is enough to dry a man crazy. that were, if i were a man. sometimes i feel i am a god.”
you tried to release yourself from the bondage, “what do you want deku? i already told you i don’t have money. and this little game of yours, why don’t you just end it? or are you here to tortue me?”
he tapped his lip in thought. in other circumstances this cute stance would be adorable, in this moment his thinking scared the shit out of you. “hmm, well if you count fucking you till your legs give out a tortue then yeah, i’m gonna tortue you so hard.”
your eyes widened and you almost wanted to cry again. 
“i’m just kidding,” deku laughed loudly as he smacked his thigh. “ you should of seen your face. you were all like ahhh.” deku lifted your chin up, all submissive eyes on him. your neck pressed against his groin. “or am i just kidding? i mean, you are incredibly sexy. i’ve seen you around. in fact, i ordered a coffee from you the other day. i was wearing glasses, it was a pretty good disguise and i knew at that moment i had to have you.” his eyes darkened as the pupils enlarged. “i’m gonna have my way with you y/n and there’s nothing you can do about it. you can’t cry for help, can’t call for anyone. i’m gonna fuck you so good you are going to be begging me to continue fucking you. and then and only then, depending on how good you feel, will i actually see if i’ll let you live. one move and poof, splat, you’re dead. understand me?”
you shook your head, “no, stop! no i don’t-”
he grabbed your face harshly in his grip, tightening it. “i said, do you understand me, slut?”
you gulped, you knew what you needed to do. “i-i understand.” something heated up inside you. why was this sort of turning you on? was it his aggressiveness? his ownership of you? 
you noticed with how close he was to you his freckles. he was such an attractive man, but crazy. 
you quickly clenched your thighs, hoping deku wouldn’t notice. 
his green eyes lowered down to your action, “are you wet, whore?”
you winced. you didn’t want him to know that. “n-no!”
“tell me the truth! don’t lie!” he grabbed you by the collar of your shirt, gripping it hard. 
“yes okay. i’m sorry! i d-don’t know what’s wrong with me. b-but i hate you! i hate you with my every being and i’m scared! help! help me!” you tried again, maybe this time it would work. 
“awww,” deku feigned sympathy. “i know, i know. but see, good girls don’t lie. next time you lie to me i will rip you to shreds. don’t do that. here are the rules, no lying, no trying to run away, no being a bad girl or i’m gonna have to punish you. and you hate me? that’s cute cause after my cock is digging inside your wet pussy you’re gonna love me. now strip for me.”
“wh-what? you want me to strip for you?”
deku crossed his arms over his thick chest, rolling his eyes, “another rule, do as you are told. and no asking a hundred million fucking questions. i’m already hard.” he went down to situate his cock. and sure enough you saw a huge bulge through his suit since his suit was spandex. it was huge! you didn’t mean to stare but it held your gaze, hypnotizing you. 
“enough staring! if you’re a good girl i can let you touch it. so listen.”
you gulped, you didn’t want to be embarrassed this way, it was too much. 
deku unhandcuffed you and stuck the key and handcuffs in his pocket. he stood like a looming shadow, waiting for your move. 
your shaky hands first started unbuttoning your shirt. you looked away, not used to stripping naked for a stranger. 
“look at me,” deku growled as he forcefully shoved your face to look into his eyes. 
you took your shirt off then you went for your pants. you managed to take them off while sitting, afraid to even move in case that made him mad. then you unclasped your bra. letting the material fall down to expose your breasts. in all of this your eyes never left deku’s and his stare got more intense and dark. 
he inhaled seeing your perky nipples stand for attention. you noticed his adam’s apple bobbing up and down. 
after your bra then you went and took your panty off. feeling the cool air hit your wet cunt. 
deku bent down on his knees and opened up your legs. opening up your folds and inspecting your pussy ever so closely. 
“as i suspected,” he chuckled, “you are a little whore. look at you soaking wet. from being treated like shit.” his gloved middle finger ran up on your slit, collecting your ooze. his eyes looked for yours in reaction. 
you bit your lip, trying to hide a moan. 
“slut,” deku spat as he stopped touching you and backed away. he went to a warehouse table nearby and looked into his duffel bag. he rummaged through it and then threw an object on the floor. it was a wooden paddle. 
“pick that up,” deku ordered you. 
you stood up, feeling goosebumps litter your body. 
“no slut! on all fours. like a dog.” he smiled evilly. 
“yes, deku,” you went on all fours and crawled your way to him to retrieve the paddle. you wanted to crawl in a hole with how bashful you were but it also excited you. you knew you were fucked up but not this fucked up. something ignited within you. made you want him to overpower you, to destroy you. to overstimulate you. you wanted all of him. 
you retrieved the paddle like a dog and handed it to deku. 
“stand up,” he grabbed you by the throat and made you stand straight. even wearing heels you would never be as tall as deku. he was buff and thick, overpowering you to the point of death. he twirled you around, ass facing his cock. you wiggled your hips, trying to take in his cock but then you felt a smack on your ass from the paddle. 
“did i say you could do that?” deku was fuming. he still had a hold on you by the throat. he needed to show you who was in command. 
“no sir. i’m sorry.”
“that’s right. i think you need to be punished.” deku bent you over, ass directly in his vision, all opened up for him and spanked you hard. 
you were bent over being spanked! it couldn’t get worse than this. you cried with each slap and jolted forward. you put your hands out to keep you steady. 
“you are a bad little slut,” his words dripped like venom. your ass was becoming more sensitive and raw. you knew you were going to have bruises if you were alive tomorrow. “look at you. i can see your pussy pulsing from here. trying to take in my cock. you like this?” deku inserted three thick fingers forcefully. you gasped at the intrusion. it was too much. 
“d-deku i can’t-”
“if you can’t take this then how the fuck you’re gonna be able to take my cock? look at that, trying to suck up my fingers too, disgusting!” deku slapped you once more with the paddle. slapping both ass cheeks. he then carried some of your goop and smeared it all over your ass and puckered ass hole. 
“look at this hole. it’s so small and tight. look at how much it quivers. i’m not gonna lie. your pussy and ass hole do look delicous and you smell so fuckin good. it makes me want to taste.”
“mmmm,” you moaned, drool dripping from your lips as tears collected by your eyes. “please sir. please deku. i need your tongue.”
“you do, huh?” deku smiled wide. he spat on your asshole and smeared his saliva on the hole. “this should be enough.” he then shoved his thumb inside your puckered hole. 
your mouth created an o as he entered. about to come undone and orgasm right there. 
“you better not cum. you’re supposed to do that around my cock. now behave like a good girl and take it. let’s see if you can do my middle finger and pointer.”
that’s what he just did. he shoved his two fingers, slowly, igniting every nerve within you. 
“oh my godddddd,” you cried. it was hurting a bit because he was stretching out your ass hole. 
“i hope this little hole bleeds.” he laughed wickedly. “god, look at how you take me. your ass hole is starting to like it. you are truly a whore.”
“mmmmm,” you nodded as you started thrusting on his fingers. moving back and forth, taking his fingers in your ass hole. it felt so good now. your pussy was definitely dripping from the overstimulation. and the warehouse was echoing with your filth. it was moist and sticky, sounding like gurgling. 
“yess, fuck right there,” you moaned as deku smacked your ass. he put more pressure and went in deeper in your ass hole. his fingers were flashing in and out of you, at a quick pace. he even started to curl his fingers inside you. you felt him. felt him touch and caress each and every piece of you. 
then before you climaxed, deku put handcuffs on you again. 
he didn’t answer. all he did was drag you to the chair and put your stomach first against the back of the chair. you were sitting opposite. 
“sit all pretty like that for me. i have a surprise.”
daku again went to his duffel bag and that's when he showed he had your cell phone. 
“deku what are you doing?” you were frightened. stuck to the chair by handcuffs. unable to do anything. 
“i want to make sure epeople know that you fucked the worst villain in the world. that you were willing to put the worst man alive cock inside you. people need to see you for who you really are.” he set up your phone and tapped some buttons on the homescreen. 
he fixed his hair and pressed another button. “hello world. this is deku, yes, the scary man,” he laughed. “i’ve done some things in my life that have caught your attention.”
your eyes widened and you wanted to cry. he was taking a live of himself and you saw all your friends were watching. surely it would end soon right? this was unable to be on the internet. 
“now i know what you are all wondering. how can this be shown on this live? well, i hacked into the system so they can’t end this. but i have a certain guest with me.”
deku grabbed the phone and showed you. 
“say hi y/n.”
“stop deku! deku i beg of you!”
all of your friends were watching. you were mortified. you tried to grab your phone but you were stuck. tears fell down your cheek. 
“look at this ass.” deku slapped it with his palm. “all for me. and the best part, y/n wanted it. i mean look at this pussy.” deku did a close up of your cunt dripping. “you don’t know this but i just fingered her asshole that’s why it looks so red and swollen. all dripping for me. she really is a bad girl.” deku made his way to your face and put the camera to you. your mascara was streaking down and you had droll down your chin. “say hi baby!”
you looked away, face heating up. 
deku grabbed you by your hair and shoved his tongue down your throat, groaning as his spit mixed with yours, even some spilling out the side of your mouth. he separated and caressed your cheek, then he spat on your face and cackled. “enough bullshit talking lets get on with the show! enjoy everyone,” he winked to the camera. 
he carried your phone and took footage of everything he was doing. he took his spandex off and let you see his cock straight up for attention. some precum dripping down his sides. 
“let’s see you take this cock,” he pushed your chair forward as if you were to fall and then let you fall down on his cock. 
“ohhhhh,” you whined. your pussy was sensitive and even though you were embarrassed he was recording live everything. you didn’t care, you wanted no needed his dick inside you. “yes, right there, sir.”
“see! the bitch loves this!” he cackled. he pulled out and shoved back inside with force. each thrust full of energy. each time dragging itself in and out. it felt like it was about to touch your insides. you felt a bulge on your tummy. 
“yes sir, yes,” your tongue rolled out as he then started going faster. his balls smacking your sensitive cunt, sounding gushy and squelching. deku groaned with each thrust, having superhuman strength that he could probably last all day. 
that made you nervous too. you felt so full and stuffed from his cock. it felt almost impossible like he was ripping you. 
“i-i’m gonna cum,” you cried, not being able to hold onto nothing. 
deku grabbed onto your shoulders and pounded into you. the sound of skin slapping made you go insane. you tightened around his cock and urged him to cum. 
“now slut!” he allowed you to cum. 
“shiitttt,” you cried, squeezing him within you. “ughhhh, ohhhh. right there!” your legs shook like crazy. you were unable to keep still. 
deku rode out his orgasm, slapping your ass repeatedly, loving to see the paddle marks knowing he did that. “fuck me. look at this.” he showed his cock and showed how all your juices glistened on it. then he did a close up to your pussy, showing his cream inside you, dripping and having squirted and smudged everywhere. “not such a good girl after all.” he turned off the live. “that’s probably gonna be breaking news tomorrow. are you excited to be famous?”
you didn’t care to listen to him, all you were doing was catching your breath. “so, are you going to kill me now?”
deku thought about it, pondering. “hmm, nah! i see more of use you staying alive. and i like you. so you’re sticking with me, got it. forget about your past life or working as a barista, i choose you. you’re gonna be bonnie and i’ll be clyde. you ready for the villain life?” deku smirked. 
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macabr3-barbi3 · 4 hours
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Welcome to Kinktober 2024 everyone!!! I'm so stoked to be part of this with a group of such amazing and talented writers- you can find the Masterlist for the Coven right here, where everyone else's phenomenal works will be compiled and updated so you know what's on the menu and what's already been served 😈
thanks to the coven for letting me be a part of this super exciting month 😁 @hazelfoureyes @minkdelovely @sugoi-writes @synamartia (who made the stunning banner above), as well as my beloved @fraugwinska who made all of my work banners bc she is a gem and I love her 💗
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Summary: Vox owns a club, Val insisted on putting a gloryhole room in it. Imagine his surprise when two unexpected guests show up on either side of a wall
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Maybe Vox should have been paying a little more attention to the cameras at the entrances, rather than watching Valentino try to recruit more whores (on his dime) at the bar. His short-circuit during a fight with the Radio Demon the other day had perhaps played a large part in six of Val’s actor’s getting flash-fried during a pool shoot, and he was trying to get back into the moth’s good graces; he had given him the company credit card, got him a new Carmine angelic gun, he had even agreed to the suggestion of putting a fucking gloryhole room in the back of his new club. His eyes had hardly left Val all evening, and it wasn’t until he noticed a familiar screen malfunction from his peripheral that he realized who had entered his club undetected and slipped into the very room that had made Val’s anger with him diminish.
Maybe if he had been watching anything besides Val he would have seen Alastor’s shadow slip in through a window to let him in the employee entrance and walk unbothered to the room with the holes in the wall.
As soon as he noticed he choked on his tongue, hacking up a lung as well as he could without turning away from the feed. It really was fucking him- the screen was glitchy but he could still see the red of his suit and his fucking hair, that goddamn cane that he rested against the wall in a position that made it seem like it was staring directly into the camera back at Vox.
What the fuck was he doing here? And more importantly- which side of the wall was he on?
Because fuck if he remembered what system Val had set up for determining which side of the wall was for sticking your cock through and which was for the warm hole on the other end. He thinks he deleted it from his drive as soon as Val mentioned it, so thoroughly unconcerned with anything but appeasing him that he hadn’t bothered to listen. And he’s cursing himself now, as Alastor divests himself of his coat and removes his monocle.
He could go down there, Vox realizes. He could put himself on the other side of the wall of Alastor, and Al would never know. Vox would know though, and it would fuel every jerk-off session for the rest of his afterlife. He hadn’t thought Alastor was interested in this sort of thing, had never even fucking considered that it was a possibility beyond his fantasies back when they were still friends. He stands, ready to zap into the cables for the short trip across town when the door to the other side of the room opens.
And twice in less than five minutes Vox feels like he’s low on oxygen, because no fucking way was that Lucifer.
He lets himself plop back down into his chair, wishing he had moved faster... but curious now as to where this would go- it was no secret that the king had almost as much beef as he did with Alastor. Maybe if he let this play out he could use the footage down the line as leverage- blackmail Lucifer, humiliate Alastor, maybe both depending on how desperate they were to keep the video under wraps. There’s a conversation happening on the screen, but he doesn’t care so much about that, can’t pick up their hushed voices anyway. He starts focusing again when Lucifer strips his shirt off and starts to undo his belt, a golden flush beneath his skin as he pulls out his cock.
A moment passes, then two- Vox isn’t sure he’s even breathing anymore as he waits for the next move, for confirmation of which side of the wall was which. His head drops back against his chair with a regretful groan when Alastor sinks to his knees, hands pressed against the thin wall that bisects the room, his mouth open and waiting. 
Lucifer wastes no time, dragging his fist up and down his shaft twice before he feeds it through the hole, hips pressed flush to the wood and hanging tightly to the handles that Val had insisted on installing. He resolves to focus more on Alastor- the whole thing was recorded anyway, he could always screen an encore- who presses a soft kiss to the tip of the king’s cock before licking down his length, his eyes appearing to flutter from what Vox could see through the distortion. The movements of his tongue are long and languid, like he’s savoring the taste of it between every swipe, fingers curled into claws against the wood.
It could have been him at the other end of that worshipful mouth. The thought wails in his head like a dying animal as he watches one of Alastor’s hands come down from the wall to palm between his legs, finally coming back to the tip of Lucifer’s dick and taking it into his mouth.
“Fuck,” Vox finally hears the microphones pick up, and it has to be Lucifer because Al’s mouth is now full of cock. “Fuck, that’s so good.” His hips buck forward and Alastor’s moan is muffled but still staticky enough to make the audio crackle in Vox’s ears. “Come on, honey, you can take a little more.”
Was that an error message crossing his face? Maybe- he dismisses it with a subtle shake of his head, unwilling to take his eyes off the screen for even a moment as Alastor heeds the king’s words and takes more into his mouth, the hand in his lap fumbling with his buttons to free his own cock and fisting it with a whimper and slow, even strokes after he shoves his pants below his ass, shirt falling down to cover him in the back. Vox is following him before he can even think about it, his hand diving down his pants and taking himself in hand while he watches Lucifer close his eyes in ecstasy, panting harshly against the wall.
“Baby,” Lucifer gasps, and who knew the King of Hell was one for pet names with anonymous sex? “Oh fuck, that’s it, fucking perfect- ohhhh…” His moan trails off as Alastor leans further forward, taking more of the king’s cock into his mouth, and fuck, Vox can see the bulge of it down his fucking throat as he sinks down, nose pressed to the soft, curly hair at the base. His own prick twitches in his hand, and Vox gives it a couple of pumps in time with the slow bobbing of Alastor’s head, tip leaking and easing his way as he jerks to the sight on the screen before him.
After a few minutes of this, Lucifer pumping slowly in and out of the warm, wet cavern he’s been presented with, Alastor pulls back- his eyes are teary, voice absolutely ruined when he speaks, and his cock is weeping with precum where he holds it in his hand. “Please,” he says, just loud enough for the mics to pick up, and he’s smart enough to leave the static filter he usually has off so the person on the other side doesn’t recognize him. “Please, more-”
“I’ve only got so much to give you here, sugar,” Lucifer remarks from the other side, a cocky smirk in place. “I might have something to help you out though, s-sweet thing,” he stutters out, as Alastor takes him to the hilt again. Lucifer’s eyes flutter shut, his brow creased in concentration as he snaps his fingers. A golden portal opens on either side of the wall; on the King’s side it’s just about level with his shoulders, and for Alastor…
For Alastor it was behind his crouched figure. Lucifer releases the handle held in his right arm and slips his hand through the portal, coming out the other side and petting a hand gently down Alastor’s spine. Alastor jerks at the contact, his eyes going wide and panicked for a moment before Lucifer offers him a couple calming shushes. “Don’t worry, I can’t see anything,” he promises. “I just thought I’d offer you a hand- you’re welcome to turn around and check if you want.”
Alastor’s whole body shivers, his ears twitching on top of his head before he appears to concede. He pulls off the dick for a moment to mutter, “if you make me regret this, I will eat you,” and then he’s back to choking on Lucifer’s cock like it’s the most important thing to him in the world. He doesn’t even turn around to make sure he was telling the truth.
“Unholy fucking shit,” Vox whispers under his breath as the pale fingers of Lucifer’s hand bunch Alastor’s shirt up, exposing the soft curve of his ass and the hidden fluff of his tail. Another snap and they’re dripping with lube before he brings them to the cleft, moving too slowly to be doing anything more than rubbing at the puckered entrance with the pads of his fingers. Vox was cursing himself for skimping out on the cameras back here- he should have done with the ones on the track that he could shift around the room, because he was at the point that he would give up his entire empire to get a better view of what was going on down there.
Already, Alastor was louder; his whimpers echoed in the bare room, his hand moving faster against his own cock (a rhythm that Vox found himself imitating without conscious thought). Vox can tell when a finger actually enters him, his whole body jerking at the contact before his hips start pushing back against the intrusion.
Over the noises that Alastor was making, Lucifer kept a steady stream of spewing from his own mouth as he slowly worked another finger in. “Fuck, so tight- wish I could fuck you, angel, you’re so good for me. Bet you’d feel fucking perfect- just like your throat, fuck,” he hisses, his hips snapping forward, his fingers thrusting at the same pace. “Shit, you’re gonna make me come- tell me what you need, baby, want you to finish with me.”
Alastor pulls off his cock with a pop, his guard evidently down enough -finally- that there was no distortion on the screen; Vox could see with stunning clarity the tears that ran down his cheeks, the flush of his face, how unfocused and fucking needy he looked from having a dick in his mouth and fingers inside of him. “More, please, I’m so close…” His own erection is straining, precum drooling from the tip over his fingers, and the sight has Vox’s mouth watering, something in his head crackling at the sudden excess moisture.
“Whatever you say, darling,” Lucifer chuckles, and he guides himself back into Alastor’s mouth with a hard thrust of his hips, fingers pistoning with sudden intensity that Al clearly wasn’t expecting if the cry he lets out around Lucifer’s cock is any indication. And Lucifer seems to be very familiar with where the prostate is, because Vox can tell when he hits it dead-on. Alastor’s entire body trembles, hips bucking forward and back with every brush of Lucifer’s fingers against that sensitive spot, his muffled noises growing in volume and desperation. “Fuck, fuck, I’m- oh fuck, cumming,” Lucifer mutters, hip held tightly between his teeth as he throws his head back with a harsh groan. Alastor stays where he is, throat moving as he evidently swallows all that the ruler of Hell has to give him before he spills over his own fingers with a muffled shout. 
Vox doesn’t even get to see the aftermath of it. He comes so hard across his desk that he blows a fuse in his head, connection to the security system short circuiting and causing the entire grid to go dark.
While Vox dealt with the whole city block of the club being offline, Alastor used his shadows to shift to Lucifer’s side of the wall, peering up at the camera that no longer held a blinking light. “How long do you suppose until he reaches out to one of us, mon ange?” He asks, sliding an arm around Lucifer’s shoulders to pull him to his chest.
“Hard to say,” the King replies, snapping his fingers to open a golden portal for them to step into, back to the hotel. “I’d say a week, just so he has time to jerk off to the footage before he bargains it away.”
By the time the club powers back up, Vox’s eyes searching desperately to see if either of them were still there, Alastor’s echoing laugh had faded from the room.
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beneathstarryskies · 2 years
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Day Nine: Virginity Loss/Sacrifice w/ Dante
A/N: inspired by @actuallysaiyan! ;) go check out her kinktober because she's killing it.
Warnings: 3.7k words, virginity loss, deity kink (I'm not sure if that's a thing but the village worships Dante like a deity), AU!Dante, arranged marriage (Dante demands a bride), p+v penetration, fem!reader
Tag list: @actuallysaiyan @loki-love @the-eternal-sunflower
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The devil had arrived in the night and taken up residence in an abandoned castle rumored to have once belonged to the dark knight, Sparda. He never spoke to the people inhabiting the surrounding village, and for years they never spoke to him. They spoke of him, of course. Small populations have a knack for weaving big tales, and the strange man with a striking resemblance to Sparda proved to be their favorite subject. Was this stranger friend or foe? Nobody could ever say for sure, and those who claimed to know weren’t taken seriously. 
All of this changed when demons attacked the village in the night. Yours was the first house they pillaged. You’d tried running, but ending up trapped in a closet. As your home burned around you, prayers fell from your lips despite you never having believed in a higher power. Tears blurred your vision as smoke stung your nose. The door is ripped off the hinges, and you look up to see a devil standing above you. It was different from the ones who had attacked. The devil glowed red and wings were outstretched behind him. 
“Please,” you whimper. 
The devil changes before your eyes. In a flash of red demonic energy, a man stands before you. He kneels down to scoop you up in his arms and carries you through the flames as though he doesn’t feel them licking his skin. You instinctively curl up tighter in his arms to avoid getting burned and you squeeze your eyes shut until the cool night air hits you. 
“Thank you,” you whisper as you dare to look up at the man holding you in his arms. 
He says nothing as he carries you to the edge of the village where the rest of the inhabitants were gathered. You can’t help noticing the demon corpses scattered across the ground. He’s the one who did this, you know that. He sets you down gently and takes a moment to make sure there are no more demons lurking around before turning away. 
All of the villagers look on in awe as his broad form starts to disappear in the night. It’s you who follows. He jolts like something has shocked him when you grab his arm. 
“Wait,” you say. You gulp when he turns to look at you with those icy blue eyes. “What’s your name?” 
“What do you care?” he grumbles. 
“You saved me…us.” 
“Dante,” he answers, then pulls away from you.
You watch him disappear into the darkness. Your heart races as you wonder about the devil. 
After that night, the villagers began to revere him as a deity. He had shown such tremendous power, there was no longer doubt about his origins. It had begun as whispers as the village began to rebuild, then began the offerings. Food, clothes, even money were left on the stone stairs leading into the castle. At first it seemed that Dante didn’t take the offerings. Fruit rotted where it was set, and mischievous kids began swiping the money. 
As summer turned into fall, the nights grew cold. You wondered more and more about Dante. He never took anything, but you wanted to do something nice for him. You couldn’t stop thinking about the sadness that permeated from him. 
One foggy morning, you ventured to the castle. In your arms were a blanket and a small basket of freshly baked bread you’d gotten from the bakery. You shudder as you look up at the looming castle, but you venture forth anyway. A group of older ladies with carefully wrapped meals were making their way in front of you, and their chatter was surprisingly comforting. 
Dante could smell you before you ever made it to the front of the castle. It was that sweet, cinnamon scent that pulled him out of bed. He slid into his tattered robe before going to the window. His heart races when he sees you coming up the narrow path leading from the village to the castle. You’re even more beautiful than he remembered from the night he saved you. He watches you kneel down as though in prayer like the rest of the visitors. Then, you set the blanket down and you put the basket on top of it. You look up again, and Dante gasps as he moves from the window for fear you could see him. 
Long after you leave, the scent lingers. It drives him crazy. No matter how much he tries to return to his new goal of drinking through the entire cellar, he can’t stop thinking about you. Once the sun goes down, he carefully opens the front door and grabs the offerings you left for him. He quickly realizes your scent has permeated the blanket. This need bubbles up inside of him as he carries everything up to the bedroom. 
“Fuck,” he mutters as his skin starts to heat up. Before he knows it, he’s curled up with the blanket. His cock throbs and he purrs as buries his face against the soft blanket to take in your scent. He reaches down to palm at his cock, making himself leak from the swollen tip. He’s going crazy with lust. He jerks himself off to images of you, wishing he’d spent more time memorizing your features. The memory of you on your knees as you left him such sweet offerings sends shivers up his spine. He cries out as he cums all over the blanket you left for him. 
He waits anxiously for morning to come. The sunrise would bring you back to him. He sits by the window, watching as the villagers come and go. Part of him feels panicked when you don’t show up. He wants to see you so bad. Just a little glimpse of you. That would be more than enough for him. 
“Come on,” he mutters as he waits and waits and waits. 
It’s nearly sunset before you finally come. He perks up immediately as he notices you. You look so beautiful to him right now. His heart is racing. This time you’ve brought wine and more food. Nothing that would hold your scent. 
Your heart races when you notice that your offerings from the day before aren’t on the step anymore. You set everything down before stepping back to look up at the castle again. You see him standing in the window. He wants to recoil again, but knowing that you were looking for him makes him freeze to the spot. You flash a sweet smile before waving. This is what makes him recoil from the window. 
He wants to talk to you, but he also wants to touch you. He wants to fuck you and taste you. His heart is pounding. This isn’t something he’d ever expected to happen to him. When he came to this village, he was just looking for a quiet place to waste away. He’s lost everyone and everything he cared about. He didn’t think he’d find a reason to live. This tiny village was the last place he’d expect to find his mate. 
He feels his chest tightening as he watches you leave.
Day after day, you come to him. He catches glimpses of your beauty as you leave him offerings. Sometimes you leave things with your scent, and he always collects those offerings. He has a small collection at this point, but it’s still not enough. He needs you, and now he knows how to get you. 
He waits for the right time. There’s a small meeting in the village square just after sunrise. For the first time since the demon's attack, he leaves the castle. Halfway down the path, he devil triggers and flies the rest of the way down. All of the villagers gasp as their deity flies above them, then lands right in the middle of the crowd. As soon as he lands, everyone kneels, including you. He makes a point to stretch his wings out and his chest puffs up. 
“In exchange for my protection, I demand a bride,” he growls in a low, distorted voice. His glowing eyes fall on you, “I need her. Bring her to my castle at sundown.” 
You feel tears brimming in your eyes as you look at him. What could he possibly want from you? Before you can say anything, Dante is gone. It’s decided almost immediately that you’ll be given to the devil for the sake of the village. 
Bit by bit, you’re prepared for the night ahead. Before sundown, you’re bathed in sweet-smelling oils that make your skin silky smooth. Then, you’re given a red lingerie set to wear underneath the soft lace wedding dress. You put on a black cape over it, and then you’re escorted to the castle. You’re scared of what lies ahead of you. You’re trying not to cry when your escort knocks on the door. Before the devil opens up, they leave. 
You’re trembling as you wait for the door to open. Finally, he opens the door. You gasp at the sight of him. His broad form makes you feel even tinier than you already did. 
“I’m so happy you’re here,” he whispers before reaching for your hand. Despite the callouses, he’s gentle as he guides you inside. 
You swallow hard, “Y-you are?” 
“Of course, princess.” 
Your heart flutters at his sweet nickname. The castle is cold and dark. Does he expect you to live here with him? He guides you upstairs to the bedroom, and you’re surprised at the stark difference between this room and the rest of the castle. Little did you know, Dante had spent the day carefully preparing for your arrival. 
A warm fire steadily burns in the fireplace, and there’s a nice nest of blankets and pillows laid out. There’s a bottle of wine chilling and two glasses. You’re still taking it all in when he begins removing your cape and lays it down on a nearby chair. His cock twitches when he sees that pretty dress hugging your curves. His large hands cup your waist before pulling you closer. The purr that rumbles through his throat sends shivers down your spine. He leans in closer and takes in a deep breath. Your scent fills him with need. He can’t believe you’re really here in his arms. 
“You’re so beautiful,” he mutters softly. “I can’t believe you wore this just for me.” 
“I thought you’d want it because I’m your bride.” 
“I love it,” he kisses your cheek softly. “Come here, sweetheart.” 
He wraps his arm around your waist to lead you to the nest he put together for you. He sits down in the pile of pillows, and you try to sit with a little distance between you. Dante won’t have that at all. Now that you’re here with him, he needs to have you close. He pulls you in closer. 
“I won’t hurt you,” he purrs softly before kissing your cheek again. “I am at your mercy.” 
Your heart pounds at his words. It doesn’t exactly make sense to you after the display he put on this morning. The devil who showed up in the village square bears little resemblance to the gentle man you’re with now. He keeps pulling you closer until you’re perched on his lap. He feels absolutely intoxicated just from the smell of you. 
“You’re at my mercy?” you ask. 
“Yes,” his nose drags along the curve of your jawline before he places a soft kiss on your neck. “I need you. I’ve thought about this moment, having you here with me like this, for so long.” 
“Oh, Dante,” you relax in his arms. “I knew you weren’t cruel.” 
“I could never hurt you.” 
He cups your cheek gently and pulls you in for a soft kiss. You moan softly when his tongue drags against your bottom lip. It takes you a moment to realize he wants you to open your mouth, but finally, you catch on. You part your lips and his warm tongue pushes between them. Fireworks erupt in your stomach when his tongue gently rubs against yours. This feeling growing inside of you makes you squirm on his lap in an attempt to get some friction against your clothed cunt. Dante easily picks up on your eagerness, and he takes it as a cue to lay you down. Your fingers tangle in his soft hair as the two of you keep making out. You feel yourself becoming weaker and weaker to his tender affections. 
“Let me take this off,” he says quietly as he reaches around your back to unzip the dress carefully. He almost had it pulled down your shoulders when you grab it in an attempt to stop him. 
“W-wait,” you stutter. “I can’t-” 
For the first time, Dante looks angry. He sits up on his knees, and his large hand cups your cheek to force you to look at him again. There’s a fire burning in his eyes, “Aren’t you mine?” 
“Of course,” your bottom lip trembles slightly. “I’ve just never done this before. I’m scared, Dante.” 
His face relaxes as he leans down to kiss you once more. His kiss this time is gentle. Your noses rub against each other when he pulls away. 
“Oh, sweetheart,” his cock twitches in his pants. “That’s perfect. I’ll make you feel really good, yeah?” 
“I swear,” he kisses you again and again. “This is perfect, you’re perfect. All for me.” 
His eyes are soft with affection as he gently moves your hands so he can proceed with removing your wedding dress. A soft growl rumbles through his chest when he sees the pretty red lace lingerie you wore for him. His fingers trace the delicate patterns on your mound, and he doesn’t miss the dampness towards your core. The scent makes his head spin. 
“You have to trust me, sweetheart,” he tells you. “I need to hear you say it.” 
You swallow hard around the lump in your throat, “I trust you.” 
“Good girl. So good.” 
He kisses you softly before letting his lips trail along your jawline then down to your neck. His hands carefully knead and caress your hips, your thighs, and then finally your tits. The lace bra only seems to annoy him. He grunts before working to remove it, careful not to be too aggressive with you. Despite his earlier antics in the village, he doesn’t want you to be afraid. He knows he can win you over. It is hard to keep his devilish nature at bay when you smell and feel so wonderful, but he’ll fight as hard as he can. 
“So beautiful,” he mutters against your skin. His lips trail over the soft swell of your breasts as he kneads them. Your skin feels flushed as the arousal grows. Your fight to hold back your noises fails when his warm, wet mouth circles around your perked nipple. He swirls his tongue around the pink bud before sucking on it. He traces the shape of your areola before moving to give the other nipple the same treatment. 
You’re soaked and needy by the time he slots himself between your thighs. He removes your panties slowly, letting the tips of his fingers trail along your legs before tossing them aside. Your little pussy is exposed to him, and he can think of nothing else now. He lays on his stomach between your legs, spreading them when your shyness causes you to pull your thighs together. As soon as you’re wide open for him, your hand protects your modesty. Dante growls. 
“Don’t hide from me, sweetheart. I can’t make you feel good if you keep hiding,” he coaxes your hand away. “You said you trust me, remember?” 
“You don’t think it’s ugly?” you ask shyly, reliving the insecurity you’ve held since you were in your adolescence. 
“It’s beautiful,” he assures you before leaning down to place a kiss on your mound. “So beautiful.” 
Instinct takes over. He can’t take things slow when your soaking pussy is right there. He drags his tongue between your folds and he swears he’s never tasted anything sweeter than your arousal. It’s like the sweetest wine, warming him up and making his head spin. You cry out when he sucks on your swollen clit, and it’s just music to his ears. His grip on your thighs tightens as he holds them open, and Dante devours you. He laps eagerly like he’s starved, because he is. Ever since the first moment he laid his eyes on you, he’s been craving you. His small collection of items that held your scent were nothing compared to your taste and smell taking over his senses. He hardly notices you’re going to cum until you’re tugging on his hair. That white hot pleasure rips through your very being and your back arches against the floor. His name falls from your lips more desperately than any prayer you’ve ever said kneeling in front of his castle door. Your first taste of pleasure makes you ravenous for more. 
“Please,” you whine. “Please, please more.” 
Dante pulls away from your slick and smiles at you. Your juices dripping off his chin and the wild look in his eye makes him look every bit the devil he claims to be. 
“I’ll give you more, princess. So much more,” he promises. 
He gets up on his knees and eagerly tugs his clothes off. A small gasp leaves him when he feels your soft hands on his skin for the first time, trailing down his chiseled abdomen to reach for the buckle of his belt. If he’d known that just one taste of pleasure was all it would take to make you so weak for him, he would’ve gone down on you so much sooner. All of the talk when you arrived would’ve been skipped, and he would’ve been on his knees for you as soon as you walked through the door. Now, he knows and he’ll use this to his advantage. 
“Oh!” you gasp when you open his pants and his cock springs free. It’s bigger than you’d ever expected. The swollen, red tip leaks a luminescent fluid. Dante doesn’t have the strength to slow down to explain to you that being a devil means some things about him are different. No, he decides he’ll answer all of your questions later. Now he needs you. 
He pushes you back against the pillows and guides his cock to your hole. He’s already panting by the time the tip slips inside. Your hot, wet walls are squeezing around him. He pushes in a little more. At the same time he feels resistance, you whimper pitifully and press your hands against his stomach. 
“It hurts,” you whine. 
He goes still before leaning down to kiss you soothingly, “I know, baby. I know. Just a little more, okay?” 
“Dante,” you look up at him with tears stinging your eyes, “Is it gonna hurt the whole time?” 
“No, baby. I promise,” he kisses you again and starts rubbing your clit. “You need to relax for me. Please, baby.” 
You nod weakly, “I’ll try.” 
“You gotta,” he mutters. “Be a good girl for me.” 
“I promise.” 
Dante begins shallowly thrusting his hips again. Once your whines turn to soft moans, he pushes more of his length inside. You feel so full and stretched, but this warmth spreads over you. He keeps pushing until he bottomed out. He grunts and just feeling every inch of his cock squeezed by your walls makes his nerves light up with need. He holds you tight as he picks up a frantic pace. He’s trying his best not to go too hard, but fuck it’s nearly impossible with how good you feel. 
“Fuck,” he growls and nuzzles his face against your neck. “You feel so fucking good.” 
He struggles more and more with controlling his pace, and soon he loses the fight. His hips snap desperately as he clings to you. You feel overwhelmed with emotion and this new sensation taking over. Tears roll down your cheeks. One hand cradles his head and the other rests on his hip. 
“Dante, please,” you sniffle. “Please, slow down.” 
“I can’t,” he groans. “Need you so bad.” 
He lifts his head so he can look at you. The sight of your wide, teary eyes just makes him feel even more feral. He pulls you along with him as he sits up on his knees. Before you have a chance to say anything, his hands are on your hips guiding you to bounce on his cock in time with the snapping of his hips. You don’t even realize the only thing holding you up is him. Your knees barely even touch the ground. You feel something tightening inside of you like you’re going to explode. 
“Dante, it feels funny.” 
“Let go for me,” he pleads. “You’re gonna cum, baby. Don’t be scared, just cum on my cock please.” 
Your fingers dig into his shoulder blades as fireworks erupt in your belly. You cry out his name and your juices soak him as you ride out your high. With just a few more deep thrusts, Dante is right behind you. This warmth fills you up and he’s trembling. This is more than he’d ever hoped for. You truly are a dream come true for him. 
Once you've ridden out your highs, he gently lays you back down. Your face is flushed, and your eyes are dazed when they meet his. He’s scared now that you’ll hate him. Maybe you’ll feel disgusted about being bonded to a devil. He waits for the rejection. Instead, your hands reach out for him. 
“Hold me, please,” you whine. 
His heart erupts with affection. He can’t even think of the words to say to describe how happy he is right now. He lays beside you, and pulls you in so close. Soft kisses are peppered all over your face, making you giggle. It’s the most beautiful sound. 
“I love you,” Dante says before he even comprehends the words. 
“I love you too,” you confess quietly. “I’ve loved you since the night you saved me, and it was the strangest thing.” 
“I’ll take care of you, baby,” he says quietly. “Forever.” 
“Forever,” you repeat quietly and sink into his embrace.
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actuallysaiyan · 11 months
Kinktober Day 28: Dirty Talking(Baby, talk dirty to me...)
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warnings/kinks: injuries/wounds, smut, dirty talking, vaginal fingering, unprotected sex, vulgarity word count: 1.1k pairings: V x Fem!Reader teaser: “Fuck I…I love fucking this pussy,” taglist: @beneathstarryskies @loki-love @witchofcustom @dreadsuitsamus @pyrofanatic
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V was interesting to you. He intrigued you like no other. He wasn’t cocky and sassy like Dante, nor did he use profanity as much as Nero did. But the way that the black haired man used poetry and flowery language to speak to you, it made your heart flutter every single time.
You understood the circumstances of how he got here, and while you didn’t know Vergil personally, you were very much enjoying his humanity. V was a breath of fresh air in your life and he made you so happy. You two were so close that Dante and Lady often enjoyed poking fun at you. It never bothers you because you feel like for the first time in your life, you may have actually fallen in love.
V likes to recite poetry to you and to make you feel like you’re being wooed and courted. Things haven’t gotten too intimate yet, but you begin to wonder what he might sound like if he were to talk dirty to you. 
You invite him over one day during all the chaos. It’s mostly just to talk over some battle plans and also to tend to some of the wounds he’s obtained. You often worry about him, even though he tends to pretend it’s nothing serious. When he arrives, you have some tea brewed for the both of you and your first aid kit all laid out in front of you on the coffee table. He smirks at your hospitality but you know he’s not going to complain or protest.
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“It’s always a pleasure to be in your company, my dear.” V says as he sits down in your comfortable chair.
“Pleasure is all mine, darling.”
You begin cleaning up some of the wounds on his hands and arms, then you move up to some of them on his chest. It’s not long before that’s all forgotten and you’re kissing him so sweetly.
Everytime you kiss him, he just melts. V swears he’s never felt anything like this before. He thinks about how you might affect Vergil if he were whole once more, but he also likes to push those thoughts away in favor of being a little selfish and to keep you all to himself for as long as he can.
“Such a pretty darling…such soft lips, like the petals of a rose.”
This makes you smirk, and you take his hands and guide them to your breasts. His cheeks turn pink but he starts to knead the tender flesh.
“There are other lips on my body that are like rose petals.”
Your words make him stop in his tracks. He knows he’s not always one to be vulgar, but your vulgarity excites him in ways he never knew existed. He’s more than happy to continue this intimacy. So with a few more heated kisses, you lead him into your bedroom.
Between making out and exploring each other’s bodies, you and V are finally naked. He kneels between your thighs, his long fingers pumping into you. You mewl his name, making his cock throb at the sexual sounds you’re making.
“Fuck me,” you plead. “Please V, I need you to fuck me…”
He blushes once more. It’s not that he doesn’t want to fuck you, because he very much does want to. But he’s just worried that maybe he won’t be able to perform in the way you’d want him to. He’s afraid to disappoint you.
“I want to make love to you,” he says as he presses a kiss to your lips.
Your sweet voice hits him hard, making him long for you even more than before. He spreads your legs, and guides his aching cock to your tight hole. It’s so wet and slick, and your walls are like velvet as he slowly slides into you. His eyes roll back once he bottoms out, and he’s panting and moaning so cutely.
“Does it feel good, baby?”
V nods his head, “Oh my dear…it’s exquisite…”
You giggle softly, making his eyes snap open. You reassure him by caressing his cheek lovingly with your thumb. Then you bring him closer for a kiss.
“Let’s hear you get dirty, V. Tell me how much you love fucking this pussy.”
He can’t believe his ears. How is going to be able to do this? He’s a little nervous but most definitely excited about all of this. He stammers a few words, then he looks down to where you’re connected.
“Fuck I…I love fucking this pussy,”
The words make you clench around him, and he moans at the sensation. He starts to rock his hips, making you both whine. It’s all so sensual but there’s a bit of vulgarity coming through. V then leans in to kiss you, and you bite his bottom lip.
“You like fucking this little pussy don’t you?” You ask him, kissing him again.
“Love fucking this little pussy. My little pussy to fuck, isn’t it?” He sounds even more possessive right now.
You whine as he begins slamming into you now, and you can feel the coil in your stomach beginning to tighten. V watches you carefully as he fucks you with expertise. It’s almost like he’s known how to do this the entire time he’s met you, he just was a little too shy about bringing out this side of him.
“You gonna cum on my cock, huh? That’s what you want, isn’t it?”
This is the moment where you feel yourself becoming so aroused. He’s taking the lead on the dirty talk, no longer taking your cues. It’s such a sexy thing for you to be witnessing. It’s almost like he knows exactly what to say to get your motor running.
You let out a cute moan when he shifts the position just a bit, and V takes this opportunity to shove his fingers into your mouth. You happily suck on them, drooling all over them.
“You’ve got such a pretty little mouth…and you were right, it matches that pretty little pussy of yours. Perfect rose petals.”
You clench around him, feeling your orgasm coming quick. You desperately try to warn him that you’re about to cum, but with his fingers shoved so deep in your mouth, it just comes out as choked out babbles. V finds himself enjoying the dirty side of sex, and he knows he’s going to continue fucking you like this for as long as he can.
He shoves his fingers even deeper into your mouth, and with just a few more thrusts, you choke out some moans as you cum hard all over his cock. The entire time, he’s coaxing you through it with the filthiest words. You’ve never cum quite like this before.
V pulls his fingers from your mouth, strings of saliva coating them. He brings them down to your aching clit and begins rubbing it in time with his thrusts.
“Now,” he starts. “Are you going to be my good little slut and take my seed?”
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2 Hours left of october 1st and I DIDNT WRITE ANYTHING KINKY!
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blindmagdalena · 27 days
sorry about the birthday spam dfghjkl y’all are so incredibly kind and i appreciate it so much! i have a busy day today but my week is clear and i’m planning on opening up my requests for a day or two, so keep an eye out for that! 🖤🖤🖤
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Can i get “Look at you, squirming under me, all flushed and pretty looking. Can’t even take a little teasing, can you?” for kit and jacob please?
thank you @direwombat!!
Yet another smut that took me wayyy too long to finish, but it's here (after 10 months or something ridiculous like that)
can also be read on AO3 - The Hunt (3589 words)
18+ Minors DNI - Explicit smut, breeding kink, Predator/Prey dynamics, Bondage, borders on CNC, Kit and Jacob being freaks (affectionate)
A ten-minute head start. 
That’s all he gave her. 
Kit’s heart raced in her chest as she moved at breakneck speeds through the forests that surrounded Cedar Lake. She had no idea where he would be coming from or what he had planned, all she did know was what her survival instinct kept telling her – RUN . Hardly dressed for the environment, all she had on was one of Jacob’s oversized tees and her combat boots, but she’d be damned if she was going to let that slow her down, this was the hunt and GOD did she live for the chase. 
Diving over fallen trees and sliding through dirt and gravel she made a quick path for the densest collection of trees, where the orange and pink of the dusky evening sun couldn’t reach through the branches above. Dark, secluded, and quiet – a spot that would make her near impossible to find. Hiding in amongst the colossal ferns, she caught her breath. Her quickened pulse started to slow, until a twig snapped, and she could hear movement in the underbrush.
Local fauna or… ?
Sinking lower until her belly was in the cold, wet earth, her shirt growing damp against her bare skin, she scanned the area, trying to make heads or tails of where the sounds were coming from, and then she noticed the flash of the laser sight. 
He was close. 
Slowly crawling back up onto her knees, she darted off once more, sprinting as fast as her legs could take her even as the roots of the trees threatened to trip her and pointed branches jutting out like sharpened spears slashed at her bare skin. The blood running down her calves did nothing to stop her, it just made her feel more alive, the heat in her core only rising higher with each pound of her boots below...
“Come on angel, I know you’re out there.” He sang the words out, taunting her. “You gotta be getting tired by now.”
Like fuck she was. 
“You know the hunt only excites me,” Jacob teased, the cruel grin he was assuredly wearing evident in the sound of his voice. 
He was distant enough she knew she still had an advantage, but it was clear he was on her tail and for someone as big and intimidating as Jacob Seed was, he could be so goddamn quiet . It was hard to know just how long her lead would last, there was no telling when he might finally catch her. 
She smiled, her chest heaving, having to bite back on the hoarse laugh that wanted to break free – Kit was enjoying herself a little too much. 
“This isn’t supposed to be the fun part, kitten.”
Shit. He heard her. 
B-lining for the tallest spruce tree with the densest cover, she shoved the toe of her boot into the knotted bark, leaping up to meet the closest branch. Climbing up into the welcoming arms that would provide much needed cover, Kit gave her wounds a once over. Nothing life threatening, nothing that had to be treated right away. 
Spying through the boughs that sheltered her, she watched him enter the clearing. Jacob’s pale eyes steered around the trees and the forest floor figuring out which direction she went in. He was no stranger to searching for tracks, both animal and human alike, and with a spongy forest floor he could see exactly where her footprints stopped. Lifting his rifle, looking through the scope, the barrel rose to exactly where she was sitting, and the laser sight was aimed straight at her chest. The little red dot settled neatly between her breasts, light flashing on the gray cotton. 
He was playing with his food. 
Giving a toothy half grin, he called up to her in a drawl, “Found ya.”
Her tongue dragged against her teeth, the urge to rend flesh from bone creeping up on her. Piercing eyes narrowed and she swung her legs down from the branch, jumping from the tree. She braced herself as she landed in the dirt below, her knees scuffed and covered in dirt, little chunks of bark and soil now ingrained into the skin. Her feline stare threatened she would pounce, but instead she turned and ran, quickly picking up speed. 
She hadn’t given up yet. 
Pushing the drooping boughs out of her way, she let them slingshot backwards behind her, buying her that extra moment to get away if he was following. But her efforts counted for little, as she felt the sudden burning sting and the pressure of a slug cutting its way through her flesh. Stumbling forward, her feet carried her without any control and she careened into a tree. Her nails dug into the bark when she tried to catch herself, hissing as she gritted her teeth together and clenched her jaw, pressing her hand to the wound to apply pressure. Blood dripped down between her fingers, and coated her palm, and the smell of iron hung in the air. 
A large hand wrapped around the back of her neck, ragged fingernails digging into the thin skin, as Jacob shoved her up against the trunk. The whisper of metal against the leather sheath of the holster on his thigh was a small warning before the cold bite of the blade was held to her throat. Her heart raced, causing blood that pumped just below the surface to thunder through her veins. His chest pressed up against her back and the smell of cigarette smoke, the musk of his sweat, and the petrichor of the wet forest that clung to him and his clothing drowned out the rest of her senses, even as he pressed his nose against her, breathing her in as much as she was with him. The copper hair of his beard burning her wind bitten skin as his rough hand trailed up the outside of her thigh, his weight pinning her to the tree.  
“Thought I’d just let you get away, huh? Thought you could outrun me?” He whispered in her ear, his teeth nipping at her lobe. “And now you’re all mine. You’re gonna wish you never ran, angel.” 
A guttural moan purred from the back of her throat, the rumbling of some giant prowling wildcat building from her chest. A hint of the predator that lay beneath the flesh, the one made docile so she could act as prey. 
Pushing his leg between her thighs, the muscles under the denim of his jeans gave her just enough friction to use as she started to grind her hips against it. 
“Can’t control yourself for a minute, can you, Kitty? You’re just a fuckin’ animal, aren’t ya?” He slapped her ass, making her whine. “Hold still,” he ordered, voice low and commanding and she was forced to obey. Jacob slammed his knife into the trunk beside her head and pulled at the neatly coiled rope slung over his shoulder, the bundle falling into his hands. “Made me hunt ya down, now I get to have my fun.”
He snatched both of her wrists in just one hand, forcing them behind her back, and wrapped the rope around, binding her. Kit ground her teeth, clenching her jaw as the rope was tightened to the point her circulation was nearly cut off, her fingertips starting to go numb. She hissed as the fibers clung and dug into her wrists, burning at her skin as she struggled against her restraints.
Wrapping his hand up in the material of her shirt, still holding her tied wrists together before spinning her around, Jacob tossed her to the ground. The wind knocked from her temporarily, and she was left sputtering for air.
Kicking her legs wider apart, Jacob knocked at her ankle with the toe of his boot before sitting on top of her legs. She was trapped below him as his weight pressed against her. Leaning down, brushing his hand through her hair, he tucked her auburn waves to one side as he whispered in her ear, "You are so fuckin’ gorgeous, ya know that? Seeing you all tied up like this, it makes a man lose sense of himself. You can't run, so I guess you better accept the fact, Deputy Cross –” Clenching a fistful of hair in his hand, he pulled back hard making her wince and her eyes start to sting as he snarled in her ear. “That I'm gonna fuck you into the dirt until you're left wanting to claw at it and you’re screaming my name."
Laughing, she swung her head back to clock him in the mouth, but instead he forced her head back down, pushing her cheek into the forest floor.
"Good try, kitten. But now I'm gonna have to punish ya." 
Ripping open the back of her shirt, exposing her body to him, he was able to take in all of her toned muscle as she wriggled under him. "Y'know, I gotta say, a woman with a body like yours, does wonders for a man's libido. Ass and thighs like that, and those childbearing hips, well –” Rough, calloused hands fell to her hips as he licked his chops, his tongue dragging against the edges of his teeth. “Might just have to breed ya.”
His timbre was a low rumble, vibrating into her through her flesh, traveling through her nerves as his words coursed down the length of her spine, coiling up in her belly. "Fuck you," Kit snapped, her teeth clicking together as she bared them, not letting up from the struggle she continued under him. 
"That's the plan." Dragging her hips up towards him while she lay prone on the ground, he pressed his bulge against her, and with only a layer of denim separating them he started to grind against the curve of her ass as he unbuttoned his jeans and unzipped the fly with one hand. Freeing his hard cock, it throbbed with the anticipation of being inside of her – a sensation they both fully enjoyed.
“Keep that ass up for me, kitten.” Jacob commanded, growling out the words. 
Staring down at the vision before him, hands tied behind her back, ready and willing (even if she pretended the opposite) he smirked as the moonlight reflected off the sheen that had spread from her cunt to the inside of her thighs. Slipping his hand between her legs, he cupped her pussy and could feel the heat radiating off of it despite the cold. 
“You excited, Kitty?”
She scoffed, blowing bits of woody debris away from her mouth. “Like you really have to ask.”
He chuckled darkly and ran two of his fingers down the length of her folds, spreading them open. Moaning as he paid special attention to her clit, Kit gasped as his thumb pressed at the puckered hole of her ass. Her legs started to shake, eyes shutting tight, and a low, desperate whine leaked from her. “Please, Jacob. I need your cock.”
“Ah ah ah, Kitty. You know better. Begging isn’t gonna get you anywhere with me. Though it sure is pretty the way you say my name.”
She mewled and whimpered as he slid his fingers into her, curling them back and forth against her walls. Stroking the spongy, sensitive areas that made her stomach tighten on reflex. The wet sounds of his fingers dragging in and out of her making her head spin. 
“So wet for me already,” he cooed.
She nodded, swallowing heavily, gulping for air and unable to get the words out to respond. 
“Just remember, angel. You asked for this.” His hand slapped against her ass cheek with a loud crack, leaving a bright pink hand print behind. 
Knees buckling, she squealed as he continued with several more hard spanks against her, the sting making her flesh hot, and despite the cold of the mountain, there was a sheen of sweat forming on her forehead. 
“You like being treated like an animal, don’t ya? Not enough I put a collar on you, is it? I gotta fuck you in the dirt too, huh?”
Kit couldn’t speak as he ravaged her with his hands, a tear rolling down her cheek as her thighs clenched together and her walls clamped down around him. She was so goddamn close; he was going to make her cum any second. 
Coiling her hair around his fist like the leather of a leash, he dragged her back to rest against his shoulder and he kissed her deeply, muffling her noises with his tongue, and biting down on her lower lip when she cried out. His hand snaked between her thighs from the front, focused entirely on her clit and she became a sobbing mess under his touch, panting and moaning at his rough touch against her. 
“Say it, kitten. Say it for me.”
Her body stiffened, her cunt left empty, but an inferno ripped through her entirely, her brow furrowing as she moaned through her aching chest. “Yes. Yes, I do.”
He grabbed her jaw and ran his tongue up the length of the side of her neck. Licking up her sweat, dragging his teeth against the beat of her pulse just under the skin. “That’s my good girl,” he growled, his lips pressed against her. 
Pushing her back to the ground, he flipped her over and ripped open the front of her shirt as well, the material falling away from her in shreds. With her back resting on top of her hands, she was made immobile under him as he threw her legs over his shoulders. 
Jacob collected her breasts in his large hands, squeezing at the flesh and the fat. Rolling her nipples between his thumb and finger and then pinching them. Hard . She could do nothing but cry out while her back arched, shoulders pressing into the earth as her head tipped back. His hands dragged down the curve of her waist, fingertips running against the sensitive flesh of her scars along her abdomen, his nails scratching at her pale skin leaving angry red lines behind and making her shiver. 
Her senses all heightened, her mind still on high alert from the chase, every touch of his against her felt like a spark of lightning shooting through her. Her heart pounded, her mind raced, and her lungs took in breath after breath of the pine filled air, the smell of the fresh glacier fed lake water drifting in the breeze was a heady perfume she was drenched in. Being with him, outside and on his mountain only made her blood flow faster. It was having the same effect on him as well, as he stared at her hungrily with darkened eyes made nearly black from his blown-out pupils. 
Kissing along the lengths of her calves, the whiskers of his beard scratched against her skin and the clotting cuts, burning her as his hands rubbed over muscle, massaging the scar tissue and fresh wounds alike, fighting off the freezing mountain air that chilled her. He stared at her from the corner of his eye, not taking his attention off of her for a single moment as she looked up at him panting, trying her best to adjust her hands to get comfortable. 
Holding her hips, he groaned as he lined the head of his cock up with her entrance and thrust deep inside of her. Dragging it back and forth, in and out of her, he slowly rocked his hips as she stretched open wider for him, coating him in her arousal. Teasing her as he pressed further into her, length disappearing as he bottomed out right to the base of his cock. Wiry ginger hair matted against hers while he filled her completely, only to pull out and then give her just the tip.  
Biting down on her lower lip, she whined and wriggled her hips trying to get him to go in deeper. 
“Look at you, squirming under me, all flushed and pretty looking. Can’t even take a little teasing, can you?” He shoved himself into her again and she cried out. Following every thrust with a stuttered group of words he strained to get out “I’m gonna. Have to. Train you. All over again. Aren’t I?” 
Her eyes rolled back into her head, the pressure inside becoming too much, going deeper than he ever had before. 
“Maybe keep you on that collar and leash permanently ‘til you learn your place again.”
She wriggled her legs free from his shoulders just enough to dig her heels in the dirt, trying to kick him off of her. 
Clamping his hands down on her thighs, he dragged her back towards him, scraping her back in the dirt and her howl met with the chorus of his roaming packs of Judges out in the forest. Jacob wrapped his hand around her throat, squeezing it just tight enough to get her to stop moving as she focused on her breathing. 
“Where the fuck are you goin’? I’m not done with you yet.”
He grabbed the front of her thighs and pushed down against her until her knees pressed into her chest. Trapped in a mating press, all she could do was moan and mewl underneath him. Flushed from her chest to the tips of her ears, her skin glowed as bright a scarlet as her hair. Her whole body shook underneath him, quivering and spasming with how he treated her and her sensitive, aching cunt. Pounding into her relentlessly, his pale eyes stared down at her. More a wolf than a man, Jacob was allowed release from the rules and control that was expected of him as the Herald and as the leader of the Father’s army.
 "What happens, huh? What happens if I make this one take?"
"Suppose that's up to you, isn't it? Would you still want me?" She looked up at him, eyes searching his face for the answer.
"You know I would."
His mouth crashed down onto hers, his big hand brushing through the sweaty hair on her forehead and into the crown of copper hair on her head, continuing to thrust into her. Fucking into her as deep as he could go, as deep as she could take him. 
She was sure he’d hit her cervix several times, her cunt aching and sore, sharp stinging shots throbbed through her abdomen, but he wouldn’t let up – she didn’t want him to either – pain was part of the experience, it added to the whole and never retracted anything from it. What did she care when her body was already broken? 
“Fuck, Jacob, you’re so deep.”
Chuckling quietly while pressing wet, lazy kisses to her neck, his lips wrapped over where her carotid beat and he sucked on the pulsing, sweaty skin. Beads of his sweat dripped off the tip of his nose and rolled down her throat and onto her chest, mixing with her own. Picking up his pace, increasing the force with which he snapped his hips, Jacob began to grunt. His hot breath fanned against her, his brow furrowing as he growled from deep in his chest with a low rumble like thunder. 
“Feel so goddamn good, angel.”
He was getting close; the rhythm he had once now just as lost as he was at the sensation of having every inch of himself shoved deep inside of her. Groaning, fighting against the bitter ache in his gut that told him to use her for his own needs, to get whatever he wanted from her. She was tied up, trapped, and she couldn’t fight any longer (not that she would if she could). She was all his. 
“I’m gonna fill you up, angel. Gonna stuff you so full of my cum your little cunt isn’t gonna be able to hold it all.”
His fingers dug into her thighs, sharp stabbing thrusts of his cock inside her let her know he was nearly finished. His pace picking up, his balls slapping against her as his breath heaved out in pants. “Fuck,” he rasped. His breath hitched as his legs shuddered and spasmed, shaking as he flooded her womb. 
Laying on top of her, his cock softening, it slipped out of her, and his seed dripped from between her thighs that were all slick with both of their fluids. Seeping out of her (just like he said it would) onto the forest floor as he pressed lazy kisses to her lips, catching his breath between each meeting of their mouths. He rolled over to lay beside her and dragged the back of his hand across his forehead to wipe off the sweat, coughing and clearing the phlegm and debris that had caught in his lungs and throat. “Goddamn, kitten.” His arm wrapped over her and pulled her body in towards him, bathing her in the heat he seemed to radiate like a furnace. “This might have been one of your best ideas yet,” Jacob said with a smirk. “Didn’t hurt you too bad, did I?”
“No,” she mumbled, still somewhat in a daze, the afterglow telling her to give into much needed sleep, but she fought the urge to close her eyes.
“Good.” He brushed his hand over the damp hairs that clung to her cheek and kissed her forehead before taking off his field jacket and draping it over her. “Better get back soon before you catch your death out here.”
“Mmhmm,” she hummed before nuzzling up against him, wrapping herself up entirely in the safety of him. Surrendering. 
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