#cryro vision
mad-doodles-stuff · 3 years
❄️the frosty boi❄️
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k8katdoodles · 2 years
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I simply do not want to work on this anymore, but if I do, consider this a wip.
This is my Genshin Oc, Alexei. Maybe I'll talk about him, who knows, but I love him so I'm sharing him.
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First Dates - Kaeya, Diluc, Venti
Notes: This is part 1/2 of Mondstadt’s guys. Albedo, Razor, and Bennett will get their own post soon, and the travelers will have their own separate post.
Kaeya Alberich
Kaeya would likely take you to Angel’s Share for your first date.
Don’t feel comfortable in a tavern? Well, he’s also perfectly fine with a nice, romantic candlelit dinner at home.
He’d constantly be flirting with you, with some teasing mixed in.
Even with all the teasing, he tries to make sure he doesn’t go too far. He wants you to be comfortable around him, after all.
He feels like the type that would enjoy physical affection. Touch starved vibes, but trying to hide it. You’re likely to end up in his lap with his arms wrapped around you at some point, even if you’re both out in public.
His hands are usually cool to the touch because of his cryro vision.
Diluc Ragnvindr
Not being much of a people person, Diluc’s more the type to suggest staying at home for a first date, with a nice meal. Either your home or his, he doesn’t really mind either way.
Your comfort and happiness is his main priority. His caring side shows a lot more freely and easily in private.
He will make sure you feel loved and appreciated, like you deserve.
He's the type to give his partners gifts, whether or not they're expensive.
In terms of physical affection, much like Kaeya, he's very touch starved, but won't show it in public, as he isn't too big on physical PDA. In private, though, like on your first date? He's rather cuddly, and likes to hold your hand.
His cuddles are always nice and warm, thanks to his pyro vision, plus the coat he wears all the time.
Venti / Barbatos
Venti absolutely loves picnics. He’d probably take you on a picnic under the giant oak tree in Windrise, or in the hands of the giant statue in front of the church if you’re feeling daring. Don't worry, though. He'll make sure you don't fall.
Expect him to be a bit mischievous during your date. He is a wind spirit, after all. Nothing dangerous, though. Worst he'd do is give you a little fright, but he tries to make sure you're safe.
He's very, very cuddly, and loves physical affection, both giving and receiving. Expect him to constantly have his arms around you, even when eating.
When he's not eating or cuddling with you, he's playing you something on his lyre. In true bard fashion, he has a wide variety of romantic songs and poems in his repertoire.
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localdreamaddict · 3 years
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Kirumi- Eletro vision holder, and her weapon is a sword!
…… and if you’re wondering, yes she has a canon romance with a certain Cryro vision holder I posted earlier 👀
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bestbouy · 4 years
Somethings Wrong
By -thomassandersside4life Fandom: Gormiti (2018 Reboot), Episode 18 (Season one) “ Primal Mutiny “ Summary: I was talking to a friend about this and She’s like “ALSO!! Just had an idea that I may write where- you know that episode where Xathor gets the troopers to control the hyper beasts? I thought of like- Xathor hits all of the other hyperbeasts, but missed the shot on Cryos and hits Ikor instead.” Aaaaand you’ll see the rest. And also, Yeah, No happy ending.  Character Focus: Ikor (Ice Herald) 
Hey. You. Reading this. All the idea credit comes from @rubystar2 Okay? I didn’t come up with this myself. Also! They’re making a fic of this as well! So, If That’s posted anytime soon, I’ll put it up here! Fic By Rainbow: (not made yet :I)
Ikor groaned, Pulling on Trek as Eron was getting another shard in this- Very deep hole. 
Riff let out a yelp, So trek pulled Him back and Ikor pulled him back, And woop-de-do, Eron was out of the hole. 
“Bam! Another shard! And we didn’t even have to fight!”
(The darkens argued,  Xathor Did magic, We’ve all seen this a million times. )
She smiled at everyone and Sucked the Shard back into the Compass. “Now, Let’s get back to the one tower!”
Ikor saw the Rest of them Summoning their Hyperbeasts, So he did so as Well, Jumping on Cryos.  
As the Almost unknown Bolts of (Corruption? What do i even call it?) Corruption hit Three hyperbeasts, The last one Snaked towards Cryos, Ikor Crouching down to look at something, And instead of his Hyperbeast, it had hit the mighty Ice Herald instead. 
Ikor shivered, Gritting his teeth. “What was-” He began to say, But the others where Almost ready, So he Shut up quick. 
Soon enough, They hyper jumped, Out of any danger and towards the One Tower. 
Still... Ikor Had a bad feeling. Something was Wrong, He could feel it.
They got back to the Tower, And Ao-ki was Placing some pieces back as she said “Soon, We’ll have Restored the Elestar Completely, And gorm will be Saved!” 
“All Right!” Eron exclaimed happily. “Is it Cuddle time now, Mr. Grumpy?” Eron joked. 
“I’m not Grumpy,” Ikor Hissed back. “I’m practical. The beasts Should Always obey our commands, Or we’ll all be-” 
Ikor cut that off Quick too, As a splintering Headache Tumbled his thoughts to the side. 
Or was that Wrago?
Well, Wrago Def. did something, As he was now Sitting up against the Wall, Dazed and Confused. 
Get the Elestar. Bring it to me, Now!
Who the Howling as that?
Ikor had sat up Quicker then he realized, Instantly going to chase the pets. But he noticed- Cryros wasn’t Effected. He was Just sitting there, Confused Like he had just seen Trek refuse Food. 
Ikor Thought he was chasing the Beasts, But for some reason he grabbed The Elestar on his way out? What? Why did he need that?
Could he be- No. He’s protecting the Star, From the Hyper beasts. Yeah, He Wasn’t.. Wasn’t...-
His vision was Tinted Purple- Why couldn’t he focus? Summon a Gormiti to Contain the others? No- Something was Forcing him To run into the  forest. Something Horribly evil. 
He tried to stop, His entire Body Hurt from running for so Long, But it didn’t work. Thankfully, Eventually it did, Pushing against whatever was- Inside him. He didn’t like it. 
“G-Get out!” He Said to No one, holding his head. “GET OUT!” He roared at himself. 
Stop Struggling, Idiot! I WILL bring this to Xathor! And you WON’T complain!
 Ikor Held his tongue at that, And that Darkness instantly took over, aaaaaaand He was running again. 
How was Ikor gonna fight this thing?
. . . Drop the Elestar?.
No No No! That’s a TERRIBLE idea! It would shatter, We’d have to Fix it again, No! Don’t think like that, Ikor!
But what other options did he have?
Ikor fought and Begged and Threatened this Thing but to no Avail. No other option But to wait. 
He came to a Clearing, He didn’t see Anyone at the end, Until two Red eyes Met his Purple Tinted Gaze. 
He Came out of the shadows, Looked at Ikor, Then... Laughed. 
“Ha! I’m almost Supprised that You can’t Get yourself straight over some Trooper!” He snickered, Holding his hand out. Ikor had no Choice. He shrieked, Begged, Pulled and Pulled, Did anything that might work. He was Like a bird in a Birdcage, stuck until released. 
Ikor dropped the Elestar into Xathor ‘s hand, and it looked like he wasn’t even thinking about it. “Yes! I have it!” Xathor exclaimed.
Who said that?
Again. “Traitor!” It seemed to be coming from behind him. 
As he turned, He saw Everyone. Riff, Eron, Ao-ki, Trek, Even all of their pets. 
“You Traitor!” Riff was shouting. 
‘I’m not a traitor, I swear! I’m not doing any of this- the Trooper is!’ “Hah, That’ Pathetic. You think I’d stay with YOU? You’re stupider then Trek.”
Trek Winced at that as Ikor spoke, And Xathor Took the chance to Sink back into the shadows With the Elestar. 
“Ikor- How could you do this? We where Friends!” Eron Cried, beginning to reach out. “Don’t get near him, that’s not Ikor. . .” Ao-ki warned.
“Hah. I may not be, But he’s Still here. In this body. You wouldn’t Want to hurt your Friend Now, Would you?” Ikor’s own voice was Against him.
Eron hesitated. “Guys?” He whispered. “He was a traitor from the start. He wouldn’t Change now.” Riff hissed, Venom dripping from his voice.
Ikor... He was taken aback. His friend? Why would he say such things about him? Where they not. . .
Where they not friends. . . ?
No. Of course not. If your friend betrays you, They are no longer your friend. That’s how it works. But... He didn’t even Betray them..?
But it looks like he did. 
It looks like he did so that’s what they think he did. That’s just logic. 
Ikor looked off to the Side. There was his Best friend, Cryos, Beginning to stand out of the bushes. 
He could see him Clearly. Why?
why was his best friend there when no one else would be? 
Ikor ran the math. it didn’t make sense. 
Oh well. The elestar is gone. Ikor’s hope is gone. What else could go?
Oh right. 
“Ikor! Explain yourself!”
“Oh but he can’t! If he does, He risks the fact that HE didn’t question stealing the Elestar. He didn’t try and stop it.” That much... Was true
But not for those reasons.
They looked hurt. Betrayed. 
‘that’s fair.’ was all he could think. 
“Y’know what? You’re no Friend of mine. Never. Okay? Get out of here!” Eron shouted, Gritting his teeth. 
No- Not now, Not here-
He had to tell them the truth
He- H-ad to tell them the
The truth.
Something left Ikor in that Moment, For he could move his arms again, Speak again, And the trooper in front of him was Looking very Angry and confused. 
That wasn’t his problem. 
Ikor looked up at his friends. He didn’t know what he wanted from them. Forgiveness? Maybe. Happiness? Totally. Both? More then ever. 
But they just wanted him gone. 
“Ikor, Why would you do that?”
“We where friends for so long! WHY would you Betray us!?”
“Yeah! We Want answers!”
He hesitated. “. . .I’m sorry.”
He slowly walked into the forest, Towards the One Tower, Not another word Spoken.
He wouldn’t speak to them again.
Because he wouldn’t be there. 
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dkniade · 3 years
To a Certain Cavalry Captain
“What started as a unique silhouette
in the distance quickly turned into
a lighthouse within a cold night
I’m trying to recover from.”
This is the first formal piece I wrote of Kaeya, back in March, when I first got to know him. There are lots of qualities about him that I like and can relate to, and this piece explores such qualities. His relation to the Cyro element and his history of abandonment is a major reason why I feel attached to him.
Original description:
This is a rather personal memory I’ve been trying again and again to write out and explain to myself. Prior to knowing Genshin Impact and Kaeya, I've never had any characters I associate positively with snow and winter. To say that he’s “a light house within a cold night I’m trying to recover from” isn't exactly an exaggeration, I feel.
I may not say things such as “I love you” but I’m sure I can find other words to say when the time comes to express my feelings.
Warnings: mention of self-image issues, snow, trauma
Recently, all the snow has melted in the backyard, and I can finally see the colour of the grass again.
But really. How could I forget what, or rather who, got me through these first months of 2021?
A certain event a few years ago has tainted my feelings towards snow. But seeing the silhouette of that knight standing in the pure white distance with a single frost-patterned wing somehow calms me down. An angel, dare I say, with an asymmetrically balanced outfit that seems to suggest he’s not of Mondstadt.
The silhouette of that Cryro Swordsman Kaeya himself.
Perhaps it’s because of that friendly smile, or that welcoming voice behind which lingers a teasing tone, but somehow, Kaeya’s presence feels familiar. It’s as though he naturally gets along with everyone in Mondstadt, a fitting reputation for a knight and a captain, I suppose.
Filled with intricate white lies and charming words that force the truth out of others, so it seems this captain does not hesitate to obtain information by whatever means necessary.
Perhaps what draws attention to Kaeya the most is his flowing, navy-blue hair, akin to a river or perhaps waterfall. A man, yes, and with that hairstyle… Somehow, it gives me confidence in my own appearance as well. I could say the same about Diluc, with his tied-back hair. Maybe it doesn’t mean much to others, but to me, who doesn’t fancy having short hair yet isn’t exactly comfortable with long hair… It’s rather assuring.
I can’t even remember clearly how I felt towards snow and winter before that night anymore.
Given the harshness of the storm, the biting cold, and the danger beneath those lights, one might even think I would’ve received a Vision after that night. I suppose you can only call it strength. A burning will to live.
In learning to associate snow not with sadness and emptiness, but rather with Kaeya himself, it’s helped greatly. This is the first winter I’ve spent with Kaeya, and many more to come, I’m sure, with each year’s storm hurting a little less.
Indeed, he's a swordsman most worthy of the title Knights of Favonius Cavalry Captain.
The snowstorm may hurt mercilessly at times, but even then, snowflakes fluttering down from a pale sky is a beautiful sight.
If one day I can look out into the winter scenery and appreciate the view in its entirety, Kaeya would certainly be one of the reasons.
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wonderswritings · 6 years
After Civil War 7/?
Part One  Part Two  Part Three  Part Four  Part Five  Part Six
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Summary: You’re an avenger who fought on Steve’s side in civil war. Your Wanda’s Twin sister, the only difference? You were born with your powers. Something happens to you at the raft and when you get out two years later on Tony’s side, your not the same. Will Bucky, the man who stirred something inside of you at the airport, Be able to bring you back to your normal self? Pairings: Bucky Barnes x Reader, Wanda Maximoff x Sister!Reader
Steve’s View: “What do you wish to do Captain?” T’Challa turned to face Steve who was watching Wanda interact with Y/N. Steve was having a war with himself. What if Bucky wasn’t free from Hydra and something happened to revert him back to the Winter Solider? What if Bucky got mad at the fact he let him out with the trigger words still in him? No. he would want to do the right thing. “Let’s take him out. If the doctors believe his is truly the only one who can help Y/N, then we need to take that chance. Wanda can only handle so much.” “I’ll alert the doctors they can start the regeneration process to free Mr. Barnes.” “Thank you T’Challa.” “Of course, Captain.” T’Challa left Steve standing outside of Y/N’s room where her and Wanda were sitting on the bed. Y/N looked so different from the last time Steve saw her.
*Flashback* Everyone was scattered. Scoot had made a distraction for Steve and Bucky to get to the hangar and surprisingly, it worked. As they were running towards the hangar, the watch tower beside it started to fall. Steve and Bucky started to run faster and when they looked up again, the building had stopped falling. They both turned to see Y/N standing there holding her hands out towards the building. Steve saluted her and Y/N just laughed and told them to “get their old asses out of here” They started to run again when they heard a high pitched scream. They turned back around to see Wanda on the ground holding her head and Vision in the air. Y/N turned to see what they were looking at and when she saw her sister on the ground and Vision hurting her, she threw one of her arms his way and threw him back. Wanda looked up at Y/N and thanked her and the boys went running again. They heard another scream and then another one after that. They turned back to see both sisters on the ground holding their heads and Y/N withering on the ground. She still had her hands out towards the building so they started to run again. They made it just in time before the building fell. There, they ran into Natasha and everything just went downhill from there. *End of Flashback*
Steve shook his head in hopes of getting rid of the memories. He walked over to the door and scanned his hand to enter the room. Once he was in, the door shut behind him. He walked over to where the sisters were and he could barely make out what was being said. “What if I’m a monster? I cant go back to being like that. It’s not safe for me or others.” “But your not a monster.” “But I feel like I am.” Steve cleared his throat and Wanda turned to face him and Y/N looked up shyly. “I just wanted to let you girls know, we’ve decided to let Bucky out of cryro. T’Challa didn’t say how long it would take though.” “Thank you Steve.” Steve nodded at Wanda and took one more glance at Y/N. His heart shattered at the sight, broken, but emotionless. He made his way back to the door when Y/N’s voice stopped him. “Who is Bucky?” “Steve come back.” Steve walked back over to the bed and Wanda pointed to a chair that was beside the bed. Steve sat there and looked down at his hands there where in his lap and avoided looking at the sisters. “Who is Bucky?” “Bucky is Steve’s best friend from before the war and the super soldier serum.” “Miss Wanda Maximoff, we need your assistance in the cryro room.” Wanda looked over at Steve and then back at her sister before she sighed and started to get up. “Do you think you’ll be ok by yourself with Steve? I have to help them bring Bucky out of cryro.” “I’ll be fine.” She nodded as she spoke and Wanda smiled. She got up and Steve followed her to the door. “Wanda I don’t think,” Wanda turned to face Steve, her eyes shining with anger. “I do not care what you think at the moment Captain. You put her in this position so you will help her in any way. You’ll need to seat where I was sitting and hold her hands how I was. She’s using her powers even though she is unaware of it. She’s able to see your memories as you talk about a certain thing. It’s helping her, but only a little.” “Yeah, yeah, sure.” And with that, Wanda left the room and Steve took a deep breath and sighed before he started to walk back over to Y/N. She looked so small the way she was sitting but she also looked dangerous at the same time. Steve was hesitant at sitting so close to Y/N. “Wanda said I would need to seat here and let you hold my hands, is that alright?” “Yeah.” Steve nodded and sat down on the bed cross legged and his hands out flat facing up wards and Y/N did the same but with her palms laying over his. “Bucky was your friend?” “He is my friend. We used to be best friends before the war and during the war. I lost him when we went on a mission, I thought I lost him that day. Then I went under and I wake up 75 years later and I’m being told its 2014. It was two years later when I found out Bucky survived the fall and turned into Hydra’s super soldier, the Winter Solider. Another two years later and I found him again. He was charged with bombing the UN. I helped him escape however, and a whole big deal happened which I now being called, Civil War. Bucky requested to be put back into cryro until the Hydra trigger words are out. He did it for his safety and others.” “And you believe he can help me?” “I think if anyone can help you the most, it would be him.” “You know, from what I’m told and what I’ve seen, I forgive you. You don’t have to feel bad for what you did, even though right now I don’t fully understand it, you did what was right at the time.” She smiled at Steve and he smiled back. The door opened and they both looked to see Wanda and Bucky standing there. “Is now a good time? We can come back later if we need to.” Steve turned back to face Y/N who just smiled and nodded. “Now’s a good time. We were just finishing up.” “Alright, T’Challa said it would be good to let you get out of here Y/N so Bucky’s going to show you around and you two can talk does that sound ok?” “Yeah, just let me change and I’ll be right out.” “Alright, come on Steve.” Bucky  laughed as Steve started to blush. He got off the bed and made his way over to the door. Once he had left, Y/N got up and went to her closet.
After Civil War Tags:
@wonderfullyinsane96 @sydthekid1518 @topjean @steveandthediamonds @cuddlesforlashton
Marvel Tags: @be-amaziing @indaybella99 @smoothdogsgirl @supernaturaldean67 @emoryhemsworth @kindnesswins @katykyll @crazy-little-thing-called-buck @indaybella99 @patzammit @helloangelicaaaaa @whimsicalrobots @aikibriarrose @theashofwkm @midnightdevotion @marvelite1998
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