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heliolendingau · 3 years
“Receivables & Payables”
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In accounting, you are likely to encounter two specific terms: receivable and payable. The former refers to the money that people owe you and the latter is the money that you owe. This is the easiest way to explain the differences between accounts payable and accounts receivable, as well as loans payable and loans receivable. As you can probably tell, this does not suffice as a thorough breakdown of the two terms. There are more details that add to what separates them from each other.
What are receivables?
Receivables (aka. accounts receivable) are debts that customers owe to a company for goods or services that have been used or delivered, but not paid for yet. Their creation derives from an extension of a line of credit to customers and, on a company’s balance sheet, they are reported as current assets. They are deemed liquid assets because they can be used as collateral for securing a loan to assist in properly meeting short-term obligations.
Receivables are part of the working capital of a company. Properly managing them involves promptly following up with clients who have yet to pay and – if necessary – deliberate a payment plan arrangement. This provides extra capital to use as support for operations and it also reduces the company’s net debt.
What are loan payables?
There are times when a portion of the loan is technically still payable as of the date of a company’s balance sheet. In this scenario, the loan’s remaining balance is called a “loan payable.” Should the principal on a loan be payable within the subsequent year, it will be labelled as a current liability on the balance sheet.
Oftentimes, people mistake loan payables and “account payables” as being essentially the same. Account payables are accounts that reside within the ledger that represents a company’s obligation to repay a short-term debt to its creditors and/or suppliers. A loan payable is different in that accounts payable do not typically charge interest unless payment is late. Moreover, they are usually based on acquired goods or services. A loan payable, on the other hand, does charge interest and is often based on the earlier receipt of a lender’s sum of cash.
What makes them different from each other
What differentiates a loan payable from a loan receivable boils down to the fact that one is a liability to a company and the other is an asset.
A loan receivable is an asset account. For companies that are loaning the money, the “Loans Receivable” lists the amounts of money that your borrowers owe. However, this does not include the money paid; it is only the amounts that are expected to be paid. As for loan payables, they are liability accounts. A company may be due to repay money to the bank or another business anytime during the company’s history. This can sometimes include lines of credit, which are figures that should be included
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orbemnews · 4 years
Bitcoin’s Big Day Is this the start of something big? Cryptocurrency prices are soaring after Tesla said yesterday that it had purchased $1.5 billion worth of Bitcoin with company funds. It also said it would accept payments in the cryptocurrency in the future. Bitcoin’s price, which had already been climbing, promptly set records. The latest surge stands out for its magnitude. The recent rise has pushed the value of all cryptocurrencies to more than $1 trillion, with the bullishness extending beyond Bitcoin. There appears to be underlying momentum to the market, with more consumer apps allowing users to trade crypto tokens, fund managers moving money into these assets and, now, sizable industrial companies shifting some of their cash to cryptocurrency. There is still a whiff of the Wild West to all this: Dogecoin, a token that started as a joke, has been embraced semi-seriously by Elon Musk of Tesla and several celebrities, like the rapper Snoop Dogg and the rocker Gene Simmons of Kiss. Its price is up more than 1,600 percent so far this year, propelling it into the top 10 cryptocurrencies by value. The news is an “exclamation point” for institutional acceptance of Bitcoin, Matthew Graham, the C.E.O. of the Beijing-based blockchain investment firm Sino Global Capital, told DealBook. “It’s clear that Bitcoin is ready for Main Street.” Tom Robinson, the chief scientist and co-founder of the blockchain firm Elliptic, called Tesla’s purchase “hugely significant.” Other experts had similarly positive things to say. What about buying a Tesla car with crypto? Mariano Conti, a blockchain entrepreneur, has used crypto for collateral on a car loan. He said it would be “great” if Tesla accepted crypto payments, but added: “Most people I know use crypto as a way to hedge against fiat currencies, which we view as inferior, so I expect most people would rather hold their Bitcoin.” What’s in it for Tesla? Mr. Musk is known for bucking convention, so Tesla’s purchase is not as surprising as it would be at, say, Ford or G.M. Tesla had more than $19 billion in cash at the end of 2020, a big enough cushion to make the crypto purchase a relatively small share of its resources. But much of that cash was raised in recent stock sales, and the company only recently reported its second year of positive free cash flow. Although rising crypto markets make the company’s decision look wise in comparison to holding cash or low-yielding bonds, accounting headaches loom. (In short, Tesla will have to record declines in the value of its Bitcoin against its earnings, but can’t book gains.) Will other companies follow Mr. Musk’s lead? It doesn’t seem likely, said Naresh Aggarwal of the Association of Corporate Treasurers in London. “Gold is probably a more traditional form of alternative investment,” he said, yet few firms outside the financial sector hold it. “If they’re not tempted by gold, then I can’t see them being tempted by Bitcoin,” he added, likening it to “putting money on a horse race.” Keeping money in liquid, ultra-safe investments is particularly important during the pandemic, and many corporate finance chiefs remember being burned in 2008 by higher-yielding investments, whose volatility looks tame compared to many cryptocurrencies. That said, Tesla isn’t the only company dabbling in Bitcoin. Most notably, the software company MicroStrategy now holds Bitcoin worth about a third of its market cap; the company’s C.E.O., Michael Saylor, held a conference last week that promoted Bitcoin for corporations. Tesla representatives were reportedly spotted there. HERE’S WHAT’S HAPPENING Democrats appear to compromise on stimulus checks. House Democrats rejected efforts to limit the $1,400 payments to those earning $50,000 or less, but they tightened eligibility for those making more than $75,000. Reddit seizes its moment by raising $250 million. The message board company was valued at $6 billion in its latest funding round, after it gained prominence as the home of internet traders who powered the meme-stock frenzy. Separately, here’s how its five-second Super Bowl ad came to be. Robinhood is sued by the family of a customer who killed himself. The parents and sister of Alex Kearns, who believed he had racked up huge losses on the trading app, accused the company of aggressive marketing tactics that lured inexperienced traders into making risky trades. European lawmakers want tech companies to pay news publishers. They are following Australia’s plans to charge Facebook and Google for linking to and hosting content — which has prompted Google to threaten cutting off services to the country. The approach addresses “the acute bargaining power imbalances” between publishers and tech platforms, one lawmaker told The Financial Times. Clubhouse goes down in China. The audio-based social media platform had grown in popularity among Chinese users as a safe space to discuss taboo topics like human rights abuses. But mainland access to the app disappeared yesterday, suggesting that government censors had finally intervened. Decentralized work force, diluted culture? As companies prepare to reopen their offices, they do not expect things to be what they once were. The forced experiment in widespread remote working during the pandemic has highlighted the risks and opportunities of adopting a more flexible approach for employees who don’t always need to be in the office. The good news: At a recent media briefing, Nat Friedman, the chief of the software code-sharing platform Github, said that remote working had spread opportunity “for productive people all around the world.” He shared unpublished internal data showing a major shift in where programmers worked last year: developers submitting code from tech hubs like San Francisco, New York and Boston all fell more than 40 percent, while the programmer population in places like Houston and Miami grew around 25 percent. And the bad news: As DealBook has covered before, executives are wary of how remote working might affect company culture in the long run. In its latest annual report, released yesterday, Alphabet noted in its risk factors that “hybrid work models” adopted post-pandemic may have “effects on our ability to compete effectively and maintain our corporate culture.” Fears about culture are so widespread that they have become legal boilerplate in many corporate disclosures. In the past month, Affirm, FinServ and United Wholesale Mortgage all noted in reports to investors that Covid-19 had led the companies to adopt a remote-working setup, and “over time such remote operations may decrease the cohesiveness of our teams and our ability to maintain our culture, both of which are critical to our success.” How is the ride-hailing economy holding up? The pandemic has taken a toll on companies like Uber and Lyft, which are largely powered by people taking trips. As the companies prepare to report earnings this week, The Times’s Kate Conger looks at how they’re doing. The context: “The second downturn was another setback to hopes that the companies, which have never turned a profit and have historically had annual losses in the billions of dollars, could become profitable this year,” Kate writes. Their core business is suffering. Uber’s ride-hailing revenue was down about 53 percent in its most recent quarter; Lyft’s was down 50 percent. Drivers have had to spend more on protective equipment and cleaning products, eating into their profits. Lyft said that driver earnings in some top markets had gone up, because fewer drivers were on the road, reducing competition. Expanding into new markets has helped somewhat. Uber bolstered on its Uber Eats food delivery business, whose revenue more than doubled during the most recent quarter, and has bought other services like Postmates and Drizly. Analysts expect its fourth-quarter revenue to be down 12 percent from a year earlier. Lyft is still largely reliant on ride-hailing, though it is testing a service transporting medical supplies and groceries. Analysts expect a far bigger drop in revenue — 44 percent — for the quarter. Senators shine a light on the money trail Ten Democratic senators are urging the acting solicitor general, Elizabeth Prelogar, to reverse the Justice Department’s position on a Supreme Court case that they say reflects “a long effort to entrench corporate America’s stranglehold on American government.” In a letter that DealBook is the first to report, the senators wrote that the case could result in “a further flood of anonymous money — or ‘dark money’ — into our political system, causing great harm to our democracy.” In the case, the government sided with the Americans for Prosperity Foundation, a Koch-affiliated nonprofit, which petitioned against the California tax authorities. In the Justice Department’s brief, submitted in November, it argued that donors had a First Amendment right to remain anonymous in order to avoid “harassment, reprisals and similar harms.” Other groups filed earlier briefs using the same arguments. Of these, the senators singled out the U.S. Chamber of Commerce for embracing what they called an “extreme constitutional theory.” The Chamber said after the Capitol riot that it would re-evaluate donations from its powerful PAC. New briefs are due soon, and will reveal whether the Justice Department, now under new management, maintains its current stance. The Supreme Court agreed on Jan. 8, two days after the Capitol riot put a spotlight on money in politics, to add the case to its docket. A result in favor of the petitioners would bolster anonymous donations, to the senators’ chagrin. THE SPEED READ Deals Electronic Arts plans to buy Glu Mobile, the owner of mobile game titles like “Kim Kardashian: Hollywood,” for $2.4 billion. (Reuters) The C.E.O. of the Singaporean sovereign wealth fund Temasek, Ho Ching, is stepping down after a decade in the role. (FT) The food delivery app DoorDash agreed to buy Chowbotics, whose robots can prepare salads. (WSJ) Politics and policy A clash between centrist and left-leaning economists could shape the U.S. economy and the political fortunes of the Biden administration. (NYT Upshot) The Justice Department dropped its legal challenge to California’s net neutrality rule, reversing the Trump administration’s effort to halt the state’s tougher approach to tech regulation. (Business Insider) Tech Chinese regulators reprimanded Tesla over consumers’ complaints about battery fires and other quality issues. (NYT) The U.S. risks falling behind in the 5G race by not requiring service providers to build the necessary infrastructure, Eric Schmidt, the former Google chief, writes in an op-ed. (FT) Best of the rest For the wine world, 2021 is once again all about the pandemic, tariffs and climate change. (NYT) McKinsey might still profit from its $574 million settlement over its role in the opioid crisis. (NBC News) Wes Moore, the C.E.O. of the Robin Hood foundation — no, not that Robinhood — is stepping down after four years and $650 million in proceeds raised for the antipoverty group. (Robin Hood, WSJ) We’d like your feedback! Please email thoughts and suggestions to [email protected]. Source link Orbem News #Big #Bitcoins #Day
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scottmapess · 4 years
Bitcoin, Cryptocurrency, Finance & Global News – April 5th 2020
Hi, guys. Thanks, Virginia. Another set of Nuggets news. Well, another huge Newsweek we’ve got so much of that macro news to get through as well as all the crypto headlines. We do welcome a couple of thousand new subscribers again this week. It’s great to see the channel growing. And I know plenty of you introducing your friends and family into this world and learning for the first time. So just reminder, we’ve got a range of free resources. I know we often use all these different terms. So we’ve got a glossary as well as in-depth guides on everything over on our Web site. And we’re building out that resources hub every day. We’ve also got our premium community. We get all our extra research in my daily write-ups and you get to be part of our discussions that we have every day around everything from what’s going on in the world finance and swallows everything in the crypto community. So that’s available as well. Here’s a sample of our premium research. These are the five projects that we covered in depth this month and you get all these reports emailed to you as well as daily emails to keep up to date as well. All right. So let’s get into the local news. And I want to, I guess, start off by saying that this is a huge positive, that the curve has flattened to some degree in Australia. But it’s really important that we don’t celebrate too early. And what I really want to highlight to people today is the curve of these unknown local infections is still growing exponentially. So we might have had that first wave of all the people returning from overseas. And now, because we didn’t go into a really strict lockdown for weeks, we had a lot of, you know, hairdressers, schools, this, that and the others to open it was allowed to spread through the community. And this is what is really troubling. This is just New South Wales and this is growing at 10 per cent a day. So that is what we need to get on top of. If that starts to flatten out, then we can certainly start to be more positive about the future. So more than 400 cases have been confirmed just from the Ruby Princess cruise ship alone. This week we had the leaked emails coming out that the New South Wales health authorities, they knew that those 100 passengers on board that were symptomatic, but they decided to let everyone off anyway. So I’m sure some heads are going to roll there, but hopefully this doesn’t get worse, because if it all comes back to what happened here and the failures of the authorities. That is a really, really bad look. Now, other countries like Singapore have got it under control, but even they are experiencing a bit of a second wave. China have had some outbreaks. You know, we don’t really believe the numbers coming out there. But other countries that people were saying, oh, look at what they’ve done. Even they are having to go back into more stricter measures. So it’s not like once that curve flattens, you just past the worst of it. Really important to understand. Now, I certainly do agree with people that are saying that some of the measures that have gone and been put in place are often, you know, quietly have gone too far. So we’ve got everything from police drones now monitoring people, big fines and arrests. I do think everyone does need to adhere to these social distancing and the quarantines for the time being. If they get too extreme when everything is going really well, then, yes, we’ll start to ask questions. And even the Australian police have said that they will repeal some of these new laws and rules and what not. So that’s a positive sign. But do we really need to be doing this? Cell phone tracking this week, Google and Facebook started handing over all our tracking data to authorities. And this really is becoming that surveillance state spy cameras and public doxing and whatnot. So, Alex gladstein, humans rights activists, we are going to have him on the channel soon. But this is the questions. And I understand why people have got all these different theories, because what is going on and how sudden it’s all happened is actually pretty scary. So now it becomes about supporting people financially if we’re telling them that they’re not allowed to go to work and what not. And I was critical that Australia weren’t doing enough soon enough. And this week we got to, you know, a lot more stimulus. So this is far bigger than anything back in the GFC. This is equivalent to 10 per cent of our GDP, our economy. But now we need to make sure that it gets into the hands in the pockets of those that need it most. And this is where we start to have these arguments about, well, is this like QE in America that it just went to the banks versus how much is actually getting to people. So we’re very quick to bail out these airlines. You know, $5.6 billion. Our Australian taxpayers going to be happy with this or should they get a share? You know, if we’re gonna bail out these companies, why shouldn’t we get, you know, equity in these companies so that when they get back up and running and profiting, we are the ones that benefit. It’s not just back to the old big corporate exact bonuses and, you know, huge dividends and whatnot. You’ve already privatized all those profits and. And once again, socializing those losses. Now, not everyone is fitting the criteria. So really unfortunate where we have a lot of what you would consider Ozzies people from overseas that have lived here for a while. And the Prime Minister’s told visitors and what not to sort of make your way home. Now, some people that move here, they need to say that they’ve got enough to support themselves in case these things happened. But I know we’re hearing a lot of stories of people that don’t qualify for some of these support bonuses that are pretty much Ozzies, by every way. We do look at it. So let me know those stories down below when you think about all this as well. Now, the banks have said they’re going to give a one time mortgage payment break to some of the mortgage holders. If you actually dig down a bit deeper, I think this was the equivalent of something like 40 or $50. Because if you delay these loans and these breaks you want not they all still accrue interest. So this is the headline that banks put out because they want to get all the good publicity. But you know, it really in the grand scheme of things, they’re not really doing you any favors at all. It’s always going to be a profit for them. Now, overseas, we’ve seen some of the banks be forced and told to cut their dividends and to cut bonuses and even salaries and whatnot. So you don’t touch the dividends in Australia. You know, that’s you know, that’s sacred to a lot of investors, particularly around the banks and property in that as well. So at the moment, offer a saying that bank dividends could be an issue for boards and there’s going to be some very tough decisions there. So let’s see if Australia follows suit after other countries set the rules and set a tone to say no more dividends if you’re going to be getting these bailouts. Now, superannuation funds are pleading for liquidity and support. So it’s this term liquidity that’s really frustrating me. It’s a bailout. If something was worth a certain price, there’d be another investor that was willing to buy. But because we’ve pumped everything up with all this funny money, as soon as something starts to go down, there’s people that want to redeem their investment funds or their super or whatnot. And there’s just there’s no buyers at any price. And now they’re saying, oh, please bail us out as well. So what ends and what means do we go to the central banks, go to the governments, go to hopefully people are getting educated around all this stuff because I just think it’s going to bring about a lot of political change and hopefully a new financial system as well. David Lindsay, we’re talking about triple A property only ever goes up. And we heard all those Australian terms, but now property investors want their version of the job caper. You know, if you bought 10 investment properties and you leveraged up what not, as soon as there’s no tenant, you can’t just cry poor. And these people that have got no assets and no job and they can’t afford the roof of the house. They’re the ones that need to be getting that first set of stimulus. So, yeah, these investors that have got all these properties that are crying poor, hopefully they can freeze their payments, you know. But we just can’t bail out everyone, particularly the wealthy that have all these assets. You know, investing is risky. Now, it’s funny that Australian BET company Betfair actually put out a combination of the two things that Aussies love, property and gambling. So you can actually bet on the housing market. And the reason I thought this was actually quite funny, because it’s it’s hard to short the Australian property market, even some of the investment products compared to in America and some, you know, the apps like a and that we don’t have good ways to short the housing market in Australia. So if you were to sell your property and there’s no buyers and there’s less auctions in that system in a liquid market using an app and actually betting could be a good way to hedge your investment from from going down. And it’s crazy to think that that’s kind of what it’s come to in Australia. And maybe that’s why Betfair have got into this market was they see a lot of demands. Now, another asset or commodity that’s really important to Australia, all our gold and silver and other resources. A hundred seventy six mines globally being shut down. So this is going to affect the streams of precious metals. We’ve spoken about the shortages in Australia and around the world really to get physical metal when these premiums. So I did a video last week, a week before about Hakan Arbitrages this opportunity. And this shows it really well. This is the price of a silver coin as well as the spot price of silver. And they only track pretty closely. But when the price of silver tanked and went down, the premiums actually went up. And you can see the percentage premium here just behind me. It jumped from, you know, 10 or 20 per cent. That’s normally how much extra you’d pay, jumped up to 80 per cent or still sitting between 50 per cent and 100 per cent now. So these 12 dollar silver price, you know, you’re actually paying $24 double. For a coin so you can exploit that using E Tauro buying the ETF gold, watch that tutorial if you want more information about it. And we’re still running that deal. It’s been very popular. We have extended it because so many of you have taken us up on this one hundred dollar free Bitcoin offer, because the reason we partnered with these guys is because you can short the Australian stock market very easily. You know, gold and silver bonds, investment bonds, junk bonds, all these products that you can trade very easily, which aren’t normally available to Australian investors and traders. Now, a bit of a positive here from the fall in oil price. Ninety nine cents per litre in Tazzy. That’s as lows as I’ve seen it since I was a kid. And plenty of you told me that it’s far lower in other states. So the lows we saw yesterday was 49 cents a litre. I think that was in Adelaide, but really amazing. So in Tazzy, the average price was still nearly a dollar. Sixty a litre wholesale cost 90 cents per litre. So, yeah, there’s big margins there. It was great that one little petrol station owner sacrificed his profit. He felt sorry for a man that’s lost jobs. Yeah, there are still good people out there. That’s a lot of these petrol places are ripping you off. Our fellows. You want to trade oil. U.S.O. is the ETF that you can trade on a Tauro for zero fees. All right. So Putin and Saudi Arabia, we’ve still got this tension that’s keeping the price of oil low. And Putin really plays everything like chess, you know, turning it between the Saudis and the US, trying to crush US shale. That whiteboard video, hopefully it’s coming out this week and then explain all that in great detail. And who would’ve thought of negative oil prices? So there’s lots of different types of oil or grades of oil, depending on how much refining it needs and blending and whatnot. And one type here. seÃor the price actually turn negative. They’ve got so much it’s going to cost them actually so much to store that they’d rather give it away or even pay people to take it off their hands. You know, if you had told someone negative oil prices would exist, they wouldn’t believe you. But that’s just the upside down world of investing we live in these days. This is the change in high yield credit spreads. So normally we’ve got these, you know, US Treasury bonds very safe, then corporate’s and then high yield risky bonds. And I did the video. I might link that down below about how this spreads really compressed and you weren’t getting paid much extra to take a heat, more risk. Well, that’s all blown out again now. And energy sector in particular, it’s jumped fifteen hundred basis points, so 15 per cent. So suddenly junk bonds that were maybe, you know, four or five per cent the yield on a junk bond. Now it’s 20 per cent. It’s so, so risky. And as $171 billion of those in a higher risk of default. So let’s have a look here. This article saying that could start to attract the big investors back in because those youths are so high, particularly when you compare it to an S&P or other stockmarket earnings and what not actually saw this article saying it could attract people back into the stock market because stock prices have now fallen so far that relatively that yield is now attractive. So, again, less people actually having to chase those junk bonds to get a good yield because stock prices have fallen so far. But the Fed, once again, they swoop in and say, well, we’ll just buy it. We’ll just buy these investment grade bonds were buying us treasury bonds. And sure enough, the investment grade bonds that all these companies issued, they said, well, if you’re going to buy all these, then we’ll issue them and you see this huge spike. So $270 billion of investment grade bonds were issued because they companies know the Fed is going to bail them out and give them free money. Don’t fight the Fed. And this was something that I mentioned. If you’ll get us short junk bonds or whatever, you have to be aware that this was the possibility. I think David mentioned this last week that it was likely we’d see the Fed come in and buy these. And sure enough, if you were shorting this, well, you know, the Fed basically wrecked you because your thesis was right, your research was right. But the Fed came in. There’s no such thing as a free market and they’re just buying things that should be going broke. So you should’ve made money if you were shorting, but maybe you got stopped out. We did see a short squeeze there. Now, the Fed of also had to step in because foreigners are dumping a record amount of US treasuries over $100 billion there. They’ve launched these repo facilities because they’re giving the Australian Central Bank US dollars. But so many investors are demanding US dollars around the world. All these different countries are just watching, you know, the Aussie dollar or whatever their local currency is. So they want US dollars and there’s not enough in the world. I did a long video about that on Friday night. If you want more information, but in dollar terms, Q1 of this year has seen a record amount of fallen angels, as they call it. So these investment grade bonds have been downgraded to high yields, around 150 billion dollars. So this is the sort of junk bond market that’s around a trillion dollars. And that’s where people are wondering, you know, is the Fed going to go there next and stop buying junk? Now, some of these companies that were issuing the junk were all these oil drillers. And this is what frustrates me, like we’re talking about before with the airlines getting the bailed out after they’ve had all those buybacks and huge bonuses. Five days before this shale or exploration company went bust, the exacts paid themselves 15 million dollars in bonuses and now they won’t be bailed out. So you guys, hopefully you are enjoying all this investing education if you do want to structure your own super and long term investments. We’ve got that partnership with New Brighton Capital. They’ve got a free consultation. Take advantage of that. Mike’s going to be on the show this week. We did try to record it last week, but the Australian Internet was a bit strange. We’re gonna be talking about how you can take out some money from your super. How that works, whether or not you should even do it. Is that a good idea? So, yeah, New Brighton Capital, a great friend of the channel and members. You guys get an even bigger discount as well. Now, let’s talk about the actual case numbers here. 1.2 million. The death ratio has increased, but we know that’s because we’ve got so many people that are just not being tested. Now, it’s kind of overwhelming the system. So, look, that’s not the actual fatality rate of the disease. Hopefully we’re going to have far more rapid or widespread testing in the coming weeks as we have those new formulation tests being rolled out. But either way, we have to admit that globally, you know, this is still growing cases and deaths on a logarithmic scale. So there’s no real reason to celebrate yet. You know, this can still run through countries, developing nations. And Sweden was another one where people were saying, oh, look, you know, they’re being really sensible. They haven’t gone into lockdown. And sure enough, I think that they’ve got more deaths than a lot of these other neighboring countries combined. So they’ve had to bite the bullet and go into lockdown now. India are actually trying to sue China for, you know, Corona virus, what it’s done to their economy and whatnot. This is a country that I’m really worried about where social distancing is basically impossible. So fingers crossed for those developing nations. A very harsh approach by the Philippines leader here ordering police to shoot, shoot dead, anyone that’s violating that, the lockdown orders there. So, again, human rights really being trampled with everything that’s going on. But these tensions between the US and China is where the trade walkin’ far up again. So half a million Chinese people entered America over those recent couple of months. And that’s probably how we had a really widespread throughout the community. COVA cases before they even started testing in America. Now, a lot of people were comparing these different stats and saying, you know, the flu kills this many people a year and what not. But it’s very clear now Cauvin, 19, is the third leading cause of death in the US now that we’re actually breaking it down into per day. Now, that’s up to 13:00 today. Time recording. If it keeps growing at 10 percent a day, it’s probably gonna be the leading cause of death by the end of next week. It’s just insane and people are still comparing it to other diseases in other countries around the world, hunger and things like that. But guys, this is a disease that needs a lot of care and attention. It strains the hospitals. It’s contagious. It’s spreading and 10 percent a day. You know, it’s not fair to make these other comparisons. It’s a bit of a stretch. This is something that we can prevent and get on top of. Within a few weeks, if we all come together and do it well, we don’t want to be the leading cause of deaths in every country if it’s preventable. So Donald Trump has definitely changed his tune. This week, he’s actually come out and said that he won’t be wearing a face mask, even though the CDC actually backflipped and said that they don’t wear masks. They can even make it worse. And now they’ve said, well, yeah, we recommend everyone wear masks. Funnily enough, in Australia, they’re still saying that don’t wear masks, they don’t work. So, look, some polls are saying that Donald Trump has really surged in terms of his leadership. I try and keep these videos politically neutral, but it was interesting that FDX have got the presidential election tokens ways for people to bet or trade on the outcomes of different presidents. It doesn’t look like he wants to load here, but Joe Biden has really jumped up in the polls and. Trump has fallen so at one stage. Trump was around 50, 65 percent, I think, and it struck down to about a 50/50 rating at the moment. Some of those videos coming out about Biden. He doesn’t talk well from what I’ve seen. So I’m not sure what FDX isn’t loading there, guys, but dumb head over there. Check out the presidential odds, if you like. Okay. So Matt, BARRIE here has come out with an interesting tweet about this personal protective equipment. And Australia has banned exporting of all this equipment back to China. But I don’t think we realize that China actually make all this. And they’re probably going to stop exporting to us if if they don’t like the games that we’re playing. The US has invoked that defense act as well, blocking the export of masks to Canada and Germany. So people have different stockpiles. A lot of manufacturers have now started making cotton mask, 3D printed masks. It’s great to see these other businesses that are really pivoting ventilators and that as well to really give the healthcare workers what they need in this time. A lot of research going on. Forty nine diagnostic tests, 30 different treatments in clinical trials are five vaccines. The world has really focused all the smartest minds on this problem. And I’m really hopeful that we’re going to have some solutions. And as you throw mice in combination with the hydroxy chloroquine and zinc as well, that looks pretty promising. So compared to where we were two weeks ago, I certainly think there’s reasons to be positive. But we’ve just got to flatten that worldwide, spread that curve next. So the US labour market is in freefall, 10 million Americans filed in two weeks. You guys know that our predicted unemployment would likely hit 10 per cent in the next two weeks. And it looks like we’re gonna be pretty on the ball with that number. We won’t get the Australian stats for a couple of weeks because they take their time compared to the US, but simply jaw jaw dropping numbers, 3 million last week blew everyone away and now 6.6 million. This week we’re seeing these lines. I mean, what do you say? There’s these people lining up in their cars for five hours at a time and then food banks was still running out. People live paycheck to paycheck. I think the studies, 70 per cent of Americans don’t have $400 for emergency. And now this is the emergency. People can’t eat. I hope that they do their best to get that money in the hands of the American people. We’re hearing horror stories like this might take, you know, weeks or months to get it through this system. So I hope they sort that out the same in Australia with the Centrelink lines. Great to see someone like Jeff Bezos donating $100 million to help feed Americans. I don’t know about you guys, but it frustrates me when people say, oh, he’s worth X billion dollars. This is only point one percent. One hundred million dollars is $100 million. If he didn’t give that, now that’s a huge amount of people that might not be getting fed and whatnot. So you just realize when people are wealthy, they have that wealth tied up in a lot of assets. They can’t just sell at all. And sometimes the numbers are twisted to speak. Tankful $100 million is doing a lot more than most people out there like US box office sales. This is a fantastic example of the reality for so many businesses. 204 million dollars of sales on the same week last year dropped to $5000. So basically every cinema is shut. Is this an industry that’s going to bounce back once more and more people, you know, get familiar with their Netflix and all the different options you have these days? The home cinema is I think going to movies is still an experience for, you know, a big box office smash movie. But there’s going to be a lot of changes that come about from what’s going on. Small businesses, again, a lot of these people are now learning that they are not eligible for these bailout loans in Australia. I know the measures that we’ve put in place. Some businesses don’t have enough money to pay the wages to the staff or a few weeks, even if they know the government is eventually going to pay them back in and backdate it. So we’re running into these issues in the real world. And that’s where I really hope that we can sort those out and and have these discussions, because it’s not a perfect system. And I know they’re scrambling to do everything they can in a short period of time. This is another one where tensions are flaring between the landlords. We’ve just seen a lot of businesses say refusing to pay rent, and that puts a strain on the landlord. A lot of those are investors. Some of these people have now gone to banks and the banks themselves, like Wells Fargo, is scaling back on their different refinancing. So at the end of the day, even though, you know, the Fed or the RBA in Australia sort of printed this money and made it available. To the banks to give out loans, the banks still don’t want to give out bad loans. So we’ve heard stories in Australia of mortgage customers go into the bank and trying to refinance or even apply for that six month freeze. The bank says, well, you’re going to have your job back at the end of the six months. And they say, well, you know, I don’t know. And they say, well, sorry, we’re not going to refinance or freezing line. We’re not confident you can pay this back at the end of this period of time. So some of those stats I’ve read were anywhere between 30 and 50 percent of loans being rejected. So I’m sure the government is going to have to do something to make it directly available, because that is going to bring down the housing market. The corporate property market as well. Those are the leases and whatnot. There’s a lot of chapters of this story to play out yet. I guess that’s the message that I want to get across. And a few days after the Fed came out and told us that all U.S. banks are strong, there’s going to be no failures. We’ve seen the first bank go under. So this was an FDIC insured bank. We know they don’t actually have enough money to insure all deposits on all banks. If we saw, you know, a wide collapse, but the Fed began to print money to oblivion, to infinity before they actually allow these banks to collapse. So I don’t think the banking system collapse is now the main worry. I think it’s the the inflation that’s going to come from printing so much money down the line. Goldman have warned of the significant adverse impacts on stocks. It was basically buybacks that that kept that stock market roaring and then a retail sort of blow off top towards the end here. And we’re seeing massive, massive numbers in terms of the corporate that won’t be there. So we’re talking, you know, billions or trillions of dollars of buybacks that aren’t going to be propping up stocks anymore. So the world’s largest hedge fund might have to sell their assets. Now, this is Norway. They’ve got a 25 billion dollar withdrawal that they need to make in order to pay some of their bills. So a trillion dollars neily of assets under management. These are the, you know, the Swain’s and what not. Some of these guys have been printing money out of thin air to buy stocks. But the difference here is that the U.S. can continue to do that without, you know, their dollar sort of plunging. They can print money and prop up stocks and assets, whereas someone like like Norway. Other countries around the world, they can’t necessarily just just keep printing money to prop up these other assets because their currency is far more likely to enter this death spiral around the world. And that’s where the U.S. dollar having this privilege is upsetting people and is leading to a new financial system. Again, I spoke about any more detail on the Friday night video. Warren Buffet, watch what they do, not what they say. So not that long ago, only a few weeks when Warren Buffet said he won’t be selling any airline stocks. And just this week, we saw the numbers in where Berkshire Hathaway, his fund, have sold out. A lot of us companies, including airlines there. So whether or not he says all that’s my fund or me personally, why put this mission message out in public and portray that you’re not going to be selling airlines if you turn around and sell airlines? Now, these are the forecasts that are coming out from some of the leading analysts in the banks, Morgan Stanley here. And this is what we kind of, I think, still expecting a lot of ways that people are going to see this V-shaped recovery, that it’s going to get bad. Grew GDP might go down 4 per cent, 5 per cent for a quarter. Then we can have a huge rebound because all this demand is going to be there. But I don’t see that as the case. I see maybe a U-shaped bottom, possibly an L or a slow grind higher. But these systemic issues that have come to the front, I think they need to be solved and people like it by the B.S. that was going on and all the funny money that led to the bubble and caused all these issues. All right. So we’re into the crypto news. We’ve had a number of companies slapped with this lawsuit. So this happened a little while ago now yesterday. And the market didn’t really react badly. So I don’t think that this is something to be worried about. You know, it’s the usual stuff. A lot of these allegations are thrown around and it just takes so long. They’re going to be delayed, pushed back. How do you get all these companies in the one room from Kilcoyne to Tron to iOS and BLOCK, one of Verde had one settlement there. So, look, I don’t think this is anything to be too worried about at the moment. But yeah, there’s always investors trying to sue exchanges and projects and whatnot. These days, it’s part of the crypto community. Some positive news. Once again, power ledger. They continue to power forward, pardon the pun. But every week throughout crypto winter, they’ve had good news. And this is the world. First, so choose your own energy source in France so you can actually choose your allocation. Whether or not you want to get your power from solar or wind, they might have a different price. But, you know, you might be happy to pay another cent or two per kilowatt hour if you know that it’s coming from wind instead of coal or a different energy source, for example, or supporting a local wind farm and local jobs. Either way, I just think that the decentralization of the energy grid and being able to do this kind of stuff through software. It’s a really bullish investment theme with everything that’s going on in the world at the moment. Another local company, Horizon State, have put out their update. The takeover by a team, Goggin and the guys sees the new CEO of Horizons to the state talking about what’s going on there. Their aims, how he first got involved and the benefits of the platform. Had had bit of a re-jigger on the website just to give customers an idea about the services that they’re going to be offering and what not. And still, the hope is to use the blockchain or honor token holders in some way. I know they sort of haven’t forgotten about the community and those that really supported them in the early days. They’re synthetics. Another one of my favorite Aussie projects. These guys have added some more equity indices. So the idea here eventually and the reason that I fell in love with this company is that you’re going to be able to trade indexes. At the moment, they’ve got the footsie and the Nicci eventually. Hopefully it will be the Australian stock market. The US markets, they’ve also looking to add oil, I believe, very soon. So they work with chainlink to get price feeds. Then they create these synthetic assets and it’s almost like a decentralized broker or trading platform. So at the moment there’s not a lot of liquidity there and it’s still a little bit, you know, hard for the beginning user. You need to understand mega-mosque and all that is going to get easier as we go forward. And it’s very exciting to see this is a sort of stuff that’s going to underpin the crypto markets and the world of DFI is exploding. We do have a bitcoin grant. So if you guys don’t know how these worked. Basically, if you donate a dollar to our grant, it’ll be matched by the smart contract anywhere up to $100 in some instances. So you send us a dollar if you’ve got to get going to account or anyone can donate and you you might end up sending over 100 dollars our way. So at the moment, I think we’ve raised a couple of hundred dollars thanks to. They donated our largest donation so far. But this is going to go towards me being able to pay someone to do more research for you guys for our free public. A theorem, a monthly update episode. Now one of the busiest daps who has been working hard in the off fear and community. This was some research from sentiment. All our favorites on the list here, projects that I really love. Aragón is one that Tim Draper invested a million dollars in recently. I’ll give you a bit of a tip. As members know, this is one that I added to my portfolio a couple of months ago and has performed extremely well. A MRGO. They’ve had a bit of a comeback recently, which is great to see. Sentiment also put out a research piece for paid members only. Now, obviously I subscribe to a range of pay research and I can’t share it all for free. That wouldn’t be fair, but a Macie go was top of the list on the projects that they are most bullish on from all their fundamental research. So if you want that, we do have some links and some discounts for everyone, for the public. And again, members, you guys get bigger discounts with all our affiliates Coinbase who invested a million dollars in pull together the De-centralized Lottery. I’ve done a tutorial on that. It’s very cool. There’s no losers because of the way the DFI works and Eudy swap as well. So Coinbase are definitely going to be looking to integrate more and more of these projects. And their app is going to have ways for people to earn rewards without even knowing that they’re using crypto theorem. The dice table coin, for example, and that is where the next wave of people come into the crypto world. Shapeshift have enabled customers to buy with crypto debit cards as well. Sorry, by crypto with your debit card, it’s never been easy to buy crypto. And I’ll talk about in a second how my thesis on how the next bull market is going to play out. Australian crypto exchange coin spot of one this ISO security accreditation. So this is basically one of the top standards in the world for securing digital systems in crypto. Basically saying that, yes, their cold storage methods, how they do everything, setting it up and off line, their crypto is is very safe. So awesome to say. Obviously, if you know how to set up your own hardware device, that is safer, but we’re getting more and more of these, I guess, practices and standards in place. So hacks are going to be less likely in future and coin spot. You guys know that we do work with them. We like them. They recently put out those D5 bandos, a great Aussie exchange. Right. REPL have engineered a way for private transactions to take place on X up a ledger. Again, I’m not sure how that’s going to work. REPL to me is someone that wants to really comply with all financial regulations and at the moment regulators aren’t real crash hot on privacy. So hopefully we get more details about that. Sam and I will talk about that when we next get together. It’s cool to see privacy basically coming to all the top three assets now. Bitcoin, a cerium ex-hubby, also a nuther Costa custody firm, Anchorage Trust Company. These guys are one of the original members of Libra as well. Adding LSP to their list of cust. The assets for their institutional clients and finance have been moving and shaking. And it’s these sort of downtimes in the market where we see a lot of acquisitions happen, 400 million dollars for quite a market cap. Look, I think that’s a lot of money. I think quite market cap is slightly less reville relevant than it was back in 2017 when retail investors were checking coie market cap one hundred times a day. But I think finance knows that it gets a lot of eyeballs and actually more traffic than the Bonanni Web site. So hopefully they do the right thing and they don’t end up fudging numbers. And what not depends on how much you trust Bonanni. I guess they have partnered up with FDX who have a volume monitor that calls out all the B.S.. So yeah, hopefully they’re going to work together and we get some more accurate numbers from quite market cap. A lot of people have asked about alternatives. KOIN GEKO is probably the leading alternative to Koine Market Cap. There’s heaps of them out there these days that actually have more digital assets as well. So KOIN Gecko if you’re interested, or Missouri is the other one I like the bitcoin cash halving is actually in three days. In eight hours now. So what’s that? It’s going to be about 1 a.m. Australian time in a couple of days on late Wednesday night. I think this is going to be a bit of a preview. We will see some fireworks. Whales love to splash around in these other markets. We saw what happened with Litecoin. I’ve done a lot of write ups for members around Bitcoin cash. I did that free video for all you guys about how I see their bitcoin cash hardfor actually affecting the bitcoin hard fork. I believe that bitcoin s.u.v. Hard Fork is the day after this as well. The other thing that a bornand are getting into is by the looks of it now is mining. So mining is going to become less profitable after the halving. I think we’re kind of seeing this real corporatisation of the mining world where those firms with a lot of money, you know, becoming the winners and we’re sifting out those that are unprofitable. So has rights been dropping a bit? I still think the network’s strong. And as soon as we get into a bull market, I think we gonna see far higher prices. And all those miners that have dropped off are going to be profitable and they’re probably going to jump back in. But bonnets have just got a finger in every pie at the moment. All right. So some more research sentiment. They’ve had they have shown us that active addresses continue to climb on Bitcoin and theorem. Despite all this bad news, we are definitely heading in the right direction. It’s very different to that crypto winter in terms than numbers. We’re seeing bitcoin exchanges reporting record amounts of new users this month. So this is only from a few days ago and crack in reporting these huge increases in doubling for some exchanges. So I know a lot of people are at home and Googling what’s going on in the financial world. And some investors are taking Bitcoin far more seriously than they used to because of what’s going on with all the trillions being printed. Our brave browser, a million new users this month alone. If you haven’t got brave, download it. It blocks all the ads. It’s absolutely brilliant. And you can import or you’re bookmarks from Google Chrome. Vitaly has come out and said that he expects a lot of enterprise applications to move to the thearea main net because it’s a great way to disrupt how some of these other trading platforms work. And I completely agree with him. So this is an article by Banquo’s just saying that theorems going to a Wall Street, that whole settlement layer, that’s just software, but software that has a company behind it and exacts and all these people want to make a clip in a fee and it takes time. All these. Be replaced by cerium and it’s already happening. This is a cool little project called Balance. This is a non-custodial portfolio manager, so they can help you balance and create a portfolio on the ethereal minor. Using things like, you know, Yuni Swap and market makers and whatnot. So it’s already here. The technology is just a matter of now. How long does it take to eat? Wall Street’s lunch and capture market share? I am J. We’re very touched on them recently being one of the projects that’s in the top 10 for development on a theorem. But this is a cool little article about everything I’ve learnt from version 1 of on the test net. So Ruxton is one of the theorem test nets where you can play around on and they’ve partnered up with a company. Where was the name of it here? Let’s go back to their blog, Hojo Labs. So they’ve chosen O-M-G for their high throughput transactions. I definitely think that RJ fell out of favor and soda plasma as a scaling solution. But some project hydro crypto currency system. Head over to the MASC Go blog and I have rebooked that interview with the MASC Go team to have them on the channel for good chat very soon. CRM 2.0, the new chain phase. Your multi-client test net likely to go live this month. So it’s all coming together. Metallics been doing some big picture roadmap stuff as well as the move to prove state that’s going to be happening soon. And the older theorem chain that we’re on now is going to continue to be updated. What’s the Theorem 2.0 video I did if for more information on that? We’ve seen this theorem, Enterprise Alliance launched that that test ground for all these different blockchains being interoperable, particularly for the corporate world. And that’s the whole point of the theorem Enterprise Alliance. And we’ve seen so many businesses come there and really trust the ethereal name, its track record and the projects in the technology building on them. Ernst and Young even open sourcing some of their privacy technology, fourth area. So into the final parts of the bitcoin use here we’ve got reveler, which is a huge company only learned about recently, where you can sit in any different fiat currency around the world and move money and it’s very, very low fee if not free. So they’ve rolled out crypto and gold holdings. So much competition. So I talk about the pay powers and the stripes and a lot of competition with all the stable coins to something like LSP. But now we’re seeing these other companies going the other way and getting into crypto and letting their customers pay a bill from the U.S. to Australia by moving bitcoin first and then paying in the currency. Or I just love what is happening, that the banks are getting a massive, massive shake up. And it’s about time the ex royal meat team are providing security for Civic crypto wallets. Once again, FDIC insured. So there’s no excuse anymore for people to say, I don’t know how to set up an account or, you know, I just don’t want to manage it myself. Big, big investors have these trusted, familiar ways and even mobile wallets now that they can get insurance on. So it’s just awesome to watch this happen. And someone like Emily Diosa. Emily, if you’re watching, if you’re friends with Emily, tell her I say gidday. She is the the head of the Australian Taxpayers Alliance. And she came out and said, look, I bought my first bitcoin today. So it’s these professionals from a completely different world who are waking up to bitcoin today. So I just love it. Six thousand likes and plenty read tweets. She couldn’t have imagined the Bitcoin community getting around her. This is the good side of the Bitcoin community. You know, I hate the toxic stuff, the maximalism. The more people we can welcomed with open arms and respect others opinions. The faster this is going to happen. More people are going to come into this space and that is going to push bitcoin off and get rid of those those banks that are fleecing everyone. Finally, if you haven’t listened to this podcast, it was one of pump’s. So it’s on YouTube and he’s off the chain podcast. This is with Shamas Polly Happy TR. So he’s a billionaire. He is the CEO of a venture capital firm, Social Capital. He’s done extremely well. He’s an early adopter, but he’s just so bullish on Bitcoin. He wants the other he said he’s been buying more lately, but everything that Bitcoin was designed for, he’s happening trillions of dollars. You can’t make this stuff up. Negative views. Banks failing. We saw more withdrawal limits in places like Egypt this week. It is just the perfect, perfect recipe for Bitcoin to go up now in the short term. I know it’s been painful. This is what I’m watching now. Last week we did have another falling wedge playing out. Sure enough, once that did break down, we got a decent trade there, but it got bought up. And I think that shows that there’s a natural buying pressure that’s picking up. My theory was that we got down this low because the cascade and the liquidations of BMX, I don’t think that this was fair value and it didn’t even get down this low on some other exchanges. So you are very lucky to pick Bitcoin up under $4000. That the thing that was different from this rising wedge to what we’re watching now is, you know, during the top, we didn’t really see much buying activity from the bulls. Now, that’s kind of changed a bit lately. And I think we do have a. Better chance of breaking up rather than down. See, as we get towards the top of the wedge here, we’ve actually got bullish volume increasing. So I still think it’s it’s a bit of a 50/50 at the moment. Only experienced traders should be trading this. You know, it wouldn’t surprise me to see another fight break down and then whipsaw higher. We’ve had some big whipsaw is up. And we know that this is the the weekly resistance that I’ve got marked on here, the three lines. So we do have that resistance overhead once we get through there. If we can come back and retest it, I just think that that sets up a very, very strong launch ramp, as the Harvey is now only, you know, thirty five, thirty six days away, something like that. So how painful has it been, guys, since we got this teaser, this huge rip up to forty thousand dollars and we’ve gone all the way back down to three, but really in the grand scheme of things, let’s just finish off by looking at a bail X on that really long term time frame. Let’s go on that long shot there. Nothing much has changed. I know it looks and feels like this is really horrible, but, you know, in a few years time when hopefully we are somewhere right up here. No one’s going to remember this week and this cycle is going to look very, very similar to previous cycles in terms of our altcoins. Let’s just finish off on eigth here. This has all been really healthy. Still big picture stuff. Eith tends to be a good barometer for altcoins if we’d go from the bottom here to the top. We’ve had a perfect retracement into that sixty one point eight Fibonacci there. So this is what I want to hold. Nice weeks and buy here if we can hold that. I think that gives us a great chance for altcoins to really be strong performance here. But lately it’s been all about bitcoin. All eyes, the new money. That’s where it’s going to go. There’s a lot of interest in DFI as well. But I think we need bitcoin to make a really positive, decisive move and then we can let these other projects play out. So, guys, there’s plenty happening there. Don’t forget to get your friends over to our free education. If you want more, we’ve got our premium community. It’s absolutely awesome to see that you guys are respecting each other. The conversations in there, it’s been fantastic. So I hope you’ve enjoyed that video as always, guys. Place it there like bundes. Subscribe to an already. Share these around and I’ll talk to you again soon. Geez.
source https://www.cryptosharks.net/bitcoin-finance-global-news-april-2020/ source https://cryptosharks1.blogspot.com/2020/04/bitcoin-cryptocurrency-finance-global.html
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heatherrdavis1 · 4 years
Bitcoin Cryptocurrency Finance & Global News April 5th 2020
Hi, guys. Thanks, Virginia. Another set of Nuggets news. Well, another huge Newsweek we’ve got so much of that macro news to get through as well as all the crypto headlines. We do welcome a couple of thousand new subscribers again this week. It’s great to see the channel growing. And I know plenty of you introducing your friends and family into this world and learning for the first time. So just reminder, we’ve got a range of free resources. I know we often use all these different terms. So we’ve got a glossary as well as in-depth guides on everything over on our Web site. And we’re building out that resources hub every day. We’ve also got our premium community. We get all our extra research in my daily write-ups and you get to be part of our discussions that we have every day around everything from what’s going on in the world finance and swallows everything in the crypto community. So that’s available as well. Here’s a sample of our premium research. These are the five projects that we covered in depth this month and you get all these reports emailed to you as well as daily emails to keep up to date as well. All right. So let’s get into the local news. And I want to, I guess, start off by saying that this is a huge positive, that the curve has flattened to some degree in Australia. But it’s really important that we don’t celebrate too early. And what I really want to highlight to people today is the curve of these unknown local infections is still growing exponentially. So we might have had that first wave of all the people returning from overseas. And now, because we didn’t go into a really strict lockdown for weeks, we had a lot of, you know, hairdressers, schools, this, that and the others to open it was allowed to spread through the community. And this is what is really troubling. This is just New South Wales and this is growing at 10 per cent a day. So that is what we need to get on top of. If that starts to flatten out, then we can certainly start to be more positive about the future. So more than 400 cases have been confirmed just from the Ruby Princess cruise ship alone. This week we had the leaked emails coming out that the New South Wales health authorities, they knew that those 100 passengers on board that were symptomatic, but they decided to let everyone off anyway. So I’m sure some heads are going to roll there, but hopefully this doesn’t get worse, because if it all comes back to what happened here and the failures of the authorities. That is a really, really bad look. Now, other countries like Singapore have got it under control, but even they are experiencing a bit of a second wave. China have had some outbreaks. You know, we don’t really believe the numbers coming out there. But other countries that people were saying, oh, look at what they’ve done. Even they are having to go back into more stricter measures. So it’s not like once that curve flattens, you just past the worst of it. Really important to understand. Now, I certainly do agree with people that are saying that some of the measures that have gone and been put in place are often, you know, quietly have gone too far. So we’ve got everything from police drones now monitoring people, big fines and arrests. I do think everyone does need to adhere to these social distancing and the quarantines for the time being. If they get too extreme when everything is going really well, then, yes, we’ll start to ask questions. And even the Australian police have said that they will repeal some of these new laws and rules and what not. So that’s a positive sign. But do we really need to be doing this? Cell phone tracking this week, Google and Facebook started handing over all our tracking data to authorities. And this really is becoming that surveillance state spy cameras and public doxing and whatnot. So, Alex gladstein, humans rights activists, we are going to have him on the channel soon. But this is the questions. And I understand why people have got all these different theories, because what is going on and how sudden it’s all happened is actually pretty scary. So now it becomes about supporting people financially if we’re telling them that they’re not allowed to go to work and what not. And I was critical that Australia weren’t doing enough soon enough. And this week we got to, you know, a lot more stimulus. So this is far bigger than anything back in the GFC. This is equivalent to 10 per cent of our GDP, our economy. But now we need to make sure that it gets into the hands in the pockets of those that need it most. And this is where we start to have these arguments about, well, is this like QE in America that it just went to the banks versus how much is actually getting to people. So we’re very quick to bail out these airlines. You know, $5.6 billion. Our Australian taxpayers going to be happy with this or should they get a share? You know, if we’re gonna bail out these companies, why shouldn’t we get, you know, equity in these companies so that when they get back up and running and profiting, we are the ones that benefit. It’s not just back to the old big corporate exact bonuses and, you know, huge dividends and whatnot. You’ve already privatized all those profits and. And once again, socializing those losses. Now, not everyone is fitting the criteria. So really unfortunate where we have a lot of what you would consider Ozzies people from overseas that have lived here for a while. And the Prime Minister’s told visitors and what not to sort of make your way home. Now, some people that move here, they need to say that they’ve got enough to support themselves in case these things happened. But I know we’re hearing a lot of stories of people that don’t qualify for some of these support bonuses that are pretty much Ozzies, by every way. We do look at it. So let me know those stories down below when you think about all this as well. Now, the banks have said they’re going to give a one time mortgage payment break to some of the mortgage holders. If you actually dig down a bit deeper, I think this was the equivalent of something like 40 or $50. Because if you delay these loans and these breaks you want not they all still accrue interest. So this is the headline that banks put out because they want to get all the good publicity. But you know, it really in the grand scheme of things, they’re not really doing you any favors at all. It’s always going to be a profit for them. Now, overseas, we’ve seen some of the banks be forced and told to cut their dividends and to cut bonuses and even salaries and whatnot. So you don’t touch the dividends in Australia. You know, that’s you know, that’s sacred to a lot of investors, particularly around the banks and property in that as well. So at the moment, offer a saying that bank dividends could be an issue for boards and there’s going to be some very tough decisions there. So let’s see if Australia follows suit after other countries set the rules and set a tone to say no more dividends if you’re going to be getting these bailouts. Now, superannuation funds are pleading for liquidity and support. So it’s this term liquidity that’s really frustrating me. It’s a bailout. If something was worth a certain price, there’d be another investor that was willing to buy. But because we’ve pumped everything up with all this funny money, as soon as something starts to go down, there’s people that want to redeem their investment funds or their super or whatnot. And there’s just there’s no buyers at any price. And now they’re saying, oh, please bail us out as well. So what ends and what means do we go to the central banks, go to the governments, go to hopefully people are getting educated around all this stuff because I just think it’s going to bring about a lot of political change and hopefully a new financial system as well. David Lindsay, we’re talking about triple A property only ever goes up. And we heard all those Australian terms, but now property investors want their version of the job caper. You know, if you bought 10 investment properties and you leveraged up what not, as soon as there’s no tenant, you can’t just cry poor. And these people that have got no assets and no job and they can’t afford the roof of the house. They’re the ones that need to be getting that first set of stimulus. So, yeah, these investors that have got all these properties that are crying poor, hopefully they can freeze their payments, you know. But we just can’t bail out everyone, particularly the wealthy that have all these assets. You know, investing is risky. Now, it’s funny that Australian BET company Betfair actually put out a combination of the two things that Aussies love, property and gambling. So you can actually bet on the housing market. And the reason I thought this was actually quite funny, because it’s it’s hard to short the Australian property market, even some of the investment products compared to in America and some, you know, the apps like a and that we don’t have good ways to short the housing market in Australia. So if you were to sell your property and there’s no buyers and there’s less auctions in that system in a liquid market using an app and actually betting could be a good way to hedge your investment from from going down. And it’s crazy to think that that’s kind of what it’s come to in Australia. And maybe that’s why Betfair have got into this market was they see a lot of demands. Now, another asset or commodity that’s really important to Australia, all our gold and silver and other resources. A hundred seventy six mines globally being shut down. So this is going to affect the streams of precious metals. We’ve spoken about the shortages in Australia and around the world really to get physical metal when these premiums. So I did a video last week, a week before about Hakan Arbitrages this opportunity. And this shows it really well. This is the price of a silver coin as well as the spot price of silver. And they only track pretty closely. But when the price of silver tanked and went down, the premiums actually went up. And you can see the percentage premium here just behind me. It jumped from, you know, 10 or 20 per cent. That’s normally how much extra you’d pay, jumped up to 80 per cent or still sitting between 50 per cent and 100 per cent now. So these 12 dollar silver price, you know, you’re actually paying $24 double. For a coin so you can exploit that using E Tauro buying the ETF gold, watch that tutorial if you want more information about it. And we’re still running that deal. It’s been very popular. We have extended it because so many of you have taken us up on this one hundred dollar free Bitcoin offer, because the reason we partnered with these guys is because you can short the Australian stock market very easily. You know, gold and silver bonds, investment bonds, junk bonds, all these products that you can trade very easily, which aren’t normally available to Australian investors and traders. Now, a bit of a positive here from the fall in oil price. Ninety nine cents per litre in Tazzy. That’s as lows as I’ve seen it since I was a kid. And plenty of you told me that it’s far lower in other states. So the lows we saw yesterday was 49 cents a litre. I think that was in Adelaide, but really amazing. So in Tazzy, the average price was still nearly a dollar. Sixty a litre wholesale cost 90 cents per litre. So, yeah, there’s big margins there. It was great that one little petrol station owner sacrificed his profit. He felt sorry for a man that’s lost jobs. Yeah, there are still good people out there. That’s a lot of these petrol places are ripping you off. Our fellows. You want to trade oil. U.S.O. is the ETF that you can trade on a Tauro for zero fees. All right. So Putin and Saudi Arabia, we’ve still got this tension that’s keeping the price of oil low. And Putin really plays everything like chess, you know, turning it between the Saudis and the US, trying to crush US shale. That whiteboard video, hopefully it’s coming out this week and then explain all that in great detail. And who would’ve thought of negative oil prices? So there’s lots of different types of oil or grades of oil, depending on how much refining it needs and blending and whatnot. And one type here. seÃor the price actually turn negative. They’ve got so much it’s going to cost them actually so much to store that they’d rather give it away or even pay people to take it off their hands. You know, if you had told someone negative oil prices would exist, they wouldn’t believe you. But that’s just the upside down world of investing we live in these days. This is the change in high yield credit spreads. So normally we’ve got these, you know, US Treasury bonds very safe, then corporate’s and then high yield risky bonds. And I did the video. I might link that down below about how this spreads really compressed and you weren’t getting paid much extra to take a heat, more risk. Well, that’s all blown out again now. And energy sector in particular, it’s jumped fifteen hundred basis points, so 15 per cent. So suddenly junk bonds that were maybe, you know, four or five per cent the yield on a junk bond. Now it’s 20 per cent. It’s so, so risky. And as $171 billion of those in a higher risk of default. So let’s have a look here. This article saying that could start to attract the big investors back in because those youths are so high, particularly when you compare it to an S&P or other stockmarket earnings and what not actually saw this article saying it could attract people back into the stock market because stock prices have now fallen so far that relatively that yield is now attractive. So, again, less people actually having to chase those junk bonds to get a good yield because stock prices have fallen so far. But the Fed, once again, they swoop in and say, well, we’ll just buy it. We’ll just buy these investment grade bonds were buying us treasury bonds. And sure enough, the investment grade bonds that all these companies issued, they said, well, if you’re going to buy all these, then we’ll issue them and you see this huge spike. So $270 billion of investment grade bonds were issued because they companies know the Fed is going to bail them out and give them free money. Don’t fight the Fed. And this was something that I mentioned. If you’ll get us short junk bonds or whatever, you have to be aware that this was the possibility. I think David mentioned this last week that it was likely we’d see the Fed come in and buy these. And sure enough, if you were shorting this, well, you know, the Fed basically wrecked you because your thesis was right, your research was right. But the Fed came in. There’s no such thing as a free market and they’re just buying things that should be going broke. So you should’ve made money if you were shorting, but maybe you got stopped out. We did see a short squeeze there. Now, the Fed of also had to step in because foreigners are dumping a record amount of US treasuries over $100 billion there. They’ve launched these repo facilities because they’re giving the Australian Central Bank US dollars. But so many investors are demanding US dollars around the world. All these different countries are just watching, you know, the Aussie dollar or whatever their local currency is. So they want US dollars and there’s not enough in the world. I did a long video about that on Friday night. If you want more information, but in dollar terms, Q1 of this year has seen a record amount of fallen angels, as they call it. So these investment grade bonds have been downgraded to high yields, around 150 billion dollars. So this is the sort of junk bond market that’s around a trillion dollars. And that’s where people are wondering, you know, is the Fed going to go there next and stop buying junk? Now, some of these companies that were issuing the junk were all these oil drillers. And this is what frustrates me, like we’re talking about before with the airlines getting the bailed out after they’ve had all those buybacks and huge bonuses. Five days before this shale or exploration company went bust, the exacts paid themselves 15 million dollars in bonuses and now they won’t be bailed out. So you guys, hopefully you are enjoying all this investing education if you do want to structure your own super and long term investments. We’ve got that partnership with New Brighton Capital. They’ve got a free consultation. Take advantage of that. Mike’s going to be on the show this week. We did try to record it last week, but the Australian Internet was a bit strange. We’re gonna be talking about how you can take out some money from your super. How that works, whether or not you should even do it. Is that a good idea? So, yeah, New Brighton Capital, a great friend of the channel and members. You guys get an even bigger discount as well. Now, let’s talk about the actual case numbers here. 1.2 million. The death ratio has increased, but we know that’s because we’ve got so many people that are just not being tested. Now, it’s kind of overwhelming the system. So, look, that’s not the actual fatality rate of the disease. Hopefully we’re going to have far more rapid or widespread testing in the coming weeks as we have those new formulation tests being rolled out. But either way, we have to admit that globally, you know, this is still growing cases and deaths on a logarithmic scale. So there’s no real reason to celebrate yet. You know, this can still run through countries, developing nations. And Sweden was another one where people were saying, oh, look, you know, they’re being really sensible. They haven’t gone into lockdown. And sure enough, I think that they’ve got more deaths than a lot of these other neighboring countries combined. So they’ve had to bite the bullet and go into lockdown now. India are actually trying to sue China for, you know, Corona virus, what it’s done to their economy and whatnot. This is a country that I’m really worried about where social distancing is basically impossible. So fingers crossed for those developing nations. A very harsh approach by the Philippines leader here ordering police to shoot, shoot dead, anyone that’s violating that, the lockdown orders there. So, again, human rights really being trampled with everything that’s going on. But these tensions between the US and China is where the trade walkin’ far up again. So half a million Chinese people entered America over those recent couple of months. And that’s probably how we had a really widespread throughout the community. COVA cases before they even started testing in America. Now, a lot of people were comparing these different stats and saying, you know, the flu kills this many people a year and what not. But it’s very clear now Cauvin, 19, is the third leading cause of death in the US now that we’re actually breaking it down into per day. Now, that’s up to 13:00 today. Time recording. If it keeps growing at 10 percent a day, it’s probably gonna be the leading cause of death by the end of next week. It’s just insane and people are still comparing it to other diseases in other countries around the world, hunger and things like that. But guys, this is a disease that needs a lot of care and attention. It strains the hospitals. It’s contagious. It’s spreading and 10 percent a day. You know, it’s not fair to make these other comparisons. It’s a bit of a stretch. This is something that we can prevent and get on top of. Within a few weeks, if we all come together and do it well, we don’t want to be the leading cause of deaths in every country if it’s preventable. So Donald Trump has definitely changed his tune. This week, he’s actually come out and said that he won’t be wearing a face mask, even though the CDC actually backflipped and said that they don’t wear masks. They can even make it worse. And now they’ve said, well, yeah, we recommend everyone wear masks. Funnily enough, in Australia, they’re still saying that don’t wear masks, they don’t work. So, look, some polls are saying that Donald Trump has really surged in terms of his leadership. I try and keep these videos politically neutral, but it was interesting that FDX have got the presidential election tokens ways for people to bet or trade on the outcomes of different presidents. It doesn’t look like he wants to load here, but Joe Biden has really jumped up in the polls and. Trump has fallen so at one stage. Trump was around 50, 65 percent, I think, and it struck down to about a 50/50 rating at the moment. Some of those videos coming out about Biden. He doesn’t talk well from what I’ve seen. So I’m not sure what FDX isn’t loading there, guys, but dumb head over there. Check out the presidential odds, if you like. Okay. So Matt, BARRIE here has come out with an interesting tweet about this personal protective equipment. And Australia has banned exporting of all this equipment back to China. But I don’t think we realize that China actually make all this. And they’re probably going to stop exporting to us if if they don’t like the games that we’re playing. The US has invoked that defense act as well, blocking the export of masks to Canada and Germany. So people have different stockpiles. A lot of manufacturers have now started making cotton mask, 3D printed masks. It’s great to see these other businesses that are really pivoting ventilators and that as well to really give the healthcare workers what they need in this time. A lot of research going on. Forty nine diagnostic tests, 30 different treatments in clinical trials are five vaccines. The world has really focused all the smartest minds on this problem. And I’m really hopeful that we’re going to have some solutions. And as you throw mice in combination with the hydroxy chloroquine and zinc as well, that looks pretty promising. So compared to where we were two weeks ago, I certainly think there’s reasons to be positive. But we’ve just got to flatten that worldwide, spread that curve next. So the US labour market is in freefall, 10 million Americans filed in two weeks. You guys know that our predicted unemployment would likely hit 10 per cent in the next two weeks. And it looks like we’re gonna be pretty on the ball with that number. We won’t get the Australian stats for a couple of weeks because they take their time compared to the US, but simply jaw jaw dropping numbers, 3 million last week blew everyone away and now 6.6 million. This week we’re seeing these lines. I mean, what do you say? There’s these people lining up in their cars for five hours at a time and then food banks was still running out. People live paycheck to paycheck. I think the studies, 70 per cent of Americans don’t have $400 for emergency. And now this is the emergency. People can’t eat. I hope that they do their best to get that money in the hands of the American people. We’re hearing horror stories like this might take, you know, weeks or months to get it through this system. So I hope they sort that out the same in Australia with the Centrelink lines. Great to see someone like Jeff Bezos donating $100 million to help feed Americans. I don’t know about you guys, but it frustrates me when people say, oh, he’s worth X billion dollars. This is only point one percent. One hundred million dollars is $100 million. If he didn’t give that, now that’s a huge amount of people that might not be getting fed and whatnot. So you just realize when people are wealthy, they have that wealth tied up in a lot of assets. They can’t just sell at all. And sometimes the numbers are twisted to speak. Tankful $100 million is doing a lot more than most people out there like US box office sales. This is a fantastic example of the reality for so many businesses. 204 million dollars of sales on the same week last year dropped to $5000. So basically every cinema is shut. Is this an industry that’s going to bounce back once more and more people, you know, get familiar with their Netflix and all the different options you have these days? The home cinema is I think going to movies is still an experience for, you know, a big box office smash movie. But there’s going to be a lot of changes that come about from what’s going on. Small businesses, again, a lot of these people are now learning that they are not eligible for these bailout loans in Australia. I know the measures that we’ve put in place. Some businesses don’t have enough money to pay the wages to the staff or a few weeks, even if they know the government is eventually going to pay them back in and backdate it. So we’re running into these issues in the real world. And that’s where I really hope that we can sort those out and and have these discussions, because it’s not a perfect system. And I know they’re scrambling to do everything they can in a short period of time. This is another one where tensions are flaring between the landlords. We’ve just seen a lot of businesses say refusing to pay rent, and that puts a strain on the landlord. A lot of those are investors. Some of these people have now gone to banks and the banks themselves, like Wells Fargo, is scaling back on their different refinancing. So at the end of the day, even though, you know, the Fed or the RBA in Australia sort of printed this money and made it available. To the banks to give out loans, the banks still don’t want to give out bad loans. So we’ve heard stories in Australia of mortgage customers go into the bank and trying to refinance or even apply for that six month freeze. The bank says, well, you’re going to have your job back at the end of the six months. And they say, well, you know, I don’t know. And they say, well, sorry, we’re not going to refinance or freezing line. We’re not confident you can pay this back at the end of this period of time. So some of those stats I’ve read were anywhere between 30 and 50 percent of loans being rejected. So I’m sure the government is going to have to do something to make it directly available, because that is going to bring down the housing market. The corporate property market as well. Those are the leases and whatnot. There’s a lot of chapters of this story to play out yet. I guess that’s the message that I want to get across. And a few days after the Fed came out and told us that all U.S. banks are strong, there’s going to be no failures. We’ve seen the first bank go under. So this was an FDIC insured bank. We know they don’t actually have enough money to insure all deposits on all banks. If we saw, you know, a wide collapse, but the Fed began to print money to oblivion, to infinity before they actually allow these banks to collapse. So I don’t think the banking system collapse is now the main worry. I think it’s the the inflation that’s going to come from printing so much money down the line. Goldman have warned of the significant adverse impacts on stocks. It was basically buybacks that that kept that stock market roaring and then a retail sort of blow off top towards the end here. And we’re seeing massive, massive numbers in terms of the corporate that won’t be there. So we’re talking, you know, billions or trillions of dollars of buybacks that aren’t going to be propping up stocks anymore. So the world’s largest hedge fund might have to sell their assets. Now, this is Norway. They’ve got a 25 billion dollar withdrawal that they need to make in order to pay some of their bills. So a trillion dollars neily of assets under management. These are the, you know, the Swain’s and what not. Some of these guys have been printing money out of thin air to buy stocks. But the difference here is that the U.S. can continue to do that without, you know, their dollar sort of plunging. They can print money and prop up stocks and assets, whereas someone like like Norway. Other countries around the world, they can’t necessarily just just keep printing money to prop up these other assets because their currency is far more likely to enter this death spiral around the world. And that’s where the U.S. dollar having this privilege is upsetting people and is leading to a new financial system. Again, I spoke about any more detail on the Friday night video. Warren Buffet, watch what they do, not what they say. So not that long ago, only a few weeks when Warren Buffet said he won’t be selling any airline stocks. And just this week, we saw the numbers in where Berkshire Hathaway, his fund, have sold out. A lot of us companies, including airlines there. So whether or not he says all that’s my fund or me personally, why put this mission message out in public and portray that you’re not going to be selling airlines if you turn around and sell airlines? Now, these are the forecasts that are coming out from some of the leading analysts in the banks, Morgan Stanley here. And this is what we kind of, I think, still expecting a lot of ways that people are going to see this V-shaped recovery, that it’s going to get bad. Grew GDP might go down 4 per cent, 5 per cent for a quarter. Then we can have a huge rebound because all this demand is going to be there. But I don’t see that as the case. I see maybe a U-shaped bottom, possibly an L or a slow grind higher. But these systemic issues that have come to the front, I think they need to be solved and people like it by the B.S. that was going on and all the funny money that led to the bubble and caused all these issues. All right. So we’re into the crypto news. We’ve had a number of companies slapped with this lawsuit. So this happened a little while ago now yesterday. And the market didn’t really react badly. So I don’t think that this is something to be worried about. You know, it’s the usual stuff. A lot of these allegations are thrown around and it just takes so long. They’re going to be delayed, pushed back. How do you get all these companies in the one room from Kilcoyne to Tron to iOS and BLOCK, one of Verde had one settlement there. So, look, I don’t think this is anything to be too worried about at the moment. But yeah, there’s always investors trying to sue exchanges and projects and whatnot. These days, it’s part of the crypto community. Some positive news. Once again, power ledger. They continue to power forward, pardon the pun. But every week throughout crypto winter, they’ve had good news. And this is the world. First, so choose your own energy source in France so you can actually choose your allocation. Whether or not you want to get your power from solar or wind, they might have a different price. But, you know, you might be happy to pay another cent or two per kilowatt hour if you know that it’s coming from wind instead of coal or a different energy source, for example, or supporting a local wind farm and local jobs. Either way, I just think that the decentralization of the energy grid and being able to do this kind of stuff through software. It’s a really bullish investment theme with everything that’s going on in the world at the moment. Another local company, Horizon State, have put out their update. The takeover by a team, Goggin and the guys sees the new CEO of Horizons to the state talking about what’s going on there. Their aims, how he first got involved and the benefits of the platform. Had had bit of a re-jigger on the website just to give customers an idea about the services that they’re going to be offering and what not. And still, the hope is to use the blockchain or honor token holders in some way. I know they sort of haven’t forgotten about the community and those that really supported them in the early days. They’re synthetics. Another one of my favorite Aussie projects. These guys have added some more equity indices. So the idea here eventually and the reason that I fell in love with this company is that you’re going to be able to trade indexes. At the moment, they’ve got the footsie and the Nicci eventually. Hopefully it will be the Australian stock market. The US markets, they’ve also looking to add oil, I believe, very soon. So they work with chainlink to get price feeds. Then they create these synthetic assets and it’s almost like a decentralized broker or trading platform. So at the moment there’s not a lot of liquidity there and it’s still a little bit, you know, hard for the beginning user. You need to understand mega-mosque and all that is going to get easier as we go forward. And it’s very exciting to see this is a sort of stuff that’s going to underpin the crypto markets and the world of DFI is exploding. We do have a bitcoin grant. So if you guys don’t know how these worked. Basically, if you donate a dollar to our grant, it’ll be matched by the smart contract anywhere up to $100 in some instances. So you send us a dollar if you’ve got to get going to account or anyone can donate and you you might end up sending over 100 dollars our way. So at the moment, I think we’ve raised a couple of hundred dollars thanks to. They donated our largest donation so far. But this is going to go towards me being able to pay someone to do more research for you guys for our free public. A theorem, a monthly update episode. Now one of the busiest daps who has been working hard in the off fear and community. This was some research from sentiment. All our favorites on the list here, projects that I really love. Aragón is one that Tim Draper invested a million dollars in recently. I’ll give you a bit of a tip. As members know, this is one that I added to my portfolio a couple of months ago and has performed extremely well. A MRGO. They’ve had a bit of a comeback recently, which is great to see. Sentiment also put out a research piece for paid members only. Now, obviously I subscribe to a range of pay research and I can’t share it all for free. That wouldn’t be fair, but a Macie go was top of the list on the projects that they are most bullish on from all their fundamental research. So if you want that, we do have some links and some discounts for everyone, for the public. And again, members, you guys get bigger discounts with all our affiliates Coinbase who invested a million dollars in pull together the De-centralized Lottery. I’ve done a tutorial on that. It’s very cool. There’s no losers because of the way the DFI works and Eudy swap as well. So Coinbase are definitely going to be looking to integrate more and more of these projects. And their app is going to have ways for people to earn rewards without even knowing that they’re using crypto theorem. The dice table coin, for example, and that is where the next wave of people come into the crypto world. Shapeshift have enabled customers to buy with crypto debit cards as well. Sorry, by crypto with your debit card, it’s never been easy to buy crypto. And I’ll talk about in a second how my thesis on how the next bull market is going to play out. Australian crypto exchange coin spot of one this ISO security accreditation. So this is basically one of the top standards in the world for securing digital systems in crypto. Basically saying that, yes, their cold storage methods, how they do everything, setting it up and off line, their crypto is is very safe. So awesome to say. Obviously, if you know how to set up your own hardware device, that is safer, but we’re getting more and more of these, I guess, practices and standards in place. So hacks are going to be less likely in future and coin spot. You guys know that we do work with them. We like them. They recently put out those D5 bandos, a great Aussie exchange. Right. REPL have engineered a way for private transactions to take place on X up a ledger. Again, I’m not sure how that’s going to work. REPL to me is someone that wants to really comply with all financial regulations and at the moment regulators aren’t real crash hot on privacy. So hopefully we get more details about that. Sam and I will talk about that when we next get together. It’s cool to see privacy basically coming to all the top three assets now. Bitcoin, a cerium ex-hubby, also a nuther Costa custody firm, Anchorage Trust Company. These guys are one of the original members of Libra as well. Adding LSP to their list of cust. The assets for their institutional clients and finance have been moving and shaking. And it’s these sort of downtimes in the market where we see a lot of acquisitions happen, 400 million dollars for quite a market cap. Look, I think that’s a lot of money. I think quite market cap is slightly less reville relevant than it was back in 2017 when retail investors were checking coie market cap one hundred times a day. But I think finance knows that it gets a lot of eyeballs and actually more traffic than the Bonanni Web site. So hopefully they do the right thing and they don’t end up fudging numbers. And what not depends on how much you trust Bonanni. I guess they have partnered up with FDX who have a volume monitor that calls out all the B.S.. So yeah, hopefully they’re going to work together and we get some more accurate numbers from quite market cap. A lot of people have asked about alternatives. KOIN GEKO is probably the leading alternative to Koine Market Cap. There’s heaps of them out there these days that actually have more digital assets as well. So KOIN Gecko if you’re interested, or Missouri is the other one I like the bitcoin cash halving is actually in three days. In eight hours now. So what’s that? It’s going to be about 1 a.m. Australian time in a couple of days on late Wednesday night. I think this is going to be a bit of a preview. We will see some fireworks. Whales love to splash around in these other markets. We saw what happened with Litecoin. I’ve done a lot of write ups for members around Bitcoin cash. I did that free video for all you guys about how I see their bitcoin cash hardfor actually affecting the bitcoin hard fork. I believe that bitcoin s.u.v. Hard Fork is the day after this as well. The other thing that a bornand are getting into is by the looks of it now is mining. So mining is going to become less profitable after the halving. I think we’re kind of seeing this real corporatisation of the mining world where those firms with a lot of money, you know, becoming the winners and we’re sifting out those that are unprofitable. So has rights been dropping a bit? I still think the network’s strong. And as soon as we get into a bull market, I think we gonna see far higher prices. And all those miners that have dropped off are going to be profitable and they’re probably going to jump back in. But bonnets have just got a finger in every pie at the moment. All right. So some more research sentiment. They’ve had they have shown us that active addresses continue to climb on Bitcoin and theorem. Despite all this bad news, we are definitely heading in the right direction. It’s very different to that crypto winter in terms than numbers. We’re seeing bitcoin exchanges reporting record amounts of new users this month. So this is only from a few days ago and crack in reporting these huge increases in doubling for some exchanges. So I know a lot of people are at home and Googling what’s going on in the financial world. And some investors are taking Bitcoin far more seriously than they used to because of what’s going on with all the trillions being printed. Our brave browser, a million new users this month alone. If you haven’t got brave, download it. It blocks all the ads. It’s absolutely brilliant. And you can import or you’re bookmarks from Google Chrome. Vitaly has come out and said that he expects a lot of enterprise applications to move to the thearea main net because it’s a great way to disrupt how some of these other trading platforms work. And I completely agree with him. So this is an article by Banquo’s just saying that theorems going to a Wall Street, that whole settlement layer, that’s just software, but software that has a company behind it and exacts and all these people want to make a clip in a fee and it takes time. All these. Be replaced by cerium and it’s already happening. This is a cool little project called Balance. This is a non-custodial portfolio manager, so they can help you balance and create a portfolio on the ethereal minor. Using things like, you know, Yuni Swap and market makers and whatnot. So it’s already here. The technology is just a matter of now. How long does it take to eat? Wall Street’s lunch and capture market share? I am J. We’re very touched on them recently being one of the projects that’s in the top 10 for development on a theorem. But this is a cool little article about everything I’ve learnt from version 1 of on the test net. So Ruxton is one of the theorem test nets where you can play around on and they’ve partnered up with a company. Where was the name of it here? Let’s go back to their blog, Hojo Labs. So they’ve chosen O-M-G for their high throughput transactions. I definitely think that RJ fell out of favor and soda plasma as a scaling solution. But some project hydro crypto currency system. Head over to the MASC Go blog and I have rebooked that interview with the MASC Go team to have them on the channel for good chat very soon. CRM 2.0, the new chain phase. Your multi-client test net likely to go live this month. So it’s all coming together. Metallics been doing some big picture roadmap stuff as well as the move to prove state that’s going to be happening soon. And the older theorem chain that we’re on now is going to continue to be updated. What’s the Theorem 2.0 video I did if for more information on that? We’ve seen this theorem, Enterprise Alliance launched that that test ground for all these different blockchains being interoperable, particularly for the corporate world. And that’s the whole point of the theorem Enterprise Alliance. And we’ve seen so many businesses come there and really trust the ethereal name, its track record and the projects in the technology building on them. Ernst and Young even open sourcing some of their privacy technology, fourth area. So into the final parts of the bitcoin use here we’ve got reveler, which is a huge company only learned about recently, where you can sit in any different fiat currency around the world and move money and it’s very, very low fee if not free. So they’ve rolled out crypto and gold holdings. So much competition. So I talk about the pay powers and the stripes and a lot of competition with all the stable coins to something like LSP. But now we’re seeing these other companies going the other way and getting into crypto and letting their customers pay a bill from the U.S. to Australia by moving bitcoin first and then paying in the currency. Or I just love what is happening, that the banks are getting a massive, massive shake up. And it’s about time the ex royal meat team are providing security for Civic crypto wallets. Once again, FDIC insured. So there’s no excuse anymore for people to say, I don’t know how to set up an account or, you know, I just don’t want to manage it myself. Big, big investors have these trusted, familiar ways and even mobile wallets now that they can get insurance on. So it’s just awesome to watch this happen. And someone like Emily Diosa. Emily, if you’re watching, if you’re friends with Emily, tell her I say gidday. She is the the head of the Australian Taxpayers Alliance. And she came out and said, look, I bought my first bitcoin today. So it’s these professionals from a completely different world who are waking up to bitcoin today. So I just love it. Six thousand likes and plenty read tweets. She couldn’t have imagined the Bitcoin community getting around her. This is the good side of the Bitcoin community. You know, I hate the toxic stuff, the maximalism. The more people we can welcomed with open arms and respect others opinions. The faster this is going to happen. More people are going to come into this space and that is going to push bitcoin off and get rid of those those banks that are fleecing everyone. Finally, if you haven’t listened to this podcast, it was one of pump’s. So it’s on YouTube and he’s off the chain podcast. This is with Shamas Polly Happy TR. So he’s a billionaire. He is the CEO of a venture capital firm, Social Capital. He’s done extremely well. He’s an early adopter, but he’s just so bullish on Bitcoin. He wants the other he said he’s been buying more lately, but everything that Bitcoin was designed for, he’s happening trillions of dollars. You can’t make this stuff up. Negative views. Banks failing. We saw more withdrawal limits in places like Egypt this week. It is just the perfect, perfect recipe for Bitcoin to go up now in the short term. I know it’s been painful. This is what I’m watching now. Last week we did have another falling wedge playing out. Sure enough, once that did break down, we got a decent trade there, but it got bought up. And I think that shows that there’s a natural buying pressure that’s picking up. My theory was that we got down this low because the cascade and the liquidations of BMX, I don’t think that this was fair value and it didn’t even get down this low on some other exchanges. So you are very lucky to pick Bitcoin up under $4000. That the thing that was different from this rising wedge to what we’re watching now is, you know, during the top, we didn’t really see much buying activity from the bulls. Now, that’s kind of changed a bit lately. And I think we do have a. Better chance of breaking up rather than down. See, as we get towards the top of the wedge here, we’ve actually got bullish volume increasing. So I still think it’s it’s a bit of a 50/50 at the moment. Only experienced traders should be trading this. You know, it wouldn’t surprise me to see another fight break down and then whipsaw higher. We’ve had some big whipsaw is up. And we know that this is the the weekly resistance that I’ve got marked on here, the three lines. So we do have that resistance overhead once we get through there. If we can come back and retest it, I just think that that sets up a very, very strong launch ramp, as the Harvey is now only, you know, thirty five, thirty six days away, something like that. So how painful has it been, guys, since we got this teaser, this huge rip up to forty thousand dollars and we’ve gone all the way back down to three, but really in the grand scheme of things, let’s just finish off by looking at a bail X on that really long term time frame. Let’s go on that long shot there. Nothing much has changed. I know it looks and feels like this is really horrible, but, you know, in a few years time when hopefully we are somewhere right up here. No one’s going to remember this week and this cycle is going to look very, very similar to previous cycles in terms of our altcoins. Let’s just finish off on eigth here. This has all been really healthy. Still big picture stuff. Eith tends to be a good barometer for altcoins if we’d go from the bottom here to the top. We’ve had a perfect retracement into that sixty one point eight Fibonacci there. So this is what I want to hold. Nice weeks and buy here if we can hold that. I think that gives us a great chance for altcoins to really be strong performance here. But lately it’s been all about bitcoin. All eyes, the new money. That’s where it’s going to go. There’s a lot of interest in DFI as well. But I think we need bitcoin to make a really positive, decisive move and then we can let these other projects play out. So, guys, there’s plenty happening there. Don’t forget to get your friends over to our free education. If you want more, we’ve got our premium community. It’s absolutely awesome to see that you guys are respecting each other. The conversations in there, it’s been fantastic. So I hope you’ve enjoyed that video as always, guys. Place it there like bundes. Subscribe to an already. Share these around and I’ll talk to you again soon. Geez.
Via https://www.cryptosharks.net/bitcoin-finance-global-news-april-2020/
source https://cryptosharks.weebly.com/blog/bitcoin-cryptocurrency-finance-global-news-april-5th-2020
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jeffrmayhugh · 4 years
Bitcoin, Cryptocurrency, Finance & Global News – April 5th 2020
Hi, guys. Thanks, Virginia. Another set of Nuggets news. Well, another huge Newsweek we’ve got so much of that macro news to get through as well as all the crypto headlines. We do welcome a couple of thousand new subscribers again this week. It’s great to see the channel growing. And I know plenty of you introducing your friends and family into this world and learning for the first time. So just reminder, we’ve got a range of free resources. I know we often use all these different terms. So we’ve got a glossary as well as in-depth guides on everything over on our Web site. And we’re building out that resources hub every day. We’ve also got our premium community. We get all our extra research in my daily write-ups and you get to be part of our discussions that we have every day around everything from what’s going on in the world finance and swallows everything in the crypto community. So that’s available as well. Here’s a sample of our premium research. These are the five projects that we covered in depth this month and you get all these reports emailed to you as well as daily emails to keep up to date as well. All right. So let’s get into the local news. And I want to, I guess, start off by saying that this is a huge positive, that the curve has flattened to some degree in Australia. But it’s really important that we don’t celebrate too early. And what I really want to highlight to people today is the curve of these unknown local infections is still growing exponentially. So we might have had that first wave of all the people returning from overseas. And now, because we didn’t go into a really strict lockdown for weeks, we had a lot of, you know, hairdressers, schools, this, that and the others to open it was allowed to spread through the community. And this is what is really troubling. This is just New South Wales and this is growing at 10 per cent a day. So that is what we need to get on top of. If that starts to flatten out, then we can certainly start to be more positive about the future. So more than 400 cases have been confirmed just from the Ruby Princess cruise ship alone. This week we had the leaked emails coming out that the New South Wales health authorities, they knew that those 100 passengers on board that were symptomatic, but they decided to let everyone off anyway. So I’m sure some heads are going to roll there, but hopefully this doesn’t get worse, because if it all comes back to what happened here and the failures of the authorities. That is a really, really bad look. Now, other countries like Singapore have got it under control, but even they are experiencing a bit of a second wave. China have had some outbreaks. You know, we don’t really believe the numbers coming out there. But other countries that people were saying, oh, look at what they’ve done. Even they are having to go back into more stricter measures. So it’s not like once that curve flattens, you just past the worst of it. Really important to understand. Now, I certainly do agree with people that are saying that some of the measures that have gone and been put in place are often, you know, quietly have gone too far. So we’ve got everything from police drones now monitoring people, big fines and arrests. I do think everyone does need to adhere to these social distancing and the quarantines for the time being. If they get too extreme when everything is going really well, then, yes, we’ll start to ask questions. And even the Australian police have said that they will repeal some of these new laws and rules and what not. So that’s a positive sign. But do we really need to be doing this? Cell phone tracking this week, Google and Facebook started handing over all our tracking data to authorities. And this really is becoming that surveillance state spy cameras and public doxing and whatnot. So, Alex gladstein, humans rights activists, we are going to have him on the channel soon. But this is the questions. And I understand why people have got all these different theories, because what is going on and how sudden it’s all happened is actually pretty scary. So now it becomes about supporting people financially if we’re telling them that they’re not allowed to go to work and what not. And I was critical that Australia weren’t doing enough soon enough. And this week we got to, you know, a lot more stimulus. So this is far bigger than anything back in the GFC. This is equivalent to 10 per cent of our GDP, our economy. But now we need to make sure that it gets into the hands in the pockets of those that need it most. And this is where we start to have these arguments about, well, is this like QE in America that it just went to the banks versus how much is actually getting to people. So we’re very quick to bail out these airlines. You know, $5.6 billion. Our Australian taxpayers going to be happy with this or should they get a share? You know, if we’re gonna bail out these companies, why shouldn’t we get, you know, equity in these companies so that when they get back up and running and profiting, we are the ones that benefit. It’s not just back to the old big corporate exact bonuses and, you know, huge dividends and whatnot. You’ve already privatized all those profits and. And once again, socializing those losses. Now, not everyone is fitting the criteria. So really unfortunate where we have a lot of what you would consider Ozzies people from overseas that have lived here for a while. And the Prime Minister’s told visitors and what not to sort of make your way home. Now, some people that move here, they need to say that they’ve got enough to support themselves in case these things happened. But I know we’re hearing a lot of stories of people that don’t qualify for some of these support bonuses that are pretty much Ozzies, by every way. We do look at it. So let me know those stories down below when you think about all this as well. Now, the banks have said they’re going to give a one time mortgage payment break to some of the mortgage holders. If you actually dig down a bit deeper, I think this was the equivalent of something like 40 or $50. Because if you delay these loans and these breaks you want not they all still accrue interest. So this is the headline that banks put out because they want to get all the good publicity. But you know, it really in the grand scheme of things, they’re not really doing you any favors at all. It’s always going to be a profit for them. Now, overseas, we’ve seen some of the banks be forced and told to cut their dividends and to cut bonuses and even salaries and whatnot. So you don’t touch the dividends in Australia. You know, that’s you know, that’s sacred to a lot of investors, particularly around the banks and property in that as well. So at the moment, offer a saying that bank dividends could be an issue for boards and there’s going to be some very tough decisions there. So let’s see if Australia follows suit after other countries set the rules and set a tone to say no more dividends if you’re going to be getting these bailouts. Now, superannuation funds are pleading for liquidity and support. So it’s this term liquidity that’s really frustrating me. It’s a bailout. If something was worth a certain price, there’d be another investor that was willing to buy. But because we’ve pumped everything up with all this funny money, as soon as something starts to go down, there’s people that want to redeem their investment funds or their super or whatnot. And there’s just there’s no buyers at any price. And now they’re saying, oh, please bail us out as well. So what ends and what means do we go to the central banks, go to the governments, go to hopefully people are getting educated around all this stuff because I just think it’s going to bring about a lot of political change and hopefully a new financial system as well. David Lindsay, we’re talking about triple A property only ever goes up. And we heard all those Australian terms, but now property investors want their version of the job caper. You know, if you bought 10 investment properties and you leveraged up what not, as soon as there’s no tenant, you can’t just cry poor. And these people that have got no assets and no job and they can’t afford the roof of the house. They’re the ones that need to be getting that first set of stimulus. So, yeah, these investors that have got all these properties that are crying poor, hopefully they can freeze their payments, you know. But we just can’t bail out everyone, particularly the wealthy that have all these assets. You know, investing is risky. Now, it’s funny that Australian BET company Betfair actually put out a combination of the two things that Aussies love, property and gambling. So you can actually bet on the housing market. And the reason I thought this was actually quite funny, because it’s it’s hard to short the Australian property market, even some of the investment products compared to in America and some, you know, the apps like a and that we don’t have good ways to short the housing market in Australia. So if you were to sell your property and there’s no buyers and there’s less auctions in that system in a liquid market using an app and actually betting could be a good way to hedge your investment from from going down. And it’s crazy to think that that’s kind of what it’s come to in Australia. And maybe that’s why Betfair have got into this market was they see a lot of demands. Now, another asset or commodity that’s really important to Australia, all our gold and silver and other resources. A hundred seventy six mines globally being shut down. So this is going to affect the streams of precious metals. We’ve spoken about the shortages in Australia and around the world really to get physical metal when these premiums. So I did a video last week, a week before about Hakan Arbitrages this opportunity. And this shows it really well. This is the price of a silver coin as well as the spot price of silver. And they only track pretty closely. But when the price of silver tanked and went down, the premiums actually went up. And you can see the percentage premium here just behind me. It jumped from, you know, 10 or 20 per cent. That’s normally how much extra you’d pay, jumped up to 80 per cent or still sitting between 50 per cent and 100 per cent now. So these 12 dollar silver price, you know, you’re actually paying $24 double. For a coin so you can exploit that using E Tauro buying the ETF gold, watch that tutorial if you want more information about it. And we’re still running that deal. It’s been very popular. We have extended it because so many of you have taken us up on this one hundred dollar free Bitcoin offer, because the reason we partnered with these guys is because you can short the Australian stock market very easily. You know, gold and silver bonds, investment bonds, junk bonds, all these products that you can trade very easily, which aren’t normally available to Australian investors and traders. Now, a bit of a positive here from the fall in oil price. Ninety nine cents per litre in Tazzy. That’s as lows as I’ve seen it since I was a kid. And plenty of you told me that it’s far lower in other states. So the lows we saw yesterday was 49 cents a litre. I think that was in Adelaide, but really amazing. So in Tazzy, the average price was still nearly a dollar. Sixty a litre wholesale cost 90 cents per litre. So, yeah, there’s big margins there. It was great that one little petrol station owner sacrificed his profit. He felt sorry for a man that’s lost jobs. Yeah, there are still good people out there. That’s a lot of these petrol places are ripping you off. Our fellows. You want to trade oil. U.S.O. is the ETF that you can trade on a Tauro for zero fees. All right. So Putin and Saudi Arabia, we’ve still got this tension that’s keeping the price of oil low. And Putin really plays everything like chess, you know, turning it between the Saudis and the US, trying to crush US shale. That whiteboard video, hopefully it’s coming out this week and then explain all that in great detail. And who would’ve thought of negative oil prices? So there’s lots of different types of oil or grades of oil, depending on how much refining it needs and blending and whatnot. And one type here. seÃor the price actually turn negative. They’ve got so much it’s going to cost them actually so much to store that they’d rather give it away or even pay people to take it off their hands. You know, if you had told someone negative oil prices would exist, they wouldn’t believe you. But that’s just the upside down world of investing we live in these days. This is the change in high yield credit spreads. So normally we’ve got these, you know, US Treasury bonds very safe, then corporate’s and then high yield risky bonds. And I did the video. I might link that down below about how this spreads really compressed and you weren’t getting paid much extra to take a heat, more risk. Well, that’s all blown out again now. And energy sector in particular, it’s jumped fifteen hundred basis points, so 15 per cent. So suddenly junk bonds that were maybe, you know, four or five per cent the yield on a junk bond. Now it’s 20 per cent. It’s so, so risky. And as $171 billion of those in a higher risk of default. So let’s have a look here. This article saying that could start to attract the big investors back in because those youths are so high, particularly when you compare it to an S&P or other stockmarket earnings and what not actually saw this article saying it could attract people back into the stock market because stock prices have now fallen so far that relatively that yield is now attractive. So, again, less people actually having to chase those junk bonds to get a good yield because stock prices have fallen so far. But the Fed, once again, they swoop in and say, well, we’ll just buy it. We’ll just buy these investment grade bonds were buying us treasury bonds. And sure enough, the investment grade bonds that all these companies issued, they said, well, if you’re going to buy all these, then we’ll issue them and you see this huge spike. So $270 billion of investment grade bonds were issued because they companies know the Fed is going to bail them out and give them free money. Don’t fight the Fed. And this was something that I mentioned. If you’ll get us short junk bonds or whatever, you have to be aware that this was the possibility. I think David mentioned this last week that it was likely we’d see the Fed come in and buy these. And sure enough, if you were shorting this, well, you know, the Fed basically wrecked you because your thesis was right, your research was right. But the Fed came in. There’s no such thing as a free market and they’re just buying things that should be going broke. So you should’ve made money if you were shorting, but maybe you got stopped out. We did see a short squeeze there. Now, the Fed of also had to step in because foreigners are dumping a record amount of US treasuries over $100 billion there. They’ve launched these repo facilities because they’re giving the Australian Central Bank US dollars. But so many investors are demanding US dollars around the world. All these different countries are just watching, you know, the Aussie dollar or whatever their local currency is. So they want US dollars and there’s not enough in the world. I did a long video about that on Friday night. If you want more information, but in dollar terms, Q1 of this year has seen a record amount of fallen angels, as they call it. So these investment grade bonds have been downgraded to high yields, around 150 billion dollars. So this is the sort of junk bond market that’s around a trillion dollars. And that’s where people are wondering, you know, is the Fed going to go there next and stop buying junk? Now, some of these companies that were issuing the junk were all these oil drillers. And this is what frustrates me, like we’re talking about before with the airlines getting the bailed out after they’ve had all those buybacks and huge bonuses. Five days before this shale or exploration company went bust, the exacts paid themselves 15 million dollars in bonuses and now they won’t be bailed out. So you guys, hopefully you are enjoying all this investing education if you do want to structure your own super and long term investments. We’ve got that partnership with New Brighton Capital. They’ve got a free consultation. Take advantage of that. Mike’s going to be on the show this week. We did try to record it last week, but the Australian Internet was a bit strange. We’re gonna be talking about how you can take out some money from your super. How that works, whether or not you should even do it. Is that a good idea? So, yeah, New Brighton Capital, a great friend of the channel and members. You guys get an even bigger discount as well. Now, let’s talk about the actual case numbers here. 1.2 million. The death ratio has increased, but we know that’s because we’ve got so many people that are just not being tested. Now, it’s kind of overwhelming the system. So, look, that’s not the actual fatality rate of the disease. Hopefully we’re going to have far more rapid or widespread testing in the coming weeks as we have those new formulation tests being rolled out. But either way, we have to admit that globally, you know, this is still growing cases and deaths on a logarithmic scale. So there’s no real reason to celebrate yet. You know, this can still run through countries, developing nations. And Sweden was another one where people were saying, oh, look, you know, they’re being really sensible. They haven’t gone into lockdown. And sure enough, I think that they’ve got more deaths than a lot of these other neighboring countries combined. So they’ve had to bite the bullet and go into lockdown now. India are actually trying to sue China for, you know, Corona virus, what it’s done to their economy and whatnot. This is a country that I’m really worried about where social distancing is basically impossible. So fingers crossed for those developing nations. A very harsh approach by the Philippines leader here ordering police to shoot, shoot dead, anyone that’s violating that, the lockdown orders there. So, again, human rights really being trampled with everything that’s going on. But these tensions between the US and China is where the trade walkin’ far up again. So half a million Chinese people entered America over those recent couple of months. And that’s probably how we had a really widespread throughout the community. COVA cases before they even started testing in America. Now, a lot of people were comparing these different stats and saying, you know, the flu kills this many people a year and what not. But it’s very clear now Cauvin, 19, is the third leading cause of death in the US now that we’re actually breaking it down into per day. Now, that’s up to 13:00 today. Time recording. If it keeps growing at 10 percent a day, it’s probably gonna be the leading cause of death by the end of next week. It’s just insane and people are still comparing it to other diseases in other countries around the world, hunger and things like that. But guys, this is a disease that needs a lot of care and attention. It strains the hospitals. It’s contagious. It’s spreading and 10 percent a day. You know, it’s not fair to make these other comparisons. It’s a bit of a stretch. This is something that we can prevent and get on top of. Within a few weeks, if we all come together and do it well, we don’t want to be the leading cause of deaths in every country if it’s preventable. So Donald Trump has definitely changed his tune. This week, he’s actually come out and said that he won’t be wearing a face mask, even though the CDC actually backflipped and said that they don’t wear masks. They can even make it worse. And now they’ve said, well, yeah, we recommend everyone wear masks. Funnily enough, in Australia, they’re still saying that don’t wear masks, they don’t work. So, look, some polls are saying that Donald Trump has really surged in terms of his leadership. I try and keep these videos politically neutral, but it was interesting that FDX have got the presidential election tokens ways for people to bet or trade on the outcomes of different presidents. It doesn’t look like he wants to load here, but Joe Biden has really jumped up in the polls and. Trump has fallen so at one stage. Trump was around 50, 65 percent, I think, and it struck down to about a 50/50 rating at the moment. Some of those videos coming out about Biden. He doesn’t talk well from what I’ve seen. So I’m not sure what FDX isn’t loading there, guys, but dumb head over there. Check out the presidential odds, if you like. Okay. So Matt, BARRIE here has come out with an interesting tweet about this personal protective equipment. And Australia has banned exporting of all this equipment back to China. But I don’t think we realize that China actually make all this. And they’re probably going to stop exporting to us if if they don’t like the games that we’re playing. The US has invoked that defense act as well, blocking the export of masks to Canada and Germany. So people have different stockpiles. A lot of manufacturers have now started making cotton mask, 3D printed masks. It’s great to see these other businesses that are really pivoting ventilators and that as well to really give the healthcare workers what they need in this time. A lot of research going on. Forty nine diagnostic tests, 30 different treatments in clinical trials are five vaccines. The world has really focused all the smartest minds on this problem. And I’m really hopeful that we’re going to have some solutions. And as you throw mice in combination with the hydroxy chloroquine and zinc as well, that looks pretty promising. So compared to where we were two weeks ago, I certainly think there’s reasons to be positive. But we’ve just got to flatten that worldwide, spread that curve next. So the US labour market is in freefall, 10 million Americans filed in two weeks. You guys know that our predicted unemployment would likely hit 10 per cent in the next two weeks. And it looks like we’re gonna be pretty on the ball with that number. We won’t get the Australian stats for a couple of weeks because they take their time compared to the US, but simply jaw jaw dropping numbers, 3 million last week blew everyone away and now 6.6 million. This week we’re seeing these lines. I mean, what do you say? There’s these people lining up in their cars for five hours at a time and then food banks was still running out. People live paycheck to paycheck. I think the studies, 70 per cent of Americans don’t have $400 for emergency. And now this is the emergency. People can’t eat. I hope that they do their best to get that money in the hands of the American people. We’re hearing horror stories like this might take, you know, weeks or months to get it through this system. So I hope they sort that out the same in Australia with the Centrelink lines. Great to see someone like Jeff Bezos donating $100 million to help feed Americans. I don’t know about you guys, but it frustrates me when people say, oh, he’s worth X billion dollars. This is only point one percent. One hundred million dollars is $100 million. If he didn’t give that, now that’s a huge amount of people that might not be getting fed and whatnot. So you just realize when people are wealthy, they have that wealth tied up in a lot of assets. They can’t just sell at all. And sometimes the numbers are twisted to speak. Tankful $100 million is doing a lot more than most people out there like US box office sales. This is a fantastic example of the reality for so many businesses. 204 million dollars of sales on the same week last year dropped to $5000. So basically every cinema is shut. Is this an industry that’s going to bounce back once more and more people, you know, get familiar with their Netflix and all the different options you have these days? The home cinema is I think going to movies is still an experience for, you know, a big box office smash movie. But there’s going to be a lot of changes that come about from what’s going on. Small businesses, again, a lot of these people are now learning that they are not eligible for these bailout loans in Australia. I know the measures that we’ve put in place. Some businesses don’t have enough money to pay the wages to the staff or a few weeks, even if they know the government is eventually going to pay them back in and backdate it. So we’re running into these issues in the real world. And that’s where I really hope that we can sort those out and and have these discussions, because it’s not a perfect system. And I know they’re scrambling to do everything they can in a short period of time. This is another one where tensions are flaring between the landlords. We’ve just seen a lot of businesses say refusing to pay rent, and that puts a strain on the landlord. A lot of those are investors. Some of these people have now gone to banks and the banks themselves, like Wells Fargo, is scaling back on their different refinancing. So at the end of the day, even though, you know, the Fed or the RBA in Australia sort of printed this money and made it available. To the banks to give out loans, the banks still don’t want to give out bad loans. So we’ve heard stories in Australia of mortgage customers go into the bank and trying to refinance or even apply for that six month freeze. The bank says, well, you’re going to have your job back at the end of the six months. And they say, well, you know, I don’t know. And they say, well, sorry, we’re not going to refinance or freezing line. We’re not confident you can pay this back at the end of this period of time. So some of those stats I’ve read were anywhere between 30 and 50 percent of loans being rejected. So I’m sure the government is going to have to do something to make it directly available, because that is going to bring down the housing market. The corporate property market as well. Those are the leases and whatnot. There’s a lot of chapters of this story to play out yet. I guess that’s the message that I want to get across. And a few days after the Fed came out and told us that all U.S. banks are strong, there’s going to be no failures. We’ve seen the first bank go under. So this was an FDIC insured bank. We know they don’t actually have enough money to insure all deposits on all banks. If we saw, you know, a wide collapse, but the Fed began to print money to oblivion, to infinity before they actually allow these banks to collapse. So I don’t think the banking system collapse is now the main worry. I think it’s the the inflation that’s going to come from printing so much money down the line. Goldman have warned of the significant adverse impacts on stocks. It was basically buybacks that that kept that stock market roaring and then a retail sort of blow off top towards the end here. And we’re seeing massive, massive numbers in terms of the corporate that won’t be there. So we’re talking, you know, billions or trillions of dollars of buybacks that aren’t going to be propping up stocks anymore. So the world’s largest hedge fund might have to sell their assets. Now, this is Norway. They’ve got a 25 billion dollar withdrawal that they need to make in order to pay some of their bills. So a trillion dollars neily of assets under management. These are the, you know, the Swain’s and what not. Some of these guys have been printing money out of thin air to buy stocks. But the difference here is that the U.S. can continue to do that without, you know, their dollar sort of plunging. They can print money and prop up stocks and assets, whereas someone like like Norway. Other countries around the world, they can’t necessarily just just keep printing money to prop up these other assets because their currency is far more likely to enter this death spiral around the world. And that’s where the U.S. dollar having this privilege is upsetting people and is leading to a new financial system. Again, I spoke about any more detail on the Friday night video. Warren Buffet, watch what they do, not what they say. So not that long ago, only a few weeks when Warren Buffet said he won’t be selling any airline stocks. And just this week, we saw the numbers in where Berkshire Hathaway, his fund, have sold out. A lot of us companies, including airlines there. So whether or not he says all that’s my fund or me personally, why put this mission message out in public and portray that you’re not going to be selling airlines if you turn around and sell airlines? Now, these are the forecasts that are coming out from some of the leading analysts in the banks, Morgan Stanley here. And this is what we kind of, I think, still expecting a lot of ways that people are going to see this V-shaped recovery, that it’s going to get bad. Grew GDP might go down 4 per cent, 5 per cent for a quarter. Then we can have a huge rebound because all this demand is going to be there. But I don’t see that as the case. I see maybe a U-shaped bottom, possibly an L or a slow grind higher. But these systemic issues that have come to the front, I think they need to be solved and people like it by the B.S. that was going on and all the funny money that led to the bubble and caused all these issues. All right. So we’re into the crypto news. We’ve had a number of companies slapped with this lawsuit. So this happened a little while ago now yesterday. And the market didn’t really react badly. So I don’t think that this is something to be worried about. You know, it’s the usual stuff. A lot of these allegations are thrown around and it just takes so long. They’re going to be delayed, pushed back. How do you get all these companies in the one room from Kilcoyne to Tron to iOS and BLOCK, one of Verde had one settlement there. So, look, I don’t think this is anything to be too worried about at the moment. But yeah, there’s always investors trying to sue exchanges and projects and whatnot. These days, it’s part of the crypto community. Some positive news. Once again, power ledger. They continue to power forward, pardon the pun. But every week throughout crypto winter, they’ve had good news. And this is the world. First, so choose your own energy source in France so you can actually choose your allocation. Whether or not you want to get your power from solar or wind, they might have a different price. But, you know, you might be happy to pay another cent or two per kilowatt hour if you know that it’s coming from wind instead of coal or a different energy source, for example, or supporting a local wind farm and local jobs. Either way, I just think that the decentralization of the energy grid and being able to do this kind of stuff through software. It’s a really bullish investment theme with everything that’s going on in the world at the moment. Another local company, Horizon State, have put out their update. The takeover by a team, Goggin and the guys sees the new CEO of Horizons to the state talking about what’s going on there. Their aims, how he first got involved and the benefits of the platform. Had had bit of a re-jigger on the website just to give customers an idea about the services that they’re going to be offering and what not. And still, the hope is to use the blockchain or honor token holders in some way. I know they sort of haven’t forgotten about the community and those that really supported them in the early days. They’re synthetics. Another one of my favorite Aussie projects. These guys have added some more equity indices. So the idea here eventually and the reason that I fell in love with this company is that you’re going to be able to trade indexes. At the moment, they’ve got the footsie and the Nicci eventually. Hopefully it will be the Australian stock market. The US markets, they’ve also looking to add oil, I believe, very soon. So they work with chainlink to get price feeds. Then they create these synthetic assets and it’s almost like a decentralized broker or trading platform. So at the moment there’s not a lot of liquidity there and it’s still a little bit, you know, hard for the beginning user. You need to understand mega-mosque and all that is going to get easier as we go forward. And it’s very exciting to see this is a sort of stuff that’s going to underpin the crypto markets and the world of DFI is exploding. We do have a bitcoin grant. So if you guys don’t know how these worked. Basically, if you donate a dollar to our grant, it’ll be matched by the smart contract anywhere up to $100 in some instances. So you send us a dollar if you’ve got to get going to account or anyone can donate and you you might end up sending over 100 dollars our way. So at the moment, I think we’ve raised a couple of hundred dollars thanks to. They donated our largest donation so far. But this is going to go towards me being able to pay someone to do more research for you guys for our free public. A theorem, a monthly update episode. Now one of the busiest daps who has been working hard in the off fear and community. This was some research from sentiment. All our favorites on the list here, projects that I really love. Aragón is one that Tim Draper invested a million dollars in recently. I’ll give you a bit of a tip. As members know, this is one that I added to my portfolio a couple of months ago and has performed extremely well. A MRGO. They’ve had a bit of a comeback recently, which is great to see. Sentiment also put out a research piece for paid members only. Now, obviously I subscribe to a range of pay research and I can’t share it all for free. That wouldn’t be fair, but a Macie go was top of the list on the projects that they are most bullish on from all their fundamental research. So if you want that, we do have some links and some discounts for everyone, for the public. And again, members, you guys get bigger discounts with all our affiliates Coinbase who invested a million dollars in pull together the De-centralized Lottery. I’ve done a tutorial on that. It’s very cool. There’s no losers because of the way the DFI works and Eudy swap as well. So Coinbase are definitely going to be looking to integrate more and more of these projects. And their app is going to have ways for people to earn rewards without even knowing that they’re using crypto theorem. The dice table coin, for example, and that is where the next wave of people come into the crypto world. Shapeshift have enabled customers to buy with crypto debit cards as well. Sorry, by crypto with your debit card, it’s never been easy to buy crypto. And I’ll talk about in a second how my thesis on how the next bull market is going to play out. Australian crypto exchange coin spot of one this ISO security accreditation. So this is basically one of the top standards in the world for securing digital systems in crypto. Basically saying that, yes, their cold storage methods, how they do everything, setting it up and off line, their crypto is is very safe. So awesome to say. Obviously, if you know how to set up your own hardware device, that is safer, but we’re getting more and more of these, I guess, practices and standards in place. So hacks are going to be less likely in future and coin spot. You guys know that we do work with them. We like them. They recently put out those D5 bandos, a great Aussie exchange. Right. REPL have engineered a way for private transactions to take place on X up a ledger. Again, I’m not sure how that’s going to work. REPL to me is someone that wants to really comply with all financial regulations and at the moment regulators aren’t real crash hot on privacy. So hopefully we get more details about that. Sam and I will talk about that when we next get together. It’s cool to see privacy basically coming to all the top three assets now. Bitcoin, a cerium ex-hubby, also a nuther Costa custody firm, Anchorage Trust Company. These guys are one of the original members of Libra as well. Adding LSP to their list of cust. The assets for their institutional clients and finance have been moving and shaking. And it’s these sort of downtimes in the market where we see a lot of acquisitions happen, 400 million dollars for quite a market cap. Look, I think that’s a lot of money. I think quite market cap is slightly less reville relevant than it was back in 2017 when retail investors were checking coie market cap one hundred times a day. But I think finance knows that it gets a lot of eyeballs and actually more traffic than the Bonanni Web site. So hopefully they do the right thing and they don’t end up fudging numbers. And what not depends on how much you trust Bonanni. I guess they have partnered up with FDX who have a volume monitor that calls out all the B.S.. So yeah, hopefully they’re going to work together and we get some more accurate numbers from quite market cap. A lot of people have asked about alternatives. KOIN GEKO is probably the leading alternative to Koine Market Cap. There’s heaps of them out there these days that actually have more digital assets as well. So KOIN Gecko if you’re interested, or Missouri is the other one I like the bitcoin cash halving is actually in three days. In eight hours now. So what’s that? It’s going to be about 1 a.m. Australian time in a couple of days on late Wednesday night. I think this is going to be a bit of a preview. We will see some fireworks. Whales love to splash around in these other markets. We saw what happened with Litecoin. I’ve done a lot of write ups for members around Bitcoin cash. I did that free video for all you guys about how I see their bitcoin cash hardfor actually affecting the bitcoin hard fork. I believe that bitcoin s.u.v. Hard Fork is the day after this as well. The other thing that a bornand are getting into is by the looks of it now is mining. So mining is going to become less profitable after the halving. I think we’re kind of seeing this real corporatisation of the mining world where those firms with a lot of money, you know, becoming the winners and we’re sifting out those that are unprofitable. So has rights been dropping a bit? I still think the network’s strong. And as soon as we get into a bull market, I think we gonna see far higher prices. And all those miners that have dropped off are going to be profitable and they’re probably going to jump back in. But bonnets have just got a finger in every pie at the moment. All right. So some more research sentiment. They’ve had they have shown us that active addresses continue to climb on Bitcoin and theorem. Despite all this bad news, we are definitely heading in the right direction. It’s very different to that crypto winter in terms than numbers. We’re seeing bitcoin exchanges reporting record amounts of new users this month. So this is only from a few days ago and crack in reporting these huge increases in doubling for some exchanges. So I know a lot of people are at home and Googling what’s going on in the financial world. And some investors are taking Bitcoin far more seriously than they used to because of what’s going on with all the trillions being printed. Our brave browser, a million new users this month alone. If you haven’t got brave, download it. It blocks all the ads. It’s absolutely brilliant. And you can import or you’re bookmarks from Google Chrome. Vitaly has come out and said that he expects a lot of enterprise applications to move to the thearea main net because it’s a great way to disrupt how some of these other trading platforms work. And I completely agree with him. So this is an article by Banquo’s just saying that theorems going to a Wall Street, that whole settlement layer, that’s just software, but software that has a company behind it and exacts and all these people want to make a clip in a fee and it takes time. All these. Be replaced by cerium and it’s already happening. This is a cool little project called Balance. This is a non-custodial portfolio manager, so they can help you balance and create a portfolio on the ethereal minor. Using things like, you know, Yuni Swap and market makers and whatnot. So it’s already here. The technology is just a matter of now. How long does it take to eat? Wall Street’s lunch and capture market share? I am J. We’re very touched on them recently being one of the projects that’s in the top 10 for development on a theorem. But this is a cool little article about everything I’ve learnt from version 1 of on the test net. So Ruxton is one of the theorem test nets where you can play around on and they’ve partnered up with a company. Where was the name of it here? Let’s go back to their blog, Hojo Labs. So they’ve chosen O-M-G for their high throughput transactions. I definitely think that RJ fell out of favor and soda plasma as a scaling solution. But some project hydro crypto currency system. Head over to the MASC Go blog and I have rebooked that interview with the MASC Go team to have them on the channel for good chat very soon. CRM 2.0, the new chain phase. Your multi-client test net likely to go live this month. So it’s all coming together. Metallics been doing some big picture roadmap stuff as well as the move to prove state that’s going to be happening soon. And the older theorem chain that we’re on now is going to continue to be updated. What’s the Theorem 2.0 video I did if for more information on that? We’ve seen this theorem, Enterprise Alliance launched that that test ground for all these different blockchains being interoperable, particularly for the corporate world. And that’s the whole point of the theorem Enterprise Alliance. And we’ve seen so many businesses come there and really trust the ethereal name, its track record and the projects in the technology building on them. Ernst and Young even open sourcing some of their privacy technology, fourth area. So into the final parts of the bitcoin use here we’ve got reveler, which is a huge company only learned about recently, where you can sit in any different fiat currency around the world and move money and it’s very, very low fee if not free. So they’ve rolled out crypto and gold holdings. So much competition. So I talk about the pay powers and the stripes and a lot of competition with all the stable coins to something like LSP. But now we’re seeing these other companies going the other way and getting into crypto and letting their customers pay a bill from the U.S. to Australia by moving bitcoin first and then paying in the currency. Or I just love what is happening, that the banks are getting a massive, massive shake up. And it’s about time the ex royal meat team are providing security for Civic crypto wallets. Once again, FDIC insured. So there’s no excuse anymore for people to say, I don’t know how to set up an account or, you know, I just don’t want to manage it myself. Big, big investors have these trusted, familiar ways and even mobile wallets now that they can get insurance on. So it’s just awesome to watch this happen. And someone like Emily Diosa. Emily, if you’re watching, if you’re friends with Emily, tell her I say gidday. She is the the head of the Australian Taxpayers Alliance. And she came out and said, look, I bought my first bitcoin today. So it’s these professionals from a completely different world who are waking up to bitcoin today. So I just love it. Six thousand likes and plenty read tweets. She couldn’t have imagined the Bitcoin community getting around her. This is the good side of the Bitcoin community. You know, I hate the toxic stuff, the maximalism. The more people we can welcomed with open arms and respect others opinions. The faster this is going to happen. More people are going to come into this space and that is going to push bitcoin off and get rid of those those banks that are fleecing everyone. Finally, if you haven’t listened to this podcast, it was one of pump’s. So it’s on YouTube and he’s off the chain podcast. This is with Shamas Polly Happy TR. So he’s a billionaire. He is the CEO of a venture capital firm, Social Capital. He’s done extremely well. He’s an early adopter, but he’s just so bullish on Bitcoin. He wants the other he said he’s been buying more lately, but everything that Bitcoin was designed for, he’s happening trillions of dollars. You can’t make this stuff up. Negative views. Banks failing. We saw more withdrawal limits in places like Egypt this week. It is just the perfect, perfect recipe for Bitcoin to go up now in the short term. I know it’s been painful. This is what I’m watching now. Last week we did have another falling wedge playing out. Sure enough, once that did break down, we got a decent trade there, but it got bought up. And I think that shows that there’s a natural buying pressure that’s picking up. My theory was that we got down this low because the cascade and the liquidations of BMX, I don’t think that this was fair value and it didn’t even get down this low on some other exchanges. So you are very lucky to pick Bitcoin up under $4000. That the thing that was different from this rising wedge to what we’re watching now is, you know, during the top, we didn’t really see much buying activity from the bulls. Now, that’s kind of changed a bit lately. And I think we do have a. Better chance of breaking up rather than down. See, as we get towards the top of the wedge here, we’ve actually got bullish volume increasing. So I still think it’s it’s a bit of a 50/50 at the moment. Only experienced traders should be trading this. You know, it wouldn’t surprise me to see another fight break down and then whipsaw higher. We’ve had some big whipsaw is up. And we know that this is the the weekly resistance that I’ve got marked on here, the three lines. So we do have that resistance overhead once we get through there. If we can come back and retest it, I just think that that sets up a very, very strong launch ramp, as the Harvey is now only, you know, thirty five, thirty six days away, something like that. So how painful has it been, guys, since we got this teaser, this huge rip up to forty thousand dollars and we’ve gone all the way back down to three, but really in the grand scheme of things, let’s just finish off by looking at a bail X on that really long term time frame. Let’s go on that long shot there. Nothing much has changed. I know it looks and feels like this is really horrible, but, you know, in a few years time when hopefully we are somewhere right up here. No one’s going to remember this week and this cycle is going to look very, very similar to previous cycles in terms of our altcoins. Let’s just finish off on eigth here. This has all been really healthy. Still big picture stuff. Eith tends to be a good barometer for altcoins if we’d go from the bottom here to the top. We’ve had a perfect retracement into that sixty one point eight Fibonacci there. So this is what I want to hold. Nice weeks and buy here if we can hold that. I think that gives us a great chance for altcoins to really be strong performance here. But lately it’s been all about bitcoin. All eyes, the new money. That’s where it’s going to go. There’s a lot of interest in DFI as well. But I think we need bitcoin to make a really positive, decisive move and then we can let these other projects play out. So, guys, there’s plenty happening there. Don’t forget to get your friends over to our free education. If you want more, we’ve got our premium community. It’s absolutely awesome to see that you guys are respecting each other. The conversations in there, it’s been fantastic. So I hope you’ve enjoyed that video as always, guys. Place it there like bundes. Subscribe to an already. Share these around and I’ll talk to you again soon. Geez.
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cryptosharks1 · 4 years
Bitcoin, Cryptocurrency, Finance & Global News – April 5th 2020
Hi, guys. Thanks, Virginia. Another set of Nuggets news. Well, another huge Newsweek we’ve got so much of that macro news to get through as well as all the crypto headlines. We do welcome a couple of thousand new subscribers again this week. It’s great to see the channel growing. And I know plenty of you introducing your friends and family into this world and learning for the first time. So just reminder, we’ve got a range of free resources. I know we often use all these different terms. So we’ve got a glossary as well as in-depth guides on everything over on our Web site. And we’re building out that resources hub every day. We’ve also got our premium community. We get all our extra research in my daily write-ups and you get to be part of our discussions that we have every day around everything from what’s going on in the world finance and swallows everything in the crypto community. So that’s available as well. Here’s a sample of our premium research. These are the five projects that we covered in depth this month and you get all these reports emailed to you as well as daily emails to keep up to date as well. All right. So let’s get into the local news. And I want to, I guess, start off by saying that this is a huge positive, that the curve has flattened to some degree in Australia. But it’s really important that we don’t celebrate too early. And what I really want to highlight to people today is the curve of these unknown local infections is still growing exponentially. So we might have had that first wave of all the people returning from overseas. And now, because we didn’t go into a really strict lockdown for weeks, we had a lot of, you know, hairdressers, schools, this, that and the others to open it was allowed to spread through the community. And this is what is really troubling. This is just New South Wales and this is growing at 10 per cent a day. So that is what we need to get on top of. If that starts to flatten out, then we can certainly start to be more positive about the future. So more than 400 cases have been confirmed just from the Ruby Princess cruise ship alone. This week we had the leaked emails coming out that the New South Wales health authorities, they knew that those 100 passengers on board that were symptomatic, but they decided to let everyone off anyway. So I’m sure some heads are going to roll there, but hopefully this doesn’t get worse, because if it all comes back to what happened here and the failures of the authorities. That is a really, really bad look. Now, other countries like Singapore have got it under control, but even they are experiencing a bit of a second wave. China have had some outbreaks. You know, we don’t really believe the numbers coming out there. But other countries that people were saying, oh, look at what they’ve done. Even they are having to go back into more stricter measures. So it’s not like once that curve flattens, you just past the worst of it. Really important to understand. Now, I certainly do agree with people that are saying that some of the measures that have gone and been put in place are often, you know, quietly have gone too far. So we’ve got everything from police drones now monitoring people, big fines and arrests. I do think everyone does need to adhere to these social distancing and the quarantines for the time being. If they get too extreme when everything is going really well, then, yes, we’ll start to ask questions. And even the Australian police have said that they will repeal some of these new laws and rules and what not. So that’s a positive sign. But do we really need to be doing this? Cell phone tracking this week, Google and Facebook started handing over all our tracking data to authorities. And this really is becoming that surveillance state spy cameras and public doxing and whatnot. So, Alex gladstein, humans rights activists, we are going to have him on the channel soon. But this is the questions. And I understand why people have got all these different theories, because what is going on and how sudden it’s all happened is actually pretty scary. So now it becomes about supporting people financially if we’re telling them that they’re not allowed to go to work and what not. And I was critical that Australia weren’t doing enough soon enough. And this week we got to, you know, a lot more stimulus. So this is far bigger than anything back in the GFC. This is equivalent to 10 per cent of our GDP, our economy. But now we need to make sure that it gets into the hands in the pockets of those that need it most. And this is where we start to have these arguments about, well, is this like QE in America that it just went to the banks versus how much is actually getting to people. So we’re very quick to bail out these airlines. You know, $5.6 billion. Our Australian taxpayers going to be happy with this or should they get a share? You know, if we’re gonna bail out these companies, why shouldn’t we get, you know, equity in these companies so that when they get back up and running and profiting, we are the ones that benefit. It’s not just back to the old big corporate exact bonuses and, you know, huge dividends and whatnot. You’ve already privatized all those profits and. And once again, socializing those losses. Now, not everyone is fitting the criteria. So really unfortunate where we have a lot of what you would consider Ozzies people from overseas that have lived here for a while. And the Prime Minister’s told visitors and what not to sort of make your way home. Now, some people that move here, they need to say that they’ve got enough to support themselves in case these things happened. But I know we’re hearing a lot of stories of people that don’t qualify for some of these support bonuses that are pretty much Ozzies, by every way. We do look at it. So let me know those stories down below when you think about all this as well. Now, the banks have said they’re going to give a one time mortgage payment break to some of the mortgage holders. If you actually dig down a bit deeper, I think this was the equivalent of something like 40 or $50. Because if you delay these loans and these breaks you want not they all still accrue interest. So this is the headline that banks put out because they want to get all the good publicity. But you know, it really in the grand scheme of things, they’re not really doing you any favors at all. It’s always going to be a profit for them. Now, overseas, we’ve seen some of the banks be forced and told to cut their dividends and to cut bonuses and even salaries and whatnot. So you don’t touch the dividends in Australia. You know, that’s you know, that’s sacred to a lot of investors, particularly around the banks and property in that as well. So at the moment, offer a saying that bank dividends could be an issue for boards and there’s going to be some very tough decisions there. So let’s see if Australia follows suit after other countries set the rules and set a tone to say no more dividends if you’re going to be getting these bailouts. Now, superannuation funds are pleading for liquidity and support. So it’s this term liquidity that’s really frustrating me. It’s a bailout. If something was worth a certain price, there’d be another investor that was willing to buy. But because we’ve pumped everything up with all this funny money, as soon as something starts to go down, there’s people that want to redeem their investment funds or their super or whatnot. And there’s just there’s no buyers at any price. And now they’re saying, oh, please bail us out as well. So what ends and what means do we go to the central banks, go to the governments, go to hopefully people are getting educated around all this stuff because I just think it’s going to bring about a lot of political change and hopefully a new financial system as well. David Lindsay, we’re talking about triple A property only ever goes up. And we heard all those Australian terms, but now property investors want their version of the job caper. You know, if you bought 10 investment properties and you leveraged up what not, as soon as there’s no tenant, you can’t just cry poor. And these people that have got no assets and no job and they can’t afford the roof of the house. They’re the ones that need to be getting that first set of stimulus. So, yeah, these investors that have got all these properties that are crying poor, hopefully they can freeze their payments, you know. But we just can’t bail out everyone, particularly the wealthy that have all these assets. You know, investing is risky. Now, it’s funny that Australian BET company Betfair actually put out a combination of the two things that Aussies love, property and gambling. So you can actually bet on the housing market. And the reason I thought this was actually quite funny, because it’s it’s hard to short the Australian property market, even some of the investment products compared to in America and some, you know, the apps like a and that we don’t have good ways to short the housing market in Australia. So if you were to sell your property and there’s no buyers and there’s less auctions in that system in a liquid market using an app and actually betting could be a good way to hedge your investment from from going down. And it’s crazy to think that that’s kind of what it’s come to in Australia. And maybe that’s why Betfair have got into this market was they see a lot of demands. Now, another asset or commodity that’s really important to Australia, all our gold and silver and other resources. A hundred seventy six mines globally being shut down. So this is going to affect the streams of precious metals. We’ve spoken about the shortages in Australia and around the world really to get physical metal when these premiums. So I did a video last week, a week before about Hakan Arbitrages this opportunity. And this shows it really well. This is the price of a silver coin as well as the spot price of silver. And they only track pretty closely. But when the price of silver tanked and went down, the premiums actually went up. And you can see the percentage premium here just behind me. It jumped from, you know, 10 or 20 per cent. That’s normally how much extra you’d pay, jumped up to 80 per cent or still sitting between 50 per cent and 100 per cent now. So these 12 dollar silver price, you know, you’re actually paying $24 double. For a coin so you can exploit that using E Tauro buying the ETF gold, watch that tutorial if you want more information about it. And we’re still running that deal. It’s been very popular. We have extended it because so many of you have taken us up on this one hundred dollar free Bitcoin offer, because the reason we partnered with these guys is because you can short the Australian stock market very easily. You know, gold and silver bonds, investment bonds, junk bonds, all these products that you can trade very easily, which aren’t normally available to Australian investors and traders. Now, a bit of a positive here from the fall in oil price. Ninety nine cents per litre in Tazzy. That’s as lows as I’ve seen it since I was a kid. And plenty of you told me that it’s far lower in other states. So the lows we saw yesterday was 49 cents a litre. I think that was in Adelaide, but really amazing. So in Tazzy, the average price was still nearly a dollar. Sixty a litre wholesale cost 90 cents per litre. So, yeah, there’s big margins there. It was great that one little petrol station owner sacrificed his profit. He felt sorry for a man that’s lost jobs. Yeah, there are still good people out there. That’s a lot of these petrol places are ripping you off. Our fellows. You want to trade oil. U.S.O. is the ETF that you can trade on a Tauro for zero fees. All right. So Putin and Saudi Arabia, we’ve still got this tension that’s keeping the price of oil low. And Putin really plays everything like chess, you know, turning it between the Saudis and the US, trying to crush US shale. That whiteboard video, hopefully it’s coming out this week and then explain all that in great detail. And who would’ve thought of negative oil prices? So there’s lots of different types of oil or grades of oil, depending on how much refining it needs and blending and whatnot. And one type here. seÃor the price actually turn negative. They’ve got so much it’s going to cost them actually so much to store that they’d rather give it away or even pay people to take it off their hands. You know, if you had told someone negative oil prices would exist, they wouldn’t believe you. But that’s just the upside down world of investing we live in these days. This is the change in high yield credit spreads. So normally we’ve got these, you know, US Treasury bonds very safe, then corporate’s and then high yield risky bonds. And I did the video. I might link that down below about how this spreads really compressed and you weren’t getting paid much extra to take a heat, more risk. Well, that’s all blown out again now. And energy sector in particular, it’s jumped fifteen hundred basis points, so 15 per cent. So suddenly junk bonds that were maybe, you know, four or five per cent the yield on a junk bond. Now it’s 20 per cent. It’s so, so risky. And as $171 billion of those in a higher risk of default. So let’s have a look here. This article saying that could start to attract the big investors back in because those youths are so high, particularly when you compare it to an S&P or other stockmarket earnings and what not actually saw this article saying it could attract people back into the stock market because stock prices have now fallen so far that relatively that yield is now attractive. So, again, less people actually having to chase those junk bonds to get a good yield because stock prices have fallen so far. But the Fed, once again, they swoop in and say, well, we’ll just buy it. We’ll just buy these investment grade bonds were buying us treasury bonds. And sure enough, the investment grade bonds that all these companies issued, they said, well, if you’re going to buy all these, then we’ll issue them and you see this huge spike. So $270 billion of investment grade bonds were issued because they companies know the Fed is going to bail them out and give them free money. Don’t fight the Fed. And this was something that I mentioned. If you’ll get us short junk bonds or whatever, you have to be aware that this was the possibility. I think David mentioned this last week that it was likely we’d see the Fed come in and buy these. And sure enough, if you were shorting this, well, you know, the Fed basically wrecked you because your thesis was right, your research was right. But the Fed came in. There’s no such thing as a free market and they’re just buying things that should be going broke. So you should’ve made money if you were shorting, but maybe you got stopped out. We did see a short squeeze there. Now, the Fed of also had to step in because foreigners are dumping a record amount of US treasuries over $100 billion there. They’ve launched these repo facilities because they’re giving the Australian Central Bank US dollars. But so many investors are demanding US dollars around the world. All these different countries are just watching, you know, the Aussie dollar or whatever their local currency is. So they want US dollars and there’s not enough in the world. I did a long video about that on Friday night. If you want more information, but in dollar terms, Q1 of this year has seen a record amount of fallen angels, as they call it. So these investment grade bonds have been downgraded to high yields, around 150 billion dollars. So this is the sort of junk bond market that’s around a trillion dollars. And that’s where people are wondering, you know, is the Fed going to go there next and stop buying junk? Now, some of these companies that were issuing the junk were all these oil drillers. And this is what frustrates me, like we’re talking about before with the airlines getting the bailed out after they’ve had all those buybacks and huge bonuses. Five days before this shale or exploration company went bust, the exacts paid themselves 15 million dollars in bonuses and now they won’t be bailed out. So you guys, hopefully you are enjoying all this investing education if you do want to structure your own super and long term investments. We’ve got that partnership with New Brighton Capital. They’ve got a free consultation. Take advantage of that. Mike’s going to be on the show this week. We did try to record it last week, but the Australian Internet was a bit strange. We’re gonna be talking about how you can take out some money from your super. How that works, whether or not you should even do it. Is that a good idea? So, yeah, New Brighton Capital, a great friend of the channel and members. You guys get an even bigger discount as well. Now, let’s talk about the actual case numbers here. 1.2 million. The death ratio has increased, but we know that’s because we’ve got so many people that are just not being tested. Now, it’s kind of overwhelming the system. So, look, that’s not the actual fatality rate of the disease. Hopefully we’re going to have far more rapid or widespread testing in the coming weeks as we have those new formulation tests being rolled out. But either way, we have to admit that globally, you know, this is still growing cases and deaths on a logarithmic scale. So there’s no real reason to celebrate yet. You know, this can still run through countries, developing nations. And Sweden was another one where people were saying, oh, look, you know, they’re being really sensible. They haven’t gone into lockdown. And sure enough, I think that they’ve got more deaths than a lot of these other neighboring countries combined. So they’ve had to bite the bullet and go into lockdown now. India are actually trying to sue China for, you know, Corona virus, what it’s done to their economy and whatnot. This is a country that I’m really worried about where social distancing is basically impossible. So fingers crossed for those developing nations. A very harsh approach by the Philippines leader here ordering police to shoot, shoot dead, anyone that’s violating that, the lockdown orders there. So, again, human rights really being trampled with everything that’s going on. But these tensions between the US and China is where the trade walkin’ far up again. So half a million Chinese people entered America over those recent couple of months. And that’s probably how we had a really widespread throughout the community. COVA cases before they even started testing in America. Now, a lot of people were comparing these different stats and saying, you know, the flu kills this many people a year and what not. But it’s very clear now Cauvin, 19, is the third leading cause of death in the US now that we’re actually breaking it down into per day. Now, that’s up to 13:00 today. Time recording. If it keeps growing at 10 percent a day, it’s probably gonna be the leading cause of death by the end of next week. It’s just insane and people are still comparing it to other diseases in other countries around the world, hunger and things like that. But guys, this is a disease that needs a lot of care and attention. It strains the hospitals. It’s contagious. It’s spreading and 10 percent a day. You know, it’s not fair to make these other comparisons. It’s a bit of a stretch. This is something that we can prevent and get on top of. Within a few weeks, if we all come together and do it well, we don’t want to be the leading cause of deaths in every country if it’s preventable. So Donald Trump has definitely changed his tune. This week, he’s actually come out and said that he won’t be wearing a face mask, even though the CDC actually backflipped and said that they don’t wear masks. They can even make it worse. And now they’ve said, well, yeah, we recommend everyone wear masks. Funnily enough, in Australia, they’re still saying that don’t wear masks, they don’t work. So, look, some polls are saying that Donald Trump has really surged in terms of his leadership. I try and keep these videos politically neutral, but it was interesting that FDX have got the presidential election tokens ways for people to bet or trade on the outcomes of different presidents. It doesn’t look like he wants to load here, but Joe Biden has really jumped up in the polls and. Trump has fallen so at one stage. Trump was around 50, 65 percent, I think, and it struck down to about a 50/50 rating at the moment. Some of those videos coming out about Biden. He doesn’t talk well from what I’ve seen. So I’m not sure what FDX isn’t loading there, guys, but dumb head over there. Check out the presidential odds, if you like. Okay. So Matt, BARRIE here has come out with an interesting tweet about this personal protective equipment. And Australia has banned exporting of all this equipment back to China. But I don’t think we realize that China actually make all this. And they’re probably going to stop exporting to us if if they don’t like the games that we’re playing. The US has invoked that defense act as well, blocking the export of masks to Canada and Germany. So people have different stockpiles. A lot of manufacturers have now started making cotton mask, 3D printed masks. It’s great to see these other businesses that are really pivoting ventilators and that as well to really give the healthcare workers what they need in this time. A lot of research going on. Forty nine diagnostic tests, 30 different treatments in clinical trials are five vaccines. The world has really focused all the smartest minds on this problem. And I’m really hopeful that we’re going to have some solutions. And as you throw mice in combination with the hydroxy chloroquine and zinc as well, that looks pretty promising. So compared to where we were two weeks ago, I certainly think there’s reasons to be positive. But we’ve just got to flatten that worldwide, spread that curve next. So the US labour market is in freefall, 10 million Americans filed in two weeks. You guys know that our predicted unemployment would likely hit 10 per cent in the next two weeks. And it looks like we’re gonna be pretty on the ball with that number. We won’t get the Australian stats for a couple of weeks because they take their time compared to the US, but simply jaw jaw dropping numbers, 3 million last week blew everyone away and now 6.6 million. This week we’re seeing these lines. I mean, what do you say? There’s these people lining up in their cars for five hours at a time and then food banks was still running out. People live paycheck to paycheck. I think the studies, 70 per cent of Americans don’t have $400 for emergency. And now this is the emergency. People can’t eat. I hope that they do their best to get that money in the hands of the American people. We’re hearing horror stories like this might take, you know, weeks or months to get it through this system. So I hope they sort that out the same in Australia with the Centrelink lines. Great to see someone like Jeff Bezos donating $100 million to help feed Americans. I don’t know about you guys, but it frustrates me when people say, oh, he’s worth X billion dollars. This is only point one percent. One hundred million dollars is $100 million. If he didn’t give that, now that’s a huge amount of people that might not be getting fed and whatnot. So you just realize when people are wealthy, they have that wealth tied up in a lot of assets. They can’t just sell at all. And sometimes the numbers are twisted to speak. Tankful $100 million is doing a lot more than most people out there like US box office sales. This is a fantastic example of the reality for so many businesses. 204 million dollars of sales on the same week last year dropped to $5000. So basically every cinema is shut. Is this an industry that’s going to bounce back once more and more people, you know, get familiar with their Netflix and all the different options you have these days? The home cinema is I think going to movies is still an experience for, you know, a big box office smash movie. But there’s going to be a lot of changes that come about from what’s going on. Small businesses, again, a lot of these people are now learning that they are not eligible for these bailout loans in Australia. I know the measures that we’ve put in place. Some businesses don’t have enough money to pay the wages to the staff or a few weeks, even if they know the government is eventually going to pay them back in and backdate it. So we’re running into these issues in the real world. And that’s where I really hope that we can sort those out and and have these discussions, because it’s not a perfect system. And I know they’re scrambling to do everything they can in a short period of time. This is another one where tensions are flaring between the landlords. We’ve just seen a lot of businesses say refusing to pay rent, and that puts a strain on the landlord. A lot of those are investors. Some of these people have now gone to banks and the banks themselves, like Wells Fargo, is scaling back on their different refinancing. So at the end of the day, even though, you know, the Fed or the RBA in Australia sort of printed this money and made it available. To the banks to give out loans, the banks still don’t want to give out bad loans. So we’ve heard stories in Australia of mortgage customers go into the bank and trying to refinance or even apply for that six month freeze. The bank says, well, you’re going to have your job back at the end of the six months. And they say, well, you know, I don’t know. And they say, well, sorry, we’re not going to refinance or freezing line. We’re not confident you can pay this back at the end of this period of time. So some of those stats I’ve read were anywhere between 30 and 50 percent of loans being rejected. So I’m sure the government is going to have to do something to make it directly available, because that is going to bring down the housing market. The corporate property market as well. Those are the leases and whatnot. There’s a lot of chapters of this story to play out yet. I guess that’s the message that I want to get across. And a few days after the Fed came out and told us that all U.S. banks are strong, there’s going to be no failures. We’ve seen the first bank go under. So this was an FDIC insured bank. We know they don’t actually have enough money to insure all deposits on all banks. If we saw, you know, a wide collapse, but the Fed began to print money to oblivion, to infinity before they actually allow these banks to collapse. So I don’t think the banking system collapse is now the main worry. I think it’s the the inflation that’s going to come from printing so much money down the line. Goldman have warned of the significant adverse impacts on stocks. It was basically buybacks that that kept that stock market roaring and then a retail sort of blow off top towards the end here. And we’re seeing massive, massive numbers in terms of the corporate that won’t be there. So we’re talking, you know, billions or trillions of dollars of buybacks that aren’t going to be propping up stocks anymore. So the world’s largest hedge fund might have to sell their assets. Now, this is Norway. They’ve got a 25 billion dollar withdrawal that they need to make in order to pay some of their bills. So a trillion dollars neily of assets under management. These are the, you know, the Swain’s and what not. Some of these guys have been printing money out of thin air to buy stocks. But the difference here is that the U.S. can continue to do that without, you know, their dollar sort of plunging. They can print money and prop up stocks and assets, whereas someone like like Norway. Other countries around the world, they can’t necessarily just just keep printing money to prop up these other assets because their currency is far more likely to enter this death spiral around the world. And that’s where the U.S. dollar having this privilege is upsetting people and is leading to a new financial system. Again, I spoke about any more detail on the Friday night video. Warren Buffet, watch what they do, not what they say. So not that long ago, only a few weeks when Warren Buffet said he won’t be selling any airline stocks. And just this week, we saw the numbers in where Berkshire Hathaway, his fund, have sold out. A lot of us companies, including airlines there. So whether or not he says all that’s my fund or me personally, why put this mission message out in public and portray that you’re not going to be selling airlines if you turn around and sell airlines? Now, these are the forecasts that are coming out from some of the leading analysts in the banks, Morgan Stanley here. And this is what we kind of, I think, still expecting a lot of ways that people are going to see this V-shaped recovery, that it’s going to get bad. Grew GDP might go down 4 per cent, 5 per cent for a quarter. Then we can have a huge rebound because all this demand is going to be there. But I don’t see that as the case. I see maybe a U-shaped bottom, possibly an L or a slow grind higher. But these systemic issues that have come to the front, I think they need to be solved and people like it by the B.S. that was going on and all the funny money that led to the bubble and caused all these issues. All right. So we’re into the crypto news. We’ve had a number of companies slapped with this lawsuit. So this happened a little while ago now yesterday. And the market didn’t really react badly. So I don’t think that this is something to be worried about. You know, it’s the usual stuff. A lot of these allegations are thrown around and it just takes so long. They’re going to be delayed, pushed back. How do you get all these companies in the one room from Kilcoyne to Tron to iOS and BLOCK, one of Verde had one settlement there. So, look, I don’t think this is anything to be too worried about at the moment. But yeah, there’s always investors trying to sue exchanges and projects and whatnot. These days, it’s part of the crypto community. Some positive news. Once again, power ledger. They continue to power forward, pardon the pun. But every week throughout crypto winter, they’ve had good news. And this is the world. First, so choose your own energy source in France so you can actually choose your allocation. Whether or not you want to get your power from solar or wind, they might have a different price. But, you know, you might be happy to pay another cent or two per kilowatt hour if you know that it’s coming from wind instead of coal or a different energy source, for example, or supporting a local wind farm and local jobs. Either way, I just think that the decentralization of the energy grid and being able to do this kind of stuff through software. It’s a really bullish investment theme with everything that’s going on in the world at the moment. Another local company, Horizon State, have put out their update. The takeover by a team, Goggin and the guys sees the new CEO of Horizons to the state talking about what’s going on there. Their aims, how he first got involved and the benefits of the platform. Had had bit of a re-jigger on the website just to give customers an idea about the services that they’re going to be offering and what not. And still, the hope is to use the blockchain or honor token holders in some way. I know they sort of haven’t forgotten about the community and those that really supported them in the early days. They’re synthetics. Another one of my favorite Aussie projects. These guys have added some more equity indices. So the idea here eventually and the reason that I fell in love with this company is that you’re going to be able to trade indexes. At the moment, they’ve got the footsie and the Nicci eventually. Hopefully it will be the Australian stock market. The US markets, they’ve also looking to add oil, I believe, very soon. So they work with chainlink to get price feeds. Then they create these synthetic assets and it’s almost like a decentralized broker or trading platform. So at the moment there’s not a lot of liquidity there and it’s still a little bit, you know, hard for the beginning user. You need to understand mega-mosque and all that is going to get easier as we go forward. And it’s very exciting to see this is a sort of stuff that’s going to underpin the crypto markets and the world of DFI is exploding. We do have a bitcoin grant. So if you guys don’t know how these worked. Basically, if you donate a dollar to our grant, it’ll be matched by the smart contract anywhere up to $100 in some instances. So you send us a dollar if you’ve got to get going to account or anyone can donate and you you might end up sending over 100 dollars our way. So at the moment, I think we’ve raised a couple of hundred dollars thanks to. They donated our largest donation so far. But this is going to go towards me being able to pay someone to do more research for you guys for our free public. A theorem, a monthly update episode. Now one of the busiest daps who has been working hard in the off fear and community. This was some research from sentiment. All our favorites on the list here, projects that I really love. Aragón is one that Tim Draper invested a million dollars in recently. I’ll give you a bit of a tip. As members know, this is one that I added to my portfolio a couple of months ago and has performed extremely well. A MRGO. They’ve had a bit of a comeback recently, which is great to see. Sentiment also put out a research piece for paid members only. Now, obviously I subscribe to a range of pay research and I can’t share it all for free. That wouldn’t be fair, but a Macie go was top of the list on the projects that they are most bullish on from all their fundamental research. So if you want that, we do have some links and some discounts for everyone, for the public. And again, members, you guys get bigger discounts with all our affiliates Coinbase who invested a million dollars in pull together the De-centralized Lottery. I’ve done a tutorial on that. It’s very cool. There’s no losers because of the way the DFI works and Eudy swap as well. So Coinbase are definitely going to be looking to integrate more and more of these projects. And their app is going to have ways for people to earn rewards without even knowing that they’re using crypto theorem. The dice table coin, for example, and that is where the next wave of people come into the crypto world. Shapeshift have enabled customers to buy with crypto debit cards as well. Sorry, by crypto with your debit card, it’s never been easy to buy crypto. And I’ll talk about in a second how my thesis on how the next bull market is going to play out. Australian crypto exchange coin spot of one this ISO security accreditation. So this is basically one of the top standards in the world for securing digital systems in crypto. Basically saying that, yes, their cold storage methods, how they do everything, setting it up and off line, their crypto is is very safe. So awesome to say. Obviously, if you know how to set up your own hardware device, that is safer, but we’re getting more and more of these, I guess, practices and standards in place. So hacks are going to be less likely in future and coin spot. You guys know that we do work with them. We like them. They recently put out those D5 bandos, a great Aussie exchange. Right. REPL have engineered a way for private transactions to take place on X up a ledger. Again, I’m not sure how that’s going to work. REPL to me is someone that wants to really comply with all financial regulations and at the moment regulators aren’t real crash hot on privacy. So hopefully we get more details about that. Sam and I will talk about that when we next get together. It’s cool to see privacy basically coming to all the top three assets now. Bitcoin, a cerium ex-hubby, also a nuther Costa custody firm, Anchorage Trust Company. These guys are one of the original members of Libra as well. Adding LSP to their list of cust. The assets for their institutional clients and finance have been moving and shaking. And it’s these sort of downtimes in the market where we see a lot of acquisitions happen, 400 million dollars for quite a market cap. Look, I think that’s a lot of money. I think quite market cap is slightly less reville relevant than it was back in 2017 when retail investors were checking coie market cap one hundred times a day. But I think finance knows that it gets a lot of eyeballs and actually more traffic than the Bonanni Web site. So hopefully they do the right thing and they don’t end up fudging numbers. And what not depends on how much you trust Bonanni. I guess they have partnered up with FDX who have a volume monitor that calls out all the B.S.. So yeah, hopefully they’re going to work together and we get some more accurate numbers from quite market cap. A lot of people have asked about alternatives. KOIN GEKO is probably the leading alternative to Koine Market Cap. There’s heaps of them out there these days that actually have more digital assets as well. So KOIN Gecko if you’re interested, or Missouri is the other one I like the bitcoin cash halving is actually in three days. In eight hours now. So what’s that? It’s going to be about 1 a.m. Australian time in a couple of days on late Wednesday night. I think this is going to be a bit of a preview. We will see some fireworks. Whales love to splash around in these other markets. We saw what happened with Litecoin. I’ve done a lot of write ups for members around Bitcoin cash. I did that free video for all you guys about how I see their bitcoin cash hardfor actually affecting the bitcoin hard fork. I believe that bitcoin s.u.v. Hard Fork is the day after this as well. The other thing that a bornand are getting into is by the looks of it now is mining. So mining is going to become less profitable after the halving. I think we’re kind of seeing this real corporatisation of the mining world where those firms with a lot of money, you know, becoming the winners and we’re sifting out those that are unprofitable. So has rights been dropping a bit? I still think the network’s strong. And as soon as we get into a bull market, I think we gonna see far higher prices. And all those miners that have dropped off are going to be profitable and they’re probably going to jump back in. But bonnets have just got a finger in every pie at the moment. All right. So some more research sentiment. They’ve had they have shown us that active addresses continue to climb on Bitcoin and theorem. Despite all this bad news, we are definitely heading in the right direction. It’s very different to that crypto winter in terms than numbers. We’re seeing bitcoin exchanges reporting record amounts of new users this month. So this is only from a few days ago and crack in reporting these huge increases in doubling for some exchanges. So I know a lot of people are at home and Googling what’s going on in the financial world. And some investors are taking Bitcoin far more seriously than they used to because of what’s going on with all the trillions being printed. Our brave browser, a million new users this month alone. If you haven’t got brave, download it. It blocks all the ads. It’s absolutely brilliant. And you can import or you’re bookmarks from Google Chrome. Vitaly has come out and said that he expects a lot of enterprise applications to move to the thearea main net because it’s a great way to disrupt how some of these other trading platforms work. And I completely agree with him. So this is an article by Banquo’s just saying that theorems going to a Wall Street, that whole settlement layer, that’s just software, but software that has a company behind it and exacts and all these people want to make a clip in a fee and it takes time. All these. Be replaced by cerium and it’s already happening. This is a cool little project called Balance. This is a non-custodial portfolio manager, so they can help you balance and create a portfolio on the ethereal minor. Using things like, you know, Yuni Swap and market makers and whatnot. So it’s already here. The technology is just a matter of now. How long does it take to eat? Wall Street’s lunch and capture market share? I am J. We’re very touched on them recently being one of the projects that’s in the top 10 for development on a theorem. But this is a cool little article about everything I’ve learnt from version 1 of on the test net. So Ruxton is one of the theorem test nets where you can play around on and they’ve partnered up with a company. Where was the name of it here? Let’s go back to their blog, Hojo Labs. So they’ve chosen O-M-G for their high throughput transactions. I definitely think that RJ fell out of favor and soda plasma as a scaling solution. But some project hydro crypto currency system. Head over to the MASC Go blog and I have rebooked that interview with the MASC Go team to have them on the channel for good chat very soon. CRM 2.0, the new chain phase. Your multi-client test net likely to go live this month. So it’s all coming together. Metallics been doing some big picture roadmap stuff as well as the move to prove state that’s going to be happening soon. And the older theorem chain that we’re on now is going to continue to be updated. What’s the Theorem 2.0 video I did if for more information on that? We’ve seen this theorem, Enterprise Alliance launched that that test ground for all these different blockchains being interoperable, particularly for the corporate world. And that’s the whole point of the theorem Enterprise Alliance. And we’ve seen so many businesses come there and really trust the ethereal name, its track record and the projects in the technology building on them. Ernst and Young even open sourcing some of their privacy technology, fourth area. So into the final parts of the bitcoin use here we’ve got reveler, which is a huge company only learned about recently, where you can sit in any different fiat currency around the world and move money and it’s very, very low fee if not free. So they’ve rolled out crypto and gold holdings. So much competition. So I talk about the pay powers and the stripes and a lot of competition with all the stable coins to something like LSP. But now we’re seeing these other companies going the other way and getting into crypto and letting their customers pay a bill from the U.S. to Australia by moving bitcoin first and then paying in the currency. Or I just love what is happening, that the banks are getting a massive, massive shake up. And it’s about time the ex royal meat team are providing security for Civic crypto wallets. Once again, FDIC insured. So there’s no excuse anymore for people to say, I don’t know how to set up an account or, you know, I just don’t want to manage it myself. Big, big investors have these trusted, familiar ways and even mobile wallets now that they can get insurance on. So it’s just awesome to watch this happen. And someone like Emily Diosa. Emily, if you’re watching, if you’re friends with Emily, tell her I say gidday. She is the the head of the Australian Taxpayers Alliance. And she came out and said, look, I bought my first bitcoin today. So it’s these professionals from a completely different world who are waking up to bitcoin today. So I just love it. Six thousand likes and plenty read tweets. She couldn’t have imagined the Bitcoin community getting around her. This is the good side of the Bitcoin community. You know, I hate the toxic stuff, the maximalism. The more people we can welcomed with open arms and respect others opinions. The faster this is going to happen. More people are going to come into this space and that is going to push bitcoin off and get rid of those those banks that are fleecing everyone. Finally, if you haven’t listened to this podcast, it was one of pump’s. So it’s on YouTube and he’s off the chain podcast. This is with Shamas Polly Happy TR. So he’s a billionaire. He is the CEO of a venture capital firm, Social Capital. He’s done extremely well. He’s an early adopter, but he’s just so bullish on Bitcoin. He wants the other he said he’s been buying more lately, but everything that Bitcoin was designed for, he’s happening trillions of dollars. You can’t make this stuff up. Negative views. Banks failing. We saw more withdrawal limits in places like Egypt this week. It is just the perfect, perfect recipe for Bitcoin to go up now in the short term. I know it’s been painful. This is what I’m watching now. Last week we did have another falling wedge playing out. Sure enough, once that did break down, we got a decent trade there, but it got bought up. And I think that shows that there’s a natural buying pressure that’s picking up. My theory was that we got down this low because the cascade and the liquidations of BMX, I don’t think that this was fair value and it didn’t even get down this low on some other exchanges. So you are very lucky to pick Bitcoin up under $4000. That the thing that was different from this rising wedge to what we’re watching now is, you know, during the top, we didn’t really see much buying activity from the bulls. Now, that’s kind of changed a bit lately. And I think we do have a. Better chance of breaking up rather than down. See, as we get towards the top of the wedge here, we’ve actually got bullish volume increasing. So I still think it’s it’s a bit of a 50/50 at the moment. Only experienced traders should be trading this. You know, it wouldn’t surprise me to see another fight break down and then whipsaw higher. We’ve had some big whipsaw is up. And we know that this is the the weekly resistance that I’ve got marked on here, the three lines. So we do have that resistance overhead once we get through there. If we can come back and retest it, I just think that that sets up a very, very strong launch ramp, as the Harvey is now only, you know, thirty five, thirty six days away, something like that. So how painful has it been, guys, since we got this teaser, this huge rip up to forty thousand dollars and we’ve gone all the way back down to three, but really in the grand scheme of things, let’s just finish off by looking at a bail X on that really long term time frame. Let’s go on that long shot there. Nothing much has changed. I know it looks and feels like this is really horrible, but, you know, in a few years time when hopefully we are somewhere right up here. No one’s going to remember this week and this cycle is going to look very, very similar to previous cycles in terms of our altcoins. Let’s just finish off on eigth here. This has all been really healthy. Still big picture stuff. Eith tends to be a good barometer for altcoins if we’d go from the bottom here to the top. We’ve had a perfect retracement into that sixty one point eight Fibonacci there. So this is what I want to hold. Nice weeks and buy here if we can hold that. I think that gives us a great chance for altcoins to really be strong performance here. But lately it’s been all about bitcoin. All eyes, the new money. That’s where it’s going to go. There’s a lot of interest in DFI as well. But I think we need bitcoin to make a really positive, decisive move and then we can let these other projects play out. So, guys, there’s plenty happening there. Don’t forget to get your friends over to our free education. If you want more, we’ve got our premium community. It’s absolutely awesome to see that you guys are respecting each other. The conversations in there, it’s been fantastic. So I hope you’ve enjoyed that video as always, guys. Place it there like bundes. Subscribe to an already. Share these around and I’ll talk to you again soon. Geez.
source https://www.cryptosharks.net/bitcoin-finance-global-news-april-2020/
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coin-news-blog · 5 years
Nature Abhors a Vacuum: Why Trump’s Proposed Negative Rates Bode Well for Bitcoin
New Post has been published on https://coinmakers.tech/news/nature-abhors-a-vacuum-why-trump-s-proposed-negative-rates-bode-well-for-bitcoin
Nature Abhors a Vacuum: Why Trump’s Proposed Negative Rates Bode Well for Bitcoin
Nature Abhors a Vacuum: Why Trump’s Proposed Negative Rates Bode Well for Bitcoin
In a recent tweet, U.S. president Donald Trump delved into an explosive, all-caps-loaded mini-rant about the necessity of getting “interest rates down to ZERO, or less.” The bombastic politician stressed the need for America to refinance its debt, trailing off with some superficially conservative speak about the U.S. and its “great currency, power, and balance sheet,” and calling the Fed “boneheads” for refusing to inflate credit bubbles further. Sycophantic support of the leader aside, negative interest rate policies (NIRP) are slowly but surely gaining prominence worldwide, setting everyone up for a fall that can only be solved by sound money and sound economic principle.
Pretty Vacant
As the popular idiom goes, talk is cheap and lies are expensive. When it comes to national interest rate policies worldwide, the story is the same. While slashing rates may create short-term growth in a given economy, the long-term effect is to inflate credit bubbles which ultimately have to burst if not paid for. With the U.S. national debt currently sitting at over $22.5 trillion, it’s hard to imagine anything being paid up on. Ever.
While Trump’s tweet is worded to please the ears of an openly conservative-identifying support base, the underlying implications of what is being suggested are about as “conservative” as deciding to spend one’s entire paycheck at the strip club, and then selling plasma to fund a Maoist commune of unemployed California college hippie kids, all in order to receive their moral support later for help paying one’s bills.
U.S. Treasury Secretary Steven Mnuchin and Japanese Finance Minister Taro Aso grin happily at a meeting of the IMF and World Bank in Washington D.C., in April.
NIRP policies are racking the world with more debt than ever recently, and while the flowery talk may sound pretty, it’s the common individual who always eats the dirt. Take Japan, for example. The current consumption tax was set to 8% in April, 2014. Next month, on October 1, it will jump to 10%. This is spite of the Bank of Japan’s (BOJ) current quantitative easing-friendly (QE) national interest rate of -0.1%. As Investopedia’s Sean Ross accurately surmises:
Wherever they have been tried, chronically low-interest rates and huge monetary expansions have failed to promote real economic growth. Quantitative easing (QE) did not achieve its stated objectives in the United States or the European Union (EU), and chronic low-interest rates have been unable to revive Japan’s once-thriving economy.
To deal with the hike and mask the downward spiral into recession, some Japanese businesses are simply changing price displays to not include tax, in a desperate bid to soften the perceived impact of the gutting.
Denmark and the 2008 U.S. Housing Crisis
As news.Bitcoin.com has reported previously, negative interest rates in Europe are “saving” local economies and value holders to the tune of more debt, illiquidity, and negative yielding bonds. Taking out loans for housing is now very cheap in Denmark, with some mortgage financing even dipping into the negative territory. Thanks to the fact that borrowing has never been cheaper, Danes are expected to take out more and more loans. For Americans and others familiar with the housing crisis and collapse of 2007-08, all of this sounds eerily familiar.
Prior to the U.S. housing crisis and ensuing global recession, the American government was — as per Trump’s current prescription — slashing interest rates. The federal funds rate was lowered from 6.5% to 1.75% in December 2001, and the liquidity that followed attracted borrowers without adequate income or assets to seek out low-quality loans. Lenders and banks were happy to oblige.
Interest rates in the U.S. are experiencing a continuing downward trend.
House prices shot up thanks to the new money on the market, and by June 2003 the interest rate was cut further to 1%, which was the lowest in 45 years. Sub-prime loans were then being repackaged and sold to investors as collateralized debt, and when people began to default, the whole house of cards imploded. The government’s solution? Just print hundreds of billions of dollars to buy the bad loans, further devaluing the U.S. dollar and increasing the national debt. For those with eyes to see, this is all a game being played with Monopoly money, where the banker can simply create more cash willy-nilly at any time. Trump may call bitcoin a “thin air” currency, but the truth is that his beloved USD is the real vapid scam being pushed here.
Nature Abhors a Vacuum – Sound Money As a Hedge
These days, more and more investors are talking about hedging against a global liquidity crisis with crypto and gold. The foundational reasons are fairly simple: both assets are limited (supply and demand dynamics thus protect against inflation), and both assets can be controlled privately, without the approval of third parties like governments or major banks. This is in stark contrast to the fiat model, where money is created arbitrarily, and the supply adjusted by self-interested third parties with little to no incentive to serve the currency’s larger userbase.
The Chicago Mercantile Exchange (CME) recently released a letter to the U.S. Commodity Futures Trading Commission (CFTC) on September 12, announcing they are “self-certifying an increase of the spot month position limits for the Bitcoin Futures contract (the “Contract”), commencing with the October 2019 contract month and beyond.”
Intercontinental Exchange’s (ICE) Bakkt has announced they will launch daily and monthly bitcoin futures on September 23.
Bakkt Warehouse custody is live.
Now accepting customer bitcoin deposits and withdrawals. Only 17 days until the Bakkt Daily and Monthly Futures contracts launch on Sep 23.
— Bakkt (@Bakkt) September 6, 2019
For the everyday investor not interested in high-falutin, leveraged futures as a hedge, simply holding and investing in gold and bitcoin serves the same basic purpose, and often with less risk. In today’s volatile economic climate where major governments — even in traditionally anti-negative interest, Five Eyes Alliance (FVEY) countries — are chopping rates like there’s no tomorrow, an action as simple as holding sound money quietly is a move that could potentially save much financial heartache down the road.
Japan, Denmark, Sweden, Switzerland, and major banks like the European Central Bank and UBS are already employing negative rates. Australia, New Zealand and the U.S. are experimenting with slashing rates consistently. President Trump’s wild proclamation that this is just what the doctor ordered comes at a time of worldwide skepticism, when more and more individuals are waking up to the fact that no matter how much money is printed, resources are limited, and supply and demand is a reality that must be faced.
Should the vacuum seal of negative rates and Keynesian QE crack, rest assured that the oxygen of free market principles and sound money will rush in to fill the gaps immediately, but there may not be enough to go around. In this light, Trump’s call for more credit can be seen as a call to individuals worldwide to invest in sound money as soon as possible, and with importunity.
Source: news.bitcoin
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heliolendingau · 3 years
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With the explosion of DeFi projects comes new ways of managing, handling, and storing money. One method that decentralized tools use to do this is via liquidity pools. These are a revolutionary and deeply significant technology that has allowed for DeFi to flourish over the last few years.
Introduction to Liquidity Pools
Liquidity pools are relatively new tech, being popularised by Uniswap; perhaps the most famous decentralized exchange on the market. Essentially liquidity pools are smart contracts that hold large quantities of funds within one location, that allow traders or borrowers to take from that pool. They help decentralized exchanges and loan providers to connect individuals with the money they are looking to work with.
People hand their coins and tokens over to liquidity pools in exchange for an incentive of some sort (with different projects offering different incentives). These funds are then used to help make trades or issue loans. The money people hand is not exactly lost, because a fully functioning liquidity pool should never run out of its funds, and so the people giving their money over should be able to take their money out in the future.
Liquidity pools were developed as a way of helping to bootstrap DeFi lending and trading platforms in their early stages; when DeFi was in its infancy, there were few people using them because they were new and untested. This meant that if traditional order books were used then people would have to wait hours, or even days, for their trades to be matched with another person. However, liquidity pools eradicate this issue because rather than being matched with another person, users are instead matched with the project itself, which is always ready to issue a loan or make a trade because it always connects to the liquidity pool. These are known as automated market makers (AMM)
What are AMMs?
An AMM is a machine or program that matches with every trader or borrower. They automatically match each person with the best offer for the token or coin they are about to engage with. They are the ultimate alternative to the traditional order book, because AMMs are always available and can be used by multiple people, so they are perfect for newer projects that might have a low user-count.
AMMs use algorithmic principles to adjust their prices in accordance with the standards of the market at large, meaning that competitive rates are consistently offered. For the end user, there is no noticeable difference between engaging with an automated market maker and a real human.
Downsides of Liquidity Pools
Liquidity pools and automated market makers are necessary inventions within the DeFi market, but like all DeFi inventions, they are not always stress-tested or foolproof. One of the biggest downsides of using a project that has a liquidity pool is that the pool can get hacked. It is rare, but as DeFi is all based around programming (rather than human intervention) it is entirely possible for somebody to break into a liquidity pool and deplete it. Generally, this will not cause issues with the end user, so long as they are borrowing or trading, and not holding their money in the pool. In these circumstances, all that would happen is that the pool would close down.
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Bitcoin Bomb Threats, Romanian Fraud Arrests, Bitcoin Cash Continues to Plummet, Coinbase Integrates Paypal and More: This Week in Crypto
Bitcoin Bomb Threats, Romanian Fraud Arrests, Bitcoin Cash Continues to Plummet, Coinbase Integrates Paypal and More: This Week in Crypto
Several Notches Above Ransomware
An extortion scheme which sought to terrorize people into paying over BTC made global headlines over the course of the week. The threats happened worldwide, at a minimum being reported in the US, New Zealand, and Australia. The bomb threats demanded $20,000 in BTC in exchange for the terrorists to “give the command to my person to get away.” At least one address used in such schemes has to date received absolutely nothing, and there are no reports of anyone actually being injured as a result of failure to pay the ransom.
So I actually just got a bomb threat in my work email today ordering me to send the person $20,000 via bitcoin or they will blow up my place of work…. 2018 is wild pic.twitter.com/sn0vVLwe6v
— Ryan William Grant (@TheeRyanGrant) December 13, 2018
In related news, a “sextortion” scheme has been ongoing, seducing people into forcefully installing ransomware on their devices, ultimately forcing them to pay BTC or lose access to their data.
Romanian Bitcoin Exchange CoinFlux Sees Its CEO Arrested, Wanted for Extradition to the US
CCN broke the story of Vlad Nistor in the English speaking world. Nistor is the CEO and founder of a Romanian Bitcoin exchange called CoinFlux and is accused of having helped Romanian phishing scam artists – who actually traveled to the US as part of their scams in 2014 and 2015 – wash the proceeds of their scams in cryptocurrency when the exchange was just getting started up.
AriseBank CEO Settles SEC Charges
On the subject of scammers, Jared Rice, Sr., the CEO of the ICO-backed AriseBank scam has settled all charges with the SEC, amounting to well over $2 million fines and restitution. His criminal case is still pending.
Bitcoin Cash Bears In A Frenzy
For the first time ever this week, Bitcoin Cash saw a lower valuation than Ethereum. Ethereum itself is struggling on several fronts, the market being perhaps the least important to long-term bulls in the token platform. Actual dApp usage on the platform is incredibly low overall. We also reported this week how Tron, an alternative smart contract platform with a base token valued well under $1, saw more than a million transactions per day in its own dApps, indicating a growing demand for the token and its applications.
Bitcoin Cash ABC, the fork that retained the BCH ticker across exchanges, continues to plummet in value with no end in sight. Erstwhile, the other side of the fork, Bitcoin SV, seems to stay just behind BCH in price, the two being valued at $82 and $77 respectively on Saturday night. The continuing lack of confidence in Bitcoin Cash as a whole might be related to such things as lawsuits alleging overt centralization in addition to the general frigid atmosphere surrounding cryptos amid regulatory moves and prosecutions.
Coinbase Integrates Paypal
Coinbase users no longer need a traditional bank account to withdraw proceeds from Coinbase trades. They can withdraw to a Paypal account as of Friday. According to CCN writer Samantha Cheng:
Before, you needed an ACH (automated clearing house) or federal wire account to withdraw funds from your Coinbase account. And it could take up to two business days for the transaction to clear.
The only thing missing now is PayPal deposits, which are still not available, meaning that customers must use at a minimum a Debit or Credit Card to fund their account. The unbanked stay unbanked if they use Coinbase, at least for now.
Porsche Uses Blockchain to Arrange $170 Million Loan
Porsche wanted a loan to conduct a targeted acquisition, and according to CCN’s Melanie Kramer, they recently used BBVA’s blockchain products to do so:
Acquisition term loans are provided for a specific purpose and period. In this case, Porsche Holding Salzburg, a subsidiary of Volkswagen AG, is seeking to expand its retail distribution network in Europe and Asia.
The pilot also makes Porsche, still the largest automotive distributor in Europe, the first non-Spanish borrower to use BBVA DLT to negotiate and close a corporate loan.
BBVA has conducted other loans using its blockchain infrastructure in the recent past.
African Militants Use ERC-20 Token As Official Currency
A group of Camaroon separatists who are working to establish what they called “Ambazonia,” have created AmbaCoin, an ERC-20 token that they tout as their official currency.
CCN’s David Hundeyin reported that there were still some unanswered questions about AmbaCoin:
As is the case with the Petro, it is currently unclear how the natural resources and projected earnings that give it value will be quantified and calculated, and it is also unclear how the said resources will be harnessed given that the Cameroonian military still maintains control of Southern Cameroon.
At time of writing, they were still selling the tokens for 25 cents US each to raise funds.
Featured image from Shutterstock.
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Original Source https://ift.tt/2S5MxXk
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teiraymondmccoy78 · 6 years
Bitcoin Bomb Threats, Romanian Fraud Arrests, Bitcoin Cash Continues to Plummet, Coinbase Integrates Paypal and More: This Week in Crypto
Bitcoin Bomb Threats, Romanian Fraud Arrests, Bitcoin Cash Continues to Plummet, Coinbase Integrates Paypal and More: This Week in Crypto
Several Notches Above Ransomware
An extortion scheme which sought to terrorize people into paying over BTC made global headlines over the course of the week. The threats happened worldwide, at a minimum being reported in the US, New Zealand, and Australia. The bomb threats demanded $20,000 in BTC in exchange for the terrorists to “give the command to my person to get away.” At least one address used in such schemes has to date received absolutely nothing, and there are no reports of anyone actually being injured as a result of failure to pay the ransom.
So I actually just got a bomb threat in my work email today ordering me to send the person $20,000 via bitcoin or they will blow up my place of work…. 2018 is wild pic.twitter.com/sn0vVLwe6v
— Ryan William Grant (@TheeRyanGrant) December 13, 2018
In related news, a “sextortion” scheme has been ongoing, seducing people into forcefully installing ransomware on their devices, ultimately forcing them to pay BTC or lose access to their data.
Romanian Bitcoin Exchange CoinFlux Sees Its CEO Arrested, Wanted for Extradition to the US
CCN broke the story of Vlad Nistor in the English speaking world. Nistor is the CEO and founder of a Romanian Bitcoin exchange called CoinFlux and is accused of having helped Romanian phishing scam artists – who actually traveled to the US as part of their scams in 2014 and 2015 – wash the proceeds of their scams in cryptocurrency when the exchange was just getting started up.
AriseBank CEO Settles SEC Charges
On the subject of scammers, Jared Rice, Sr., the CEO of the ICO-backed AriseBank scam has settled all charges with the SEC, amounting to well over $2 million fines and restitution. His criminal case is still pending.
Bitcoin Cash Bears In A Frenzy
For the first time ever this week, Bitcoin Cash saw a lower valuation than Ethereum. Ethereum itself is struggling on several fronts, the market being perhaps the least important to long-term bulls in the token platform. Actual dApp usage on the platform is incredibly low overall. We also reported this week how Tron, an alternative smart contract platform with a base token valued well under $1, saw more than a million transactions per day in its own dApps, indicating a growing demand for the token and its applications.
Bitcoin Cash ABC, the fork that retained the BCH ticker across exchanges, continues to plummet in value with no end in sight. Erstwhile, the other side of the fork, Bitcoin SV, seems to stay just behind BCH in price, the two being valued at $82 and $77 respectively on Saturday night. The continuing lack of confidence in Bitcoin Cash as a whole might be related to such things as lawsuits alleging overt centralization in addition to the general frigid atmosphere surrounding cryptos amid regulatory moves and prosecutions.
Coinbase Integrates Paypal
Coinbase users no longer need a traditional bank account to withdraw proceeds from Coinbase trades. They can withdraw to a Paypal account as of Friday. According to CCN writer Samantha Cheng:
Before, you needed an ACH (automated clearing house) or federal wire account to withdraw funds from your Coinbase account. And it could take up to two business days for the transaction to clear.
The only thing missing now is PayPal deposits, which are still not available, meaning that customers must use at a minimum a Debit or Credit Card to fund their account. The unbanked stay unbanked if they use Coinbase, at least for now.
Porsche Uses Blockchain to Arrange $170 Million Loan
Porsche wanted a loan to conduct a targeted acquisition, and according to CCN’s Melanie Kramer, they recently used BBVA’s blockchain products to do so:
Acquisition term loans are provided for a specific purpose and period. In this case, Porsche Holding Salzburg, a subsidiary of Volkswagen AG, is seeking to expand its retail distribution network in Europe and Asia.
The pilot also makes Porsche, still the largest automotive distributor in Europe, the first non-Spanish borrower to use BBVA DLT to negotiate and close a corporate loan.
BBVA has conducted other loans using its blockchain infrastructure in the recent past.
African Militants Use ERC-20 Token As Official Currency
A group of Camaroon separatists who are working to establish what they called “Ambazonia,” have created AmbaCoin, an ERC-20 token that they tout as their official currency.
CCN’s David Hundeyin reported that there were still some unanswered questions about AmbaCoin:
As is the case with the Petro, it is currently unclear how the natural resources and projected earnings that give it value will be quantified and calculated, and it is also unclear how the said resources will be harnessed given that the Cameroonian military still maintains control of Southern Cameroon.
At time of writing, they were still selling the tokens for 25 cents US each to raise funds.
Featured image from Shutterstock.
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Original Source https://ift.tt/2S5MxXk
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bobbynolanios88 · 6 years
Bitcoin Bomb Threats, Romanian Fraud Arrests, Bitcoin Cash Continues to Plummet, Coinbase Integrates Paypal and More: This Week in Crypto
Bitcoin Bomb Threats, Romanian Fraud Arrests, Bitcoin Cash Continues to Plummet, Coinbase Integrates Paypal and More: This Week in Crypto
Several Notches Above Ransomware
An extortion scheme which sought to terrorize people into paying over BTC made global headlines over the course of the week. The threats happened worldwide, at a minimum being reported in the US, New Zealand, and Australia. The bomb threats demanded $20,000 in BTC in exchange for the terrorists to “give the command to my person to get away.” At least one address used in such schemes has to date received absolutely nothing, and there are no reports of anyone actually being injured as a result of failure to pay the ransom.
So I actually just got a bomb threat in my work email today ordering me to send the person $20,000 via bitcoin or they will blow up my place of work…. 2018 is wild pic.twitter.com/sn0vVLwe6v
— Ryan William Grant (@TheeRyanGrant) December 13, 2018
In related news, a “sextortion” scheme has been ongoing, seducing people into forcefully installing ransomware on their devices, ultimately forcing them to pay BTC or lose access to their data.
Romanian Bitcoin Exchange CoinFlux Sees Its CEO Arrested, Wanted for Extradition to the US
CCN broke the story of Vlad Nistor in the English speaking world. Nistor is the CEO and founder of a Romanian Bitcoin exchange called CoinFlux and is accused of having helped Romanian phishing scam artists – who actually traveled to the US as part of their scams in 2014 and 2015 – wash the proceeds of their scams in cryptocurrency when the exchange was just getting started up.
AriseBank CEO Settles SEC Charges
On the subject of scammers, Jared Rice, Sr., the CEO of the ICO-backed AriseBank scam has settled all charges with the SEC, amounting to well over $2 million fines and restitution. His criminal case is still pending.
Bitcoin Cash Bears In A Frenzy
For the first time ever this week, Bitcoin Cash saw a lower valuation than Ethereum. Ethereum itself is struggling on several fronts, the market being perhaps the least important to long-term bulls in the token platform. Actual dApp usage on the platform is incredibly low overall. We also reported this week how Tron, an alternative smart contract platform with a base token valued well under $1, saw more than a million transactions per day in its own dApps, indicating a growing demand for the token and its applications.
Bitcoin Cash ABC, the fork that retained the BCH ticker across exchanges, continues to plummet in value with no end in sight. Erstwhile, the other side of the fork, Bitcoin SV, seems to stay just behind BCH in price, the two being valued at $82 and $77 respectively on Saturday night. The continuing lack of confidence in Bitcoin Cash as a whole might be related to such things as lawsuits alleging overt centralization in addition to the general frigid atmosphere surrounding cryptos amid regulatory moves and prosecutions.
Coinbase Integrates Paypal
Coinbase users no longer need a traditional bank account to withdraw proceeds from Coinbase trades. They can withdraw to a Paypal account as of Friday. According to CCN writer Samantha Cheng:
Before, you needed an ACH (automated clearing house) or federal wire account to withdraw funds from your Coinbase account. And it could take up to two business days for the transaction to clear.
The only thing missing now is PayPal deposits, which are still not available, meaning that customers must use at a minimum a Debit or Credit Card to fund their account. The unbanked stay unbanked if they use Coinbase, at least for now.
Porsche Uses Blockchain to Arrange $170 Million Loan
Porsche wanted a loan to conduct a targeted acquisition, and according to CCN’s Melanie Kramer, they recently used BBVA’s blockchain products to do so:
Acquisition term loans are provided for a specific purpose and period. In this case, Porsche Holding Salzburg, a subsidiary of Volkswagen AG, is seeking to expand its retail distribution network in Europe and Asia.
The pilot also makes Porsche, still the largest automotive distributor in Europe, the first non-Spanish borrower to use BBVA DLT to negotiate and close a corporate loan.
BBVA has conducted other loans using its blockchain infrastructure in the recent past.
African Militants Use ERC-20 Token As Official Currency
A group of Camaroon separatists who are working to establish what they called “Ambazonia,” have created AmbaCoin, an ERC-20 token that they tout as their official currency.
CCN’s David Hundeyin reported that there were still some unanswered questions about AmbaCoin:
As is the case with the Petro, it is currently unclear how the natural resources and projected earnings that give it value will be quantified and calculated, and it is also unclear how the said resources will be harnessed given that the Cameroonian military still maintains control of Southern Cameroon.
At time of writing, they were still selling the tokens for 25 cents US each to raise funds.
Featured image from Shutterstock.
Get Exclusive Crypto Analysis by Professional Traders and Investors on Hacked.com. Sign up now and get the first month for free. Click here. Advertisement
Original Source https://ift.tt/2S5MxXk
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mccartneynathxzw83 · 6 years
Bitcoin Bomb Threats, Romanian Fraud Arrests, Bitcoin Cash Continues to Plummet, Coinbase Integrates Paypal and More: This Week in Crypto
Bitcoin Bomb Threats, Romanian Fraud Arrests, Bitcoin Cash Continues to Plummet, Coinbase Integrates Paypal and More: This Week in Crypto
Several Notches Above Ransomware
An extortion scheme which sought to terrorize people into paying over BTC made global headlines over the course of the week. The threats happened worldwide, at a minimum being reported in the US, New Zealand, and Australia. The bomb threats demanded $20,000 in BTC in exchange for the terrorists to “give the command to my person to get away.” At least one address used in such schemes has to date received absolutely nothing, and there are no reports of anyone actually being injured as a result of failure to pay the ransom.
So I actually just got a bomb threat in my work email today ordering me to send the person $20,000 via bitcoin or they will blow up my place of work…. 2018 is wild pic.twitter.com/sn0vVLwe6v
— Ryan William Grant (@TheeRyanGrant) December 13, 2018
In related news, a “sextortion” scheme has been ongoing, seducing people into forcefully installing ransomware on their devices, ultimately forcing them to pay BTC or lose access to their data.
Romanian Bitcoin Exchange CoinFlux Sees Its CEO Arrested, Wanted for Extradition to the US
CCN broke the story of Vlad Nistor in the English speaking world. Nistor is the CEO and founder of a Romanian Bitcoin exchange called CoinFlux and is accused of having helped Romanian phishing scam artists – who actually traveled to the US as part of their scams in 2014 and 2015 – wash the proceeds of their scams in cryptocurrency when the exchange was just getting started up.
AriseBank CEO Settles SEC Charges
On the subject of scammers, Jared Rice, Sr., the CEO of the ICO-backed AriseBank scam has settled all charges with the SEC, amounting to well over $2 million fines and restitution. His criminal case is still pending.
Bitcoin Cash Bears In A Frenzy
For the first time ever this week, Bitcoin Cash saw a lower valuation than Ethereum. Ethereum itself is struggling on several fronts, the market being perhaps the least important to long-term bulls in the token platform. Actual dApp usage on the platform is incredibly low overall. We also reported this week how Tron, an alternative smart contract platform with a base token valued well under $1, saw more than a million transactions per day in its own dApps, indicating a growing demand for the token and its applications.
Bitcoin Cash ABC, the fork that retained the BCH ticker across exchanges, continues to plummet in value with no end in sight. Erstwhile, the other side of the fork, Bitcoin SV, seems to stay just behind BCH in price, the two being valued at $82 and $77 respectively on Saturday night. The continuing lack of confidence in Bitcoin Cash as a whole might be related to such things as lawsuits alleging overt centralization in addition to the general frigid atmosphere surrounding cryptos amid regulatory moves and prosecutions.
Coinbase Integrates Paypal
Coinbase users no longer need a traditional bank account to withdraw proceeds from Coinbase trades. They can withdraw to a Paypal account as of Friday. According to CCN writer Samantha Cheng:
Before, you needed an ACH (automated clearing house) or federal wire account to withdraw funds from your Coinbase account. And it could take up to two business days for the transaction to clear.
The only thing missing now is PayPal deposits, which are still not available, meaning that customers must use at a minimum a Debit or Credit Card to fund their account. The unbanked stay unbanked if they use Coinbase, at least for now.
Porsche Uses Blockchain to Arrange $170 Million Loan
Porsche wanted a loan to conduct a targeted acquisition, and according to CCN’s Melanie Kramer, they recently used BBVA’s blockchain products to do so:
Acquisition term loans are provided for a specific purpose and period. In this case, Porsche Holding Salzburg, a subsidiary of Volkswagen AG, is seeking to expand its retail distribution network in Europe and Asia.
The pilot also makes Porsche, still the largest automotive distributor in Europe, the first non-Spanish borrower to use BBVA DLT to negotiate and close a corporate loan.
BBVA has conducted other loans using its blockchain infrastructure in the recent past.
African Militants Use ERC-20 Token As Official Currency
A group of Camaroon separatists who are working to establish what they called “Ambazonia,” have created AmbaCoin, an ERC-20 token that they tout as their official currency.
CCN’s David Hundeyin reported that there were still some unanswered questions about AmbaCoin:
As is the case with the Petro, it is currently unclear how the natural resources and projected earnings that give it value will be quantified and calculated, and it is also unclear how the said resources will be harnessed given that the Cameroonian military still maintains control of Southern Cameroon.
At time of writing, they were still selling the tokens for 25 cents US each to raise funds.
Featured image from Shutterstock.
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Australian Bank Bans Use of Mortgaged Funds for Crypto Speculation
Economy & Regulation One of Australia’s oldest monetary establishments, Bank of Queensland, has prohibited the use of house fairness loans for digital forex hypothesis. The transfer has been attributed to considerations relating the rising regulatory oversight of the cryptocurrency sector in Australia. Also Read: Tether Announces Appointment of New Chief Compliance Officer Bank of Queensland Cracks…
Australian Bank Bans Use of Mortgaged Funds for Crypto Speculation was originally published on Daily Cryptocurrency News
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decryptog-blog · 7 years
Bitcoin, Ethereum, And Also BitGold.
Sep. 26 - Mike Novogratz, Galaxy Financial investment Allies founder, explains how he obtained linkeded on cryptocurrencies. One modern instance of failing is in Zimbabwe, whose inoperative multibillion-denominated notes now sit on the workdesks of monetary press reporters and currency traders as pointers of exactly how unhitched things could come to be with cash. Yet the best lesson Western societies have learned originates from further back: the 1920s Weimar Republic. The German government then, unwilling to court army problem with its European next-door neighbors however additionally reluctant to disturb the general public by raising taxes, rather printed loan to cover its financial debts and also sent the German mark right into an unmanageable descending spiral. As inflation soared past anything anybody might think of, kids would certainly arrange stacks of useless 50-million-mark notes right into play houses. The best caution from all this originates from the understanding that this financial and also governmental turmoil opened a door to Adolf Hitler. Initially, they could execute stricter routines to make sure cryptocurrency purchases are not associated with dark net tasks, terrorism funding or cash laundering activities. Conversely, reserve banks might begin releasing their very own electronic currency referred to as Central Bank issued Digital Currency (CBDC) based upon the distributed journal modern technology (DLT), the exact same blockchain modern technology behind the cryptocurrencies. http://www.telegraph.co.uk/technology/0/cryptocurrency/ elevates the opportunity of CBDCs ruining the value recommendation of existing cryptocurrencies. Crypto" refers to http://imlearningclub.com/palm-beach-confidential-review-teeka-tiwari/ of Bitcoin that makes it secure. It uses a branch of mathematics called public vital cryptography". Yet understanding this gives essentially zero worth in understanding of cryptocurrencies apart from it is safe and secure in such a way verified by mathematicians. There has also been acknowledgment for cryptocurrencies in countries such as Australia and Japan, which are both implementing polices to legalise cryptocurrencies exchanges. Japan has actually made it mandatory for Bitcoin exchanges to sign up with regulators and also undertake annual auditing by certified accounting professionals. I state this just to develop some qualifications. I will be creating a lot more frequently about cryptocurrencies just since I see many individuals I understand beginning to be harmed when, actually, there's opportunities to earn a lot of loan in the area.
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heliolendingau · 3 years
What Keeps NFT Collectibles Afloat?
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The NFT collectible market is one of the biggest NFT sectors. Projects like CryptoKitties and CryptoPunks have led the charge for raising awareness of NFTs, and during their short existence, they have been valued at millions of dollars and been used as collateral for countless loans. With such a lucrative (albeit tiny) history, many are looking to enter the market, but are apprehensive about whether the industry can sustain itself, or whether it will collapse.
This is an especially salient fear for those who are considering using NFT collectibles as collateral in the future, as a depreciating market is no good for borrowers. Lucky for them, the NFT collectible sector is largely different from other markets, with distinct aspects that suggest a lucrative and fruitful future. Let’s take a look at these aspects.
The Human Desire for Collecting
Humans have been collecting for as long as we’ve existed as a species. Chances are, you know somebody who collects things, or you collect things yourself. It is an activity that transcends time, cultural backgrounds, and sometimes even sense. People are known to spend unbelievable amounts of money on attaining goods they deem to be rare, unique, or mesmerizing in some way. As Joseph Rykwert notes, “even the earliest hunter-gatherers made and collected objects”. Collecting is so prevalent in our history that we might as well call it a symptom of the human condition.
Understanding why exactly we collect is a tough question, in part because it crosses disciplinary boundaries. It is a psychological, anthropological, sociological, historical, and philosophical question. This makes it notoriously hard to study as it requires somebody to have knowledge of multiple areas. That being said, some people have developed possible theories. Joseph Rykwert suggests a deeply Freudian theory that we collect as a means of control, as control gives us comfort.
Susan Pearce, perhaps the most well-versed academic on the topic, argued that in the Western world collecting is a pursuit of both knowledge and individualism. People believe they can learn something unique and significant through their collecting, and in many circumstances, they believe they can help teach others (which is what museum collectors do). Many also collect as a way of standing out from the crowd and exploring their own identity through the objects they own. This is something we all do automatically with clothing, but it can really happen with anything being collected.
The pursuit of individualism is something very visible in the NFT collectible scene. With NFTs all being “one-of-a-kind”, people can feel special and unique simply by owning them. This also helps satiate the human “need for uniqueness”, which is “a person’s need to feel special and different from others”.
Collecting as a Means of Forming Social Bonds
A more wholesome aspect of any collectible market (including the NFT market), is that it can work as a community-building endeavor. Many people collect items so they can interact with others who collect the same items. This is most noticeable in the trading card world where you need a relatively big collection of cards before you can sufficiently compete with others.
There are numerous NFT trading card projects on the market, such as the NBA’s Top Shot cards, Sorare, and Skyweaver. These projects straddle the line between NFT games and mere collectibles. Having large collections of specific projects allows you to interact with others where you share a common ground and common topics. In this sense, collecting acts as a “social proof”, which is where somebody or something uses certain metrics to prove to others they are trustworthy and desirable. By showing your collection to another collector, somebody can instantly prove they are worthy of engaging with.
Many people build their whole lives around collecting, not only for knowledge and individualism but because their social connections are intertwined with them.
NFTs Represent Something Bigger
Most of our discussion has explored the collectible industry as a whole, but there is one element that is unique to the NFT world. It cannot be ignored that NFT’s are a part of the crypto and blockchain industry, and so it shares the same ideological merits. In particular, NFTs represent a seismic shift from institutional control to economic freedom. To collect NFTs means something very different from collecting a physical object– it is a simple way of promoting your support of decentralization to the public.
This means that NFT collectibles all inherent a certain emotive quality. They are a way of marking somebody’s alignment with the redistribution of power and wealth, the likes of which are brought by crypto.
To summarise, the NFT collectible market appears to be a strong investment because they help make people feel comfortable, they promote knowledge and individualism, they build social connections via social proof, and they establish somebody’s alignment with decentralization. In other words, this is a highly versatile market, one which is sure to stay lucrative for a long, long time.
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heliolendingau · 3 years
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To “default” is to fail at repaying a debt – including principal or interest – on either a loan or security. They usually happen when a borrower cannot make payments on time, they regularly miss payments, or they avoid making payments. Alternatively, they stop altogether. As one might expect, there are consequences for such an act.
Credit damage
Falling into default will mean that your credit will suffer greatly. Your credit score consists of numerous factors, but the most critical is your payment history. This includes your current position with outstanding accounts, credit cards, loans, or other lines of credit. Having a bad credit score will obviously negatively affect you in various ways. It can make it harder to rent or buy a house and get a job, among other tasks. Even if you get the approval for a loan, a poor credit score can make it more pricey.
Some lenders will report delinquencies if you are late paying a bill. During the first 30 days after a due payment, you might be okay. However, missed payments resulting in default will be reported to credit bureaus, which in turn will lower your credit scores.
Legal problems
When all else fails, lenders will send any unpaid debts to collection agencies. Collections can negatively impact your credit and provoke legal judgments, not to mention be quite expensive. In some cases, debt collectors can be an annoyance to deal with.
Defaulting is considered to be a civil crime, not a criminal crime. Therefore, arresting defaulters isn’t something that the police do. That being said, the defaulters are accountable for paying off the debts. When it comes to court judgment, lenders could potentially garnish your wages or even go so far as to seize your bank account’s assets.
An increase in costs
Defaulting can boost your debt amount. Not only that but various things may be added to your account, thus increasing the total balance. Such things that could be added include late payment fees, penalties, and legal costs.
In actuality, taking the effects of compound interest into account, outstanding debt increases rather quickly. By missing payments, the charges of your monthly interest are added to the principal balance of the loan. From this, future interest is charged on this greater balance, and so on. As you can probably tell, this can snowball very quickly.
What to remember
As you can see, the consequences of loan defaults of any type are harsh and one should avoid them at all costs. The best thing to do if you miss a payment or your loan remains in delinquency for just a few months is to contact the company responsible for managing your loan. Loan servicers will often collaborate with debtors to create a payment plan that both parties can benefit from. Otherwise, in the worst-case scenarios, leaving a loan in delinquency and causing it to default can result in your assets or wages being seized.
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