#cryptid hunter moon
sourtomatola · 11 months
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o-cinnamonstickz · 1 year
A while back @naffeclipse answered a question from @boxofcreampuffs’s asking: “what would the boys do if they lost their vessel?” (This post)
@pure-plum came up with the adorable idea of the hunter sewing up a rag doll for the boys to settle in while they searched for a more suitable vessel for both the boys and their little hunter to enjoy.
Needless to say I fell in love with the concept and jumped to draw it immediately XD
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Ok, I have been dead for long enough-
Hello everyone! I hope the holidays have been fun and that all of you are looking forward for the new year!
I for one have been fighting for my life with this little animation/animatic for the Cryptid Sightings au. I’m still not quite satisfied with it, but at some point you gotta say “enough is enough” especially when you’re working with windows old MovieMaker as your editing program because you’re an old cheapskate who refuses to buy a proper animation program
But anyway! Naff I really freaking love this au and I can’t wait to see more of it! I thought this classic vine would fit the au, so I hope you like it ;D 
As always; Cryptid Sightings is an au and story written by lovely @naffeclipse which you can read here! Moon’s design is just his normal look and Y/N’s design is a bit of a twist from my side ‘cause I’m quirky like that ;P
Cheers and an early Happy new year to all of you!
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themeeplord · 2 years
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@naffeclipse‘s cryptid boys, but they're a Monster Hunter icon!
I've wanted to make another MH World style icon ever since I made my first one. But I didn't know what I wanted to turn into an icon,, until now!! Making this was so much fun!!!
I'd love making more of these! I just gotta figure out what/who I should draw next.. and also get the time to draw it... :')
(Nerdy ranting and stuff under the cut)
Ah yes, combining two of my brainrots. No one asked for this. Only my brain did. Please don’t mind me in my weird little corner.
I would love to fight them in a Monster Hunter game! They'd DEFINITELY be a powerful elder dragon of some sort! I don't know what ailments they'd inflict, definitely bleed but I don't know what else. Maybe they can make the arena pitch black and move unseen in the shadows, only giving away where they are from their glowing red eyes. Maybe they can throw sticky demon goo at you, making little puddles where you slow down or even get stuck if you get hit by one of theier projectiles directly, kinda like being stuck in tar. And while you're stuck they're getting ready to swing their giant powerful arms at you!
Hands and face are definitely weak points. Breakable horns, back and claws! I wonder what their armor and weapons would look like!! :O
I can't help but fantasize about their music too! I think making it quiet instead of large and grandiose works better for them. Something that would fit their elusiveness. Low rumbling notes with some higher notes and fast tempo bits scattered around to keep you on your toes, never knowing when and where their next attack will strike as they stalk you in the shadows.
Is it weird that in one moment I wanna cuddle this creature and in the next I wanna fight them and make armor and weapons out of their body parts kljfbvlasjkvbs
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Post fire au y/n meets Cryptid Hunter y/n because it would literally be the most perfect crossover ever. I can't get enough of y/nverse
Copper is a caretaker with kids. Struggling. Protective energy rn. Mechanic. Traumatized. They are practically already besties with cryptid eclipse and hunter. Eclipse is a cryptid caretaker who adores children to the point he'll kill rulebreakers who hurt them. Hunter is traumatized and has lots of hero complex stuff going on which honestly I think Copper would relate to the hero complex stuff a lot.
TLDR: They'd get along.
Or at least have fun interactions along the way.
Post fire au characters are from @paper-lilypie (hopefully tumblr actually notifies you of this @ this time)
and cryptid sightings characters from @naffeclipse
Some spoilers for Cryptid Sightings but I think it's just really minor stuff
Much more under the cut :)
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If they met after Hunter knew that Cryptid Eclipse was a cryptid all along, they wouldn't be worrying about how destroyed their sweetie's animatronic vessel are when they visit.
So. Cryptid Sun and Moon go after rulebreakers who harm children n stuff. Post fire sun and moon. Have blood covered hands.
The moment they realize. They better book it before Copper's boo is torn to shreds
Meanwhile Cryptid Moon is just having fun with the kids because you know they'd get along
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Explosion noises in their minds rn this is so cool they are literally meeting a cryptid woah
Maes is a little more nervous but since Cryptid Moon isn't acting scary right now it's okay
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Since post fire au Sun and Moon still got some virus issues in the beginning, their status was debatable. The more time Cryptid Eclipse spends around them, the more they recognize they're gulity lol
Cryptid Eclipse may be the kids new uncle but he's not allowed to beat up their favorite dads.
And lastly some interactions I think would definitely happen:
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And lastly some interactions I think would definitely happen
Also, Hunter would think Post Fire Sun and Moon are so cool since they are actual animatronics with advanced ai like WOAH
ALSO I didn't get around to drawing it since my eyes hurt like heck rn BUT with the amount of love both y/ns get from their boys, they'd relate to each other in that way as well
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strawberrymothteeth · 2 years
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"You and your freaky animatronic friend don't scare me!" - last words from local conman. I finally finished the chapters of Cryptid Sighting by @naffeclipse you should read it. it's really good. (repost from old account)
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weirdenbyferret · 5 months
All of the fanart for @naffeclipse's The serpent den au boys put together!!!
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agent-darkfest · 1 year
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Ok, so I was not expecting to be this invested in a cryptids story (not my cup-o-tea). I happily stand corrected. If you haven’t already done so, go check out this amazing story written by @naffeclipse, it’s really something else.
P.S. Totally using this as an excuse to sketch a quick scene from the story for fun. Not an accurate depiction.
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feralmoonlight · 2 years
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He's surprisingly quiet for such a big boy :3c When he wants to be, anyway. uwu Part one of a little thing that is definitely getting away from me, because the idea of plopping my Krampus inspired Eclipse down in the same vicinity as @naffeclipse little hunter and cryptid boys has been plaguing me for a month and... uwu well ye.. COUPLE THINGS. This is definitely set in a sort of pre-reveal moment... Yes, Moon is roasting marshmallows just to watch them burn (also assuming the fire isn't bright enough to swap him to sun because I didn't think about that till it was too late) and I'm having way too much fun with the demon-y shadow hands already. Brain started dying trying to sort out how to face in the panel after this last one SO break time for sleep and then back on this uwu. Also gives me time to think angles and a lil dialogue to go with it. BUT BOY he sure looks happy to see them :3c Yea?
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sourtomatola · 9 months
This is probably the last chapter!
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lavenoon · 2 years
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It's not like they dislike getting their teeth brushed, the opposite, really! Having their little hunter get so close without being scared, being cared for - that's why they drag it all out, and get more time with their hunter! <3
@naffeclipse and I were talking about brushing the cryptid boys' teeth after @themeeplord's jaw anatomy, and turns out I can draw non spoilery fluff!
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saltyfryz · 1 year
My entry for a dca event ;3
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naffeclipse · 2 years
Chapter 11: The Episode Of Glowing Eyes Part 2
FNAF Cryptid!Sun/Moon x Cryptid Hunter!Y/N (SFW)
It’s a long walk back to the truck through the downpour of sleet gray showers and the distant, sharp flaps of the occasional crane taking flight in the distance. You almost step into a muddy puddle in your mindless, numb distress but Sun is here. He’s still with you. He gently touches your shoulder and advises you to go around instead of through the mud. Murmuring thanks, you meet his gaze. The one sun ray crowning his head is jagged and broken.
He’s okay. You force yourself to repeat the mantra until you can breathe.
Word Count: 10,000
Warnings: Blood, violence, death, and heart-eating.
A/N: I've had a whirlwind of a time between the last chapter and this which resulted in editing going terribly slow. I've stared at this chapter for too long and need to post it before I go nuts. I hope you enjoy it!
You and Sun take care of each other, Moon puts his nightcap on you as you two go for a drive, it storms during an encounter with a cryptid, a photo is sent late at night, and you ask for a vow.
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mikodrawnnarratives · 9 months
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So my computer decided to crash on me out of nowhere and not charge at all. I can't use that at the moment, meaning I can't use my art program at the moment, also meaning I'm resorting to my cam scanner app, also. Tumblr mobile.
Which includes the ten image limit thanks I hate it I had to do my best to combine what I could lol
stressed hunter + making out with cryptid bf(s) = :)
Rlly silly idea I wanted to get out, even if it wouldn't be digitally done
I have one more image I'm gonna reblog with this cuz I couldn't get it to fit
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o-cinnamonstickz · 2 years
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Y/N: my animatronic friend is so sweet 🥰☺️
Sun: :)
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zelda7999 · 2 years
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Might wanna look at your detector! Looks like you got a friend! :D
@lavenoon @naffeclipse pspspsps did someone call for some Cryptid boys n their Heart? ;P <3
Hunter design/insert is Luce's! <3 <3 <3
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