thebadtimewolf · 4 years
+12 ||
@controlseverything | @knowvalue | @gildedscripture | @theiracademydaysareover​ | @coffeeandtimeships​ | @crypticcandyman​ | @soulstcne​ | @evilangelqueen​ | @childrenoftime​ | @time-qxeen​ | @femmesafacettes​ | @peggys-orders​ |
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“You have the worst timing ever, d’you know that?” The Vigilante told them in a huff as she was still scrambling to clean up around herself in the hotel’s corridor.
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thefifthtm · 5 years
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@crypticcandyman​ asked: (Canon scene meme) How'd the Doctor feel when he was elected as Lord President of Gallifrey?
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No but seriously:
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I think all sorts of emotions ran through his mind. Consider that it wasn’t the first time he was offered the job - he actually became Lord President during his tenure as Four, and held the title for an unspecified period (although I think by the time he regenerates into Five, he isn’t anymore). 
Unlike Four, however, whose presence was always felt in a room and who, I think, had the potential to manage the position quite well despite his immature nature, Five is considerably different. While maintaining his confidence about him - albeit a quiet one - he seldom appreciates being the centre of everybody’s attention, and he knew that he was, above all else, a renegade traveller, and someone who would have been as suited to ruling Gallifrey as a cat is suited to water. He understood that accepting would have meant the end of his days in the TARDIS, and he was in no way prepared to sacrifice everything he had for a job that he didn’t want.
There is also the fact that The Doctor has suffered at the hands of the Time Lords - Two was essentially put on trial by them and “executed”, as well as exiled - and as much as Five is willing to be civil with them, he hasn’t forgotten what they did to him, as well as their inherently selfish and superior-thinking nature. Five is not one of them, and he is perfectly aware of that, and the last thing he wants is to place himself in a situation where he is given the opportunity to BECOME one of them.
Summary: Five reacted with a “fuck you and your stupid ideas, I’m off in the TARDIS.”
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dxctxrii · 4 years
crypticcandyman replied to your post “Me: “I know it’s an alt verse, but Young!Two’s personality is going to...”
Two's out here being horny on main.
Look main Two is a VIRGIN NERD, we know this.
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amadgirltm · 5 years
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       --; Oh boy thank you so much !!!!!!!!!!! :D 
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liitlechocolatiier · 5 years
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“ i was thinking about that cheese thing you said, mr. Wonka -- maybe blueberry and cheese? i’ve heard that can be good! -- no pun about uh - stuff in the past, i mean - ”
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dcntsaygoood · 6 years
( @crypticcandyman​ )
bell on the door dings at the entrance of a stranger -- a tired stranger, who’s looking worst for ware. he heavily seats himself at one of the stools. was the stranger away this was a candy bar and not a liquor bar? who knows. perhaps its best if he hadn’t realized.
though, this question is soon answered.  “ what’s the strongest chocolate you got? ”  James sighs out, drumming his fingers somewhat anxiously on the counter top, stressed.
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an-artists-pash · 3 years
"Now, I recently heard the composer by the name of Chopin once wrote 'I confide in the piano the things that I sometimes want to say to you.'"
Pashmina sighed, looking up from her sketch.
"How does someone come up with something so... romantic? It's nearly in the running with 'I loved her to the point of invention'! Is it something to do with a creative spirit? Do you imbue chocolates with things you can't bear to say out loud?" She paused, making long, sweeping strokes, fingertips black with charcoal. "It just... astounds me, what people can come up with. Not in a bad way, mind you, far from it, but... What is hiding in a creation, if you know what I mean?"
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willywonkatheories · 6 years
While Wonka is best known for his candy, he has many different side businesses. Not only does the factory produce candy, but also liquor and dairy products.(submitted by @crypticcandyman)
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eccentric-chocolatier is now crypticcandyman
Same blog, same muse, same mun. Just a fresh name. This has been on my mind for some time now. I know this is the second time I changed this blog’s name, but I really love this one.
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thefifthtm · 5 years
crypticcandyman replied to your post “��”
I really enjoy seeing your writing. Your portrayals of both Doctors 2 and 5 are just amazing. In your writing you do so well to capture the speaking patterns of both, and that is a very admirable thing. Keep it up!
Willy Wonka has always been a favourite of mine and your portrayal of him is just wonderful, genuinely. 
Two still needs to fix the factory window and have his access to the Great Glass Elevator confiscated but that’s for another time.
Please do interact with Five whenever you want, he’s slightly more mature than Two, I promise.
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dxctxrii · 5 years
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@crypticcandyman​ asked: Pop Quiz! [X]
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Two has always taken his tea and coffee without sugar, but after the events of The Moonbase (in case you don’t know, a neurotropic virus was planted into the base’s sugar supply by the Cybermen) the idea of having either of them even a little sweet is just a big no for him.
He enjoys hot chocolate, though. Hot chocolate is one of his favourites.
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an-artists-pash · 5 years
"Tell me"
If your muse snuck into my muse’s room. Mine would:
[x] Go back to sleep
[] Kick yours out
[] Cuddle with yours
[x] Be like “How in the world?”
[] Let yours sleep on the floor
[] Become angry
[x] Take the floor
If your muse kissed mine (or hugged, depending upon character/gender). Mine would:
[] Kiss or hug yours back
[] Smile and laugh
[x] Stiffen, and feel uncomfortable
[] Push yours away
[x] Be shocked
[] Strike yours
If your muse asked mine to go out with yours for a day. Mine would say:
[] No
[x] Yes
[] Most certainly not.
[] Without hesitation.
My muse finds your muse’s physical appearance:
[x] Cute
[] Adorable
[x] Attractive
[x] Beautiful/Handsome
[] Okay
[] Ugly
[] Am not going to grace this with an answer
Your muse is to mine a:
[] Stranger
[x] Acquaintance
[x] Ally
[x] Friend
[] Lover
[] Rival
[] Enemy
My muse finds yours:
[] Pathetic
[] Of no consequence
[x] Intriguing
[] Frightening
[] Unsettling
[] Annoying
[] Infuriating
[x] Pleasant company
[x] Comforting
[]  Unable to be lived without
[x] Trustworthy
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Blog pages have been updated!
I don’t know if anyone’s noticed, but just in case I have updated the links to my blog pages, as they would direct to the eccentric-chocolatier url. I’ve changed them to the crypticcandyman one, and I’ve made a few tweaks to Wonka’s bio and my blog info page. Nothing too drastic, so you don’t have to rush to read them. This should be the last update I post about these changes.
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dxctxrii · 5 years
@crypticcandyman​ - continued from here.
The longer he stood there and listened to Wonka’s cross words on the matter, the more he felt as if he was a child being lectured by their parent as a result of their misbehaviour. It certainly didn’t help that Wonka was several inches taller - although that was an occurrence that had become increasingly common, a side effect of his only regeneration.
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“Wrong buttons? It’s a wonder you can find the right button to press at all! There’s-there’s no organisation to them whatsoever!” He muttered irritably, gesturing wildly to the elevator as Wonka made his inspections, “I’m terribly sorry, dear chap, I really am, but I’ve never seen such a mess! You really ought to consider sorting them out a bit!”
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dxctxrii · 5 years
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@crypticcandyman​ asked: when will you learn? when will you learn that your actionS HAVE CONSEQUENCES! [X]
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“My dear Wonka, it’s no use blaming me!” He muttered irritably in response, huffing as he stomped his way out of the chocolatier’s glass elevator. After being politely refused the opportunity to pilot the rather unusual craft for himself, The Doctor had seized the chance to gain access to it nonetheless...only to unceremoniously hurtle it through one of the chocolate factory’s windows in the process.
Now, as he stood in the presence of his friend, who was understandably angry, he nevertheless sought to stand his ground.
“What’s the use of building such a machine if you don’t install simple controls, eh? That thing could have killed me!”
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dxctxrii · 5 years
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@crypticcandyman asked: ☎ [X]
RINGTONE: Whatever Willy would end up setting it to behind Two’s back, purely to annoy him.
PICTURE: Probably a horrifically blurry photo of Willy; Two still hasn’t gotten used to his phone yet.
LAST TEXT RECEIVED: I promise you, I haven’t got your recorder.
LAST TEXT SENT: I can hear you playing it in the next room. I may be 450 years old, but I’m not deaf.
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