an-artists-pash · 2 years
You know that Ada Limón poem where she’s like “i can’t help it i love the way men love”? my dad recently confessed to me that he became a shoemaker because they buried my grandma shoeless
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an-artists-pash · 3 years
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Pashmina reclined momentarily, passing the candy to the other side of her mouth with her tongue.
"Now what is a child his age feeling melancholy for?"
But the thought slipped from her mind at the sight of the happy sigh and the gleam in his eyes, and a new flavor tingled at the front of her tongue. Peaches, perhaps? A hint of cream?
"It depends on whether you mean something you can sell or something to just... exist," she noted with a soft smile. "They're two very... different spheres to operate in."
"Now, I recently heard the composer by the name of Chopin once wrote 'I confide in the piano the things that I sometimes want to say to you.'"
Pashmina sighed, looking up from her sketch.
"How does someone come up with something so... romantic? It's nearly in the running with 'I loved her to the point of invention'! Is it something to do with a creative spirit? Do you imbue chocolates with things you can't bear to say out loud?" She paused, making long, sweeping strokes, fingertips black with charcoal. "It just... astounds me, what people can come up with. Not in a bad way, mind you, far from it, but... What is hiding in a creation, if you know what I mean?"
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an-artists-pash · 3 years
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She watched him for a moment, before her lip curled into a smirk. She reached for the candy, the wrapper crinkling in her fingers as she began to unwrap it.
"You say that like I wouldn't already trust you."
And the statement was undoubtedly true. She didn't hesitate to pop it into her mouth, and gently laved over it with her tongue while she waited for a flavor to start developing.
"Did you plan any other emotions besides the ones you've told me so far?"
"Now, I recently heard the composer by the name of Chopin once wrote 'I confide in the piano the things that I sometimes want to say to you.'"
Pashmina sighed, looking up from her sketch.
"How does someone come up with something so... romantic? It's nearly in the running with 'I loved her to the point of invention'! Is it something to do with a creative spirit? Do you imbue chocolates with things you can't bear to say out loud?" She paused, making long, sweeping strokes, fingertips black with charcoal. "It just... astounds me, what people can come up with. Not in a bad way, mind you, far from it, but... What is hiding in a creation, if you know what I mean?"
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an-artists-pash · 3 years
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Pashmina looked up and rocked herself forward, eager to get a better look.
"Well how about that! Absolutely delightful. And maybe a little reminder for anyone trying to bury their emotions," she remarked with a click of her tongue. "Does no good, you know."
She paused, staring at the treat between his fingers for a moment before flipping the page on her sketchpad and setting it in her lap.
"But with all the emotions out there, do you aim to hit every single one? Or would the flavors intertwine? Fear and joy can make surprise, for example."
"Now, I recently heard the composer by the name of Chopin once wrote 'I confide in the piano the things that I sometimes want to say to you.'"
Pashmina sighed, looking up from her sketch.
"How does someone come up with something so... romantic? It's nearly in the running with 'I loved her to the point of invention'! Is it something to do with a creative spirit? Do you imbue chocolates with things you can't bear to say out loud?" She paused, making long, sweeping strokes, fingertips black with charcoal. "It just... astounds me, what people can come up with. Not in a bad way, mind you, far from it, but... What is hiding in a creation, if you know what I mean?"
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an-artists-pash · 3 years
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Quick to follow his eyes, she pulled her sketchbook closer to her chest with a tiny squawk of admonishment.
"Hey, no peeking! I'm b u s y."
Despite her scolding, however, she relaxed within moments, and the smile returned to her lips. As he spoke, she turned her eyes downcast to her work, flushing a light pink at the praise.
"You'd be right. Sights, sounds, the feeling behind something." She paused to blend a few shades together and licked her thumb, belatedly realizing her error, and spit in disgust. "Does it make your candy taste different, then? Depending on what emotions you're feeling when you create it."
"Now, I recently heard the composer by the name of Chopin once wrote 'I confide in the piano the things that I sometimes want to say to you.'"
Pashmina sighed, looking up from her sketch.
"How does someone come up with something so... romantic? It's nearly in the running with 'I loved her to the point of invention'! Is it something to do with a creative spirit? Do you imbue chocolates with things you can't bear to say out loud?" She paused, making long, sweeping strokes, fingertips black with charcoal. "It just... astounds me, what people can come up with. Not in a bad way, mind you, far from it, but... What is hiding in a creation, if you know what I mean?"
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an-artists-pash · 3 years
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"A heart and soul."
A smile teased the corners of her lips. "I'm sure no one thinks about that when wondering about your creations. Not in the same way, I suppose. A bit of passion, a drop of heart, a smidge of whatever you're feeling that day-"
She leaned forward, and swept a blackened finger just over the tip of his nose.
"And a smidge of a stubborn streak," she teased, barely managing not to chuckle at the slight dusting left behind.
"Now, I recently heard the composer by the name of Chopin once wrote 'I confide in the piano the things that I sometimes want to say to you.'"
Pashmina sighed, looking up from her sketch.
"How does someone come up with something so... romantic? It's nearly in the running with 'I loved her to the point of invention'! Is it something to do with a creative spirit? Do you imbue chocolates with things you can't bear to say out loud?" She paused, making long, sweeping strokes, fingertips black with charcoal. "It just... astounds me, what people can come up with. Not in a bad way, mind you, far from it, but... What is hiding in a creation, if you know what I mean?"
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an-artists-pash · 3 years
"Now, I recently heard the composer by the name of Chopin once wrote 'I confide in the piano the things that I sometimes want to say to you.'"
Pashmina sighed, looking up from her sketch.
"How does someone come up with something so... romantic? It's nearly in the running with 'I loved her to the point of invention'! Is it something to do with a creative spirit? Do you imbue chocolates with things you can't bear to say out loud?" She paused, making long, sweeping strokes, fingertips black with charcoal. "It just... astounds me, what people can come up with. Not in a bad way, mind you, far from it, but... What is hiding in a creation, if you know what I mean?"
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an-artists-pash · 4 years
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Her eyes went wide as the contract unfurled before she even got the chance to rise to her feet. She tracked it with her eyes, trying to catch some general gist as it rolled past.
"I don't think I've ever seen a contract so... thorough," she murmured, and brushed off her legs to rise to her feet. The flooring gave only slightly, but it was readily apparent that the worst she would suffer was only a few bruises. "Is it truly only an NDA in all that?"
There was no accusation nor suspicion in her tone, only a very clear notion that even she had been blown away, let alone with all the possibilities already presented before her.
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“I-I beg your pardon??” she gasped as he vanished before her eyes. A trap door, certainly, but so suddenly…
She couldn’t help but wonder if there were others like it lurking around, looking perfectly ordinary, only to snatch up the first passerby like a Venus Flytrap. Would it even take her to the same place? Likely not. Still… She swallowed, deciding firmly to take his words to heart. This was a display of his trust in her, and she was determined not to fail.
With careful eyes, Pashmina crossed the room to where he’d been swallowed up. Indeed, there in the floor lay the outline of a perfectly square trap door, and no other apparent way down. She pulled everything close to her, took a deep breath, and leapt, with a belated hope that something would be cushioning the landing.
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When Pashmina had come into the reception room, she would find that the floor was somewhat cushioned. Soft enough to break the fall, but still firm enough to walk on. The scent of chocolate was becoming stronger, almost as if the vents were purposely constructed to pump the smell throughout the factory. “Welcome, welcome! We’re on our first stop, ready to go.” He said, rather joyously. “Now, I do consider you a friend but I must ask you sign this contract. I do hope you understand. Standard things like a small NDA, your safety is your responsibility, do as I do not as I say-strike that, reverse it.” Of course when this contract was revealed, it was comically large. “And once you sign, we’re free to go wherever you feel is interesting first.” He waved his hand around, pointing out several doors nearby. “We could see the rock candy mines, marshmallow cows for milkshakes, the chocolate room where everything is eatable…it’ll be your call. First time I’ve ever decided to let my guest choose their points of interest.” 
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an-artists-pash · 4 years
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"I-I beg your pardon??" she gasped as he vanished before her eyes. A trap door, certainly, but so suddenly...
She couldn't help but wonder if there were others like it lurking around, looking perfectly ordinary, only to snatch up the first passerby like a Venus Flytrap. Would it even take her to the same place? Likely not. Still... She swallowed, deciding firmly to take his words to heart. This was a display of his trust in her, and she was determined not to fail.
With careful eyes, Pashmina crossed the room to where he'd been swallowed up. Indeed, there in the floor lay the outline of a perfectly square trap door, and no other apparent way down. She pulled everything close to her, took a deep breath, and leapt, with a belated hope that something would be cushioning the landing.
Her eyes fluttered closed as she breathed deeply through her nose, the gentle scent of chocolate dusting her senses. Absolutely scrumptious, as any who passed the factory regularly would tell you, though she bit her tongue with a twitch at the corner of her mouth. Already repeating what the man had probably heard over and over likely did nothing good for the ego.
Though she couldn’t deny, the sheer size of the doors alone was rather intimidating itself. She kept her eyes closed a moment longer, if only to tether her bearings to her person.
“A little thrill never hurt anyone,” she teased, before letting her eyes open as she turned toward him and smiled softly. “But is anyone ever really ready for this? If everything Charlie has told me is true.”
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Wonka smiled back, a soft sigh escaping his lips. “Well, no. Those who have walked these halls have said it can be intimidating, overwhelming, and even downright insane. But if you’re open minded I’m sure you’ll see things my way.” He opened the doors to what seemed like an empty corridor. “You might want to hold onto your…well, everything for this one. This should give you an idea of what you’re in for today” He said with a wink, before guiding Pashmina inside.
As they walked down the corridor, Wonka stopped for a moment. One hand holding onto his top hat, the other clutching his cane close to his chest. “See you at the end!” He said excitedly, as with his next step he’d fall through a trap door, sliding his way down to the reception room. At the end, he awaited his guest.
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an-artists-pash · 4 years
Her eyes fluttered closed as she breathed deeply through her nose, the gentle scent of chocolate dusting her senses. Absolutely scrumptious, as any who passed the factory regularly would tell you, though she bit her tongue with a twitch at the corner of her mouth. Already repeating what the man had probably heard over and over likely did nothing good for the ego.
Though she couldn't deny, the sheer size of the doors alone was rather intimidating itself. She kept her eyes closed a moment longer, if only to tether her bearings to her person.
"A little thrill never hurt anyone," she teased, before letting her eyes open as she turned toward him and smiled softly. "But is anyone ever really ready for this? If everything Charlie has told me is true."
It was going to be an exciting, eventful day. It was finally time for Mr. Wonka to show Pashmina the factory. The chocolatier didn’t outwardly exhibit it, but he was feeling a bit nervous. This was, of course, one of the first times he’d be letting someone into the factory out of pure trust since the tour. As they approached the massive factory, the scent of chocolate filled the air more and more.  Soon enough, they had arrived just outside the factory gates, which upon closer inspection were designed as a collage of “W’s.” Wonka opened the gates, and shortly after the two were outside the factory doors.
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“Well, here we are.” Wonka said in a slightly breathy tone. “This is where it all happens. I must warn you, ther’re little surprises around every corner, but nothing too dangerous.” He let out a soft chuckle. “Are you ready? Everything here must be believed to be seen.” 
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an-artists-pash · 4 years
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Her eyes snapped up to his face at his offer.
"Are... Are you sure?" she asked, a bit taken aback.
Not to say the offer was unwelcome, it absolutely was. But the trust it may have signified... She watched his expression carefully, still slightly bewildered.
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“Enthusiastic as ever, I see,” she teased as she took it from him, and waited for him to settle back down before cracking it open.
The sound of the pages was nearly as familiar as their texture, though the scent had long since faded. She thumbed partway through the book before splitting it open on her lap, revealing a spread of light pencil sketches of animals.
“Charlie was drawing a flower one day, and it really was quite beautiful. So I asked him if he would like some butterflies to help pollinate his garden.” She smiled slightly to herself as she glanced down to one of the sketches, with broad wings and hollowed eyespots. “Made from sugar, of course, with wings you could paint any way you liked. I’ve designed a couple smaller species since then. And there are frogs made of gelatin… He’s never bothered to correct me one way or the other.”
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“Gelatin frogs for a chocolate pond…it’s certainly an idea that we’ll be happy to make a reality!” He marveled at her sketches and ideas, she had a creative mind without a doubt. “I…I don’t make offers like this often, as I’m sure you’re aware but how would you like to design not only potential creatures for the chocolate room but also perhaps some packaging designs? Those would certainly be important, and I’d love to see what you could come up with.” 
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an-artists-pash · 4 years
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an-artists-pash · 4 years
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"Enthusiastic as ever, I see," she teased as she took it from him, and waited for him to settle back down before cracking it open.
The sound of the pages was nearly as familiar as their texture, though the scent had long since faded. She thumbed partway through the book before splitting it open on her lap, revealing a spread of light pencil sketches of animals.
"Charlie was drawing a flower one day, and it really was quite beautiful. So I asked him if he would like some butterflies to help pollinate his garden." She smiled slightly to herself as she glanced down to one of the sketches, with broad wings and hollowed eyespots. "Made from sugar, of course, with wings you could paint any way you liked. I've designed a couple smaller species since then. And there are frogs made of gelatin... He's never bothered to correct me one way or the other."
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Pashmina smiled and flushed softly at the encouragement.
“Wonderful things,” she admitted. “He didn’t tell me of everything, of course, but he did mention rolling hills of edible grass, plants made of various types of candy, a chocolate river, even sentient wildlife…” She paused. “That really made me think. A lot of my ideas are in my sketchbook, actually.”
She eyed it, resting in the chair not far from the sofa.
“Could you do me a favor and grab it for me?”
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“Certainly.” Wonka replied as he went to grab the sketchbook, handing it to Pashmina. “Have you drawn your ideas of what the chocolate room looks like? I’d love to see them!” 
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an-artists-pash · 4 years
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Calli and Co on Instagram / Etsy
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an-artists-pash · 5 years
when edgar allan poe said “tell me every terrible thing you ever did, and let me love you anyway.” and when hozier said “i wouldn’t fall for someone i thought couldn’t misbehave.”
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an-artists-pash · 5 years
i want to be so kind it echoes backwards in time and undoes the things that hurt you. i want to be so kind it radiates from me. i want to be so kind that i make someone else find faith in humanity again. there’s not much i can do, i’m small and weak and i only know so many words. but i know i can be kind. and sometimes, i believe, that changes the world.
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an-artists-pash · 5 years
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Pashmina smiled and flushed softly at the encouragement.
"Wonderful things," she admitted. "He didn't tell me of everything, of course, but he did mention rolling hills of edible grass, plants made of various types of candy, a chocolate river, even sentient wildlife..." She paused. "That really made me think. A lot of my ideas are in my sketchbook, actually."
She eyed it, resting in the chair not far from the sofa.
"Could you do me a favor and grab it for me?"
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“You’re a wonderful mentor to him. Before I was out of commission, your encouragement was obvious in the way he worked. His drawings were lovely, not to mention some of them unorthodox. But he’s very unashamed of who he is. I’m very glad you’re there to teach him that.”
She paused, glancing down at her hands in her lap, and fell silent for a moment, almost as though processing something. She bit her lip momentarily, before the feeling passed.
“Charlie has told me there’s a place in the factory called the Chocolate Room. Somewhere that absolutely captures the imagination. I… have admittedly thought about it. Wondered about it. A lot of my ideas include what I think it’s like.”
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Wonka grinned softly, thinking of the chocolate room. “Ah, yes, the chocolate room. It’s something that I had spent nearly twenty years on perfecting. Inside that room many realities become dreams and dreams become realities…Tell me, what ideas of it do you have? I’d love to hear them and let you know if they’re accurate and, perhaps, someday I can show you the room-nay, the entire factory!”  
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