#cry????? does that sound too dramatic idk but i just can't believe it when it happens and i'm so thankful
Hello....I saw the fluffy+nsfw headcanons for Deidara you did earlier and I loved it sooo much I can't even tell you! I was wondering if you could do something similar with Hidan as well if it's not too much trouble? Specifically with someone who's really kind to him and insists on treating him nicely, because let's face it, both in anime and manga pookie bear just gets tossed around like he's nothing by both himself and everyone else. He's such an adorable ball of sunshine and I'd really really appreciate it if you could write something for him 💕
Ah !! I'm gonna be honest, I haven't seen enough of Hidan to make that good of a story, but I'll really, really try!!
From the few scenes I've seen of him, all I can really see is that he's sarcastic, religious, and loud, so I can totally see all the members just hating him, and I wanna see him loved.
Some NSFW, mostly Fluff, and a fem!reader in the NSFW parts.
If you meet the other members before him, your view will definitely be altered. "Yeah, he's pretty rude, so just ignore him."
He knows everyone says that to the new member, so when you approach him with bright and welcoming energy, he's thrown tf off guard.
He obviously covers it with a sarcastic comment, saying his name and rudely saying you're not worth his time. He, again, is thrown off-guard when you react with a smile and walk away.
— The next day, you wave to him and say a quick "hello." What you don't know is that he stayed up thinking about you. Why were you so... Nice?
He comes up to you and asks bluntly, "Are you religious?" Which, causes you to be confused. He soon introduces you to his God.
Soon after that, you spend night after night praying to whatever God he believes in, which he finds extremely sweet but he won't admit it. That's something he believes in, and this random girl is now believing in him too???? He may fall in love a little too soon.
Speaking of love, the first time you saw him blush is when he told you he did. He seemed so... Not sarcastic and rude, which was different for him. "H-hey... I don't care if you feel the same, but I have feelings for you." He tries to sound confident... And fails.
When you tell him you reciprocate the feelings, he pauses, as if he didn't expect that whatsoever. The first date you had was so unworldly and romantic. It was at a local park at about ten at night, candles all around while fucking star gazing. How. Romantic.
He's not that touchy with you but is completely fine if you are. He's just really into your voice. His love language is definitely words of affirmation. He just loves hearing complaints and nice things about him, or even just you talking to him and not at him.
Your first kiss was... Interesting? Idk. He was doing the ritual he does after he kills someone, as we're you. And after you were both done, he sat up and looked at you, not saying anything. Then he just leaned in and kissed you. There was no rhyme or reason. He just did it. Was it romantic? I mean, if you think kissing over a dead person is romantic... — He gave you a better kiss the next day.
He hogs the blankets. I'm not sorry, and he does. You sleep in the same bed as him? You're gonna get cold. This bitch is the embodiment of "I don't care so I don't share" when he sleeps. Maybe it's on purpose. Maybe it's not.
He's so dramatic. In everything he does. The nicknames he calls you, when he tells everyone you're dating, (when he breaks the Fourth Wall and tells the viewers watching he's dating you, BECAUSE IK THIS MF BREAKS THAT WALL SO MF MUCH–), in just everything he does. That's another thing you love.
He likes necks. Yes, I will elaborate on that. You're welcome. – If you're both walking, he'll gently push your head down and poke at your neck. If you have a nape piercing he will CRY. He's gonna be fidgeting with that all day. — If your little spoon, he'll kiss and bite little marks into the back of your neck. He just likes how intimate and sensitive it is.
Why not bedazzle his sword, too? Not the blade, just the handle of it. I'm not gonna say anything else, sorry.
He gives off the oldest child's energy. He kinda bullies you, playfully, while you take it while giggling. That's part of why he loves you, you just accept him as him and all he does.
A few NSFW headcanons here. Minors look away, and if ur uncomy, ignore this part!!!
He's a dom. No doubt.
Okay, here's how it starts. You'd be reading a book while sitting on him. He starts poking at your clothes like he usually does, getting more and more bold as he does. He's softly moving you around, pulling down your shirt and pants like a doll, while you barely realize. He always messes with your clothes. What's different today?
The difference is where his hands are. One hand goes to your clit, the other massaging your nipples. That earns a loud moan from you and a chuckle from him, as you set down your book, looking up at him.
He loves when people hear you, if we're talking kinks. An exhibitionist, if you will. (Is that another one of my biggest kinks? Yes, now stfu you horny bitch)
He has fucked you in the hallway of the place you and the other members stay in, and he will do it again. Each reaction is different. (Itachi doesn't leave his room, DeiDei stares before running and squealing like a girl, Pain just stares before walking away, Konan is speechless, and Sasori goes to warn the others.)
I have one more headcanon. A blood kink. I'm not going into that, use your imagination.
Thanks for requesting, I hope you like it, and request more in the future !!
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moonkittyarchive · 7 years
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me whenever people actually talk to me and/or include me in things and/or consider me a friend
#it's so rare i get included in stuff i just feels nice ?????#tbh i hardly talk to anyone because it's hard for me to get people to talk to me????#and i hard to talk to or intimidating or something idk?????#i don't have many friends and i appreciate the ones i do have more than they'll ever know#they're so important even if i'm afraid they won't last because my friends always leave me for some reason ://#i just have a lot of issues with people so idk what reason tbh 😱#so when people actually seem to like me/consider me a friend/and include me in things i just 😭😭😭😭😭😭#tbh i think some people don't realize how lucky they are to have friends and don't appreciate them enough#because if you've struggled your entire life they way i have you will appreciate the smallest bit of kindness from anyone#i still get surprised whenever someone os a bit nice to me tbh#and when people i close me in things and act like a friend i jist#cry????? does that sound too dramatic idk but i just can't believe it when it happens and i'm so thankful#idk where i'm going with this lmao but playing minecraft with people and being included feels so nice#especially since i've felt particularly alone lately ??????? but yeah#i appreciate the smallest bit of kindness and human interaction way more than the average person who probably thinks nothing of it.....#if anyone actually reads all this rambling nonsense i'm sorry 😅 i can't sleep and my brain is thinking about this#i don't make person posts on here often but if i do then i use tags so i don't annoy people#bit of you read these expecting something interesting i'm sorry :((#pls support hoseok's mixtape when it comes out 👌🏼👌🏼👌🏼👌🏼#personal shit post end
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Janis & Grace
Janis: Well, that was a laugh and a half Janis: do you actually want any drink or, anything else you can't get Grace: I'm not even going so no thanks Janis: Really Grace: they can drag me while I'm in the comfort of my room with my makeup fridge and hair wand just as easily Grace: I literally don't need to subject myself to camping Janis: Like you said, you actually wanted to go, they don't, you're really gonna bow out now Grace: & now I also don't obvs Janis: So you roll over again, yeah? Grace: excuse you Grace: I'm not sorry for not wanting to share a tent with Mia and Ella when they're like in love with each other or something Janis: 🙄 It's bullshit, Grace Janis: you aren't going to be in the bloody tent for any amount of time, it's a music festival, remember Grace: sure but I'm gonna have to be in the car forever and that's with you two so Janis: That's nice Janis: and it sounds like Asia might be too, or the other one Grace: yeah like you're so buzzing about it, babes Janis: I'll survive Janis: seriously, you can't not go, let them win Janis: that whole convo was depressing enough without her getting everything she wants, like Grace: I'm not you, I don't just do things cos other people don't want me to Janis: so spend another weekend moping when you could be doing something Grace: like she won't make sure I'm having the WORST time if I go Janis: like she doesn't make sure you're having the worst time always? Janis: fuck all different, is it Grace: it's not always like that Janis: sure Grace: it's not Grace: & it's your fault it is now Grace: idk why you had to start hanging out with us, you've sent her into the BIGGEST spiral literally ever Janis: yeah, would be my fault, 'course Janis: not obvious that she can't stand any of you unless you're doing exactly what she wants when she wants it Grace: it is your fault though! there's no way you wanna go to some lame music festival with any of us Grace: I'm not stupid Janis: What possible pleasure could I derive from any of this if not the joy of our company Janis: do tell Grace: 🙄🙄🙄 Janis: Seriously Janis: I'm not one of your friends, not that underhand and it's not that deep Grace: You're not being at all serious thanks Janis: how am I not Grace: Oh please Grace: literally not in the mood so Janis: yeah, I heard Janis: if you're so aggy she makes you look like a cunt, then stop playing into her hands every time Janis: she doesn't want to go, if you all jump ship, so can she Janis: it isn't difficult Grace: Duh Grace: but I'm the only one who isn't going so she has to Janis: Are you sure you're not stupid Janis: are you listening Grace: It's totally obvs that you think I am, babes Grace: we don't even need to do this Janis: do what Grace: have any kind of convo Janis: yeah, you left your manners at the door but since you've proved you're a total pussy in that convo it's falling a bit flat now Grace: okay Janis: Jesus, how are you such a doormat for someone when you're not even first choice Janis: sort it out Grace: Literally didn't ask for your sisterly advice Janis: well you need it Janis: state of that, abysmal, seriously Grace: can you just stop Janis: can you Janis: a better fucking question Grace: obvs not Janis: Christ Grace: It literally doesn't effect you if I do or don't go Grace: get over it Janis: it effects me you being a fucking joke Grace: no more than usual Janis: Fine Grace: 👋💜 then Janis: don't throw that at me Janis: not one of your 'mates' Grace: you wanted me to have some manners, hun Grace: but fine Janis: yeah, and that ain't it Janis: we've all seen how you use emojis Janis: passive aggression is still the latter, you're just being a wimp with it Grace: I'm not her, excuse you Grace: if I were, all this drama wouldn't be happening rn Janis: Don't pretend you mean half the shit you say Janis: your storytimes are more believable Grace: RUDE Janis: generous Grace: you're my sister, I mean what I say to you Janis: that's why you don't say shit Grace: ugh Janis: go on then, what are you gonna do with your weekend instead Grace: 🤷 boys have their uses Janis: yeah, that's a plan Grace: again, didn't ask Janis: no, I did, that's how a conversation works Janis: that's not even your idea, it's Asia's Janis: you're really going to her for the 🔥💡 are you Grace: 🙄🙄 Grace: cos going to the festival is such a 🔥💡 Janis: Yeah, that's why it's ticketed Janis: won't need to douche with bleach after either, best of both worlds Grace: EW Janis: yeah yeah Janis: are you really gonna leave Asia alone with those two Grace: UM you could read how quickly she turned on Hollie Grace: price of a spray tan and some acrylics Janis: She's thick Janis: you all want Mia to love you as bad as each other, at least being stupid is a valid excuse for that kind of behaviour Grace: me too, right? Janis: You going to say you don't? Grace: I'm not gay any more than you are, thank you Janis: 🙄🙄 Grace: I would love to know who she's planning to invite but not cos I'm 💔😍😍 Janis: I know Janis: but doubt it'll happen, or she has the bottle to Grace: you don't have any exes do you? Janis: loads Grace: I'm being serious Janis: so am I Grace: you are NOT Janis: and you'd know, how Janis: don't ask questions when you reckon you know the answers Grace: I'd know cos everyone else would if there were loads Grace: you'd be called everything I am, duh Janis: I'm better at keeping my life private Grace: well again, duh Janis: not hard Janis: so not 💔 Grace: I was just wondering if that was who she was bringing Grace: she's really as obsessed with you as you think any of us are about her Janis: I told you, I already know who it is Janis: and I don't need to think hard on that Grace: as if you're not gonna tell me who it is Janis: not anyone exciting Janis: or gonna happen, like I said Janis: now they've got Asia back, only need to win 'round whatserface too and the car is full again Grace: 🤷 Grace: maybe Ella's seat will be free for her mystery date, if Hollie spilt anything dramatic enough Janis: and lose her loyalest pet Janis: you're all just playing musical chairs Grace: it's happened before Janis: yeah, and like I said, musical chairs Janis: fuck all changes Janis: you're all still 'friends' whatever the dynamic you reckon Janis: her>you Grace: & like I've said repeatedly since you started hanging out with us why are you 'friends' with any of them now? Janis: why'd ya think Grace: why won't you just tell me? Janis: why would I Grace: UM maybe cos you've been shading me constantly for not standing up to them & you're inviting them all to festivals and joining us on sleepovers like they're your new besties Janis: come on, it ain't hard Grace: so say it Janis: it's different 'cos I don't care about them or what they've got to say Janis: and I'd tell 'em the same so you can go ahead if that's your plan or whatever Janis: like I said, not that deep Grace: I don't have a plan Grace: obvs I'm the only one who doesn't rn Janis: obviously Janis: have you ever met your mates Grace: Why can't you just go back to hating me and them from afar or whatever? Grace: you're ruining everything Janis: yeah Janis: you was well solid before this Janis: I didn't have to do shit, that's the truth Janis: I didn't say anything in that entire convo Grace: you literally know you don't have to Grace: she's mad at me for being your sister Grace: which I didn't even ask for Janis: 💔 Janis: such a good friend Janis: get a grip and say you aren't obsessed with her again, like Grace: forget it Janis: mhmm Grace: have fun at the stupid festival Janis: Honestly, Grace, grow up Grace: yeah cos game playing is SO mature Janis: Like you said, I literally don't have to Grace: No, you've just been telling me to instead Janis: 'cos what you're doing and always do now is??? Janis: you play to lose, that's the only difference Grace: I'm not playing is the difference Grace: like this is my actual life Janis: Hardly Grace: 👌👌 Janis: have fun dancing to Mia's beat, as always Grace: I'm literally not, thanks to you, babes Janis: bollocks aren't you Grace: lacking a colour co-ordinated 💅 rn so Janis: yeah, to punish you, so you do what she knows you'll do Janis: cry in your bedroom Janis: then she won't be feeling it, 'cos you and Holly are marding so the three amigos will doss about hers taking selfies instead Janis: I told you, it's fucking obvious what her plan was, and it'll be all your fault 'cos they were well up for it Grace: UGH Grace: I'm not stupid, okay? Grace: not THAT stupid anyway Grace: I know Janis: so do something about it Janis: or are you really that fucked up you can't wait to make it all up to them Grace: Shut up, no Janis: then come, convince your mate to come, and have a good time Janis: fucking hell, is it so hard Grace: It won't be a good time though, will it? Grace: it's fine for you, you won't be sharing a tent or anything else with her Grace: just your boyfriend Janis: yeah, 'cos as mentioned, love spending time with you lot Janis: do it to spite her, there's plenty of distraction Janis: not to mention plenty of tents in our loft if you literally can't stand the sight of her Grace: oh she'd love that, me covered in 🕷 Grace: if I go I obvs have to share a tent with her and be so unaffected duh Janis: bring good headphones Janis: decent shout anyway Grace: if Asia's bf decides to show up yeah Grace: UGH Janis: or Mia's Janis: #2s 😭 obvs Grace: well now I'm like so torn cos I want Ella to be 💔 but I don't want Mia to invite whoever the hell Grace: do I make sure the car is too full or not? 🤔🤔 Janis: not like she'd have him stay anyway Janis: probably come for the saturday night Janis: didn't like have any boys around her when she 😴 Janis: never mind one she's fucking/wants to Grace: PLEASE tell me who it is Janis: 😂 why does it matter who her latest fucktoy is Grace: cos she doesn't want me to know Janis: you think he's gonna be like well ugly then yeah Grace: you don't understand, she ALWAYS wants me to know Grace: so if she doesn't Grace: it's worse than ugly Janis: you'll see if she's not bullshitting, won't you Janis: tents aren't that private Grace: OMG Janis Grace: I'll come if you tell me Janis: 😏 you can't bribe me Janis: might be wrong, anyway but doubt it Grace: fine, I'll do everything I can while we're there to annoy Mia if you tell me Janis: swear on your life Grace: you don't place any value on my life, babes Grace: but I swear on the contents of my make up fridge that you're basically forcing me to leave behind, sure Janis: we aren't even getting into the stupidity of that rn Janis: do you see them keeping makeup in shops in fridges? no, you know why? 'cos you're gonna put it on your face, you donut Janis: [sends Harry's deets] Janis: obvs she wants to ride him too but Jim got into a fight with him so that's why she's being sly Grace: in shops they don't want it to have a long shelf life or work well cos then you'll buy more, DUH Grace: OMG I've literally hooked up with the other boy in his profile pic, that's so awkward Janis: Gross Grace: yeah he so was Grace: I see why she was encouraging me to now though Janis: Grosser still Janis: you know that's called prostitution, yeah Grace: excuse you Grace: he didn't even pay for my uber, thank you Janis: you don't get paid, your pimp does, idiot Grace: she's not my Grace: GROSS Janis: your friendship is so fucking twisted Grace: stop dragging me for like one second Grace: how recent of an ex of yours is he? Janis: it's only 50% you Janis: and what are you on about Grace: girl code Grace: even if you are only fake friends Janis: I don't need to invoke the sacred and ancient girl code, you're alright Grace: do you wanna ruin her life or just mine? 🙄🙄 Janis: I reckon she's frustrated enough Janis: I really don't care if she adds another body to her count, tbh Grace: your boyfriend obvs cares, unless he fought him for a different reason Grace: like his tragic pic captions Janis: could be Janis: very serious about that sort of thing Grace: hipsters always are, babes Janis: this from the girl who drafts all her posts so they really pop Janis: meant to be, clearly Grace: 🤫🤫🤫🤫 Janis: your #influencer secrets are safe with me Janis: mostly because idgaf Grace: ILY too hun Janis: yeah yeah Janis: if he does come, how can we fuck her over Janis: without 'girl code' Grace: I'd offer to hook up with him before she can but I'm not going anywhere you've ever Grace: I'd have to kms Janis: remember what we talked about Janis: prostitution is never the answer Janis: fuck it, I'll think of something Grace: he won't come Grace: I can tell by his feed Janis: meaning? Grace: I'm stupid but I understand boys Grace: the type he is and the type he isn't Janis: very philosophical, babe Janis: but I meant literally Grace: literally he's not gonna show up for her like that Janis: maybe not Grace: & if he knows you're there, which he can't not Janis: not everyone avoids me like the plague, cheers Grace: Duh, I mean if he showed up she can't be sure it's for her Grace: she'd hate that Janis: she'd put up with it to fuck me over though Grace: yeah but is he gonna put up with the possibility that barista boy wins another fight, I doubt it Janis: true Janis: 🤞 Grace: all he has is what he fronts, obvs Grace: it's a totally stupid risk and for what? you're not gonna hook up with him again Janis: he is totally stupid Janis: if his feed isn't giving that away 🔮 Grace: it is Grace: but like Grace: he won't come Janis: Poor Mia Grace: literally never say that again it's too weird Janis: but she'll be 💔 I'm not Grace: she'd need a 💜 Janis: same here Janis: 🤫🤫🤫🤫 Grace: Oh please Grace: you're so 😍😍😍 it's gross Janis: shut up or I'll bombard you with green emojis Grace: wtf was that Grace: 🙄 Janis: was amusing, give you that Janis: but don't reckon much to any of your debate skills Grace: thanks Grace: I swear Mia was a totally different person before Ella moved here, so not even fair that you get barista boy and we get her tbh Janis: that's what a 💀 pact will do to you Grace: it's not funny Janis: not gonna cry for every girl that wants to starve herself Grace: yeah you'd need emotions that aren't 😍🤤 & 😒😠 Janis: and why would I want that Grace: 🙄🤷 Janis: yeah, seems a right laugh Janis: get on it asap Grace: sure Janis: 👋 k, toodles Grace: ugh don't even Janis: 😂 Grace: Iggy's taking us Janis: ugh Janis: alright Grace: IKR but I'm so glad it's not dad Janis: have to hitchhike if it was Grace: we could casually leave all Mia's stuff behind if we were though 😂 Janis: still time Grace: & I obvs need the exercise cos I'm SO JEALOUS of how Ella looks Janis: wouldn't be enough even if the festival was in the south pole, babes Grace: okay thanks for joining in on giving me a freakout now that I am going Janis: shut up 🙄 Grace: yeah obvs have to go have that freakout sooo Janis: if you wanna look like you're dying, go 'head and start killing yourself Janis: nothing goals about it is there Grace: I don't have to wanna look like her to not wanna look like THIS Janis: like what Janis: a normal person Grace: like do not Janis: 🤷 Janis: whatever Grace: UM no we're not fake friends Grace: so you can stop Janis: I'm really not saying anything though Grace: 👌👌 Janis: see you tomorrow then Grace: yeah
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moonlight-sonder · 7 years
Can't choose just one, so answer aLL of them bc I'm nosey
1) Put your iTunes on shuffle. Give me the first 6 songs that pop up.
~ It’s Quiet Uptown - Hamilton Mixtape, Drive - Oh Wonder, Burn - Hamilton, Pacifier - Catfish and The Bottlemen, Eyes Closed - Halsey, Hang Out With You - Mary Lambert
2) If you could meet anyone on this earth, who would it be?
~ Oof Katie pls
3) Grab the book nearest to you, turn to page 23, give me line 17.
~make people believe that you were fun and interesting. I just wasn’t that much of a con artist’
4) What do you think about most?
~ uhhhh my messed up emotions, Katie, and whatever event I have to look forward to
5) Ever had a poem or song written about you?
~ yikes yes 6) Do you have any strange phobias?
~ Not that I can think of off the top of my head? 7) What’s your religion?
~ I was raised sort of Christian but now idk? I don’t really have one tbh
8) If you are outside, what are you most likely doing?
~ riding a horse
9) Simple but extremely complex. Favorite band?
~ tøp10) What was the last lie you told?
~ that I was fine lol
11) Do you believe in karma?
~ yup
12) What does your URL mean?
~ it kinda explains itself.,,,
13) What is your greatest weakness; your greatest strength?
~ I trust too easy/get attached too easy and I have a pretty good work ethic and I’m good at communicating w adults which seems to be a good thing
14) Who is your celebrity crush?
~ Oof Cameron Boyce and Zendaya
15) How do you vent your anger?
~ usually I either isolate myself or I tend to get pissy w people which is bad I haven’t quite learned how to manage it well
16) Do you have a collection of anything?
~ cds and makeup lol
17) Are you happy with the person you’ve become?
~ eh in some ways yes but overall no not really
18) What’s a sound you hate; sound you love?
~ chalk on a chalk board, fizzy drinks in a can.. I love the sound of hoofbeats, my cat purring, Katie’s voice all good stuff
19) What’s your biggest “what if”?
~ what if I didn’t have anxiety Oof
20) Do you believe in ghosts? How about aliens?
~ yes both tbh
21) Stick your right arm out; what do you touch first? Do the same with your left arm.
~ my dresser and my door lol
22) Smell the air. What do you smell?
~ breakfast Bc mg mom just cooked
23) What’s the worst place you have ever been to?
~ I answered this one but it’s a theater here that is just,, cursed
24) Most attractive singer/s of your opposite gender?
~ Troye Sivan and Rex Orange County
25) To you, what is the meaning of life?
~ boy if I knew
26) Do you drive? If so, have you ever crashed?
~ yes (I hate it) and no
27) What was the last movie you saw?
~ half of paddington lmao
28) What’s the worst injury you’ve ever had?
~ uhhh I haven’t really had any bad injuries.. so probably the concussion I got like three years ago
29) Do you have any obsessions right now?
~ uhh Rex Orange County and Phineas and Ferb lol
30) Ever had a rumor spread about you?
~ uh yeah I live in a small town so.,,, lots
31) Do you tend to hold grudges against people who have done you wrong?
~ yes I know I shouldn’t but… here I am
32) What is your astrological sign?
~ Sagittarius
33) What’s the last thing you purchased?
~ nose piercings
34) Love or lust?
~ Love
35) In a relationship?
~ yesss
36) How many relationships have you had?
~ four I think?
37) What is your secret weapon to get someone to like you?
~ I have 0 idk how people like me
38) Where is your best friend?
~ ones in Cali and ones in Vegas
39) What were you doing last night at 12 AM?
~ Oof crying
40) Are you the kind of friend you would want to have as a friend?
~ uhhh not really? I have a hard time expressing emotions and I’m not good at comforting people
41) You are walking down the street on your way to work. There is a dog drowning in the canal on the side of the street. Your boss has told you if you are late one more time you get fired. What do you do?
~ id die to save that dog smh
42) You are at the doctor’s office and she has just informed you that you have approximately one month to live. a) Do you tell anyone/everyone you are going to die? b) What do you do with your remaining days? c) Would you be afraid?
~ I’m kinda dramatic so I probably would tell people, idk? I’d want to meet all my friends first off, and yes yikes I’m scared of death
43) What’s a song that always makes you happy when you hear it?
~ corner store - Macklemore
44) In your opinion, what makes a great relationship?
~ honesty, trust, etc..
45) How can I win your heart?
~ U,, cannot I have a girl BUT I’m live for any type of sappy shit
46) Can insanity bring on more creativity?
~ I think so tbh
47) What is the single best decision you have made in your life so far?
~ I.,, don’t know
48) What would you want to be written on your tombstone?
~ something about shrek
49) Give me the first thing that comes to mind when you hear the word “heart.”
~ uhh love, katie, that pink heart emoji I use 24/7
50) Basic question; what’s your favorite color/colors?
~ yellow and gray
51) What is your current desktop picture?
~ a picture of me and my horse
52) If you could press a button and make anyone in the world instantaneously explode, who would it be?
~ trump lmao
53) What would be a question you’d be afraid to tell the truth on?
~ idk??
54) You accidentally eat some radioactive vegetables. They were good, and what’s even cooler is that they endow you with the super-power of your choice! What is that power?
~ this.,, is so funny. Um X-ray vision sounds litty
55) You can re-live any point of time in your life. The time-span can only be a half-hour, though. What half-hour of your past would you like to experience again?
~ hmm maybe some point when I was in Kentucky. I miss that
56) You can erase any horrible experience from your past. What will it be?
~ all the shit that happened w my sister yikes
57) You have the opportunity to sleep with the music-celebrity of your choice. Who would it be?
~ this is awk so idk Ed Sheeran???
58) You just got a free plane ticket to anywhere. You have to depart right now. Where are you gonna go?
~ oh Philly I’m a heartbeat
59) Ever been on a plane?
~ yup
60) Give me your top 5 hottest celebrities.
~ 1. Lauren Cohen 2. Zendaya 3. Ezra Miller 4. Daniel Radcliffe 5. Steven Yeun
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