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crushyballs · 1 year ago
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incorrect-in-space · 2 years ago
Nora: Feely, the riot your students caused after the crushball match was unacceptable!
Vice Principal Feely: Are you kidding me? Did you see the pool? They flipped the bitch!
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jimi-rawlings · 10 months ago
Why Menthol Crushball is Popular Crushball Flavour for Cigarettes? – Crushy Balls
Banana crushballs are a delightful addition to the world of flavored cigarettes. Infused with the sweet and tropical essence of ripe bananas, these crushballs offer smokers a unique and enjoyable smoking experience.
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novelnonsense87 · 4 years ago
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bxbyt00th · 7 years ago
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"The night before you dumped me, you told me that you loved me. So look me in the eyes and tell me that you don't love me now."
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mafianspit · 2 years ago
Henry Tomasino is that nasty man that would use Crushball cigarette and genuinely enjoy it
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creamsicle-art · 4 years ago
I made a game for the GMTK 2021 game jam! And in half the allotted time as well! How about you come and check it out.
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crushball · 4 years ago
“I wondered whether I’d have so vigorously documented my own story with some (much) bitterness if I’d been able to frequently see myself glaring back from within the stories I absorbed.”
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birdgremlin · 2 years ago
top 3 anime betrayals: taking a pull of your cig before popping the crushball
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pineapplexpress2021 · 3 years ago
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SWAN Crushball Fresh Burst Extra Slim Filter Tips
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dolldirector · 6 years ago
So I'm behind the counter in work today, and two girls come up to my till. One of them is for sure over 25 but the other looks questionably teen-ish. The older one asks me for cigarettes and this conversation goes down:
ME: What are you after?
OLDER: *to teen* What ones do you want?
TEEN: x brand
OLDER: x brand!
ME: We don't have that sorry
OLDER: *to teen again* Oh, they're out, what should we get?
TEEN: y brand dual?
OLDER: y brand dual!
ME: Dual? *holds up a pack* Do you mean crushball?
OLDER: *to teen* Crushball?
TEEN: Yeah
ME: *brings them over, speaks to teen* I'll just need to see some ID.
OLDER: Oh they're for me.
ME: Sorry I can't sell them to you if she's with you and she doesn't have ID
OLDER: What?? I'm buying them separately, for myself.
TEEN: *hurries out of the store*
OLDER: There, she left.
ME: Sorry, store policy.
OLDER: *leaves in a huff* RIDICULOUS.
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crushyballs · 9 months ago
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incorrect-in-space · 3 years ago
Lloyd: I dropped out in the fourth grade to run drugs to support my nana.
Eddie, trying to not die from laughter: That means you haven’t known the triumphs and defeats, the epic highs and lows of middle school crushball.
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detrites · 7 years ago
the funniest thing ever was like......i couldn’t hold an intelligent conversation with him. we were never on the same page about intellectual matters because he never knew what i was talking about. everything i was interested in, he was not. it was joke after joke after joke after drink after smoke, and nothing else of substance. and he made so many excuses as to why he couldn’t participate in intellectual conversations as an intellectual—“oh, my brain can’t pay attention. it just doesn’t work that way. there’s so much to think about all the time.” but what? think about what? surely, he did not think about the things that i thought about, but rather what drink to have next? what brand of cigarettes to buy when his pack of jps crushball blue ran out? when he could have his next bong hit without paying a single cent towards the bud that came out of my paycheck? what kind of friend is this? not a friend but a leech. and so i asked, “do you read?” and he said, “yeah, i read - if picture books count.” and i thought, “wow. who is this that i have chosen to be with? why?” it was low, but i remembered that when i was in 11th grade, my student advisor told me that i had enough credits to go to university and finish 12th grade at the same time. she would make it so. and then i remembered that i singlehandedly completed a capstone project which was supposed to be completed over 9 months in approximately 3-4 months and won a scholarship for it. i was handed a cheque at my graduation ceremony in washington dc. and i remembered all those new york times articles i read and analysed with my dear english teacher and all the times she said, “you are beyond your years, and i am so glad we can have deeper conversations about literature and current affairs and everything else we talk about just the way we do.” and i thought, again, “who is this? why have i chosen a mere boy who is so. there is much more that i can have, yet this is what i choose? shame.” it is true what people say - that we accept the love we think we deserve. (i hate that i finally have quoted john green for the first time in my life in this mess.) and i have no resentment toward anything else but his intellect and his hygiene. if i cannot hold a deep and meaningful conversation with someone, i cannot hold a deep and meaningful relationship with them. of course, someone that showers at least every 2nd day and changes their clothes and brushes their teeth and does their laundry would be great, too.
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novelnonsense87 · 4 years ago
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18kronaldinhoblog · 5 years ago
Empresas de tabaco oferecem novas alternativas aos cigarros após proibição de mentol na UE
(Bloomberg) – Com a proibição dos cigarros mentolados pela União Europeia, gigantes da indústria do tabaco buscam maneiras criativas de continuar oferecendo aos fumantes sua dose de mentol.
Em janeiro, a Imperial Brands começou a vender tiras que podem ser inseridas em um maço de cigarros ou em uma bolsa para tabaco de enrolar para obter aroma de menta. A rival Japan Tobacco lançou cigarrilhas – pequenos charutos isentos da proibição – com cápsulas que liberam mentol ao pressionar um botão.
Em maio, a UE proibirá a venda de cigarros mentolados. Embora representem menos de 5% do mercado na Europa Ocidental, segundo José Becerril, analista da Euromonitor, esses produtos geram US$ 11 bilhões em vendas em todo o continente.
Cigarros aromatizados têm sido alvo de grupos antitabagismo porque esses produtos estimulariam o vício ao disfarçar o sabor do tabaco. A organização Action on Smoking and Health criticou a Imperial e a Japan Tobacco, dizendo que as empresas estão tentando se esquivar da futura proibição com os novos produtos.
“É um comportamento vergonhoso de empresas que dizem que não estão tentando viciar jovens”, disse Deborah Arnott, presidente da Action on Smoking and Health. “Se o governo não agir rapidamente para acabar com essas práticas, acreditamos que estas se espalharão rapidamente.”
Nos Estados Unidos, a FDA, agência que regula fármacos e alimentos, já proibiu a maioria dos cigarros com sabores e está examinando opções para regular o mentol. A abordagem das empresas de tabaco à proibição da UE pode oferecer algumas pistas sobre o que fariam se os EUA adotassem uma medida semelhante.
O mentol é um negócio muito maior nos EUA, que respondem por cerca de 30% das vendas de cigarros.
No entanto, existem bolsões de popularidade na Europa. No Reino Unido, cerca de 25% do mercado é composto por cigarros mentolados e “crushball”, que contêm sabores que podem ser ativados com o acionamento de um clique, de acordo com o porta-voz da Imperial, Simon Evans. Esse segmento corresponderia a cerca de US$ 4,7 bilhões, segundo a Euromonitor.
As medidas da UE intensificarão a concorrência para atrair fãs do mentol para alternativas, incluindo o IQOS, o dispositivo de aquecimento de tabaco fabricado pela Philip Morris International, que está isento das novas regras. No ano passado, a gigante lançou novas lâminas térmicas de mentol para o IQOS.
Embora existam poucas evidências de que cigarros mentolados seriam mais tóxicos ou arriscados do que cigarros comuns, grupos de saúde pública dizem que esses produtos atraem jovens e podem causar maior dependência, pois é menos provável que esses fumantes consigam deixar o vício.
Países da UE aprovaram a proibição em 2016. A medida não se aplica às tiras de infusão vendidas pela Imperial, porque são considerados acessórios para fumar e não produtos de tabaco.
“Haverá algum tipo de impacto”, disse Nico von Stackelberg, analista da Liberum. Ele disse que fumantes mais jovens podem optar por uma das muitas alternativas para fumar, enquanto os mais velhos podem enfrentar mais dificuldades para a transição e deixar a nicotina. “Fumantes podem achar que a transição para o tabaco aquecido ou produtos vaping é muito mais fácil” do que parar de fumar de forma abrupta.
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The post Empresas de tabaco oferecem novas alternativas aos cigarros após proibição de mentol na UE appeared first on InfoMoney.
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