#crush: pam ferris
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& shout out to Mara Wilson & Danny Devito & Rhea Perlman & Pam Ferris & Rohld Dahl & everyone else involved in Matilda, but especially Embeth Davidtz for giving me a huge crush on Miss Honey
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theekickinside · 7 years
i was tagged by @my-space-and-all-within, thank you! 🌹
last drink: tea with lemon juice
last phone call: my grandpa, i guess?? i dont make phone calls that often
last text message: my sis
last song you listened to: peter gabriel - i don’t remember
last time you cried: .........few hours ago
dated someone twice: nope
kissed someone and regretted it?: kinda
been cheated on?: well....
lost someone special?: yeah
been depressed?: i still am 
gotten drunk and thrown up?: nahhh
fave colors
black! red, olive green and mustard yellow
in the last year have you…
made new friends?: yup
fallen out of love?: nah
laughed until you cried?: yeah
found out someone was talking about you?: yup
met someone who changed you?: yeah
found out who your friends are?: i think so
kissed someone on your facebook friends list?: ghaha nope
how many of your facebook friends do you know irl?: most of them
do you have any pets?: yeah!!! i have a cat, aka my biggest sunshine and a doggo!
do you want to change your name?: everytime i hear someone calling me by it
what did you do for your last birthday?: i met my friend and had fun in general
What time did you wake up today?: 10 am
What were you doing at midnight last night?: watching roxy music vids
What is something you can’t wait for?: spring time
What are you listening to right now?: bryan ferry’s let’s stick together album
have you ever talked to a person named tom?: yeah, my driving instructor’s name was tom lol
something that’s getting on your nerves?: rude people? but also my work
most visited website: youtube :’)
hair color: dark brown
long or short hair: mid-lenght
do you have a crush on someone?: oh well XD
what do you like about yourself?: my music taste....and that’s all XD 
want any piercings?: nope
blood type: i have no idea??? 
nicknames: a few im ashamed of lol
relationship status: single
zodiac: cancer/gemini
pronouns: she/her
fave tv shows: stranger things, twin peaks, the x files
tattoos: none
right or left handed: left-handed
ever had surgery?: nope
piercings?: earrings. i used to have the nose one but i removed it and i don;t exactly know why lol 
sport: swimming used to be my thing? but it was long time ago
vacation: i don’t have any plans
trainers: i own a pair or two
more general
eating: nothing
drinking: tea
i’m about to watch: nothing
waiting for: payday 8)
want: a serious job contract
get married: only time will tell 
career: yeah
which is better
hugs or kisses: hugs
lips or eyes: both
shorter or taller: taller
older or younger: older
nice arms or stomach: arms
hookup or relationship: relationship
troublemaker or hesitant: a mix of both
have you ever
kissed a stranger: no
drank hard liquor: yeah
lost glasses: nope
turned someone down: yeah
sex on first date: nope
broken someones heart: idk, maybe
had your heart broken: not in a romantic way
been arrested: not yet lmao
cried when someone died: yeah
fallen for a friend: nahh
do you believe in
yourself: i wish 
miracles: im trying to
love at first sight: yeah!!
Santa Claus: not really
kiss on a first date: nahh
angels: yessss
best friend’s name: pam&julia 
eye color: blue
favorite movie: gone with the wind, all time fave 
fave actor: cant think of anyone rn
i’m tagging @orfeuszz @imfeelingreckless @fire-burns-below @keep-looking-forwards-endlessly if u guys are into this ofc c:
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Ch 11- A Day of Fun
           Happy reunions notwithstanding, the team decided spending a few days in Second Life might be the best move. While Pam’s healing had pushed Christopher a long way toward recovery, he still needed rest. Whatever strange system of tubes and borrowed cells constituted the clone’s body wasn’t so efficient as to immediately prepare him for another inter-universe jump. And honestly, G.A.R.F.I.E.L.D. thought, it was nice to be on holiday. The stress of dimensional travel certainly strained his processor, not to mention the stress brought by assailants from Pam’s past.
           Totinos turned out to be thrilled when G.A.R.F.I.E.L.D. somewhat sheepishly asked if they could stay a few days. The pizza-man confided that The Mayor was more concerned about the election than he’d let on. So much so that his campaign manager thought it best if they take a detour to an old amusement park owned by the Mayor’s grandfather, abandoned after a series of grisly murders. The khajiit neglected to mention the bit about murders when proposing the idea to Pam and Chris. Among various attractions Totinos had listed was a Tunnel of Love, and G.A.R.F.I.E.L.D. didn’t think a potential serial killer would facilitate a romantic atmosphere. Not that I’ll be trying to visit the Tunnel, he corrected himself. I dunno, it’d just be like a fun thing to see. Ironically.
             If the group hadn’t already suspected the suggestion of spectral presence or possibility at the park, the actual appearance ought to have kept them on their toes. The park was silent as a graveyard; the five of them were the only living beings in sight. Also, apparently, it had been built in the middle of the goddamn ocean, so that seemed pretty weird. Misgivings aside, it did seem like a cool park. The attractions included an enormous water slide, roller coasters and rides that presumably laid unused for years, and a variety of concession stands that miraculously still dispensed fresh goods despite having been abandoned by their operators.
Pam ran a critical eye over the machines, wondering about the rusted giants’ likelihood of killing her. The Mayor and Chris ran ahead toward the funnel cake stand, G.A.R.F.I.E.L.D. and Totinos jogging behind them. They all cracked up at the absurdity of this whole escapade. All except Pam.
This was…different. Pam long ago forgot proper behavior expected of group of friends spending a day together. She wanted to join in the laughing. As the morning progressed she even attempted a joke or two, which surprised literally everyone. Perhaps she was still fixated on the dream about the hydra. Or maybe she felt this was a waste of time, seeing as she could not get stronger while dodging lemonade-flavored vomit on the Scrambler. It was just a weird emotion, the knowledge that everyone seemed to know what to say and what to do. There was no enemy to crush, no task to which she could set her mind. The only strengths she had were no use when convincing people to like her. Pam trailed behind her friends, forcing her scarred face into a smile and hoping she didn’t draw attention.
Despite her efforts, the Mayor suggested they check out the Ferris wheel while the others hit up the go-karts. “Not to be rude,” he said with an air of caution, “but it seems like you might have a significant advantage over the rest of us.” Pam’s first reflex was indignation, but remembered that time she dropped a vertibird on the Smith’s cookout and yielded the argument. The Mayor shouted their departure over the roar of engines. The others were too busy talking shit to notice.
 Pam felt distinctly on edge as they walked through the silent remains of the sprawling estate. The clack-thud of their shoes against wood and concrete were the only sound outside of go-karts revving. She wanted to say something to break the quiet. “This park good.”
The Mayor chortled. “I’m glad you think so! It’s been too long since I last visited. Ever since Grandpappy passed, it’s been sort of a bittersweet place.”
“How you have grandfather and also build this dimension?”
“Never mind that now,” he said curtly. They reached the ancient wheel. He opened the gate for her to enter first. They hopped into a creaky red basket and sat facing each other. “I’d rather talk about you.”
She’d figured as much, but it was strange for someone to directly state their interest in her. “What you want to talk about?” Her anxiety climbed several notches as the wheel began its slow rotation.
“Anything!” the Mayor exclaimed. His face, disproportioned though it was, bore an evident expression of curiosity. “We don’t often get visitors to Second Life, and you come traipsing in with a British cat and a professional wrestler!” He offered her a tub of popcorn that appeared from thin air. She politely declined and he stuffed his mouth. “What’s brought you all this way?”
She answered without hesitation. “I’m looking for someone. I will be strong, and then I kill him.” She puffed her chest and her voice was proud. Of this most important goal she was absolutely certain.
The Mayor looked back, seemingly concerned. “The person who beat up you and your gang of friends?”
She shook her head. “He is tiny bump on path to target. Strong, but I will be stronger.” She bristled at his doubtful gaze. “What?”
“I just-” he started, then placed a buttery hand on his chin, thinking. At this point they’d reached the top of their circle. “Let me say it a different way. How did you get here?”
Pam didn’t understand the purpose of the question. “The cat does teleportation. What of it?”
           The Mayor shrugged. “I just thought you were the one with all the superpowers.”
           “I’m good at death.”
           The politician chuckled nervously. “Undoubtedly. So what about Christopher?”
           A good question. Why is wrestle-boy here? She reached into obscure memories of the past few days. She remembered whooping up on him during the fight at the Cell. The urgency to escape. G.A.R.F.I.E.L.D. hugging a shaking Pebble. “He’s here because cat likes him.”
           For a second the Mayor looked startled. “G.A.R.F.I.E.L.D. never said they were together.”
           Pam rolled her eyes. “They’re not. Yet. But look.” They again reached the wheel’s zenith. From their vantage point they could see karts zipping around, two karts particularly close. Their laughter was unmistakable. “The only reason they aren’t already boning is cuz of spiny cat dong.”
Color drained from the bureaucratic boy but he pressed on with heroic effort. “Um, be that as it may, what I’m really curious about is what happens when you complete your quest.”
She had no reaction. She sat still, the breeze between them transparent as her thoughts. After a long moment she responded, “No need to look ahead this far. I need training.”
The Mayor smiled, reached across the bucket, and squeezed her knee. Which proved difficult, as he possessed short arms and stubby fingers. “You will need to work hard, but I think you’ll have no problem getting what you’re after. I’ve met a lot of people in my career, but none like you.” He looked her in the eyes and nodded vigorously. “The thing is, you’re still gonna have a long time to figure out what to do once you’re done with this mission.” He gestured down the karts below. The trio appeared to be bored with go-karts and were headed towards the Ferris wheel. “These two fellows, whether you think so or not, they didn’t travel all this way because of some heroic cause or to get a sightseeing trip.”
She stiffened, unsure what to say.
“Pam, I think those boys really care about you,” he continued. “They don’t care if you’re awkward or angry or confused. And those sort of people, ride-or-die type fools, they’re gonna love you no matter what.” His eager smile became serious. The Mayor’s tone shifted to that of a person discussing their last will. “So I want you to promise me two things: One, trust yourself and your friends.”
She nodded.
“Two, when you finish this fight, bring back all the friends you meet on your journey, and we’ll have the most baller-ass rager Second Life has ever seen, got it?” He couldn’t keep the straight face, yet he kept his eyes locked with hers.
Pam had to crack a smile. She grabbed his small executive hand in her own and squeezed hard. “Okay Mr. Mayor man. We come back for party. But it must knock socks off, or else I burn your world to ground.” They both laughed hard, the serious atmosphere evaporating as the wheel slowed to let them off.
 G.A.R.F.I.E.L.D and the others reached the Ferris wheel to see Boy Mayor and Pam snorting at some joke they had made. “For real though,” Pam said as she clapped the Mayor on the back. Whatever their chat entailed, the squat politician had a knack for cheering people up. G.A.R.F.I.E.L.D. had been somewhat worried about his friend. She was usually quiet when conversation was unnecessary, but today he felt some concerning vibes. That anxious feeling wasn’t entirely gone, but it seemed like the talk had helped. He smiled to himself, then noticed Chris pretending to not steal glances at him while they tramped along the forsaken walkways. Something in his core circuitry flared, and he peeked back.
All five of them together now, Totinos proposed they go check out the carnival games, demanding the Mayor win him an enormous stuffed bear. The poor politician struggled to throw various rings and balls onto hooks and cups while Pam and Chris respectively booed and cheered. Out of the corner of his orbital cameras the khajiit saw Totinos beckon him over. He hung back out of earshot and whispered, “What’s up?”
Totinos bent low on his haunches and put his moustache up to G.A.R.F.I.E.L.D.’s ear. “So, uh, what’s the deal with you and Chris?”
WD-40 surged into his face. “Th-there’s no deal. We just get along well.” There was a stereotype about khajiits back in Skyrim, that they were deceitful, tricky creatures. No one trusted to get a fair deal out of them, always expecting to be cheated or backstabbed. If there was any evidence to support the alternative, it was G.A.R.F.I.E.L.D’s poker face.
Totinos produced a knowing look, one usually reserved for extended conversations about the best recipes for pizza sauce. “My boy, we took you into our home battered and bleeding. You live a dangerous life, or at the very least you live in a moment in time where your safety must be placed at a premium.” He pointed toward the long-fingered wrestler who was now instructing the Mayor on ring-tossing techniques while Pam surreptitiously levitated them into scoring position. “Similarly, the time you have with your heart’s deepest desires is not eternal.”
G.A.R.F.I.E.L.D. shifted uncomfortably. He wasn’t accustomed to Italian chefs giving tips on his love life. “Totinos… I’m sort of scared.”
The man seized him by the shoulders and lifted his mechanical body into the air. “Good! Fear and arousal are based in the same parts of ‘ze brain!”
G.A.R.F.I.E.L.D. was not enjoying this pep talk.
Totinos lowered him back to earth. “I just get so excited. There’s no better feeling in the world.” He squinted pointedly at the techno-feline. “And you’ve got a shot at it.” He put his hand in the small of G.A.R.F.I.E.L.D.’s back and ushered him back to the group. In a conspiratorial, whispered tone, Totinos said, “It’s now or never my boy. Wait for the signal.”
What the actual fuck?
Upon their return the Mayor, sweaty and breathing rapidly, presented Totinos with an gigantic stuffed animal. The chef scooped up the toy in one arm and the Mayor in the other and squeezed them both to his chest. Chris watched with admiration and pride. Pam’s disgust at the public display was coming close to physical manifestation. G.A.R.F.I.E.L.D. felt his thoracic processor accelerate. What the bloody hell is this signal supposed to be?
Just like that, the Second Lifers were disappeared. In a blur of motion surprising everyone, Totinos and Boy Mayor yelled something about the water slide and sped off, dragging a bewildered Pam behind. Oh.
He and Chris were painfully alone now. They sort of looked at each other and laughed.
“Huh, well I guess we’d better catch up” Chris muttered. He looked at the ground, then glanced back up at G.A.R.F.I.E.L.D.
Say something you absolute tosser. “Yeah I suppose so.” Real smooth. Together they slowly trod in the same direction. G.A.R.F.I.E.L.D. suppressed a sigh. Maybe next time.
A voice like a truck through a window shattered his thoughts. G.A.R.F.I.E.L.D.! Don’t fuck up. He looked up and from in the distance he could see Pam shooting infrared daggers into his face. I’ll be damned.
G.A.R.F.I.E.L.D. reached out a shaky paw and took Chrisopher’s hand. The Pebble stared at him, eyes wide. “Actually, do you wanna do something else?”
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dorkydiaz · 7 years
Art Supplies and Paper: Chapter 9
Jim packed a small bag, including his best suit. A woman at the office, Karen, who Jim thought might have a crush on him, had suggested he get a haircut, and Angela added that it might help him get the job he didn’t look like a hobo. He saw their point and got a haircut, it made him feel silly but he did look a bit more professional.
Pam packed a small suitcase, some jeans and t-shirts for sightseeing and a blouse, that Kelly had picked, and a skirt for the interview. She was really quite nervous about it. She looked through her portfolio of watercolor paintings one more time before shutting off the light and snuggling into her sheets.
At promptly 9 am, he saw Pam’s little blue car pull up in front of his building. The drive was uneventful. When they arrived at the hotel, they dropped off their stuff in their separate rooms and went to explore the city. They went to Times Square and Central Park, Staten Island Ferry, Empire State Building, and all the touristy things they both could think of. When it was nearing sunset they found a cozy little Italian restaurant nestled in between two larger buildings. The food was delicious. They each talked about their perspective interviews, and talked through some nerves.
Jim walked into the reception area of the corporate offices of Dunder Mifflin. He couldn’t help but wonder about life in Scranton, he had grown up there, he had never really known anything different. He had convinced himself that this was a good idea, when David Wallace poked his head out of the glass door and said, “I’m ready for you, Jim.” The entire interview went by in a flash, it felt good, Jim had a great rapport with David, and he had liked Jim’s ideas for the company. Jim felt confident.
Pam gripped her portfolio in her hands and nervously walked into the room where 3 professors sat behind a long table, an empty chair across from them. She carefully pulled the chair out and sat down. “Why don’t we start with your portfolio.” One of the Professors, with a kinder demeanor, began. Pam lifted the portfolio up and a little slip of paper with the Hotel header slipped out and landed on her lap, “I have seen your art. It’s amazing. You are amazing. Hugs, Jim.” Was written in Jim’s messy scrawl. Pam cleared her throat and began to present each piece, with confidence and pride for her work. After a few more questions, Pam walked out of the room with a much more relaxed grip on her portfolio.
A/N:Thank you for reading! So sorry for the small hiatus on this one, had a little writers block. A little inspiration hit and this short chapter is what came of it. I hope you enjoyed it.
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jenmedsbookreviews · 7 years
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I am delighted to welcome author Isabella May to Jen Med’s today to help me spread a little book love. Isabella’s debut novel, oh! What a Pavlova, is released today. Happy publication day Isabella. Before we take a look at all of her favourite reads, let’s learn a little more about Isabella and her book.
About Isabella
Isabella May lives in (mostly) sunny Andalucia, Spain with her husband, daughter and son, creatively inspired by the sea and the mountains. When she isn’t having her cake and eating it, sampling a new cocktail on the beach, or ferrying her children to and from after school activities, she can usually be found writing.
As a Co-founder and a former contributing writer for the popular online women’s magazine, The Glass House Girls – http://www.theglasshousegirls.com – she has also been lucky enough to subject the digital world to her other favourite pastimes, travel, the Law of Attraction, and Prince (The Purple One).
She has recently become a Book Fairy, and is having lots of fun with her imaginative ‘drops’!
Oh! What a Pavlova is her debut novel… and her second novel has already been submitted to her publishers: watch this space…
Website | Facebook | Twitter
Oh! What a Pavlova
Kate Clothier is leading a double life: a successful jet-setting businesswoman to the outside world, but behind closed doors, life with Daniel and his volcanic temper is anything but rosy.
Some days – heck, make that EVERY day – cake is her only salvation. 
Slowly but surely, the cities she visits – and the men she meets – help her to realise there IS a better future.
And the ley lines of Glastonbury are certainly doing their best to impart their mystical wisdom…
But will she escape before it’s too late?
Amazon UK | Amazon US
Childhood Sweetheart Favourite book from childhood
I am trying to think of just one but so may spring to mind! I adored all of the Mr Men and Little Misses by Roger Hargreaves, as well as the Richard Scarry books – I just loved his busy style of illustration and the gentle comedy. And then on into my teens, it was the fun and games of Enid Blyton’s Mallory Towers which really captured my imagination, to the point that I actually wished I was a pupil at that boarding school.
First love The first book you fell in love with
Well, this one could have been any number of books from the Jenga-like pile I used to get through whilst sat on my potty as a toddler. And whilst my memory is sharp, it’s not that sharp… But I do recall having a penchant for the good old-fashioned Ladybird pocket books. There was something so comforting about the artwork, as well as the font – and there were so many to collect. One day me and my sister were gifted an entire box full from some neighbours who were moving house. It was like 10 Christmases all arriving at once.
Biggest book crush The book character you’re totally in love with
I would have to say my good friend, N.J. Simmonds’ ‘Zac’ from the YA hit novel, ‘The Path Keeper’. He’s reduced many a woman, and man, to mush – only in a very excusable and literary sense, of course!
Weirdest book crush Well… duh
I suppose if I think back to recent books that I’ve read then probably, much as I am absolutely loathe to say it as it would only further inflate his ego: Damian Baxter from Julian Fellowes’ ‘Past Imperfect’.
Hardest break up The book you didn’t want to end
Any and all of Pam Grout’s and Esther Hicks’. I am a bit of a Law of Attraction/spirituality junkie, and their messages are just perfect for raising your vibration! I could also say the same about any of Nigella’s cookbooks. The commentary alone is like reading poetry.
The one that got away The book in your TBR or wish list that you regret not having started yet.
Ben Okri’s ‘Starbook’ still manages to escape me. But I will read it soon… particularly as it is coming up to an unbelievable four years since I was at his talk (which he shared with Joanne Harris) at Gibraltar Literary Festival!
Secret love Guilty Reading pleasure
Curled up with a massive slice of cake/bar of chocolate balanced on a squidgy cushion (the cake that is… and on a plate first!) and a fat cafe sombra (a not too strong and not too weak style of coffee here in Spain). It’s the only way to read a book.
Love one, love them all Favourite series or genre
Travel Writing. I could lose myself in the most mediocre of books from this genre for days because there is always something inspirational to learn when it comes to other people’s travel experiences, no matter how appalling/appealing their writing style…
Your latest squeeze Favourite read of the last 12 months
Jessie Burton’s ‘The Muse’. This book was simply fabulous from start to finish; what a talent. Jessie writes so passionately, so knowledgably about the Malaga region of Spain; highlighting the plight of women in the arts during the era of the Spanish Civil War – an inequality which all too often still rears its ugly head in the year that is 2017. And she is a Storyteller Supreme, expertly weaving her numerous plots, keeping us guessing, as readers, right until the end.
Recently, somebody was really laying into ‘The Muse’ in a Facebook reading group (with not an argument to back up their opinion, just an ‘I didn’t like it, it was rubbish…’). Oh, it was all I could do to bite my tongue!
Blind date for a friend If you were to set a friend up with a blind date (book) which one would it be?
I have so many friends (bless ‘em), who I would just love to (nicely!) shut in a room with a Law of Attraction book… much to their annoyance, but it might (just might) help them to view reality in a more helpful way read quit incessantly complaining!
Greatest love of all Favourite book of all time.
It’s really tricky to whittle so many great books down, but one of the best I have ever read was definitely ‘The Hundred Year Old Man Who Climbed Out of a Window’ by Jonas Jonasson. The timing of that author’s wit is something else, as is his imagination. But I think in his protagonist, Karl, he has created somebody who could teach us all so many lessons when it comes to the imaginary limitations we impose upon ourselves. That novel was a stroke of genius.
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Thanks Isabella. What a fabulous seleection. I loved the ladybird books, Mr Men and Enid Blyton too as a child. Such a key part of growing up. And I love Ben Okri. Stars of the New Curfew and The Famished Road are my favourites. I’ll have to look up Starbook.
What do you think folks? Any other suggestions you think Isabella may like? DO you have any thoughts on The Muse?
Join me next week when I’ll be spreading more #booklove with Anne Williams and Ann Girdharry.
Have a fab day all
#Booklove: Isabella May @IsabellaMayBks I am delighted to welcome author Isabella May to Jen Med's today to help me spread a little book love.
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Read Lick (Stage Dive #1)(38) online free by Kylie Scott
Lick (Stage Dive #1)(38) Author: Kylie Scott
“I know. I’m sorry,” I said, settling into the corner of the lounge. The menfolk were busy downstairs making music. Pam had gone running errands in town. I had calls to make. Boxes to unpack. Dreams of blissful wedlock to work up to insane, impossible proportions inside my head.
“Never mind. Update me,” she demanded.
“Well, we’re still married. In a good way this time.”
Lauren screamed in my ear. It took her a good couple of minutes to calm down. “Oh my God, I was hoping something would work out. He’s so f**king hot.”
“Yes, indeed he is. But he’s more than that. He’s wonderful.”
“Keep going.”
“I mean, really wonderful.”
She huffed out a laugh. “You already used ‘wonderful’. Try a new word, Cinderella. Give my inner fangirl something to work with here.”
“Don’t crush on my husband. That’s not cool.”
“You’re six years too late with that warning. I was crushing on David Ferris long before you put a ring on him in Vegas.”
“Actually, he doesn’t have a ring.”
“No? You should fix that.”
“Hmm.” I stared out the window at the ocean. Out in the distance a bird drifted in lazy circles high up in the sky. “We’re at his place in Monterey. It’s beautiful here.”
“You left LA?”
“LA was not so great. What with the groupies and lawyers and business managers and everything, it was pretty shitty.”
“Details, babe. Gimme.”
I drew my knees up to my chest and fidgeted with the seam of my jeans, feeling conflicted. Discussing our... Read full: Read Lick (Stage Dive #1)(38) online free by Kylie Scott #Romance #BillionaireRomance #New-Adult #Young-Adult #HotBookSeries #fantasy #Vampires #OthersBooks #ScienceFiction #Thriller #Horror #Classics #NewReleases #Mystery/Suspense #HotAuthors #Lick(StageDive#1)(38) #71 pages: #Previous #UnfinishedHeroseries #ColoradoMountainseries #Chaosseries #TheSinclairsseries #TheYoungElitesseries #BillionairesandBridesmaidsseries #JustOneDayseries #SinnersonTourseries #Manwhoreseries #ThisManseries #OneNightseries #Fixedseries #AThousandLetters #WastedWords #MyNotSoPerfectLife #Caraval(Caraval#1) #TheSunIsAlsoaStar #Everything,Everything #DevilinSpring(TheRavenels#3) #MarryingWinterborne(TheRavenels#2) #Cold-HeartedRake(TheRavenels#1) #NorseMythology
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If you look into the coping mechanism basket in my mind, this is kind of what you'll find inside at the moment.
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Pam Ferris in the Darling Buds of May
Fighting for my life as of lately she's so very beautiful. No I cannot be moderate, only very reasonable, about 90s Pam Ferris🙂‍↕️💅
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Making the most of the last few weeks of Landing Space by making cute collages featuring Pam Ferris in the Darling Buds of May (I've been blogging off topic as of lately, got to correct that). Pictures are mainly from Pinterest/Landing/Tumblr. Mug is mine though. Got it from my aunt :)
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