celtigaar · 5 days
@crumbledstatues said: "what if they kissed?" for aegon (because you know i had to) / send "what if they kissed?" for a scene where our muses kiss, even if they aren't shipped together
——— the great contradiction of large parties was that the more people attended, the less likely you were to be seen. as such it was a surprisingly simple endeavour to slip away unnoticed, provided one was careful to not be gone too long. and could anyone blame her if she should feel stifled and hot indoors, what with so many people and so much dancing, and desire fresh air? and wasn't it only right that a lady not go out alone at such an hour? and wasn't prince aegon so kind to escort her?
cerys waited until the sounds of the festivities had fallen behind.
❝ you're out of wine. ❞ she gestured to the empty cup he still held. ❝ i might have some left. ❞
but she didn't pass her goblet to him, though it was yet half-full —rather she sat the vessel aside, placed her free hand upon the back of his neck, and gently guided him down to kiss and allow him to taste the wine still on her lips.
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onetrueheir · 19 days
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@crumbledstatues (aegon) sent a raven: ❝ Come to bed, and bring that awful wine. ❞
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Normally it was her who was attempting to cheer him up when something had gone wrong in the day. It was a nice change up, if not a bit surprising when his words rang through the quiet room. They'd finished supper and the table had been cleared and she was certain he would have been off by now. Yet here he was inviting her to his chambers for the evening so long as she brought the so claimed awful wine; it wasn't the worse they'd been served.
Rhaenyra had followed with her surprise to his chambers, a bottle in tow that was placed aside once seated. Though the bottle did not remain full as they both found themselves indulging on the sweet berries that left her with a warm hazy feeling. She sat there now, glass half filled, and eyes looked to the other to watch the light glow of flames dancing across his face.
"So handsome..." she murmured, a thought spoken aloud, but held truth. Aegon was handsome, always had been, and there was no denying it. Free hand soon reached over and fingers ghosted over cheek before moving to card through white trusses as she smiled softly. "Thank you. For this evening...I did not know what I would do with myself once we parted from our meal," she whispered, fingers lingering in his hair before finally falling back to her lap.
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zaldrizescrowned · 1 month
STARTER ( RHAENYRA ) / @crumbledstatues
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It was a strange feeling to walk these halls again, none of them feeling like home. Everything had changed since she'd last set foot inside the Red Keep and it made her feel nauseous. What had all this madness been for?
As her feet carried her to the royal apartments, that feeling didn't fade but only got stronger, until she reached her destination. The rooms behind the doors she stood before had once been her fathers and were now inhabited by a man her heart was undecided about. Her brother had stolen her crown, but part of her could not deny that the boy had never truly had a choice in the matter. He had been made her foe the day he was born, his mother and grandfather had seen to that.
As the guards at the doors pushed them open, she straightened her back and took a long, deep breath. Inside, the rooms smelled of illness and fear, the stench of incense and blood mixing together. She'd been told of Aegon's injuries, but seeming them for herself gave her pause.
"I have ordered the maesters the prepare something for the pain," she spoke, stopping at the end of the bed and looking at her brother. Perhaps she was a fool to offer aid, but even now there was the smallest spark of hope. Perhaps there was more than just hatred and envy in this family of theirs.
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vezosdaria · 8 days
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@crumbledstatues asked: ❛ how long has it been since you've slept? ❜ From Helaena
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The   dim   light   of   the   candle   flickered   in   the   corner   of   the   room,   casting   long   shadows   over   Aegon   hunched   figure.   He   sat   silently,   eyes   fixed   on   the   door   to   Jaehaera's   chambers,   his   mind   drifting   in   a   place   where   neither   waking   nor   dreaming   could   reach   him.   His   heart   felt   heavy,   as   if   the   grief   for   Jaehaerys   had   long   since   burned   through   him,   leaving   only   an   empty   shell   behind.   He   couldn't   cry   anymore—his   tears   had   dried   with   the   passing   days—but   sleep,   too,   refused   to   offer   any   relief.
The   quiet   rustle   of   fabric   caught   his   attention,   and   he   glanced   to   the   side.   Helaena   stood   before   him,   her   pale   eyes   reflecting   the   same   exhaustion   that   weighed   him   down.   They   had   both   lost   so   much,   too   much,   and   it   showed   in   the   dark   circles   under   her   eyes,   the   way   her   shoulders   slumped   under   the   invisible   weight   of   grief.
"How long has it been since you've slept?"
Aegon   shrugged,   looking   away.   He   didn’t   know.   He   wasn’t   sure   if   it   mattered   anymore.   His   gaze   returned   to   the   door,   still   and   silent   like   the   tomb   it   felt   like.   Helaena's   presence   was   a   comfort,   even   if   they   both   stood   on   opposite   sides   of   their   sorrow.   Neither   of   them   spoke   further,   but   he   felt   her   close,   just   as   broken,   just   as   sleepless.   After   a   moment   he   offers   his   own   question.   "What   about   you?"   A   short   pause   as   the   king   as   is   aware   that   her   mind   was   sometimes,   stranger   than   anything   else.
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zobriezalarys · 12 days
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@crumbledstatues asked: ❛ hold still. this might sting a little. ❜ - from Alys
she   holds   his   hand   before   he   has   a   chance   to   move   it   away   and   let   it   as   it   is.   it   would   not   be   the   worst   of   his   injuries   and   he   is   not   going   to   be   stopped   by   a   mild   cut   on   his   hand   when   he   had   suffered   worse.   shoulder   had   been   burned   with   an   arrow   on   fire   and   yet,   he   lives.   but   alys   rivers   is   a   mystery   of   a   woman   who   does   not   seem   to   have   aptitude   for   protocol   or   decour,   or   to   be   aware   that   she   should   not   speak   to   a   king   consort   in   such   a   manner.  
but   he   had   never   been   a   royal   who   cared   for   rules   and   he   would   not   do   so   now,   so   he   keeps   hand   still   and   looks   at   the   emerald   gaze   of   the   woman.   "you   keep   giving   me   things   i   might   start   to   think   you   are   poisoning   me,   witch."   the   nickname   is   given   in   amusement   and   perhaps   a   jest   as   he   watches   her   work   on   the   cut,   whatever   ointment   is   put   there,   the   wound   does   not   ache   at   the   touch   and   soon,   there   is   fresh   cloth   to   be   put   around   it.   "this   is   nothing.   I   do   not   scare   away   from   injuries   easy,   alys."
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vulpynus · 1 month
@crumbledstatues asked ; “People are born great but yet need to grow into greatness” - from Alicent (hi mom! ❤️❤️❤️)
"not everyone has the chance to grow into it, nor does everyone wish to, i imagine." her gaze lingers upon the boys down in the courtyard below for a handful of seconds longer before it returns to her own daughter. she reaches out to tuck a stray lock of hair behind her ear, hand coming to cup her cheek before allowing it to drop away again.
"it is hard when you have to watch your own children following whatever path they end up taking." there is much she might have changed for her children, had she been able to, had her voice been heeded over otto's. she knows the worry that comes with misliking the situation they find themselves in. "they are still young, they haven't had to bear the weight of any responsibilities as yet. they will grow when the time is right, when they must. try not to worry yourself too much when they are far from perfect. they don't need to be perfect."
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firebloodicee · 2 months
" I am the fucking King mother ! " Aegon snapped as he looked at Alicent. His eyes were full of anger and hurt as he spoke. "A man came into the castle and cut my boy's throat without anyone seeing him." A sigh then left his lips. "How can I be King and feel so powerless?" His eyes then lowered while he thought to himself.
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When Aegon looked back at Alicent he felt a bit of anger towards her. "And you mother?" He asked. "You were in bed, weren't you?" Slowly he got up from where he was siting and walked over to Alicent. "And who was in bed with you, mother?"
Shaking his head he turned his back to Alicent. "You don't think everyone knows? I hear the whispers mother; they speak such evil and wicked things about you and Criston Cole." Turning to face her once more, Aegon looked at his mother. "I didn't want to believe these whispers but then Halaena told me everything and I'd like to know what you have to say about that?"
----> @crumbledstatues <3
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onetrueheir · 19 days
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@crumbledstatues (alicent) sent a raven: i feel something broken inside me. you can't fix it. no one can.
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The feeling she spoke of was all too known. It formed the day her mother passed and grew when her brother Baelon followed soon after. If she were to visualize it, it would appear as a crack in the sides of the stone walls, growing deeper and longer as time passed. As one more loss was stacked upon shoulders that she did not fathom would carry so much in such a short span of time. And each time the jagged blade of life came down from the heavens with a thunderous blow to the earth below her feet, she felt more broken than the last strike.
So she knew all too well of what Alicent spoke of, but she held her tongue as to listen to the queen regent. Eyes that grew misty watched as the woman before her paced the floor and that took notice of how hands were clasped. She knew her old friend was picking at her nails as she did when they were younger, a sign that she was stressed. And if it had been that time when they were just girls, she would have sought to comfort her. But now? Now she could not do that though every inch of her being screamed for her to do so.
When the other woman fell silent aside from sniffling, eyes finally fell to glance at the stone floor. Arms remained crossed ever so slightly as breath nearly hitched in her throat with each one she took. "If I can not fix what is broken...then why do you come here tonight, Alicent?" she asked sullenly, head raising so that eyes looked upon her. "Why does it sound as if you are seeking help in fixing what you claim to be unrepairable?"
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zaldrizescrowned · 1 month
STARTER (TYELLA) / @crumbledstatues
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Aegon burned, Aemond regent and Alicent discarded. Things had changed fast, and drastically, at the Red Keep in the last few days. Messages had already been dispatched to Dragonstone to inform Queen Rhaenyra of the irony of it all. Tyella had found it hard to keep her amusement to herself, if she was entire honest. The only thing that held her back from any snide remarks was her fear of the Prince Regent. Now more powerful than ever, his punishment for her betrayal would be long and painfull, that much she was certain of. So she was not about to taunt the Gods and risk exposure.
Sitting in Alicent's chambers, fingers carefully at work on a piece of embroidery, she watched the Queen Dowager from the corner of her eye. Sighing, she put her work down. "You seem restless, Your Grace. Shall I call the Grandmaester for something soothing?"
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onetrueheir · 20 days
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@crumbledstatues (aegon) gets a plotted thing.
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Aegon the Conqueror married both his sisters, this was known and spoke of in regards to their history. It was tradition, to be expected between an elder sister and younger brother to wed. Though it had not been the original plan nor course of action taken, it was what happened when all else failed. They had been promised to others, but nothing came of those unions that would ensure the bloodline or status of house Targaryen. And with the kings declining health, whispers of who would rule the seven realms began to stir up questioning of whether Aegon would challenge his older sister.
So a proposition was made between Rhaenyra and her father; she recounted Aegon first of his name and his two sister wives. How if Old Valyria was still in existence in a physical form ( outside of the blood that coursed through their veins ) there would have already been a plan set in motion. And given her half brothers activities and lack of discretion on top of who would take the Iron Throne upon Viserys' death, she thought it was the right plan.
Her marriage to Laenor Valyrian had proved difficult—there was no blame for either of them, the Gods had made them into their own people and that was of no fault to them—and he had all but fled the country ( she had helped of course but that was something only he and herself needed to know. ) Meanwhile Aegon had been tearing a path through Kings Landing and becoming nothing more than a drunk. It was not befitting of a possible, soon to be, king.
Their union was nothing but for duty and tradition. Rhaenyra had loved her half brother when he was but a child, had enjoyed their time together though it had been brief. He was all but a stranger to her now as a grown man she now called husband though some days she felt like his mother dealing with his tantrums. Such was the case this afternoon as they stood across from another, the princess staring at him with furrowed and annoyed brows.
"Do you not hear yourself, Aegon? You sound like a petulant child who has been caught doing something wrong and now has to deal with the ramifications of their actions!" Her voice had rose as anger and annoyance grew, bubbling up inside her and festering like a sore.
They knew that their marriage was that of duty and political. That they could have their engagements outside of their marriage and neither would fuss over it, but there were limits. Boundaries sat in motion that would make it so neither would be questioned nor would the house of Targaryen be embarrassed. He had done nothing but the latter for weeks now.
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onetrueheir · 1 month
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@crumbledstatues (lady alicent) gets a plotted thing.
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Though she had protested to the idea initially, the princess was sure she could sway Alicent into agreeing. If only this one time. "Oh come now! Syrax is a fine dragon and has never once been opposed to others," she smiled, giving her friend a reassuring smile. "Besides, where I want to take you we can not reach it on foot nor carriage. It would take far too long if we did either. Dragon-back is the only way possible."
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Rhaenyra was tired of hearing of what she needed to do from her father. She loved him, dearly, but he becoming a thorn in her side as the days passed. "My dear, Lady Alicent," she sing songed as she took hold of the others hands, "would I ever lead you astray or lie to you?"
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onetrueheir · 18 days
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@crumbledstatues (alicent) sent a raven: ❛ you don’t have to be gentle. i won’t break. ❜
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Soft breath of a laugh leaves the princess, lips coming to a halt and pausing with ascending the others thigh. "I'm very aware of that, darling," she murmured, violet eyes peering up at her from where she knelt between Alicent's parted legs. "But I also wish to take my time...to savor this moment...and you," she hummed, teeth gently nipping at warm flesh before tongue snaked out to sooth the mark. It was a rare moment that they had any lengthy time together, but today the Gods were in their favor.
Laenor had taken the boys to Driftmark to spend time with their grandsires; plus it gave her husband time with his lover. He knew what she was up to as she knew what he was doing, but that was how their marriage survived. How they kept up the charade of their union. But her mind was the furthest from thinking about him or their children, thoughts swarming with ideas of how to spend the gifted day with the woman beneath her.
Falling silent, Rhaenyra's lips continued to blaze a path upwards towards the familiar sweet musk that awaited her. The thought alone made her mouth water with anticipation, her hands smoothing up along hips before following curves of sides before shifting to take hold of supple breasts. She kneads at the queens breasts as face draws near to what she most desired and she is ravenous. It shows in how mouth opens, tongue slithering out to drag languidly over moistened sex with a low hum, tongue gently probing its way through soft flesh. And she welcomed the slight tickle of darkened hair brushing against nose and face as eyes come to close, far too focused on tasting the other woman.
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onetrueheir · 38 minutes
here, have a tarot card
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the moon is not just a bright spot in the night sky - she also has the ability to plunge us into darkness. for that, she is complex. sometimes she inspires clarity and understanding, a way through the darkness. she guides you towards the righteous truth. other times, she muddies the waters, shrouds your path in a darkness so black you cannot see your hand in front of your face. therein lies the truths you must look inward to uncover - are you dealing with the full moon and all the bright, illuminating light it brings? or are you dealing with the new moon and the shroud of darkness it casts? look inward and you will begin to understand.
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tagged by: @brazenbaela tagging: @crumbledstatues ( alicent ) / @kingmaketh / @zobriezalarys / @reignofthrones ( aemond ) / @luceryse & anyone who sees this!!
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onetrueheir · 15 days
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#ONETRUEHEIR — independent, selective, and private Rhaenyra Targaryen from House of The Dragon with personal head-canons. established 16, august 2024; crowned by char ( she/her, 29, pst ) please read rules before following.
— quick links: memes | wishlist | thread tracker | carrd (tba)
— affiliates/mains: @kingmaketh & @zobriezalarys & @worthyheir & @crumbledstatues ( alicent hightower & aegon ii targaryen ) & @luminouslylaenor & @brazenbaela & @preytale ( harwin strong ) & @sadauroras ( alicent hightower ) & more to come!!
— ship exclusives ( will write w/other interpretations but will not ship ): @crumbledstatues ; ( rhae x aegon )
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welcome!! thanks for stopping by and checking my blog out. as stated above, this blog is for rhaenyra targaryen, TRUE HEIR to the iron throne. also as stated above, this blog is mutual's only as i do not have the mental capacity to write with everyone though i wish i could! so please keep that in mind when interacting with posts.
quick run down; this blog will have and will deal in heavy topics such as pregnancy, pregnancy lost, death, incest ( targaryen customs ), violence, murder, blood etc. given the source material, all of the topics listed are depicted and as i wish to keep to canon with my interoperation and exploration, these topics and more will be acknowledged. if this is something you are not comfortable with then this is not the blog for you and that is okay!
minors & personals DNI; any persons under eighteen will be hard blocked. mun is nearly thirty years of age and feels more comfortable writing with those that are twenty-one & up. personals, though your appreciation is kind, please refrain from following and or interacting with anything on this blog, you will be blocked on sight.
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