#crp: taken targaryen
chaosrpg · 5 years
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blood dripping from an arakh, the roar of the crowd at the fighting pit, calloused hands exploring bodies of many willing participants, moans of pleasure and screams of pain
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Despite the intricate designs on the hilt of his weapons and the gold jewelry he wears, Daario isn’t a man that came from riches. His mother was a prostitute, one that enjoyed the drink more than she did being a mother, and he was sold to a Tolos slave master because of her growing alcoholism, their dwindling cash, and his unruly behavior. The slave master, however, saw his tendency to get into fights as a good thing and he began to train Daario in the ways of fighting, training him for the pit-fights, and he entered his first one at the age of sixteen. Quickly Daario became a legend, fighting with his master for years and earning him enough coin that, eventually, he wound up setting him free. It wasn’t long after that that he joined the Second Sons as a sellsword - and with his overall charm, fighting prowess, and intelligence, he was able to climb the ranks to become a lieutenenant.
That was the position he held when he and the Second Sons were hired to protect Yunkai from the Unsullied forces that were being led by a young girl and her three dragons, and he, along with the two captains, met with her to discuss their surrender. He was enamored by her from the beginning - a strong, smart woman that wasn’t afraid to speak her mind - and it was because of that he slaughtered his Captains after they tasked him with killing her in the dead of night, and he presented her with their heads before he pledged his sword, his life and the Second Sons for her cause.
After that, Yunkai - and Meereen soon after - fell to Daenarys and Slaver’s Bay was no more… It was now the Bay of Dragons. And then a boy by the name of Jon Snow arrived from her home land, informing her that he was the son of her late brother, making him her nephew and the rightful heir to the Iron Throne. Skeptical, to say the least, Daario couldn’t believe that now when she had assumed such power that she was gaining followers, and though he voiced his concerns when she agreed to travel across the sea to Westeros with him, he agreed to stay behind and ensure that the Bay of Dragons was in good hands.
But now a few months have passed, and Daario is beginning to grow worried. Leaving the Second Sons and the Bay of Dragons in the care of Jokin and the Widower, he booked passage on a merchant ship and traveled, in secret, to Westeros, to find his Queen and support her and her claim. And if he can have some fun while he is in Westeros, well… he wasn’t going to complain, either.
A lover through and through, Daario has fathered many children - the oldest is almost twenty, fathered after his master allowed him to sleep with another slave after winning yet another match and earning him more money. Of course, Daario has no confirmation that he has fathered children - but he has an idea, given how often he likes to bed others.
When it actually comes to making love, Daario’s pleasure comes from the pleasure of his partner’s. He likes to bring them to climax many times over, and he is content only having one climax to his partner’s three or four.
Part of Daario doesn’t know what to make of Jon - while he is pleased to have more people fighting for the Targaryean name, he isn’t quite happy with the fact that they all want Jon on the throne and not Daenarys. He had pledged his sword to Daenarys, not to Jon, and he feels that she is the rightful heir, gender be damned. But that doesn’t mean he isn’t going to play the smart game - after all, he knows that size doesn’t win battles, but intelligence does.
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chaosrpg · 5 years
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harsh and horrible battle-worn steel, wielded with the grace of a dancer ; snow on the trees, snow on the ground, but beads of sweat dripping, dripping, steam rising in the cold
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Asher Forrester was born to snowfall, to winter. It seemed he was destined to adopt the harsh exterior necessary to survive the long, cold nights - and so he did. Born the second son, Asher never had the pressure to smooth out his edges like his brother did. There were few expectations of him; he would never become lord, would never marry into a great family. All his father asked of him was to train hard with his sword, and not bring dishonor to the family name. As a youth, he took this first half to heart; Asher was a force to be reckoned with as a swordsman from the moment he was given live steel. As for bringing honor to his family, well, that was another story.
With few responsibilities, Asher discovered young that he loved women and women loved him. Rarely did a night pass where he couldn’t be found with a drink in his hand, a woman on his arm. Some nights Rodrik would join him, and while Asher loved the antics him and his brother could get up to, he loved taking on the world on his own just as much. Known amongst the castle as the man to share a drink with, Asher reveled in his carefree youth. And then he met Gwyn Whitehill. Bitter rivals by blood, Asher probably should’ve hated her. And he did, at first. Never had he met someone so unlike him; at the tavern merely as the product of a bad day, rather than for the company, Asher was drawn to the challenge the fierce Northern woman presented. Their love was tumultuous, passionate, wild enough to tame Asher for a time, his sharp edges softer in her presence. His father could never know, his siblings sworn to the utmost secrecy. One day they’d run away together, they both knew - but instead, there was a confrontation, bloodshed, and next thing Asher knew he was on board a ship across the Narrow Sea, alone with the knowledge that he would never see his home, his family, his love ever again.
All the anger Asher felt as a youth grew tenfold when he arrived in Essos. In many ways, he was perfectly suited to life on the other continent. Armed with his sword and armor and enough of his father’s coin to last a year or more, he’d journeyed around for some time, seeing the sights he’d only learned about from the maesters. When he grew tired of inns and whores and travels, he’d turned without a second thought to the only other thing he was good at: swordsmanship. Making it as a sellsword in the Free Cities was simple enough, with his level of skill, and he was never short for coin or company. In truth, he loved life as a sellsword, if for no reason other than it came easy to him, but his ultimate goal was always clear: Asher would one day return home to his family, pardon or not.
Asher was in Volantis when news of Robert Baratheon’s death reached him. Sitting in a port tavern, he’d demanded all the information he could get out of the poor sailor - at a hefty price - and his path became clear. For not only did the sailor bring news of the King’s death - he also brought news of dragons. What better way to return to his homeland than in the employ of a conquering queen? Following the snippets of news of Daenerys Targaryen’s movements from port to port, he found himself in the Slave Cities. In truth, it was mostly luck that gained him a position in the Second Sons Company; an acquaintance from jobs passed vouched for him, and next thing he knew he was crossing the Narrow Sea once more, sworn to the Stark-turned-Targaryen king’s cause. Back in Westeros, he fought long and hard for a cause he scarcely believed in, awaiting the day where he could reunite with his siblings.
Growing up, Asher made himself the protector of his siblings, whether or not they liked it. If he heard of some slight to Mira, some cruel comment to Ethan, he took it upon himself to ensure such offenders were appropriately dealt with. While this often resorted to violence - he could not count the times he’d been dragged before his father for giving someone a bloody nose or a bruised jaw - Asher never truly got in trouble for it. Though it earned him quite the reputation, Asher cared little, for it also meant his family remained safe.
Although he’s been with many a lover since his exile, Asher still keeps a locket containing Gwyn’s hair. If asked about it, he’ll insist it’s one of his sisters’, or perhaps his mother’s, but it’s stayed with him throughout his travels. Realistically, he knows it’s unlikely they’ll ever so much as meet again, but Gwyn Whitehill holds a strong place in his heart, no matter who else shares his bed. Once, he lost the locket in a drunken game of cards. Rather than surrender the trinket, he’d waited til the man returned to his room to sleep and stolen it - and the rest of the man’s valuables - back, slipping away in the dead of night.
A term of his exile was that Asher could not write to any of his family. Instead, he sends them coins from each place he goes. He leaves no name with the messenger and does not definitively know if the coins are ever delivered, but after so many years he’s sure at least some have reached their destination. Whenever he sends a new one, he wonders if his siblings even know that he is the one sending them. He hopes they do, for it is the only tie he still has to his beloved family.
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chaosrpg · 5 years
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Opals trimmed in gold wrapped around her neck like a noose; the tips of the Red Mountains just barely visible through the clouds on the horizon
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The eldest daughter of Randyll Tarly and Melessa Florent, Talla was raised in Horn Hill alongside her four siblings; her days were filled with archery lessons, afternoon horseback rides, and learning the feminine pursuits required of an eligible young woman. In her spare time, she often played with her younger sisters and brother, but it was her elder brother, Samwell, who she truly was closest to. While many young girls learned ambition at their mother’s knees, Talla instead learned common sense and tact. She would never marry a king, or even a lord paramount, but she would be a good wife to a minor lord, bear his children, and ensure that their legacy lived on. It was a surprise when her brother Sam chose to go to the Night’s Watch. Heartbroken, Talla cried for days and begged her father to order him to stay;  Randyll was unmoved. Once Sam had left, Talla learned of her betrothal to a Florent heir who was a son of her mother’s distant cousin. She had been set to leave The Reach when news came to them about King Robert’s death.
Unwilling to send his daughter to the Stormlands when the succession became unclear, Randyll Tarly extended the betrothal for a year and Talla remained at Horn Hill. When news came to The Reach about what King Stannis was doing to dissenters, her father dissolved her betrothal. The Reach initially declared neutrality when the wars came; the Tarlys, staunch Targaryen supporters, were not impressed by their overlords playing all sides. They became impressed even less at the Tyrell inaction when word came that Samwell had been seen in Essos at the side of Jon Targaryen, the rightful King of the Seven Kingdoms. To placate all sides, the Tyrells offered some of their bannermen to different forces; the Tarlys and their army were given to the Targaryens, and, by extension, the North. She has yet to see her brother, Sam, though they have corresponded since he was in Essos and she has enjoyed hearing about his adventures and his companions. She attended the Tyrell wedding with her family, mostly in hopes of seeing her beloved brother again.
Talla has always loved her elder brother, Samwell, more than anyone else in the world. She was rather vexed when he chose to join the Night’s Watch and when they heard he had left to Essos, she was so bereft that she would not come out of her chambers for days. They wrote letters back and forth for years but now that he has returned, Talla has still not completely forgiven him for leaving their family, and, by extension, her.
Living as the daughter of such a storied military commander as Randyll Tarly had meant that Talla learned more about warfare than many of her peers. She is rather adept with a bow and arrow, having studied it since she was a child, though archery is something she enjoys as a hobby and nothing more.
Her favorite pastime is horsemanship. Talla learned to ride nearly as quickly as she could learn how to walk and even in these uncertain times, she takes a daily ride on her family’s property. The Reach air helps to clear her mind and the view of the mountains calms her spirit.
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chaosrpg · 5 years
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The quick flicks of a knife between gloved fingers; A silver circle of three dragon heads upon his chest.
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When Grey Worm, his birth name is unknown, was a baby he was taken from The Summer Isles by the Good Masters of Astapor during a raid. The Good Masters castrated him and brought him to Astapor, an oligarchy of slave-traders that dedicate their lives to the training and commerce of The Unsullied; an army of warrior-eunuch salves trained into absolute obedience since early childhood. He has no recollection of this or his life before being in Astapor, and he does very little to remember it.
His life changed forever when Daenerys Targaryen bought all of The Unsullied from the Good Masters and ordered the army to kill their masters. Once Grey Worm, and the rest of the Unsullied, are freed, they all choose to fight for Daenerys Targaryen as free men. Since then Grey Worm was chosen as commander by his brethren and aids Daenerys in freeing other slave cities in Essos. 
Through this, he develops new kinds of relationships with his brethren as well as Daenerys Targaryen and her allies — including, but not limited to, the Dothraki, Jorah Mormont and Missandei of Naath. He later meets Jon Targaryen and supports his claim to the Iron Throne after Daenerys does, though Daenerys is the one Grey Worm truly follows. He is continuing to prove loyal to House Targaryen and is often seen standing behind Daenerys to protect her. Grey Worm is following them throughout Westeros and will help House Targaryen regain the Iron Throne… Whether that be Daenerys or Jon.
Despite being loyal to House Targaryen and being loyal to Jon Targaryen, Grey Worm is truly loyal to Daenerys Targaryen; as she is the one who freed him from Slaver’s Bay.
Grey Worm never had a “normal” upbringing, so it is very hard for him to let loose or engage in small conversations. He is doing his best and learning to adjust to these new customs, but it is a slow process.
His mother tongue is High Valyrian and that is the language he mostly speaks in. Missandei of Naath helped teach him the common tongue and despite her teachings, he is still learning. His sentences are typically broken or odd sounding because of this.
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chaosrpg · 5 years
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Snow softly falling to the ground on a cold morning; The sound of a great sword being pulled from it’s sheath during a quiet moment.
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Jon was brought to Winterfell in Eddard’s arms and Eddard claimed him as his bastard son. Catelyn Stark despised the young boy because he was a product of the man she loved and some other woman. Jon did his best not to get on Catelyn’s nerves and there came a point in his life when he knew having a relationship with her was not possible. Still, though, Jon grew up in Winterfell and was given everything the Stark children had. He learned how to fight, ride a horse, hunt and do everything that highborn sons were taught to do. Shortly after King Robert Baratheon’s death, Jon came to the conclusion that he was going to live out his days on the wall. He obviously didn’t fit in Winterfell with the Starks and Eddard had reminded him that a boy with a bastard’s name was not going to fit in at court either. So, with no where to go, Jon sent north for the wall.
He was training at the wall when he got word of his father’s treason and was no conflicted to stay. His half brother was Lord of Winterfell and Jon felt as though he needed to go and help him, but the brothers of the Night’s Watch managed to convince him to stay and so he did…… Until Eddard Stark arrived at the wall and told Jon of his true lineage. Jon shortly left the wall with Samwell Tarly to head to Essos in search of his aunt, Daenerys Targaryen. He finds the silver haired woman in a slave city and helps her free the slaves after telling her who he is. Shortly after his announcement to his aunt, Jon meets the three dragons and is not met with angry or warning roars or sounds. Instead one of the dragons takes a liking to him, which helps convince Daenerys of who he truly is.
Jon has helped Daenerys free the slaves of Essos as well as helped gain armies to take back to Westeros in order to claim the Iron Throne, which is his birth right. Jon reaches Westeros to find out that Robb has been marching through the Riverlands, Westerlands and the North in the Targaryen name and that they support Jon’s claim to the throne. Jon now has his sights set on King’s Landing, but deep down is wary of the responsibility that seems so inevitable in his future.
Jon doesn’t really want the throne, but he is accepting his responsibilities as they come. He feels as though it it something that is inevitable now, despite him having no desire to rule the Seven Kingdoms. He simply wanted to become a ranger like his uncle Benjen and live out his days on the wall.
Jon is still wary around the dragons, even the one that he seems to have bonded with. He is also a little wary and uncertain of his aunt, but he makes no notion that he is. The thoughts are silent and to himself.
Over time Jon has grown a bit more assertive in what he believes to be the right thing to do to better everyone else. He doesn’t let anyone else really sway his mind because he knows he has thought long and hard about what he’s saying. He knows the consequences of his actions and he will always follow through with his word.
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chaosrpg · 5 years
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Wiping sweat from tanned skin under the boiling sun of Yunkai, axe in hand ready for a fight; The crunch of thick snow under furred boots surrounded by trees sturdier than mountains.
Ironwrath was safety before it was ever a dark thought in the back of his mind. Despite the snow outside it was always warm. Inviting in a way that had most visitors visibly relaxed as soon as they stepped through to great doors to the hall. Nestled within the towering Ironwood trees was a childhood of laughter. Running around play sparring with Roderick, carrying Talia when the snow was too tall for her to walk through, watching his siblings with careful eyes. Many would say Asher Forrester was a born fighter, and in a lot of ways they would be correct, but more than anything he was protective. Always looking out for his family above else. He might have been the second son but he had the confidence the future Lord of Ironwrath would need. A shoe in for the role. Until he met Gwyn and was punished for the sins of his heart.
From an ocean away he heard of the fall of King Robert. To him it was just another step towards inevitably. A Targaryan rule. Something he’d never even thought of, never mind supported, till he had fallen back in with Croft’s lot and in extension the last Dragons. He hated that his first thought was that of the North, He was exiled after all, shouldn’t give a toss about there now. However Jon’s claim to the throne meant safety for his family as well as the other Northern houses, safety for his younger siblings, something he’d still fight for till his dying day.
When he was exiled there were very few he kept in contact with. His younger siblings were much too young to know how to write to him, and Rodric was far too much fathers favorite to disobey. Leaving Mira. They had been close before he left, but occasional letters and small gifts like coins from Essos meant that they became closer still. He looks forward to meeting her again, whenever that may be.
Asher wouldn’t call himself the smartest man alive. In fact no one would, but he didn’t just fight fuck and drink while over in Yunkai. He picked up parts of the languages. A knowledge that got him out of more than just a few scrapes thought slightly useless now that he’s home. It keeps his and Beskha’s conversations private at least. Thankfully so as she tends not to be the kindest and Ashers been in trouble enough times in his life.
Coming back to Westeros was something Asher had never really put thought into. He was in Essos for a reason, however stupid and prideful that reason may be. He had every intention of staying far from Westeros and the North in general. To be back has him feeling unsteady and uneasy for the first time in years. Far from the confidence he usually has.
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chaosrpg · 5 years
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The fiery hue of his unkempt locks leading a fray of soldiers through the burning lands surrounding them, family sword thrust high in the air, a grudge holding loyalist bearing the sigil of the leaping trout of house Tully with pride; An unwavering figure of perseverance in the eyes of his people as the mantle of lord bears down heavily upon his shoulders.
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Born on the fourth day of the sixth moon in the year 266AC, Edmure Tully is the fifth born child and third born son of the late lord Hoster Tully, Lord Paramount of the Trident and ruling lord of Riverrun and his wife, the late Lady Minisa Tully neé Whent. of the six Tully children, only three ─ Catelyn, Lady of Winterfell; Lysa, Lady of the Vale and Edmure, Lord of Riverrun ─ survived infancy. In the years following his birth, lady Minisa Tully would go onto conceiving yet another son for House Tully though both mother and child were taken from the world in the birthing bed, widowing lord Hoster and leaving his children without a mother from a tender age. Edmure was then entrusted into the full care of a nursemaid and a septa who indulged in his every whim and fancy with little to no thought of keeping with his discipline. The deaths of the children prior and after his birth had resulted in an excessive amount of fussing over the young lord that had quickly built into the temperament of a rather spoiled, selfish, cruel little boy.
Though they had erred in his disciplinary upbringing, Edmure was given a first - rate education from leading tutors within the Riverlands and throughout Westeros. furthermore, he was instructed, personally, by the knights of the Riverlands on swordplay and archery and when time permitted, was even taught by his uncle in the matters of warfare and battlefield politics. It was a popular piece of gossip, during his childhood, that Edmure was sickly during his childhood due to a misunderstanding in a letter sent by Lord Hoster to a maester to query on methods of how to quell Edmure’s ‘tempers’. many had taken this piece of gossip as hard truths and Lord Hoster’s protectiveness of his son further fuelled such beliefs. Edmure grew up to be unusually tall for a Riverman and was considered a handsome young boy by those who came across him. With the fiery locks of house Tully and clever eyes, he resembled his father and his uncle both and though he was rather impulsive as a young child, the presence of his sisters soon aided in his temperament and he was said to have an “amicable and gentle” way to his words and was a “tender soul” in comparison to the other boys of his age despite his capable abilities with a sword. Edmure’s only note - worthy adversary had been in his father’s young ward, Petyr Baelish. a boy that was familiar with the unending attentions from his sisters, Edmure did not take to kindly to the slow but certain shift of interest from brother to the Baelish boy and had acted upon his dislikes by mocking the other boy cruelly and publicly, egged on by the cheers of others. While this is easily seen as the quarrels of children, further emphasized by how Edmure was quick to apologize if his words had gone too far, the mocking had all added up into the breaking point of their friendship, over the late Lord Brandon Stark. Eager to prove his worth to his future good - brother, Edmure did not stop to think of his friend’s feelings and thus lost the close bond they had once shared. Though things had appeared to be patched up with time, many knew that nothing between the two men have been same since.
Following the end of Robert’s rebellion, Edmure was fostered, briefly, in the Vale as he squired for his uncle, the Blackfish, who had followed his sister lysa to her new home upon marriage. Knighted at sixteen, Edmure returned to the Riverlands to accompany his father on an expedition through the land where he mingled with the nobles and smallfolk alike, learning of his people and making a few lasting friendships that have continued onto this day. Upon returning to Riverrun, Edmure brought the boys with him and was served by the sons of Riverland nobility, such as Lymond Goodbrook, Patrek Mallister, Marq Piper and the young Vances who all became a part of his household and his extended family. Beneath the tutelage of a warrior uncle and a scholarly father, Edmure soon grew into the very image of a proud Riverlands lord, content in his position and in the people that kept his company. The presence of the other boys also encouraged him to venture away from swordplay and books and he quickly found a love for drink and women, much to the chagrin of his guardians.
Ever ready to defend his lands and his people yet knowledgeable enough to know when to pick up a quill instead of a sword, the young lord Tully was highly regarded by the lords of the Riverlands, who all tried in vain to send their daughters to seduce his interest. Though he was permitted freedom with the common girls, lord Hoster had guarded Edmure against the nobly born women, careful that no accidents took place under his watch. Edmure’s loyalty to the Riverlands continues to hold fast and true though he never reached full maturity till the death of his father. The newly minted Lord Paramount of the Trident and ruling lord of Riverrun had consumed enough wine to fill the rivers surrounding the castle and, after a several failed attempts to send his father’s body off in the proper manner true to house Tully, Edmure was quick to renounce his love for the drink and women, ashamed by his actions.
Honouring his father’s last wish to remain neutral in the face of a brewing war, Edmure struggled to maintain control of the Trident as the lands and his people suffered beneath the tireless assault from the Lannister forces under the command of Ser Gregor Clegane. though the Brotherhood Without Banners does much to quell the heavy arm of the attacks, his people still suffered and as he did nothing beyond form a defensive response, his lords were in arms at his inaction, threatening revolt if House Tully did not move soon. Tired from the continuous assault by the Lannister forces and emboldened by the actions of his northern kin, Edmure chose to align house Tully with Jon Targaryen and lends a bulk of his forces to the northern cause, sparing the bare minimum to ensure the peace around his lands. There is some pride taken in the fact that house Tully is the first to declare for the returning Targaryens and his decision is received with no small measure of respect from his naysaying noblemen, most of whom are quick to comply with their liege lord’s orders.
The second marriage of his sister, Catelyn, to one of lord Walder Frey’s sons had sickened him to his core and though he would have liked nothing more than to storm through the twins and demand the obedience of the Lord Frey, his temper is quickly doused with his sister’s firm resolve to do whatever necessary for her son’s success. He could not turn his back against the woman who had raised him for a good portion of his childhood and thus grudgingly permits Lord Walder to maintain a guise of control even as it slights him. With the continuous victory of the northern forces, the Riverlands are slowly returning to it’s former glory and Edmure has vowed to do everything in his power to protect his people, even going so far as to lend aid to the Brotherhood Without Banners, encouraging the people to turn on the false kings of the South and await the return of their Targaryen liberators.
Indulgent to the point of excess, the heir of Riverrun had relied heavily on the guidance of his father in the finer aspects of ruling. Many could and would say that as a young man, Edmure Tully had treated his role as future Lord Paramount of the Trident with no small measure of derisiveness, preferring to spend his waking moments with a flagon of the richest wines and with a girl upon his lap. The reassurance he received from the presence of his father and the sound advice from his uncle both served to bolster his cocksure belief that nothing could shake house Tully or the Riverlands. The death of lord Hoster and the subsequent razing of the lands surround his home by the mountain that rides quickly ended such childish beliefs and behaviours though Edmure does struggle with the heavy mantle of lord upon his shoulders from time to time.
The act to remain neutral had been his father’s dying wish and Edmure had tried, in vain, to uphold such a stand within the war despite the wishes of his advisers. He had concentrated on his own people, inviting the smallfolk to find shelter in the great keeps of their lords when the mountain rode out to terrorise their lands and would have gladly emptied his grain stores to keep everyone safe and alive had it not been for the advice of his uncle, the Blackfish. Knowing that house Tully needed to take a stand before they were uprooted by the more ambitious houses of the Riverlands, Edmure had placed his cards with Jon Targaryen, remembering the sombre boy from his infrequent visits to Winterfell. in turn, he had also fulfilled his duty as brother to Catelyn Tully, promising a bulk of his forces to the northern march beneath the instruction of his uncle. Though he had not followed the advice given by his dying father, Edmure can only hope that he has made wise decisions thus far, both for his house and for his people.
In many ways, his quick declaration for Jon Targaryen ( and also, by extension, the Targaryen claim on the throne ) was to ease the strain between his sister and the assumed bastard of Eddard Stark. Though Edmure had never been intentionally cruel to the former bastard of Winterfell, he had followed the examples set out by his sister and had ignored the boy entirely, bearing gifts for the rest of the family but conveniently forgetting of the baseborn boy. Many could argue that it was never his duty to provide or even acknowledge Jon snow but with a soft heart, Edmure had never felt comfortable with his actions though he persisted out of fear of insulting his sister. Knowing that Catelyn would not have been kind to the boy as he grew, Edmure’s allegiance to house Targaryen is based on the hope that his sister would be forgiven for his actions when the Targaryens do take the throne.
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