#crp: michiel huisman
chaosrpg · 5 years
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blood dripping from an arakh, the roar of the crowd at the fighting pit, calloused hands exploring bodies of many willing participants, moans of pleasure and screams of pain
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Despite the intricate designs on the hilt of his weapons and the gold jewelry he wears, Daario isn’t a man that came from riches. His mother was a prostitute, one that enjoyed the drink more than she did being a mother, and he was sold to a Tolos slave master because of her growing alcoholism, their dwindling cash, and his unruly behavior. The slave master, however, saw his tendency to get into fights as a good thing and he began to train Daario in the ways of fighting, training him for the pit-fights, and he entered his first one at the age of sixteen. Quickly Daario became a legend, fighting with his master for years and earning him enough coin that, eventually, he wound up setting him free. It wasn’t long after that that he joined the Second Sons as a sellsword - and with his overall charm, fighting prowess, and intelligence, he was able to climb the ranks to become a lieutenenant.
That was the position he held when he and the Second Sons were hired to protect Yunkai from the Unsullied forces that were being led by a young girl and her three dragons, and he, along with the two captains, met with her to discuss their surrender. He was enamored by her from the beginning - a strong, smart woman that wasn’t afraid to speak her mind - and it was because of that he slaughtered his Captains after they tasked him with killing her in the dead of night, and he presented her with their heads before he pledged his sword, his life and the Second Sons for her cause.
After that, Yunkai - and Meereen soon after - fell to Daenarys and Slaver’s Bay was no more… It was now the Bay of Dragons. And then a boy by the name of Jon Snow arrived from her home land, informing her that he was the son of her late brother, making him her nephew and the rightful heir to the Iron Throne. Skeptical, to say the least, Daario couldn’t believe that now when she had assumed such power that she was gaining followers, and though he voiced his concerns when she agreed to travel across the sea to Westeros with him, he agreed to stay behind and ensure that the Bay of Dragons was in good hands.
But now a few months have passed, and Daario is beginning to grow worried. Leaving the Second Sons and the Bay of Dragons in the care of Jokin and the Widower, he booked passage on a merchant ship and traveled, in secret, to Westeros, to find his Queen and support her and her claim. And if he can have some fun while he is in Westeros, well… he wasn’t going to complain, either.
A lover through and through, Daario has fathered many children - the oldest is almost twenty, fathered after his master allowed him to sleep with another slave after winning yet another match and earning him more money. Of course, Daario has no confirmation that he has fathered children - but he has an idea, given how often he likes to bed others.
When it actually comes to making love, Daario’s pleasure comes from the pleasure of his partner’s. He likes to bring them to climax many times over, and he is content only having one climax to his partner’s three or four.
Part of Daario doesn’t know what to make of Jon - while he is pleased to have more people fighting for the Targaryean name, he isn’t quite happy with the fact that they all want Jon on the throne and not Daenarys. He had pledged his sword to Daenarys, not to Jon, and he feels that she is the rightful heir, gender be damned. But that doesn’t mean he isn’t going to play the smart game - after all, he knows that size doesn’t win battles, but intelligence does.
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