vlassk · 3 months
False God
A/n Super super short so i dont leave yall to rottt. Going to be busy for this weekend so i rather post a small one before then a normal size update next week.
Pairing- Uldren/Crow sov x Guardian
You had failed. You didn't stop Ghost from connecting to the vail. You didn't win the fight. You didn't save Rohan.
You sit silently a slight ring in your ear. Your head in your hands as you look at the Last City. You don't notice the footsteps behind you. Slowly walking only to put a single hand on your shoulder.
"How are you..." you tense up at crows words.
"I'm... here." You look at your hands, finally sitting up. Crow sits next to you. His arm rests on your shoulders as he pulls you close.
"How's Amamda?" You look towards him. He looks at you for a second, then to the city.
"Well... she doesn't know about it, but me and her are back on friendly terms. She doesn't want to kill me. " Crow sighs and turns back to you.
"We should tell her..." you look out to the city. Still not looking at him.
Ever since Crow defeated his nightmare, you both have been together. Things felt awkward at first to move past what he knew, but things got better. Both are there for each other during the hard battles. You encouraged crow to keep up with Amanda, knowing their friendship was good and could be repaired.
"I feel like I'd just hurt you... I know how she felt about Cayde, i dont know how she feels about you. And how did she feel about me?" Crow feela you pull away slightly so he lets you go. Your eyes finally meet his.
".... good point, I'm sure she liked you back. She saw Cayde as a father...me idk i wasn't as present.." You look up to him. A small smile shows on his face.
"Whatever you decide, I'm here. If you feel like i should tell her I will, if you want to, I'm okay. If not, then shoot, we will wait..." he wraps his arm around you again. Both of you are watching the city silently.
You find amanda at her crashed ship. You've been clearing out Cabal and helping to rescue anyone who needs it.
"I need to tell you something, Manda.." You say while fighting off the few Cabal
"What is it Y/n?"
"I...crow, whats your opinion on him"
"Hmm, i reckon he's told you already. About what i said and did? It's been a while, i overreacted then, but it'll take time to get back"
"Did you like him?" You ask, shooting more.
"Whats this about y/n?" amanda asks as you finish the last soldier.
"Me and Crow have been dating..."You put your weapons away. Looking at amanda across the room.
"Since when?" She turns her head to the side, confused.
"Well, since the whole nightmare thing. I think i- this feeling i have for him is like my feelings for Cayde..."You sigh, leaning on a pillar.
Amanda stays silent for a moment, and then she walks towaeds you. Stopping right next to you.
"How do you do it. Forget that he killed Cayde, " amanda asks, her eyes becoming more stern.
" i was shocked when i first saw him. But the more i looked at him, the more i didn't see Uldren. I saw Crow. And it wasn't fair to him if i hurt him when he never knew what he did"
You sigh. Playing with the hems of your clothing.
"What about after? When he knew, " her anger started to rise up. You could tell.
"Cayde ever tell you how he found me?" You look towards her your helmet reflecting her face back to her
"He just said it was sad..."
"I was found. Tied with Wired cord to a board that looked like a traveler. I was stuck for months before cayde let me loose.i was confused, wondering why anyone would do that to me. Then when i found out who i was. All i wondered was why didn't he leave me there..."
"Whats this for?" Amanda crosses her arms.
"Amanda, crow hated himself just as much if not more than you hated him. He doesn't need more punishment. " You place a hand on her shoulder. Her eyes went down to the floor.
"Amanda, I hated myself... and Cayde found it in him to love me...and its hard to get past it, but i do... I do love Crow.." You put your arm down
"So why did you want to tell me..." amanda hesitantly asks.
"Because cayde loved you, Manda... and i do too. You had to know from me, not from others' gossip. " You walk away. Amanda is turning to see one last Cabal and shooting it down.
"Thanks for the talk, and the help back there just need to clear out this -"
Amanda looks at you
"Crow..." You face palm. Amanda walks towards the body, watching as Glint revives Crow.
"Ow.." he sighs as Amanda rolls her eyes, grabbing his arm to pull him up
"Nice shot, right through the heart," crow smilea
"Thanks" Amanda smiles back.
"Sorry we thought you were Shadow legion" Ghost flys by.
"Easy mistake, I'm just so beefy." Crow smiles at amanda, shaking his head slightly. You slowly put your hand on his shoulder, shaking yours to a no. Amanda walks away to her ship.
"You're leaving again? Don't you ever slow down?" Crow walks a bit towards her. Stopping when she turns around.
"Nope, not when there is work to be done." She walks away again
"Amanda -"
"When your ship... i thought I might never see you again." Crow trys to talk. Getting a bit sad at the thoughts in his head.
"No time for that kinda talk, I'm here now. Let's get moving." amanda looks to you and winks. Walking away again.
Crow turns to look at you then back to the leaving Amanda.
"What was that?" Crow raises an eyebrow, turning back to you
"I told her... you smile at the blue man, taking off your helmet and putting on the ground. Crow smiles back and walks towards you, pulling you in for a hug.
"Was she upset?" He pulls away a bit. Still holding onto you.
"She'll be okay," you smile and kiss him, pulling away. Crow pulls his hand up to hold your face in place. He smirks again, pulling you in for another kiss. Then letting you go. He crouches down to pick up your helmet and hand it to you.
"We got work to do.." Crow winks at you. Taking your hand to walk away.
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guccisystem · 3 years
just made a shit ton of blogs so im gonna. just list all my current blogs here for anyone who cares lol
@guccisystem - this blog! @spamtonaddison - spam’s edit blog @doppiohearn - art only blog @nostalgiafantasia - nostalgia blog @vanessalovesyou - vanessa’s regression/caregiver/syskid edit blog @crowsov - my personal sideblog @addisonspamton spam’s personal sideblog @dearvolo - diavolo’s personal sideblog @dancingdemonbendy - bendy’s personal sideblog @necro-fantasia - yukari’s personal sideblog @princess-quest - vanessa’s personal sideblog @vanny-meter - vanny’s personal sideblog
0 notes
vlassk · 3 months
False God
A/N sorry this took forever works been rough. Ik Guardian and Crows love story isnt really a thing but i mean... rip Manda...iykyl. this is a tad long and kinda slow. Just in case yall are too lazy to catch up on the story.
Pairing- Uldren/Crow sov x Guardian
Cade-6 x Guardian??
Enemy to lovers
Warnings: swearing, violence (lmk if theres more)
You stop by the tower to get more weapons and necessities. Feeling that emptiness after that fignt with uldren. Of course, you look fine by dont feel it after the random altercation.
"Y/n. What is the matter?" Ikora stands straight. Your back is hunched as you're meditating. You looked tired.
"I'm just... i don't know. " You look down at your lap
"Well, is it about going into the Black Garden?" Ikora starts to walk towards you
"Is it...Cayde?!" The death stare she gave, the thought of her Fire team member being anything but amazing to you hurt her.
"So whats the matter?" Her face going to confusion
"Its Uldren Sov. Prince of the Reef" your ghost pops out for a second, going from your shoulder to your lap.
"Ghost?!" You cover them with some fabric, hoping Ikora didn't care.
"What happened? Too fancy for us?" She sits next to you, rolling her eyes.
"No no..."
"We got into a fight..."
"Are you alright?"
"Hah yeah,.you should see him. But the thing is, he just invalidated my life. I mean, it really shouldn't bother me. i made sure HE knew that, but... I've tried so hard to make my way up here. He seemed so confident that im going to die on there.."
"Y/n...maybe its time you build a fire team. Stop going solo. But dont confuse that for me thinking you can't do this alone. That kid has no idea what you've been through. You can do it, " ikora smiles, putting a hand on your shoulder. With the other hand, she straightens your back.
"Sit straight as you meditate young Guardian"
"Ohhh, it's the Guardian!" You turn to see Cayde, you smile a bit, letting him walk over to you. Cayde smiles at Ikora, kissing You on your head before sitting on the floor next to you both.
"Hello Cayde," you smile, leaning into him
"This isn't my scene. I'm going to see Zavala," ikora nudges you before getting up and leaving.
"Ive noticed youre having a hard time y/n, do you want to talk about it?"
"Yeah, i mean, i think im just questioning a lot. I mean, the Awoken live on this space, Reef. It's creepy and beautiful. But i have yet to meet a good person"
"And here i am, traveling the Systems. Their Queen is strong i can tell she has influence and power. But her brother, he just seems dark. Maybe it's just from being in the shadows, but i just feel like he's jealous of me being able to be me without someone who keeps me in a shadow. Without worrying about a final death..."
" Now you shine brighter than our Light. No way a shadow can be casted onto you," Cayde boops your nose
You smile, still looking down at your ghost. Who's looking over the last city.
"Thank you, cayde." You place a small kiss on his cheek before getting up your ghost being put away.
"Im going to destroy that, Heart. And i will be back. Let's grab drinks when i am?" You turn back to your lover.
A glint of happiness shows in his eyes. You begin to walk away, but cayde grabs your arm, pulling you back down to him.
"Come back to me, okay?" He winks at you and lets you go. You run off to your ship.
Going into the Black garden, you find the Vex worshiping the heart of the black garden. After fighting for what seems like forever, you finally destroyed the heart of darkness.
"I feel it...the traveler might be still, but It's Healing." Your ghost looks at you, embracing the light, and a happy Traveler is finally healing.
You fly back home, the Tower. Feeling the most tired from the fight.
As you land, you see confetti flying through the air. You leap out of your ship
"Whats all this for?" Your ghost pops out floating around you
"No clue"
As you walk through the hallways into the courtyard, you see confetti and decorations. Happy faces rignt as you walk through.
They all through a celebration for You. So many people cheering. Having delicious food and amazing decor.
"Guardian, how has this celebration been for you?" Zavala stands at his usual spot
"It's nice, but weird. i mean, i feel like yeah, sure. i did heavy lifting, but i learned a lot from others"
"You are too Humble Guardian... i think you're perfect for Cayde..." zavala pats your shoulder, turning back around to look at tje city. You raise an eyebrow, turning away yourself and walking towards Cayde.
"Hey sweetheart, you start missing me?" Cayde is leaned against a wall watching the fireworks go off.
"Always missing you"
"I've got some things to show you," cayde grabs your hand. Guiding to the Ironwood tree, where you both officially met.
"Special place." You pick up a small leaf, then let it drop down.
"For a special person"
"You are such a special person y/n, you ground me in a way i can't even explain. I, it's like you're a mini traveler. I feel powerful around you"
"I feel the same with you. You're my light. You're my best friend. My lover, i wouldn't be here if it wasn't for you"
"You would have made it anyway. You're amazing..." Cayde walks over to the rail, leaning his elbows on it
"Are you okay?" You place a hand on his shoulder.
"I dont get nervous like this.."Cayde turns to look at you. Looking behind you, he sees Zavala and Ikora giving him a thumbs in within the chaos of the celebration. Then he looks back to you.
"I love you, Guardian... you're my favorite"
" we have What seems like eternity. And for us light barrers that seem like forever and ever. Y/n I'd like to spend that forever and ever with you. " Cayde gets on one knee. The leaves of the tree falling slowly. He pulls out a small box with a ring.
You smile, ready to accept. When an image flashes in your head. Orange eyes, looking angry. Looking straight at you. You quickly blink away the thought.
"Y/n , when this battle is Over. Will you be my wife?"
"Yes!" You shout bending down, hugging him. He falls back onto the floor. You both didn't care. You turn to see Zavala and Ikora cheering you both on. Once you both recover, you agree its Party time once again.
You chat around but end up next to Zavala Again.
"Congratulations again, Guardian!"
"Haha, yeah, thanks, hey, i was wondering. If this is all okay. We Arent breaking any rules, right?"
"Ha no...i knew about you once Cayde knew he liked you. From the first week you were here."
"All ive ever known is here, all ive ever known is Cayde-6"
"I hope you two have eternal happiness," zavala smiles. Taking a sip of his drink.
"Thanks, Commander." You smile, leaving him as well.
You let Cayde hang with his fire team. Hearing from others about a Strange Exo somewhere around the tower. You eventually find her up top, a building looking at the city.
"Hello stranger" you walk up behind her. Keeping a soft tone.
"Hello Guardian... how was The Black garden?"
"It was trouble yes. Not as much as Meeting those Siblings though" you laugh, rubbing the back of your neck
"They give you a hard time?' The stranger looks at you concerned.
"Kinda, well actually just the Brother..."
"Ahh, i see. He's like that. " she turns back to the city.
"We got physical..." You sigh, looking out too.
"But you are to be married!" She puts a hang on her chest shocked.
"No, no!! Not like that! Like we actually had a fight. Fists and all, he lunged at Ghost.." You point to your ghost who's scanning the flowers.
"Oh... huh interesting Guardian, i hope you dont have to deal with that again... but here i have a Gift to Cheer you up." The stranger hands you a rifle.
"Its mine..id like you to have it"
"Thank you.. but what for?"
"As a gift and a reminder that this battle has not been won yet. The real fight is still out there"
"And that fight we will win" You smile at her, The Stranger pats your back and you watch the City in Silence.
As small battles were won. Like holding off Crota, then going on to Defeat him. With him gone you head from Mara Sov. She had asked for help a moment you dreaded.
"Open the Reef to the Guardians. Offer the riches of our realm as Bounty for these traitors
"So you're going back to the reef to fight?
"Yes i have a duty"
"But she called for everyone, not just you, so what if you stay?"
"I cannot. I promised her, shes a queen i made a promise."
"Well, get back sooner, okay?" Cayde goes back to doing his work.
You kiss your Fiancé goodbye. Packing in a hurry, nervous to see Mara and Uldren. I wonder what this fight will entail. You make your way to the reef. the flight seemed quick. You talk to Petra Venj. She gives you Intel on what to do and what you might find. You run into Variks a helpful soul. His speech interests you, and he seems to find enjoyment in your company. You three head out. I'm not running into the Queen or her brother yet.
The fallen house of wolves have rebelled. Working besides Petra and Veriks, the temporary fire team worked together, finally imprisoned Skolas. You tracked him down, cornering him. Petra captured him with Uldrens Crows.
Mara Sov gets on coms. Telling you about a fine reward. You fly back being a pretty reward. You didn't see Uldren. You didn't even see Mara.
The Taken king heard about his son. Sending a fleet to act on this Revenge. To destroy you. As the awoken fights the Kings Fleet, you whitnes the death and destruction. You're fighting in the back lines, seeing glowing blue sprout. Taking out a ship. But still, this wasn't over. You see Oryx Ship glow. A shock wave sends out, destroying all nearby ships. You get sent back as you regain yourself. You see the mass destruction. You are ready to start this new fight.
"My contacts near saturn say the weapon only fired once." Ikora stands by the table.
"It's not like the queen to attack a superior force." Zavala places a hand on the maps
"How could she have known? How could anyone... we need a warlock inside the Dreadnought. " ikora leans forward.
"Here we go.." cayde rolls his eyes taking a step back.
"Our first priority must be to protect the city. Our guardian got a good look on Phobos, whatever is was, it turned Cabal against Cabal, wiped out that base in minutes. How long would we last?" Zavala is more frustrated
"Until we understand what we are dealing with!" Slamming her hand on the table, ikora begins to take a step back.
"They are taken." eris walks in. Planting a glowing rock on the map.
"Eris, get your rock off My map" cayde warns the woman.
"It hasn't spoken since Crota fell it speaks now because Oryx has arrived. Come to fulfill the final covenant of his son, " eris continues to walk to the table.
You walk away from the door. Pacing back and forth. A few seconds later, Cayde walks out.
"There's the Guardian I've been looking for!,. Look, the only way to stop the Taken is to get you on the dreadnought.." cayde talks with his hands, hoping to get the point across better
"We need a stealth drive,i got one hidden in-"
"Cayde, what are you whisperin?" ikora walks out. Shutting the door behind her.
"Nothing!... nothing....."
"I'll contact you in the cosmodrome." Cayde kisses you and leaves, not giving you time to respond.
You head to the cosmodrome to meet up with Cayde. Killing some taken on the way. Getting the stealth drive you needed. You leave back to the tower to get it applied.
"Interesting tech cayde, isn't this Eris mourns ship?"
"Is it... huh. You know you're a true artist cant even see the join..."
"Cute but zavalas got sign off on all launches need to log while I'm letting it go"
"Start gazing tour?"
Amanda gives him a took. Cayde rolla his eyes and plays with a wrench
"Ok, how about an unsanctioned op using modified stealth tech to...infiltrate a dreadnought above saterns rings? So we can knock out it's weapons create a transmat zone, and send in the cavalery.."
"How about test flight... it'll be waiting for you when you're ready"
'Me, I'm not flying the thing,' cayde walks away with some sass. You turn to see the young girl
"Thank you.. i appreciate this" She nods at you letting you go off.
You fly into saterns rings. Cayde, on one line, talking to you
"Good luck, my love"
"Yeah yeah whatever put me in harms way because you can't stand the Hive"
"I believe in your abilities to carry this out too"
As you fly closer you notice the stealth drive malfunctioning. Getting closer you see the bright beams start to grow. You fly in fast into the center. You explode only to be revived on the giants ship being stuck with no ship of your own.
Struggling for a while you turn off the Weapons. Getting compliments from Zavala. You seek to go back home. Cayde hugging you right as you walk through
"See, i told you i believed in you," cayde kisses, you holding you tighter.
After a long, long fight, you finally defeated Oryx. You look out at space. Only to have to go to his Thrown World, finally killing him. Thinking of only one person.
"Uldren..." your ghost pops out already knowing what you were thinking.
"They are all gone...ill never know why... why he was so angry..."you sit on the floor pondering whats next.
As the years pass and time goes on, trouble sturs in the reef as more and more crime goes around the Astroid belt. With Mara gone, her brother Uldren, who was slowly builing up his army, turned to a dark side. Becoming corrupted by a Taken wish dragon. Riven the Arhamkara. A massive jail break happened. Uldren Sov has his army of Scorn Barrons who escaped.
With Cayde-6 and Petra Venj, you three set out to fix the mess. As you look at the center island of the prison, you see cayde ride it down in a blaze of fire. You rush down, still fighting your way through the chaos, not knowing what to expect...
You finally get down. Seeing a red light glow behind a door. The huge scorn is hovering around a figure. You run quickly, stopping in front of Cayde. The figure slowly turns around
You look down at Caydes body. Then, back to the figure.
"He didn't feel a thing," a low chuckle was heard. You see, Uldren, a man you thought still couldn't be alive. He holds up Caydes gun and smirks. As the door shuts, you throw your solar knives at it. Not making the door budge
Your heart screams, you feel a pain already
"cayde!" You run to sit next to him.
"Hows my...hows my hair?.
Speechless...heh typical.."
"There's nothing i can... I'm sorry"
"Cayde, please.. hold on, we can help you"
"This... this aint on you honey..."
"This.... is what i get for... playing nice" his robotic voice cracking and breaking a few times.
"Please cayde stop save that energy!"
"You have no control y/n... this isn't on you... you are not a god" cayde holds onto your hand. His words make you freeze.
"You tell Zavala and Ikora...the Vanguard... is the best bet...i ever lost..."
"I should have married you sooner. My sweet. " his breathing thins out his head, turns the other way as his eyes lose that glow.
You shake him a bit. Panicking trying to find a way, or a reason
"Cayde...wake up please this aint funny... Cayde-6! Wake up!" You begin to shout. Shaking and crying. Petra runs over, stopping a few feet from you. Letting you get out out.
You continue to scream and cry, holding on to his body the whole time. Letting Petra fly as you cried in the back holding on to cayde.
Caydes funeral was Grey
"He had the worst jokes..even worse timing. Wanted to laugh i really did" ikora stands over him walking closer
"We should have been there" ikora goes on.
"This is not your fault, this is on the head of Uldren Sov"
You stand in the corner trying to hide the heavy breathing
"But if he thinks what he's done is the end. It's not. It's the beginning"
"We are going to fight him" ikora turns to see Zavala
"Do you hear me? All of us, every Titan, every Warlock every hunter. We will take the reef by storm.... and then we will Mount the head of that son of a bitch on his precious throne. For our fire team for cayde"
"No" Zavala interups
"What did you say" ikora raises her voice turning fully towards Zavala.
"We are not an army. We are not conquerors. We are guardians.. we need to keep our eyes here. On our home. Our people. The traveler" he turns to walk towards Caydes body, covered in a white cloth.
"The reef was lost the moment it lost its queen. So if another Sov wants a stretch of lifeless rocks let him have it"
"This is cayde we're talking about. For us to do nothing... is... is... "
"Say it" zavala Furrows his eyebrows.
"Cowordice "
Zavala walks over to caydes head
"I refuse to bury anymore friends" he places a hand on Caydes chest.
"You won't have to...Uldren sov, is mine." You speak up. Walking slowly to caydes body. Going under the cloth to his hand. Taking off a ring. You walk out of the room.
Taking to the Tangled Shore to investigate, you work with an Elixne named Spider. He had agreed to help us find Uldren. If we defeated the Scorn Barons one by one. You defeated them all. Raging more and more with every kill. Waiting for Uldren. You enter the Awoken Watch tower. We fought a horrifying creature that was the voice of Riven. As it dies, you see Uldren on the ground. He's tired and weak
You walk towards Ace. Picking up the metal gun. You ghost pops out. Following behind you. Uldren grunts,. Trying to collect himself on the floor. You walk closer. Uldren laughs in your face as you hold up the gun to his head
"Congratulations. You have my undivided attention" he sits up more
"Now where is my sister?!" He looks up at you. Those same eyes you saw when cayde purposed. A pain in your heart Aches.
Petra steps up beside you. " She's not here, Uldren...and if she was... this would be a Whole Lot Easier. " she walks closer, pointing her own weapon at him.
"So this is to be a reckoning," Uldren lays back down.
"Wait.. not like this" your ghost calls out. Looking at both of you frantically.
"Look at him he's finished" Ghost carries on. Uldren bows his head down in disappointment in himself.
"Even with everything he's done. We can't just-"
"You have no idea what he's done!" Petra puts both hands on her gun. Keeping an aim on Uldren.
"If cayde was here i know what he would doz Guardian, do you?"
You almost looked offended at her
"Yes...what would the notorious Cayde-6 do? You have his gun. Seems you get the last word." Uldren struggles to sit up more
"Everything i did. I did for her! Funny, the line between light and dark is so very thin... do you know which side you're on"
You lower your weapon. Only to raise it back up.
"I know what Cayde-6 would do... sadly for you. My Fiancé is dead." You put your finger on the trigger.
Uldrens eyes move to the ring around your finger, and the ring on a chain around your neck. His eyes widen.. then close.
You pull the trigger.
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vlassk · 3 months
False God
A/N lots of dialog. I was very tired writing this and keeping to with timelines after most of them were deleted it only small Strikes is hard. The tabs i have open oml. But i hope you like this one!! Its a small slow burn as i do want to acknowledge Amanda and her inpact on the story as a whole. 
Pairing- Uldren/Crow sov x Guardian
You eventually get some time off. After having an alliance with Caitles forces, fixing the endless night, finding out Osiris was involved with the endless night. Savathun is taking Osiris as a form...
A deep sigh leaves your lips. Your helmet is set on the war table. Osiris was released from Savathuns hold. He was forever asleep.
   You had walked in on Crows Meeting with Savathun right before. Their argument was heated. The words twist his mind, and he leans forward in their conversation.  Before you realized what was happening, he touched her statue. You leap forward, landing incorrectly and falling down. Crow groans
"Dont!.... Don't come any closer." You slowly get up on your knees
"What did you show him!?" Ghost pulls himself out. Yelling at Savathun.
"Y/n get up...please" crow pleads. Remember how Cayde looked...what he did...
He runs off as glint pleads 
"You hurt him!"
"Someone had to.. better for it to come from a friend... you know how it is Guardian" 
You snap back to reality. Getting up and walking towards crow. He just leans against the door.
"Uldren Sov...Awoken Prince, brother to a Queen...murderer"
"Now i know the man i was... and you... you... im so sorry... you did what you had to do.i don't think i would have told me either." He takes a big sigh. 
"Savathuns' visions were like a waking dream. I could feel the heat of the flames, taste of blood in my mouth..."
"I saw everything he did... through his eyes"  
"Crow, please let me jus -" You try to explain. 
"You're afraid of who i used to be. That he'll come back... I am too... so I've asked ikora to put me on another assignment...tell mara... tell mara... tell her whatever you want. I'll see you again when I'm ready. " Crow begins to walk away. You grab his arm, making him turn around 
"Let's just talk. Have a conversation, birdie?"
"How can you even look at me the way you do?!"
"I know.. i know crow ive been there!"
"How!? How have YOU, Vanguards most Prized Guardian, been there? How do you understand whats going on with me!" Crow yells back. He stops pausing for a second and looking away. 
  "I feel... like him, " he sighs. Leaning back against the wall
"Cmon...lets talk crow please" You grab a hold of his hands. 
"Please," you squeeze his hands slightly. He looks at you and nods. 
  You both head to a small spot in the helm. You sitting down and him hesitantly following after you. 
Silence sits between you two. The awkwardness almost hurts 
"You aren't like him, crow." You sigh. Leaning back in your seat
"How do you know y/n" Crow looks at you. Concerned. 
"Because i have to...if you can't change, then what does that make of me?" Looking down at your hands. 
"But you're perfect, you are Vanguards Finest..i don't understand you." Crow leans down, trying to look at you. 
" When i found out who i was, i felt the same as you... My past self wasn't ever something to be proud of Crow." You look at him. The blue man is going from Curious to Sad again.
"Who...were you?" 
"I... i was a False God, a face for a misguided church..."
"I don't understand how that's so horrible. I'm sure you did well... Gave Faith?"
"I did not. I sent my followers to Burn small towns that were left after the collapse. I listened so blindly like an idiot child even though i should have known better. " You shake your head, getting up and walking in front of Crow. You sigh and lean to look at him. Both hands rested on his shoulders.
"Do not believe that you are him! Dont let that Old part of you mess up what you have now!" You shake him off a bit and stand up completely. 
"Y/n, i didn't know..." Crow mumbles. Not having an idea on what to say. 
"Thank you for trusting me.. thanks for listening, too... i think i should still go.. I need space from others. " Crow stands up as well, looking at your slightly disappointed face. He grabs your hands in his
"Please visit me? If that's something you're okay doing?" 
  You smile and squeeze his hands 
"Of course I will, ikora can set you on a new path. Of course Ghost will miss Glint but we are going to get busy here soon..."
"Your ghost? Glint?" Crow chuckles a bit at the thought. Folding his arms. 
"Oh please... you haven't noticed? Why do you think i visit you so often? " You poke his chest, pushing him back slightly.
"You only visit me because our ghosts have interest in eachother?" He hides his smile, pouting his lips. 
"Well... no, maybe not the only reason, i mean its nice they talk in person, you kno-"You panic thinking you made the already sad man even more distraught.
"I'm kidding y/n... gosh seeing you panic like that was honestly humoring" crows smile only grows. He watches as you roll your eyes. 
"Yeah, whatever, bird boy... I'm getting my helmet... then I'll fly you to the Tower?"
"Maybe i can fly us?" Crow raises an eyebrow. Hoping its a yes.
"Fine, but we take Your ship." You agree walking off to receive your helmet. 
You know you started gaining feelings for crow a while ago. You also knew he had started liking Amanda Holliday. It hurt, seeing Caydes killer walk as a new man. It hurt when you realized you liked him.  It hurt knowing he liked someone else.
 You finally retrieved your helmet. Heading to Crows ship and sitting down.
"When will you tell him about your feelings?" Your ghost floats by.
"Shh Ghost...he might hear you." You push away your ghost.
"Oh please, you know glint, and i talk about you both." Ghost only floats closer, around your face.
"And im sure glint brings up Amanda" You push them back again. 
"Glint talks about you more though," the ghost stays beside you happily.
You roll your eyes leaning back in the chair.
Crow finally shows up. There was small talk but you both were too exhausted from everything. Glint and Ghost going back to talking behind you both.  During a break Crow goes into the back of the ship.  You hear his pleads with Ikora. Until he comes back to you and sits down at the pilots seat. 
   "Did she agree to reassign you?" You turn to look at Crow.
"Yeah, I'll be working with Caital..." he begins to fly again. Heading to the tower. You two finally get off the ship. Heading towards Ikora. You both pass by Amanda. He turns away when he sees her look at you both. He quickly grabs your hand and pulls you with him. You turn to see Amanda's face. There is slight disappointment on her face. As you get pulled from out of her sight. 
 You walk up the stairs and slants. Crow speed is getting quicker as you try keeping up. You see all the faces in the tower staring at you both. Before going down the stairs to get to Ikora, you stop. Getting tugged slightly as crow keeps going. He stops, too.
   You look at him. His hood up to hide from the faces in the Tower. You dont say anything. You don't even know what to say. 
Crow takes a deep sigh. Making sure no ones around before pulling his hood down. He looks at your face. You look at him the same as you always do, no resentment, no hate, not even pity. And he just stares at you.
    He opens his mouth about to say something. But you shut him up.  You simply pull him into a tight hug.  He slowly rises his arms, Hugging you back. 
Another silent moment between you both.  Another moment that makes crow think of you in a romantic way. You both let each other go. Crow silently walks down the stairs as you lean against the railing watching him.  As he gets to the bottom about to leave the area, he turns to look at you. Both waving a small goodbye. Not forever, but for now.
You leave to do your own thing. Knowing Crow is in good hands. Also, knowing you have to defeat the Witch Queen.. a fight you're not ready to do.  
"What was that about?" You turn to see Amanda behind you. Folded arms and a questioning look. 
"What was what about?" You ask
"The running away from me... i wanted to say hello but didn't get the chance you both Just ran off" Amanda looks around trying to find Crow.
"Oh yes, sorry. I wanted to stop, but Crow kinda just dragged me off..."
"For what?" 
"Oh, uhm. He's just going through it.  I thought i could help him out. I think he just needs to be alone. " You let your ghost roam around needing some backup if needed.
"He could have gone to me... no offense to you, but i thought we were getting closer. " Amanda leans against the door. Sighing to herself.
"No, i get it.  I think me and him just have some things in common" You point to ghost who was floating by some flowers. She nods her head. She begins to walk back to her stationed area.
 Months pass. You defeated the witch queen, Lord Saladin, convinced Caital to Spare Crows life. You sat at the Helm quietly, sitting on a couple of boxes quietly. 
  You hear someone stumbling around. Knocking over some things. You sit up quickly and look around, pulling out your gun and keeping an eye out. You see Crow stumble in tripping on a box and falling. Quickly, you put away your weapon and stumble to him as well. The randomness of the whole situation makes you unstable. 
  "Are you alright?!" 
"Birdie, are you alright?!" You sit on the floor next to him.  Hugging him close, glint popping out. 
"Amanda found out..."Glint hovers over crow. You look down at the blue man. He's still recovering from his fall. You can tell he's drank and cried. He slowly gets up to sit on his knees. His head hanging low. 
" she said she never wants to see me again... i thought i could fix things, and then she comforted me. Held a gun to my head... said that im a murderer, said I'm the same as Uldr-"
"She's wrong. You are not the same as him. Cayde was my Fiance, i knew him, she saw me trust you every day and to do that to you?!" You stand up quickly. going for your helmet and weapons on a box. 
  Crow grabs at the cloth on your clothes. Still on his knees
"Dont leave me..." he looks up at you. You sigh and begin to drag him up. You pull him towards where you were sitting as he slumped down. You sit next to him, looking at Glint and Ghost. 
He's hurt. But not in a way i can fix. " Glint sighs. You shoo them both away. Looking at Crow. You lift your arm up behind him. He slowly falls onto your lap. Passing out into a deep slumber. You sit in silence, stroking his hair. As the hours go by, you also fall asleep.
"Guardian...wake up" You hear your ghost speak. But you keep your eyes closed.
"Ghost leave her be... she's tired, let her sleep. " You can hear crow. You fall back asleep  leaning to one side.
"Okay, but she's falling down, and im not strong enough to catch her.." 
Crow rushes to catch you,  you wake up finally and look around. Seeing Crow hold you.  
   "Wakey wakey Guardian" crow smiles as he lifts you up.  
"Ew don't call me that..." you sit up again rubbing your tiredness away. 
"I'm sorry...y/n"
Crow laughs and sits next to you. He looks sober, thankfully.
"I'm sorry for just walking in on you yesterday. I had drank at the bar Amanda, and i used to go to... and... well, i glint took me to you."
It's fine, I'm glad you could come to me. How are you?" 
"I'm okay. I just disappointed her so bad. I should have told her when i found out. Maybe we could have figured it out together" crow sighs and looks at you. You were already looking at him.  
"But i am happy that im here with you. She could have had the same reaction, too. "
Crow looks at your weapons on the table. You see that hes looking at them, and you move them down to the floor.
"Id never do something like that to you... even when i first saw you, i never thought of pulling my weapon on you" 
Crow looks away. Recounting his conversation with Amanda. Thinking of her anger and hatred. He then recounts you.  Your face when you saw him,  how it changed from that moment on. How you had always been there. Sure, Amanda had more free time. It's time to go out to a bar to have fun. But he remembers how you were always there when it mattered. Even when it didn't. He looks towards you slowly. You turn your head to see him. He raises his arms to grab your face. Like you did once before. 
   "Crow?" You look into his eyes once more. 
He says nothing, just looking at you. Taking in all your features. Crows face starts to blush as he pulls himself closer to you. 
"What about manda..." You whisper as he gets closer. He stops for a moment. Looking at your lips, then back to your eyes. He closes his eyes and brings you closer. Finally kissing you. You kiss back as he pulls you closer. His cheeks blushed more and more. His heart sparks. His stomach feels like moths flying around.
 He pulls his legs onto the boxes you both are on. You sit on top of him. A small is heard from the side. Crow stops and looks back, seeing Glint and Ghost floating behind. 
  "Please stop.." Crow begs watching as Glint stays still.
"We have been waiting for this moment for years!" Ghost flies closer, scanning both of our faces. You sigh and get up, crow reaching out for you. 
"Yeah, no moment ruined."You turn back to look at crow, who's still lying down. 
"Cmon, don't let them ruin it," he pleads with you
"Crow...i-i like you a lot. But you're vulnerable right now. I can't do this, Amanda will come around. "  You sigh. I'm going to grab your gear. Crows eyes widen at your confession. He turns to the ghost. As they slowly float away to give you space.
"Amanda has hurt me. Her friendship meant a lot and i didn't like how it happened... but just now, y/n ive never felt a spark like that ever! Even in Uldrens life i feel it!" Crow gets up. Following after you. Tugging at your arm. 
You try to walk away still, He pulls you back, turning you around and into his chest.
"What about Amanda, i know she started feeling a way towards you... i know it'll return. I can't do that to her..." You let your limbs go weak. Your head aches from all the emotions.
" she doesn't even want to see me... but i understand you have your hesitations.. I'll give you time, but i won't forget about today, though. " Crow lets you go. You hesitate to walk away. Getting your things slowly. 
"Ill see you crow..." you put Ghost away, walking away. 
Crow watches you. Sitting back down.
"Did we ruin it?" Glint flys by
"Yes, yes glint you did," crow sighs, facepalming.
"Shes got a point... you were so focused on Amanda you didnt see Guardians feelings for you"  glint flys around crows head.
"She doesn't like being called Guardian...and  why would she have liked me after what i did?"
"Well, you stayed after she told you who she was. She stayed throught it all for you though.  It's a mutual respect.." glint goes on.
"It's different.  I took away her Lover...why would she like me?"
"Only she knows that, im sure she's confused. It was wrong of you to make a move on her, especially when last night you were too drunk to fly here yourself" 
"You're right, Glint. I'll give her the space she needs... she's just so perfect,i won't let her go. " Crow grabs his things, heading out of the helm as well.
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vlassk · 3 months
Hi again. So likeeee
I've been very much gone because of one THING...destiny 2. I really want to write a Crow/ uldren fic but idk if there's enough drive for it. Like would people would actually read it?
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vlassk · 3 months
False god
A/n another shirt update. Hopefully, this work week is my last busy week. Then, I can correct actual updates with more stories.
Crow sov x Guardian
Warnings- slight NSFW. Death (lmk if more)
You stick with Amanda mostly. Helping to save people. Amanda tells you about her life and how she came to be at the tower. Mithrax listening in. You all head out to the Shadow Legion prison.
Eramis tunes in "Mithrax, i must speak with Haste. Turn back now. This is not a fight you can win" Eramis speaks on the coms.
"You can not share fear with us. Eramis, for the light provides" Mithrax cuts in, you fight your way to the entrance of the prison.
"Leave these captives. And live to see your great machine again. Pursue this quest. And you will die, " Eramis warns. You hesitate to keep moving.
"The shipstealer is allied with the voice in the darkness... but she does not speak lies. Perhaps there is something here we do not yet see. " mithrax starts questioning our works
"Theres always something. I'm not leaving our people behind. No matter what" Amanda interups
"Then I'm with you" mithrax assures
"We'll follow you as well" ghost agrees.
You keep heading into the prison, fighting your way through. Following the tunnel into it.
" y/n. We're going in through the roof" amanda chimes.
"This was not the plan. Amanda Holliday. Are you certain this ship will fit?" You hear a concerned mithrax.
"Only one way to find out" Amanda laughs
"Spider hated when i did things like this... now i see why" mithrax facepalms.
"Aaaand... We're in! Next rounds on you. Mithrax." Amanda cuts back in.
Mithrax responds"Amanda and i will now locate the security terminal"
"Deal with those armored units. And we'll meet you on the other side" amanda speaks to you. As you fight your way through the prison
As you keep going, you hear amanda on coms. She says she sees you and that she's in the surveillance room. Mithrax chimes in, still trying to locate the captives.
Holding off a Reverent of the Whitness. And finally defeating it. Only to fight more, Mithrax finally finds the prisoners. You secure everything to finally release them.
Amanda gets in position. Mithrax found the prisoners and You cleared the area. The buildings go into lockdown you and mithrax panic. Helping the prisoners stay calm as next you can. Amanda helps, fusing two wires. You both hurry out going separate ways.
"We are through" mithrax runs out with the prisoner's his breathing is heavy.
Amanda lets go. Her hands burning
"The hatch leads outside. We are safe." Mithrax cuts in again.
"Amanda where are you?" A concerned tone leaves you.
You hurry out. Looking up to see Mithrax and the rest of the prisoners escaping.
"Where's manda" You look up to see Mithrax and the other prisoners.
"Amanda come in...amanda are you there" Mithrax tries to reach her.
"Amanda..." You turn to see the tunnel you went through. I'm looking at the smoke coming out. You slowly fall to your knees. Mithrax is taking the leap down to you. Placing a hand on your shoulder.
You slowly walk up the hill. Your helmet in your hand. Flowers in the other. Crow bows his head. Zavala kneeling down at amandas resting place. Mara standing still. As you approach zavala starts
"Devotion. Bravery. Sacrafice. Devotion... bravery... sacrifice..."
You walk up to crow. He looks down and grabs the helmet in your hand. Grabbing it with hia own. And replacing it with his own.
"Guardian... zavala grieves, and... Mithrax is recovering in the infirmary.. how do you proceed? " mara speaks, turning to look at you.
"We have to regroup. Bury Amanda... and put her killers in the ground. " Crow speaks up. Tightening his grip on you
"They'll be expecting you.." Mara speaks.
"Good" crow snaps.
"Think with your head, not your heart. Grief is poor counsel. " Mara tries reaching out.
"And yours is better" crow lets go
"Make arrangements for Amanda.. y/n and i will handle it from here. " Crow crow paces the area.
"If that's your wish" mara rolls her eyes
"It is" crow responds.
Mara walks away.
" i know you want it too.. vengeance... you'll be first to know when it's time, " you watch as crow walks to you again.
"Crow... you know vengeance never did us any good" You walk towards Zavala. Placing a hand on his shoulder, and putting the flowers to rest where her chest would be. You go to her head leaning forward to place a kiss on her forehead. Her body still covered by the cloth.
"Say hey to cayde for me manda.."you whisper, getting up and walking towards crow. He hands you your helmet as you walk away. His hand reaching out to you as he follows. You take time to talk to everyone. Take time to be alone with amanda. You head to the Helm finding Crow.
"Mara and i have been taking, and we came to the same conclusion: it's time to act." Crow starts
" Go on..."Ghost interups.
"The Witness sees our connection to each other as a weakness to exploit. It's counting on us not risking more lives in other attacks, but if Amanda was here. I think she'd tell us it's time to play some offense."
"She would say something like that." You nod your head
" Mara is focusing all her energy directly through you. My partner... we need you to Blaze through the Ascendant plane one last time.. but it won't be without backup!" He moves his arms around.
"Will we be able to win with a small fireteam?" You lean against the wall besides him. Hopeless
"We're all going. Mara says your power is strong enough to sweep us up in your astral wake. When you come out on the shadow legion flagship, we'll be right there with you, I'll be waiting for you..."
"Guess i gatta do it. If you're waiting for me, " you smile, leaning back up
"Lead the charge y/n, Lets finish what they started"
You both take to your ship. Taking a long rest to recover. After you find him back at his normal spot.
"Cmon lets get some rest, relax before we get going..." you take his hand leading him away
"Where are we going?" Crow asks almost tripping
"Bath before bedtime! Oh i cant wait ive been asking mara to let me use it for a while! She finally said yes!" You squeal slightly.
"W-w-wait?" Crow gets more confused.
You drag crow around the helm. Going past Maras throne and down some stairs. A small room is shown.
"Where did this come from?" Crow sighs at Maras' findings.
"Mara said some witch-et, witchhhh-witcher? Something like that left it. I'm not super sure, but she's letting us use it!" You say happily setting up.
You smile, setting down your helmet on a shelf nearby. Crow sits down awkwardly at a nearby couch. Not knowing what to really do. He watches as you heat the water, the steam fogging up the room. You add soap, which quickly takes up the bath with a bubble that smells like fresh flowers. Crow watches you closely, already feeling relaxed from the aromas in the room. Feeling the warmth being trapped in the room.
"What is this for y/n?"
"A bath. For us both, let's us relax our muscles. " You flex your arms.
"But for us both. Will we fit?" Crow stands up, walking to the edge of the bath.
"We will! Now, cmon, " You nudge his shoulder. Sitting on the couch yourself. You lean down, taking off your boots. Crow doesn't notice only turning around once you've taken off more of your clothes. His face is going a bright red.
You fold your clothes, setting them aside. Getting a towel to wrap around yourself. You look up. Shocked at the fully dressed man
"Do you... need help?" You ask, a small smile showing up on your face.
"No, no. It's fine!" He hears you laugh a bit. He takes off his hood. Then, she sits for his shoes. He watches as you put your towel down and slowly go into the bath. Cooling his face down.
"Hurry up, birdie. It's not as fun alone. " You wave your hand. Looking toward him. You see him shirtless. His pants are unbuttoned but not down. Your face also goes red. You quickly turn away before Crow can see. Unfortunately, he did see.
"Ah. Now i see why you're in such a hurry.." Crow folds his own clothes, covering himself with a towel. And walking to the bath.
"I could say the same for you"
"What ever do you mean?" Crow laughs, leaning forward. Crow gets into the bath. You watch him as he lowers himself down. When he gets settled, you get up slowly, walking to crow and sitting down next to him. You watch as his face slowly turns the same bright red.
"Haha, see! You get flustered, too. " You laugh leaning on the wooden
" cut me some slack okay...all this time and this is... this is the first time I've seen you so..."
"Sure.." Crow smiles, looking away at the thought.
"You can look Crow.. we are together." You let your legs rise up, floating to the serface.
"You can look too..." he looks down. His hands under the water
"Oh, i do..." You laugh looking at crow who only got more red. He roles his eyes, pushing back his hair. He grabs your leg gently, pulling towards him and onto his lap. As you float down slowly, you bump into something. Crow groans slightly, shifting you slightly.
"I'm sorry, i didn't mean to! It's just. I was floating and"
"What can i say.... im just so b-"
"Dont say it..." you cover his mouth. Crow pulls you closer. Using one hand to move your hand
"I'm just so beefy..." You watch as the orange eyed man smirks. Giving you a small peck on the lips. His hair fell in front of his face. You pull Crow in for a deeder kiss. Having your own plans for relaxing.
Both of you try to catch your breaths. Chest falling and rising. You sit in between crows' legs as his arms wrap around you.
"Was i okay?" Crow asks his face, barried in your neck
"You were great." You kiss Crows arm as he holds you tighter.
You finally get out of the bath, and crow gets out first, only to hold your towel for you. So you would be warm. You both sat for a while talking before getting dressed. Then, I finally headed to Crows chambers. He's usually at the helm, so he actually got the room.
"That was relaxing." Crow sits on a chair, taking off his heavier gear and setting it down.
"It was, im glad you enjoyed it." You take off your gear as well. Taking clothes you had left from before. Crow watches you. Now more hungry for you after the taste he had.
"Want more?" You smile looking at the mirror that showed crows orange eyes watching you.
"Maybe" crow stands up, getting his own clothing and changing into them. You slowly walk over to his bed, laying down. It was a humble size but big enough for you both. Crow lays down as well, pulling you into his chest. You wiggle your arm out, letting your hand creep to his hair, playing with his white streak.
"I love the way you look at me... it's so different from everyone, but i feel such warmth from it. " Crow closes his eyes, enjoying you playing with his hair.
"I just...i love you... i can't help but adore every inch of you. " You look up at crow. His eyes open, the glow almost lighting you up.
"I love you... so so much. " Crow pulls you deeper in, both of you slowly falling asleep.
You both wake up after a few hours. Fully rested. Determined to show the shadow legion, you can't be knocked down.
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vlassk · 3 months
To keep my brain interested, I think im going to try and write One Shots. So leave suggestions if yall want!!
Also, my Guardian. This is my hunter, but I'll get my bby girl Warlock sometime.
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vlassk · 3 months
False god
A/N this may or may not go on for a while but the start is pre Crow, with the release of Final Shape ive decided to try have a Cade-6 x Guardian, to add more fire.Maybe some 18+ i cant say yet.
I also want to start off with a story note about the Guardian,you're not the one resurrected at the start of the game. You'll have a backstory, but i promise I've made it as sad and tragic as the rest of our amazing Vangard friends. 🧡
Pairing- Uldren/Crow sov x Guardian . Cade-6 x Guardian??
Enemy to lovers
Warnings: swearing, violence (lmk if theres more)
You were Awaken at a prime time, hidden away in broken buildings. A wall is seen in the distance. You wake up in a panic your arms tied up with rusted wire above your head, on a circle cut board you hung.
"Hello, ive been searching so long to find you" a voice is heard. Slightly robotic
That was the start. The Begining.
Years later you're a trusted Guardian working for Vanguard, Humanities heros in the chaos of the universe.
" hey Guardian, you taking off soon?" A robotic voice comes from behind you
" Yes , although i really do wish i could stay here with you. But the stranger has asked me to meet her on Venus.. soop Venus here we goo" giving a thumbs up to the man
"Well Guardian...i hope you have a safe time" the man starts to walk away
"God damn it Cade would you stop calling me "Guardian" theres like less than two people around you could be less formal!" You grab the back of Cade's cape pulling him back to you. He turns around to look at you with a dorky smile
" well y/n, we are still in public and as much as i would really love to kiss you goodbye, i cant you know what it'll do" Cades smile fades a bit as he begins to pout at you
"Forgive your sweet Hunter boyfriend?"
"Absolutely not.." you pull him into a passionate kiss not caring about the robots sweeping the floor of the take off point.
He kisses back and moves his arms to your hips, holding you in place
"Please be careful... we dont know who you're meeting. " cade says as he pulls away. A smile appears on your face. You kiss his cheek and walk away from his arms, leaning on your ship
"I am always careful. Plus, who knows this stranger could have an answer? Now go do your homework so the days go by quicker!" You shoo him off, waiting for him to leave before bording the ship. You can see him wave through the front.
"AND IT'S PAPERWORK NOT HOMEWORK!!" Cade screams as he finally leaves.
You smile once again, happy with your life as you fly away to Venus.
"You aren't afraid at all," your ghost pops up beside you as you fly through space.
"I am not. On the Moon i was, i didn't know what to do or expect, but meeting the stranger could help us find some type of light in this dark..." when you first met the Stanger you had just woke up the Hive amist it all that your sort of stalker shows up telling you to meet her on Venus as she has something to talk about, something important.
On this Venus Trip, the Stranger tells you about the Vex Orgin point and how you must destroy the heart of it, but before you could, you needed help from someone in the Reef...
Stopping by the tower to get more gear, you run into a friendly face.
"Guardian, how was your trip?" Cade leans in, almost close enough where he could smell you.
"Cade-6... my trip was good, how was your time here?" You smile and turn around, looking at more things laid out. Cade leans into you, leaning his head on your shoulders and wrapping his arms around you.
"I missed you so so much, sweetheart." cade tightens his grip around you, squeezing you a bit too much
"Heyyy too tight, and we are in public! What are you doing?!" You swat his arms away and turn to look at him again. He gives you a sheepish look and then smiles.
" Do you see anyone around?" Cade looks around. And no, there aren't people at all. You two are hidden under a bridge in the courtyard. You had always geared up alone in the back before leaving.
Y/n smiles, kissing the chaotic hunter and embracing him once again.
Cade pulls away again
"Does this packing mean you're leaving again?" Cade watches you nod in agreement
" You've only just got back...i didn't even get to have my fun yet," cade sighs with a hint of disappointment. You hold his face in your hands, looking at the sorrow he shows you
"I need to go to the Reef. That stranger told me it's a way to stop these Vex things. I must get help and stop it.."
"Well, i can help you. Why go all the way there?"
"It's the Black Garden... only the awoken knows how to get to it... but I will be back soon, okay?" You check if he is okay. Cade is a strong man, but with you, he feels so safe and calm, almost like he can be weak around you.
"Yeah, I'm alright. i just miss my honey. Okey- you go and hurry back, find out all you can." Both of you share a goodbye embrace as you head off to the reef.
The drive was shakey and unwell. The amount of debris left over tested your piloting skills. As you got closer, your coms picked up a line. A guard in the reef speaks, telling you to state your business. You do asking to be seen by the queen, The journey moves on.
As you get out of your ship, you can now see the destruction of the place you're in. Imagining how it must have looked. Wondering your head and eyes all over
"Watch it!" A voice calls out as you fall onto the floor, y/n bumped into someone. Your head looks up at a tall blue man, He looks down to you, not bothering to help you up
"Hey, im sorry." You call out as he walked away, once again not bothering to say a word to you.
"Well, he was rude." Your ghost pops up, healing any bruising from the hard fall.
"Yeah, what an asshole...cmon Ghost, let's go find this queen. It's creepy here, and people seem quite rude.."
You walk to a guarded door, and before you can say anything, the doors open. As you walk through, you see the man you bumped into
"So ...these are the trespassers who demanded an audience?" The man states swaying slightly
"Listen, we didn't mean to trespass, and apologies for running into you so harshly.." You lower your head a bit, not really feeling bad but needing to get on someone's good side
"The Queen herself judges who may or may not enter the Realm, Me... i see no reason she should be available for what washes up at the Reef. " The man steps down the stairs and walks up to you
"But here we are..." he flicks his head to the side.
"I am here to ask for your Help," you state calmly, only taking in the mans face. Almost on que two fallen come out of the shadows, raiaing weapons.
"The Fallen!" Your ghost appears trying to warn you.
You pull out your gun holding it up to shoot, but before you can This man grabs your Arm with one hand and holds a knife to your throat with the other, you try to struggle against him but he only holds you im place pressing the blade closer to your neck.
A white haired Woman walks out from curtains, the Queen
"It is afraid of the fallen... it does not understand these ones are mine.."
You look up at her, slightly relaxing your body, two guards who were behind you grab your gun. The man lets go and puts away his knife.
"Apologies your grace.." he begins to walk away, slowly
"I am a Guardian... from Earth, We are searching for the Black Garden" y/n folds their arms, leaning on one side of her leg.
"Why?" The man turns around,looking more angry at you
"We will destroy the darkness, at its heart"
"You want to turn it into a battleground" he cocks his head to the side
"How unimaginative..." he gives you a pittaful look
"Do you know where it is?" You say with more confidence and sternness
"Everyone knows where it is. The hard part is getting in"
"Can you help us?"
"And why would we do that?"
"The queen requests council with her brother," the Queen speaks up, leaning back in her Thrown.
"Brother..." The ghost turns to you, you glanse at them and turn back to the Blue siblings.
The man turns around looking back to you before walking to the Queen. He bends over on one knee, looking at you again.
Theres murmering heard but not much understood.
He keeps looking at you. Slight glances here and there but all you can do is keep a straight face and keep the confidence.
"That's good.." He sits up walking towards you
"Why not... we will make you a key! Hows that?All we need is a head of a Vex Gate lord"
"A gate lord..." your ghost goes off
"Why do you want the head?"
"Oh we dont, and i doubt we will get one either. But it is the only hope of you getting into the black guarden"
"We will return"
"Or you will die on Venus...either way."
"Uldren..." shes calls for her brother
You turn to walk away repeating in your head...Uldren.
You begin walking out, heading straight to Venus. The fight was intense, you persisted. Though you had to be revived a lot.
You walk back into the room. The queen spots you
"It is alive...and it still has its ball" The queen lifts up her head at you.
"There is no shame in running away Guardian. Apart from the cowordice and falier of it, its an excellent stragity..."
"I didn't run"
"Was no gate lord slain brother?" The queen looks to her brother.
"Ohhh we slayed a Gate Lord..." your ghost excitement burst through
"Ghost," you smile at your friend, letting them show what they need to.
Your ghost flys upfront summoning the Vex Head to drop in front of everyone. Both the queen and prince stand up.
"I need to find the Black Garden" you look at uldren Stern.
Uldren scoffs
"They dont even know where it is"
"Let us tell them. Search the gate lord for that which gains them entrance"
"Why?!" Uldren looks at his sister confused and angry.
"If you wish them certain death, then just kill them here." He turns away from us..angered at her.
"Often, when we guess others' motives, we reveal our own." she leans back more.
"My motive is simply Loyalty... to a people... a queen and a sister, " Uldren crouches next to her, leaning in.
"Then please...take what is required"
Uldren looks almost defeated. Standing back up and going over to the Vex Head. Bringing his knife out and stabbing into it. Looking directly at you. He pulls out the eye. As he holds it up to his face, the light dies out.
"Dead... unfortunately," Uldren turns to look at his sister. " A wasted journey im afraid." he gives you another pittaful look. it's fake, you can tell, but he's trying to play this evil innocence.
"Perhaps, but i think these ones are sourceful... we Gift it in simpathy for their Traveler." She sits still. Almost like a statue.
Uldren looks at you, anger in his glowing eyes
"Mars...84 north 32 East. Uridean bay" He throws the Eye at you, but you catch it easily
The queen atands up
"I have shown you benevolence Guardian, should the awoken ever need an Ally, I will call on you. And expect you to answer.."
"She's saying you owe us, Guardian." uldren snarks
"I understand, your grace.." You look up to the queen bowing slightly.
"Good Luck! ... getting through the exclution zone" Uldren rolls his eyes quieting at the end.
"I won't need it. Uldren"
As you begin to walk out of the room, you hear footsteps behind you, slowly catching up and becoming louder. You turn around quickly, ready to strike, but your arm gets caught immediately
"Dont even think about it 'Guardian'" Uldren made the end sound so spiteful.
You snatch your arm back turning back around and shoving him back
"Whats your damn problem princy? Was my bump into you that hard it messed up your head. All you've been to me is Rude!"
Uldren regains his composure before pushing you into a wall
"Do not push me you insignificant human!"he holds you on the wall as you struggle
"What is your damn problem!"
"You're! My problem!" He slams you back into the wall
"Do you Even know my Queens name? Do you hold any respect for my people? For even yourself?" Uldren sofens his eyes for only a second, going back to being angry.
"Get over yourselves. I respect her as a leader but do not mistake me she Isnt my queen and will never be!" You kick him away, making him fall back onto the floor. You leap forward, getting on top of him, pinning his arms to the floor as well.
"Her name is Mara Sov! A Queen! My Queen!"Uldren struggled trying to get himself free
" i don't care! And As for Me? You really think i care what YOU think? You are no one, Uldren and everyone. Even your SISTER sees it! I don't even have to know you!" You scream out, uldren struggled beneath you, trying to gather his strengths again
"You should care! You carry that light ball with you, you follow that Vanguard so blindly to destroy this darkness. All for what?That Ball on Earth?!" He lifts his head to your face. Smirking at you.
"My ghost is a Gift! They have been there for me every Second of waking up, i dont get to just ignore them! I dont get the Liberty to die anymore!" You scream again
"I... i didnt know you felt like that Y/n..." your ghost apears again flying close. You loosen your grips in Uldrens arms.
He breaks free to try to push you off. You fall back as Uldren tries to strike your ghost. You panic and throw yourself up again falling onto Uldren one last time.
"Why are you doing this!?" Your confusion writen on your face
"Youll die if you go there!"
"I am more than willing to if i can destory this darkness. But i will survive!" With one last burst of energy, you punch Uldren, knocking him down. You get up and start running as you see guards coming to you both.
"I am your sister Ally, but Uldren, i will never be yours." You begin to run back to your ship. Turning back to see Uldren sit himself up.
The flight home was rough. You stayed silent even when your ghost tried to talk to you. Once you landed at the Tower, Cade came to say his Hellos. But every kiss and hug felt empty. This Stranger, who you have no connection too hit such a big nerve, and you didn't know why... all you knew was that you never wanted to be called to the Mara Sovs aid.
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vlassk · 2 months
Sorry, it's been 10 years since an update. Life's been HECTIC asf with work and life. I want to continue writing, but I feel as rn destiny's fanfics focus on Oc's a lot. Now I do have mine kind of In my fic already just changed a lot of things for neutrality, but would yall be more interested in Crow x OC continuing on or Crow x Y/n?
Oc would have a name for ghost and guardian along with more personality from their side
Let me know
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