#crowley x genderqueer!reader
ourownsideimagines · 5 years
Personal Affairs (Aziraphale x genderqueer!Reader x Crowley pre-relationship)
Characters: Aziraphale, Crowley, Genderqueer!Reader
Requested: Yes 
Requested by: @lordbeezyprinceofhell
Point of View: Second Person
Summary: While looking over the shop for Aziraphale, the mafia decide they’re going to pay a visit. Little do they know, you have Crowley on the phone.
Warnings: Guns, shooting, blood, angst
Words: 1476
A/N: I was writing this along with a fem!reader so if I messed up on pronouns please let me know!!!
Watching over the bookshop was one of the greater pleasures in (name)’s life. They’d known the angel for a number of years now, having stopped by in the midst of a rainstorm in hope the kind shop owner would allow them to wait it out. The two of them had got to know each other that night, and (name) found themself coming back, even if they didn’t browse the shelves.
It took a few years for (name) to figure out that Aziraphale and his companion Crowley weren’t quite human. The two looked human, and they sounded human, but there was no way those two men were human. It hadn’t been nearly as hard to work out what they were, in the end. Especially when it seemed almost every time he opened his mouth Crowley addressed Aziraphale as ‘Angel’. At first (name) had assumed it was a term of endearment - in the end, maybe it still was. They weren’t about to judge.
It took a few months of back and forth arguing before the two finally admitted it. (Name) apologized with a new Velvet Underground CD for Crowley and a angel-wing mug for Aziraphale. And after a few more months, and some not-so-great times, Aziraphale offered them a job at the bookshop - to watch over it while he was away, and reorganize if anything needed reorganizing. It was the best paying job (name) had ever had, and they absolutely loved it. They hadn’t sold a single book, at Aziraphale’s request. He’d quickly taught them the art of turning people down, which was both anxiety inducing and very relieving at the same time.
On nights like this, alone in the shop, (name) liked to think about many things. Sometimes, it was about the books. Aziraphale allowed (name) to read them as long as they remained in pristine condition. Other times, (name) would think about how they could better organize a display. They knew the clutter was more to drive off potential customers, but it bothered them. They didn’t want to end up being stuck under a mountain of books they’d accidentally knocked over while trying to reach whatever it is that Aziraphale had asked them to grab.
Oh, and they also tended to think about their angelic boss and his demonic partner. A lot.
(Name) had had a crush on the two of them way before ever finding out what they were. There wasn’t anything they wouldn’t give just to know if the two liked them back - maybe not their arms. They liked their arms very much.
Sometimes, they thought about telling the boys. What was the worst that could happen, after all? 
Sure, they could reject them. But they wouldn’t stop being friends, would they? Aziraphale and Crowley didn’t seem like the type to do that, but nerves kept (name) from saying it anyway. They really wanted to stay their friend, even if that meant pinning for the rest of their life.
Tonight, the shop was empty. (Name) hadn’t bothered to lock the front door just yet, they were happily sorting through a few of the newer books deciding the best places to put them, where no one but themself and Aziraphale would find them. A sigh left their lips as they heard the bell above the front door ring. They snatched their phone off a nearby shelf, pausing their music before making their way out to the front.
“Hey, Mis-ter Fell,” the sing-song voice made (name)’s blood run cold. They stopped before entering the main part of the shop. Quickly, they unlocked their phone, and dialed up the only number that came to mind - Crowley’s. He told them to only use it in emergencies, since he didn’t like his phone being clogged up, so (name) hadn’t used it yet. They hoped to someone that Crowley would pick up. After muting their phone, (name) wedged it between a couple of books before taking in a deep breath and resuming their greeting.
“Hello, welcome,” They said coolly. It was a group of three men, dressed in black slacks, dark shirts and fancy shoes. (Name) was positive that at least one of them had a gun, they could see the bulge in on his side. “Is there anything I can do for you gentlemen?”
“Where’s Mr. Fell?” Asked the man with the gun. He was the largest of the three, and his fingers were decorated with many different rings.
“He’s not in right now,” If Crowley had answered the phone, they would be listening in by now, (name) was certain of it. Wherever they were, (name) hoped that if things got out of hand they would reach the shop soon. “If you need him, perhaps you can come back at a later date?”
“You here that,” The man turned to his friends. “Mr. Fell isn’t in right now.” The men began knocking over piles of books, much to (name)’s dismay. They had just finished organizing the clutter and now the men were making it worse.
“What the hell are you doing,” They said, taking a few steps in the men’s direction. “Stop that-” (Name) squeaked a bit as the big man drew his gun, pointing it at them almost carelessly.
“Look, love, this isn’t anything personal,” He said. “It’s between us and Mr. Fell.” The click of the hammer being pulled back made their whole body go stiff. “So, why don’t you take your pretty little face and get the hell out of here?”
“Excuse me?” The man’s grip on the gun tightened.
“I said no. I asked you to come back later.”
“And I don’t think you heard me correctly.” The man sneered. “It is between us and Mr. Fell. Nothing personal.” 
“It feels pretty personal.” (Name) took a step back as the man took a step forward. “I think it’s time you left.”
“I don’t think you understand our situation,” The man growled. “I’ve got the gun. I’m in charge now.”
“Seeing as you don’t work here, I can’t see why you’d be in charge.” (Name) was stalling now, praying to whoever might be listening that it wouldn’t be much longer.
“I’m gonna count to three. If you aren’t out of this bloody shop, I’m gonna shoot you.”
“Now, I really don’t believe that’s necessary.” (name) rushed out.
“Please, I’m sure we can settle this-”
“Oh, god, please tell me you picked up the phone-”
“Three.” (Name) took in a sharp gasp as the gun went off, crying out as the bullet tore through her shoulder, splattering blood back onto the nearby bookcase. The lights flickered momentarily, and as if in a scene from a horror movie, something appeared. Then men didn’t get out a scream before the shop went dark. (Name) had sunk to the floor, holding a hand over the bleeding wound. When the lights came back on, they could have cried in relief. Crowley and Aziraphale stood in the middle of the shop, stone faced. Aziraphale adjusted his bow-tie while Crowley’s gaze snapped in your direction. The first thing (name) noticed was that he wasn’t wearing his sunglasses. The second thing they noticed was the light blood splatter on the ground at their feet, which disappeared with the snap of Aziraphale’s fingers.
Crowley rushed to (name)’s side.
“Let me see,” He said. He gently grabbed (name)’s wrist, and dragged their hand away from the wound. Crowley didn’t have much of a reaction to the sight. He placed a hand over the wound and (name) took in another sharp breath as a sense of relief courses through them. When Crowley pulled his hand back, the wound was gone, as was the blood and even the hole in their shirt. “Come on. Up you get.” Crowley hauled them to their feet.
“I’m so sorry, I know you two were busy.” (Name) said.
“Why in Heaven’s name are you apologizing, my dear?” Aziraphale gaped. “You were in trouble, there’s nothing you could do about that.”
“I could have handled it better. Probably could have avoided getting shot.”
“If you hadn’t called, you could have wound up dead, (name).” Crowley said. “Don’t apologize.”
“Okay.” (Name) murmured.
“Now,” Crowley straightened his jacket. “How about we take you out to dinner. Something nice. After all that, I don’t imagine you want to spend the rest of your night in here.”
“I believe that’s a swell idea.” Aziraphale agreed. “What do you say, (name)?” (Name) glanced around the shop. The books that had been knocked over where still there, but the men who had done the knocking over were nowhere to be seen. The man with the gun was nowhere to be seen. Their blood, which had decorated the shelved not even five minutes ago was nowhere to be seen.
A miracle, they decided.
“Yes.” They said. “I think I’d like that.”
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ourownsideimagines · 5 years
Reese’s Good Omens One-Shot Masterlist
If a story has no gender/other indicator beside it, it is made to be read by anybody (the others are as well, if you don’t care about the use of pronouns)
Aziraphale x reader (Romantic)
Anger Comes In Many Forms
The Tune Of My Heart (Fem!Reader)
Neither Half of Me Can Put Into Words How Much I Adore You (Nephilim!Reader)
I’m Standing Where the Lightning Strikes (fem!reader)
A Little Spring Preening
Il Mange Des Crêpes (Fem!French!reader)
Say That You Believe (Crowley’s Sister!Reader, Monster Hunter AU)
Turning Page (Angel!Reader)
Ends of the Earth (Fallen Angel!Reader)
My Cheeks are Red, but so are Yours (fem!reader)
Be My Pillow in the Night Time (fem!reader)
The Function of a Rubber Duck (Hufflepuff!Reader, Hogwarts AU)
A Sea of Color Across the Sky (Angel!Reader)
Crowley Knows Best (Human AU, Pregnant Reader)
Aziraphale x reader (Platonic)
Crowley x Reader (Romantic)
Doomsday (Fem!Reader)
Around The Corner (Fem!Reader)
If Wings Could Speak, Yours Would Be Screaming (Fem!Reader)
Hide My Wings Tonight (Part 1, fem!Angel!Reader, Brother!Aziraphale)
Let’s Wreak Havoc (Cambion!Reader)
You Owe Me $666 For All the Sunglasses I’ve Bought (Soulmate AU)
Ancient History (Dead!Reader, Drunk!Crowley)
Fear of the Snek (fem!Reader)
Here We Go Again (Short!Fem!Reader)
All I Ask of You (Fem!Witch!Reader)
Twisted Turn of Events (Tangled!AU, Fem!Reader)
Spin Me Around Until the Earth Falls Away (fem!Reader)
They Say You Can’t Go Home Again, but I Found Home In You (fem!Angel-ish!reader)
More of a Man Than You’ll Ever Be (FTM!Reader)
The Eye of the Storm (Fem!College Student!Reader)
Let’s Watch Movies Until Our Brains Melt Away
How To Keep a Secret for Less Than 24 Hours (Pregnant!Fem!Witch!Reader)
Prepare for War Against Mother Nature (Fem!Reader)
Be The Best Thing to Ever Happen to Me (Fem!reader)
Do You See the Way I Look at You? (Hufflepuff!Reader, Hogwarts AU)
Don’t Turn Your Eyes Away From Me (Artist!Reader)
A Gift From the Heart (Artist!Reader)
Stressed, Depressed, but Well Dressed (Gothic!Lolita!Fiancée!Reader)
Will You Love Me As I Am, Even If I Cannot? (Genderfluid!Human!Fem!Crowley) 
Hit Me With Your Car, Then Hit Me With Some Feelings (Fem!Device!Reader)
Love A Working Woman (Fem!Reader)
Crowley x Reader (Platonic)
Say That You Believe (Sister!Reader, Monster Hunter AU)
The Audience is Dead (Ballet Dancer!Reader)
Anathema x Reader (Romantic):
The Angel on Your Shoulder (Angel!Reader)
Anathema x Reader (Platonic):
Aziraphale x Reader x Crowley (Romantic)
A Dream is a Wish Your Heart Makes
At the Center of Conflict, You Are Our Light (NB!Phoenix!Reader)
In a Field of Roses, My Petals Were Always Blue (FTM!Reader)
Mortal Lungs (Male!reader, Unrequited Love)
Daily Doodles (Soulmate AU)
Who Wants To Be Queen (Queen-To-Be!Reader)
Personal Affairs (Genderqueer!Reader, Pre-Relationship)
As Far as Birthday’s Go, This One Does Not (fem!reader)
Strange Things Lurk In the Dark (Sorcerer!Reader. pre-relationship)
The Fear of Parenting (Phoenix!Reader)
More of You to Love
The Game is On (Male!Reader, pre-relationship)
Aziraphale x Reader x Crowley (Platonic)
You Can’t Fix Me, I’m Not Broken (Brother!Aziraphale, best friend!Crowley, Fem!Asexual!Reader)
Crowley: 2 - 3 - 4 - 6 - 8 - 11 - 12&13
Aziraphale: 7 - 10 - 12 - 13 - 15
LAST UPDATED: 1/14/2020
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