b1rdthieves · 3 months
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first attack of 2024 for @crowbawt on af !
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odd-chips · 1 year
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Art Fight piece of DJ WORM for @crowbawt!
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titleknown · 1 year
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Another artfight design, specifically of Crowbawt's Void Crow, I drew this one after realizing I hadn't done enough Artfight stuff due to Brain Bad, and this critter was a simple and cool design.
I decided to do something different wrt doing them lineless using my usual pen tool made extra thick, harkening back to an old "paint shaving" technique I used to use to simulate heavy line weights. I'm kinda proud of how I did the glow effects on 'em too....
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askkrenko · 2 years
Krenko’s Guide to Pokemon: Totodile Line
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He’s just so happy to meat you!
It’s a crocodile. It’s a cute, bipedal crocodile, sure, but it’s a crocodile. The adorable bipedal crocodile shows up all over the place. I got one after seeing Cathy Rigby’s Peter Pan. The main Digimon, Agumon, looks like this. The coloring is different, sure, but it’s blue because it’s a water type. And water crocodile isn’t even an interesting conversation. You’d expect a crocodile to be a water type. All that said, I love this little guy. There’s a general charm and cuteness to him that Pokemon are really good at, and even though I don’t consider his design very inspired, I do like it.
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Croconaw is much more interesting. Croconaw stands upright, with a chubby belly, and appears as much like a dinosaur as a crocodile. Also, the pattern on its belly, while looking real and reasonable, resembles a simple fur, giving it a prehistoric look as both caveman and dinosaur at once. The scale at the end of the tail sticking up both clearly calls attention to the Stegosaurus and looks like an axe. Croconaw is honestly just a great, unique design that I haven’t seen elsewhere.
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And then Feraligatr throws out everything that made Croconaw cool and is just Big Totodile. It’s less dinosaur, the markings are back to being the same as a Totodile’s, and its spike arrangement changes to be closer to Totodile’s than Croconaw’s. I know this is an issue with a lot of Pokemon, but it really doesn’t feel like proper design flow. I can see Totodile to Croconaw, Croconaw to Feraligatr, and Totodile to Feraligatr, but Totodile to Croconaw and then to Feraligatr feels off and awkward, with Croconaw trying different things that it then abandons.
Honestly, I hate this. I don’t hate Feraligatr on its own. Feraligatr is big and bulky and badass and has plates on its back that look like a butt. But I do hate that Croconaw gains traits from when it was a Totodile, then regains some Totodile traits as a Feraligatr. 
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Art by Bedupolker
Little is known about Totodile’s position within the world. Wild Totodile are rarely seen outside of preserves, though it is obvious that Totodile are semiaquatic ambush predators.
If we assume them native to the Sinnoh underground, which is always questionable, their most likely prey are Bidoof and Shellos. Both are relatively weak and common Pokemon they share territory with, and while a Bidoof is more susceptible to Totodile’s aquatic ambushes, Shellos primary tactic of Water Gun is extremely ineffective against Totodile, while Totodile’s primary combat tactic is physical strength rather than water type attacks. Psyduck and Buizel also share their territory, but the former’s Confusion attack could easily be devastating to a Totodile while Buizel is simply too fast to be its primary food source. 
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Art by iguancheg
Water is the most common type of Pokemon, even more than Normal, and while it’s a fine type, that does mean Feraligatr has a lot of competition on any team.  …Wait, if Water is more frequent than Normal, doesn’t that make Water normal, and Normal abnormal?
105 Attack, 100 Defense, and the rest of its starts around 80 puts Feraligatr as a bit of a bulkier attacker. Starter stats are universally solid, and being able to hit and take a hit is good. Feraligatr’s a bit lower on speed than other starters, but this hardly makes it ‘slow.’ 
Torrent is Torrent is Torrent and nobody cares about these stupid +damage at ⅓ health abilities.
Sheer Force is the good stuff. Sheer Force removes secondary effects from attacks to give them +30% damage, which turns a lot of mediocre moves into total beats. It’s very easy to build for Sheer Force, so it basically just gives more damage all the time. Any Feraligatr that matters will have Sheer Force.
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Art by Crowbawt / @amethystbarron​ I wonder if that’s a robotic crow or just a crobat with an accent
Thanks to Sheer Force, Feraligatr’s best water move is Liquidation. 110 Base Power on a physical water move with 100% accuracy is just a great hit to have. This can be a bit of a pain to get on your Feraligatr, though, so Waterfall will do in a pinch. 
For coverage, Feraligatr naturally learns Crunch, which combines with Sheer Force for just a great Dark-type attack.  Not every Feraligatr set will feel the need for Crunch, but it’s a strong, easy option.
For other coverage options, it can get Ice Fang or, with effort, Ice Punch, as well as Iron Tail and Rock Slide to use with Sheer Force, and can always pick up Earthquake which is just good to have. 
Feraligatr also gets access to solid setup moves, and your choice of Agility, Swords Dance, or Dragon Dance can be hugely advantageous with time to use them.
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Totodile’s “Scary Face” by Gino
Feraligatr needs love. Much of what I said about Meganium is true here- while other starters got Megas, Gigantimaxes, and alternate forms, Feraligatr got left in the dust. Worse, as a Physical Attacker, Feraligatr can’t even leverage Hydro Cannon, the super strong attack only for fully-evolved Water starters. 
Its level-up moveset also leaves a lot to be desired. Totodile doesn’t get a physical water move until level 43, or 63 if you dare to evolve it into Feraligatr before then. I’m not saying it needs to learn the best ones, but it should definitely get at least something. 
All that said, Feraligatr is still just a solid pokemon with decent all around stats and a great ability, so I don’t want to ask too much for it. 
Croconaw’s design really has me itching for a more caveman/dinosaur hybrid thing, though. A regional variant of Feraligatr probably wouldn’t be able to pull that off, though, and I don’t see a branching evolution coming any time soon.
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crowbawt · 1 year
I kind of want to change my screenname because I've been using Crowbawt for well over a decade and I'm sure there's some bad opinion or another I made 12 years ago someone could screenshot and use against me or something out there Not sure what I'd change it to though
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rodentbloodart · 7 years
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lil something for @crowbawt cause they’re a kind awesome person
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carcharadroid · 7 years
creeper-pasta replied to your post: [[MOR] I’ve decided when the next Civil War...
((Why wait tbh))
Come with me, friend
We can be Screaming Cryptids(TM) together
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toothlessego · 7 years
smooches you. you are a good person take your time :c
Heck this is really sweet uou thank you <33
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allhailweegee · 7 years
  "if you're smart and a woman you could be a...
jokes on them im gonna raise 6 more smart scientist clones in my lab WHAT NOW
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cosmiccanine · 7 years
crowbawt replied to your post: whomst has been bringing my WiR fanart back from...
Consider: It’s Real Good
I consider this and reply with a flushed-face “d’aww thanks”
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classpectanon · 3 years
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art by @crowbawt (Head Honcho), @tricotiana (Cuestick Genius), @needadispenserhere (Demolitions Expert), and @electroluxx (Bleeding Heart)
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petrolfumes · 2 years
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artfight for crowbawt
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odd-chips · 4 years
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Art Fight piece of Creeper for @crowbawt!
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ghostlycorvid · 4 years
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And my last four for the day ended up all being birdy, these belong to @nukeleer, @/crowbawt @/enochtus and @/havic
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delbiter · 3 years
This is a sideblog to a personal I don’t use anymore and that’s a huge pain in the butt so I remade @crowbawt
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vyraxhaalas · 7 years
♡ get to know me meme ♡
Tagged by: @glitchpuppy
Rules: tag 20 blogs you’d like to get to know better I can promise you right now, I ain’t gonna have twenty.
Nickname: Vy
Zodiac sign: Taurus / Snake
Height: ~5′8″
Last thing you googled: patron silver
Favorite music artists: Oh god...uh... Infected Mushroom, Caravan Palace, Celldweller, And One, IAMX, Blue Stahli, Depeche Mode, Caro Emerald, Noisia, Telekinesis, okay that's it I'm cutting myself off at ten.
Song stuck in my head: Swingrowers - Butterfly
Last movie you watched: The Fifth Element in a theater for the 20th anniversary. Big nostalgia movie for me, so that was pretty cool.
What are you wearing right now: Black jeans, black socks, black boots, open black zip-up hoodie, a goddamn TurboTime shirt.
Why did you chose your URL? ...When I had a Livejournal back in the dark ages, I titled it "Demons and Lollipops." That URL was taken here, but I still wanted something in the same spirit. Ended up fucking around in Latin in Google translate until I found something I liked.
Do you have any other blogs? Some RP blogs, an aesthetic/inspo blog, a test blog, a couple assorted others.
What did your last relationship teach you? A lot. (I'm copping out on this one, sorry.)
Religious or spiritual? Nope.
Favorite color? Black. If we're being nitpicky and saying black isn't a color, blue.
Average hours of sleep? 6-8. Kinda depends when you ask.
Lucky number? 6.
Favorite characters? I mean...Turbo from Wreck-It Ralph, obviously. Vegeta from DBZ. Bowser from Mario series games. Myotismon/VenomMyotismon from Digimon. Death from Discworld novels. General Grievous from Star Wars. Gangrel from Fire Emblem. I’m going to think of more the second I post this.
How many blankets do you sleep in? One generally; two sometimes when it's colder.
Dream Job? Something I'm good at, idk.
People I want to get to know better????
@ultimarouge @slurku @rodentblood @wondermumbles @hookteeth @101hyenas @crowbawt @tacos-are-cornchips @ghostlycorvid if y’all want, pls do not feel obligated.
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