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biteonfood · 28 days ago
What Food Safety Practice Will Help Prevent Biological Hazards?
Foodborne illnesses are preventable! 🛑 Follow these must-know food safety practices: ✅ Control food temperatures (avoid the danger zone!) ✅ Prevent cross-contamination ✅ Maintain strict hygiene & sanitation ✅ Store food properly using FIFO ✅ Clean & sanitize surfaces regularly
Protect your food, protect your health! 🍽️🔬
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fusionflows · 2 years ago
Is Baking Soda Gluten-Free?
A frequent component in many homes is baking soda. It has several applications, including baking, cleaning, and natural deodorizing. You must make sure your diet is gluten-free if you have celiac disease or a gluten sensitivity. A number of symptoms can result from gluten’s ability to irritate the small intestine and harm the gut lining. As a result, those who are sensitive to gluten should be cautious while choosing substances, such as baking soda. In this post, we’ll address the query “Is baking soda gluten-free?” and offer details to assist readers in making defensible choices regarding the use of this chemical in food and cleaning. Read More
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loveletterworm · 9 months ago
heelllp i was going to put the rest of my normal artfight attacks up too but when i put them all in one post it was too funny looking because it's 2 normal drawings of sonic OCs just standing around interspersed with 2 dramatically darkly lit drawings of entirely non-sonic OCs and it looks absurd. One of these has a minor blood explosion in it and it's so jarring next to the normal pictures of sonic animals i have got to sort these better
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silentglassbreak · 7 months ago
if you’re still taking and writing delulu fantasies could i please request one where you meet noah (say you know people working in the scene so you meet them backstage after a show when your friends invite you to spend time with them?).
you’re used to meeting band dudes so it’s nothing but noah tries to appear chill in his pursuit of you. you think he’s cute so you go with it but the most awkward flirtation and cringy smut ensues. (my kink’s an embarrassed noah 😌) thank you so much! <3
Cringey, embarrassed smut? That’s a first for me, and I’m kind of excited LOL. Hopefully this is what you’re looking for!
After Writing Notes: Yaknow, every time I start one of these things, I tell myself I'm going to make it shorter...Anyway, here's 9000 words. Hope you enjoy! Also, huge shoutout to @notyourmomsromancenovel for helping me come up with ideas for cringey smut.
Rating: Explicit
Warnings: injury, fainting, smut (in the goofiest way ever)
Beautiful Mistakes
When you pictured Noah Sebastian - front man and lead vocalist in the viral metal-core band Bad Omens - you pictured something way different.
You had been following the band’s work for a while and, like everyone else, had noticed the immediate shift in their persona and presence. You had been a softcore fan of theirs since 2018, and spent many nights on Twitch, playing Elden Ring and listening to his streams as background noise. Sometimes you had been one of the only people in the chat, listening to him produce his beats or record rough vocals. Other times, you sat and chatted with him while he idly played guitar.
Once the pandemic hit full force, there were plenty of nights you sat and talked to Noah, watching the hilarity that ensued. Cat-eared headset on and music playing, Noah would stare at his screen, munching on the Body of Christ and making ridiculous noises.
“Where are my regulars? I need someone to talk to!”
/CrossContaminate/: I’m right here, calm down.
“Hey! Cross is here! I haven’t seen you in a while.”
/CrossContaminate/: I have a job, Noah. You wouldn’t know about that. 😝
“Woooooow…” He pressed a hand to his chest and stared straight into the camera. “That one stung, girl.”
/CrossContaminate/: How do you know I’m a girl? I could be a 50 year old dude, yaknow.
He raised his eyebrows at that. “You’ve got a point. Maybe you should come on video chat with all of us so we can be sure.” He lowered his glasses down on his nose and looked dead into the camera. “For my own safety, of course.”
You cackled loudly at this, typing out your response.
/CrossContaminate/: Nah, I don’t vid chat. You’ll just have to take my word for it.
He rolled his eyes, and smirked. “Same old Cross, I see.”
Noah tried to get you to join video chat regularly often over the years. He had DM'ed you a few times when he saw you were online, wanting to voice call or join a Discord with him, to which you always declined.
You didn’t have a hard and fast rule against chatting online with people via voice or video, you just didn’t do it. Your life was busy and hectic. You didn’t have a ton of time to yourself, so the nights where you got to sit and just not exist in the real world, and only online, it was nice to just remain anonymous.
You had stumbled across Noah’s Twitch by accident once, when looking for something different. His face captured you, however, and once you clicked into it, you were hooked. It wasn’t so much because he was good looking - he was definitely a cutie - but he looked ridiculous.
His hair was long and haphazard. He was wearing an oversized hoodie, drinking cheap wine straight from the bottle, and he was wearing huge bottle cap sunglasses. It was, by far, the goofiest thing you had seen in a long time. He was playing Dead Space, and would jump at the smallest noises, nearly screaming anytime a monster popped into the frame.
But, as all things, time moved on, and he changed. Once the pandemic was waning down, he had began preparing for the release of his next album. The streams became less frequent, and he put his account on a permanent hiatus.
It was a bummer, so you couldn’t help but try keeping track of him on socials. He was decently active on Twitter and Instagram, but even that began to slow down. He had enough followers that your personal account went unnoticed by him.
Aside from his online presence, his appearance also changed pretty dramatically in a very short time. He cut all of his hair off, which, to be entirely honest, broke your heart some. You had always loved the innocence he seemed to maintain by having the long hair. It hurt your feelings to see it go, but you had to admit, the short hair was something else entirely.
Before, Noah typically stuck to regular t-shirts and jeans, simple and timeless rock and roll fashion. Once they started touring for TDOPOM album, you noticed the dramatic change in their stage presence. Ski masks, all black clothing, track pants, and heavy coats. Noah usually ended the set in a black wife-beater top, and you noticed the other change.
He was fucking stacked, now. Noah had always been skinny and long - like a toothpick. Not anymore. His shoulders had broadened, his neck was thicker, and his arms were defined and muscular. That was a change you didn’t mind at all.
What happened? Was second puberty a thing? Because you swore that could be the only explanation for such a drastic difference in Noah in such a short time period.
Although you watched the band from afar, you never had made any time to go see them live, always working anymore. That sucked, because even if you had, it’s not like you’d be able to see him. He was too big of a celebrity now, and you were far from. He likely wouldn’t even remember you, so you never bothered.
As silly as it sounded, it almost hurt your feelings the same as watching an old friend change and grow apart from you over time, even though that wasn’t exactly the case here.
Although, you rationalized that you and him did speak nearly every day for almost two whole years - so it wasn’t that silly, was it?
So you were absolutely floored when your best friend called you, random Friday evening, and asked you for a favor.
“I booked a gig for tomorrow, and I know it’s last minute, but the guy who was supposed to be helping ate some bad sushi or something, and I could desperately use a hand.”
You groaned, rolling your eyes, trying not to be too loud in the Target checkout line.
“It’s my only day off, Iz.”
She huffed. “I know, I know, but I promise it pays really well!”
You growled into the receiver. “Dude, I just did a gig last night, and I have another to do tonight!”
“It’s only four hours! And it pays twelve hundred.”
You were ready to protest, but stopped. “Total?”
“A piece.”
“Fuck, dude. That’s more than double what a normal gig that long pays.”
“I know, that’s why I’m saying, worth the exhaustion.”
You finished scanning your items, pulling your card out to pay. “That kind of money, probably a big band. Who is it?”
“Bad Omens, have you heard of them?”
You stopped, eyes snapping up and fingers stalling at the card reader. “No shit, huh?”
“So, you have heard of them?”
You grabbed your bag, making your way outside. “Yeah, actually. Remember that guy on Twitch I used to talk to?”
“Noah?” It took her a second to put the pieces together, so you stayed silent while she did. “Oh, Noah! As in Noah Sebastian!”
“Well shit! Maybe he remembers you!”
You shook your head, taking a long gulp of your iced coffee. “Mm-mm,” You set the drink down. “he never saw my face or heard my voice. Didn’t even know my real name.”
“Yep. Only knew me by my tag. He called me ‘Cross’ for short.”
“Ah, okay, so he’ll have no idea who you are!” She laughed at this.
You switched the call to your Bluetooth and sighed. “I guess, since you asked so fucking nicely and I need to pay my rent, I will agree to do the gig with you.”
She squeaked in appreciation. “You’re saving my ass, dude.”
You shrugged. “Pick me up at least two hours before. We need time to prepare.”
“Noon, then?”
“I’ll be ready.”
You and Isobel were known, by the official term in the industry, as Venue Assistants. You were independent contractors who were recommended to acts by the venues, and hired by those bands for specific occasions to help ensure a smooth, easy show. This could mean anything from stocking the green room, switching out instruments, helping with outfit changes, grabbing anything the artists needed. It was an exhausting job, and you had been doing it for about five years now. As tiring as it was, it paid well, and it was a lot of fun. You had the opportunity to meet some of the best bands in the industry - and some of the worst. You had more stories to tell than anyone, and you wouldn’t change careers if you were paid to.
At the venue the following day, you had received word from the stage director that the band was running behind, and they needed you both to grab food and coffees for all of them. Typically, you’d roll your eyes at this, but you didn’t immediately, as you knew life happened, and it could’ve happened for a lot of reasons. You had gone and grabbed the guys their Chinese food while Iz picked up the Starbucks order, and arrived back at the theater just before the band did.
They came in, all looking rather tired and irritated. Noah was the last to enter, baseball hat on his head and wearing basketball shorts under his large hoodie.
“All I’m saying is, I don’t know how you had no idea the window would break.” The man who you recognized to be Jolly was still lecturing Noah as they came in, dropping their bags down.
You and Isobel were in the back of the room, speaking with the crew who were preparing to bring in the instruments and equipment. You planned to help unload it all, so you were listening to the stage director instruct them on where to place everything.
“It was a stress ball! Why would I think it would break the window?!”
“Because it was hard?” Folio piped up as he sat down, tearing into the food.
“Look, it’s not a huge deal. Safelite said they can have it fixed before tomorrow. It’ll be fine!”
You shook your head, sincerely wondering what the hell they were talking about. Your attention, however, was pulled back to Isobel. You followed her out to the truck where the loading ramp was being pulled down.
“You going to talk to him?” She asked as she began pulling a mic stand out. You grabbed one of the smaller amps, and followed her back to the delivery door.
“Probably not. We’ve got a lot to do.”
“I mean,” She set the stand down and looked over to where the band sat, apparently still arguing amongst themselves, and looked back at you. “you could go talk to him now? I can unload this with the guys.”
“I need to earn my paycheck too, Iz.”
“Why don’t you want to talk to him?”
You stopped walking away, turning to look at her. “I never said that.”
“So go talk to him? He’s just a guy.”
You sighed, narrowing your eyes at her. “Fine, I will.”
Stomping back toward the couches of the green room, you heard her laugh behind you. It wasn’t any big deal, you didn’t see why she was bugging you about this. You inhaled a big breath, and walked straight up to the group, noticing they were all now sat and eating.
“Hey guys.” You waved a hand at them. “I don’t mean to bug you while you’re eating. I just wanted to introduce myself. I’ll be one of your VA’s for the evening. If you need anything at all, or have any preferences I should be aware of, please don’t hesitate to ask.”
They all set their food down and stood, pushing their hands out for you to shake. You took each one gracefully, hearing them tell you their names, which you already knew.
The last to introduce himself was Noah, who, while leaning over the table to take your grasp, knocked a bottle of soy sauce down, causing you to jump back. It was too late, and your dark blue jeans had black splatter on them.
“Fuck! I’m so sorry!”
You grabbed a napkin and patted at the spots quickly, waving. “No, it’s okay. It shouldn’t stain.” Hopefully.
Nicholas grabbed a roll of paper towels from the back table and cleaned it up quickly, smiling sheepishly at you. “You’ll have to excuse Noah. He’s as clumsy as they come.”
Noah smacked a hand at his shoulder. “Not true, dick.” He looked back up at you apologetically. “Again, I’m so sorry.”
Moving around the table to approach him, you took his hand. “It’s really no problem.”
“I didn’t catch your name?” You gave it to him, and he smiled brightly at you. “That’s different?”
Smirking, you nodded. “It is. You can just call me Cross.”
For a second, you weren’t sure he was going to get it. His hand continued shaking yours for an unnecessarily long time while his brow furrowed, staring at you. After a moment, he cocked his head to the side.
“Cross…” He strung the word out on his tongue. “As in…” You could actually see the light bulb go off behind his eyes, and they popped open wide.
“Oh shit!” His hand let go of yours, and suddenly he was grabbing you by the forearms, startling you a bit. “No fucking way!”
He was smiling way bigger than you expected, but in that smile, you saw that same goofy guy that used to sit with you for hours, chatting online and dicking around.
“I wasn’t sure you’d remember.” You grinned back at him, trying to push down the little bit of butterflies that started trying to scoot their way into your chest.
You noticed how his face fell just slightly when you said it, likely remembering quite how long it had been. “Of course I remember.” His voice was even, but he still looked enthused.
“Well, it’s good to finally meet you.”
He looked up and down at you, taking a step back for effect. “Yeah, same here. I guess you aren’t a fifty year old dude after all.”
Your face flushed at that, and you shook your head. “Nope. Sorry to disappoint.”
“Care to introduce?” Jolly stood behind you, and you turned to see him stand with a raised eyebrow.
Noah took the initiative to push you slightly toward the rest of the band.
“You guys remember when I used to stream all the time? And I had that one chick who used to join every day and chat with me for hours? She was the one who used to tell people I was a Billie Eilish fan page.” He looked down at you with an eyebrow raised, and you broke out in hard laughter.
“Well, you practically were, Noah!”
He shook his head, turning to tower over you. “I was not! I just like her music!”
Folio stood up, smiling wide. “Oh, dude I remember that! Didn’t she hack into your account and change your profile photo and everything?”
Noah glared down at you, which caused a whole new fit of giggles to erupt.
“What?! It got you more subs!”
He rolled his eyes and pulled your arm, moving you to sit on the couch next to him.
“How have you been?” He shoved a mouthful of chow mein and spoke around his food. “I know it’s been a while, I’m sorry.”
You just shook your head. “No need to apologize. You’ve been busy.”
He beamed at that. “Have you heard the new album?”
“I have. It’s really great.”
“You think? I appreciate that.”
You sat back, watching how he inhaled the food in front of him. “Also, I’ve been good. Also keeping busy.”
Wiping his mouth on a napkin, he nodded. “This is what you do? Full time?”
“Yeah, been doing it a while. I like it.”
He leaned back also, arms falling into his lap. The other guys had began to disperse, heading to different parts of the building to begin their preparations.
"That's cool."
The conversation fell silent between you both, and you cleared your throat. "Well, it's really good to see you, Noah."
He affirmed with a nod, chewing on his lip. "I feel bad for not keeping in touch."
"Oh stop. You had no way to reach me other than Twitch."
"That's true. I don't have social media anymore, either." He shrugged his shoulders.
"Yeah, I saw that."
The quiet was strange and uncomfortable, and you decided not to stall your job any longer. "Well, I'd better get back to work."
He stood too, bumping into your shoulder as he did, nearly knocking you back into the couch. Instantly, his hand reached out to grab you.
"Shit!" He exclaimed, and in his attempt to hook your arm, his hand missed, and grabbed a full hand of your right breast.
A sharp gasp tumbled out of you, and he pulled his hand back with haste, causing you to lose your balance again, and fall backward, the back of your head smacking the arm of the couch.
"Damn it!" He crouched down to grab you, but your hand came up in front of you.
"Uhm," You squeezed your eyes closed, clearing the spots that formed in your vision. "I got it."
Sitting up, you rubbed at the back of your head. He sat down again, keeping about a foot of distance between you.
"I'm so fucking sorry."
Your eyes opened, seeing the look of absolute shame and guilt painted on his face. It was comical.
What a fucking doofus.
"Noah," You turned your head back and forth to assess if your neck was injured. It wasn't. "I think your clumsiness is spreading."
His face fell in his hands. "I'm so sorry." He apologized again, groaning loudly. "I don't know what's wrong with me today!"
"Everyone has off days." You assured, taking a moment before you stood back up.
"Not like today. I broke a window in the tour bus this morning, that's why we were late."
Your mouth fell open. "You broke the window?"
"I didn't mean to! I had one of those squishy stress-ball things? It was real firm, cause it was new. So I was trying to soften it up by squeezing it, and I thought, maybe if I bounced it a few times, it would get softer..."
Your eyebrows shot up in disbelief. "You didn't..."
"I just tossed it gently and the fucking thing broke a hole clean out of the window!"
Maybe it was the near-concussion or the obscenity of it all, but a guttural laughter came out of you, making you fall back onto the couch clutching your sides.
"It's not funny!" Noah tried to argue, but ended up laughing with you, his bravado deflating.
"Ah, Noah," You wiped the tears spilling from your eyes. "you really haven't changed."
After your unfortunate accident earlier, Noah had insisted on exchanging numbers with you, so he could check in and make sure you were okay throughout the night. This was after he failed to convince you to go get checked out at an ER, and swore him to not tell anyone what happened. The last thing you needed was an incident in the workplace.
Noah was half an hour from going onstage, and you were on the side stage, checking the battery level of all of the microphones. Your phone buzzed in your back pocket and you rolled your eyes. It had been nearly constant for the last three hours.
Noah: Checking in. How's the head?
You sighed, typing a quick response.
You: Same as it was twenty minutes ago - normal.
Noah: Any pain?
You: No.
That wasn't entirely true. You had a dull throbbing at the base of your skull, but you were doing a great job of ignoring it.
Noah: Okay. Where are you?
You: Stage left. I'm covering you and Folio tonight, so I'm checking the mics and making sure all your stuff is ready.
Noah: Cool. Need any help?
You: Shouldn't you be getting ready?
Noah: Yeah, probably.
You snickered, staring at your screen before sending the next message.
You: If I didn't know better, I'd think you concussed me just to ask me for my number.
It was stupid, but you couldn't help but fuck with him a little bit. His response came quickly.
Noah: Maybe I did. ;P
You scowled down at the phone. What the hell?
His type bubble appeared quickly, another message coming in.
Noah: Wait, that sounded creepy. I'm kidding, I swear.
You: Suuuuuuure
He read that message, but didn't respond. You had definitely caught him a little off-guard and it made you laugh. You stared down at the winking face emoji, and it dawned on you that he was flirting with you. You visibly shivered, somewhat stunned.
Noah Sebastian was tall, dark, and sexy in almost every video and interview you had watched of him since he went dark over a year ago...but inside, it appeared he was still just as dorky and uncoordinated as you always knew him to be. You didn't realize it was quite this bad, however.
And not only was he clumsy, he was bad at flirting too...
You shook off the feeling, trying your hardest not to smile at the thought. Despite the ickiness of it all, you were flattered. He may be kind of Scooby-Doo-ish, but he was handsome, and talented. He also had a soft, deep side of him that you had the pleasure of seeing on more than one occasion.
Maybe he was just nervous? Maybe you could just go with it and see how it turned out?
You resolved to push it to the back of your mind for the time being, placing yourself back into your professional work mindset as the show began.
Noah was entirely different on stage, completely in control and flowing effortlessly through the songs. He looked like an entirely different person out there. He would pop back to the sides here and there to get some water, switch out his mic, or wipe the sweat from his face. Each time, he'd give you a look of concern, and ask about your head again. You would just shush him and push him back out onto the stage.
You were also covering Folio, who was up on the riser, beating away at his drum set. The stairs you had to climb were tall, and after the third trip up here, you felt the room tilt like it was turning on it's side. You held the railing, catching Folio's eye as the darkened room began lighting up again.
He mouthed at you a quick 'You good?' and you just nodded, throwing him a thumbs up, and heading back down the stairs. Noah was stood, gulping his water, and staring at you.
"I saw that. What's wrong?"
You shook your head. "Nothing, go, the next song is starting."
He pressed a hand into your shoulder, now looking much more stern than worried. "I don't care. Are you okay?"
Still trying to brush it off, you grabbed hold of his arm, trying to push him away. It didn't occur to you that it was also instinctive, as your feet were starting to feel a little numb. "Noah, you don't have time for this."
He stood square in front of you, eyebrows raised and arms crossed over his chest.
"Are. You. Okay?" He enunciated each word, but he suddenly started to look so much taller than he did a second ago. And when did he become so fuzzy?
Your hand squeezed where it was hooked onto his bicep in an attempt to stop the inevitable, but, unfortunately, before he could manage to reach for you, the room went dark.
Your eyes cracked open, a harsh light shining in them, and you squinted against it.
"Hey, you with us?" A blonde man you didn't recognize stared down at you, a stethoscope around his neck and gloves on his hands.
A paramedic. Amazing.
When you looked around, you realized you were on a gurney, sitting in the back of an ambulance with the doors open, in the parking lot of the venue. It was the paramedic that was on call at the theater that night.
"Ugh, no fucking way." You tried to sit up, but a hand pressed onto your shoulder. You shifted your eyes to see Isobel sitting on the bench next to the stretcher. "Iz? What happened?"
The EMT spoke for her, putting his light back in his shirt pocket, and began moving his fingers back and forth in front of your face for you to follow.
"Well, you passed out, and cracked your head on the floor pretty good." You squeezed your eyes closed in frustration. "Big guy in there told us you hit your head earlier, too? That's probably what caused you to faint."
Yeah. Big, dumb, gargantuan guy.
"My head hurts." You winced as the medic turned your neck, checking your range of motion.
"I'm sure it does. You're all intact, it appears, but given that this was the second impact today, I strongly suggest going to the ER to get a scan."
You rolled your eyes, trying again to sit up. "I don't think-"
Isobel cut you off. "We're going."
The EMT nodded, and reached to begin shutting the doors. Admitting defeat, you carefully laid your head back down. The vehicle started moving and you let out a hard breath.
"We're so not getting paid for tonight."
Iz laughed, shaking her head. "I think it'll be fine. Noah was in a near panic attack when he moved you to the couch. Kept saying it was all his fault."
You snickered. "Kind of is."
"He wanted to cancel the rest of the show, but I told him you'd have a full stroke if he did that because of you."
Your eyes popped open, and you tried to sit up. "He didn't do that, did he?!"
The EMT pressed you back down. "Easy, easy."
Isobel patted your shoulder. "No, he didn't."
You melted back onto the bed. "Oh thank fuck for that."
The ride to the Emergency Room was short, and the nurses made quick work of getting you into a rollable bed and carting you off to get a CT scan of your head and neck. That was mundane, but they had given you something decent for the pain, so it wasn't so bad. You hummed to yourself as you were rolled back to your room, and Isobel was missing. You whipped your head around, looking to see if she was anywhere to be found, but a voice came from the opposite side.
"She went to get a snack."
Noah stood by the doorway, hands in the pockets of his cargo pants, white t-shirt on, and a beanie over his hair. He had cleaned up since the show, you could tell.
"The show is over already?"
He huffed out a laugh, stepping over to the end of your bed. "Yeah, for a little while now. You've been at the hospital for two hours."
You raised your eyebrows, but it didn't phase you too much. "Time flies when you're on morphine, I suppose."
His hands gripped the rails at the end of the bed. "How you doing?"
You nodded, sinking against the mattress. "I mean, I've been better, but I've been worse."
He lifted an eyebrow at you, and moved to perch himself on the very edge of the end of the bed. "Yeah? That's...better than nothing?"
You nodded, looking him up and down. He looked more like himself in this outfit, and you liked it. It felt more genuine.
"How did the rest of the show go?"
He shrugged his shoulders, hands still in his pockets. "Good, I guess. I was stressed, so I felt like I kind of rushed through it."
You brought your arms up behind your head, getting comfortable. "You shouldn't have. I'm good."
Noah deadpanned at you. "Obviously you weren't. You should've gone to the hospital earlier."
You scoffed. "Oh well. Doesn't matter now."
He was leaned over, his shoulder pulled in and he looked nervous.
"What's wrong?"
"What?" He looked bewildered.
"You look upset or something?"
He snickered, readjusting his feet on the floor. "Well, I gave you a concussion, couldn't convince you to get checked out and agreed not to tell anyone, which led to you getting an even worse concussion, and you're now potentially bleeding into your brain... That's probably got something to do with it."
You waved a hand at him. "Details. It's not a big deal."
He shook his head, looking at the wall adjacent from him and not at you. "This is not how I pictured us getting to meet."
This interested you, so you probed. "You pictured us meeting?"
He smirked. "We talked for a couple years, Cross. Of course I did."
"And how was that supposed to go?" High or not, you were curious.
He chuckled, still not looking at you. "Not like this."
You rolled your eyes. "Well, duh. But what did you expect?"
"I don't know. Something normal? Hanging at a movie or getting food? Like normal people?"
You cackled. "Well, you're not normal, Noah."
"Clearly." He said through grit teeth.
Leaning back again, you relaxed, and pursed your lips. "Were you trying to flirt with me earlier?"
You could tell this caught him by surprise, as he began looking nervous again. "What do you mean?"
"Well, either your were trying to flirt, or you actually gave me a concussion just to get my phone number."
He bit back a laugh, looking at you sheepishly. "Yeah, no that wasn't on purpose. Just a bad joke."
"Well, you could've just asked for my number, is all I'm saying."
He shook with soft laughter. "Noted." He stood then, turning toward the doorway where Isobel could be seen coming down the hallway. "Well, I mostly wanted to make sure you were okay. I should go."
Something about that didn't feel right to you, and you sat up a little quickly, your brain sloshing slightly in your skull, but you ignored it.
"You're leaving?" In your inebriated mind, you pictured yourself looking silly and desperate, but your logic knew that likely was just the drugs talking.
“Yeah, well, you don’t need a disaster magnet hanging around.” He said looking timid.
Isobel had joined you back in the bedroom, and was turning to look between the both of you.
“Everything okay?” She stared at Noah, and he reached a hand to palm the back of his neck.
“Yeah, I was just getting ready to head out.”
Your mouth moved before you could stop it. “No he wasn’t.”
Both of their heads snapped to look up at you, and he looked so puzzled. “No?”
You shook your head, soft smile adorning your face. “No, not unless you have somewhere to be.”
Isobel picked up on the tension in the room and made a show to look at her smart watch.
“Oh damn, look at that, I’m getting a call. Be right back.”
She slipped from the room and Noah focused his stare back on you.
“You want me to stay?”
You nodded, crossing your legs in front of you and sitting straight.
“That could be hazardous, you know?” He joked, but rounded back around by the bed, sitting a little closer to you on the edge.
“I don’t care.”
It took what felt like forever for the doctor to finally enter the room, interrupting yours and Noah’s game of hot hands you were playing while Iz sat in a chair on the side, chatting idly about the next gig she had booked for Motionless in White.
“Ah, I see your coordination is no issue.” The doctor spoke right as your hand came down to slap the back of Noah’s hard, forcing him to pull away hastily and hiss in pain.
You giggled, and turned to face the physician. “How’s my head?” He looked down at his paperwork, nodding in approval. Noah moved off the bed so the doctor could come around and shine a light at your eyes for the hundredth time.
“Looks good. No bleeds, no fractures. You shouldn’t have any lasting side effects aside from some headaches for a few days.” You smiled and glanced at Noah, seeing the physical relief he breathed out.
“You need to follow up with a neurologist in one week, and you need to stay in bed for at least five days.”
You grunted in disapproval. “That sucks.”
He sucked his teeth. “I know, but it’s just a precaution. Do you live with someone? Parents? Roommate? Boyfriend?”
If Noah were a dog, his ears would have been perking at that last word.
You shook your head. “Just me.”
He shrugged. “I don’t like the idea of you being alone. Can you stay with someone until you can go to the neurologist?”
I sunk down. “Not really? I have a cat that needs to be looked after.”
“I can come stay with you.” Isobel spoke up from her side of the bed, and I smiled at her appreciatively.
“Okay, good. I think I can get you out of here, then. No blood thinners for a few days, just Tylenol for pain. You experience any odd symptoms or pain that’s unbearable, you come straight back, yes?”
You nodded, and he smiled.
“Great, I’ll put in for the discharge.”
You turned to look at her, reaching out for her to take your hand. “You didn’t have to do that, Iz.”
She smirked. “Someone has to.”
You laughed. “Yeah, I guess so.”
“Can we just stop by my place? I’ve got a couple things I need to do, it’ll take a couple hours, probably. Or I can drop you off and head back over?”
“She shouldn’t be alone, though, right?” Noah piped up from where he stood on the opposing side of the bed.
You sighed. “I’m so tired though. I want to go home and get in my sweats.”
He pursed his lips, mind working while looking at your face, before glancing back up to Isobel.
“Why don’t I take her home, and I can hang with her till you get there? That way you can do what you need to, but she can go home and get comfortable?”
Isobel eyed you, wanting to hear your thoughts on it before she answered. You just shrugged in response, and she slowly tore her eyes off of you to look back at Noah.
“Alright, but be careful driving her home.” She smiled in a patronizing fashion. “You can understand my hesitation after today.”
He clenched his jaw, knowing exactly what she meant, and looked back down at you. You felt your cheeks heat up under his gaze.
His eyes fell back to Iz, that sternness returning in his tone.
“I‘ll be careful.”
The drive back to your apartment was silent, the air hanging with uncertainty. The only sound above the whir of the motor was you giving directions to your place, and Noah humming his understanding.
It took until you were over halfway there for him to look at you, eyes looking sad.
“Feel like the morphine’s wearing off?”
You were rubbing at your temples, and you snorted. “How could you tell?”
He smirked. “I’m so sorry.”
You groaned. “Noah, if you apologize one more time, I’m going to slap you.”
He sucked his lips in and looked back out the windshield.
“It wasn’t your fault, it happens.”
His knuckles flexed on the steering wheel and he inhaled a long breath. "It's actually, technically, one hundred percent my fault." He admitted, gritting his teeth.
He pulled into the parking lot of your apartment complex, and his vehicle came to a stop just outside of your building.
"I don't suppose you live on the first floor?" He chanced, but you shook your head.
"Third." He looked like he was about to start stressing, but you smiled. "There's an elevator."
This made him relax back in his seat before he stepped out, moving quickly to your side and letting you out.
He carried your bag and sweater in his arms as you led up to the elevator, and down the hall to your small one-bedroom apartment. Once inside, your white, short-haired cat bound up to you both, meowing with fervor.
Noah looked down at her, and back up to you. You reached down and scooped up her small body with one hand, holding her to your chest.
"Noah, this is Narcissa."
He smiled, petting her head with one finger, which she accepted graciously.
"She's probably starving, I'd better feed her." Before you could move toward the kitchen, he put a hand on your arm.
"Let me. Where's her food?"
You pointed him in the right direction, taking the moment to head into your bedroom, kicking your shoes off and reaching for a t-shirt from the closet and a pair of shorts from the drawer of your long dresser. He appeared in the doorway right after you had slipped the shirt over your head, and he leaned against the frame.
"She's fed. Anything I can get you?"
You panned around the room, thinking for a moment. "I've got some chips and salsa in the kitchen. Chips in the pantry and salsa in the fridge. Want to grab it and meet me in the living room?"
He nodded, heading to complete his task. You padded over to the couch, dropping down onto the soft cushions, and pulled your sofa blanket over you. He joined you after a moment, setting the food on the coffee table, your phone next to it.
"Thought you'd want that."
He sat and watched the television as you flipped through Hulu, looking for something to watch. You could feel how uncomfortable he was, trying so hard to keep a wide distance from you, likely so as not to hurt you.
He looked over, eyebrows raised. "Hmm?"
You made a show of relaxing back on the couch, and motioned for him to do the same. "Take a breath. I'm fine."
He tried, leaning back and exhaling loudly. "You okay with Evil Dead? It's one of my favorites."
"Sure. I've seen it a couple times."
You sat back, now munching on some chips, and offered him the bag. He grabbed some, crunching on them loudly.
The movie played, but you could feel how, as he finally did begin to relax, he was moving somewhat closer to you. It was fascinating. He wasn't doing it on purpose, it was almost as if he was a magnet, and you were the pole it attached to.
"Can I ask you a question?" He looked over at you, listening. "Why did you go dark?"
You could see he was baffled by the so off-topic ask, and he took a moment to gather his thoughts.
"Uh," He looked back at you. "A lot of reasons, really."
"Mm." You nodded, setting the chips back on the table. "Why did you go dark on me?"
This caught his complete attention, and his body turned to face you. "What?"
"You didn't even say bye or anything. You just...stopped coming online. And I had no way to reach out."
He furrowed his brow. "I'm a little surprised you wanted to, Cross."
He made a noise that sounded nearly annoyed. "Well, you never wanted to talk on a call. You never showed your face. You wouldn't even tell me your real name."
Guilt sunk in to your gut, reminding you that he was absolutely right.
"I just figured you weren't interested in maintaining the friendship beyond what it was, so I didn't think about it."
You nodded, understanding. There was nothing wrong with it, but it still sort of hurt your feelings.
"I get it. I was just curious."
"Why didn't you ever reach out?"
You opened your mouth to respond, but had to stop, because you realized...you didn't know. There wasn't a clear, concise reason why. Maybe you liked the idea of Noah being just an idea? A friend? Someone who didn't know you, and all that came with? Maybe it made it easier to feel safe talking to him?
He noticed you were uncomfortable with the conversation, and waved it off. "It doesn't matter now."
You had to agree with that. It wasn't going to change anything.
"Well, let's just watch the movie and you can rest."
You leaned back on the couch, and it wasn't lost on you that Noah was slowly scooting closer still, only now, you were pretty sure he was doing it on purpose. The room felt warm, and you adjusted under the blanket to kick a leg out, it being pressed against his. His eyes darted down to where you had touched him, and back up to your face. You kept your eyes straight ahead, smirking at the situation.
He leaned forward, pulling his beanie off and running his hand through his hair. "Is it warm in here?"
You smiled, just dropping your shoulders. He leaned back, and tried so desperately to smoothly slip an arm on the back of the couch, stretching at the same time.
He wasn't actually doing this, was he?
He was adorable, despite how absolutely ridiculous he was. He was nervous, and you knew that, but you worked overtime to hide your amusement, just shifting so you were pressed into his side.
His hand hesitated on the back of the couch, twitching as if he wanted to just wrap it around your shoulders, your head now resting on his chest.
You sighed loudly. "Noah, just put your arm around me."
"Yup." He gripped you, and adjusted to curl into him closer, leg falling over his. You giggled at him, and he pressed his face into the top of your head, embarrassed. "Clearly, I'm not good at this."
The movie played on, and at the scarier parts, you gripped his shirt tightly. You weren't very spooked, but it was what you did when snuggling on the couch with a cute boy, so you just went with it.
"Cross?" His voice was small, and you pressed in closer to hear him better.
"I really want to kiss you, but I'm kind of," He cleared his throat. "afraid?"
You scrunched up your nose and lifted your face to look at him. "Afraid?" His eyes were so big and doe-like, it pulled at something in your chest.
"Yeah, after all that's happened today? What if I miss and...I don't know...break your nose, or something?"
It took a second, but your face broke out in a large grin and you started laughing like a hyena. It was so absurd.
You had to take a breath, the ache in your head beginning to throb a little harder with your labored breathing. "I'm sorry!" You squeaked out, trying to contain yourself.
"Is it that hard to believe?"
You shook your head. "It's not." You could barely hold the giggles in. "That's why it's so funny."
He narrowed his eyes, pulling his arm from where it was wrapped around your back, but you pushed in closer, finally halting your laughing and looked at him.
"Noah," You lifted one hand to press your palm against his cheek. "if you want to kiss me, just do it."
His eyes flipped between both of yours, considering, before he leaned in and you closed your eyes.
Problem is, so did he...
His top teeth collided into yours making a harsh clacking sound, and causing you both to pull away hastily.
"God damn it!" His hand pressed into his gums, and he stared at you. "Are you okay?" You were laughing again, and he growled. "Maybe we should just not even try."
The tears in your eyes glistened, making him look glittery in your vision, and you just smiled brightly at him.
"Fucking hell, Noah."
You lifted yourself up, grabbing his face, and pressing your mouth to his, this time without incident. Your lips molded to his, and you felt him let out a breath he had been holding. His hands cautiously grabbed you, gently moving you to position so you straddled him, lips not disconnecting as he did.
Your hands gripped his hair, pulling his head back and exposing his neck. Your lips went to work laying featherlike kisses on the soft skin when you heard his voice.
"Uhm, Cross?" He was out of breath, and his chest was heaving. "We probably shouldn't do anything too crazy, on account of the concussion." His voice sounded unconvinced, but still, you pulled back, raising an eyebrow at him.
"My brain is fine. Now, let me have some fun, for fucking once."
His fingers dug into your sides, and your tongue was tracing his tattoos on the side of his throat.
"B-But, I really don't know if we should. The doctor said-"
You pulled back again, this time becoming annoyed. "The doctor said I needed to stay in bed. This counts."
"Okay, but, what if it makes it worse?"
You deflated a bit, hands falling down onto your lap. "Do you not want to do this?" Your voice had cracked just slightly, and you silently cursed yourself for it.
His eyes bulged, and he grabbed you harder. "No, I do! I really, really do. I just don't want to hurt you."
Even with the concern and empathy in his voice, you couldn't help but grind down onto his hips, noticing his pants were significantly tighter, and pull a moan straight out of his chest.
"You won't Noah. At least, not in a bad way." You wiggled your brows at him and gripped the sides of his neck.
He looked confused. "Is there a good way?" Incredulously, you dropped your forehead on his chest, his mind catching up a second later. "Oh! Oh right! Sorry, I don't know where my mind is right now."
You just kissed him again, tired of talking - or whatever that was - about it. Noah lifted his hips to push into you, which was the first thing he had done right all evening. You felt his erection beneath the layers of fabric between you, the friction delicious against your crotch. This time, he began placing soft kisses on your neck, barely touching the skin and teasing you.
His fingers loosened around your hips and wandered up to your shirt, slipping underneath and goosebumps rose on your skin where he touched. His hands found your breasts and took them in handfuls.
You couldn't help but giggle at the memory that flashed through your head, which caused him to look up at you.
You smiled down at him. "Nothing, it's just that you grabbed my chest earlier when you tried to catch me. I was just thinking, I like this better."
He sighed, his head falling back. "I was hoping you hadn't noticed that."
You kissed him again, pressing back down on him, and regaining his attention.
"Noah?" His eyes looked at yours, his body now rhythmically pressing into you. "Fuck me? Please?"
You didn't mean to sound quite so needy, but it just came out that way. You were aching so bad for it, and you felt as if he didn't slip inside you soon, you may explode.
His eyes darkened, and he smiled back at you, his arms flexing around your waist and lifting you gently to lay you down on the couch. Hands making quick work of your shorts, pulling them off and staring at you. You may have forgotten to put panties on when you changed earlier, so he was marveling at the sight in front of him.
His tongue darted out to lick his lips before he pulled his own pants and boxers down, exposing his cock. You were impressed. Where Noah lacked grace and technique, he made up elsewhere. He slipped his hand into his pocket, fishing his wallet out. He located the condom quickly and applied it, giving himself a few long strokes as his free hand slid down your stomach, fingertips running through your folds for a second.
"You're sure it won't hurt you?" His mouth was hung open, and you rolled your eyes in response.
You reached your arms up, grabbing at him and pulling him down toward you. He fell forward with you, and his hand came down hard on the edge of the coffee table by mistake. He pulled it back, yelping.
"Fuck!" He shook out his hand, and you grabbed his face, forcing him to look at you.
"It's okay. Just look at me." Doing as he was told, his dick pressed against your entrance, nudging for approval.
You rocked your hips up, assisting him as he slipped partially inside of you. The stretch burned incredibly, your eyes rolling back with it.
"Oh, wow." Your words were just breaths, arms wrapping around his neck. "T-That's...wow."
Noah's hips pulled back before snapping forward, driving into you with force. Your body shook with the feeling, clenching down around him. His lips were pressing kisses into the skin on your jaw and collarbone, adding to the lovely sensation.
"Holy fuck, Noah." You lifted your legs to lock around his waist, pushing your hips up. "Harder."
He rammed your body into the cushions, the back of the couch smacking the wall loudly.
"J-Jesus. So good." His words were so quiet, you almost didn't hear. His face was buried in your neck, sweat forming in his hair. "You're so tight."
His whispers were pushing you off the edge. "Ugh, keep talking to me." Your hands gripped his hair, pulling at the roots.
"Fucking can't take it, it's so good. So perfect. So wet." He was railing you so hard, you felt as though you may cry from the sensation. "Just want to stay buried inside you all night, baby."
His words came out so softly, so soothingly that you let your body relax and let go, orgasm ready to tip.
That is, until...
"Ow..." It was almost silent. "Oww..." That was louder. "Ow! Ouch! Fuck!" He sat up suddenly, falling back on the couch.
You sat up, your head still spinning. "What's wrong?!" Your hands wandered over him, but he lifted his leg up on the couch, gripping his calf.
"Fucking leg cramp." His fingers pressed into the visibly tight muscle, and you fell backward, orgasm officially lost.
"I'm sorry!" He tried to reach for you, but you lifted your head, shooting him a warning glance. He pulled back, face turning a deep shade of red.
His cock, however, was stood at full attention still.
Rolling your tongue around in your mouth, you swung your legs off the couch and stood. You pointed to the cushions, and demanded him. "Lay down."
Without hesitation, he did as he was told, laying flat on his back, and stared at you longingly.
Wasting no time, you sat down, sliding onto him with ease now that you'd had a chance to adjust. The angle made you feel so full, so satiated. You let out a long, comfortable moan.
His hands grabbed you, and you began to rock back and forth, begging to chase that lost climax. He peered up at you through half-masked lids, fingers gripping your thighs now.
"Is that better, baby?" You nodded, fingernails scratching down his chest. "Going to come this way? Make a mess all over me?"
Just like Noah was on stage, when he was fucking, he liked to be in control. He was good at it, too.
You nodded, pressing your clit into the skin of his pubic bone. The friction combined with the pressure he was putting on that spot inside you had your thrusts more erratic.
"Can't last like this, honey. You're going to make me come if you keep riding me so fucking good."
His hips were rocking up into you, finding the wave you were riding and helping it wash over you.
"Noah..." You whimpered, hands digging into the skin of his sides. "I'm going to come."
"Yeah, baby, come for me."
His voice, so deep, raspy, sultry, shoved you over that edge, your body slowing down and spasming around him. His hips only had to buck up two more times before he was groaning, leaving fingerprint bruises in your thighs.
You both stayed still, breathing heavily, staring at each other. A grin creeped up onto your face slowly, a matching expression on his.
Both lost in your own universe, neither of you had heard the front door unlocking...
"Hey! I got finished quicker than I expected, so I-"
Both of your heads whipped to the front door, where Isobel had stepped in, duffel bag on her arm and food bags in the other.
"Jesus fucking Christ!" She turn around, covering her eyes with her hand. "What the fuck!"
You and Noah promptly jumped together, scrambling to right yourselves. He pulled at his pants that were still wrapped around his ankles, and you grabbed the blanket from the couch. He sat upright on the sofa, and you pressed against him, pulling the blanket over yourself.
Mortified, you both waited for her to turn around, which she did, eventually.
"Sorry about that, Iz." You said as you interlaced your fingers with Noah's, who was using his other hand to fully cover his face in humiliation.
"Not what I was expecting to see today!" She squealed, walking past the couch toward the kitchen. "I have food, you fucking pervs."
Once she had left the living room, you and Noah looked up at each other, both blushing furiously at having been caught in the act.
Even with the added mishap, you both broke out into large, shining smiles, laughing at the situation.
What a fucking doofus.
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timehascomeagain · 1 year ago
Had some RICE noodles earlier and I've had the gluten aches #crosscontamination #soyasauce #pain for literally 5hrs I'm going to puke my body feels like a fragile, unable thing
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cryptosexologist · 2 years ago
so yeah if yer a picky eater theres a chance a good irish (or shepherd’s?? maybe? the pies always loojed like someone took the stew and put a crust around it) stew will work if its cooked long enough/prepared right
screaming at that fucking ‘PLEASE try to eat vegitables’ post still
note i don’t actually think its a bad post. i don’t begrudge op. (maybe a few things are worded bad but STILL no hate towards the person) just. poorly fucking measured for the exact style of arfid i’ve got. yes the nice helpful additions about various types of things for various textures isn’t actually helpful either
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llitchilitchi · 1 year ago
Boy this fandom had weird fucking tropes
every fandom does. I guess we are just much more aware of it cause other fandoms have a much more prevalent shipping culture, so a lot of the tropes within those shipping communities stay there. but since this fandom is such a good and pure (/sarcasm) fandom the tropes are a lot more general and it's much easier to see crosscontamination
also there is just so little erotica for dsmp we had to get weird Somewhere
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septimore · 1 month ago
Started laundry today, I finally have enough for a full load
Went to the kitchen to grab something because I'm hungry
decided to try and remake this awesome peanut butter cookie muffins I made one time but with no recipe, so by the time im done eating I'll have cookie muffins
Struggled with the cookie muffins because I know there weren't chocolate chips before, but hey shouldn't there be chocolate chips now? Chocolate chips make everything better
Go on a hunt to find my mini chocolate chips
Find them in the bedroom because I forgot I was eating them with popcorn 2 days ago and haven't cleaned off my shelf
Add chocolate chips
Debate for a while. (10 seconds) add brown sugar too. And butter this time why not
This is no longer the same recipe
Put laundry in dryer
Bake at 350 until the toothpick comes out clean, and remember to set a timer this time to figure out how long it takes (around 20 mins) in mini muffins pan
Realize I'm still hungry
Remember atiktok about chicken katsu that sounded good
Lookup easy chicken katsu recipe. Find one that gives me ingredients but no measurements. Anouyed I read the whole thing, just make up measurements for the crust
Use the only thawed chicken breast we have and butterfly cut while the oil heats
Pull out more chicken to thaw (because I dont know what my husband was going to make, but probably airfry it and make a buffalo chicken sandwich)
Wash up my mess while it's cooking, hand wash the dishes and counter because we don't have a dishwasher, but I would have anyways because I fear crosscontamination so much
Finish chicken katsu, let dry on towels on a plate to remove excess oil
I forgot the rice
Damn it. I wanna try it with rice
Rinse rice, put in rice cooker
Sit down
I'm still hungry
And my dryer just finished
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atplblog · 1 month ago
Price: [price_with_discount] (as of [price_update_date] - Details) [ad_1] Product Description Wonderchef No-drip Oil Pourer is designed to ensure zero dripping of oil as you pour even the smallest quantity in your pan. Durable and Long Lasting: Constructed from high-quality, food-grade materials, the pourer is designed to withstand regular use and resist corrosion. It has the perfect sized nozzle to provide a seamless and convenient pouring experience. The special design of the lid ensures that even a single extra drop flows back into the container. No more oil spills or greasy residue. Transparent Design: The pourer's transparent body allows you to monitor the oil levels and avoid any last-minute surprises while cooking. Gravity Mechanism: Unique gravity mechanism is a pleasure to work with. The spout of the pourer opens automatically as you tilt the jar giving it an almost magical effect. No Greasy Stains: As this unique oil pourer ensures that your oil does not drip after pouring, it avoids any sticky or greasy stains on your kitchen slab. Ideal Nozzle Size: The nozzle is designed to accommodate various types of oils, from thick and viscous to thin and runny. Its ideal size allows you to control the flow of oil according to your requirement. Ÿ Easy To Clean: The detachable components and smooth surface make it effortless to clean the pourer thoroughly, ensuring no residue or crosscontamination between different oils. Multi-purpose Use: Apart from oils, the pourer can be used for other liquids like vinegar, dressings, or even sauces, making it a versatile tool in your kitchen. Warranty: Wonderchef products are inspired by Italian Design and adhere to German Quality Standards. They are covered by Reliable Wonderchef Warranty, T&C apply [ad_2]
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whistlingwombat · 2 years ago
My wife has celiac and I had to tell her this is a thing. This kind of crosscontamination can make her very, very sick.
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gis56 · 5 months ago
"Market Dynamics 2024-2033: The Disposable Endoscopes Evolution"
Disposable Endoscopes Market : Disposable endoscopes are revolutionizing the healthcare industry by enhancing both patient safety and clinical efficiency. Unlike traditional reusable endoscopes, which require extensive cleaning and sterilization processes, disposable endoscopes eliminate the risk of cross-contamination and infections. This advancement ensures that every patient benefits from a sterile device, reducing complications and improving overall outcomes. Additionally, disposable endoscopes offer a cost-effective solution for healthcare facilities by minimizing the need for expensive sterilization equipment and labor, while also speeding up turnover times between procedures.
To Request Sample Report : https://www.globalinsightservices.com/request-sample/?id=GIS25892 &utm_source=SnehaPatil&utm_medium=Article
The adoption of disposable endoscopes is growing rapidly, especially in high-risk areas like bronchoscopy, urology, and gastrointestinal procedures. These single-use devices are also lightweight, highly portable, and designed with the latest imaging technology, ensuring precise diagnostics and improved accessibility in remote or emergency settings. As healthcare continues to prioritize patient safety and efficiency, disposable endoscopes are set to become the gold standard for endoscopic procedures.
#DisposableEndoscopes #PatientSafety #HealthcareInnovation #Endoscopy #MedicalDevices #InfectionControl #CrossContamination #SterileEquipment #HealthTech #SurgicalEfficiency #MedicalAdvancements #Bronchoscopy #Gastroenterology #SingleUseDevices #UrologyTech
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livingwildwithimola · 8 months ago
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I just love these gourmand tomatoes!
Food in France is on another level, trust me. Same in Italy, so if you want to travel somewhere to make the most flavourful memories of your life, they are the best destinations for you.
Apart from that, this was the simplest yet most delicious lunch I had in ages.
I toasted my gluten free bread in a pan, over gas - it tastes completely different if you toast it over fire, safe from crosscontamination (unless you have your own toaster), and somehow more quick and doesn't dry the bread out so much, it stays fluffy inside while crispy out site.
Then a thick layer of French herbed cream cheese followed, green and yellow tomato slices on top and freshly cracked black pepper.
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Does it count as food poisoning if it's just a very reactive food allergy? I feel like it kind of counts from being crosscontamination reasons but to other people without the same allergy it's perfectly safe and normal food
why do you get food poisoning so much
I've only gotten it twice in the last 12 months and hadn't had it for like 10 years before that? I don't think that's a lot but IDK how often people get food poisoning
The actual cause of both most recent cases of food poisoning was eating something that had become spoiled or was contaminated by poor food handling practice by the people who served it to me.
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burlingtoncountertops · 1 year ago
Shine On: A Comprehensive Guide on How to Clean and Maintain Spotless Countertops
Your kitchen countertops are not just a functional surface but a focal point of your home. Keeping them clean not only enhances the aesthetic appeal but also ensures a healthy and hygienic environment for food preparation. In this guide, we’ll walk you through effective techniques and tips on how to clean and maintain your countertops, leaving them gleaming and free from bacteria.
Step 1: Gather Your Supplies
Before you start, gather the following supplies:
Mild dish soap
Warm water
White vinegar or a gentle allpurpose cleaner
Microfiber or soft cleaning cloths
Softbristle brush or an old toothbrush
Baking soda
Lemon (optional)
Step 2: Clear the Countertops
Remove any items, appliances, or clutter from your countertops. This allows you to clean more thoroughly and prevents crosscontamination.
Step 3: Wipe Away Surface Debris
Use a dry cloth or a soft brush to sweep away loose crumbs and debris. This simple step prevents scratching during the cleaning process.
Step 4: Clean with a Gentle Solution
For everyday cleaning, mix a few drops of mild dish soap with warm water. Wipe down the countertops with a soft cloth or sponge. For stone countertops, use a pHneutral cleaner or a mixture of water and a mild stone cleaner.
Step 5: Tackle Stubborn Stains
For tougher stains, make a paste using baking soda and water. Apply the paste to the stained area, let it sit for a few minutes, and then gently scrub with a soft brush or old toothbrush. For grease stains, use a mixture of equal parts vinegar and water.
Step 6: Disinfect with Vinegar
To disinfect and eliminate bacteria, use a solution of white vinegar and water (equal parts) or a commercial disinfectant. Spray the solution onto the countertops and let it sit for a few minutes before wiping it away.
Step 7: Shine with Lemon (Optional)
For an extra touch of freshness and shine, cut a lemon in half and rub it over the surface. The natural acidity of the lemon helps cut through grease and leaves a refreshing scent.
Step 8: Dry and Polish
Wipe the countertops dry with a clean, dry cloth. For added shine, use a separate, dry cloth to polish the surface gently.
Maintenance Tips:
Avoid using abrasive cleaners or scouring pads, especially on surfaces like granite or marble.
Use cutting boards and hot pads to protect the countertop from scratches and heat damage.
Regularly reseal natural stone countertops to maintain their integrity.
By following these steps and incorporating regular maintenance into your routine, you’ll ensure that your countertops not only stay clean but also maintain their beauty for years to come. Keep shining!
+1 905–333–0133
0 notes
ultimatefacility · 2 years ago
The Best Cleaning in Canberra| Ultimatefacility
Cleaning is an essential part of keeping a home tidy, but it’s often the first thing to slip from people’s to-do lists in busy lifestyles. It’s understandable, since juggling work, kids, running errands and taking care of yourself can leave little time to keep up with household chores.
Fortunately, there are several companies in Canberra that specialise in cleaning. These expert cleaners can take care of everything from scrubbing the kitchen sink to vacuuming the carpets, making sure every surface shines. They’re also able to tackle more specific tasks like washing and folding laundry or sanitising bins and appliances. With so many options available, finding the right company for you may feel overwhelming. To help, RiotACT compiled a list of the best cleaning in canberra and their prices.
With a team of over 400 staff and growing, New Generation Cleaning is a familyowned business that offers flexible scheduling to suit each customer’s needs. They tailor cleaning packages to premium standards and use high-quality cleaning chemicals for a clean, hygienic finish. They’re also dedicated to preventing crosscontamination and use robust cleaning processes for the safety of each client. New Generation Cleaning fully trains their staff on safe work practices and ensures all employees have police background checks, so customers can trust them with their belongings.
A one-off clean includes a room or up to an entire house. The cleaner will assess the space and prioritise areas for cleaning, such as sanitising the bathroom sink or dusting all surfaces. They’ll then follow a predetermined checklist and leave your home looking sparkling. They’ll leave notes for you to communicate any specific cleaning requests or supplies that need topping up.
A professional and reliable cleaning company can be an invaluable addition to any household. They can save you time, energy and stress by handling all of your household chores. The best cleaning service in canberra are honest and dependable, have the skills to clean your home, and are able to adapt to meet your individual requirements. Their services can include anything from regular cleaning to spring, bond and end of lease cleaning, as well as commercial and office cleaning. They’re even able to provide support for NDIS participants. To find the perfect fit for you, call Jim’s Cleaning Canberra on 131 546 or book online 24/7.
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