#crop management systems
turtlesandfrogs · 6 months
What I was taught growing up: Wild edible plants and animals were just so naturally abundant that the indigenous people of my area, namely western Washington state, didn't have to develop agriculture and could just easily forage/hunt for all their needs.
The first pebble in what would become a landslide: Native peoples practiced intentional fire, which kept the trees from growing over the camas praire.
The next: PNW native peoples intentionally planted and cultivated forest gardens, and we can still see the increase in biodiversity where these gardens were today.
The next: We have an oak prairie savanna ecosystem that was intentionally maintained via intentional fire (which they were banned from doing for like, 100 years and we're just now starting to do again), and this ecosystem is disappearing as Douglas firs spread, invasive species take over, and land is turned into European-style agricultural systems.
The Land Slide: Actually, the native peoples had a complex agricultural and food processing system that allowed them to meet all their needs throughout the year, including storing food for the long, wet, dark winter. They collected a wide variety of plant foods (along with the salmon, deer, and other animals they hunted), from seaweeds to roots to berries, and they also managed these food systems via not only burning, but pruning, weeding, planting, digging/tilling, selectively harvesting root crops so that smaller ones were left behind to grow and the biggest were left to reseed, and careful harvesting at particular times for each species that both ensured their perennial (!) crops would continue thriving and that harvest occurred at the best time for the best quality food. American settlers were willfully ignorant of the complex agricultural system, because being thus allowed them to claim the land wasn't being used. Native peoples were actively managing the ecosystem to produce their food, in a sustainable manner that increased biodiversity, thus benefiting not only themselves but other species as well.
So that's cool. If you want to read more, I suggest "Ancient Pathways, Ancestral Knowledge: Ethnobotany and Ecological Wisdom of Indigenous Peoples of Northwestern North America" by Nancy J. Turner
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farmerstrend · 11 days
How Kenya’s Investment in Macadamia Nuts is Driving Regional Export Growth
Discover how Kenya’s investment in macadamia farming and digital innovation has propelled the country to become a leading exporter, overcoming regulatory challenges and boosting agricultural growth. Explore the role of MSMEs and digital platforms in transforming Kenya’s macadamia sector, driving productivity, and enhancing market access for sustainable economic growth. Learn how Kenya’s macadamia…
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kheti-buddy · 2 months
Revolutionizing Agriculture with Predictive Analytics and Real-Time Data Integration
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The integration of predictive crop yield algorithms, soil health diagnostics, and decision support systems revolutionizes modern agriculture. By leveraging advanced analytics and real-time data, these technologies provide farmers with precise, actionable insights. This enables optimized resource allocation, enhanced crop resilience, and improved farm management system, ultimately leading to increased productivity and sustainability in agriculture.
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farmerpposts · 6 months
Key Milestones in the Development of Crop Management Software
Crop management software operates through a data-driven process that optimizes farming practices. It begins with data acquisition, where sensors and devices collect information on factors like soil conditions, weather, and crop health. This data is then processed and analyzed using advanced algorithms, identifying trends and potential issues.
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The future of food in a changing climate
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Written by: Jagriti Shahi, Business Analyst at Global Launch Base
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Figure 1: Global Temperature over the Century
This data shows that global temperatures have been rising steadily over the past few decades. The rate of warming is expected to accelerate in the coming years, if we do not take action to reduce greenhouse gas emissions.
The Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC) has warned that if we do not take action to reduce greenhouse gas emissions, global temperatures could rise by as much as 5.2 degrees Celsius by the end of the century. This would have devastating consequences for the planet, including more extreme weather events, rising sea levels, and mass extinctions. The data is clear that we are facing a serious challenge, and we need to take action now to reduce greenhouse gas emissions and mitigate the effects of climate change.
Climate Change and Food Production
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Figure 2: Climate Change Impact on Food Production
This data shows that the % change in yield of different crops by 2050 is already starting to be felt in 2022. For example, rice yields are already 1% lower in 2022 than they were in 2020. This is likely due to the combination of climate change and other factors, such as pests and diseases.
The trend is expected to continue in the coming years, as climate change continues to impact crop yields. This could have a serious impact on food security, as it will make it more difficult to produce enough food to feed the world's growing population.
The intricate relationship between climate change and food production is reshaping agricultural landscapes, challenging traditional practices, and compelling us to explore innovative solutions to ensure global food security. In this article, we delve into the intricate interplay between climate change and food production, highlighting the challenges faced and the potential pathways toward a more resilient future.
Altered Growing Conditions: One of the most immediate and palpable impacts of climate change on food production is the alteration of growing conditions. Rising global temperatures influence the length of growing seasons and shift the geographic suitability of certain crops. In some regions, this leads to reduced yields, as crops may experience stress due to excessive heat, prolonged droughts, or erratic precipitation patterns. Conversely, other areas might witness extended growing seasons, presenting opportunities to cultivate new varieties of crops.
Increased Pest and Disease Pressure: As the climate warms, pests and diseases that were once constrained by temperature limitations are expanding their ranges, posing significant threats to crops and livestock. The increased prevalence of pests can lead to reduced yields and necessitate more intensive use of pesticides, raising environmental concerns and potentially compromising food safety.
Water Scarcity and Agricultural Droughts: Climate change exacerbates water scarcity, a critical factor in agricultural productivity. Changing precipitation patterns and the intensification of droughts can jeopardize water availability for irrigation, which is essential for many crops. This can force farmers to compete for limited water resources, driving up costs and reducing overall agricultural output.
Impacts on Livestock Production: Livestock farming, a vital component of global food systems, is also vulnerable to the effects of climate change. Heat stress can lead to reduced livestock productivity, affecting meat and milk production. Moreover, changing forage availability due to altered precipitation patterns can challenge livestock feed supply, leading to increased costs for farmers.
Soil Degradation and Erosion: Climate change can exacerbate soil degradation and erosion, undermining agricultural sustainability. Intense rainfall events can lead to soil erosion, stripping away fertile topsoil and diminishing its ability to support crop growth. Soil degradation impacts soil structure, nutrient content, and water-holding capacity, posing a significant threat to long-term food security.
Adaptation and Mitigation Strategies: To address these challenges, a combination of adaptation and mitigation strategies is required.
Adaptation: Farmers can adopt climate-resilient practices such as crop diversification, agroforestry, and improved water management. Planting diverse crop varieties can spread risk and enhance resilience to changing conditions. Agroforestry systems, which combine trees with crops or livestock, can stabilize soil, conserve water, and provide additional income sources. Implementing efficient irrigation techniques and rainwater harvesting can help manage water scarcity.
Mitigation: Mitigating climate change through the reduction of greenhouse gas emissions is a critical step toward safeguarding food production. Sustainable land management, reforestation, and the adoption of renewable energy sources can contribute to lowering emissions from the agricultural sector.
7. Technological Innovations: Advancements in technology hold promise for enhancing climate resilience in food production. Precision agriculture utilizes data-driven approaches to optimize resource use, monitor crop health, and reduce waste. Climate-resilient crop varieties developed through traditional breeding or genetic modification can enhance yields under changing conditions.
8. Policy and International Cooperation: Global efforts are indispensable in addressing the complex challenges posed by climate change and food production. International agreements and policies can incentivize sustainable agricultural practices, support smallholder farmers, and promote technology transfer. Investment in research and development can drive innovation and provide farmers with the tools they need to adapt to changing conditions.
Key players in the market:
Impossible Foods: Impossible Foods is a food technology company that makes plant-based meat products that are indistinguishable from real meat. Impossible Foods' products use less water, land, and energy than traditional meat, and they emit significantly fewer greenhouse gasses.
Danone: Danone is a food and beverage company that has set a goal of becoming carbon neutral by 2050. Danone is working to reduce its greenhouse gas emissions across its entire value chain, from the farm to the fork.
Innovative Agricultural Practices
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Figure 3: Increase in Innovative Agricultural Practices
This data shows that there is a growing interest in innovative agricultural practices. This is likely due to the increasing awareness of the environmental impact of traditional agriculture and the need for more sustainable food production methods.
Innovative Agricultural Practices: Navigating the Future of Sustainable Food Production
In a world where climate change and environmental degradation pose unprecedented challenges to traditional agricultural practices, innovation emerges as a beacon of hope. Innovative agricultural practices are essential not only for meeting the growing global demand for food but also for ensuring the long-term sustainability of our planet. In this article, we explore a spectrum of groundbreaking techniques that are transforming the way we cultivate crops, rear livestock, and manage natural resources.
Agroecology: Harmonizing Nature and Agriculture: Agroecology is a holistic approach that seeks to mimic natural ecosystems within agricultural systems. By fostering biodiversity, enhancing soil health, and minimizing external inputs, agroecological practices promote resilient and sustainable food production. Techniques such as intercropping, cover cropping, and crop rotation reduce the reliance on synthetic fertilizers and pesticides, mitigating the environmental impact of conventional agriculture.
Precision Agriculture: Merging Technology and Farming: Precision agriculture leverages cutting-edge technologies, including GPS, remote sensing, and data analytics, to optimize resource utilization and enhance productivity. By precisely mapping variations in soil and crop conditions, farmers can tailor irrigation, fertilization, and pest control measures, minimizing waste and maximizing yields. Drones, sensors, and automated machinery further streamline operations and minimize environmental footprint.
Vertical Farming and Hydroponics: Farming in Tight Spaces: Vertical farming and hydroponics redefine the boundaries of traditional agriculture by enabling food production in urban environments and underutilized spaces. Vertical farms stack crops in vertical layers, utilizing artificial lighting and controlled environments to optimize growth. Hydroponics, a soilless cultivation method, delivers water and nutrients directly to plant roots, reducing water usage and enabling year-round production.
Conservation Tillage and No-Till Farming: Preserving Soil Health: Conventional tillage practices disrupt soil structure and contribute to erosion, compaction, and carbon loss. Conservation tillage and no-till farming minimize soil disturbance, maintaining soil structure and organic matter. This enhances water retention, reduces erosion, and sequesters carbon, making farms more resilient to extreme weather events and contributing to climate change mitigation.
Aquaponics: Symbiotic Aquaculture and Hydroponics: Aquaponics integrates aquaculture (fish farming) and hydroponics in a mutually beneficial system. The fish waste provides nutrients for hydroponically grown plants, which, in turn, filter and purify the water for the fish. This closed-loop system conserves water, eliminates the need for synthetic fertilizers, and yields both protein and vegetables.
Controlled Environment Agriculture: Climate-Proofing Crop Production: Controlled environment agriculture (CEA) encompasses greenhouse and indoor farming, allowing year-round cultivation of crops under precisely managed conditions. CEA protects plants from extreme weather, pests, and diseases while optimizing resource efficiency. High-tech greenhouses use advanced climate control systems, enabling growers to fine-tune temperature, humidity, and light levels for optimal plant growth.
Permaculture: Designing Sustainable Ecosystems: Permaculture draws inspiration from natural ecosystems to create self-sustaining and regenerative agricultural systems. By integrating diverse plant and animal species, permaculture designs promote ecological harmony, resilience, and long-term productivity. Food forests, which emulate natural forests with layers of edible plants, exemplify permaculture principles and provide a wide array of harvestable foods.
Urban Agriculture: Nourishing Cities Locally: Urban agriculture transforms urban landscapes into productive spaces, mitigating the environmental impact of food transportation and enhancing food security. Rooftop gardens, community plots, and vertical farms bring fresh produce to city dwellers while fostering a sense of community and reconnecting people with their food sources.
Key players in the market:
Ceres Imaging: Ceres Imaging uses satellite imagery and artificial intelligence to help farmers make more informed decisions about their crops. Ceres Imaging's products can help farmers to identify pests and diseases early on, optimize their irrigation practices, and improve their yields.
AeroFarms: AeroFarms' vertical farms are located in urban areas, which helps to reduce the company's carbon footprint. AeroFarms also uses recycled materials in its farms and packaging, and it is committed to reducing its environmental impact.
Resilient Crop Varieties
The development of climate-resilient crop varieties through breeding and genetic modification is crucial. Scientists are working on crops that can withstand higher temperatures, require less water, and exhibit resistance to pests and diseases. Gene editing techniques like CRISPR-Cas9 offer precise methods to enhance desired traits, potentially revolutionizing crop production. However, careful consideration of ethical and environmental implications is essential in adopting such technologies.
As the world grapples with the uncertainties of a changing climate, ensuring a steady and nutritious food supply has become a paramount challenge. Resilient crop varieties, born from innovative breeding techniques and scientific advancements, offer a glimmer of hope in the face of shifting weather patterns, changing pest dynamics, and dwindling natural resources. In this article, we delve into the significance of resilient crop varieties and the transformative potential they hold for securing global food security.
1. The Need for Resilience
Traditional crop varieties, often developed for specific regions and historical climatic conditions, are increasingly vulnerable to the unpredictable and extreme weather events wrought by climate change. Droughts, floods, heatwaves, and new pest and disease pressures threaten agricultural productivity and food availability. Resilient crop varieties possess traits that enable them to withstand and recover from these challenges, ensuring a consistent supply of food even in the face of adversity.
2. Breeding for Resilience
The art and science of breeding resilient crop varieties involve a combination of classical breeding methods and cutting-edge technologies. Plant breeders select and cross plants with desirable traits, such as drought tolerance, disease resistance, and improved nutrient uptake. Advancements in molecular biology, genetic mapping, and gene editing techniques like CRISPR-Cas9 enable scientists to precisely manipulate plant genomes, accelerating the development of resilient varieties.
3. Drought-Resistant Varieties
Drought is a major concern for agricultural regions worldwide. Resilient crop varieties with enhanced water-use efficiency and deep root systems can thrive with limited water availability. Genetic modifications that control stomatal opening and closing, reducing water loss through transpiration, are being explored to confer drought tolerance.
4. Disease and Pest Resistance
Pests and diseases can devastate crop yields, leading to food shortages and economic losses. Resilient crop varieties can be engineered with natural pest repellents, reducing the need for chemical pesticides. Genetic markers linked to disease-resistance genes are identified to expedite breeding efforts, resulting in more robust crops.
5. Heat and Cold Tolerance
Extreme temperatures, whether scorching heat or chilling cold, disrupt plant metabolism and growth. Resilient crop varieties can be developed with genetic traits that enable them to thrive in temperature extremes. Heat-tolerant crops might possess heat-shock proteins that protect cellular structures, while cold-tolerant crops could have antifreeze proteins that prevent ice-crystal formation.
6. Salinity and Soil Adaptation
As sea levels rise and agricultural lands become salinized, crops need to tolerate higher levels of salt in the soil. Resilient crop varieties can be bred to thrive in saline conditions, ensuring continued food production on affected lands. Breeding for improved nutrient uptake and utilization also contributes to healthier plants and improved yields.
7. Biodiversity and Resilience
Maintaining a diverse array of crop varieties is essential for building resilience. Traditional and heirloom varieties often possess unique traits that can be crucial for adaptation. Initiatives to conserve and promote local crop diversity are essential for safeguarding food security in a changing world.
8. Ethical and Environmental Considerations
While resilient crop varieties hold immense promise, ethical and environmental considerations must guide their development and deployment. Ensuring that genetic modifications do not inadvertently harm ecosystems or reduce genetic diversity is a critical aspect of responsible breeding practices.
Key players in the market:
Monsanto: Monsanto is a multinational agricultural biotechnology corporation that develops and markets crop seeds, herbicides, and other agricultural products. Monsanto has a portfolio of resilient crop varieties that are tolerant to a variety of abiotic stresses, as well as some biotic stresses, such as pests and diseases.
Seminis: Seminis is a subsidiary of Bayer CropScience that develops and markets crop seeds. Seminis has a portfolio of resilient crop varieties that are tolerant to a variety of abiotic stresses, such as drought, heat, and salinity.
Sustainable Resource Management
Sustainable management of natural resources is pivotal to food security in a changing climate. Efficient water management, such as rainwater harvesting and drip irrigation, conserves water and ensures its availability during dry spells. Soil health restoration through techniques like cover cropping and reduced tillage enhances soil's capacity to retain water and nutrients. Integrated pest management minimizes chemical use and maintains a balance between pests and their natural predators.
Resilience Through Resource Efficiency: Sustainable resource management serves as a cornerstone for building resilience in the face of climate-related uncertainties. Efficient utilization of resources, such as water, energy, and soil, is paramount to ensure that food systems remain productive and adaptable. Through water-efficient irrigation methods, reduced energy consumption, and soil health enhancement, sustainable practices bolster the capacity of agricultural systems to weather the impacts of altered climatic conditions.
Water: A Precious Commodity: In a changing climate, water scarcity and variability become magnified challenges for agricultural production. Sustainable resource management involves optimizing water use through techniques like drip irrigation, rainwater harvesting, and integrated water management systems. By safeguarding water sources, improving distribution, and minimizing wastage, we ensure a consistent supply of this invaluable resource to sustain food production.
Soil Health and Carbon Sequestration: Healthy soils play a pivotal role in both climate mitigation and adaptation. Sustainable resource management practices prioritize soil health through reduced tillage, cover cropping, and organic matter enrichment. These strategies not only enhance soil fertility and water retention but also contribute to carbon sequestration, mitigating the atmospheric buildup of greenhouse gasses.
Biodiversity Conservation for Resilient Ecosystems: Preserving biodiversity within agricultural landscapes is central to sustainable resource management. Diverse ecosystems are more resilient to climatic fluctuations and provide natural pest control, pollination services, and soil fertility. Agroecological approaches, such as crop rotation, agroforestry, and maintaining habitat corridors, support diverse species and foster ecosystem health.
Circular Economy and Waste Reduction: A circular economy approach within food systems minimizes waste and resource depletion. Sustainable resource management encourages reducing food waste, adopting efficient packaging, and promoting composting or recycling of organic matter. By embracing a circular mindset, we reduce the burden on landfills, conserve resources, and limit the environmental footprint of food production and consumption.
Renewable Energy Integration: As we envision a climate-resilient food future, the integration of renewable energy sources into agricultural operations becomes essential. Sustainable resource management emphasizes transitioning from fossil fuels to renewable energy to power irrigation, processing, and distribution systems. Solar panels, wind turbines, and biogas facilities contribute to reducing emissions and enhancing overall sustainability.
Localized Food Systems and Resilient Communities: Sustainable resource management advocates for the development of localized food systems that prioritize regional resilience. By supporting small-scale farmers, community gardens, and farmers' markets, we enhance local food security and reduce the carbon footprint associated with long-distance transportation.
Policy, Collaboration, and Global Action: Effective sustainable resource management requires a collaborative effort encompassing policymakers, researchers, industries, and consumers. Governments can incentivize sustainable practices through policies, subsidies, and regulations. International cooperation is vital to share knowledge, innovations, and best practices, ensuring a collective response to the global challenge of climate change.
Key players in the market:
Veolia: Veolia is a French multinational water, waste management and energy services company. Veolia has a long history of sustainable resource management, and it is one of the world's leaders in the field. Veolia's water treatment plants are some of the most efficient in the world, and the company is also a leader in waste recycling and energy recovery.
Ecolab: Ecolab is an American multinational provider of water, hygiene and energy technologies and services. Ecolab is a leader in sustainable resource management, and the company has a number of programs and initiatives in place to reduce its environmental impact. Ecolab's water conservation programs have helped to save billions of gallons of water, and the company's energy efficiency programs have helped to reduce its energy consumption by millions of kilowatt-hours.
Climate-Resilient Livestock Farming
Livestock production is another area greatly affected by climate change. Heat stress reduces livestock productivity, and changing grazing patterns impact feed availability. Transitioning towards climate-resilient livestock farming involves improving animal genetics, optimizing feed formulations, and implementing better shelter and cooling systems. Alternative protein sources like insect farming and lab-grown meat might also play a significant role in ensuring a sustainable and climate-resilient protein supply.
Adapting to Changing Conditions: Climate-resilient livestock farming entails embracing adaptable practices that mitigate the impact of a changing climate on animal health, productivity, and well-being. Heat stress, a growing concern due to rising temperatures, can lead to decreased feed intake, reduced reproductive efficiency, and overall livestock productivity. Employing cooling measures such as shade structures, misting systems, and proper ventilation helps mitigate heat stress and maintain optimal livestock conditions.
Improved Breeding for Resilience: Selecting and breeding animals for climate resilience is a key facet of climate-resilient livestock farming. Breeding programs aim to develop livestock varieties that are better equipped to withstand heat stress, disease outbreaks, and changing feed availability. Genetic traits that confer heat tolerance, disease resistance, and efficient nutrient utilization contribute to animals better suited for a changing climate.
Sustainable Feed Sourcing: Climate-resilient livestock farming integrates sustainable feed sourcing practices to ensure the long-term availability of nutritious and environmentally friendly animal diets. Livestock production is a significant contributor to deforestation and land degradation, often driven by the demand for animal feed crops. Transitioning to alternative feed sources, such as algae, insect-based protein, and agroforestry byproducts, minimizes environmental impact while ensuring adequate nutrition for animals.
Precision Livestock Management: Advances in technology play a pivotal role in climate-resilient livestock farming through precision livestock management. Sensors, data analytics, and artificial intelligence enable real-time monitoring of animal health, behavior, and productivity. This data-driven approach enhances disease detection, facilitates targeted interventions, and optimizes resource utilization, contributing to both economic efficiency and animal welfare.
Agroecological Integration: Integrating livestock into agroecological systems fosters synergy between animal and crop production. Agroforestry, where livestock graze in wooded areas, enhances feed availability, carbon sequestration, and biodiversity. Rotational grazing, which involves moving animals between different pastures, prevents overgrazing, improves soil health, and enhances forage quality.
Alternative Livestock Systems: Exploring alternative livestock systems offers a promising avenue for climate resilience. Silvopasture combines trees with pasture, providing shade, forage, and carbon sequestration potential. Aquaculture and integrated fish-farming systems can complement traditional livestock production, diversifying income sources and protein supply.
Community Engagement and Knowledge Sharing: Climate-resilient livestock farming thrives in a collaborative environment where farmers, researchers, and communities exchange knowledge and best practices. Farmers' networks, extension services, and capacity-building initiatives facilitate the dissemination of climate-resilient techniques and encourage collective adaptation to changing conditions.
Policy Support and Incentives: Effective policies and incentives play a pivotal role in fostering climate-resilient livestock farming. Government support for research and development, funding for sustainable practices, and market incentives for climate-resilient products incentivize farmers to adopt and invest in these strategies.
Key players in the market:
Alltech: Alltech is a global animal nutrition company that develops and markets products and services for livestock producers. Alltech has a program called Alltech Climate Challenge that helps livestock producers reduce their environmental impact. Alltech Climate Challenge provides farmers with training on climate-friendly livestock farming practices, such as methane mitigation and water conservation.
Zoetis: Zoetis is a global animal health company that develops and markets products and services for livestock producers. Zoetis has a program called Zoetis Sustainable Agriculture that helps livestock producers improve their environmental performance. Zoetis Sustainable Agriculture provides farmers with training on sustainable livestock farming practices, such as reducing antibiotic use and improving manure management.
Reducing Food Waste and Loss
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Figure 4: Food Waste by Category
This data shows that food waste is a major problem worldwide. It is estimated that one-third of all food produced for human consumption is wasted. This waste has a significant environmental impact, as it contributes to climate change, water pollution, and land degradation. Households are the biggest contributors to food waste, followed by food service and retail. Agriculture also contributes a significant amount of food waste, but this is often due to factors beyond human control, such as crop losses due to pests and diseases.
The Scale of the Challenge: Food waste and loss constitute a staggering paradox in a world where millions go hungry. According to the Food and Agriculture Organization (FAO), approximately one-third of all food produced for human consumption is lost or wasted annually. In a changing climate, this inefficiency takes on heightened significance, given the increased strain on agricultural resources and the urgent need to maximize production.
Climate Impacts and Food Loss: The impacts of climate change, including extreme weather events, temperature fluctuations, and altered growing seasons, exacerbate the problem of food waste and loss. Disrupted supply chains, reduced crop yields, and increased pest and disease pressures contribute to losses at every stage of the food system, from production to consumption.
Farm-Level Strategies: At the production level, climate-resilient agricultural practices are essential in minimizing food loss. Crop diversification, improved storage facilities, and effective pest management contribute to preserving harvests. Climate-smart irrigation and water management systems ensure that water resources are used efficiently, reducing losses due to drought-related crop failures.
Post-Harvest Innovations: Innovations in post-harvest technologies play a pivotal role in reducing food loss. Cold storage, modified atmosphere packaging, and controlled atmosphere storage systems extend the shelf life of perishable goods. Solar drying and value-addition techniques enable smallholder farmers to process excess produce into value-added products, minimizing waste and increasing income.
Efficient Distribution and Supply Chains: Efficient distribution and supply chains are central to addressing food waste. Improving transportation infrastructure, embracing digital solutions for real-time inventory management, and facilitating coordination between producers, distributors, and retailers can prevent perishable goods from spoiling before reaching consumers.
Consumer Behavior and Awareness: Shifting consumer behavior towards responsible consumption is essential in curbing food waste. Education campaigns, labeling initiatives, and community-driven efforts raise awareness about the consequences of wasting food and empower individuals to make conscious choices.
Food Rescue and Redistribution: Food rescue organizations and surplus food redistribution networks salvage edible food that would otherwise be discarded. These initiatives divert surplus produce from landfills to those in need, addressing both food waste and food insecurity simultaneously.
Policy and Industry Leadership: Government policies and private sector initiatives play a crucial role in reducing food waste and loss. Regulatory measures, tax incentives, and industry commitments to zero-waste goals drive systemic change across the food supply chain.
Key players in the market:
Too Good To Go: Too Good To Go is a Danish company that has developed an app that connects consumers with businesses that have surplus food. Businesses can list their surplus food on the app, and consumers can purchase it at a discounted price. Too Good To Go has helped to prevent millions of meals from being wasted.
RapidPricer: RapidPricer is an AI-powered pricing platform that helps retailers automate their pricing and promotions. The platform uses deep learning algorithms and machine vision to dynamically price products to match their real-time value based on competition, product lifecycle, and market conditions. With deep expertise in retail pricing, RapidPricer computes merchandising actions for real-time execution in a retail environment.
Policy and Global Cooperation
Mitigating the impact of climate change on food production requires global cooperation and effective policy measures. International agreements and frameworks can promote sustainable agriculture, support smallholder farmers, and facilitate technology transfer to developing countries. Financial incentives, subsidies for sustainable practices, and research funding can drive innovation and promote the adoption of climate-resilient technologies. 1. Policy as a Catalyst for Change Sound and visionary policies are the cornerstone of a resilient food system. Governments play a pivotal role in shaping the trajectory of food production, distribution, and consumption through regulations, incentives, and strategic planning. Policies that promote climate-resilient agriculture, sustainable resource management, and reduced food waste set the stage for a more secure and sustainable food future. 2. Climate-Smart Agriculture Policies Climate-smart agricultural policies harness innovative approaches to enhance productivity, mitigate climate impacts, and reduce emissions. By incentivizing the adoption of climate-resilient practices, such as crop diversification, agroforestry, and improved irrigation, governments foster adaptive capacity and mitigate the vulnerabilities of agriculture to a changing climate. 3. Research and Innovation Funding Government funding for research and innovation accelerates the development and adoption of climate-resilient agricultural technologies and practices. Support for breeding drought-tolerant crops, developing efficient irrigation systems, and advancing precision agriculture empowers farmers to overcome the challenges posed by climate change. 4. International Agreements and Frameworks The global nature of climate change demands international collaboration. Agreements like the Paris Agreement underscore the commitment of nations to combat climate change and lay the groundwork for coordinated efforts in the agricultural sector. Frameworks for technology transfer, capacity-building, and financial support ensure that countries with varying levels of resources can participate in climate-resilient food production. 5. Sustainable Trade and Supply Chain Policies International trade and supply chains are integral to global food security. Policies that promote sustainable trade practices, reduce trade barriers and ensure equitable access to markets contribute to stable food supplies and price stability, benefiting both producers and consumers. 6. Strengthening Smallholder Resilience Policies that specifically target smallholder farmers, who are often the most vulnerable to climate impacts, play a vital role in enhancing food security. Financial support, access to credit, and extension services empower smallholders to adopt climate-resilient practices and diversify their livelihoods. 7. Public-Private Partnerships Collaboration between governments, private sector entities, and civil society organizations amplifies the impact of climate-resilient policies. Public-private partnerships drive innovation, leverage resources, and facilitate knowledge exchange, ensuring that policies are implemented effectively and that a wide array of stakeholders are engaged. 8. Education and Consumer Awareness Policies that promote consumer education and awareness campaigns raise consciousness about sustainable consumption practices. Clear labeling, educational initiatives, and public awareness campaigns inform consumers about the environmental and social impacts of their food choices, influencing demand and driving market shifts.
The future of food in a changing climate is a complex challenge that demands immediate attention and collaborative efforts. Innovations in agriculture, sustainable resource management, and climate-resilient practices offer hope for ensuring food security for a growing global population. By embracing new technologies, promoting sustainable practices, and fostering international cooperation, we can navigate the challenges presented by a changing climate and build a more resilient and secure food future for generations to come. ------------------------------------ Global Launch Base helps international startups expand in India. Our services include market research, validation through surveys, developing a network, building partnerships, fundraising, and strategy revenue growth. Get in touch to learn more about us. Contact Info: Website: www.globallaunchbase.com LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/company/globallaunchbase/ Email: [email protected]
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khetibuddyblog · 1 year
Managing Soil Erosion: Conservation Techniques for Sustainable Crop Farming
Soil erosion, an escalating concern in India, severely impacts the agricultural sector. It is a considerable threat to crop productivity, ecosystem balance, and, ultimately, the economic stability of the agritech industry. The country is estimated to lose around 4-6.3% of the total agricultural output due to soil erosion each year.
Recognizing this alarming situation, it's essential that we, as agribusiness professionals, prioritise sustainable farming and soil conservation, which are integral to enhancing the longevity and productivity of our agricultural lands.
The Problem of Soil Erosion:
Soil erosion, the relentless displacement of the nutrient-rich topsoil by wind or water, is a formidable agricultural adversary. With its varied topography and climatic conditions, soil erosion's implications are profound in India. Recent reports indicate that nearly 105 million hectares of land in India are under the devastating grip of soil erosion, significantly reducing crop yield. This situation threatens the sustenance of millions of farmers and the operational capabilities and growth prospects of agritech businesses.
Soil Conservation Techniques:
The urgency of the soil erosion issue necessitates adopting sustainable soil conservation techniques.
Contour farming is one method that involves ploughing and planting across a slope following its elevation contour lines. This reduces water runoff, allowing more water to seep into the soil, thus mitigating erosion.
Terracing, another effective technique, involves creating flat platforms on steep slopes. These 'steps' slow down the speed of water flow, reducing soil displacement and loss.
Crop rotation also contributes significantly to soil conservation. Regularly changing the crop type grown in a particular area maintains the soil's nutrient balance, making it more resilient to erosion.
Organic farming is indispensable in soil conservation, emphasising using natural fertilisers and pesticides that enhance soil health and resist erosion.
Technological advancements in agritech are transforming soil conservation methods. Using geotextiles, GIS mapping, and drones is becoming widespread, enabling better understanding, prediction, and prevention of soil erosion, thereby improving the efficacy of the farm management system.
The Role of Agritech Businesses in Soil Conservation: 
Agritech businesses can play a transformative role in combating soil erosion. With the integration of modern conservation techniques into the farm crop management system, these businesses can drive substantial change. By promoting the use of such sustainable farming practices, they can safeguard their operational capacity and set an example for others. Collaborative efforts in the agritech industry can amplify the impact of these conservation techniques, improving the entire agricultural sector.
Furthermore, introducing analytics and smart software such as Kheti Buddy is extremely useful for ensuring that the soil quality is maintained and any diversions from set standards are notified in real-time. It eventually helps in improving agricultural output as well as avoiding erosion. 
In conclusion, soil conservation is imperative for sustainable crop farming. As responsible entities in the agritech industry, we must invest in soil conservation techniques, innovate our practices, and foster collaboration. Our active efforts today will ensure a fertile future for our lands, promoting food security and economic stability for future generations. Let's embrace sustainable farming and create a resilient, productive agricultural ecosystem.
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headspace-hotel · 1 month
data about where carbon emissions are coming from is so frustrating cause there's all kinds of huge, sprawling, just fucking vast breakdowns of What Causes The Most Carbon Emissions Out Of All Everything In The Entire World, but those are aggregations of numerous smaller but still vast aggregations of data, which are processed and polished from various aggregations of crunched numbers, which are patched and pieced together from various studies, estimates and calculations, which are sieved out of numbers crunched from various measurements, estimates and records, which have been collected, estimated or otherwise conceived through an unspeakably huge variety of methodologies with unspeakably huge variety in limitations, reliability and margins of error.
Even if some of the data was very fine-grained at the beginning, it was filtered through some very coarse number-crunching techniques for the sake of the coarse data, so the results are only as good as the wrongest thing you did in any part of this process, but the plans of action are getting thought up from the top down, which makes the whole thing a hot fucking mess.
For example. And I just made this example up. Say you want to know whether apples or potatoes have a worse impact on climate change. So you look at one of these huge ass infographic things. And it says that potatoes are bad, whereas apples are REALLY good, the BEST crop actually. So it's better to eat apples than potatoes, you think to yourself. Actually we should find a way to replace potatoes with apples! We should fund genetic engineering of apples so they have more starch and can replace potatoes. Great idea. Time to get some investors to put $5 billion towards it.
But actually. Where'd they get that conclusion about apples? Well there's this review right here of the carbon footprint of all different fruits, seems legit. Where'd that data come from? Well it's citing this study right here saying that tree-grown crops are better because they sequester carbon, and this study right here about the distance that different fruits get transported, and this study right here where different fertilization systems are compared in terms of their carbon footprint, and this study over here that sampled 300 apple, peach, and orange farmers comparing their irrigation practices and rates of tree mortality, and this study...wow, okay, seems really reliable...
...what's the first study citing? oh, okay, here's a study about mycorrhizal networks in orchards in Oregon, saying that there's a super high density of fungal mycelium in the 16 orchards that they sampled. And here's a study about leaf litter decay rates in Switzerland under different pesticide regimes, and...okay...relationship of tree spacing to below ground vs. aboveground biomass...a review of above and below-ground biomass in semi-intensively managed orchard plots...
...That one cites "Relationship between biomass and CO2 requirements...carbon immobilization in soil of various tree species...mycorrhizal fungi impact on carbon storage...
...wait a second, none of these are talking about apples, they're about boreal forests...and orange trees...and peanut farms! They're just speculating on roughly applying the non-apple data to apples. You have to go backwards...
Yes! "A review of belowground carbon storage in orchard cropping systems!" Seems like overall the studies find potentially high carbon storage in orchard environments! Walnuts...pears...oranges... intercropping walnuts and wheat... intercropping apples and wheat... wait a second, what about orchards with only apples?
Time for you to go back again...
"New method of mulching in apple orchards can lower irrigation and pesticide needs..." okay but if it's new, most farmers aren't doing it. "Orchards with high density interplanted with annual crops show way more mycorrhizal fungus activity..." "Mycorrhizal associations with trees in the genus Malus..."
...And pretty soon you've spent Five Fucking Hours investigating apples and you've got yourself in this tangled web of citations that demonstrate that some orchard crops (not necessarily apples) store a lot of long-lasting biomass in their trunks and roots really well—and some apple orchards (not necessarily typical ones) have high amounts of mycorrhizal fungi—and some techniques of mulching in orchards (not necessarily the ones apple farmers use) experience less erosion—and some apple trees (not necessarily productive agricultural apples) have really deep root systems—
—and some environments with trees, compared with some conventional agricultural fields, store more carbon and experience less erosion, but not apple orchards because that data wasn't collected in apple orchards.
And you figure out eventually that there is no direct evidence anywhere in the inputs that singles out apples as The Best Crop For Fighting Climate Change, or suggests that conventional apple farming has a much smaller carbon footprint than anything else.
The data just spit out "apples" after an unholy writhing mass of Processes that involved 1) observing some tree-grown crops and deciding it applies closely enough to all tree grown crops 2) observing some apple orchards and deciding its applicable enough to all apple orchards 3) observing some tree-including environments and deciding its close enough to all tree-including environments 4) observing some farming methods and deciding it applies closely enough to all farming methods
And any one of these steps individually would be fine and totally unavoidable, but when strung together repeatedly they distort the original data into A Puddle of Goo.
And it wouldn't be that bad even to string them together, if trees didn't vary that much, and farming didn't vary that much, and soil didn't vary that much, and mycorrhizal networks didn't vary that much, and regions that grow apples didn't vary that much, and pre-conversion-to-apple-orchard states of apple orchards didn't vary that much, and economic incentives controlling apple farming didn't vary that much, but all of these things DO vary, a Fuck Ton, and if the full range of variation were taken into account—nay, intentionally optimized—the distinction between apples and potatoes might turn out to be be MEANINGLESS GOO.
anyway big size piles of data about Farming, In General, make me so bitchy
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blogbisresearch · 2 years
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twilightcitysky · 1 year
Everything Is Meant (long S2 analysis, part 2)
Part one here
Okay, so that's how I think the pre-creation scene and Gabriel's arc connect to Aziraphale's choice. I also think the ineffable bureaucracy speedrun exists to prove totally different things to Aziraphale and Crowley: Aziraphale loves that they can love each other but notes they have to run away to be together; Crowley sees this and immediately thinks "hey, we can do that too!", forgetting that running away is not a solution Aziraphale has ever been interested in. It's the mentality of an individualist vs a group-oriented mind, and neither of them is necessarily wrong, it's just that their priorities are different and they HAVE TO TALK ABOUT IT, which they don't.
Continued analysis under the cut:
3. Let's take the Job minisode. Why include it? We already mentioned that it proves Aziraphale remembers Crowley as an angel, since he mentions it. And he believes Crowley is the same person he always was, and that he doesn't want to harm Job's crops or animals or children. Crowley tries to convince him he's a Big Bad Demon who is all in on this assignment, but fails utterly to kill even a single goat, soooo... Aziraphale comes to the conclusion that he knows what Crowley wants. Alert! Alert! This is a big problem! Crowley says, "What do you know about what I want?" Aziraphale: "I know you." Crowley: "You do not know me." But because Aziraphale got it right this time, he goes ahead assuming he'll always get it right, which is a crucial failure when it comes to the final reckoning. He doesn't ever ASK Crowley what he wants, he just assumes. When you assume you know what someone wants, you usually assume their priorities align with yours... he couldn't be more wrong about that. The Job minisode sets up this dynamic for them, and they never really manage to change it.
The other thing happens at the end of the minisode. Crowley acknowledges two crucial points: 1) he's lonely ("But you said it wasn't!" "I'm a demon. I lied"), 2) he doesn't think Aziraphale would like Hell. Aziraphale DOESN'T like Hell. Aziraphale hates Hell for what they've done to Crowley. He doesn't see Heaven as innocent or benign, but importantly, Heaven has never tried to hurt Crowley directly. They never threatened his safety. They never tortured him (as it's heavily implied that Hell did). Fast forward to the last ten mins of season 2: Aziraphale excited to tell Crowley that he can be an angel again BECAUSE: he never has to go back to Hell. They can never hurt him again, not the way they did before. And he doesn't have to be lonely anymore.
Last point before I leave Job: Crowley has the chance to cause Aziraphale to Fall, here, probably. ("I lied to Heaven to thwart the will of God!" "You did, but I'm not going to tell anybody. Are you? ...good, then nothing has to change.") He doesn't take it. He doesn't want Aziraphale to be a demon. He loves Aziraphale as he is. "Angel" as an affectionate. Aziraphale certainly doesn't use "demon" as a pet name for Crowley. I think they set up this scene to contrast the final one, and show how deeply hurt Crowley is that Aziraphale suggest he change.
4. Moving on to Victorian Scotland. This one confused me at first. I was delighted that they brought back the "the lower you start the more opportunity you have to rise" dialogue from the book, but apart from that I didn't really see the point of it. It seems like the statue of Gabriel and the fact that he and Beelz ended up at that pub in the present were more or less coincidental.
The point, I think, is actually not the girl, but the doctor. He's a person who is trying to do good by working in a system that's deeply flawed, and engaging in questionable moral practices for the greater good. (Cadaver dissection is still an essential part of medical school. You need dead bodies to understand living ones.) He shows Aziraphale a tumor he removed from a child who died, and Aziraphale clutches it to his chest. The camera zooms in and lingers to tell us that this is a guardian through and through. He wants to protect people. He wants to do good with every fiber of his being.
To Crowley, it's enough to just "be an us" with Aziraphale. He doesn't really want anything more than that. That's an issue! For one thing, it fosters unhealthy codependency, and for another, Aziraphale would never be happy without the opportunity to help and protect people. It's an essential part of who he is. Metatron knows that, and he plays Aziraphale like a fiddle. The doctor showed Aziraphale that you can make a difference even in systems that are flawed, and even if you have to do things you'd rather not do. Aziraphale doesn't want to go back to Heaven, but he truly thinks he can change things; thinks he can be a guardian with some real power. In his mind, that's the right thing to do.
Last thing that happens in Scotland: Crowley saves a soul from Hell, arguably, by preventing a suicide. He gets in Big Trouble. Whatever happened to him downstairs resulted in him coming back up, leaning on a cane, and asking Aziraphale to give him holy water. Go back and watch that scene knowing what we know now about the Victorian minisode. Ask yourself how Aziraphale must have felt. He likely blamed himself for what happened, because if he hadn't meddled then they never would have been there in the first place. He knew where Crowley was, and why he was there, and he had to sit with that knowledge for years. He desperately wants Crowley to be safe; is perfectly willing to push him away to keep him safe-- which is what he does do, the minute Crowley gets back.
Now think again about what Metatron offered him. A chance to keep Crowley safe forever. He'd never be harmed again. Aziraphale is going to take that offer, no matter what else is asked of him. He's shown over and over again that he'll sacrifice his own happiness to make sure nothing happens to Crowley. And he'll do it without talking to Crowley about it first, because he is a moron who doesn't know how to use his words. Leading Crowley to assume that Aziraphale doesn't love him. The idiot angel is doing it all out of love, but because he doesn't make himself clear Crowley doesn't know that.
Part 3: Maggie and Nina, and their roles as mirror couple/ Greek chorus!
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mewhenimanangel · 4 months
reporting live, paige bueckers
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—synopsis. you run into paige again at the club after uconn wins the title game
notes ౨ৎ: sorry it took a month for this, i completely forgot about it!
previous ౨ৎ
it had been three days since you went to the iowa vs uconn game. today was the title game against south carolina but unfortunately you weren't assigned to report on this game.
plus, today was your birthday and you were celebrating with some friends. earlier you had gone out for breakfast and tonight you were going out.
you had the game on your tv while you and your friends were at your apartment getting ready to go out for the night. "paige is so tuff" you watched the tv as you moisturized your legs. "that should be caitlin playing i fear" devon sighed. "mad as hell" you joked.
soon the game was over, and uconn came out on top as the winners. you were so glad for them.
there were shot glasses on your coffee table with remnants of tequila and pink whitney in them. you'd been pregaming with your friends for tonight.
you got dressed into a black sleeveless corset top with a matching mini skirt and brown stiletto boots. you had to admit, the outfit left little to the imagination.
soon you and devon were ready while you waited on your friends, dani, and tristin to finish getting ready.
"can you guys hurry up?" devon scolded them. "relax we're almost ready" tristin rolled his eyes. "okay well i've got connections with the bouncer, and we need to not be late" she pointed a stern finger at him as she threw on her jacket.
after a few minutes of playful bickering, you all were ready to go.
devon got you guys into some exclusive club downtown somehow, she didn't explain the details, but you were excited.
it wasn't a long drive before you made it to the club and your spirits were high. after blasting music and taking cute, slutty pictures in the car with your friends you were excited for the rest of the night.
devon led the way to the club entrance, whispering something to the bouncer who nod his head and let you all in.
"so how exactly did you get us in here?" you asked with a smirk on your face. "you remember dylan?" she had a sly grin on her face. dylan was an old fling of hers, who just so happen to be a manager for clubs and motels. "no!" you gasped and she just nod her head.
you all followed her to sit at a booth in the corner.
after a few minutes you ordered some loaded fries  and sliders for the table, along with a bottle of tequila and shot glasses.
the alcohol was definitely pumping through your system at this point, and dani dragged you all to dance. there was some remix playing in the background while you grind your ass on dani and tristin.
"can we get another drink?!" devon leaned over to ask you. "yea sure!" you followed her through the crowd of people over to the bar.
"can i have a long island please?" devon asked the bartender. "and a vodka martini for me please!” you added.
you sat down while you waited for your drinks when devon looked past you at the door.
“oh my god there’s no way. uconn just walked in.” she said. “what, are you sure that’s them?” you followed her gaze. “are you that drunk you can’t see?” she asked you to which you just laughed.
you subconsciously looked around for the uconn player you were most concerned with, paige.
she came in behind everyone else with nika and kk. she wore a short black crop top that had her toned body on display, with baggy camouflage jeans that sit on top of a pair of jordans.
she looked so good, her hair was down with four braids in. “damn she looks good, you should go talk to her” devon smirked. you snapped your head at her “are you insane? why would i do that?”
the bartender handed you both your drinks and you thanked him. “i’m just saying, you should’ve seen the way she was looking at you when you interviewed her at the last game. eye contact was heavy, she was definitely checking you out”
“that’s called media training, you’re supposed to keep eye contact” you told her. the both of you looked over to find her again.
except this time, she was looking at you. there was a smirk on her face as she eyed you down, squinting to see you better. even from across the bar, you could feel the tension.
“oh she wants you. that was definitely checking you out” devon scoffed. you hid the smile on your face “i wonder if she even remembers me though?” you sipped on your drink. “who would forget you and from that look she definitely does”
“you don’t even know if she likes women” you reasoned.
you slowly turned to look at paige again who was now sitting at a booth with a few of her teammates, you still had a good view of her from the bar though.
she looked over at you again and you quickly turned around. “i feel like a tween with a crush right now” you giggled.
“i’m gonna go pee” you told devon. “be careful okay?” she told you and you nod your head.
you walked by paige’s booth to find the bathroom. you could feel her look at you.
when you came out of the stall to wash your hands, you dart your eyes to paige who was standing in the mirror taking a picture.
“oh hey, sorry” she moved out of your way. “no you’re good” you smiled. “i know you don’t i, you’re the pretty woman who interviewed me last week” she crossed her arms, emphasizing her biceps.
“oh yeah haha i am” you dried your hands. “why didn’t you say hi?” “was i supposed to?” you quirked your eyebrow. she hummed “did you see the game today? you weren’t there interviewing” she opened the door for you as the two of you left the bathroom.
“yeah…i took the day off cause it’s my birthday” you told her. “ohhh happy birthday” she smirked, eyes trailing over your outfit. “thank you so much” “how old are you now?”
“twenty two” she nod her head and put her hand in a shape to mimic a microphone. “well mrs..” she trailed off realizing she doesn’t know your name. you chuckled and told her.
“well mrs y/n, how do you feel being twenty two” she put an exaggerated reporter voice on. “well paige, it’s feeling pretty good. the club is bumping, the ladies look good, the alcohol is flowing” you responded in your own reporter voice, making her laugh.
“you look really nice by the way” she took the opportunity to eye fuck you again. “why thank you” you posed with your hands on the back of your hips as you did a small twirl.
“you look really good too” you took your own chance to check her out as well, not missing the smirk on her face when you did so.
“so congrats on the game, i saw you guys won”
“yeah, it’s so crazy to think i’ve come this far” she shook her head. “well that’s amazing! you guys came to celebrate?” you asked her and she nod her head. “oh, should i be letting you go back to your teammates then?..” you turned to find their table.
“nah they won’t mind, i’d rather talk to you anyways” she moved a step closer, and you tilt your head to look at her. these shoes only made you about 5’9 compared to her regular 6’0 ft frame. the dim lighting in the building cast a warm glow on her face.
“you wanna get a drink?” she nod her head towards the bar. you were a little drunk but you definitely weren’t turning down that offer “sure”
she held on to the small of your back as the two of you made your way through the crowd of people. you sat on two vacant stools and paige called the bartender over. she told him she wanted a sex on the beach before you told her you just wanted a light daiquiri.
the two of you got to talking about whatever until the conversation got a little personal. you had your leg crossed over your lap, crossing past her leg and you swore you felt her drag your stool closer.
“wait so, you do like women?” you asked her. “sorry, you don’t have to answer that” you stopped yourself. “nah it’s cool, i don’t put a label on it i just like who i like”
you couldn’t help but feel a sort of tension when she said that. as the words left her mouth her stare intensified and she looked down at your lips before back up at your eyes.
“oh okay that makes sense i guess” you nod your head. “do you…like women?” she asked you. “i do” you pursed your lips into a smirk as you continued “why?”
“do you happen to like women who are blonde and play basketball?” she smirked. you chuckled “yeah i think i do actually” you let your eyes flicker down to her lips.
she quickly handed her credit card to the bartender and grabbed your hand leading you to the exit, pressing you up against a wall outside.
“can i kiss you?” she asked you. you answered that by pressing your lips on hers and throwing your arms around her neck.
though the kiss was sloppy at first, you both fell into a rhythm as her hands held onto your waist.
paige felt a little bold and slid her hand up further, cupping the underside of your boob. you grinned “not worried someone’s gonna see us?” you broke the kiss. she shook her head no “nah it’s fine” she kissed you again.
“well, i actually have a rule. i don’t hookup with people i barely know at the club”
she looked a little defeated at that. “wanna go back to my place?” you smirked and she nod her head, grabbing your hand to lead you to her car.
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illycanary · 6 months
What Aang’s Relationship With His Kids Tells Us About His Relationship With Katara
Bumi: “Oh, boo-hoo. Must've been real hard for you, flying around the world with dad, riding elephant-koi all day.”
Tenzin: “Oh, so that's what this is all about.”
Kya: “That's what it's always been about. You think you're some savior who has to carry on dad's legacy.”
Tenzin: “Who else is going to do it?”
Kya: “How about all of us?”
Bumi: “Yeah, we're Aang's kids too.”
The whole problem with this family is, Aang didn’t believe that.
Aang has a long, undeviating track record of never questioning anything he believes about the Air Nomads. Who the hell has a perfect and complete understanding of their society, government, international relations, education system, religion, morality, genetics, and reproduction at age 12? According to Aang? He does. 
The entire lynchpin of Aang’s Book 3 arc is all about how Air Nomads are pacifists and cannot ever under any circumstances harm a life. (We’re going to ignore the body count Aang’s already wracked up over the first two seasons for the sake of preserving his feelings because those were soulless NPCs or something.) 
And yet Aang never questions this…
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Monk Gyatso’s bones surrounded by a pile of Fire Nation soldier bones. The picture doesn’t fit Aang’s image of Air Nomad peace and harmony, so he ignores it entirely. It NEVER comes up despite its overwhelming relevance to Aang’s internal conflict and the sorts of advice he seeks from authority figures in the third season (despite Monk Gyatso being the penultimate authority figure in Aang’s life).
Another thing Aang never questions?
There’s no such thing as a non-airbending Air Nomad. They’re just all born that spiritual. And spirituality is the golden key that unlocks bending. (Because Bryke said so.)
Despite Guru Pathik not being a bender. Despite the fact that Zhao, literal spirit murderer, is one. Despite Toph—the most un-spiritual, cynical, feet-on-the-ground-head-nowhere-near-the-clouds member of Aang’s friend group—being the most powerful bender of the lot. Despite Hama being a waterbender equal to none but Katara while completely cut off from her culture and turning her back on everything we believe about water bending’s inherent ties to community, connectedness, and love (Iroh’s words). Despite Azula mastering the god-tier lightning technique BECAUSE she’s practically dead inside and values life least of all things. Despite the fact that Princess Yue has the literal MOON SPIRIT THAT IS THE SOURCE OF ALL WATERBENDING living inside her, and yet she still somehow manages to not be a bender.
Despite the fact that Air Nomads roam all over the world, sewing their wilds oats throughout every nation, yet no airbending toddlers ever crop up in Fire Nation or Earth Kingdom preschools. 
Despite the fact that non-monogamous societies where men have multiple partners father more children and boost the population faster than in societies that favor “attached” relationships, yet the all-airbending Air Nomads still somehow have the smallest population of any ethnic group in the world. 
Despite the fact that Aang’s twin, Ty Lee, is RIGHT. THERE. with her unparalleled aura-seeing, chakra blocking spirituality and her GRAY EYES in a world where color coding is ~totally~ not a thing… *sigh* 
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But nope. Air Nomad parentage = airbending child. Always.
So when Katara births a child that is… not an airbender? Not any kind of bender at all, in fact. There’s only one logical conclusion (in Aang’s mind). 
That is not Aang’s child. 
Aang never had a problem traveling with non-airbenders before. He was non-exclusionary by nature. Katara and Toph and Zuko were welcome. Sokka and Suki were welcome. The more, the merrier, in fact. Because Aang loves nothing as much as he loves an adoring audience.
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Yet Bumi never travelled with Aang.
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Bumi’s as old in this picture as Aang was in the first series. He had an entire decade in which he should have been the most important thing in his parents’ lives. His personality was already more or less formed (not completed, but the groundwork was laid) by the time Tenzin came along. Bumi’s inferiority issues began long before there were any airbending children around to siphon Aang’s attention for training purposes. 
Aang and Katara didn’t have another child until Bumi was on the verge of adolescence because Aang was convinced that Katara cheated. And I’m guessing it took Mr. “Let Your Anger Out, And Then Let It Go” about ten years to forgive his wife and give her the chance to get it right. (Which is at least four years longer than he gave her to forgive her mother’s murderer, in case you forgot.)
Acolyte: “Sorry, I thought you were the servants.”
Bumi: “We’re Tenzin’s brother and sister!”
Acolyte: “Avatar Aang had other children? The world is filled with more airbenders?!”
Kya: “We’re not airbenders.”
Acolyte: “Oh… I’m so sorry.”
The Air Acolytes—whose whole identity, purpose, lifestyle, and religion center around every detail of this man's life and beliefs—didn't know Aang had more than one child.
The best case scenario here is that Aang simply pretended his older children didn’t exist because he was ashamed of them and made Katara keep them shut away at all times. 
And maybe that could have worked… If Aang and Katara had ever had any privacy in their relationship. But they didn’t.
The Air Acolytes have been following Aang and Katara since the comics. They’ve been there at every step of Aang and Katara’s life together. Observing. Fangirling. Emulating. Diefying. Looking for weaknesses in the relationship because Katara was only his “first girlfriend.” 
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Yet, somehow, they didn’t know Aang had three children. 
I can’t imagine a way for them not to know unless Aang actively told people, “Those aren’t my kids,” and let Katara bear the shame and stigma of having the world believe she was unfaithful. 
All because Aang couldn't entertain the idea that he was wrong about some facet of a society he never understood clearly.
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gothhabiba · 10 months
It's striking how frequently you can take a Zionist claim, exactly reverse it, and arrive at something much closer to the truth.
Zionists claim that the majority of Palestinian land was unproductive, that Palestinians were neglecting the agricultural potential of the land, and that the مشاع (musha') system of shared landholding (wherein plots were swapped around within a large family unit rather than belonging to one owner and their descendants in perpetuity) held back the land's potential—because the "Arabs" (of course, naturally selfish) would not want to make long-term improvements or allow standard maintenance (e.g. letting it lie fallow) of land if they could not expect the sole long-term benefit from doing so.
I expect that this system, like all systems, had its disadvantages, but Palestinians were demonstrably making long-term changes to the land which their whole unit would benefit from. Terracing, for example, must be accepted to be a long-term project which does not merely immediately extract the maximum yield from the soil year after year?
Meanwhile, while Israelis have invented and instituted developments in agriculture (drip irrigation and irrigation with wastewater as tools of water management, for example), these developments are ones that they have actively prevented Palestinians from making themselves by depriving them of land, water, electricity, capital, the ability to import or export anything, or anything else you would need to technologically innovate anything, since the late 19th century—
—and Israeli methods of agriculture often fall into the ethos of "immediately extract the maximum yield from the soil year after year," with nitrate pollution from their constant use of fertilizers poisoning well water (mostly to the detriment of Palestinians), pollution of soil with salt buildup, use of pesticides leading to high rates of breast cancer, overpumping aquifiers and causing them to fill with brackish water in pursuit of water-hungry crops that should not be grown in the south of Palestine, &c.
And meanwhile the agricultural methods that many Palestinians are now forced to use frequently approach "only think about this season's yield," because they have no faith that they will be able to reap the benefits of their investments (constantly being bombed and driven from their lands and having their farming equipment banned or destroyed) and because they cannot let their land lie fallow for a moment without Israel using that as a pretext to "legally" expropriate it. Zionism is what creates these habits.
Yet even in these adverse conditions, Palestinians use eggshells and fish excrement as natural fertilizers, grow plants without soil, return to the use of historical crops, &c...
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farmerstrend · 3 months
How Big Should Your Farm Be to Make a Profit?
Many new agripreneurs believe that the size of their farm will determine how profitable they’ll be. However, you can be profitable whether you’re farming 1 hectare or 100 hectares; it all depends on how you farm. When it comes to land, the most important thing to consider is not the number of hectares at your disposal, but rather the commodity that you farm and how you manage and control costs.…
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valtsv · 2 months
from a maladaptive compulsive liar to a former (?) one: what's your secret to unlearning this shit? my crops are dying [<- lie. i do not own any crops]
a lot of it honestly comes down to (at least in my experience) 1) recognising and acknowledging your emotions and 2) thinking before you speak. i used to lie a lot because i had been taught that i was expected to have an answer prepared, or else face punishment and scorn. i would then ask myself "why did i do that?" and regret it, but it'd be too late to take it back. by learning to ask myself "why am i doing this?" before i speak rather than after, i've managed to rationalise myself out of a lot of unnecessary mistakes. it takes time and a lot of kindness and patience with yourself, but it's a rewarding habit to develop.
i am also very paranoid, and struggle to trust people, so i lie to protect myself from potential threats that are rarely real, assuming that everyone around me is playing an elaborate interrogation game trying to "catch me out". what helped me most with that was expressing my fears to the few people i could trust (friends, therapist) and developing that support system, so that even when i'm experiencing an episode i'm not completely without places and people to turn to for help. i have to thank those people for being patient with me and showing me so much grace and kindness, too, as i simply wouldn't have been able to place my faith in them without any effort on their part.
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farmerpposts · 2 years
Machine learning in agriculture can empower producers to enhance agricultural productivity while also minimizing its impact on the environment. Make your agricultural practices data-driven and grow crops more efficiently with the help of the FarmERP Crop Management Software.
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khetibuddyblog · 1 year
Evolving Agricultural Practices: Implementing Farm Management Systems for Sustainable Farming
The evolution of agriculture in India is moving towards more sustainable practices. Combining traditional wisdom and modern technology is shaping a new era of farming, which is both environmentally friendly and economically viable. However, the vast majority of Indian farmers still rely on outdated and inefficient farming methods, which leads to lower yields and environmental degradation.
The Concept of Farm Management System: 
FMS are modern solutions that aim to streamline the entire farming process. These systems leverage AI, big data analytics, and IoT to monitor soil health, automate irrigation, optimise fertiliser usage, and predict crop yields. 
They can transform every phase of farming, from seed selection to harvest, into a data-driven process. This innovative approach to agriculture increases productivity, reduces environmental impact, and improves profitability, thereby making farming more sustainable in the long run.
The Significance of Farm Crop Management Systems:
Crop Management Systems, a subset of FMS, are designed to optimise crop production. They provide real-time insights into crop health, pest infestation, and nutrient deficiency, allowing farmers to make informed decisions. 
These systems can predict weather conditions and suggest the most suitable crops for cultivation based on soil type and region, thus reducing the risk of crop failure. By increasing yield and minimising resource wastage, these systems significantly contribute to the sustainability of Indian agriculture.
Real-world Applications of FMS in India:
These are not just theoretical concepts but are being applied successfully across India. For instance, in one of the Indian states, a tech-based initiative has led to a significant reduction in the overuse of water for paddy cultivation. Similarly, in one of the southern regions, zero-budget natural farming practices, backed by data-driven insights, have been implemented on a large scale, promoting biodiversity and enhancing soil health. These examples underscore how integrating FMS can revolutionise farming practices and improve sustainability.
The Future of Farming: How FMS are Shaping Sustainable Agriculture in India 
The potential of FMS in driving sustainable farming in India is vast. As the technology becomes more affordable and accessible, more farmers are expected to adopt these systems. Consequently, we foresee a future where data-driven farming becomes the norm, leading to increased productivity, reduced environmental impact, and improved farmer livelihoods. Thus, FMS will play a pivotal role in shaping the future of sustainable agriculture in India.
Conclusion: Embracing Technology for a Sustainable Future in Indian Farming 
Embracing the Farm Management System is a crucial step toward a sustainable future for Indian agriculture. These innovative solutions are transforming how we farm, making it more efficient, profitable, and environmentally responsible. It's time to leverage technology and reimagine agriculture for a more sustainable and prosperous future.
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