#cromwell tank
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carbone14 · 2 years ago
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Les chars Cromwell de la 7e Division blindée britannique se préparent à attaquer Caen par la rive Est de l'Orne – Bataille de Caen – Opération Goddwood – Bataille de Normandie – Calvados – Normandie – France – 18 juillet 1944
Photographe : Sergent Laing - No. 5 Army Film and Photo Section, Army Film and Photographic Unit
©Imperial War Museums - B 7649
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pukindog-v2 · 2 months ago
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Cruiser Tank MkVIII Cromwell
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captain-price-unofficially · 5 months ago
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The crew of a British Army Cromwell tank is welcomed by Dutch civilians in Eindhoven, The Netherlands. 19 September 1944
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dzerofive · 1 year ago
aaand i also have this gentleman Cromwell mk. IV I made over the year ago. i have some more tanks somewhere, i don't sure if i can find them...
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it also has rough interior, it was hard to find references for it though. i want to make interior of the jet better so it will look cute if it were to be used in first-person game.
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duranduratulsa · 16 days ago
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Now showing on DuranDuranTulsa's Action Theater...Space Cowboys (2000) on glorious vintage VHS 📼! #movie #movies #actionadventure #spacecowboys #ClintEastwood #TommyLeeJones #donaldsutherland #ripdonaldsutherland #JamesGarner #RIPJamesGarner #marciagayharden #JamesCromwell #WilliamDevane #barbarababcock #jayleno #blairbrown #LorenDean #courtneybvance #RadeSerbedzija #haydentank #toneloc #2000s #vintage #VHS #durandurantulsasactiontheater #durandurantulsa
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sgtgrunt0331-3 · 1 year ago
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September 21, 1944, British Cromwell tanks of the 2nd Welsh Guards are photographed as they cross the bridge at Nijmegen in Holland during Operation Market Garden.
(Photo courtesy of the Imperial War Museum)
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kingerdartneartern · 4 days ago
(I don't care how late to this party I am, I brought ruffles and you will let me in) I noticed something extremely sad about the Huxleypocalypse... the severe lack of old man swag, so I present:
Grand-Uncle Bertram
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Keep reading for bio because long.
Full Name: Bertram Algernon Reginald Fitzwilliam Huxley Age: ~110, but moves like a 50 year old. Height: 7'3 Hair: Balder than Seth Everman but has a mustache Favorite Color: Brown Familial Relation: Grand-Uncle, Uncle of Mr Huxley.
Bertram is the MOST British man to ever British. He is a relic of the old world, a war hero, a gentleman, a wine mogul, and a walking legend among those who know of him. He resides on his massive estate somewhere in the English countryside, where he enjoys the quiet life with his animals, his vineyards, and his grand garden.
He's always laughing, and always in high spirits—unless you insult his wine, his mustache, or the Queen (rest her soul).
He's also unbelievably strong to a degree where both scientists and religious leaders have gone mad trying to figure out how, being able to carry triple his body weight despite his age. He once punched a tree out of the ground because it "wasn't growing properly."
Despite his immense strength, he's technologically deaf. He doesn't understand technology beyond the radio, he still uses a rotary phone, and if you asked him to "Screenshot" something, he'd pull out a rifle. He also still writes with a fountain pen, and communicates via Letter.
He's also a man who cares about Family. His deepest regret in life is that he never had children of his own, he'd die for his family and would kill anyone who hurts them. The only reason he hasn't ripped Mr Huxley's jaw off and beat him to death with it is because he's intentionally being left in the dark.
Bertram also loves animals, so much so that he has 19 pets, consisting of 13 dogs, 5 cats, and a very pampered Pig. All of them extremely well-loved.
Wellington (English Mastiff) - His most loyal companion, a massive beast of a dog. Churchill (Bulldog) – Stubborn, grumpy, but has a soft spot for pears. Horatio (Great Dane) – A massive lad, somehow afraid of everything. Monty (Border Collie) – Named after Field Marshal Bernard Montgomery, incredibly intelligent. Boudica (Doberman) – Fierce, fast, and only listens to Bertram. Nelson (Scottish Terrier) – Small but absolutely fearless. Victoria (Golden Retriever) – Always happy, always muddy. Tennyson (Afghan Hound) – Has the most luxurious coat. Cromwell (Bloodhound) – Nose like a weapon, frequently leads Bertram to lost items. Rupert (Saint Bernard) – Carries a tiny brandy barrel, even though Bertram doesn’t need it. Galahad (Irish Wolfhound) – The size of a horse, yet the gentlest dog on the estate. Sherlock (Cocker Spaniel) – Obsessed with sniffing out hidden things. Thatcher (Jack Russell Terrier) – A tiny menace, but godlike at catching rats.
Tuppence (Maine Coon) – Absolute unit of a cat, bigger than some of the dogs. Jeeves (British Shorthair) – A regal, dignified feline that judges all. Moriarty (Siamese) – Chaos incarnate, has stolen important documents before. Percival (Russian Blue) – Very sleek, very smug, and very spoiled. Beauregard (Scottish Fold) – Does nothing but sleep on Bertram’s lap.
Reginald (Gloucestershire Old Spot) – The pride of the estate. Bought for farming but immediately became family. Knows how to sit, roll over, and enjoys listening to the Radio.
War Accomplishments:
During his time in the 2nd world war, he managed to take down over:
2000+ Men 27 Tanks 19 Aircraft And a Warship
470 of those men and 5 of those tanks were taken down Barehanded, With no Shirt on, In the Snow, at Night, by Himself. This event is debated by most historians as War Time propaganda.
Extremely dead. She was and still is the love of his life and still wears his wedding ring. Always wears a locket with a picture of her inside. Her tombstone is the most well-kept part of his estate and he brings fresh flowers daily.
Philosophy on Life:
"You see, dear child, life is rather simple. Eat well, work hard, enjoy a fine glass of wine, and if a man insults your honor, challenge him to fisticuffs immediately." - Bertram Huxley
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i-identify-tanks-in-posts · 4 months ago
So Tank Man, what do you think of this prototype Matilda (Matilda III?) ?
Do you think it would have been effective or was it too late in the war? I recall Matilda's having excellent armor but poor firepower, and this would seem to add both more firepower and more turret armor?
Idk, I'm not the expert here.
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Fascinating. From what I can find, these photographs are the last surviving documentation of a prototype Matilda upgrade that essentially saw the turret replaced with one out of a Cromwell, and the 2-pounder gun replaced with a 6-pounder.
I still find it somewhat over armored and undergunned, considering that it's still only a 57mm gun on a tank that, with the chassis modifications and Cromwell turret affixed,would have weighed nearly 28 tons.
Essentially, this would be a Churchill Mk. III, but with half the armor and a third of the power.
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violadiaries · 3 months ago
Fluffcember Day 13: Fire and Ice
Fandom: Tensura
Pairing: Guy Crimson x Leon Cromwell
Additional: Mermaid AU/Fantasy AU; Established GuyLeo (kind of); slightly possessive Guy
AN: I am late, I'm so sorry. After getting home yesterday I was feeling like shit to be honest. Ok, tbh I'm still feeling like shit, but at least I'm not so tired and hurting anymore. but hey...what do we spot here, a new AU for these idiots? :)
Also I didn't reread it for mistakes, so...my bad :')
Leon was sitting behind his desk, drawing up different formulae on a piece of paper. Scratching out certain symbols, when he noticed they wouldn't work very well together. He had abandoned his robes in favour of a light tank top some comfortable pants. If someone wanted something from his, they would be wise enough to knock, and then he could change his clothes with a snap of his fingers. It really wasn't that hard. Leon found himself looking up, watching the winter scenery outside his tower. Some dumb ass country really had to start a conflict shortly before the Christmas celebrations. The only time of the year when the king actually left him alone.
At least he had his tower tempered well enough to be bothered by the cold outside. He hoped he'd be done soon enough with the magic devices the king had demanded this time. Or rather his military adviser. And once he was done he could seal the doors to his tower to anyone but his subor-apprentences, as he needed to officially call them, and be done with the world for the rest of the year. Which by then would only be measly few days left, but still.
Leon took a deep breath and refocused on the papers in front of him. He did notice the shift in the air rather quickly. Yet he also recognised the mana that appeared within the room. Or rather who it belonged to.
A small smile made its way onto Leon's lips, even though he stayed focused on his work. He still wasn't quite sure how he had gotten into this kind of…situation, but somehow he couldn't find himself to mind that much. Not when the other brought something of a comforting presence with him by now.
Though he could do without the hovering over his shoulder. Which wasn't all that surprising, because he never liked getting ignored for that long. Even when it had been him who had silently watched Leon in the beginning. With Leon only figuring out slowly what actually had been wrong.
"What?" Leon asked.
His voice had taken on a sort of absentminded tone, as he was drawing up some symbols. If he could get these to work, he might be finished sooner than anticipated. And then he finally could have his peace for a few days.
"What's going on here? Shouldn't you be enjoying some time off? You said you would have some time off now?"
Leon let out a sigh, when Guy pulled him to the back of his chair by his shoulder. Severely under dressed as always, Leon noted. Not that he minded, Guy had a handsome physique, though unfortunately the merman was well aware of that fact as well. And liked to utilise it more often than not.
"Some kingdom or something to the east started a conflict. The king needs some shi- stuff from me. And his butler has already been coming by for the nth time it feels like, pestering me when it would be done," Leon said.
He refocused back on Guy's blood red eyes instead of staring at his bare chest. Guy definitely had already noticed, so Leon needed to shift the topic soon enough, before he decided to tease him with that fact.
Guy's eyes did darken ever so slightly, his pupils doing that interesting thing again, where they turned into slits the tiniest bit more than normally. And Guy's eyes already were rather unusual, even when he was disguising himself as a human. He definitely was not amused with that he was hearing. Leon just hoped he wouldn't try something dumb,
"Diablo, huh? Don't mind him. Need my help?" Guy asked.
The smile was back soon enough on his face, though a bit more predatory than Leon liked. And a bit more forced. He knew what kind of help he was offering, but he really didn't want to risk their current status quo.
It was a wonder that Diablo hadn't yet decided to blow his cover in front of the king. Though then Leon would see himself tempted to blow Diablo's own cover. Not that the butler knew that Leon was aware of his little secret.
"Be glad I'm disguising you as an apprentice of the mages tower. Don't tempt fate Guy," Leon said.
He was about to turn back to his work, when Guy grabbed his chin and brought his own face closer to Leon's. The air surrounding him heating up and cooling down in irregular currents. Or rather, Guy trying to cool down the air surrounding Leon.
He was excited about something. Probably about teasing Leon again. Excited enough that he let his magic run freely at least the tiniest bit. Just enough to clash with Leon's own magic. Just enough to annoy Leon a little bit further.
"Don't want to share me?" Guy asked.
His voice was merely a whisper against Leon's lips. Anyone walking in on them would be scandalised what Guy was allowing himself. After all it was out of the question that each apprentice to the tower swore their loyalty to the master first and the king second.
A smile settled on Leon's lips. A small one, as he didn't back down from Guy's advances. Had found that it wasn't worth it in the end, and he would have to admit that at least the was a intellectual attraction there. Maybe even a physical.
"No, I don't," he said.
Guy's smile turned into a grin, before his face froze. Most likely as he realized that Leon had not gone in the defence like he usually would in moments like these. No, right now he wasn't in the mood for that.
Guy blinked at him, clearly confused as a small noise escaped his mouth indicating just that. Leon's smile grew a little bit, as he brought his hand up, to brush some strands of fire red hair from Guy's face. Remaining on his cheek, as to make sure that Guy wouldn't back away from him.
"I don't want to share you. Oh great king of the seas, mightiest of the merfolk," Leon whispered.
He definitely would not have done that if he hadn't been absolutely sure that they were alone. Though he had to admit, that the way Guy's face flushed the tiniest bit was worth it in the end. Leon lightly clapped his cheek and turned away from him again, back to his work.
"I'll have time for you in a moment," he said.
Guy let out a laugh, a nervous little sound, as he backed away. Definitely having been caught in his own trap this time. Leon would need to make sure to do this more often. It was satisfying.
He watched from the corner of his eyes as Guy sat down on a nearby chair, his eyes never leaving Leon, as he resumed working. As long as he was quiet, Leon couldn't even find himself to mind all that much.
"Alright~ I'll just sit here and look handsome then," Guy said.
Leon chuckled and nodded, humming in agreement. While Guy's mana was cooling the room down slightly, Leon couldn't find himself to mind. It was a welcome addition, and good to keep his own magic in check. Which tended to overflow whenever he got too focused on something. Having cost him multiple desks by now.
Guy quite watched as Leon worked, mumbling something once in a while, scribbling down words on one page, only to erase them on another. Icy blue eyes focused solely on his work, while Guy's blood red eyes were focused only on him. Guy made sure the suppress the excess of mana flowing out of Leon. He thought it was adorable how distracted he could become once in a while. His mana, a combination out of the purest of light and the hottest of fires, clashing with Guy's icy cold one. Though Guy himself didn't have an affinity, he just liked to tune his mana in a way to accent Leon's in the end.
After some time Leon leaned back and let out a long sigh, looking down on the paper in front of him. He leaned forward again and copied some of the things onto a clean sheet of paper, before burning the ones he had scribbled on in his hands. That was the perfect sign for Guy.
"Done?" he asked.
Guy didn't let Leon answer him. He just grabbed his arm, and pulled him onto his feet. One look at the page Leon had last written on, told him he was finished. He would only clean everything up once he was, Guy had learnt. Though he also once again found himself fascinated by the knowledge Leon possessed.
"Great! Let's go, it's too warm in here," Guy said.
He didn't let his eyes roam for too long. Leon could get cranky if he thought Guy was trying to look at whatever he had been working on. At least if it wasn't quiet finished yet.
He had long given up the pretense of knowing absolutely everything after all. At least in front of Leon. He had seen through his 'all-knowing ruler of the seas' thing rather fast after all. Especially because he himself was incredibly smart. Something Guy liked about him so very much.
"I like it like this?" Leon said.
Guy laughed and shook his head. He snapped his fingers at the same time as Leon did, so at least some rudimentary robes appeared on him. With Leon having gotten 'dressed' in his full robes again. Long, flowing, black robes with golden applications. Almost vibrating with magic and yet giving Leon an almost regal aura.
Guy grinned to himself. It was fitting, with how all the apprentices of the Tower practically worshipped Leon. It wouldn't be far off to say they were his subjects, yet the Mage Tower was under the command of that King, Guy couldn't care less about.
"Aw, did my fiery passion not yet warm you up again. Is it not enough to melt your icy heart, my mighty sorcerer," Guy said.
Guy himself had just let some light robes and a thin tank top appear on himself. Just enough to brand him as an 'apprentice', so their whole gig wouldn't get discovered. Even if there was a certain meddlesome someone in the castle that knew about his game.
But it had been the best Leon had been able to come up with, so Guy could regularly visit him, even when he was busy. Without drawing attention to himself. It didn't mean Guy actually did spend much time researching anything in the Tower. Or learning anything.
"Idiot," Leon said.
There was a small smile on his face as Guy looked back at him. Tiniest wrinkles appearing by his eyes, telling Guy everything he needed to know. And that tone, that affectionate, slightly annoyed and yet endearing tone was music to Guy's ears.
Again and again he needed to remind himself that Leon was just an incredibly skilled human, and not one of his sirens from down below the ocean. Luring a willing victim to their doom. Even if he could easily pass as one. None of the sirens Guy had under his command could even get close to looking as beautiful as his Leon.
"You still love me," Guy said.
Leon let out a sigh and let Guy pull him further through the tower. Some of the other apprentices looked at them scandalised, while other, the higher ones, the ones Leon did trust, knew. They didn't know the whole truth about Guy, but they knew that he was no mere apprentice.
Leon was highly critical in choosing new ones after all. And while Guy would have easily passed all the tests Leon gave out to aspiring mages out there, wishing to learn under his command, his personality just didn't fit right. No, Guy was at the Tower for another reason whatsoever.
"I never talked about love, Guy," Leon reminded him.
His mouth had been pulled down into a slight frown, while he let out a sigh. Leon wasn't sure why he was so lenient with the merman himself. He did like his presence a lot, that much he would need to admit. Even if in the beginning he had just wanted to research his species even further.
"But I do still appreciate you," Leon added.
He still wanted to learn more about the merfolk, just like Guy had his own ulterior goal as well, Leon was more than assured. But he also would be lying if he said that was his only motivation for letting Guy stick around him so much.
Leon shivered as they stepped outside, into the icy winter air. As lovely as it had looked from his office, Leon would have rather stayed inside and looked at it from there. The temperatures had dropped far to low for his liking. Leon just hoped that it way all natural, or he would not get any free days any time soon.
"You know, for someone with such an icy demeanour, and I mean it, you're getting cold too often," Guy said.
He chuckled and grinned at Leon, who just rolled his eyes at the remark. It was one he had heard often enough from anyone around to tell him. The King had told him before, as had some of his servants. Some folks from the Tower as well. And Guy would regularly remind him.
Just like all of them were always exclusively stunned, when they found out what Leon's main mana attributes were. He was skilled with all of them, or else he wouldn't have been able to climb to the rank of master all those decades ago, but his main ones, the ones he had started with as a magician, still always came as a surprise to anyone out there.
"It's just a nuisance. I do prefer fire and warmth over the biting cold out here," Leon said.
He didn't like the cold, simple as that. He could bear with it, when it came from Guy's own special brand of mana, or even in his better days whenever Guy decided to bring Velzard along to visit him as well.
Another interesting one, he would have never gotten to know if not for his…unconventional relationship with Guy. He had known about the greater dragons out there, the king was close friends with one after all. But the ice dragon, graceful and beautiful just like the element she commanded, was something else entirely. Seemingly innocent, yet cruel at the same time. She did grind on his nerves once in a while, though whenever Guy was planning some mischief, they could get along rather quickly.
"Don't let Velzard hear that -"
"Lord Leon, where might you be going?"
Guy and Leon stopped immediately at the voice. Guy's eyes narrowing at the interruption of his well deserved alone time with Leon, while Leon just let out a sigh. That was the last kind of voice he had wanted to hear, when he himself just wanted a break.
"Diablo," Leon said.
He pulled his hand out of Guy's grip and turned towards the butler of the King approaching them with fast steps. Only shortly looking at Guy, before focusing on Leon again. Definitely demanding an answer to his question. Not that Leon would need to answer to him. Though it would make him look suspicious.
"I am taking a break. Surely his majesty would not be opposed to that. Or does he wish to slave me to my death?" Leon asked.
He crossed his arms in front of his chest and let his face fall into a mask of indifference. With Diablo he was never really sure how he should react. Even if he had the higher ground when it came to information, Leon never really could gauge his moods just right.
Diablo's eyes were drawn to Guy again, momentarily changing. Irises turning blood red and sclera turning pitch black with with his pupils thinning out into slits. Something Leon had seen Guy's eyes do as well before, whenever he was especially annoyed.
"Of course not. And this…person?" he asked.
He closed his eyes, as he smiled brightly at Leon definitely to regain his composure again. How he hadn't been discovered by anyone yet was a mystery to Leon. Though at the same time, Leon hadn't been any wiser to the fact that the butler was not what he seemed to be, if Guy hadn't clued him in.
For now he would stay silent on the matter, as long as Diablo didn't decide to blow Guy's cover. And through that expose the lie Leon had told to everyone asking. The fabrications he had made up, just so he wouldn't have to sneak around to see Guy.
"Surely you have met the newest apprentice to the mages tower. He wished me to see some of his progress," Leon said.
Diablo's attention snapped back to Leon immediately again. Leon went the extra mile and took a step forward, in front of Guy, shielding him somewhat from Diablo's field of view. Officially he was an apprentice of the Tower. So officially he was under Leon's protection. Not that Guy needed it.
"That does not sound like much of a break."
The smile on his face was still more than forced. While Leon just let out another drawn out sigh. He supposed Diablo was right. To anyone it wouldn't sound like much of a break. But Leon wasn't just about anyone.
"It is for me," he said.
He didn't even need to lie in that aspect. He liked looking over the progress of the younger apprentices whenever he had the time. It calmed him to see them succeed and somehow it also filled him with pride. They were his responsibility after all. And if they bloomed into strong sorcerers of their own one day, it would be his accomplishment.
"The tools and formulae will be done by the time I have agreed upon with King Rimuru. Do not worry about that, I do tend to stay true to my word," Leon said.
He had been able to make some major progress on the formulae already after all. And the tools could only be started to get crafted after those were done. But with how it was looking right now, Leon was assured he would be finished even earlier than he had promised.
Diablo nodded, his smile turning a smidge more genuine. He knew if wouldn't do well, to get on Leon's nerves. Everyone knew that Leon worked best on his own terms in the end.
"I am well aware, Lord Leon. I just wished to see whether the progress was keeping up steady," Diablo said.
That didn't stop him from annoying him pretty much every day. Somehow it did got Leon to wonder how much free time he actually had, if he could make the trek from the castle, to the Tower and back every day, without neglecting his other duties.
Yet at the same time did Leon know that Diablo was hiding quiet a bit if magic himself. Magic he normally would need to at least get registered in the castle, if not in the Tower. Another secret Leon would keep to himself for now, for it might just serve him well in the future.
"It would, if I wouldn't be constantly getting interrupted by someone feeling the need to pester me about the progress being done. I wonder who might be at fault for that," he said.
Diablo stiffened at that, eyes opening as his smile froze on his face. He knew very well that he was meant with that, and that every delay he caused he would get chastised by the King for. Something he definitely wouldn't want to happen.
"Have a good day, Diablo," Leon said.
Before he could say anything else, or get on Leon's nerves in any other way, Leon grabbed Guy's hand and pulled him away, before using a simple teleportation spell to get them outside of the Tower barriers. Just far enough that Diablo wouldn't even get the idea to follow, if he didn't want to openly show Leon that he had magic. Magic Leon would then have to report to the King.
He instinctively walked to the cliff where he had liked to spend his time before he had met Guy. Or rather, exactly where he had met Guy for the first time. Where Guy had basically stalked him for weeks, before Leon had been able to figure out just where exactly he had been sitting.
"I'm not sure whether the ground should have frozen more, or melted away completely. But I am sure that that was insanely hot, Leon," Guy said.
He stopped, causing Leon to stand still as well. A grin plastered on his face, as he pulled Leon closer, wrapping an arm around his waist. Guy's voice had dropped lower, something that never failed to send shivers down Leon's spine. He supposed he was showing Guy a lot of different sides to himself today.
Yet ultimately it wasn't Leon's fault that Diablo had decided to get on his nerves when he had actually looked forward to whatever Guy had planned for him. As long as he didn't get too handsy Leon never really minded. Leon turned his head away, hoping he would be able to blame the cold on the slight flush on his cheeks later on.
"Can you stop it with the fire and ice images?" he asked.
Guy chuckled at that and placed both of his arms loosely around Leon's waist. Loose enough that Leon would be able to easily escape if he just so much as wanted to. Giving him this opening was Guy's sign, that he could back out if he wanted to. That he didn't want to make Leon uncomfortable.
Leon did smile that at. No matter how mighty Guy wanted to appear, he did have something of a soft spot for people he liked, Leon supposed. And Leon had just been lucky enough to land a spot in there.
"Aw~ but I like them. They fit us. My fiery passion and habitat of the icy, unrelenting sea, and your cold demeanour, yet the hot blood flowing through your veins withing your…uh…" Guy trailed off.
He placed his head to the side, thinking about it further. What kind of comparison he could come up with that would be satisfying to himself. Leon had half a mind of knowing who exactly had put that imagery into his head in the first place.
He also could come up with a pretty good one himself, he supposed. Yet he wasn't all too sure if he wanted to give Guy that kind of opening, to way more idiotic poetry about their personalities. Leon looked around and sighed.
"Withing the fiery magic I wield? Fire is one of my specialities after all," Leon suggested.
Guy's eyes lightened up at that, as he quickly nodded. Leon rolled his eyes and shook his head. He shouldn't have said anything. And he would make sure that the actual perpetrator of this idea wouldn't get any more dumb idea into Guy's head. But only later.
Leon leaned forward the slightest bit, resting his head against Guy's shoulder, as he let his own posture slump for a moment. He definitely deserved this kind of break once in a while. Letting himself get soothed by the gentle waves with which he could only compare Guy's own unique magic with. At least sometimes.
"Please stop spending too much time with Velzard," Leon mumbled.
Guy laughed and tightened his hold on Leon. He was glad that Guy wasn't pulling him down in the water, because he really, really didn't want to get wet right now. Standing by the ocean surely would be enough for him.
Guy raised one hand to card through Leon's hair, something possessive bleeding into his expression as he looked at him. For now that would need to be enough he supposed. At least until he knew what kind of contract Leon was bound to the King under.
"Aw~ but she's like a sister to me, I can't do that. You know you love me either way," Guy whispered.
Leon hummed and relaxed more, while Guy watched him. His fascinating, talented human. Maybe one day he would thank his brother for sneaking off to that human kingdom one day in the future. But only after he had berated him for annoying his Leon like this so often.
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catgirlforeskin · 8 months ago
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Strisvogn m/39 Medium
76mm QF 17 pounder gun, fit easily because my dick is huge
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Angrepskanonvogn m/39
Bofors 75mm Mountain gun
Assault gun varient of the Strv m/39 (above)
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Panservernkanonvogn m/39
US 90mm M3 tank gun that somehow traveled back in time
TD Varient of Previous
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Pansretbil m/39
I didn't actually design this one lol
I just stuck a 20mm Anti tank rifle in there lol
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Strisvogn m/39 Britisk
Based on weird hybrid of Cromwell and Matilda, made by the developer, so no I didn't actually make this one either lol.
Same 90mm gun as the TD above.
(I also renamed the light tank to the Strisvogn m/38, which is definitely not confusing in the slightest)
All the names are weird janky mashings of Norwegian, cause I'm kinda shit at Norwegian.
I don’t think I’ve ever asked, what game is this lmao
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mydaddywiki · 1 year ago
James Cromwell
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Physique: Thin/Average Build Height: 6’ 7" (2.01 m)
James Oliver Cromwell (born January 27, 1940-) is an American actor and activist. Known for his extensive work as a character actor, he has received a Primetime Emmy Award as well as a nomination for the Academy Award for Best Supporting Actor for Babe. Other notable roles include in Star Trek: First Contact, L.A. Confidential, The Green Mile, Still Mine and Marshall. Cromwell is also well known for his roles in television including Angels in America, Six Feet Under, and Succession. He won the Primetime Emmy Award for Outstanding Supporting Actor in a Limited Series or Movie for his role in American Horror Story: Asylum.
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He's a tall, lanky guy that I find him strangely attractive (I usually go for short and chubby). Plus he has a nice ass on him. He tends to play odd and/or curmudgeonly roles, and by all objective measures he never was leading-man handsome. But there's something very charismatic about him.
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Cromwell is married to his third wife and has three children. He's also a passionate and interesting liberal activist who's willing to go to jail for his beliefs. I bet if you can bottle that up, he'd be great in bed. You just have to get through the vegan animal rights shit. I'm hoping I could get him to overlook being a vegan to eat a certain kind of meat. You know what I'm talking about. My penis;)
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RECOMMDATIONS: Still Mine (2012) - Shirtless, Rear Nudity Six Feet Under (TV Series) - S3/E12 ’Twilight’ (2003) - Shirtless Tank (1984) - Shirtless, Rear Nudity
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artofpeteashford · 11 months ago
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Pen and marker study, WW2 British Cromwell Cruiser tank.
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captain-price-unofficially · 10 months ago
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Cromwell of the 8th Hussars knocked out by artillery fire, likely in Europe.
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karagin22 · 3 months ago
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Modified Cromwell tank
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redwryvernwrites · 1 year ago
TRAINTOBER | Day 28 - Which Way Now?
Thomas gets lost on the mainland and meets Oliver Cromwell who points him the right way.
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“Why does this always happen to me!?” Thomas lamented as he stared at the small quaint Station with a large frown on his face. It was no secret that Thomas’ sense of direction was extremely lacking. Which for an engine, was rather concerning all things considered. 
The little station meant that they sure weren’t on the mainline and therefore not heading towards London for Gordon’s 100th Birthday celebration at King’s Cross. Sir Topham Hatt looked just as befuddled as his favourite engine. 
“I am sure that this was the way Olivia said,” the man muttered looking to Thomas’s crew. Both men just stared at him blankly. 
“We’re going to be late!” Thomas huffed, irritated. “Gordon’s never going to let me live it down! Henry and James made a bet that I would get lost.”
“Well, if we get there on time then no one will know,” his driver suggested but the fireman just gave a snort of mirth at that.
“I shall go and asked the station master for directions,” Thomas’s controller reluctantly lamented. 
The man had hoped that he wouldn’t have had to resort to that, knowing that Thomas getting lost was a recurring joke in the books and show. He would rather not perpetuate that certain idea any further than it had to be.
Thomas sighed and looked down at the tracks as a few railway workers nearby began to gawk and take pictures of him with their phones. 
Well, at least he’d make a few people happy, he thought to himself quietly. That was a positive. Yet, his worry about missing Gordon’s 100th birthday celebration hung over his mind like a cloud of miasma.
“Are you Thomas THE Tank Engine?” A voice excitedly asked and Thomas looked up at the track next to him. 
A large Steam Engine was pulling in to the platform on the other side, no sign of coaches. Thomas was surprised. He hadn’t seen another steam engine on the mainland since leaving Sodor. He welcomed it though.
“I am!” Thomas smiled at the large engine. “Thomas the really useful engine at your service, er-”
“Oliver Cromwell,” the engine introduced himself. “A pleasure to meet such a famous engine in my humble abode.”
Thomas laughed heartily in response.
“So, what brings you to this neck of the woods Thomas? I’m not aware of any Galas or heritage train runs going on,” Cromwell asked and Thomas’ cheeks turned slightly red in embarrassment.
“Ah well, see I’m supposed to be heading to King’s Cross,” Thomas admitted and the other engine’s face creased into a frown.
“King’s Cross? This is by no means the way to King’s Cross, Thomas,” Cromwell pointed out. “This line heads to Scotland, not to London.”
“I took a wrong point,” Thomas confessed, incredibly embarrassed. “Silly, silly me!”
“It happens to the best of us Thomas, no need to fret,” Cromwell assured him. 
“It does, but it keeps happening to me!” Thomas continued to fret despite Standard 7’s words. “I’m quite hopeless when it comes to directions.”
“I see,” Cromwell smiled. “Well, I have finished my runs for the day, I can take you as far as Stevenage. From there I’m sure one of the new engines could point you in the right direction!”
“Oh, would you be able to do that? That would just be fantastic!” Thomas enthused and Cromwell gave a low chuckle. 
“It’s no problem, we engines must help each other out after all!” Cromwell exclaimed and a wide grin appeared over Thomas’ face. 
“I couldn’t have said it better myself!” Thomas beamed.
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Standard Class 7, Oliver Cromwell
Oliver Cromwell ‘racing’ LMS Black 5, Eric Treacy, 44932. That Black 5 engineer ain’t having none of Cromwell’s ‘overtaking’ shenanigans. 
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chainslobber · 1 month ago
CW: Pet husbandry issue//no pictures
This house is TOO cold and I feel so bad for my snakes. I got them next to the radiators but it can't be too close because it'll melt their enclosures. I should swap them back to glass/acrylic enclosures, but the issue with that is I'd need to buy stackable ones for room and they're a good $400 a pop.
I had to downsize them at my dad's house because he SWORE the tanks (I had two at the time) used hundreds and hundreds of dollars every month, when the reality is if you got them properly set up, they hardly go through a dollar a day. But the house was also warmer, especially the bedroom, so tubs didn't matter.
Now, though, I feel so bad. Their tubs are way too cold and I don't want them to get sick or worse. The cold side needs to be at least 80F and I'm lucky if it hits 70 here. I got blankets on top to hold in the heat but it's not enough. I hate feeling like a bad pet owner, but I only get paid once a month and it all goes to bill and rent. I do still wanna sell my belongings, gotta finish cataloguing them.
The tubs my snakes are in are very long, about as long as a proper enclosure, but Kamski LOVES to climb and Cromwell loves logs and sticks. I don't know about Kai, he was a tub baby since he was born. He deserves a BIG enclosure with a basking spot, too. But man, the $1200 for enclosures and the possible 200 for shipping is just...so much. Even if I max out my credit card I'd still have to pay it all back with interest. Idk what to do.
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