wulfums 22 days
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Werecritter Charpim momemce 馃ズ
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scribblyshipping 2 months
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Wanted to make a Werecritter version of my Crittersona! Based off of and branching from the Crittertopia AU made by @wulfums ! The designs of Pim and Charlie were also made by him :]
I'm not really sure what else to say, I tried to put all of her info on the first reference image, but feel free to ask any questions!
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spaceyalienz 2 months
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A werecritter design for Leep based on @wulfums amazing Crittertopia AU! Been reading a bit about it and I love the concept, I thought it鈥檇 be neat to design something for my Crittersona!
Leep definitely caught it from Charlie and Pim, unfortunately. They鈥檇 probably be approached by Glep to help find a cure afterwards but they just kind of want to stay with Pim and Charlie, so that鈥檚 what they do. They do hope their cousin finds that cure though! I really loved the werecritter Glep design so I wanted to incorporate some bits ( with Leep also being fluffy / having a snaggletooth ) to Leep bc it makes sense since they鈥檙e related, they鈥檇 end up developing similarly due to the disease.
I think since they and Pim are pretty small critters, I imagine Charlie turns into like attack dog for real and becomes very possessive of his tiny partners. I think Leep would also be pretty protective when Charlie and Pim are involved, but they just come off less attack dog and more angry chihuahua.
That鈥檚 all I got for now tbh, but this was really fun! Go follow Wulf and read about their cool AU!
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toonie-selfships 2 months
What i think werecritter gwimbly would look like
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He's gotten a whole lot fluffier but also yet scruffier, and also now has a mullet.
His teeth have gotten sharper than their usual low poly round along with his fingers which have torn at his gloves.
I refuse to believe its a prolapse its a tail you will never change my mind. Im not in denial its a tail. Which has also gotten a whole lot fluffier and a bit longer.
Without Lucky Charms he's slowly reverting to his survival tactics he had when he was homeless. He also deeply misses Charms.
Lucky Charms is doing their best to help with finding a cure since they want gwimbly back in their life without having to fear the disease will send him feral and lead to their demise under his hands. They're also still making music to help cope without gwimbly will still juggling work and cure search.
Werecritters/crittertopia by @wulfums
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wulfums 3 months
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more werecritters!! Charlie has bad flea issues and appreciates head scritchies from Pim
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wulfums 1 month
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More crittertopia :) the swimmerssssssss
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wulfums 1 month
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Did some werecritter sketches while waiting for the bus!!
Pim is amphibious and axolotl-based, while Allan is more based on otters
Just two aquatic guys hanging out
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wulfums 2 months
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the guys who think theyre the cool evil villains VS the actual villain
some mroe finalized crittertopia designs. smormu has been finalized for a While but i never drew a full ref of him.
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wulfums 2 months
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Teeeheeeee attack for bestie @scribblyshipping !!!
3 Critter Moon >:) (i needed to draw werecritter scwibbwey)
i hope you like it teehee
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wulfums 2 months
Does Pim carry any sort of guilt for accidentally spreading the disease around? How do Charlie, Glep, and Allan (+ Whatwulf. Do not separate) feel about it?
I think it doesn't hit him at first that he Technically help spread it. Considering Filmore and Duncan have no fucking idea where they got it from(I still haven't 100% decided on where it actually came from but I have a few concepts im spinning in my head.)
I think when he's talking to Charlie about it one on one after they're in the forest, the realization hits him like "Oh...oh my god Charlie, we didn't wash our hands after checking on Filmore and Duncan. Did....did we spread it?" and Charlie's like "I mean, they had it first, so they're probably the ones who did it." and Pim is like "Charlie. They barely leave the apartment. I think we might have done this." and Charlie is like "I think it doesnt matter where it came from, it's not our fault Pim." and Pim is like "I hope it's not." but he can't shake the feeling it IS his fault. (It's not)
Glep is extremely mad that he caught it this time- he didn't the first time around. He misses his wife soooo much (He's still able to talk to her through the radio collar at least.) he is also the one with the most knowlege of the disease and is the most determined to find the cure, whatever it is.
Charlie is NOT having a good time. He doesn't trust Smormu (It's less that he doesn't trust him and more he still finds him insufferable to be honest.) AND he has fleas. He's the most willing to try any theory to get rid of this disease so things can go back to some normalcy.
Pim feels extremely guilty and is trying to work with Glep to find a cure. He also takes on way more tasks than he can handle for the town because he feels like this is his fault.
Allan and Whatwulf are very stressed about this. Allan really and truly never wanted a kid and does NOT like that Jason has to be around all the time. He never minded when they had to watch him for a few hours, but he hates that it takes up most of Whatwulf's time. He understands WHY but he also dislikes it. He isn't the best at communicating. At first it comes off like he's angry at Whatwulf, but once they like. Actually communicate abt it(Which takes a good few months. Someone has to suggest it.), Whatwulf asks Pim if he wouldn't mind taking Jason sometimes. Pim actually is thrilled to do that, hes always wanted to be a dad, so he ends up taking him full time. Which leads to Whatwulf feeling upset and guilty realizing that even though he always wanted to be a dad, it's clear he's not cut out for it and doesn't enjoy it and gets depressed. So him and Allan have some things to work out emotionally together. But they still love each other very much and are Inseperable. Allan also gets like. Way overprotective over Whatwulf (Werecritterism can make critters way more aggresive. So Allan and Charlie have to be physically separated several times because they fight the most.)
Most side characters make appearances as well. (I count characters like Gwimbly and Shrimp as critters because they're not humans. So they're critters.)
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wulfums 2 months
shaking you.... i wanna know more abt the werecritter lore. i think you mention they all have to stay in the enchanted forest? why is that? do they make their own society there or is it just free range?
GRABS YOU. Sit down. Youll need a few hours.
Ill try to make it Concise for now so anyone can ask things further if they Want
Basically, Werecritterism is like. An actual disease. Critters originally came from the Enchanted Forest. There was an outbreak of werecritterism exactly Once and the cure was found in the forest. Not only that, but after getting infected, they're just kinda...drawn there. And for the safety of humans(To the point of either killing and eating them OR digging up dead bodies + eating them)
The disease is very old and most everyone forgot about it besides Glep, who has been around long enough to remember.
The outbreak starts when Filmore and Duncan get it and dig up Bill's body, eating it, and since they hadn't been seen in days, Pim gets worried and wants to check up on them and gets his friends to come with him. So the contact with them causes the spread.
It spreads pretty rapidly, but seems to just be contained to Meep City. There's an agreement that its for the best if they critters go to the Enchanted Forest, at least until a cure is found. Only a few dont go willingly (They had to tranq dart Mr Frog like 100 times. He already fuckin eats people they're NOT taking chances with him.) but overall it's an agreement.
Mr Boss gives Charlie a radio trackign collar with a communication device in it so he can keep contact with the boys- esp since he has to let them take Jason too (Whatwulf is in charge of him bcuz Whatwulf is Jason's godfather) though, interestingly, Jason seems immune, but they dont know if its because he *just* metamorphosized or not.
So in the middle of the Enchanted Forest, they're surprised to find somewhat of like...a town? It's mostly empty, whoever lived there is Long Gone, and interestingly enough, they find Smormu having claimed to have Built It and owning it, he calls it Crittertopia. They dont have a lot of other choice, since shelter is...really important. So they agree to stay. Smormu doesnt have a lot of rules, but he Does have a grudge against the Smiling Friends.
So everyone has their own little arcs going on. You would not believe how in depth ive thought abt all of this in my mind and just...never talked abt it. So if anyone has specific questions lmk teehee
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wulfums 2 months
fun crittertopia fact: the start of the werecritter outbreak came from filmore and duncan. the aliens did throw bill body back down(they were done w it.) and just fillmore and duncan were there at that point. fillmore fucking Breaking Down and trying to do cpr on the corpse that is very clearly dead. it doesnt work. because theres no organs in there.
thats Why they got arrested but pim bails them out because he knows they didnt do it but he doesnt want to elaborate on what happened
but direct contact w the dead body is where they got it. that mixed w whatever the aliens did to it before eating it.
and the outbreak Really starts when pim hasnt seen his friends in a while since this incident and is so worried abt them. so he makes charlie go with him.
Long Story Short pim turns on the light and fillmore and duncan Have exhumed bills corpse and Are in fact eating it. so the disease goes from fillmore + duncan to pim and charlie and then to everyone else.
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wulfums 2 months
I'd love to know more about werecritters and the lore behind them overall (I don't really have any specific question about them in mind but would love to hear just anything, that's a super fun concept + i love werecreatures of all kind)
I just posted a summary! But werecritterism isnt super similar to werecreatures, because once they have the disease they're just like that 24/7.
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wulfums 2 months
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Revenge for bestie @nebularanger !!!!
If you cant read this shirt its art fights rules on canon x oc stuff lmaooo
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wulfums 1 month
If you imagine allan as akin to an otter
Does that mean he'd also hold hands while sleeping with whatwulf and make those little noises otters make?
Sure hes not completely an otter but wouldn't it be something if he had those natural mannerisms?
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wulfums 18 days
thinking abt crittertopia allanwulf.....
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