Characteristics of Pediatric Hospital Fear and Efficiency of New Distraction Technique Holographic Display for Reducing Fear and Pain in Children: Crimson Publishers
Characteristics of Pediatric Hospital Fear and Efficiency of New Distraction Technique Holographic Display for Reducing Fear and Pain in Children by Marianne Saard in Techniques in Neurosurgery & Neurology
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Management of pediatric hospital fear and procedural pain is challenging. Distraction techniques are considered as one of the most effective non-pharmacological ways to alleviate children’s pain. The aims of the study were to examine the characteristics of children’s hospital fear and assess the efficiency of holograms in reducing pain during medical procedures. Fifty-one children participated (mean age 8.62 years; SD=4.94). Parents answered the children’s hospital fear questionnaire. Nurses assessed children’s pain with The Face, Legs, Activity, Cry, Consolability (FLACC) Scale during medical procedures before and after initiating holograms. HYPERVSN holographic solution with 31 different 3D animations was applied. Results showed that parents described high hospital fear scores (7-10/maximum 10) in 45.1% of children. Fifty-five percent of parents considered venipuncture as the most frightening procedure. Interestingly, the number of children with high fear scores increased with age (p<0.0001). Also, the results revealed parents’ incapability of dealing with children’s fears. Children’s pain scores during medical procedures were significantly lower after viewing holograms- pain reduction 4.01 points (out of 10). Therefore, the study shows great promise in applying hologram technology as a new effective distraction technique for reducing children’s fear and pain during medical procedures.
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The Metabolic Syndrome Diseases – Interventions Using Micronutrients
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Metabolic Syndrome is defined as a cluster of interrelated conditions such as central obesity, dyslipidemia, impaired glucose metabolism and hypertension [1]. In addition to genetic predisposition as in South Asians, a sedentary lifestyle and a high caloric intake contribute to the development of this cluster of metabolic conditions. The worldwide increase in the incidence of this condition has made it a global epidemic. The recent Finnish study [2] attests to the decrease in incidence of Type 1 diabetes following fortification of dietary milk products with cholecalciferol. Insulin resistance and central obesity standout as the common feature of this cluster of conditions. The binding of insulin-to-insulin receptor (IR) results in the dimerization of the alpha and beta subunits and auto phosphorylation of the beta subunit leading to the activation of the Ras – MAPK and PI3K – Akt signaling cascades. The activation of PI3K associated with insulin receptors IRS1 and IRS2 results in the phosphorylation Akt-Foxo1 and is central to the control of nutrient homeostasis. The inactivation of Akt – Foxo1 pathway with the resulting activation of the forkhead/winged helix family transcription factor through suppression of IRS1 and IRS2 in organs following hyperinsulinemia, are suggested to be key mechanisms in the development of the metabolic syndrome. Hence, targeting the IRS – Akt – Foxo1 signaling cascade will provide a therapeutic approach for the treatment of the metabolic syndrome cluster of conditions. The activation of Akt affects cell survival and energy homeostasis by increasing glycogen synthetase activity, decreasing gluconeogenesis, promoting hepatic lipogenesis and cardiac cell survival. These phosphorylation-mediated cell events are the result of insulin signaling in various cells and tissues. Insulin is at the centre of adaptive metabolic transition in insulin-responsive tissues. Hyperinsulinemia inhibits the acute action of insulin on Foxo1 phosphorylation as well as transcription of IRS2 gene in insulin-responsive tissues.
Read more about this article: https://crimsonpublishers.com/iod/fulltext/IOD.000625.php
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A Good Therapeutic Approach for Patients with Paraparesis due to Spinal Arteriovenous Fistula
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Although Spinal Dural Arteriovenous Fistula (SDAVF) is the most common arterio-venous malformation of the spinal cord, it is an extremely rare pathology. It is usually an acquired condition that may cause congestive myelopathy through chronic venous hypertension. The clinical picture is non-specific but the diagnosis can be inferred from Magnetic Resonance Imaging (MRI) and confirmed through Digital Subtraction Angiography (DSA). We report four cases that presented in our clinic in the past twelve months and in which SDAVF was suspected based on spinal MRI. The mean age was 54. Three of them presented with severe motor deficits and two of them had sphincteric disturbances. Sensory deficits varied. Three of the patients had a subacute progression, while one of them evolved rather acutely. The diagnosis was confirmed through DSA with selective catheterization and endovascular occlusion of the feeding artery by injection of liquid embolic material was performed with no periprocedural incidents. There was no further progression of deficits and three of the patients presented partial improvement by the time of discharge. One of the main challenges posed by these patients is correctly identifying the feeding artery of the SDAVF, which may be achieved by spinal Magnetic Resonance Angiography (MRA) and elaborate DSA. Another aspect relates to the recovery of neurologic deficits which includes motor rehabilitation programmes, as well as management of associated symptoms and pathologies. It is our experience that shunt obliteration should be always attempted as SDAVF is a rare but recuperable cause of severe neurologic deficits.
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Greener Lab Experiments for Sustainability in Chemistry Education _ Crimson Publishers
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Greener Lab Experiments for Sustainability in Chemistry Education by Reda S Abdel Hameed* in Crimson Publishers: Peer Reviewed Material Science Journals
Evaluation of new Greener procedures for chemistry lab experiments as a benign approach for chemical education in chemistry for chemistry undergraduate students. The improved Experimentation represented new, facile, less hazardous, high atom efficiency, and environmentally benign advance in practical chemical education. The newly designed greener procedures were carried out and the advantage over the conventional one was evaluated through a comparative study. The greener experimentation obviously demonstrated the superiority of the greener practice over the conventional one and largely increased the learning outcomes about Green Chemistry and Sustainability for the individuals participated in the study.
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casestudies-crimson · 1 month
Arthrosamid Offers a New Therapeutic Approach in the Treatment of Omarthrosis_Crimson Publishers
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The successful pain-relieving treatment of highly symptomatic osteoarthritis in a national karate coach with Arthrosamid is described in this case report. This type of treatment had previously only been used in cases of gonarthrosis. The extensive conservative and arthroscopic treatment that had previously been carried out had not resulted in a sustained reduction in pain. A single off-label injection of 3 ml of a 2.5% polyacrylamide hydrogel (Arthrosamid) was administered. The injection was performed under CT guidance. A significant analgesic effect occurred rapidly and was long lasting. A follow-up MRI scan did not reveal any structural changes. If the manufacturer’s instructions are followed, Arthrosamid represents a therapeutic option for the treatment of advanced osteoarthritis. A prerequisite for the therapy is that the joint capsule and the rotator cuff are intact so that Arthrosamid can have an effect in the affected joint. A single course of oral antibiotics is a prophylactic measure immediately prior to injection.
Read More About this Article: https://crimsonpublishers.com/aics/fulltext/AICS.000583.php
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Long-term Data–the Key for Evaluating Runoff Peak Discharge Estimation Tools and Parameters for Watersheds on Forest Lands_Crimson Publishers
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The SCS-CN (curve number) and the Rational Method are widely used for quantifying direct runoff and peak discharge rates for designing road cross-drainage and water management structures in agricultural and urban landscapes. However, the studies applying and evaluating these methods are very limited for forest lands. Here we suggest that validating and possibly improving these tools and their parameters using long-term hydro-climatic and high resolution LIDAR and imagery data from US Forest Service experimental forest watersheds and similar other sites in varying ecoregions can help fill that knowledge gap for sustainable management of infrastructure, particularly forest roads in the face of climate change.
Read more about this article: https://crimsonpublishers.com/acet/fulltext/ACET.000584.php
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The Weird Human Sences
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Well Known Facts
It is rather strange that the nature gave only 5 senses to the human beings. As everybody knows these senses are: Dactyl -to feel the touch and vibrations, Smell-to feel odors, aromas, Taste-to feel the tastes, Vision-to view the environment and feel the light and colors, Hearingto hear the sounds and noises.
From physical point of view
The dactyl feeling is a transmission from sensitive nerves of our hands (predominantly, but also by skin, body and legs) to the brain, where these feelings are transformed into brain impulses. The range of this sense is between 10-15Hz to more than 20 000Hz depending on the amplitudes of the vibrations. By this sense is also possible to feel temperature variations is a very narrow band (-50 0-60 0C to +70 0-80 0C). The taste feeling covers: bitter, sweet, hot, sour and salty and a small amount of combinations - at all 5 tastes.
The hearing presents the ability to hear sounds in the sound band between the infrasound (16Hz) to the ultra sounds (20 000Hz). This is relatively narrow band of the sounds hearable in the nature. The lack of detection abilities for the infrasound can be dangerous, because the infrasound has negative consequences to the human body and physics. The same is valid for the ultrasounds. The visible abilities are also in an extremely narrow band of electromagnetic spectrum for detection by the human eye-from about 380 nm (for the infrared light) to 750nm (for the ultraviolet light).
Read More About This Article: https://crimsonpublishers.com/oabb/fulltext/OABB.000565.php
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crimson-marine · 1 month
Mangrove Plantation in Indian Sundarbans: Development of Coastal Livelihood and Averting Climate Change
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Over the last few decades, Sundarbans ecoregions of India became devastating and reduced almost 25% due to soil erosion caused by rising sea level and natural calamities such as cyclone Aila (2009), Amphan (2020) and Yaas (2021). The rising sea level causes the sinking of several islands under water. To save the coastal vegetation, agricultural lands and associated inhabitants, Nature Environment and Wildlife Society (NEWS) involves local villagers for replantation of mangroves. As we know, mangroves are the most efficient natural barriers to prevent flooding due to their morphological adaptations. Surprisingly they form an association with other living groups including algae, fungi and bacteria [1-2] (Figure 1D). Hence newly planted mangrove vegetation can be the best place for safeguarding crustaceans, fishes and molluscs (Figure 1A-C). Most of the marine food chain or food web depends on fully grown mangrove vegetation. The International Union for Conservation of Nature and Natural Resources (IUCN) has already declared Sundarbans in “The Red List of Ecosystems”. The Red list highlighted the conservation from species to ecosystem level [3].
Read more about this article: https://crimsonpublishers.com/eimbo/pdf/EIMBO.000633.pdf
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Anti-Fungal Properties of Tea Tree Oil, Oregano Oil, Lavender Oil, Coconut Oil for Nails, and a Survey of Pharmacy Students’ Views
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Nail fungus, also known as onychomycosis, involves infection of the nails typically toenails by various types of fungi. The impact of nail fungal infection includes pain and discomfort, cosmetic concerns, risk of spreading, treatment challenges, functional impairment, and medical complications. This report reviews the potential use and effectiveness of tee tree oil, oregano oil, lavender oil, and coconut oil in treating these infections. A survey was conducted during a Drug Informatics class as a homework assignment to P1 (first-year) pharmacy students. The purpose of the survey was to determine the participants’ levels of knowledge and to measure their opinions based on literature review. The survey contained five knowledge-based questions and five opinion-based questions. A total of 39 students participated in this study. The knowledge-based questions showed that a-72.6% correct answer rate. The question that received the highest percentage of correct answers (94%) was the answers regarding tea tree oil. The opinion-based questions showed that respondents had a positive view regarding the use of oils in the treatment of nail fungus infections. The cumulative agreement rate (agree and strongly agree) was 86.6%.
Keywords: Onychomycosis; Dermatophytes; Environment; Antiseptic
Read More About This Article: https://crimsonpublishers.com/acam/fulltext/ACAM.000680.php
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Deciphering the Ras/MAPK Signaling Pathway in the Progression and Treatment of Hepatocellular Carcinoma_Crimson Publishers
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Hepatocellular Carcinoma (HCC) is a serious health issue and its frequency is rapidly escalating throughout the world therefore researchers have focused more attention to the Ras/MAPK signaling pathway. The signaling pathways are linked to develop tumors and the Ras/MAPK pathway is one of these pathways, activated in 60% of HCCs with poor prognosis. A number of different proteins causes the abnormal regulation of the MAPK pathway in HCC. Ras, a small GTPase and Raf are the most commonly mutated oncogene supports the critical function of this pathway in oncogenesis. The genetic mutations leading to effector molecule to permanently activated in the Ras/MAPK signaling cascades. The inappropriate activation of this pathway is primarily due to the downregulation of various Ras/MAPK pathway inhibitors including RASSF proteins, GAPs, DUSP1, Spred and Sprouty proteins. The post-transcriptional or epigenetic processes downregulate these cancer suppressor genes. The aim of current study on the primary mutations resulting in aberrant activation of Ras/MAPK pathway and their role on the initiation and progression of HCC. It also offers an update on the various inhibitors to target this central signaling pathway including various Ras, Raf, MEK inhibitors in the context of HCC. Finally, we evaluate the available options for treatment in this context.
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The Disruptive Role of Process Mineralogy in Geology and Mineral Processing Industry
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Most ore deposits are complex and display a high degree of variability, arising from their inherent geological and mineralogical characteristics, which impact their beneficiation. Process mineralogy has been disruptive in the last two decades for geological exploration and for the mineral processing industry. Minerals are multicomponent elemental systems. Therefore, it is crucial and fundamental to understand the distribution of both minerals and metals they carry. Process mineralogy provides critical quantitative data i.e., mineral mass, liberation, and association of the minerals. Data can be used to determine variability of the ore, help to design, and develop the flowsheet to avoid extensive and time-consuming bench testing, and act as diagnostic to the beneficiation process. Automated mineralogy is commonly coupled with other advanced mineralogical techniques and can be implemented on projects throughout the mining chain, from initial stages of exploration to production. In this paper, we discuss concepts and examples of automated mineralogy applied to exploration and feasibility level.
Read more about this article: https://crimsonpublishers.com/amms/fulltext/AMMS.000609.php
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Decision Support System of Global Brands in Fashion Marketing Strategy for Entrepreneurship- Crimson Publishers
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Decision Support System of Global Brands in Fashion Marketing Strategy for Entrepreneurship- Crimson Publishers
Sustainability strategy of global brands in fashion marketing strategy is a key factor that most organizations in today’s society strive to achieve. The concept of strategy sustainability is about meeting the needs of the present without compromising the ability of future generations to meet their own. For a long time, global brands in fashion marketing strategy impact had been the main focus for many organizations craving a sustainability strategy philosophy. It is also becoming more and more popular in public works. Today, sustainability strategy of decision support system is essential for consideration when constructing power generator system along with the selection of suitable fashion of biofuels, Solar Energy of textiles (SOLTEX), fashion public buildings, fashion roads of geotextiles and fashion freight transportation system, green supplier selection, sustainable fashion marketing electricity generation technologies and manufacturing decision support system among other types of projects.
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Effect of Diabetes and other Risk Factors on Bone Health
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Diabetes Mellitus (DM) affects a significantly large part of the population globally. Several kinds of research are being conducted every day around the world trying to understand the underlying mechanisms of the disease better to develop better treatments. One of the significant effects of diabetes is on the skeletal system of the patients. The disease affects the bone quality, mineral density, bone turnover and in turn bone health at large. This effect on bone health is worsened by several risk factors as well. This mini review aims at presenting some of the most important mechanisms behind this deterioration of bone health and how risk factors affect them according to latest research done in this field.
Read more about this article: https://crimsonpublishers.com/iod/fulltext/IOD.000623.php
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Pediatric Conditions During COVID-19: A Brief Summary_ Crimson Publishers
Pediatric Conditions During COVID-19: A Brief Summary by Tiffany Field In Research in Pediatrics & Neonatology
COVID-19 pediatric conditions have been similar to those for adults, including medical, neurological, sensory and psychological conditions, although they have typically been less prevalent and severe in children and adolescents. The lesser severity in children and adolescents may relate to their less mature viral receptors, less dysregulation of immune responses, and a lesser incidence of pre-existing comorbid conditions. This brief review is a summary of publications found on PubMed for 2019-2021 on the prevalence of infection, neurological, sensory and psychological conditions in children during COVID-19. This is a fast changing literature because of the increasing number of variants and prevalence of infection.
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Study on the Influence of the Springback on the Hole Expansion Ratio Characterization _ Crimson Publishers
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Study on the Influence of the Springback on the Hole Expansion Ratio Characterization by B Zubia* in Crimson Publishers: Peer Reviewed Material Science Journals
Material formability has become one of the main problems, together with the springback, when stamping high added-value components for the automotive industry. The pursuit of weight reduction has led to higher strength alloys which show a lower formability. Among the different formability criteria (e.g. necking, edge strain, fracture and radius cracks) the edge strain is starting to be a critical aspect on the process planning stage. In order to characterise this criteria, the hole expansion ratio (HER) is conducted under the ISO 16630 standard. In the last years, multiple authors have analysed the HER of different alloys and its dependency on different process variables i.e. cutting method, test speed, material strength. However, the influence of the springback phenomenon on the test result has not been previously analysed. In this work, the influence of the springback on the HER values has been analysed for a mild steel DX54D and a third generation steel Fortiform1050 with a novel measuring technique. From the obtained results, it can be stated that the springback has a critical influence on the characterised HER value, mainly for the third generation steel, leading to differences of about 40% on the HER limits.
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casestudies-crimson · 1 month
Stent Embolization_Crimson Publishers
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Although the number of PCI procedures has significantly increased over the years, the severe complications are rare. Stent embolization is a rare complication of coronary stenting, at a rate of 0.2%. We report on a case with a 64-year-old man admitted to the emergency department with unstable angina and stent embolization during the coronary angiography and successful retrieval of a coronary stent from the left anterior descending (LAD) artery, which migrated to the left popliteal artery. The stent was finally removed surgically.
Read More About this Article: https://crimsonpublishers.com/aics/fulltext/AICS.000582.php
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