#criminal minds x original male character
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Special Weapons and Tactics (Ch. 1)
Pairing: Aaron Hotchner x Original Male Character (OMC)
Rating: Teen (for now)
Summary: SSA León Navarro is an FBI SWAT agent sent to a scene that the BAU is in charge of. There, he meets the team, specifically SSA Aaron Hotchner.
Content Warnings: strong language, first person POV, non-descriptive mentions of PTSD, canon-typical violence
A/N: (As of March 8, 2025, this fic has been transitioned to Hotch/ OMC as I realized I put too much detail in later chapters to still make it a feasible Reader fic. Thank you to everyone, so far. I hope you'll continue to read but totally understand if you don't!) I’ve been sitting on this fic for a while and I’m happy to share it with you! I’m about half way done with it and will be finishing it as I post the chapters. I will post about every couple weeks just so I have time to keep up with writing. I also have two Spotify playlists on my page for Criminal Minds if you want to check them out!!
Also available on AO3
July 2010
“Listen up. Target’s name is Lucas Bryant. This guy’s got a military background and possibly suffers from PTSD. He’s using various military paraphernalia to subdue his victims, believes his killings were righteous, and believes he’s at war with us, so approach with extreme caution. There’s a high chance that he won’t let himself be captured. The BAU believes he’s holed up in an attic, upstairs, or basement of some sort. Meet the BAU Unit Chief when we arrive.”
Various, “yes, sir’s,” echoed in the tactical van. Metal sliding against metal followed as last-minute weapons checks commenced.
“ETA is two minutes.”
I had been in the middle of poring over a case file when I got the SWAT mobilization order to a house in northern Virginia and was happy to step away. Words had been swimming on the pages of the file for the last couple of hours, so I’d been restless and itching to clear my head. I let myself imagine breathing out any thought of my own cases so I could be fully focused on this one.
Before the van could fully come to a stop, we were all standing and waiting for the back doors to unlock. A sea of olive green and black emerged from the van and we followed the lead SWAT agent toward the group of agents discussing and gesturing toward the house. The house was strangely well-kept, with a maintained lawn, but “No Soliciting” signs were hung on any possible surface. The curtains were all drawn closed, putting the agents even more on edge since we had a visual disadvantage.
“They’ve been briefed, Agent Hotchner,” our lead SWAT agent notified the Unit Chief as we approached.
“Great, thank you,” the tall, dark-haired agent nodded, making contact with each of us to make sure we were paying attention. “We’re splitting into three groups. The first group will go with Agent Morgan and Dr. Reid to breach the front door and head upstairs, the second with Agents Prentiss and Jareau to breach the back door, and everyone else with myself and Agent Rossi to the basement. Let’s go,” he dismissed the group, and everyone split up, having seen who they’re going with since the Unit Chief pointed them out as he spoke.
I looked at each of the other's faces as he gestured to them. The only member I was familiar with was Morgan since we were both in the FBI academy at the same time. The younger one—Reid—seemed vaguely familiar but I couldn’t recall as my attention drifted back to their boss.
My group followed Hotchner and Rossi to the side of the house where two doors indicated the basement access for the house. After we secured the entrance of the basement, we formed up along the side of the house and prepared for entry. I was the last in line of SWAT agents and felt Hotchner’s hand come to my shoulder. The two metal basement doors were firmly closed, prompting our breacher to check for locks. The breacher signaled that basement door was locked and unclipped a saw from his gear. He readied himself to cut the lock, giving us a signal and making eye contact with Hotchner, behind me.
“Is everyone in position?” came Hotchner’s steady, low voice.
There was a resounding confirmation over the radio.
All of the teams moved immediately. Our breacher made quick work of the lock with the saw while the next agent in line pulled a flash-bang from his vest. With the doors forced open, the breacher jumped away from the entrance while the other agent lobbed a flash-bang down the stairs. As soon as it went off, everyone was following the agent down the stairs and swarming the basement. Rossi stayed outside to watch any windows while Hotchner was the last one in behind me. By the time we arrived, the room was clear and strangely empty besides the typical basement findings. Tall, metal shelving lined the walls with nothing of much interest on them and the floor was littered with boxes and grime. A lingering musty smell permeated the air but nothing else of concern.
“Anything upstairs?” Hotchner asked into the radio.
“Nothing, Hotch.”
He was understandably irritated by that answer and ordered, “Tear this place apart.”
We all got to work as he radioed with his team back and forth, looking around the room for any clues or ideas. Agents ripped into boxes and overturned miscellaneous furniture scattered throughout the basement. Hotchner grew more frustrated by the second judging by his tone over the radio, but his face didn’t show it.
“There’s electrical running down to the ground on the south side of the house,” the older agent—Rossi—sounded over the radio.
The stoic agent’s eyes snapped to the far wall to my left and moved briskly, just short of shoving agents out of his way. His tall frame squeezed between two shelving racks, stepping on a pile of trash in between as he felt the wall.
“Do you see any seams in the bricks?” He directed the question to me, making realize I was the closest to him but far enough to examine the wall from a distance.
“N—oh—yea! A little higher!” I pointed higher up the wall and try to follow the seam down.
I noticed a faint line—no, a wire—lower on the wall ending somewhere under Hotchner’s foot. My nerves lit on fire as I realized what was happening, but I couldn’t move toward him fast enough, “Sir, wait!”
Hotchner lifted weight off one foot to stretch more, turning to look at me as I surged toward him. He started to speak, unaware of what was happening or what I’d seen, “There’s airfl—”
Hotchner was cut off when an ear-rupturing, forceful shockwave echoed throughout the basement, bouncing off the walls and causing the unprepared to stumble. He lost his footing, disoriented and thrown off balance by the concussive blast. I even stumbled back as the blast pushed past my efforts to move forward. At the same time, he and his head were thrown forward into the industrial metal racking with what should have been a sickening thud. Everyone’s ears were ringing too much to hear it. Thankfully, the SWAT agents all had on ear protection and recovered much more quickly than Hotchner.
I rushed over as the SWAT team’s medic and caught him under his armpits before he could collapse. His body was almost completely lax in my arms, so I dragged him away and propped him against a different rack.
“Sir, are you hurt anywhere else?”
There was no response, and his eyes were barely open and fluttering. I patted him down roughly but found nothing glaringly wrong besides the gushing cut to his forehead.
“Sir, can you stand?”
Nothing. Fuck.
The other SWAT agents were scrambling to open the false wall while being mindful of any more wires. I decided to radio the teams outside before I moved the agent.
“Basement team is working on a false wall. I have an agent down, in and out of consciousness from a concussion grenade. Possible head trauma. Extricating him now.”
“I’m going to get you out of here, sir,” I assured him as his eyes finally fluttered shut, and his body became completely limp.
I secured my weapon and squatted low until his body could drape over my shoulders. I hooked an arm through his legs and held his dangling arm with the same hand so that I had a free hand for balance on the stairs. When he was as secure as I could get him, I quickly exited the basement, wanting to be out of there by the time they opened the false door so neither of us got shot.
I could only manage a brief nod to Rossi as I carried Hotchner’s extra weight from the stairs to the front lawn. I was keenly aware that the EMTs hadn’t been allowed in the staging area yet since Bryant wasn’t yet apprehended. I got to the edge of the front lawn before depositing him as gingerly as I could on the grass.
“Sir, can you hear me?” I raised my voice and took my helmet off, tossing it in the grass haphazardly.
Fetching a small penlight from one of my pouches, I removed my gloves and opened his eyes to check his pupils. Finding a somewhat normal reaction, I put the light away and got to work on treating his forehead, hoping the stinging would jostle him awake.
“This might sting,” I murmured to myself, basically.
I flushed the wound and press gauze firmly against it, feeling the agent below me tense with pain. His strong hand engulfed my wrist to roughly pry my hands away, but I persisted. I shoved my knee over his bicep and stapled his arm to the ground with my shin.
“Sir, relax. You’re safe,” I reassured him, maneuvering my arm so he could see my face and uniform. He was looking wildly around, probably looking for his team. “Look at me sir,” I requested. “I’m SSA Navarro. You have a laceration on your forehead, okay? I’m stopping the bleeding.”
His breathing began to slow, and he nodded slightly in confirmation. I took my shin off of his arm now that I knew he wouldn’t try to fight me.
“Can you tell me your name?” I began asking him some basic questions to assess for any brain damage.
“SSA Aaron Hotchner,” he answered, louder than he should have been responding but understandably so.
“Good. Do you remember the name of the target?”
“Lucas, mhm, Bryant,” he cringed as my hands worked on his head.
“Can you tell me how many fingers I have up?” I requested, pulling one of my hands away to show him three fingers.
“Three,” he squinted.
“Who’s your Section Chief?”
“Goo—,” I started but he cuts me off.
“You want my phone number, too?” he deadpanned, making me huff and smirk at the sarcasm.
“Well, do you remember it?” I challenged him, using butterfly style bandages to hold the wound closed before taping gauze over it.
He effortlessly relayed the numbers to me, giving me a pointed look as if to tell me he was fine now. “If you remember the number I’ll let you buy me coffee,” he rolled his eyes but briefly held my gaze with striking brown eyes, glowing amber in the sunlight. He attempted to sit up, but I prevented him with a firm hand on his chest.
My brain screeched to a halt as I mentally rewound what he just said to me. Did he just flirt with me? Crap, what numbers did he just say? 5-5-5-0-4-7…6? No—8-6. I repeated them over and over in my head.
I was broken out of my stupor when I could finally hear chatter on the radio again as my ears became more attuned to our surroundings instead of just Hotchner, “Your team is fine. The target’s down.”
He relaxed a little more and I was all too aware of the hand I still had on his chest. He was, too, I saw as he quickly glanced down and then at me but didn’t mention it. I dug my hand into another pouch and brought out an ice pack, activating it with a pop, and pressing it to his head. He took over for my hand and kept the pack pressed to his head.
“Noted, by the way,” I answered his earlier challenge with an upturn at the corner of my mouth.
He gave a hum in acknowledgment. Hotchner was silent for a while, his free hand absentmindedly playing with the grass while trying to crane his head to look at the action behind him to no avail.
“It’s weird being on the other end of this,” he murmured, seemingly to no one in particular.
“What do you mean, sir?” I adjusted myself to sit on the grass more comfortably.
“Hotch,” he corrected, focusing back on me. “And, usually, I’m the one calming victims down. Yet here I am getting flustered over an operator.”
“You could have fooled me,” I laughed, my hand twitching against his chest. Whatever flustered feeling he was talking about, it wasn’t noticeable—to me at least. His features were still void of any emotion beyond the lingering worry for the mission.
“Despite having been in SWAT, the situation was…eye-opening,” his even voice invited a brief moment of mirth.
“You were straight before you went in the basement?” I joked with pursed lips.
“Pretty much,” Hotch nearly cracked a smile. The hint of it soon faded away and he made direct eye contact with me, hoping I would understand, “That’s a joke.”
I was…unsure of how to take that. It was a joke in that he actually is straight or a joke meaning that he’s not straight? Was he or was he not flirting? I mentally sighed and gave him a neutral answer just in case.
“I’m aware of how sexual orientation works, sir,” I forced a chuckle. “Maybe that hit jostled your head a little more than we thought.”
He deflated a little, his smirk dropping, “Yea, maybe.”
In an effort to save the conversation, I latched on to what he previously said, “You did SWAT detail?”
“Mmm, yea, when I was at the Seattle Field Office…tch,” he let out a long breath. “…a long timeago. It was fun,” he raised an eyebrow at me. “Surprised?”
“Only a little,” I shrugged. “You seem capable,” I gave him a once over, imagining him in the uniform I was wearing.
In the distance, I finally saw the rest of Hotch's team leaving the house. They rushed toward me where I had their boss lounging in the grass.
“Your team is incoming,” I notified him and began standing.
I extended my hand to Hotch, and he took it reluctantly as I helped him to his feet. He wobbled for a second, prompting me to still him with a hand firmly planted on his back while his hand clutched my shoulder. If anything, my hand on his back had the opposite effect as he put pressure into my hand instead of balancing himself.
I would have been crazy to pull my hand back.
Rossi approached with a mischievous glint in his eyes, “Close encounter with a deadly shelf down there, eh?”

I bit the inside of my cheek to keep from bursting out in laughter at the murderous look Hotch shot at Rossi. It was only made funnier by the image of the stern agent with a child-sized ice pack on his forehead.
I quickly cleared my throat as I noticed the other agents looking expectantly at me, “Just a laceration and probably bruising later. He hit his head pretty good, possible mild concussion so he shouldn’t be alone for 24 hours. Might need stitches and probably worth getting his head checked out but I’m sure he won’t.”
Hotch winced as he accidentally put more pressure on it with the ice pack, “I’m fine. Just a headache.”
I fixed him with a pointed look, then glanced at his hovering team, “Yeah, well, they seem to disagree.”
Prentiss stepped forward, concern softening her features. She reached for his forearm, his hand quickly sliding from my shoulder to her hands and leading him away from my hand on his back, “Come on, tough guy. You’re crashing with me.”
No significant other at home? Or is she…? Hm.
It was almost possessive, but what did I know? With the nature of our work, I’m sure they were all pretty close and protective of one another. I might not be a profiler, but I got the idea nonetheless as her eyes flicked toward me like I was a stranger. Well, because I was.
Clearing my throat, I swiped my helmet from the grass and tucked it under my arm. I extended my hand to Hotch, “Great to meet you, sir.”
Despite not knowing them besides Morgan, word did tend to get around the field offices about the BAU, so it was nice to put faces to the team.
“Thank you for your help, Navarro,” my last name escaped his mouth with a low and soft hum, giving me a grateful quirk of his mouth.
Before I could lose myself in his features, I shifted my attention to Rossi and shook his and everyone else’s hand. As I got to Morgan, recognition flashed across his face.
“Navarro?”my last name questioningly fell out of his mouth in disbelief, “Leon?” A bright smile lit up his face as he realized why we knew each other, “How’ve you been, brother?”
“Good, man. I—.”
“Doc, we’re leaving!” I heard call from across the street, beckoning me to the tactical van.
I acknowledged my teammate and continued my sentence by drawing out the letter, “I…gotta go, I guess.”
“No worries, we’ll catch up soon. Let’s go out some time,” Morgan reached for my hand and pulled me into a brief hug.
“Sounds good,” I smiled at the team and jogged back to the van.
I approached the van, slowing down as I got to the open door where Ramirez was waiting for me expectantly.
“Have fun with the shrinks?” He grinned and held the back door open for me.
“Yea, they’re alright. I went through the academy with one of them,” I climbed in and helped him shut the doors before sitting down.
“Bunch of characters, though,” he chuckled.
“What do you mean?” I frowned.
“Nah, it’s just…I’ve worked with them before. No offense or anything, they’re just…weird, I guess,” he stammered over his words, not quite expecting to be called out.
“And, yet we rely on them for profiles that help us get guys like that,” I gestured vaguely in the direction of the house we had just left.
“Fair enough.”
On the ride back to DC, I pulled out my phone and typed in the number I had been repeating since my interaction with Hotch. 5-5-5-0-4-8-6. I quickly saved it under something practical and not at all indicative of how giddy I felt saving it.
Spoilers, it was just “Hotch BAU”.
I resisted typing out a text message to him at that moment, not wanting to seem…desperate? Yea, “desperate” sounded right. I decided to send it later that night, which sounded even more desperate considering he would be at that attractive agent’s house. Prentiss? Prentiss. I grumbled to myself for being stupid and shoved my phone back in my pocket.
Chapter 2
#criminal minds fanfiction#criminal minds fanfic#aaron hotchner fanfiction#Fic: Special Weapons and Tactics#criminal minds x original male character#aaron hotchner x original male character#hotch x omc#hotch x oc#hotchner x omc#hotchner x oc#aaron hotchner x oc#aaron hotchner x omc
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Revelations - Season One
Summary: FBI agent Leila Kade faces a profound life change after giving birth to a baby girl, supported by her loving husband. Despite the challenges of motherhood, Leila returns to her role as a dedicated agent a few months later, ready to confront gruesome and haunting cases with her BAU team.
Pairing: BAU!Fem!OC x Male!OC , EVENTUAL Aaron Hotchner x BAU!Fem!OC (Like much later)
Warnings: This story contains mature themes such as sexual content, strong language, violence, mentions of alcohol and drugs, blood, gore, and death. All the usual Criminal Minds stuff. And there is NO CHEATING.
Note 1: I imagine Leila Kade as South Asian but I have decided to let you, the reader, imagine her appearance, hence the reason why I have not given her a face claim. However, her race does not affect the story, whatsoever. You, as the reader, are free to imagine her however you want. If you don't see her as South Asian, then that's fine. It won't affect the storyline. I also imagine the OC!Male as South Asian, but again, it won't affect the storyline.
Note 2: The team will consist of the main cast (Emily, Derek, JJ, Spencer, Penelope, Aaron, and Rossi) but will also include Elle Greenaway and Jason Gideon because they were some of my favorite characters and I wanted to include them with the rest of the team. Basically, Elle and Gideon never leave when Emily and Rossi join.
Note 3: There will be multiple time skips throughout this series. For example, the first chapter will begin on the first season and episode of the show but then there will be a time skip to later episodes (because there are obviously way too many episodes to write this series on and I wanted to include specific episodes that would help the plot of this story). This means that this series will be a slow burn romance but I believe it to be better this way. This will also stray from the actual show a lot, so don't expect it to follow the plot precisely.
Series Masterlist
•• Chapter One: Extreme Aggressor
•• Chapter Two: Compulsion
•• Chapter Three: The Fox
•• Chapter Four: Derailed
•• Chapter Five: The Tribe
•• Chapter Six: Local
•• Chapter Seven: A Real Rain
•• Chapter Eight: Machismo
•• Chapter Nine: Charm and Harm
•• Chapter Ten: The Fisher King - Part 1
#angst#fluff#aaron hotchner#aaron hotchner fanfiction#criminal minds#fanfiction#aaron hotchner x female reader#aaron hotchner x bau!reader#original female character#original male character#criminal minds bau#criminal minds series#revelations series
89 notes
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Push and Pull
Emily Prentiss x Fem!Reader
While playing games with Viper, Emily (accidentally) plays on your attraction to her - something you had been trying to hide since you started with the BAU. The results end up being more than interesting.
Emily Prentiss x Fem!Reader - Co-Workers to Lovers. Smut, Sexual Tension.
Word Count: 2,800 words
Criminal Minds Masterlist | AO3 Link
THIS IS A RE-POST. This is a fic from my old blog (a blog that was shadowbanned, forcing me to move). This fic is not stolen, it is completely mine, and I am just re-posting it to help people find my new blog, and to make my masterlist complete when I post new fics for this fandom.
Detailed warnings and author’s notes below the cut.
Warnings: smut; this is set during Season 4, Episode 9 (52 Pickup) and there is a lot of references to the episode in this, but I think you could read this without having seen the episode; mentions of typically sexist practices - in the form of ‘pickup artistry’: the reader character replaces Jordan Todd on the team; there is an age gap between Emily and the reader - Emily is older and the reader character is younger; the reader character uses she/her pronouns and has a vagina; mention of the reader wearing a dress and makeup; the reader has sexual fantasies about Emily - which include: pussy eating, fingering, rough sex, semi public sex, being called 'naughty girl’; most of the sex acts are in fantasies (this fic is mostly tension and build up and sexually adjacent situations rather than actual sex); masturbation (the reader masturbates); mentions of masturbation being unsatisfying or not feeling 'as good’ as having sex with the desired partner; caught masturbating - Emily walks in on the reader; Emily refers to herself as 'Mama’ (once); rough kissing, Emily gropes the reader through clothing, very light choking (from Emily toward the reader) (Emily puts her hand on the reader’s neck and applies pressure for a few seconds to get her attention), Emily calls the reader 'needy little thing’ (in this case the word 'little’ is meant to be condescending and not a description of size); undertones of degradation kink; I believe that is everything.
A/N: This was based on a request, and the original request mentioned fake dating (and I would love to do that trope with Emily), but I couldn’t stop thinking about how stunning and gorgeous Emily looks in this episode, and I thought it would be interesting to use it. Also the idea of a man basing his pickup techniques on women needing male validation when - hey, what kind of women wouldn’t want or need male validation? A woman who is obsessed with the other gorgeous woman at the table. It was such a fun scenario to write about. I definitely wanna write more Emily fics in the future.
At first, you really weren’t looking forward to it.
Though it seemed fun in concept - having an excuse to dress up and go out to a club while on the job - Emily assured you that it was going to be miserable.
The way Emily talked about the man - Viper. She almost made him sound worse than some of the confirmed killers you had dealt with during your short time at the BAU. She said that he was the scum of the earth, a waste of oxygen, that made her feel dirty just by giving her a weird look. She joked that she was ‘dragging you along’ because she didn’t want to suffer alone (that, and she needed backup, in case the guy truly was dangerous).
From the way she talked about it, you thought the night was going to be miserable.
You certainly didn’t expect it to be one of the best nights of your life.
Viper frequented bars and nightclubs. So of course, nightclub appropriate attire was required. You rushed to a store and grabbed the first tight dress you could find (a red one with spaghetti straps that would pair well with a pair of modest black heels you already had in your bag for the job). You didn’t expect to come back and see Emily getting changed into a clingy black dress that fit her like sin, her makeup subtle but smokey.
You had been actively suppressing your attraction to her, a gorgeous older woman, since you had joined the BAU a month ago. You told yourself that you could keep your lustful feelings under control because you would only be there temporarily, to replace their usual media liaison - who was on maternity leave. But seeing her dressed up like this, it certainly didn’t help with that suppression.
Things only got worse when you got to the club and Viper descended upon the two of you. (You quietly whispered to Emily that his name should have been Vulture and the soft laughter she let out had your insides fluttering.)
Turns out, Emily had been paying extra attention to the ‘push and pull’ technique that Reid had talked about. And even though you knew that it was just in the name of messing with the cocky man - you fell hook, line, and sinker for Emily’s combatants of this technique.
See, rather than letting him push and pull the two of you - compliment one of you and leave the other one reeling for validation, Emily complimented you herself. She never let Viper leave room for you to need that validation. Not that you would ever need it from someone like him. But she certainly threw him off with this tactic.
She supported you, focused far more of her attention on you than she did on him. The two of you never fell to the traditional ‘women in constant competition’ market that his techniques were built on. If she put far more of her focus on you and actively ignored him (or even not-so-subtly insulted him), then what could he do?
Women not vying for his attention? It was a curveball for the ages.
Clearly, he had no backup plan. He was struggling to keep up.
If he called your dress cheap, Emily said how well the fabric complimented your amazing body. If he said your mascara was clumpy and poorly done, Emily said your eyes were naturally beautiful and shined bright without makeup anyway.
The more annoyed it seemed to make him, the more she fawned over you.
And it left you staring at her all night. Captivated by her beauty, her silky voice. You barely even knew that he was there as she laughed at him, engaged in his silly games, taunted him.
By the time you left the club, you were almost high on the affection Emily had given you.
The rest seemed to go by in a blur. The real killer was caught at a different club, and the team retired back to their hotel to get some rest before returning home. As you and Emily walked back to your shared room, you were still laughing and joking about the pathetic man who somehow made his living off of scamming men more pathetic than him.
“And did - did you see the look on his face when I said ‘you probably go home alone, don’t you?’ - Like he - he couldn’t believe that I wasn’t falling for his BS,” Emily said, stuttering through her words as hardy laughter disrupted her speech.
“It’s like he’s never met a confident woman in his life.” You replied, a delicate chuckle in your voice.
It was a subtle compliment toward Emily, admiring her confidence in how well she had dealt with the scummy, overly cocky man.
“No, not quite.” Emily sighed, using the keycard to open the hotel room door.
Your insides fluttered even more when she held the door open for you. You couldn’t help but enjoy the domestic feeling behind it as you brushed past her body in order to get inside.
Of course, she wasn’t even paying attention to the dreamy, starstruck look on your face as she continued speaking.
“He’s never approached a confident woman before.” She quickly corrected, letting the door fall shut and click locked behind her. “He’s never approached a woman he thought he couldn’t con.”
“And for some reason he dared you to ‘meet him on his turf’?” You questioned, repeating the words she had told you, when ranting about the previous interaction she had with the awful man. “You, of all people?”
You had to wonder what about Emily Prentiss would come off as even slightly insecure or - what about her said that she would fall for his stupid tricks. In your opinion, it was like trying to outrun a cheetah using a tricycle.
“Yeah, I guess he was counting on me being drunk and blinded by all his guyliner.” Emily joked, tossing her bag down onto one of the twin beds.
You collapsed down onto the other bed with intense laughter. The joke itself was funny, but her delivery, her confidence, and her smile caused a spark through you that forced you to laugh off the tension before you jumped her bones. You had to be professional. You had to keep reminding yourself of that.
“I call the bathroom first.” She announced. “I really need a shower after being drowned in Drakkar Noir all night.”
You had to ignore the dryness in your throat and the heat between your thighs at the thought of her in the shower. Previously, it was something your mind could have easily glossed over, but after she spent the night fawning over you and capturing your attention completely, it was like you were a horny teenager again. Now all you could think about was her completely naked, droplets of hot water rolling across her skin, surrounded by steam.
You had to pull yourself together. You had to be professional, for fuck’s sake.
“But of course.” You told her, giving a smile and a nod. You motioned toward the bathroom, as if presenting it to her in a gentlemanly fashion. “I’ll probably just shower in the morning.”
Emily nodded in acknowledgement of this, and there was no further conversation.
This left your mind reeling, your body entirely tense and hyper aware of her every movement as she got ready. You had to busy yourself with grabbing your pajamas out of your own bag - an oversized X-Files tee shirt and a pair of comfortable cotton shorts - while she grabbed her toiletries bag and went into the bathroom.
The water turned on and you tried your hardest not to think about her undressing and stepping under the stream as you changed into your pjs. You tried your hardest not to think about her tight, fit body relaxing under the steam. You tried your hardest not to think about soft bubbles rolling across her soft, pale skin.
Clearly, you were failing. Failing not to think about her. Failing miserably when it came to suppressing your attraction for her.
By the time you climbed into bed, there was a hard, hot pain between your thighs.
You wanted so badly to simply roll over and go to sleep. You wanted to ignore it. But a very large part of you worried that if you didn’t ‘take care’ of that nagging arousal, then you wouldn’t be able to sleep. And if you didn’t sleep and you rolled into the next day with this attraction to Emily still at the forefront of your mind - then you wouldn’t be able to act normal around her for the travel day home tomorrow. You might say or do something stupid.
You had to do something.
The longer you laid there in bed, unconsciously squeezing your thighs together, feeling your pussy throbbing between them - thinking about Emily’s head being trapped between your legs - the more it bothered you.
You had some time while she was in the shower, right? You could be quick. Of course you could. And if you heard the water turn off, you would simply stop.
Before any true logic could catch up between your ears, a hand was sneaking below the waistband of your shorts. That hand easily went inside your underwear and found a natural place on your throbbing clit. You dipped down into your wetness (leaking out of you abundantly from how much you had been thinking about Emily) and slicked up the hot button before you began rubbing it in hard circles. You were determined to cum quickly and be done with it.
You closed your eyes and tiled your head back against the pillow, your mind drifting back to her once again. You couldn’t stop thinking about how perfect she looked in that ruby lipstick. All night, you had felt jealous of the glass when she brought her drink up to her lips.
You imagined her approaching you at a bar.
You would be out by yourself, and she would see you from across the room. So entirely confident, she would see you and in a moment, know that she could have you.
She would come up behind you, whisper sweetly in your ear, telling you how perfect you looked. She would smirk at your initial shyness when you giggled at the compliment. She would tell you that she couldn’t wait to get you home - that she wanted you and she wanted you now.
So she would pull you into a bathroom, pinning you against a counter. And then she would shove her hand under your dress, only to find that you weren’t wearing any panties, just for her. She would scold you, call you a naughty girl. Her voice so sweet and condescending, only making you wetter. And then she would shove her fingers into your slick cunt and shove her other hand over your mouth, trying in vain to keep your whorish moans from being heard as you begged for her.
“Emily, please,” You couldn’t stop the faint, needy moan that escaped you as you got lost in the fantasy.
Of course, so lost in it, that you didn’t hear the shower turning off.
Your pussy ached, leaking freely into your underwear, and your clit throbbed, emanating a needy pain out through your pelvis. You worked your fingers in more frantic circles, doubling down. Your hips canted up off the bed, knocking the covers off you slightly as dull pleasure radiated out across your hips.
(Dull compared to what Emily would have given you, you were sure.)
Even if it was unsatisfactory, you were close.
“Emily-!” You cried out desperately, right on the edge of orgasm.
“Hey, do you have some makeup remover I can borrow? I forgot-”
Shock cascaded through your system and you instantly stilled your movements. This caused your orgasm to become a low hum in your pelvis once again as your eyes shot open in disbelief.
Your gaze locked onto Emily where she stood in the bathroom doorway. Your insides were still with shock - embarrassment or any other emotion hadn’t even caught up yet.
Steam ploomed around her and she was forced to hold up the hotel towel with one hand as it couldn’t fully wrap around her body, leaving a sliver of her skin exposed from her armpit to her knee - the curve of her breast, her waist, and her hip on full display. With her hair soaked and her bangs slicked back from her face, and true to what she had said, her makeup still on but slightly smudged from the shower - she looked utterly delicious.
She was like a pornographic dream, live in front of you.
You let out a quiet whimper at the sight.
It was only then that your brain began to unfreeze from the shock, and you realized how truly incriminating you looked. The covers pooled around your thighs, your hand quite visibly inside your shorts, your face contorted with pleasure as your eyes scanned over her half naked body. You rushed to rip your hand out of your underwear - and you realized the sight wasn’t much better as your fingers glistened in the light.
Emily’s eyes moved from your glistening fingers to your stiff, nervous body, your thighs still parted (as it would be too uncomfortable to clamp them down on your wet underwear and aching cunt). She smirked at you. She looked at you with the same devious, cocky expression that Viper had started out the night with - before she had taken him down notch by notch.
The look alone caused any apology to be stuck in your throat. You waited for her to speak before you made any moves.
“What were you thinking about?” She asked, her voice breathy, soft, yet entirely commanding.
In that moment, caught in the smoldering gate of her eyes, you could find nothing but honesty pounding inside of your chest.
“You.” You whined quietly.
Emily chuckled gently.
Your stomach twisted with embarrassment for the split second that you thought she might be laughing at you. But then you realized that it was, in fact, a sound of satisfaction.
That realization hit you when she dropped the towel completely. She stood in front of you proudly, showing off all of her naked, wet glory. Her dark nipples pebbling in the air, the damp sheen of water making her skin glow like a dewy goddess. Quite obviously, she wanted you to look.
Your eyes traced a few thick droplets of water as they escaped her hair and ran down her body. You became absolutely mesmerized by the way gravity pulled the water over her collarbones, the teardrop curve of her breasts, the plushness of her stomach, across her pelvis, down her thighs. You imagined yourself tracing over those exact lines with your tongue.
“Come to me.”
Her silken voice snapped you out of your trance. Your eyes shot back up to her face once again, and in the sluggish moment that it took the words to get to your brain, she added something onto the command that absolutely knocked the wind out of you.
“Come on. Come to Mama.”
Her calling herself that name, so self assured, so certain - the phrase almost had you down on all fours, crawling to her like a dog.
But instead, you scrambled to get upright and practically ran across the room to her on shaking legs. Entirely eager, you stood in front of her and leaned in to press your mouth against hers. Naturally, you expected that the interaction would start with a kiss.
But she quickly reached up and stopped you with a hand on the side of your neck. You let out a harsh whimper of disappointment - one that quickly turned into a moan when she pressed her thumb into your windpipe with just enough pressure to make your brain go fuzzy.
She was showing you who was in charge.
“Not so fast,” She told you, her breath cascading against your lips now.
Although she was completely naked and you were clothed, it was very apparent that she was the one in complete control.
“Tell me how badly you want it.” She ordered, her voice low and almost gentle - a soft domineering that caused the hairs on your arms to stand up straight.
“I want it so badly,” You easily replied, your voice intensely needy. “I need it. I need you, Em.”
Emily reached up with her other hand and - with no warning - harshly gripped your pussy through your underwear and shorts. This caused sharp shocks of arousal to flow through you, making you moan out weakly. It was a dizzying euphoria that had you bucking into her hand. You almost came from that single touch alone.
“Needy little thing.” She purred. “I am gonna have so much fun with you.”
This was her last verbal sentiment before she pulled you forward by that hand on your neck and silenced any further moans with a bruising kiss.
A/N: This is a standalone oneshot, so there will not be a sequel or a continuation of it. If you enjoyed the fic, please comment about the body of work that has been written here. And if you like my writing style, please check out my Criminal Minds Masterlist or my other Masterlists for other fandoms.
#sundrop writes#emily prentiss#emily prentiss x you#emily prentiss x female reader#emily prentiss x reader#emily prentiss fanfiction#emily prentiss smut#criminal minds#criminal minds fic#criminal minds fanfiction#criminal minds x reader#criminal minds fandom
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Request Information
We write x reader and x OC stories/oneshots, so don't be afraid to give your character a name, unless you prefer it being the reader!
We typically write the reader as a female, but if you prefer gender neutral, let us know!
We generally write for male people/characters as well.
We write:
We do not write smut!
Feel free to send any request for one-shots/imagines, or if you have an idea for a mini-series, don't be afraid to suggest that as well.
If you request, there is no 100% guarantee that it'll be written, but we will definitely try our best to fulfill everyone's requests!
When something is requested, we will try to get to it as quickly as possible, but we are both full time students and play sports, so please bear with us!
We write for a lot of things, but here is the list if you want to go through it all! If you don't see a specific person/show or anything on the list, still feel free to request it. We might have accidentally left it out, but if not, we can still attempt to write that person for you!
You can submit requests by clicking the link at the bottom of this post or the link at the top of the blog, both will take you to a form to submit your request!
13 Reasons Why
Clay Jensen
Justin Foley
911 (Lonestar and the original)
Eddie Diaz
Evan Buckley
Judd Ryder
Owen Strand
Paul Strickland
TK Strand
Wyatt Harris
American Horror Story
Jimmy Darling
Kit Walker
Kyle Spencer
Michael Langdon
Tate Langdon
Xavier Plympton
Attack On Titan
Armin Arlert
Jean Kirstein
Big Time Rush
Breaking Bad
Jesse Pinkman
Cobra Kai
Eli Moskowitz (Hawk)
Johnny Lawrence
Miguel Diaz
Robby Keene
Criminal Minds
Aaron Hotchner
Derek Morgan
Spencer Reid
Game of Thrones
Jaime Lannister
Jon Snow
Robb Stark
James Etten
Lucas Parker
Gossip Girl
Chuck Bass
Eric Van Der Woodsen
Nate Archibald
Grey’s Anatomy
George O’Malley
Mark Sloan
Bill Denbrough
Eddie Kaspbrak
Richie Tozier
Jujustu Kaisen
Megumi Fushiguro
Satoru Gojo
Toge Inumaki
Yuji Itadori
Lab Rats
Chase Davenport
Malcolm In The Middle
Francis Wilkerson
Reese Wilkerson
Malcolm Wilkerson
Bucky Barnes
Loki Laufeyson
Peter Parker (Tom’s or Andrew’s)
Steve Rogers
My Babysitter’s a Vampire
Benny Weir
Ethan Morgan
My Hero Academia
Denki Kaminari
Eijiro Kirishima
Hitoshi Shinsou
Izuku Midoriya
Katsuki Bakugo
Keigo Takami
Shota Aizawa
Shoto Todoroki
Takami Amajiki
NCIS (LA and the original)
Anthony DiNozzo
Eric Beale
G. Callen
Jimmy Palmer
Marty Deeks
Timothy McGee
Tommy Mancuso
New Girl
Nick Miller
Winston Bishop
Now You See Me
Jack Wilder
JJ Maybank
John B.
Rafe Cameron
Percy Jackson
Pretty Little Liars
Caleb Rivers
Holden Strauss
Jason DiLaurentis
Mike Montgomery
Noel Kahn
Toby Cavanaugh
Alec Lightwood
Jace Herondale
Simon Lewis
Ian Gallagher
Kevin Ball
Lip Gallagher
Clark Kent
Lex Luthor
Stranger Things
Dustin Henderson
Steve Harrington
Dean Winchester
Jack Kline
Sam Winchester
Ash Franklin
Brandon Darrow
Trevor Askill
Teen Wolf
Derek Hale
Isaac Lahey
Scott McCall
Stiles Stilinski
Dick Grayson (Nightwing)
Gar Logan (Beast Boy)
Jason Todd (Red Hood)
The 100
Bellamy Blake
Jasper Jordan
Monty Green
The Chilling Adventures of Sabrina
Ambrose Spellman
Harvey Kinkle
Nicholas Scratch
The Hunger Games
Finnick Odair
Peeta Mellark
The Maze Runner
The Middle
Axl Heck
Sean Donahue
The OC
Luke Ward
Ryan Atwood
Seth Cohen
The Originals
Elijah Mikaelson
Klaus Mikaelson
Kol Mikaelson
The Outsiders
Darry Curtis
Dallas Winston
Sodapop Curtis
The Rookie
John Nolan
Tim Bradford
The Umbrella Academy
Five Hargreeves
The Vampire Diaries
Damon Salvatore
Jeremy Gilbert
Kai Parker
Stefan Salvatore
The Walking Dead
Carl Grimes
Daryl Dixon
Glenn Rhee
Negan Smith
Rick Grimes
True Blood
Eric Northman
Jason Stackhouse
Sam Merlotte
Emmett Cullen
Jasper Hale
Paul Lahote
Seth Clearwater
Wizards of Waverly Place
Justin Russo
Real people:
5 Seconds of Summer members (all)
Ateez members (all)
Cody Fern
Jamie Muscato
Sam and Colby
Stray Kids members (all)
The Boyz (all)
Tomorrow x Together members (all)
Request form: https://docs.google.com/forms/d/e/1FAIpQLSdf15DK07JIGzKMNPC2FrEgP7ces4KfIxTngYcNwvmusaXxGA/viewform?usp=sf_link
#requests open#bang chan#felix#hyunjin#txt#jeongin#seungmin#han jisung#han#changbin#lee know#eddie diaz#evan buckley#american horror story#911 lone star#13 reasons why#stray kids#the boyz#ateez#supernatural#goosebumps
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Masterlist 2
Characters I write for
My rules
Join my taglist
Evan Buckley
Evan Buckley x reader
The fire within
The fire within
Iroh II
Iroh x y/n
Zuko x top male reader
Demon slayer
Muzan x Top male reader
Tanjiro x top male reader
One piece
Luffy x top male reader
A love uncharted
Strawhats react to So giving them kisses
Monster trio law and Kidd react to their So telling them they are pregnant
Luffy x Female reader
Luffy x reader x zoro pt1
Luffy x reader x zoro pt2
Luffy Kidd Law React to their S/o eating his meat
Luffy,Ace,Sabo and Law react to s/o wearing their hat
Worst generations react to their s/o kissing him but the running away
Monster Trio react to theirs S/o sitting on their laps
Zoro x top male reader
Strawhats react to So giving them kisses
Monster trio law and Kidd react to their So telling them they are pregnant
A love uncharted
Zoro x reader x luffy pt 1
Zoro x reader x luffy pt 2
Flames of the heart
Worst generations react to their s/o kissing him but the running away
Monster Trio react to theirs S/o sitting on their laps
Luffy,Ace,Sabo and Law react to s/o wearing their hat
Monster Trio react to theirs S/o sitting on their laps
Flames of the heart
Strawhats react to So giving them kisses
Monster trio law and Kidd react to their So telling them they are pregnant
Luffy,Ace,Sabo and Law react to s/o wearing their hat
Luffy Kidd Law React to their S/o eating his meat
Luffy,Ace,Sabo and Law react to s/o wearing their hat
Worst generations react to their s/o kissing him but the running away
Monster trio law and Kidd react to their So telling them they are pregnant
Worst generations react to their s/o kissing him but the running away
Luffy Kidd Law React to their S/o eating his meat
Monster trio law and Kidd react to their So telling them they are pregnant
Worst generations react to their s/o kissing him but the running away
Strawhats react to So giving them kisses
Strawhats react to So giving them kisses
Strawhats react to So giving them kisses
Strawhats react to So giving them kisses
Yandere Shanks
Criminal minds
Spencer Reid
Spencer Reid x male reader
Spencer Reid x male reader
Spencer Reid x top male reader
Tony stark
Tony x top male reader
Marvel characters react to their s/o kissing them but the runs away
Marvel characters react to their s/o smack their butt pt.1
Peter Parker
Marvel characters react to their s/o kissing him but the running away
Marvel characters react to their s/o smack their butt pt.1
Peter x top male Reader
A steamy encounter
Loki x top male reader
Marvel characters react to their s/o kissing them but the runs away
Marvel characters react to their s/o smack their butt pt.1
Marvel characters react to their s/o kissing them but the runs away
Marvel character react to their S/O smack their butt pt.2
Marvel characters react to their s/o kissing them but the runs away
Marvel characters react to their s/o smack their butt pt.1
Marvel character react to their S/O smack their butt pt.2
Marvel character react to their S/O smack their butt pt.2
Captain America
Marvel character react to their S/O smack their butt pt.2
Marvel characters react to their s/o smack their butt pt.1
marvel character react to their s/o smack their butt pt.2
Red white and royal blue
Henry x top male reader
Henry x top male reader
Alex x top male reader
Queen of the damned
Lestat x male reader x Akasha
Billy and Stu
Billy x top male reader x Stu
Clark Kent
Clark Kent x male reader
Clark Kent x reader
The originals/Tvd
Klaus x reader
Eternal embrace
Kai Parker
An Unforgettable Night
Sakusa x Top male reader
Bokuto x Top male reader
Hinata x top male reader
Rafe Cameron
Rafe x reader
Dark Rafe x reader
Tides of the heart
A Loving and Spoiling Relationship
Teen wolf
Void stiles x reader
Isaac x top male reader
Henry cavill
Henry cavill x reader
Henry cavill x top male reader
Jungkook x top male reader
Drew starkey
Drew x reader
Dragon ball
Eternal Bonds
Eternal bonds
#masterlist#x reader#lgbtq#dom male reader#top male reader#one piece#one piece fanfiction#zoro#luffy fluff#smut#fluff#sleepy hollow x male reader#slashers fanfiction#male reader#marvel#x fem!reader#gay#seme male reader#rafe outer banks#x female reader#henry cavill#join my tag list#luffy x y/n#one piece reaction#one piece sanji#henry cavil x y/n#red white & royal blue x reader#marvel x male reader#criminal minds#outer banks pogues
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Push and Pull
Emily Prentiss x Fem!Reader (Smut Blurb)
Concept: While playing games with Viper, Emily (accidentally) plays on your attraction to her - something you had been trying to hide since you started with the BAU. The results end up being more than interesting.
Word Count: 2,800
Criminal Minds Masterlist | AO3 Link
If you want to be notified whenever I post a new fic, make sure you follow my library blog @sundropslibrary and turn on notifications there.
Please read my pinned post before interacting.
Full list of warnings and author's notes below the cut.
Warnings: smut; this is set during Season 4, Episode 9 (52 Pickup) and there is a lot of references to the episode in this, but I think you could read this without having seen the episode; mentions of typically sexist practices - in the form of 'pickup artistry': the reader character replaces Jordan Todd on the team; there is an age gap between Emily and the reader - Emily is older and the reader character is younger; the reader character uses she/her pronouns and has a vagina; mention of the reader wearing a dress and makeup; the reader has sexual fantasies about Emily - which include: pussy eating, fingering, rough sex, semi public sex, being called 'naughty girl'; most of the sex acts are in fantasies (this fic is mostly tension and build up and sexually adjacent situations rather than actual sex); masturbation (the reader masturbates); mentions of masturbation being unsatisfying or not feeling 'as good' as having sex with the desired partner; caught masturbating - Emily walks in on the reader; Emily refers to herself as 'Mama' (once); rough kissing, Emily gropes the reader through clothing, very light choking (from Emily toward the reader) (Emily puts her hand on the reader's neck and applies pressure for a few seconds to get her attention), Emily calls the reader 'needy little thing' (in this case the word 'little' is meant to be condescending and not a description of size); undertones of degradation kink; I believe that is everything.
A/N: The original request mentioned fake dating (and I would love to do that trope with Emily), but I couldn't stop thinking about how stunning and gorgeous Emily looks in this episode, and I thought it would be interesting to use it. Also the idea of a man basing his pickup techniques on women needing male validation when - hey, what kind of women wouldn't want or need male validation? A woman who is obsessed with the other gorgeous woman at the table. It was such a fun scenario to write about. I definitely wanna write more Emily fics in the future.
At first, you really weren’t looking forward to it.
Though it seemed fun in concept - having an excuse to dress up and go out to a club while on the job - Emily assured you that it was going to be miserable.
The way Emily talked about the man - Viper. She almost made him sound worse than some of the confirmed killers you had dealt with during your short time at the BAU. She said that he was the scum of the earth, a waste of oxygen, that made her feel dirty just by giving her a weird look. She joked that she was ‘dragging you along’ because she didn’t want to suffer alone (that, and she needed backup, in case the guy truly was dangerous).
From the way she talked about it, you thought the night was going to be miserable.
You certainly didn’t expect it to be one of the best nights of your life.
Viper frequented bars and nightclubs. So of course, nightclub appropriate attire was required. You rushed to a store and grabbed the first tight dress you could find (a red one with spaghetti straps that would pair well with a pair of modest black heels you already had in your bag for the job). You didn’t expect to come back and see Emily getting changed into a clingy black dress that fit her like sin, her makeup subtle but smokey.
You had been actively suppressing your attraction to her, a gorgeous older woman, since you had joined the BAU a month ago. You told yourself that you could keep your lustful feelings under control because you would only be there temporarily, to replace their usual media liaison - who was on maternity leave. But seeing her dressed up like this, it certainly didn’t help with that suppression.
Things only got worse when you got to the club and Viper descended upon the two of you. (You quietly whispered to Emily that his name should have been Vulture and the soft laughter she let out had your insides fluttering.)
Turns out, Emily had been paying extra attention to the ‘push and pull’ technique that Reid had talked about. And even though you knew that it was just in the name of messing with the cocky man - you fell hook, line, and sinker for Emily’s combatants of this technique.
See, rather than letting him push and pull the two of you - compliment one of you and leave the other one reeling for validation, Emily complimented you herself. She never let Viper leave room for you to need that validation. Not that you would ever need it from someone like him. But she certainly threw him off with this tactic.
She supported you, focused far more of her attention on you than she did on him. The two of you never fell to the traditional ‘women in constant competition’ market that his techniques were built on. If she put far more of her focus on you and actively ignored him (or even not-so-subtly insulted him), then what could he do?
Women not vying for his attention? It was a curveball for the ages.
Clearly, he had no backup plan. He was struggling to keep up.
If he called your dress cheap, Emily said how well the fabric complimented your amazing body. If he said your mascara was clumpy and poorly done, Emily said your eyes were naturally beautiful and shined bright without makeup anyway.
The more annoyed it seemed to make him, the more she fawned over you.
And it left you staring at her all night. Captivated by her beauty, her silky voice. You barely even knew that he was there as she laughed at him, engaged in his silly games, taunted him.
By the time you left the club, you were almost high on the affection Emily had given you.
The rest seemed to go by in a blur. The real killer was caught at a different club, and the team retired back to their hotel to get some rest before returning home. As you and Emily walked back to your shared room, you were still laughing and joking about the pathetic man who somehow made his living off of scamming men more pathetic than him.
“And did - did you see the look on his face when I said ‘you probably go home alone, don’t you?’ - Like he - he couldn’t believe that I wasn’t falling for his BS,” Emily said, stuttering through her words as hardy laughter disrupted her speech.
“It’s like he’s never met a confident woman in his life.” You replied, a delicate chuckle in your voice.
It was a subtle compliment toward Emily, admiring her confidence in how well she had dealt with the scummy, overly cocky man.
“No, not quite.” Emily sighed, using the keycard to open the hotel room door.
Your insides fluttered even more when she held the door open for you. You couldn’t help but enjoy the domestic feeling behind it as you brushed past her body in order to get inside.
Of course, she wasn’t even paying attention to the dreamy, starstruck look on your face as she continued speaking.
“He’s never approached a confident woman before.” She quickly corrected, letting the door fall shut and click locked behind her. “He’s never approached a woman he thought he couldn’t con.”
“And for some reason he dared you to ‘meet him on his turf’?” You questioned, repeating the words she had told you, when ranting about the previous interaction she had with the awful man. “You, of all people?”
You had to wonder what about Emily Prentiss would come off as even slightly insecure or - what about her said that she would fall for his stupid tricks. In your opinion, it was like trying to outrun a cheetah using a tricycle.
“Yeah, I guess he was counting on me being drunk and blinded by all his guyliner.” Emily joked, tossing her bag down onto one of the twin beds.
You collapsed down onto the other bed with intense laughter. The joke itself was funny, but her delivery, her confidence, and her smile caused a spark through you that forced you to laugh off the tension before you jumped her bones. You had to be professional. You had to keep reminding yourself of that.
“I call the bathroom first.” She announced. “I really need a shower after being drowned in Drakkar Noir all night.”
You had to ignore the dryness in your throat and the heat between your thighs at the thought of her in the shower. Previously, it was something your mind could have easily glossed over, but after she spent the night fawning over you and capturing your attention completely, it was like you were a horny teenager again. Now all you could think about was her completely naked, droplets of hot water rolling across her skin, surrounded by steam.
You had to pull yourself together. You had to be professional, for fuck’s sake.
“But of course.” You told her, giving a smile and a nod. You motioned toward the bathroom, as if presenting it to her in a gentlemanly fashion. “I’ll probably just shower in the morning.”
Emily nodded in acknowledgement of this, and there was no further conversation.
This left your mind reeling, your body entirely tense and hyper aware of her every movement as she got ready. You had to busy yourself with grabbing your pajamas out of your own bag - an oversized X-Files tee shirt and a pair of comfortable cotton shorts - while she grabbed her toiletries bag and went into the bathroom.
The water turned on and you tried your hardest not to think about her undressing and stepping under the stream as you changed into your pjs. You tried your hardest not to think about her tight, fit body relaxing under the steam. You tried your hardest not to think about soft bubbles rolling across her soft, pale skin.
Clearly, you were failing. Failing not to think about her. Failing miserably when it came to suppressing your attraction for her.
By the time you climbed into bed, there was a hard, hot pain between your thighs.
You wanted so badly to simply roll over and go to sleep. You wanted to ignore it. But a very large part of you worried that if you didn’t ‘take care’ of that nagging arousal, then you wouldn’t be able to sleep. And if you didn’t sleep and you rolled into the next day with this attraction to Emily still at the forefront of your mind - then you wouldn’t be able to act normal around her for the travel day home tomorrow. You might say or do something stupid.
You had to do something.
The longer you laid there in bed, unconsciously squeezing your thighs together, feeling your pussy throbbing between them - thinking about Emily’s head being trapped between your legs - the more it bothered you.
You had some time while she was in the shower, right? You could be quick. Of course you could. And if you heard the water turn off, you would simply stop.
Before any true logic could catch up between your ears, a hand was sneaking below the waistband of your shorts. That hand easily went inside your underwear and found a natural place on your throbbing clit. You dipped down into your wetness (leaking out of you abundantly from how much you had been thinking about Emily) and slicked up the hot button before you began rubbing it in hard circles. You were determined to cum quickly and be done with it.
You closed your eyes and tiled your head back against the pillow, your mind drifting back to her once again. You couldn’t stop thinking about how perfect she looked in that ruby lipstick. All night, you had felt jealous of the glass when she brought her drink up to her lips.
You imagined her approaching you at a bar.
You would be out by yourself, and she would see you from across the room. So entirely confident, she would see you and in a moment, know that she could have you.
She would come up behind you, whisper sweetly in your ear, telling you how perfect you looked. She would smirk at your initial shyness when you giggled at the compliment. She would tell you that she couldn’t wait to get you home - that she wanted you and she wanted you now.
So she would pull you into a bathroom, pinning you against a counter. And then she would shove her hand under your dress, only to find that you weren’t wearing any panties, just for her. She would scold you, call you a naughty girl. Her voice so sweet and condescending, only making you wetter. And then she would shove her fingers into your slick cunt and shove her other hand over your mouth, trying in vain to keep your whorish moans from being heard as you begged for her.
“Emily, please,” You couldn’t stop the faint, needy moan that escaped you as you got lost in the fantasy.
Of course, so lost in it, that you didn’t hear the shower turning off.
Your pussy ached, leaking freely into your underwear, and your clit throbbed, emanating a needy pain out through your pelvis. You worked your fingers in more frantic circles, doubling down. Your hips canted up off the bed, knocking the covers off you slightly as dull pleasure radiated out across your hips.
(Dull compared to what Emily would have given you, you were sure.)
Even if it was unsatisfactory, you were close.
“Emily-!” You cried out desperately, right on the edge of orgasm.
“Hey, do you have some makeup remover I can borrow? I forgot-”
Shock cascaded through your system and you instantly stilled your movements. This caused your orgasm to become a low hum in your pelvis once again as your eyes shot open in disbelief.
Your gaze locked onto Emily where she stood in the bathroom doorway. Your insides were still with shock - embarrassment or any other emotion hadn’t even caught up yet.
Steam ploomed around her and she was forced to hold up the hotel towel with one hand as it couldn’t fully wrap around her body, leaving a sliver of her skin exposed from her armpit to her knee - the curve of her breast, her waist, and her hip on full display. With her hair soaked and her bangs slicked back from her face, and true to what she had said, her makeup still on but slightly smudged from the shower - she looked utterly delicious.
She was like a pornographic dream, live in front of you.
You let out a quiet whimper at the sight.
It was only then that your brain began to unfreeze from the shock, and you realized how truly incriminating you looked. The covers pooled around your thighs, your hand quite visibly inside your shorts, your face contorted with pleasure as your eyes scanned over her half naked body. You rushed to rip your hand out of your underwear - and you realized the sight wasn’t much better as your fingers glistened in the light.
Emily’s eyes moved from your glistening fingers to your stiff, nervous body, your thighs still parted (as it would be too uncomfortable to clamp them down on your wet underwear and aching cunt). She smirked at you. She looked at you with the same devious, cocky expression that Viper had started out the night with - before she had taken him down notch by notch.
The look alone caused any apology to be stuck in your throat. You waited for her to speak before you made any moves.
“What were you thinking about?” She asked, her voice breathy, soft, yet entirely commanding.
In that moment, caught in the smoldering gate of her eyes, you could find nothing but honesty pounding inside of your chest.
“You.” You whined quietly.
Emily chuckled gently.
Your stomach twisted with embarrassment for the split second that you thought she might be laughing at you. But then you realized that it was, in fact, a sound of satisfaction.
That realization hit you when she dropped the towel completely. She stood in front of you proudly, showing off all of her naked, wet glory. Her dark nipples pebbling in the air, the damp sheen of water making her skin glow like a dewy goddess. Quite obviously, she wanted you to look.
Your eyes traced a few thick droplets of water as they escaped her hair and ran down her body. You became absolutely mesmerized by the way gravity pulled the water over her collarbones, the teardrop curve of her breasts, the plushness of her stomach, across her pelvis, down her thighs. You imagined yourself tracing over those exact lines with your tongue.
“Come to me.”
Her silken voice snapped you out of your trance. Your eyes shot back up to her face once again, and in the sluggish moment that it took the words to get to your brain, she added something onto the command that absolutely knocked the wind out of you.
“Come on. Come to Mama.”
Her calling herself that name, so self assured, so certain - the phrase almost had you down on all fours, crawling to her like a dog.
But instead, you scrambled to get upright and practically ran across the room to her on shaking legs. Entirely eager, you stood in front of her and leaned in to press your mouth against hers. Naturally, you expected that the interaction would start with a kiss.
But she quickly reached up and stopped you with a hand on the side of your neck. You let out a harsh whimper of disappointment - one that quickly turned into a moan when she pressed her thumb into your windpipe with just enough pressure to make your brain go fuzzy.
She was showing you who was in charge.
“Not so fast,” She told you, her breath cascading against your lips now.
Although she was completely naked and you were clothed, it was very apparent that she was the one in complete control.
“Tell me how badly you want it.” She ordered, her voice low and almost gentle - a soft domineering that caused the hairs on your arms to stand up straight.
“I want it so badly,” You easily replied, your voice intensely needy. “I need it. I need you, Em.”
Emily reached up with her other hand and - with no warning - harshly gripped your pussy through your underwear and shorts. This caused sharp shocks of arousal to flow through you, making you moan out weakly. It was a dizzying euphoria that had you bucking into her hand. You almost came from that single touch alone.
“Needy little thing.” She purred. “I am gonna have so much fun with you.”
This was her last verbal sentiment before she pulled you forward by that hand on your neck and silenced any further moans with a bruising kiss.
#sundrop writes#emily prentiss#emily prentiss x reader#emily prenitss x fem!reader#criminal minds#criminal minds fanfiction#criminal minds x reader
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Rules For Requests
Fandoms & Characters
I’ve made another blog specifically for age regression, so if you follow me for that you can go to @littlelambscandyland for more agere content.
All of fics are "x reader"
Platonic-🩵 Yandere-🧡 Smut-❤ Fluff-🩷 Angst-🖤
Pink is for Age Regression Works
'First' Sights Part 1 🧡🖤 The Flash (Eobard Thawne)
'First' Sights Part 2 🧡 The Flash (Eobard Thawne)
Yandere Abc's 🧡 The Flash (Eobard Thawne)
Dominance❤ The Flash (Eobard Thawne)
Yandere Abc's 🧡 The Flash (Eowells)
Do You? 🩷🖤(?) The Flash (Eobard Thawne)
A New Nursery🩵🧡 The Flash (Multi Wells and Eobard Thawne)
A Teaching Moment ❤ The Flash (Harry Wells)
Yandere Abc's 🧡 The Flash (Harry Wells)
Yandere Abc's 🧡 The Flash (H.R. Wells)
Yandere Abc's 🧡 The Flash (Sherloque Wells)
Dating All Four 🩷❤ The Flash (Multi Wells)
It's Nice To Meet You Too 🩷 The Flash (Multi Wells)
Comforting Your Sorrows 🧡🩷 The Legends Of Tomorrow (Damien Darhk)
My Sun, Moon, And Stars 🩷 The Silence of The Lambs (Clarice Starling)
Drugging 🧡 Hannibal (Hannibal Lecter)
I’m (Not) Scared 🧡 Hannibal (Hannibal Lecter and Will Graham)
Their Little Girl 🧡🩵 Hannibal (Hannibal Lecter and Will Graham)
Moaning Sensually 🧡❤ Hannibal (Hannibal Lecter and Will Graham)
Moaning Sensually (Male Version) 🧡❤ Hannibal (Hannibal Lecter and Will Graham)
Headache🧡🩵 Hannibal (Hannibal Lecter and Will Graham)
Where have you been all my life? 🩷 Supernatural (Castiel)
There Is Nothing You Can Do For Love 🧡 Supernatural (Castiel)
Morning Rays 🩷 Supernatural (Chuck Shurley)
Chuck 2.0 🖤🩷 🧡 Supernatural (Chuck Shurley)
Tv Princess 🧡 Supernatural (Gabriel)
Yandere ABC’s 🧡 Supernatural (Gabriel)
Not A Prayer 🩷 Supernatural (Lucifer)
Yandere Abc's 🧡 Supernatural (Lucifer)
Yandere Abc's 🧡 Supernatural (Micheal)
Yandere ABC's 🧡 Supernatural (Raphael)
Poly Archangels x Reader Hc’s 🩷 Supernatural (The Archangels)
Heavens Finest 🩷 Supernatural (The Archangels)
Flirting Hcs ❤🩷 The Joker (Arthur Fleck)
For Love 🧡 Gotham (Jeremiah Valeska)
Different Jokers Reacting to you Needing Medicine 🧡🩷 (Multi)
Cheshire, Darling 🧡🩷 Gotham (Jervis Tetch)
Yandere ABC's 🧡 Gotham (Jervis Tetch)
Sweet Kisses 🩷 DC Multimedia (Jason Todd)
Read You Like A Book ❤ DC Multimedia (Jason Todd)
Imagine (Will You?)🧡 DC Multimedia (Jason Todd and Dick Grayson)
I Just (Don't) Need Help 🩵🧡 DC Multimedia (Batfamily)
A Bat Who... ❤ DC Multimedia (Batboys)
Nightmare Not Reality 🩷 Diabolik Lovers (Reiji Sakamaki)
Yandere ABC's 🧡 Rick and Morty (Rick Sanchez)
What Is Wrong With You 🧡 The Vampire Diaries (Silas)
Birthday Presents You're the Gift ❤ The Originals (The Mikaelsons)
Not a Child and Not my Job 🩵🧡 Criminal Minds (BAU)
Platonic Sherlock HC's 🩵🩷 Sherlock (Sherlock)
Almost Innocent❤ Doctor Who (Thirteenth Doctor)
Please, Just Stay 🧡 Doctor Who (Tenth Doctor)
A Lovely View ❤ Doctor Who (Twelfth Doctor)
Say it Again❤ Beetlejuice (Beetlejuice)
Sunglasses 🩷 The Interview With The Vampire (Daniel Molloy)
Headcanons for Heisenberg with Foreign Metal Restorator S/O 🩷 Resident Evil 8 (Karl Heisenberg)
Patton Headcannons 🩷🩵 Sanders Sides (Patton)
Yandere Patton Headcannons 🩵🧡 Sanders Sides (Patton)
Logan Headcannons 🩷🩵 Sanders Sides (Logan)
Never Again. 🖤🧡🩵🩷 Metal Family (Metal Family)
A Good Lesson 🩷 Metal Family (Glam)
Please Note and Understand Any and All Writings for TMNT Characters are Meant to be Read as the Adult Versions.
Not Yet Forgotten 🩵 Rise of the TMNT (Hamato Brothers)
Science Experiment 🧡 Rise of the TMNT (Donatello)
You Would Be Missed 🩷 TMNT 2012 (Donnie, Raph, Mikey, Leo, Casey, and April)
A Leonardo Who... ❤ (Multi Media)
A Donatello Who... ❤ (Multi Media)
A Raphael Who... ❤ (Multi Media)
A Michelangelo Who... ❤ (Multi Media)
Xtra Links
My Series MasterList
Nightwing 40 (2024) Video(s) Links
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I've been thinking about how Luther could have fit so easily into the Disney Renaissance villains again.
He and the Rogues really make me remember what we lost by getting rid of simple villains.
Luther can either be a product of his environment if we go by the original movie / video game or he can be a symptom of the general bigotry that exists in the world.
I feel like if he were created specifically today they're probably would have made him way too complex like some sort of direct parallel to Cyrus or something and we would have lost so much what makes him so interesting.
He can be genuinely terrifying but can also be very comedic depending on how you look at them or even downright pathetic given he may or may not be the son of Victor and is imitating with his father probably does to his own loved ones.
I like the idea of Luther being the embodiment of "suffering doesn't create good people, it creates suffering", in the sense of: I don't think it's *possible for someone to end up that fucked up without some trauma. Like, why would he even be in gang life he lived in a totally stable, loving and caring household?
(*I mean I don't have the needed knowledge to even begin a discussion about people being born "evil" as their nature X being a product of their environment so let's just say its highly unlikely)
The way he says the line "life is pain" makes me believe that he did go through something. The way he is disconnected from everything around him and sees himself as this pain-bringer entity that won't ever face the consequences of his own acts (and, when he does, he just kinda regresses to being a whiny little kid) could be a response to being neglected, isolated. Neglected in a way that he would never be punished for whatever, but neither loved or cared.
I can almost see in my mind he going fucking berserk throughout his entire childhood and teenage years, like, terrorizing other kids at school being the worse kind of bully to ever exist and never being held accountable for that. And I can see he doing that for attention. Eventually, the attention he would get from being a jerk TM wouldn't be enough, and he would start doing more hardcore stuff, progressively more criminal, and boom, gang gang gang.
And then the general bigotry of the world comes to scene, because if he's being neglected and his family* (talking abt that later) isn't educating him, "the streets" will, will them not? At least, that's what my mom always told me. But this "street educational system" aka the police seems to work faaaar better on anyone that isn't, like, a white cisgender male. He has so much less to fear, honestly, it's comical.
Luther is both of those things and at the same time he's also this caricature of a villain that keeps laughing maniacally and saying shit like "yes indeed wanna see 'em bleed get the mop mop mop" and the whole watch the word burn and chaos take over thing. Weirdly enough, this is one of the best ways I've seen this kind of problem being represented; it should be considered pathetic to be hateful about things like race, gender, sexuality... bigotry *is* pathetic, and I like the fact that a character that generally represents how society treats (or, at least, wishes to treat) minorities is portrayed as such.
(This section is dedicated to talking about his hypothetical family)
So. Families.
The first social structure we meet as soon as we're born. Your family has the duty to keep you safe, nourished, loved, and basically teach you how to be a decent human being, at least ideally.
But what if this structure is, let's say, fucked up? Trauma inducing, ain't it? Then everything goes down the drain: the protection, the love, the teachings, the function human being... that's part of what I see in Luther.
In the possibility of Victor being Luther's father, I imagine him being pretty emotionally absent, maybe even physically, considering he would be out to work a lot. Still, Luther would look up to him a lot, it's his father, after all. Maybe if he does everything right, he can get his attention! If we consider he's talking to Victor in that phone call, it fits!
(Further context for why I think that: I found in the movie wiki that Patrick, the actor for both og Luther and Victor, once said that he's talking to a character called "The Boss". Apparently, he kinda just made that shit up and it became canon since no other explanation was given. In the same part of the wiki, I found this commentary that he must look up to that person considering the unique way they interact with them then and in other instances in the game)
Ok now it's 4 am. I need to finish this thing before going to sleep so I'm sorry if this last part is rushed or incomprehensible I don't wven know how I'm still awake
Victor also seems to be very aggressive, and I doubt he keeps it only to harassing young women at work and throwing them under trains (*sob*). He would of course behave like that at home too, I totally agree with you that, in great measure, the way he acts with his crew is basically him imitating how Victor would act with his family.
It's funny and tragic for me to imagine that the way he treats Cropsy — both the passive aggressiveness he shows in the musical and the physical assaults he does in other medias — being just a mirror of how Victor would treat his wife.
I think it was you that talked about Luther's parents being divorced at some point (but I could be wrokg cause I'm super sleepy rn) and dude I agree so fucking much with that. I think they would be the kind of couple that takes way too long to get divorced (esp considering the time period we're talking about) and that just leaves more and more trauma on their children's heads.
Imagine Luther's whole villain's past being like "my dad be rude and violent :( my parents divorced :( now I kill oppressed ppl's leadership:("
*read it in a whinny lil voice
He doesn't need a complex "Cyrus' parallel that went wrong" past to work and this simplicity is beautiful, but if he was written nowadays it would happen 100%
#sopa talks#warriors musical#warriors album#luther warriors#realized I forgot to yap about Cropsy.#but mu vision is getting blurry I better get some sleep#I'll leave it to another dy
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⤷✿.。Since you voted yes to commissions, so here we are. I was a little unsure about the price, so I researched and tried to make it as fair as possible. I hope you agree with this! ❤️
Also, this is completely optional! If you don't want to, you don't have to request a commission! All the other requests works the same way!! ⤷♡.+ n a v i g a t i o n.
⤷♡.+ Status: OPEN.
What I would write
I write for any gender, both character and Reader/OC, be it female, male, neutral transsexual. Any.
Yandere!Character x Reader, Yandere!Reader x Yandere!Character, Yandere!OC x Reader and Yandere!OC X OC.
Dark!Au, Gore, Disorders, Smut/NSFW, explicit language, soft!yandere, alternative AU, Horror, Age gap (depends on how much).
Romantic, platonic and general Yanderes, as well as more specific themes; example: yandere x depressive!reader.
Stockholm syndrome.
Pregnancy, childbirth and death in childbirth.
Non-Con, Dub-Con, BDSM.
Fluff; non-yandere.
Monsterfucking, specific kinks.
What I DON'T write
Any kind of NSFW content with children, anything with children will just be platonic.
I don't write NSFW with characters that have a childish appearance or personality, just platonic.
I don't usually write ships because I consider it something personal, but I can do it if someone wants to.
Age play, scap.
Minor x Adult (only platonic).
Prices (in $ and R$)
2,00 $/R$ 2,00 for 500 words;
6,00 $/R$ 6,00 for 1000 words;
12,00 $/R$ 12,00 for 2000 words;
NSFW content adds an additional charge of $3,00/R$3,00.
Imagines, Scenarios, Reactions, Oneshots, Prompts
3,00 $/R$ 4,00 for 500 words;
10,00 $/R$ 13,00 for 1000 words;
18,00 $/R$ 18,00 for 2000 words;
20,00 $/R$ 20,00 for 3000 words.
NSFW content adds an additional charge of $5,00/R$6,00.
My list of current fandoms, but I can always add more:
Attack on Titan, Amensia, Death Note, Demon Slayer, Diabolik Lovers, Fruits Basket, Haikyuu!!, Hakuoki, Hunter x Hunter, Jujutsu Kaisen, Kamigami no Asobi, Naruto, Mirai Nikki, One Piece, Blood of Zeus.
Percy Jackson, Harry Potter, A Song of Ice and Fire, Pegasus and The Flame of Olympus (series), IT., A Court of Thorns and Roses (ACOTAR), The Bridgertons, Twilight, The Lord of the Rings, The Cruel Prince: The Folk of the Air, The Bridgertons, Twilight.
Genshin Impact, Detroit Become Human, Mystic Messenger, Time Princess Dress Up (TP: characters), Yandere Simulator, My Candy Love (Amour Sucré), Arkyos Angel, A Plague Tale.
BTS, BLACKPINK, GOT7, EXO, BIGBANG, TWICE, AESPA, Stray Kids, ITZY, Hyuna and Dawn, Red Velvet, NCT, Monsta X, Taemin, Dreamcatcher, LE SSERAFIM, (G)I-DLE.
Series/TV Show
Game of Thrones, House of the Dragon, The Originals, The Vampire Diaries, Teen Wolf, Supernatural, Outer Banks, Friends, Brooklyn Nine-Nine, Euphoria, Reign, Bridgerton, The Flash, Supergirl, Outlander, American Horror Story, Wednesday, Riverdale, Chilling Adventures of Sabrina, The Sandman, Lucifer, Winx Club, Ragnarok, The Lord of the Rings: The Rings of Power, Invisible City (Cidade Invisível), Shadow and Bone, Adventure Time, The Witcher, Rebelde MX (RBD), Heartstopper, Hannibal, Criminal Minds, The Last Kingdom.
Disney Universe, Marvel Universe, DC Universe, Maze Runner, Halloween, Friday the 13th, Texas Chainsaw Massacre, A Nightmare on Elm Street, Transformers, How to Train Your Dragon, Miraculous, Ever After High, Monster High, Barbie Universe, Christmas Movies, Maze Runner, Avatar, Twilight, Star Wars.
My Demon, Bussiness Proposal, Doom At Your Service, Hometown Cha-Cha-Cha, Crash Landing on You, My Name, Mr Queen, King the Land.
Greek, Egyptian, Norse Mythology and Brazilian Folklore.
Historical Characters
Alexander the Great, Cleopatra, Caesar Augustus, Julius Caesar and etc...
Additional Information
I accept payment via PayPal and Pic Pay only (PayPal = Ko-Fi)
Payment must be made before I start and I will always send you updates if you ask me.
I write in English and Portuguese.
I have a deadline of 5 to 10 days to complete your commission, however, if something unforeseen happens and it ends up being delayed, I will inform you.
If I write more than what was asked, obviously there will be no additions.
If you are interested, DM me with details and feel free to ask me anything.
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Highlights from tonight's watch party filled with framing, whodunnits, and mystery galore (Sorry about your laptop problems and all our lag complaints, WriteBackAtYa):
Scrooge and the triplets making an appearance
Mortimer's voice
Mickey being a people pleaser
WriteBackAtYa commenting how we love saying our favorite characters' names whenever they appear onscreen
"Duckman of Aquatraz":
Story Blossom: "Would've been awesome if Webby kissed a shark in the new series" spamtoon: "its okay because huey kissed a worm"
Even in the original series, Louie is always trying to talk his way out of shit
The idea of Glomgold walking into court blasting Queen's "We Are The Champions" in a similar vein as the "All I Do Is Win" scene
Duckburg's court and its judge fucking suck
Scrooge effortlessly defeating the prisoners in arm wrestling
Mad Dog being a mama's boy
This whole episode showcasing how prisoners are people too
melcat33: "Mad Dog was like 'this is my comfort millionaire'"
The Scrooge x Mad Dog ship setting sail
This episode also reminding us on why the legal system sucks
Glomgold taking the time to hang up a painting of Scrooge
"McMystery at McDuck McManor!":
Donald fleeing to his car like:
"Literally the oldest person he knows?"
The entire table read of this episode from Disney Channel Fan Fest 2018
Scrooge being a sulking Grumpy Gills. XD
DJ Daft Duck
Godfrey and I being on the same wavelength yet again (To quote Godfrey, "Insert 'Perception Check' by Tom Cardy")
Scrooge being SO against celebrating his birthday that he straight up lagged and froze the Discord stream (Dude, WTF?)
Mist Opportunity
"I hate this already."/"OH, YEAH. :)"/"You can't get that helmet off, can you?"/"OH, NO. :'("
Black Arts Beagle is best Beagle Boy
The stream lagging on the part where Scrooge walks into a sliding glass door 😭 (I know it's because of WriteBackAtYa's laptop, but for the sake of levity, let's say it was Scrooge's doing again and he did it because that part fucking embarrasses him.)
Mark saying Glomgold sucks at the whole "trying to kill Scrooge" thing (Rare Mark Beaks W)
"Since when did I have to become the adult in the room? I'M NOT CUT OUT TO BE THE ADULT!"
Huey doing a Scrooge impression
"Don't kill me! I barely lived! #YOLO #FOMO #AHHH"
Duckworth's reaction to seeing the axe fall down to the floor
Duckworth and Beakley's beef with each other
"Clock Cleaners":
Snoozer male stork
Learning A New Hope was paired with "Duck Dodgers in the 24th 1/2 Century" for its screenings
Realizing we were watching the edited version of the short where Donald says "Aw, nuts."
The return of Max's real mother
The Great Mouse Detective:
Me sharing which DT/DWD character would be who in a GMD-themed AU way before the movie started
Us getting excited at hearing Alan Young's voice
Cheerful music playing right after a sad moment (Hiram getting kidnapped) = Last Crash ending vibes
A new server emoji of Mark Beaks getting shot point blank for dabbing

Tokuvivor: "The world's smallest violin" Caroline: "Let me play you a song on the world's smallest violin" Me: "Basil, this is serious."
Learning Vincent Price is in this movie
Sharing a GMD Lorcana card during "The World's Greatest Criminal Mind"
teleportzz: "literally every man in this is so gay so far" puffywuffy8904: "or are they just european" Story Blossom: "Or are they gay AND european?"
Basil's face when Toby sat on Olivia's command
Hiram and Olivia reminding Puffy and I of Scrooge and Webby (I AM GETTING FUCKING EMOTIONAL ABOUT IT AS WE SPEAK.)
Ratigan upon learning Fidget's list is missing:
Basil x Dawson being the movie's equivalent of DWD91!Drakepad
Story Blossom pointing out how Miss Kitty is basically Goldie
The bar fight scene in a nutshell:
"There is no Queen of England."
Ratigan's royalty drip
WriteBackAtYa: "He's supreme like a taco from Taco Bell"
Basil trying to imprison Ratigan: "Officer, arrest that man!"
The entire Big Ben scene and how well the 2D and CGI animations blended together
Learning that the ballroom scene from Beauty and the Beast was the first Disney and Pixar collaboration
According to melcat33, Basil not skipping leg day saved his life
puffywuffy8904: "and they were roomates" Me: "Oh, my God. They were roommates."
Ratigan's "Goodbye So Soon" diddy playing during the end credits
#my post#duckblr movie night#dt cafeteria table#duckblr#mickey mouse shorts#no#ducktales#ducktales 1987#duckman of aquatraz#ducktales 2017#ducktales reboot#ducktales season 1#mcmystery at mcduck mcmanor!#clock cleaners#the great mouse detective
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Special Weapons and Tactics (Ch. 2)
Pairing: Aaron Hotchner x Original Male Character (OMC)
Rating: Teen (for now)
Summary: Checking up on the agent you carried out of a hostile situation is innocent, right? Right?? León sure thought so.
Content Warnings: strong language, first person POV, canon-typical violence, mostly fluff
A/N: (As of March 8, 2025, this fic has been transitioned to Hotch/ OMC as I realized I put too much detail in later chapters to still make it a feasible Reader fic. Thank you to everyone, so far. I hope you'll continue to read but totally understand if you don't!) Hiiiiii! Thank you to everyone who enjoyed the first chapter, here is the second! I’m embedding the Spotify playlist I made for the fic, but due to the lack of dividers for you all to know what chapters I placed them in, I’ll let you know here. Feel free to listen to the whole playlist if you want, just know I’m still making continuous changes to it.
Chapter 1: The Man, Mad Sounds, Want You Bad, Take A Chance on Me Chapter 2: If I Wanted Someone, Neon Moon, Lovers Eyes, Want Want
Also available on AO3 - I do use a workskin on AO3 for text messaging, so I uploaded screenshots of the texts here. I know this isn’t what iOS looked like in 2010 but I didnt feel like learning a new workskin lol.
July 2010

I could practically feel his eyeroll through the phone.

Before I could ask for his order, he started typing again.

It felt stupid to send considering his team would probably bend over backwards for him, but I sent it anyway. He should know someone else was thinking about him, right?
Beyond the occasional checkup text on how he’d been feeling—I couldn’t help it—he was still on track to get back to work Wednesday morning. It was actually quite convenient for me as I had a medic course to teach at the academy that day.
Keeping a straight face around my team was nearly impossible as his daily updates came in, some of them even unprompted. That part was surprising given that at work, his demeanor seemingly left a lot to be desired.

When Wednesday morning arrived, I got up extra early to stop at a decent coffee place on the way into Quantico instead of whatever sludge passed for coffee and littered every corner of FBI Headquarters. Don’t get me wrong, I was plenty used to dirty water that shouldn’t have the honor of being called ‘coffee’ from my time in the Navy; but when I had the opportunity, I treated myself to good coffee.
The drive was maybe half an hour longer than I would have had going into the DC field office, so I had plenty of time to sweat over seeing Hotch after our brief texting over the last seven days. After stopping for our morning beverages closer to Quantico so his coffee wouldn’t be cold, I made my way into Headquarters armed with the carrier holding our two drinks, a box of coffee for the team, some random assorted pastries to win their hearts over, and my training materials (which were super important, of course).
The elevator dinged on what I hoped was the correct floor for the BAU. Stepping out, I spotted the team immediately and headed over to their group of desks in the bullpen.
“Good morning, I come bearing gifts,” I announced in front of their desks.
Prentiss and Reid had noticed my presence as I walked in, and they peered over their dividers until they were basically standing as I approached. At the sound of my voice, Morgan’s head perked up and he rushed over to greet me.
“What's all this?” He smiled, gesturing to my full arms.
“This is for you all,” I gently handed the box of pastries with the coffee box balancing precariously on top to Morgan. JJ and Emily looked surprised, and I watched their eyes flick back and forth at each other in some unspoken language.
“What’s the occasion?” Derek laughed after setting the boxes down on one of their desks.
“Just didn’t want to come here empty handed for y’all,” I shrugged. He reached for the carrier in my hand, but I swatted his hand away and moved the drink carrier out of reach. “This is for your boss, and speaking of him where can I find him?”
Reid, who hadn’t said a word the entire time, gestured behind me with his chin. He was definitely familiar, and I knew him from somewhere. Judging by the look in his eye, I wasn’t wrong. Reid gave me a knowing smile and it finally hit me that he frequented one of the same local bars that I do, making me instantly nervous given the potential for volatility in a government workplace. Hell, most of my SWAT teammates didn’t even know I was gay because of that overly macho and straight culture on the team. The only one here I was actually out to was Morgan, though by now, I was sure the room of profilers had figured it out. It was inevitable that Reid had seen me flirt with men at said bar but, by his nod and comforting smile, I was reassured that I was safe and in good company.
I turned and looked over my shoulder to where Reid had gestured and saw Hotch skimming through a file behind the window of his office.
Turning back to them, I raised the drink carrier, “Thanks.”
I spun on my heel and made my way up the stairs to his office.
“Well, that was weird,” Emily spoke up as soon as I was out of earshot. When no one replied, she turned around to face the team, “That was weird, right?”
“Nah, just checking up on Hotch, I’m sure. He’s a good dude like that,” Derek shrugged.
“I mean I’m not complaining. That polo was doing wonders for his arms,” she absentmindedly fanned herself with a file to exaggerate her point.
“You should ask him for his number and get his workout routine,” JJ teased.
“Please, Sergio is the only man I need in my life,” Emily laughed, causing the two of them to veer off in a separate conversation.
“You're being awfully quiet, pretty boy,” Morgan murmured suspiciously to Reid as Emily and JJ kept chatting.
“Am I?” the genius jokingly feigned ignorance.
Derek fixed a pointed glare at him, “What aren’t you telling me?”
“We frequent the same bar,” Reid clarified. “Obviously, I recognized him, but I didn’t think he would recognize me, too.”
Derek’s eyebrows had never flown faster up his face, “Have you fu—”
“—No! No, no, no,” Reid cuts him off hurriedly, glancing at the girls who were still talking amongst themselves. “I’m not his type,” Reid answered matter-of-factly with a smirk and directed Morgan's attention to Hotch's office with his eyes.
“Oh, I’m giving him hell over this,” Morgan shook his head and walked back to his desk.
“Over what?” Emily asked as her conversation with JJ ended.
“It seems like he has the number he’s looking for,” Reid answered cryptically and flicked open the box of pastries to hide the smile threatening his features.
I took my time on the stairs to gather my wits and my nerves, feeling absolutely ridiculous considering my profession. I knocked on his door frame with my free hand, seeing a pinched frown on his face as he quickly looked up. The tension in his forehead eased upon being greeted with my shy smile and I watched his brain fight his lips as they twitched upward.
After a beat of silence, Hotch snapped out of it and gestured me in, his voice softer than his face indicated, “Navarro. Sorry, come in. Please, sit.”
“Black, two sugars,” I recited while setting the carrier down on his desk. I gently rotated the cup out and placed it in front of him. “And Leon is fine,” I smiled.
Despite most people pronouncing my name as Leon instead of León, intentionally pronouncing it wrong myself still left a bad taste in my mouth after all thirty-five of my years. It was easier to understand the mispronunciations of Navarro, that one even I caught myself slipping to a hard “R” rather than the rolling “r” it was supposed to have. But, it was easier than listening to people struggle and apologize.
Hotch’s lips finally won the battle, turning into a deep, closed-mouth smile before repeating, “Leon.”
As quickly as it came, his smile disappeared again as he turned to look out of his window at the team. They feigned “work” well, but Hotch wasn’t convinced and stood up to lower his blinds.
“Subtle,” I nearly snorted.
“They’re nosy,” he sighed and sat back down.
“How are you feeling?” I shrugged my bag off my shoulder and plopped it on the floor before taking a seat across from him. I twisted my own cup out of the holder and brought the straw to my lips with a satisfied hum. Yes, iced coffee, sue me. I ran hot and didn’t need to be drenched in sweat so early in the morning.
I hadn’t realized I closed my eyes with that sip until I was blinking them open to see Hotch’s calculating eyes scanning me. I tilted my head questioningly.
“Much better. I think the withdrawal headache made it worse,” he lifted the coffee cup up and sipped his. As he pulled it away from his face, he examined the label, “Where’d you get this?”
“Just some place in town I found on the way in. I brought pastries but I think they’ve started decimating them out there,” I laughed, imagining Morgan working with one hanging from his lips.
“That’s kind of you.”
“Felt rude not to,” I shrugged. “I’m glad you’re feeling better though, it didn’t seem like you hit it that hard but the mixture with the blast probably didn’t help.”
“I’ve also had my head rattled more times than I’d like to admit, so my hearing isn’t what it used to be. ”
“You and me both.”
“But, the past week was eventful in all the worst ways.”
A laugh was pulled from deep in my chest as I nearly choked on the liquid in my mouth. I wiped at the corner of my mouth as I recovered, “Seems like that might be putting it mildly. But hey, you could have used the lingering headache as the perfect excuse to avoid a coffee d—meet.”
Hotch smirked over the lid of the coffee cup with a raised eyebrow, “A coffee date? Presumptuous, SSA Navarro,” he finished, making my face heat up at how deep his voice was and how smoothly it came out. “But…I would have missed out on my wager, and it’s been worth the wait so far.”
Any worry I had last week about whether I was imagining this or not flew out of the window at lightning speed, “I’m glad I’m good company.”
“I know, I was surprised,” he joked, smirking once again. “Hopefully this isn’t too out of your way.”
I bit back a laugh, “I work out of the DC field office in Violent Crimes.”
Hotch’s face dropped immediately, “Why would you come all the way here?”
“You asked me to,” I stated simply. His face was concerned and almost looked mad that I would do that, “I’m teaching an intro to field medicine course at the academy today, don’t worry. I was just making you sweat.”
“You didn’t have to try hard to accomplish that,” he shook his head, visibly relaxing and licking over his lower lip.
We enjoyed a brief silence, savoring our drinks and listening to the bustle outside of Hotch’s office. His eyes flicked between my face and the cup being cradled and dwarfed by his hands. He was reserved, which was unsurprising given the setting, and hadn’t quite shut off the serious demeanor he carried in his office. It was hardly a problem and was still a fairly comfortable silence.
That was until my eyes settled on a photo behind his head, “Is that your son?”
Hotch slowly spun away so he could see what I was looking at and nodded with the brightest smile I’d seen on his face so far. I could tell his son was his whole world just from that look.
“Yea, Jack,” he confirmed with a proud smile.
“May I?” I was already half out of my seat.
“Sure,” he nodded, savoring another long sip of coffee.

I rounded his desk and got a closer look at the photo of father and son, with a real, honest-to-God grin on Hotch’s face, “He’s so cute. How old is he?”
“Five, almost six,” Hotch tilted his head at his son’s smiling face, fiddling with the coffee cup in his hand.
I glanced at his left hand, quickly looking back at the photo.
Lack of a ring tan means he didn’t divorce or separate too recently. Oh my—stop that right now.
“He had to have gotten his looks from his mom because…” I looked at Hotch again, making a show of looking him up and down before mocking a cringe. I stepped back from the photo and leaned against his desk.
Hotch hissed from between his teeth, leaning back in his chair and crossing his legs, “That would hurt more if you weren’t right.”
“I’m kidding,” I purposefully knocked my leg into his foot. “He’s got your eyes.”
“He just started school recently. He’s so smart,” Hotch looked thoughtfully up at the photo once more. “Figuring out co-parenting with school has been a bit of a struggle, but Haley and I are making it work.”
“I’m sure it’s a whirlwind, even with two parents. My younger brother is a newly single father.”
“It is, but he's a great kid and I’m lucky to have him.”
My watch started beeping, alerting me to my twenty-minute warning before I needed to be downstairs for the course. I quickly turned off the alarm and focused back on Hotch.
“Speaking of kids, have you taken him to the new bakery on King and Cameron? They have these incredible cupcakes that my nephew loves. I don’t know how far that is from you.”
“Not too far and Jack does have a sweet tooth,” he pondered for a moment. “Maybe we could check it out sometime. Without him. You know, make sure it’s safe first.”
I was taken aback for a second at the invitation, “We? Now who’s presumptuous?” I smirked. Before he could reply I was speaking again, “Would Saturday work for you?”
“It should. Provided we don’t get a case. Eight?”
“Sounds good. I have to run, but—uh—I’ll talk to you later?”
“You will,” Hotch smirked back.
I just about ran out of his office, almost forgetting my bag in the process, not wanting to be late in front of a bunch of trainees. He shook his head at my antics and I had to ignore the way my face felt like it was on fire out of embarrassment.
I’m so fucking dumb.
Chapter 3
#criminal minds fanfiction#criminal minds fanfic#aaron hotchner fanfiction#Fic: Special Weapons and Tactics#criminal minds x original male character#aaron hotchner x original male character#hotch x omc#hotch x oc#hotchner x omc#hotchner x oc#aaron hotchner x oc#aaron hotchner x omc
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Summary: Leila Kade is a skilled FBI profiler, respected by her colleagues and committed to protecting the innocent from the darkest elements of society. But as she navigates the complexities of her cases, Leila must confront buried emotions and past traumas that threaten to derail her personal and professional life.
Pairing: BAU!Fem!OC x Male!OC , EVENTUAL Aaron Hotchner x BAU!Fem!OC (Like much later)
Warnings: This story contains mature themes such as sexual content, strong language, violence, mentions of alcohol and drugs, blood, gore, and death. All the usual Criminal Minds stuff. And there is NO CHEATING.
Note 1: I imagine Leila Kade as South Asian but I have decided to let you, the reader, imagine her appearance, hence the reason why I have not given her a face claim. However, her race does not affect the story, whatsoever. You, as the reader, are free to imagine her however you want. If you don’t see her as South Asian, then that’s fine. It won’t affect the storyline. I also imagine the OC!Male as South Asian, but again, it won’t affect the storyline.
Note 2: The team will consist of the main cast (Emily, Derek, JJ, Spencer, Penelope, Aaron, and Rossi) but will also include Elle Greenaway and Jason Gideon because they were some of my favorite characters and I wanted to include them with the rest of the team. Basically, Elle and Gideon never leave when Emily and Rossi join.
Note 3: There will be multiple time skips throughout this series. For example, the first chapter will begin on the first season and episode of the show but then there will be a time skip to later episodes (because there are obviously way too many episodes to write this series on and I wanted to include specific episodes that would help the plot of this story). This means that this series will be a slow burn romance (no cheating is involved) but I believe it to be better this way. This will also stray from the actual show a lot, so don’t expect it to follow the plot precisely.
•• Season One
•• Season Two (COMING SOON)
•• Season Three
•• Season Four
•• Season Five
•• Season Six
•• Season Seven
#revelations series#angst#fluff#one shot#fanfiction#aaron hotchner#aaron hotchner fanfiction#criminal minds#original female character#original male character#aaron hotchner x female reader#aaron hotchner x original female character#criminal minds series#criminal minds bau#bau!reader#aaron hotchner x bau!reader
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A Need for Adventure
Lupin x Male!Reader
Requested by: @acolote009
Not only is this my first request but it's also my first xMale!reader fic so I hope it makes sense and it's not too short. Also, I'm sorry I took kind of long to finish this. Had some personal matters I had to take care of but finally had the time and energy to finish it up this week. Hope you like it and feedback is appreciated!
Brief summary: Can the son of a politician and the world's most wanted thief ever be together? It may seem impossible but there is only one way to find out. You had to jump through some hoops but in the end, it may not be impossible after all.
Content Contains: use of y/n, male reader, fluff, SFW
His dark-brown eyes, his silly little smile, and that charismatic charm you keep hearing about. Arsène Lupin the Third was the only thing occupying your mind right now. You saved every newspaper clipping and taped every news report about him and his antics, but that wasn’t enough. You needed him: his touch, his warmth, his voice against your ear, his lips on yours.
But deep down you knew that it wasn’t meant to be.
Your father was a renowned politician meaning that your life was all but private. Everything you did was under the scrutiny of the public eye. Your relationship status, location, and the words that left your mouth were all known. If you were to give into your desires to be with Lupin, your sexuality would then be known, and that is something your father and the rest of the world would not let you get away with.
And to top it all off, he was one of the world’s most wanted criminals. If your homosexuality wouldn’t land you in hot water first, then the fact that you were in love with a good-for-nothing thief would surely do it. Which was ironic given how all of the so-called “leaders” of this country have done worse things than Lupin the Third ever has.
But it didn’t matter to you anymore. You needed to finally meet him.
Using your connections and the exorbitant amount of money in your bank account, you located Lupin and had a message delivered to him. He was to meet you at a restricted location in a nearby country to yours. There, you would ask him to steal one of the world’s most valuable items: the crown of the original king of your country from ancient times. It was made of some of the oldest materials and the rarest jewels in the world. You told him that you just hated your dad and that you wanted to show the government how lousy it was, but only you knew of the real reason you summoned him. Once he arrived, you explained the plan to him.
“And of course, you can keep the crown. So what do you say, Lupin?”
“You're my savior you know that! I didn’t know what to get my Fujicakes for her birthday but now I do! Of course I accept!” Lupin exclaims while jumping for joy like a cartoon character.
Your heart sinks. You should’ve known that he would never see you in that way. You heard a rumor that he and his partner Jigen used to have a thing so you hoped that maybe he was into guys, too. But even if he was, you were no competition compared to Fujiko Mine, Lupin’s greatest love. Your thoughts were interrupted by Daisuke Jigen speaking.
“Good freakin’ grief, man. It’s always gotta be that woman. You already know MY answer to this.”
“Agreed. Even if this wasn’t for Fujiko, I don’t want to be roped into some theft for petty reasons. Besides if there is no reward in it for me, then I must part ways as well.” Lupin’s other partner, Goemon Ishikawa, expresses as he and Jigen begin to leave.
“And as always, I don’t need you guys anyway. Me & (y/n) can do it ourselves, isn’t that right?”
You shake your head in agreement. The truth is that you did have enough money to offer Jigen and Goemon, but the selfish part of you wanted to spend time with Lupin and only Lupin. Even if he didn’t love you back, you would at least cherish every second you were by his side.
In order to steal the crown, you first had to practice being fast enough to get to it. Your job was to be the look out and to disengage the alarm system at the precise moment. Lupin would then have three minutes to snatch it up. Once all was said and done, you had to reengage the alarm to make it look as if nothing had happened. On top of all this though, you had one more obstacle to pass: Zenigata.
Inspector Zenigata of ICPO was Lupin’s number-one fan. His life’s purpose was to catch Lupin although the most he ever did was play what was pretty much an elaborate game of tag with him. Unfortunately for Zenigata, Lupin was always one step ahead. Even if he gets captured, he always finds a way out.
The two of you found a warehouse where you replicated the heist scenario as best you could. Being the son of an esteemed politician and having nearly infinite funds in your bank account aided you in obtaining classified information from the right people without raising suspicion. You got access to the floor plans of the building as well as the manual for the alarm system. Lupin had asked Jigen and Goemon to act as Zenigata and the other security guards to add some more realism. You were kind of hoping they would decline but to your dismay, they went along with it. It ended up being only for three days though, so you still had a significant amount of alone time with your crush.
Thanks to some additional bribing and the fact that your dad was always busy, you were able to get two hotel rooms where you were at without anyone knowing you even left. After your practice sessions, you would retire to your own room and Lupin to his. For the first few nights, you were able to control your desires somewhat decently. He still plagued your mind when you were awake, but you subdued your wish to tell him how you felt. As the week dragged on, however, it was getting more and more difficult to contain yourself. The space next to you began feeling cold and empty and you wished that he was there laying beside you.
The night before the flight back to your country, you couldn’t take it anymore.
At first, you tried to be logical about the situation and told yourself that a relationship with him could only be achieved in your dreams. He couldn’t like you back, right? After all, he only accepted your job offer because of Fujiko. You knew you had absolutely no chance, but you couldn’t hold it in any longer.
It was already past midnight, but you knew that you wouldn’t get any sleep if you didn’t confess to him. This was your last chance and you were going to take it. With a dry mouth, sweaty palms, and legs that could turn to jelly at any moment, you knocked on his door. You didn’t want to knock on the door again and wake up the other guests, so you waited a few moments before deciding to head back. Maybe it was for the best that you kept silent.
Just as you were about to turn to leave, he opened the door.
“(y/n), what are you doing here?” he says with a yawn and as his hands rub his tired eyes. There was no turning back now. You were both regretful and thankful that he opened the door. You tried to speak but no words came out of your mouth.
“Is something wrong?” you nod your head and he invites you in. You sit in a chair and he sits on the edge of his bed across you. “Would you like some water?” you nod again and he fulfills your request. After taking a few sips, you cleared your throat and began to speak.
“I need to talk to you about something that’s been on my mind. I apologize upfront if it makes you uncomfortable. You can call off the heist and leave after I tell you, but I just can’t stay quiet anymore. I’ll never forgive myself if I do.”
“Hey, it’s okay. As long as you’re not secretly plotting against me, I’m sure it’s fine.”
You look down at the floor and take a deep breath.
“Ever since I saw you on the news a few years ago, I haven’t been able to stop thinking about you. I admire your sense of freedom, how you stick it to governments and rich people, your charming nature, and just everything about you. I never really cared about the damn crown, I just wanted to at least meet you once in my life.” You waited a few seconds to hear his response, but you were met with silence. “You probably get so many people that try to do this to you. I understand if you want to leave. I’m so sorry.”
Unbeknownst to you, Lupin grew to taking a liking to you the more he spent time with you. It was true that he had a preference for women and that he hasn’t dated a man since Jigen all those years ago, but there was something about you that made his heart feel at home.
He genuinely had a great time with you this past week. From the setting up of the recreation of the crown room, to the rush he felt when trying to get the timing right, and your time together eating at some of the finest restaurants, he wanted more of this. But he felt he had no chance with you since you were the son of a government official.
Your laugh, your voice, your smile- he couldn’t stop thinking about all of you. The thing that really got him though were the conversations you two shared. Up until now, the only people he felt understood him were Jigen, Goemon, and of course Fujiko. But then why would a guy he just met make him feel the same way? In fact, he felt he was able to open up to you about things that he just couldn’t tell the others. Fujiko was the one he felt understood him the most out of the three but he must’ve felt closer to you because you shared the same gender.
He was going to see how things went and if he still felt the same way after the heist, he was going to tell you, so he was surprised when you came knocking on his door and revealed how you felt. He was usually cool and collected when it came to flirting and relationships, but you rendered him speechless. Something no one else had ever done before. Warmth and redness spread throughout his face and he eventually gathered his thoughts.
You were about to get up and leave before he interrupted you.
“No, stay. I- I’ve just had a lot on my mind and I’m honestly kind of shocked,” he admits while rubbing the back of his neck. “You’re the son of one of the most influential politicians of your country. What are you doing wanting to run around with a thief like me?” he lets out a small chuckle.
“I don’t really know… maybe it’s because I long to be as free as you and to go on crazy adventures. I’m tired of this boring life and of being told who I can and can’t be attracted to. If I’m going to share my life with someone someday, I want it to be with you. But if you don’t want to then that’s f-”
“But I do,” he interrupts you. “I know I fall in love with people easily, but there’s been something missing from everyone else, and although I just met you, I finally feel like I’ve found that missing something. Besides, Fujcakes just dumped me for some rich crazy bastard that thinks he can make a time machine if he exploits enough people, so my schedule’s pretty much open. I just want you to really think this through. You sure you can keep up with little ol’ me?”
Without hesitation, you nod your head. “Please, Lupin. I need you and I’ll do whatever it takes to make that happen.”
He stands up and walks towards you. “Then I, Lupin the Third, vow to show you a life full of crazy adventures.” He holds his hand out to you and you take it. Lupin helps you stand and he places his other hand on your cheek. His thumb runs over your lips. “May I?” he asks and you nod knowing he means he wants to kiss you. You place your unoccupied hand on his chest and lean into him. For someone who is constantly on the run and getting into all sorts of violent scenarios, his lips are soft. Surprisingly, both his hands and kiss are gentle, too. It’s everything you’ve ever dreamed of and more.
That night, you didn’t return to your room. Instead, you stayed in Lupin’s and despite the fact you had a long day ahead of you tomorrow, you stayed up laying next to him and conversing about all sorts of things as he held you close. Luckily, your flight wouldn’t be until midday, so you had time to sleep in. Lupin decided he wanted to steal the crown in the end. He planned on selling it on the black market and use the money to buy you anything you wanted and take you anywhere you wanted to go. You decided that after the heist, you would never return to your country again and agreed to live the rest of your life as a criminal.
You felt at ease knowing that you finally had him and weren’t going to lose him. The sound of his heartbeat and the rise and fall of his chest as he breathed lulled you into the deepest sleep you’ve ever had in your life.
#lupin iii#lupin the third#lupin the 3rd#lupin iii x reader#lupin iii x male reader#lupin iii fanfiction#arsene lupin iii
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About my Criminal Minds DR
Full name: Gagak (Yes, that's it. I was born in Java, Indonesia, in this DR)
My nicknames: Corvid/ae/ (most of the team), Raden Mas (most of the world), Bird boy (Luke), The Crow (film fans)
My faceclaim: LØREN
Gender identity: Cis-male
Orientation: Demi-romantic/sexual
Age upon first shift: 20
More about me and changes I made below the cut <3
My style:

I wasn't going to have this kind of style, as evidenced by my previous post about this DR, but I read through one (1!) fanfiction series about cowboy!reader x Criminal Minds yesterday and… Also, for some reason, black, red, and white were thee colors when I was making the wardrobe section on this Pinterest board? I blame my top #6 video game characters: Ash (King of Fighters), Iori (KOF), Rock (also, KOF), Shadow (Sonic), Skarlet (MK), and Vice (KOF, again). Ahaha, guess what my favorite video game is 🤔 Anyway, RDR2 outfit pic creds to user @/kaddishaun on Pinterest!
Fun facts about me and my life:
Youngest FBI informant a month after moving to the US (subsequently also a month after I turned 10), I'm sort of replacing White Boy Rick in a sense, but without the bad ending and horrible father figure.
Officially joined the FBI at age 11 once I got dual citizenship for the US and Indonesia (yes, I know that's not possible in this reality).
IQ of 304 because I'm an attention whore 😀.
Tallest person ever, as per usual, "only" 9'3 this time, though.
Youngest person to graduate high school, age five at SMA Taruna Nusantara
Youngest person to ever graduate college, age six, via an accelerated course thanks to a 127-page dissertation on serial killers that earned me my first PhD, one in Criminal Justice, at the University of Indonesia.
Besides my first PhD, I have twelve others, one in Chemistry, another in Computer and Information Sciences, then Cybersecurity, Engineering, Mathematics, Pharmacology, Philosophy, Physics, Political Science, Psychology, Public Administration, and Statistics.
Took the CTY entry exam, after it was mailed to me, and aced it, but they originally said I would have to move to Maryland, which I simply refused to do, so I almost turned it down before my parents mailed them a letter back asking if I could do dual enrollment and they'd, as rich people, pay for the transport of my schoolwork to and from our estate in Java, and it was not a surprise when the school board agreed.
When I first opened my eyes in the emergency room, my dad was holding me, and he was wearing a jade necklace, one long enough for me to reach out and grab—I did so, though, my grip wasn't very strong. As such, my mother suggested I be named after the jewel, but my grandfather, who recently visited Banggai, suggested the name Gagak, meaning crow, and my parents liked that better.
I spoke for the first time at 4 weeks and four days, simply said the word "shiny," and grabbed at my great aunt's pearl earring. This further reinforced for my family that my name was meant to be.
It's rude to call an Indonesian person by their full first name, so most have nicknames, and, my first name being what it is, my nickname wasn't hard for Spencer the team to think up.
Unit chief of the BAU since Hotch and Jack went into Witness Protection
I can speak, write, and comprehend all 700+ languages used in Indonesia.
I can read 30,000 words per minute and write 15,000.
Autodidact with an eidetic memory.
I played Eric Draven in the 1994 action fantasy film, The Crow (I will go on to play the same role in the 2024 remake)
From ages 14-19, I was the lead singer and backup guitarist in a faceless V-Kei trio called Birds Dig Us under the stage name, Rook, and we were actually the number one boy band at the time 😭. We haven't released music since 2001, but we didn't break up either [Insider info: things are cooking].
My other bandmates were Miyavi (Dué le Quartz, Skin, The Last Rockstars) on guitar and backup vocals, stage name Tsubasa, and Kai (the GazettE) on drums, stage name Torrio, by the way.
Also, Birds Dig Us made all the songs for The Crow's soundtrack.
I have a southern accent because, after moving to the US and before joining the BAU, I lived in Texas.
Reid's autism and mine feed off of one another, if you couldn't tell…
Some other things I changed:
I scripted that Austin the Bartender, Beth Clemmons, Elle Greenaway, Jason Gideon, Jordan Todd, Kevin Lynch, Maeve Donovan, Maxine Brenner, Stephen Walker, and Tyler Green don't exist, as well as that Aaron Hotchner, Alex Blake, Derek Morgan, and Kate Callahan never leave the BAU (for good, at least).
After Scratch dies, Hotch comes back to the BAU, but I keep my new position as unit chief, and Hotch just becomes a regular member of the team.
Reid and I both get actual diagnoses 😓
It takes longer for the team to go through the motions of Rossi's past because it felt far too quickly done in canon for me. Rearranged a bunch of episodes in the timeline for this and other reasons.
Morgan has lessened trust issues.
JJ didn't emotionally cheat on Will, her fucking baby daddy, because what the fuck was that??
Also, Haley and Hotch were less toxic because WOAH and Strauss and Rossi aren't hunching.
To sum things up: As of now, the BAU consists of its legal expert and former Unit Chief, Aaron Hotchner; Alex Blake, a linguist who assists with nuances in communication; David Rossi, one of the first BAU agents and a specialist in hostage negotiation; Derek Morgan, an ex-Chicago policeman with proficiency in obsessional crimes and explosives; Emily Prentiss, a master at child advocacy and counter-terrorism; Jennifer Jareau, the communications liaison and a standard profiler; John Blackwolf, a standard profiler; Kate Callahan, an experienced undercover agent; Luke Alvez, an adept fugitive tracker; Matt Simmons, a skilled profiler from the FBI International Response Team; Penelope Garcia, the technical analyst; Spencer Reid, an elite geographic profiler and chirography analyst; Tara Lewis, a forensic psychologist; and myself, the squad's current Unit Chief and sex crime expert.
PS: My voice claim is Corpse Husband because when given the choice to become my ideal self, why wouldn't I? Before anyone comes at me, I did use to have GERD! I didn't script myself having any disorders I don't or didn't have in this reality.
Taglist: @amiivrse @the-badass-penguin
Divider credits: @/i-mmaculatus and @/v6quE
#original post#shifting antis dni#desired reality intro#criminal minds shifting#criminal minds shifter#cm dr related
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Brainstorming child units for these Engage characters
I was super sad that we couldn't have child units in 3H, and this was echoed in Engage--though I will praise Engage for being able to S-support everyone (even though not all of them are romantic). So because of this, I wanted to brainstorm ideas for child units in Engage. Sadly, I have no artistic skills, but I've got my imagination.
Iliad, the child of Alear. Early to mid teens, and I'd imagine they have a different color scheme so they don't look like carbon copies of their parents like Kana and Morgan do. I thought male Iliad's hair would be predominantly blue with a streak of red while female Iliad had red hair with blue highlights in the front (similar to Rogue from "X-Men"), but it'd be a cool detail if the ends of their hair matched the hair color of whoever Alear married. I imagine since their parents showered them with love and affection, they're much more emotionally and psychologically stable than Alear, as well as being a bit of a pacifist. In a contrast to Fates and Awakening, I'd like for Iliad's gender to match Alear's.
Neciso, the son of Pandreo. Originally I pictured him as a wolf pup type of kid, but then I imagined him as a young man who's also a kind priest like his dad--but he doesn't have the energy for parties. He's more of a scholarly type, but occasionally he'll let out an energetic howl.
Adele, the daughter of Alfred. Given the fact that Alfred dies young but it's never said how young that is, I think his daughter is super protective of him as she grows up (she'd be a teen here), training herself to be the strongest in the kingdom.
Emeraude, the daughter of Diamant. Due to the circumstances that made Diamant king, he wants Emeraude to be fully prepared for the worst-case scenario if she needs to become a queen immediately. That said, he also makes sure to spend a lot of time with her just in case she never sees him again.
Lazul, the son of Alcryst. A young man very big on upholding the honor of the royal family and looks up to his dad a lot, despite the latter's embarrassment. His cousin also encouraged his uncle to give him an education befitting a monarch, as she always saw him as her equal, just as their fathers did before them.
Aquamarine, the daughter of Amber. A young woman who inherited her father's romanticism and affinity for animals, she comes across as a fairy tale princess. She strives to become a legendary heroine--along with seducing a village boy or five. She's basically the female version of Laslow/Inigo and isn't shamed for that.
Chikai, the son of Yunaka. He frequently slips in an out of situations, and has a bubbly personality. It's believed he is also a thief, though he's so likeable most people find it hard to believe. He's a sly charmer (very similar to Hermes from the Hades video game).
Rubis, the daughter of Saphir. She's a popular knight and friend of Emeraude and Lazul. Her duty takes precedence first and foremost, and is the oldest of the child units (being in her mid-20s).
Eos, the son of Ivy. He's a young man known for being even-tempered and uncharacteristically kind by those who still deem Elusia with suspicion. He frequently wears a ghostly-white rose in his breast pocket, and while he's shy like his mother, he pushes himself to be more sociable to make others lose their fear for his kingdom.
Solanum, the son of Hortensia. As a little kid, one would be unsurprised by his childish behavior--though those who know Hortensia think it's because she spoils him, and that he'll likely be that way when he's older, too. He often sticks to Eos like glue, and is quick to protect his family.
Salix, daughter of Zelkov. Considered a counterpart to Chikai, she's known for being dangerous and charming--though while Chikai often keeps his criminal activity to non-life threatening activities, Salix is known for being lethal to her enemies. Her father doesn't seem to mind, considering her loyalty to the crown.
Tia, daughter of Timerra. Known as "the wandering princess," she's often found camping with her family and traveling on her own--unless her retainers happen to catch up to her. She has a close relationship with her family, and has a singing voice that is much better than her mother's--something her uncle frequently takes advantage of when Timerra tries to sing.
Taralli, the son of Seadall. Like his father, he is a renowned dancer and fortune-teller, though he often prefers to leave fate to chance, only reading fortunes when truly necessary. I imagine his outfit is similar to Inigo's "Indigo Dancer" outfit in FEH, except Taralli would probably be called the fated dancer.
Hope you like my ideas! Who knows, I may make more for other characters--maybe 3 Houses. Lemme know your thoughts or if you have any questions!
Update: check out the art @yanderefairyangel made inspired by these posts! We've both posted them on our Tumblr accounts.
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Criminal Minds Blurb Requests - Now Open
(Also I love this gif omg. They are judging you.)
Requests CLOSED as of September 17th, 2023.
(I am keeping this post up for future reference/in case I ever want to open requests again.)
Hello! I have decided that I will be accepting requests for Criminal Minds. I have been rewatching the show lately and it has sparked my interest in the characters, and while I am tentatively working on some longer fics, I would like to get inspired by working on some blurbs.
Once again, I am making my own prompt list, because I liked how it worked last time. You don’t have to use ideas from this list, feel free to send me your own ideas/original requests. As long as they are fairly simplistic, I will use them for blurbs. If they are too simple/too vague, I might not use your idea, and if it’s too complex, I might not be able to fit it in around one thousand words, so it won’t get done in a timely manner. (Note: all requests are not guaranteed to get done, and get done based on my personal interest/how inspiring I find them.)
Characters I write for: Spencer Reid, Derek Morgan, Elle Greenaway, Emily Prentiss, and Jennifer Jareau.
(More information below the cut - please read it before requesting.)
I will accept requests for poly ships (character x reader x character). I love writing these, actually - and I will add Will Lamontagne to the list of characters if only to be paired with JJ in this format.
Please make sure you specify in the request if you want the reader to be female, gender neutral, or male. When I write gender neutral reader fics, I do not describe the genitals or mention what kind of genitals they have if it is a smut fic, so I don't write "GN AFAB" reader fics. If you want the reader of the fic to have a vagina, that would be a fem reader in my fics.
I will write smut, angst, or fluff, but I mostly prefer writing smut or angst. When requesting smut, please make sure that you specify who is the dom and who is the sub (aka sub!reader and dom!canon character, or the reverse - I write for both).
I will write for a lot of dark topics and different kinks. In general, the list of things that I won’t write for is a lot shorter than the list of things I will write for. So if you’re wondering if a request is within my personal squicks or not, just ask! For reference, my main no-nos are: virgin!reader or innocent!reader - I am okay with doing "faux" innocent reader or writing about the canon character being a virgin and having their first sexual experience with the reader. I don't write fics about miscarriages, and extreme choking kink. And that is about it. I will write fics involving pregnancy, though.
Smut Prompts/Ideas:
the canon character is a virgin (ex: virgin!Spencer)
"just the tip"
there was only one bed
(additionally, sharing a motel/hotel room and seeing the other person get out of the shower wrapped in a tiny hotel towel that barely covers them)
caught masturbating
you are babysitting their kid (this one is mostly for JJ)
you are taking a class they teach (this one is mostly for Spencer - but it could work for the other characters if they are giving a speech/a seminar on profiling?)
accidentally sending nudes
“can you teach me how to do (blank)?” (ex: “can you teach me how to give someone an orgasm?” “can you teach me how to perform oral?”)
dirty talking/teasing while working a case
training/wrestling/sparring/shooting range session that turns into sex (this is from the Titans prompt list and I'm keeping it here lmao)
them seeing you in a slutty outfit when you go undercover for a case (or you see them in a slutty outfit for a mission)
late night semi-public sex (in a motel room with thin walls, in someone's office, etc.) where they shove a hand over your mouth to keep you quiet and make sure others don’t hear your moans
using sex as a way to destress after a difficult case
stuck and fucked/situational bondage/predicament bondage
fake dating/you have to go undercover as a couple together
they profile your attraction to them
breeding kink (or faux breeding kink with a strap-on)
dumbification kink/objification
Daddy kink or Mommy kink (their reaction to being called Daddy or Mommy for the first time)
(I could add more kinks to this and there are a lot more kinks that I enjoy writing about, but these are just the ones I thought about when making this list)
Angst Prompts/Ideas:
Note: someone please send in some of these prompts!! I love writing angst, especially for a show as primed for angst writing as Criminal Minds.
they break up with you to keep you away from danger
they react to you breaking up with them (or their perspective of the break-up)
attending to their injuries after a fight (or, them attending to your injuries after a fight or after you are attacked and they save you)
how they react when you are killed by an UnSub
(bonus angst points - you are killed before they can confess their feelings to you)
how they react when you are threatened by an UnSub
one of you has been brainwashed/drugged and hurts the other or completely forgets the other
they save you from a near-death experience (or you save them)
they confide in you during a stressful time
them finding out you are alive after thinking you died
being reunited after years, but you didn’t part on good terms
"who did this to you?"
unrequited love (they see you with someone else, they think you’ll never love them back, etc.)
(I also love doing hurt/comfort, so if you want to send me a prompt similar to this but with a sappy ending, I can do that too!)
(I didn’t put any fluff prompts because a lot of the time I am bad at writing pure fluff - I write fluff in combination with other genres. So if you have any good ideas for pure fluff send them to me and I might write them.) (Again, you don’t have to use prompts from these lists, I just think they are good examples of things that will fit the 1k-2k mark.)
#sundrop speaks#criminal minds#criminal minds fandom#criminal minds x reader#criminal minds fanfiction#spencer reid#spencer reid x reader#emily prentiss#emily prentiss x reader#jennifer jareau#jennifer jareau x reader
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