#criminal minds taglist
vanteguccir · 25 days
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spencer reid x reader
SUMMARY: Where Y/N is between life and death during a case, and the team needs to call her emergency contact, but she doesn't have one. Not until now.
WARNING: Use of gun, blood, getting shot, pain, usual CM violence (but not too violent).
AUTHOR'S NOTE: That is my work, I DON'T authorize any plagiarism, copy, or "inspiration"! | English isn't my first language, so I'm sorry if there's any grammar error.
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The evening was heavy with anticipation as Y/N and Morgan made their way through the dilapidated house. The floorboards creaked under their weight, and the air was thick with dust and tension. They moved cautiously, guns drawn, every sense on high alert.
The house, an old Victorian relic on the outskirts of town, was supposed to be abandoned, but they knew better. The unsub they were hunting had been using it as his hideout, his lair.
It was dark. Only the faint glow from a few broken windows offered any light. Shadows clung to the corners, making the already narrow hallways feel like tunnels into oblivion.
Morgan's eyes flicked over to Y/N as they moved silently down the hall. Her jaw was set in a hard line, her eyes scanning every inch of the space before them. They’d been partners long enough that he could read the tension in her posture, the way her fingers gripped her gun just a little tighter than usual. He gave her a slight nod, a silent assurance that they were in this together. Y/N returned the nod, her lips pressed into a thin line. They both knew what was at stake.
As they approached the doorway, leading to what looked like a kitchen, Morgan gestured for Y/N to take the lead, deciding to look into the hallway. She nodded and moved forward, peeking around the corner. Her heart pounded in her chest, the adrenaline coursing through her veins. Everything was eerily quiet. The kind of quiet that screamed trouble. She took a cautious step into the room, her gun leading the way, eyes darting to every possible hiding spot.
The silence was broken by the faintest creak behind her. Before she could react, a figure lunged from the shadows, catching her off guard. Y/N whipped around, finger already on the trigger. In her haste, she fired a shot into the darkness, the bullet embedding itself harmlessly into a corner.
The sound of the gunshot was deafening in the enclosed space, and in that split second of chaos, the unsub took advantage. He moved like a snake, slithering out of the shadows, his hand shooting out to grab Y/N’s gun. His grip was iron-clad, and he twisted her arm, forcing her to drop her weapon.
"Y/N!" Morgan's voice came loudly from a closer room, the sound of his steps heavy and quick approached where the one from her gun came.
Y/N barely had time to register what was happening before she felt the cold, unforgiving metal of her own gun pressed against her temple. Her breath hitched, her heart racing as she looked into the eyes of the unsub. They were wild, manic, and pupils dilated with a dangerous mix of adrenaline and rage. His face was contorted into a sneer, lips pulled back to reveal yellowing teeth.
"Morgan!" Y/N called out, her voice steady but with a layer of fear and frustration. She knew he was right behind her, and sure enough, within seconds, Morgan burst into the room, his gun trained on the unsub. His dark eyes were fierce, anger simmering just beneath the surface as he took in the scene before him.
"Put the gun down and let her go. Now." Morgan commanded, his voice a low, dangerous growl. He took a step forward, his gun unwavering, trained directly on the unsub’s head.
The unsub’s grip on Y/N tightened, his fingers digging into her skin. He pressed the barrel of the gun harder against her temple, causing her to wince.
"Back off, or I’ll blow her brains out!" He screamed, his voice cracking with desperation. His eyes darted around the room, wild and erratic, as if searching for an escape. But there was none. He was cornered, and he knew it. "You petty agents have destroyed all my plans, and now one of you will have to pay for it."
Morgan’s heart pounded, his mind racing. He could see Y/N’s fear, her eyes wide, her breathing shallow. He needed to calm the unsub down to de-escalate the situation.
"Hey, hey." He said, his tone softening just a fraction, trying to project calm. "You don’t want to do this. Just let her go, and we can talk about this. We’ll figure it out. You don’t have to hurt anyone else."
The unsub laughed, a harsh, bitter sound.
"You think I’m stupid?" He spat, his voice dripping with venom. "I let her go, you’ll just shoot me! I’m not going to jail! I’m not going back there!" His hand trembled, and Y/N felt the gun shake against her temple, pressing her lips in a thin line.
Morgan clenched his jaw, his eyes flicking between the unsub and Y/N. He could see the terror in her eyes, the way she was trying to stay calm, to not make any sudden movements.
"Nobody has to go to jail." Morgan said, trying to keep his voice steady, soothing. "We can figure something out. Just let her go, okay? Let’s talk about this."
The unsub was breathing hard, his chest heaving. His eyes were darting around the room, looking for something that he could do or use. Morgan could see the panic setting in, the way his grip on Y/N tightened. This was a man on the edge, teetering on the brink of madness.
"Don’t come any closer!" The unsub yelled, his voice cracking. "I swear to God, I’ll shoot her!" His hand twitched, his finger hovering over the trigger.
"Okay, okay." Morgan said quickly, taking a small step back, raising his hands slightly to show he wasn’t a threat. "I’m not moving. Just... take it easy, alright? We don’t want anyone to get hurt."
Y/N’s heart was pounding so hard she thought it might burst from her chest. She could feel the unsub’s breath on her neck, hot and fast. She knew she had to do something, anything, to distract him, to give Morgan a chance.
"You don’t have to do this." She said softly, trying to keep her voice calm. "Please. Just let me go. We can help you. Whatever it is, I can help."
The unsub’s eyes snapped to hers, his face twisting into a snarl.
"Shut up!" He screamed, his voice breaking. "Just shut up, you bitch!" His hand shook, and Y/N could feel the gun pressing harder against her skin, her eyes closing tightly with the feeling.
Morgan saw the movement, saw the unsub’s finger twitching on the trigger, and his heart lurched.
"Don’t!" He shouted, taking a step forward. "Don’t do it!"
The unsub’s eyes were wild, his grip on Y/N tightening as he shouted back.
"Stay back! I’ll do it! I’ll shoot her!"
It all happened so fast. One moment, they were yelling, voices overlapping in a desperate cacophony, and the next, there was a deafening bang. Y/N felt a searing pain in her right shoulder, too close to her neck, the force of the bullet knocking her off balance.
A scream tore from her throat as she crumpled to the ground, her vision blurring with tears. The pain was excruciating, a white-hot agony that radiated through her entire body.
She had forgotten how much a gunshot hurt.
In that split second, Morgan’s instincts kicked in. He raised his gun and fired three times. The bullets hit its marks, striking the unsub in the head. The force of the shot sent him reeling backward, his grip on the gun slackening. He hit the ground with a dull thud, blood pooling beneath his head, his eyes staring lifelessly at the ceiling.
The unsub’s lower body fell against Y/N, pressing her more to the ground. She let out a choked sob, her hands clutching at her bleeding shoulder. Morgan was at her side in an instant, shoving the unsub’s body away and pressing his hands to her wound, trying to staunch the flow of blood.
"Y/N, stay with me." Morgan said, his voice shaking, his hands slick with her blood. “Come on, mama, stay with me. You’re going to be okay. We’re going to get you out of here." His heart was pounding, fear clawing at his chest as he looked down at her pale face, her eyes fluttering closed.
His hands were slick with Y/N's blood, his mind racing as he tried to maintain pressure on her wound. Her skin was pale, her breaths coming in ragged, uneven gasps. Each second felt like an eternity, stretching out in a nightmarish haze. He could feel her slipping away, and the thought clawed at his heart, sending a chill of dread through him. He needed help, and he needed it now.
He reached up with one hand, pressing the button on his earpiece, his voice urgent and strained.
"This is Agent Derek Morgan! We have an agent down! Y/N’s been shot, I repeat, Y/N’s been shot! I need paramedics at our location, now!" His voice cracked, the fear breaking through his usually calm, composed demeanor.
There was a crackle of static in his ear, then Hotch’s voice came through, sharp and controlled.
"Morgan, what’s her status?"
Morgan looked down at Y/N, her eyes fluttering as she fought to stay conscious.
"It’s bad, Hotch. She’s been shot in the shoulder, too close to her neck, and she’s losing a lot of blood. We need those paramedics." His voice broke on the last word, the helplessness clawing at him. "The unsub is dead..."
"Hold on, Morgan, they’re on their way." Hotch said, his voice a calming presence even over the comms. "Keep her conscious if you can."
Morgan nodded, even though Hotch couldn’t see him.
"You hear that, Y/N? You stay with me, okay? Don’t you close your eyes. Help is coming." He squeezed her hand, willing her to hold on.
Y/N’s eyes flickered open, pain clouding her vision.
"Morgan... it hurts... like a bitch." She whispered, her voice weak, barely more than a breath.
"I know, sweetheart, I know." Morgan said, his heart breaking at the pain in her voice. "Just hang on a little longer. You’re gonna be okay. We’re gonna get you out of here." He kept his hands pressed against her wound, feeling the warmth of her blood seeping through his fingers, his own heart beating wildly in his chest.
Minutes stretched on like hours, but finally, the distant wail of sirens reached Morgan’s ears. He breathed a sigh of relief as the sound grew louder, closer.
The paramedics burst into the room before the cops - who ran directly to the unsub's dead body -, their faces a mix of professionalism and urgency. They moved quickly, efficiently, setting up a gurney and pushing Morgan aside to assess Y/N’s condition.
"She’s been shot in the shoulder." Morgan said, his voice tight with anxiety. "She’s lost a lot of blood."
One of the paramedics nodded, already working to stem the bleeding.
"We’ll take it from here, Agent. You did good."
Morgan stepped back, his hands stained red, watching as they worked. His heart pounded in his chest, a drumbeat of fear. He felt a hand on his shoulder and turned to see Hotch, his expression grim but steady.
"The rest of the team is on their way." Hotch said quietly. "You did everything you could, Morgan."
Morgan nodded, his throat tight. He wanted to believe Hotch, but the sight of Y/N lying on the floor, her life seeping out of her with every passing second, was almost too much to bear.
The sound of hurried footsteps filled the air as the rest of the team arrived. Emily, Rossi, and Reid rushed into the room, their faces masks of shock and concern. Reid’s eyes locked onto Y/N, and in an instant, his expression changed from one of worry to one of anger.
"What the hell happened?" Reid demanded, his voice a harsh, angry whisper. His eyes were blazing, fists clenched at his sides. He looked from Y/N to Morgan, fury and fear mingling in his gaze. "How could you let this happen?"
Morgan’s jaw tightened, guilt and frustration simmering beneath the surface.
"Reid, it was-"
"You were supposed to protect her!" Reid shouted, taking a step toward Morgan, his face a mask of barely contained rage. "How could you let her get hurt?"
Morgan’s eyes flashed with his own anger, his voice rising to meet Reid’s.
"You think I wanted this? You think I’m not tearing myself apart over what happened? I was right here, Reid! I did everything I could!"
"Enough!" Emily’s voice cut through the tension, sharp and commanding. She stepped between them, her eyes darting between Reid and Morgan. "This isn’t helping anyone. We need to focus on Y/N right now. Fighting like teenagers isn’t going to change what happened."
Reid’s chest heaved, his fists still clenched. He looked from Morgan to Y/N, his anger melting into something softer, more vulnerable. The pain in his eyes was palpable, his hands shaking as he fought to control his emotions.
"Hotch, we need to call her emergency contact. They need to know and be here for whatever they will have to do to keep her alive." Rossi's voice echoed for the first time, his eyes focused entirely on Y/N's form.
Hotch’s brows furrowed, a distant look crossing his face as he tried to recall the information. He shook his head slowly, his voice heavy.
"Y/N doesn’t have an emergency contact listed in her files."
The room fell silent, the weight of his words hanging in the air. Reid’s face fell, the anger replaced by a deep, aching sadness. He knew what it was like to not have an emergency contact, to not have anyone close enough that you could count on when, well, an emergency happens.
"No..." He whispered, almost to himself. "No, that can’t be..."
He looked at Y/N, her face pale and still, and something inside him snapped. Without thinking, he spoke again, his voice firm, resolute.
"I’ll be her emergency contact." He turned to Hotch, his eyes burning with determination. "Isn’t that possible? I can do that, right?"
Hotch hesitated, knowing the protocols, the paperwork, and the formalities that were required. But as he looked into Reid’s eyes, he knew there was no question. The team was family, and in moments like this, family came first. He nodded slowly, his voice quiet but firm.
"Yes, Reid. You can be her emergency contact. For now."
Relief washed over Reid, his shoulders sagging. He turned back to Y/N, moving to her side as the paramedics lifted her onto the gurney. He reached out, taking her hand, squeezing it gently.
"I’m right here, Y/N." He whispered, his voice trembling. "I’m not going anywhere."
The paramedics nodded to Reid, indicating he could ride with them. Reid climbed into the back of the ambulance, never letting go of Y/N’s hand, his heart breaking at the sight of her so fragile, so still. The ambulance doors closed, and within seconds, they were speeding toward the hospital, sirens blaring.
As the ambulance sped away, Morgan stood in the doorway, his eyes fixed on the disappearing vehicle, his hands still stained with Y/N’s blood. He felt a hand on his shoulder and turned to see Hotch, his expression somber.
"We’ll meet them at the hospital." Hotch said quietly. "She’s going to need all of us."
Morgan nodded, his heart heavy with guilt and fear.
"I should have made more." He said, his voice barely more than a whisper.
Hotch squeezed his shoulder, a rare show of comfort.
"You did everything you could, Morgan. Now we have to hope she pulls through."
The rhythmic beeping of the heart monitor was the only sound that filled the room, a constant reminder that Y/N was alive, stable, and recovering. The sterile scent of the hospital lingered in the air, mingling with the soft hum of the fluorescent lights overhead.
Spencer sat on the small couch beside Y/N’s bed, his lanky form folded into the uncomfortable seat, eyes fixed on her pale face. He hadn’t moved in hours, not since they’d brought her out of surgery and told him she would be okay.
His heart had been in his throat then, relief flooding his system, washing over him in waves so strong he’d almost collapsed. But now, the adrenaline had worn off, leaving him exhausted, drained, his mind a whirl of thoughts and emotions. He hadn’t eaten, hadn’t slept, hadn’t even gotten up to go to the bathroom. He couldn’t bring himself to leave her side, not even for a second. His hands rested on his knees, fingers interlaced, his knuckles white with the tension he held.
He watched her, every shallow breath she took a lifeline for him. The rise and fall of her chest, the flutter of her eyelids; each small movement was a sign that she was still there, still fighting. He’d replayed the events of the day over and over in his mind, guilt gnawing at him for not being there, for not protecting her, even though he knew, logically, that there was nothing he could have done. But logic didn’t soothe the ache in his heart, the fear that had wrapped itself around his soul, squeezing tight.
A soft murmur broke through his thoughts, a faint sound that made his heart leap into his throat. His eyes snapped to Y/N’s face, and he saw her eyelids fluttering, her fingers twitching against the white sheets. He was on his feet in an instant, moving to her side, his hand reaching out to take hers gently.
"Y/N?" he whispered, his voice soft, trembling with the weight of his emotions. "Hey, can you hear me?"
Y/N’s eyes fluttered open, the bright light of the hospital room making her squint. She blinked slowly, her vision blurry, disoriented, but as her eyes focused, they found Reid’s face, his wide puppy eyes filled with worry and relief. A small, tired smile tugged at her lips, her voice hoarse as she spoke.
Relief washed over Reid, his chest aching with it. He squeezed her hand gently, his eyes never leaving her face.
"Yeah, I’m here." He said softly, his thumb brushing over the back of her hand. "How are you feeling? Are you in pain?"
Y/N swallowed, wincing slightly as the movement pulled at the stitches in her shoulder.
"A little." She admitted, her voice weak but steady. "But it’s manageable. I’m okay, Spencer. I’m alive."
Spencer nodded, his eyes shining with unshed tears.
"You scared me, Y/N." He said, his voice thick with emotion. "When I heard you’d been shot... I thought..." He trailed off, his throat closing up at the memory, the fear that had gripped him so tightly.
Y/N’s fingers tightened around his, her thumb brushing against his skin in a comforting gesture.
"I’m sorry." She whispered. "I didn’t mean to scare you. It just... happened so fast... The unsub, is he-"
Reid nodded, confirming her unfinished question - yes, he's dead -, his brow furrowing as he observed her, concern etching lines into his face.
"And mentally? How are you holding up?" He asked, his voice gentle, but with the unmistakable edge of a profiler. "I mean, after everything you went through today..."
Y/N took a deep breath, her eyes closing for a moment as she processed his question.
"I’m okay." She said slowly, her voice soft but firm. "It was terrifying, but... I'm alright."
"Are you sure?" He asked again, his eyes focused on hers, as if he was reading into her mind. "You know, it’s normal to experience symptoms of PTSD after a traumatic event like this." He continued after noticing how she hesitated to answer his question, his voice taking on that familiar tone of reciting facts. "Victims can often experience flashbacks, anxiety, depression... Did you know that the amygdala can become hyperactive, causing an exaggerated response to stressors? It’s important to talk about what happened to process it. Avoidance can actually worsen symptoms, so facing the trauma head-on is usually the best course of action..."
Y/N listened quietly, her eyes softening as she watched him talk. His words were a comfort, his knowledge a balm to her frayed nerves. She knew this side of Spencer, the need to rationalize, to explain, to wrap his mind around every detail until it made sense. It was one of the things she loved most about him. She didn’t interrupt - she never did -, letting him talk, his voice soothing her more than anything else could.
When he finally paused, taking a breath, she smiled at him, squeezing his hand.
"Spence..." She said softly, her voice pulling him from his thoughts. He blinked, focusing on her, his expression anxious. "I’m really okay. I promise that if I go through any of these things you listed, I will let you know. Okay?" She assured him, her smile warm despite the pain in her side. "Thank you for being here."
Reid’s eyes softened, his grip on her hand tightening slightly.
"I wouldn’t be anywhere else." He said quietly, his voice thick with emotion. He hesitated, his eyes flickering with uncertainty before he continued. "I, um... I told Hotch I’d be your emergency contact." He said, his voice tentative, as if he was afraid of her reaction. "I know it’s not official. There’s paperwork and procedures, but... I just... I couldn’t let you be alone."
Y/N’s eyes widened in surprise, her brows drawing together as she looked at him.
"You... did that for me?" She asked, her voice soft, touched.
Reid nodded, his cheeks flushing slightly.
"I... I didn’t want you to be alone." He repeated, his voice barely more than a whisper. "I care about you, Y/N. A lot. More than I probably should. And when I thought I might lose you today... I realized that I can’t... I can’t hide it anymore-"
Y/N’s heart skipped a beat, her eyes widening as she looked at him.
"Spencer..." She whispered, interrupting him, her voice filled with surprise.
Reid swallowed, his eyes dropping to their joined hands, his thumb tracing small circles on her skin.
"I’m in love with you, you know?" He said, the words tumbling out before he could stop them. "I���ve been in love with you for so long, and I was too scared to tell you. But seeing you lying there, thinking I might never get the chance to say it... I had to tell you."
Y/N’s breath caught in her throat, her heart swelling with emotion. She could see the fear in his eyes, the vulnerability, the raw honesty of his confession.
"And it's... it's totally okay if you don't feel the same, I would totally understand it-" He started rumbling desperately after a long minute of silence.
Without a word, she reached up with her hand from her unharmed arm, her fingers curling into the fabric of his dark tie. She tugged him down, her movements slow and careful, mindful of the pain in her other shoulder.
Spencer’s eyes widened, his breath hitching as he let himself lean down, shutting up instantly, his face inches from hers. Y/N’s lips curved into a soft smile, her eyes shining with life.
"I love you too, Spence." She whispered, her voice filled with sincerity.
Before he could respond, she pulled him closer, her lips pressing against his in a gentle, tender kiss. It was soft, hesitant, but filled with all the emotions they had kept hidden for so long. Spencer’s heart raced, his eyes fluttering closed as he kissed her back, his hand cupping her cheek, his thumb caressing her soft skin.
The kiss was everything he had ever dreamed of. Her lips were so soft and plump against his own, moving slowly in a perfect dance, her uncontrollable breathing hitting his face as a gentle and warm welcome.
As they pulled away, their foreheads resting together, Spencer’s heart felt lighter than it had in years. He had almost lost her, but now, as he looked into her eyes, he knew he would never let her go.
"I think you owe me a date now." Y/N whispered, a small smile stretching across her lips.
"Of... of course! As soon as we get out of here, I'll take you on as many dates as you want." Spencer nodded frantically, the tip of his nose hitting hers with his movements while his eyes traveled around her face, memorizing all the details he could finally see up close before lowering his head, meeting her lips with his own again.
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sincerelybubbles · 3 months
It's a Date part 2
warnings: fluff, descriptions of being touch starved (? idk) not really edited oopsies
synopsis: things go well after f!reader and spencer's date, spencer helps reader see that she's wanted and deserving of affection
part 1
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“Sorry, it’s messy,” you say, wringing your hands as you walk through the door. You hear Spencer laugh out through his nose, a quick burst of air that has you spinning around to watch him latch the door. 
He’s shaking his head, hair falling in front of his eyes, nose bridge crinkled. 
“You’re acting like I’ve never been here before.” He twists the deadbolt and walks over to you, shaking his head one more time before slipping off his shoes and heading into the kitchen. 
“I don’t know, I guess it feels different, somehow, now that …” Neither of you has tried to put a label on this. It’s been weeks, coffee dates squished between hectic work schedules, yawning absences while he chases cases with the team, and one movie night at his place that had you listening to him rant about the inaccuracies of a historical drama you picked out. It’s been lovely, you adore his tendencies to go off on tangents, enjoying simply watching him light up and trip over his own words to get everything out. It feels like he’s racing to say whatever he can before you interrupt him. You never have, something he commented on during your second date. 
“You know you can just tell me to shut up when I go off about stupid stuff like that. Everyone does, I’m used to it, I don’t want to bore you.” “Why would I? It’s not boring or stupid — it’s stuff you care about and I like hearing what you care about.”
“Now that, what?” Spencer asks, settling his back against your counter and resting his hands on the edge behind him. 
He’s still in his work clothes, tie loose, gun at his hip, hair behind his ears. 
One thing you didn’t expect from him? Confidence. You knew he had to be confident in some ways — he’s never doubted his intellectual ability that you could tell — but it only took a short time for him to gain his comfort around you. No longer did he blush and bumble his way through sentences, struggling to meet your eye. Your first kiss actually seemed to clear that up quickly. 
It happened feet away from where you’re standing, outside of your door, after dinner. He reached forward to brush an eyelash on your cheek as you said goodbye, you leaned into his hand and, after a moment and with a burst of adrenaline that fueled your forwardness, you leaned up and toward him, a hand on his arm, and brought your lips to his.  He was hesitant, fingertips brushing your cheekbone, but he came to life as you pulled away to ask him if this was alright, palm meeting your cheek fully and bringing you in for a proper kiss.  Excitement was evident by the way he pressed closer to you, stepping nearer and putting another hand on your waist, locking you in place. Under the excitement was a tenderness you’ve never felt before. He kissed like he wanted to take all the air from your lungs but he held you with the sort of care that made your lungs ache for a reason entirely seperate from the kissing. 
“I don’t know,” you say, chickening out from asking for the hundredth time, going to meet him in the kitchen. 
“Hey,” Spencer says, catching you by the waist and pulling you to come stand near him with one hand on your hip. “Ask,” he says, tucking his chin to grin down at you, nudging your foot with his.
“Why don’t you?”
“I’m afraid to scare you off,” he says with a smile. Behind his eyes, though, you can see the truth in it. 
He called you the morning after your date. Young sunlight caught in your eyes and caused you to squint as you searched for your forgotten phone, spots dancing and dust creating a kaleidoscope as you pressed answer.  “Hello?” you asked, confused. It was Spencer, wishing you a good morning. He went quiet when you asked why he called, if everything was okay.  “Everything is fine, sorry, I didn’t mean to worry you.” “It’s okay, I need to be up soon anyway. Why’d you call, though?” “I just couldn’t get the thought out of my head last night that I must have done something to mess it all up. I wanted to call and make sure I hadn’t.” “You could never, Spencer.”
You know the uncertainty still rears its head, even with the confidence that’s fostered with time. 
“It feels incredibly juvenile,” you say, rolling your eyes and smoothing your hands up his chest to rest on his shoulders. 
“Ask,” he whispers, “I’ll say yes. All you have to do is ask.”
The week after your first date, Spencer showed up at your office, panting, a bag in his hand. You stood up, shocked to see him at the station, and hurried out to meet him in the lobby.  “You said you wanted lunch from the Chinese place down the road because you forgot to pack something,” Spencer said by way of explanation. You had mentioned it, briefly, in a text. “I was just complaining, you didn’t have to spend your lunch break on this,” you said, eyes welling up with tears. You reached forward, ignoring the bags, and pulled him into a hug. “You’re entirely too sweet to me. This was too much.” “Nothing is too much, all you have to do is ask.” 
“When I call back my friend later,” you start, determined to ask while looking in his eyes, drowning as you do it, face heating, “can I tell her my boyfriend came to spend some time with me?”
It’s sort of a cop-out, of course, and Spencer catches it — you’re not directly asking, but he nods anyway, then laughs, leaning forward to kiss you. 
The kiss is messy, he’s laughing and you’re smiling, but you appreciate it all the same. 
“Why are you laughing?” You ask, leaning back and catching another kiss on your nose and then your cheek. 
“There’s a few reasons. I never thought I would have this, for one, and I guess I’m just happy.”
“You guess?”
“I know.”
You wind up in bed. Nothing nefarious, not yet — both of you understand that space to breathe and grow together is much more important and that awkwardness needs to settle into comfortable familiarity before crossing that specific line. 
Spencer drags his finger across your cheek, tracing your bone structure. His other hand is tucked under your side, holding your hip and keeping you close. 
The feeling in your chest is heavy, pressing up into your throat and capturing any words you could dare to think. 
“Are you okay?” Spencer asks, voice a whisper, breath fanning across your face and causing little hairs to prick up across your arms. 
You nod, looking him in the eye and signaling the truth. His nearness wasn’t causing you distress but the unfamiliarity of it is hard to not become consumed by. 
You squeeze your eyes closed, nose scrunching and fight tears. 
“Are you sure?” Spencer asks, voice hesitant, fingers leaving your face and arms pushing to give you space. Space you don’t want. Space that makes your eyes snap open, searching for him, afraid he might waltz off any moment. 
“Yes,” you say, voice certain and hand snapping out to grab him before he can go too far. 
Tears well up in your eyes, against your internal fighting. You huff out an embarrassed laugh, leaning forward to press your forehead into his shoulder. His arms tighten around you, hesitant around your waist and cradling the back of your head. 
“Tell me what’s wrong, please,” he asks, voice soft, begging, an undertone of a demand that you adore. The sense that he would do anything to ensure that you feel better washes over you. It makes the sweetly-sick feeling well up into you further, drowning your senses. 
“Nothing is wrong,” you say, cuddling into him, slipping a foot inbetween his and tangling yourself tighter, “it’s just been a while since I’ve felt … wanted. And I do, now, with you — feel wanted. At least, I hope I am.”
“You are,” Spencer interrupts, reassuring. 
“It’s nice but I don’t really know what to do with it.”
“The feeling, I guess.” You shrug. “I suppose touch starved is the right word, but it feels like more than that.”
His grip tightens as your tears come with a faster frequency, to your own annoyance. 
“I’m sorry, this is a really nice moment, I’m beyond happy, I don’t mean to ruin it.” You attempt to pull away to wipe your face but Spencer doesn’t let you. 
“Did you know that some studies show that a lack of connection socially is more detrimental than obesity or smoking? We literally need to feel connected to other people. And that’s just social connection — when left alone without any type of physical connection, specifically physical connection from someone you care about, depression, stress, and physical health can deteriorate. It’s natural to feel overwhelmed when you’re finally getting what you need — what everyone needs.”
“Touch starved,” you whisper, allowing him to hold you tight, relaxing further into his hold.
“Touch starved — I’ve heard people call it touch starved.”
Spencers hand moves to stroke your hair, picking up strands and twisting them before smoothing it down again. 
“That feels like an apt term for it.”You fall asleep like that, warm and pressed into his side, listening to him softly tell you about his week, feeling secure and wanted in a way you never have before.
taglist: @0108s22m @bowerfeithwk @screechingphantommaker @cultish-corner @doigettokeepyou @izukuwus
note: i really intended on this being more so please forgive me -- let me know what you think! i welcome constructive criticism as well as any and all thoughts you have!!
now that i've finished this, i might attempt another part to give u guys more but i also am taking requests/thinkin' of new things to write!! more spencer to come, as well as possibly some hotch, so keep an eye out
ily all and tysm for the support <3
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milla984 · 10 months
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❊ Spencer Reid ❊
Merry Christmas, Dr. Reid [SFW, gn!reader]
It's the Great Pumpkin, Spencer Reid 🌶️ [NSFW, fem!reader, plus-size reader]
Lean on Me [SFW, gn!reader]
A Million Reasons [SFW, gn!reader]
And in the Beginning… [SFW, gn!reader]
❈ Aaron Hotchner ❈
With Neighbors Like These 🌶️ [NSFW, fem!reader]
️️️# Content Tags #
#milla gifs sr [Spencer Reid gifs]
#milla gifs ah [Aaron Hotchner gifs]
#milla gifs cm [Spencer Reid, Aaron Hotchner gifs]
#milla gifs mgg [Matthew Gray Gubler gifs]
#milla gifs tg [Thomas Gibson gifs]
#milla screencaps sr [Spencer Reid screencaps]
#milla screencaps ah [Aaron Hotchner screencaps]
#milla screencaps mgg [Matthew Gray Gubler content]
#milla screencaps tg [Thomas Gibson content]
#milla's cm moodboard
#milla's cm songboard
#milla writes stuff [SFW]
#milla writes n*s*f*w*
#n*s*f*w* [reblogs that contain sexual themes, this one is for users who wish to block adult content]
❦ Moodboards & Songboards ❦
❦ Screencaps ❦
❦ Gifsets ❦
Due to serious IRL circumstances I decided to temporarily close requests, as I won't be able to add new users for a while. The list of tags provided above is still a valid solution to keep track of the content you're most interested in.
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strawbeerossi · 1 year
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Hello! I’m T. I am from Texas and I am 23 years old. I enjoy creative writing in the form of fanfiction and roleplay. I also listen to Taylor Swift and Harry Styles.
My favorite shows at the moment are Criminal Minds and Supernatural.
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This blog is dedicated to Criminal Minds and Supernatural.
Any work that is NSFW is intended only for 18+ readers.
Recent Milestone: 3,000 followers!
Anon Emojis: 💋, 🪩, 🐚, 🖤, 🍓, 🫧, 🍒,🍺
This is a blog that is a safe place for everyone. I will not tolerate homophobia, ableism, transphobia, racism, xenophobia, or anything of the sort. I have absolutely no tolerance for intolerance.
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❥ Criminal Minds Masterlist
❥ Kinktober 2023
❥ August Masterlist
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Criminal Minds
Spencer Reid
Aaron Hotchner
Luke Alvez
Emily Prentiss
Derek Morgan
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Requests Open | Closed
Request Guidelines
When you make a request, give me a clear plot idea and let me know the character of your choosing.
I will not write:
Self Harm
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#strawbeerossi chat hour - asks and requests
#strawbeerossi recommend fic - fics you should definitely read
#strawbeerossi’s moots - My beautiful moots 🍓🩷
#strawbeerossi ramblings - random posts
#strawbeerossi polls - polls for fics
#strawbeerossi masterlist - tag on every masterlist that I have.
#strawbeerossi fiction series - my first series
#strawbeerossi august series - my second series
#strawbeerossi speak now (tv) series - a series of blurbs based off of songs from Speak Now (Taylor’s Version)
#strawbeerossi kinktober 2023 - Kinktober 2023 strawbeerossi style 👻
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girlwitheconverse · 2 months
here you can put yourself in one (or two or all of them) taglist for my oneshots / short stories / Fan Fiction!
This taglist will apply only for the works I’ll post from now on, the ones before will remain without tags.
When making a request please remember that I do not write smut, only spicy and even there not much.
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Where you’ll be tagged: in every one shot / short story / fanfic that I write about this fandom
Status: open
If you want to be tagged in only one specific short story / fanfic see the masterlist of that.
If you want to be in this taglist comment with “CoD” if you want to be in this taglist but only for specific characters comment with “CoD [name of character”
Requests status: open
Where you’ll be tagged: in every one shot / short story / fanfic that I write about this fandom
Status: open
If you want to be tagged in only one specific short story / fanfic see the masterlist of that.
If you want to be in this taglist comment with “Cm” if you want to be in this taglist but only for specific characters comment with “Cm [name of character”
Requests status: open
Where you’ll be tagged: in every one shot / short story / fanfic that I write about this fandom
Status: open
If you want to be tagged in only one specific short story / fanfic see the masterlist of that.
If you want to be in this taglist comment with “NCIS” if you want to be in this taglist but only for specific characters comment with “NCIS [name of character”
Requests status: open
Where you’ll be tagged: in every one shot / short story / fanfic that I write about this fandom
Status: open
If you want to be tagged in only one specific short story / fanfic see the masterlist of that.
If you want to be in this taglist comment with “MARVEL” if you want to be in this taglist but only for specific characters comment with “MARVEL [name of character”
Requests status: open
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the next time people’ll ask me “how much of a control freak are you?” I’ll show them this lol.
likes and reblogs are appreciated as always but don’t feel forced to.
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iluvreid · 9 months
Think i’m gonna start writing my first fic/ one-shot tonight!! It’s gonna be Spencer Reid fluff. Please let me know if you want to be added to my taglist, no hard feelings if you don’t💋
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ralvezfanatic · 7 months
hi okay i decided to make a taglist :33
you can add urself here !!
it'll be on my pinned post incase u wanna change the content ur tagged in !
also ik a few of u said you'd want to be added, but pls fill it out so ik what exactly u wanna be added to !!
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swooning-for-harvey · 1 month
Who wants to be on my Spencer Reid fanfic taglist?
I mainly write x male reader fanfics but sometimes do gender neutral and also take requests.
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criminalmindsgonewrong · 11 months
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coffee at midnight
Emily and Hotch grow closer.
chapter four: strange looks
Read on: ao3
join my taglist
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ssa-sapphic · 1 year
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Pairing: Emily Prentiss × (POC)fem!oc
Next Chapter: part two
Summary: When the bodies of several women show up all around LA, it's Garcia who aids the team in making the shocking connection that all of the victims look exactly like one of her favorite actresses, Sloan Hudson. Upon making this discovery, the team soon realizes that this famous celebrity might just be the unsub's final target, meaning that she is now in grave danger and needs to be protected. Unfortunately for Emily, her days of being a profiler are soon put on hold when Hotch assigns her to be Sloan’s personal bodyguard.
Warnings: Basically all that an episode of CM consists of. I don't really know what to specifically list, but if you have any additions or specific triggers, please let me know
Word Count: 4.3k
"Fairy Tales are more than true: not because they tell us that dragons exist, but because they tell us that dragons can be beaten." - Neil Gaiman
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A bright burst of lightning lit up the empty streets of San Francisco, nearly blinding a young woman who was running through the pouring rain. She had just clocked out of a late night shift at the local diner, and from afar, one could only assume that she was in a hurry to escape the cold rain and get home as quickly as possible. In reality, however, it wasn’t exactly the severe storm that she was trying to run away from at all.
Due to the overly obnoxious thunder—which seemed to echo indefinitely—it completely deafened the heart-wrenching screams that were escaping the young woman’s lips, as she quickly rounded corners and leaped over the puddles in her path. She didn’t dare look back, knowing that it would only slow her down and that the figure in the dark hoodie was more than likely still chasing after her. Besides, she didn’t need to glance at her attacker in order to know who he was. She already knew.
It was him.
The very same man she had seen earlier in the day, watching her closely as she waited on tables. She had felt his eyes on her as she carried plates of food to and from customers, yet, the mysterious man had vanished just when she was about to take his order next. She had thought that he just changed his mind about wanting to eat there. However, it was clear now, that the man hadn’t actually left like she’d originally assumed. Instead, he had waited patiently across the street until her shift was over, opting to watch her through the open window of the diner.
When closing time came around, she waved goodbye to her colleagues like she did every night, before she walked over to the bus stop.
Unfortunately, this night hadn’t ended up like the ones beforehand, where the woman would catch the public transport, find a window seat somewhere in the middle, and plug in her earbuds to provide herself with a little source of tranquility during the lonely ride home. No, this night completely took a turn for the worst, because as she waited at the bus stop, the mysterious man had followed her and took that opportunity to grab her from behind, attempting to shove a rag over her nose and mouth. It had completely surprised the young woman, and she immediately tried to yell out for help, but her sounds of distress were muffled from the piece of cloth covering her face. Within seconds, she had found herself getting lightheaded as the chemicals seeped through her nostrils and infiltrated her lungs.
Thankfully, though, with one last burst of energy she had managed to elbow her attacker in the gut, before fully breaking free from his grasp. She instantly ran in the opposite direction back to the diner, hoping that her colleagues hadn’t all left yet. However, deep down she knew that those odds were slim-to-none.
Her drowned out screams of help soon turned into agonizing cries as she finally arrived back at the restaurant, only to find it completely dark and deserted. Everyone had already locked up the doors and left for the night, meaning that she truly was alone, with no one there to help her. No one there to save her from the hooded figure that was drawing closer with each and every sob that broke past her paling lips. Any hope that was lingering in her chest, had now vanished, leaving her consumed with nothing but anxiety and trepidation. Her limbs trembled as she continued tugging harder and harder on the diner’s doors that just wouldn’t budge. She was locked out of her safe haven, like a sinner locked out of heaven itself.
She knew that she had to move though. She couldn’t continue standing there like waiting bait, she had to keep running. It was the only way to make this nightmare end. She prayed that some convenience store or shop would still be open at this hour where she could find refuge. Then she could borrow their phone, call the police, and finally be rescued from the sick bastard chasing her. It would all be over and she could go back home to where she knew her parents would probably be worrying themselves sick, wondering why she had yet to return.
But unfortunately that wasn’t the case for her, because sadly, the young woman took a wrong turn and was immediately met with a dead end. A dark and closed off alleyway that was ironic for the situation she had found herself in. She’d seen the movies, the crime shows, it never ended well for someone who was trapped in an alleyway after a suspenseful chase. It was definitely not what she had in her plans, but then again, none of this was. She didn’t plan to be stalked and attacked by some psychopath. Does anyone really?
All she knew for certain, was that she didn’t have enough time to turn around and go back the other way. In fact, she knew that she probably didn’t have much time left at all, because he was already drawing near. Whatever luck she had left was slowly dwindling away with each and every second that passed, and it didn’t seem like there was any other way out for her. At that point, she knew that she only had two options:
Surrender, and accept her unknown fate. Or, hide and get ready to defend herself with whatever makeshift weapon she could get her hands on in the junk of the alleyway.
It was now a life or death situation for her, which didn’t take a genius to figure out, and the young woman wasn’t about to give up just yet. At that moment, her initial shock and fear took a back seat, finally allowing her survival instincts to take the wheel. No matter what was to become of her fate, one thing was for certain, she’d be damned if she didn’t go down without a fight.
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“Hey!!” JJ whined in protest, her mouth full of buttery popcorn. “Pen, why would you pause it right there? She was just about to kick his ass! ”
“Oh, I beg to differ.” Emily gave her a doubtful face. “The guy’s totally gonna kill her.”
JJ looked at her peculiarly, her hand halted in mid-air after pulling out more puffed kernels from the bowl in her lap. “Wait, are you actually rooting for the bad guy here?”
Her question immediately made the brunette return the same look. “Of course not, Jayje.” She deadpanned. “I’m just pointing out the obvious. I mean it’s so predictable. You know what? Garcia hit play, would you? 5 bucks says I’m right.”
“Sorry gal pals, I paused it because this queen needs to take a trip to her privy chamber. Be right back!” The blonde replied, apologetically, before tossing the remote on the coffee table and making a beeline for her restroom.
“I told you not to drink the rest of the wine!” Emily called out after her, teasingly.
Penelope only waved her off as she reached the door at the end of the hallway and quickly disappeared behind it, leaving the other two agents to bicker with each other some more.
The three ladies were currently having a girl’s night consisting of wine, snacks, and gossip, something that certainly wasn’t new to their friendship. It had been Penny’s turn to choose what they watched next for the evening, and it was no surprise when she ultimately decided on a dark thriller starring one of her favorite actresses. JJ and Emily hadn’t seen it yet, nor any other movie that the actress starred in. However, they were already hooked on the one Garcia had queued up for the night. It was entitled, “Dining Out”, and though Garcia had spoiled half of the movie already, they still were intrigued to see how it would end.
Within minutes, the flamboyant blonde had returned and was quickly taking back her previous seat on the leopard-printed sofa.
“Alright, I’m ready.” She cheered, reaching for the remote once more.”
“Wait a minute,” Emily stopped her. “What’s this actress’s name again?” She wondered out of the blue.
“Sloan Hudson. Why?” Garcia answered immediately, before a sly smirk slowly made its way to her face. “She’s gorgeous, isn’t she?”
The suggestive wink that Emily received next threw her off guard and made her stumble on her next words. “Oh, uh, well yeah...sure. I-I mean, I guess, but that’s not why I was asking.”
“Mhmm. Really?” Penelope questioned, doubtfully. “So you weren’t planning on searching her name up on google and stalking her IMDb profile?”
“Or setting a photo of her as your new lock-screen?” JJ added on to the teasing, wiggling her eyebrows.
“Alright, you two. Knock it off.” Emily rolled her eyes with a smile, as she pretended to throw popcorn at them. She knew that they were just messing around with her though, so the atmosphere still remained lighthearted.
Truth be told, Emily had recently come out to the team, though they already had their suspicions about her preferences for women. (I mean come on, they’re all profilers. Of course they knew. That, and the fact that she wasn’t very good at hiding it anyway.)
Since then, however, they had soon become aware of her “type” and it was clear that this “Hudson” girl definitely fit into that category. Her hair was dark, and her eyes were light, a contrast that balanced so well against her warm and evenly toned skin. Her features were soft, yet accented with perfectly sculpted cheekbones and nicely shaped eyebrows that made it seem like she was personally chiseled by the finest renaissance artists in history. Her raw beauty was natural and effortless, which was something that Emily always found herself drawn to in a woman. She fit her type to a T, so of course JJ and Penny would tease her about it.
“I swear, I wasn’t asking with creep-like intentions.” She defended herself. “I just thought she looked familiar. I don’t know, maybe I actually did watch something she was in before.”
“Well she’s done a little modeling too.” Penelope added. “You might’ve seen her face plastered at the mall or something.”
Emily thought for a moment, trying to wrack her brain for a possible answer. “Hmm, I don’t know. Maybe that’s it.”
“Shall we get back to the movie? Perhaps it will jog your memory a bit more.”
“Actually, we might have to take a rain check.” JJ cut in, looking down at her phone seriously. “Hotch just texted. Looks like we have a new case and we need to be at the BAU first thing in the morning, which is weird considering nothing came across my desk yesterday.”
“Wait, what?” Garcia pouted. “But you all just got back from a case. Now you have to leave again? We were supposed to have brunch tomorrow and everything.”
“Sorry, Pen.” Emily sighed, patting her thigh comfortingly. “I promise we’ll continue where we left off as soon as we get back, okay? Right, Jayje?”
“Yes, of course.” The blonde smiled reassuringly. “I still gotta know if I was right or not about what happens next.” She added, nudging the brunette’s shoulder with her own. “But until then, duty calls. I’ll see you both tomorrow.”
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The next morning, the team arrived at the BAU and wasted no time in filing into the roundtable room just as requested. They had no idea why their presence was needed on what was supposed to be their day off. However, they were certainly aware of what their job consisted of, so they knew it had to be serious. Hotch was already in there when they took their seats, and being the one in charge of the briefing, he stood at the head of the table and wasted no time diving right into it.
“Good morning, everyone. I’m sorry to call you all back in, but you know I wouldn’t do so if it wasn’t urgent.” He stated, before clicking a button on his laptop, making three different images instantly pop up on the large monitor behind him. Each image held the face of three different young women seemingly young, all with dark hair, bright eyes, and tanned skin. “Jessica Dunning, Rina Mendes, and Sofia Lombardi, all went missing a week apart from one another at the beginning of the month, and each of their bodies were found the exact same way: A single stab wound to the chest, and various traces of poison in their systems.”
“Well it’s clear this unsub has a type.” Rossi pointed out, noticing the similarities in each of the victims. “Was there any signs of sexual assault?”
“So far, none.” Hotch quickly clarified, before clicking to the next slide depicting pictures of the actual crime scenes. “But the unsub did position all three of their bodies in the same way, post-mortem. They were found laying on their backs with their hands crossed over their midsection, and a bouquet of flowers in their grasp.”
“Seems like a sick and twisted version of Snow White, if you ask me.” Emily mumbled. “Only the prince never showed. Maybe it's linked to the unsub’s childhood? Could’ve read the story as a kid and favored it over the other fairy tales for whatever reason.”
“That would actually be a plausible theory.” Spencer chimed in. “Afterall, in the original story the Evil Queen orders the huntsman to kill Snow White using a dagger, which could explain the stab wound in these victims. Not only that, but she later on uses poison as well in the apple that she gifts her. It seems highly unlikely for those two specifications to be coincidental.”
“Why is it that crazy psychopathic killers always have to ruin sweet little innocent things?” Garcia mumbled to herself.
“Guys, maybe the unsub is a woman.” JJ spoke up. “I mean, if we’re really linking this to the fairy tale, it could all be an act of vengeful jealousy where the unsub is targeting women who might seem more privileged or better than her in some way.”
“That could very well be a possibility.” Hotch replied, nodding in agreement. “After all, the acts of remorse and tidiness shown here are typically all signs of a female’s work, so until we know for certain let’s not rule that out. Whether this unsub really did get inspired by a childhood fairy tale or not, there’s definitely a pattern here.”
“Uh, Hotch?” Derek questioned, suddenly catching the attention of the other agents in the room. “Don’t get me wrong, I agree that there’s obviously something going on here, but you mean to tell me we were called in for only three murders? Doesn’t it usually take more bodies to show up for us to be even thought of?”
“Normally yes, which is actually what brings us to our main concern.”
Hotch clicked the button on his remote and immediately a different young woman with dark hair just like the others showed up on the screen. “This is Kayla Shafer. She was reported missing last night when she never returned home from her usual late-night shift at the diner.”
“A d-diner?” Garcia stuttered out, nervously, before glancing at the other two women in the room.
“Yes, that is correct.” He nodded, before continuing the briefing. “She’s been a waitress there for a little over a year now. Her parents just assumed that she had gotten caught up in the severe storm that occurred last night but when she never made it home, and they never received a message from her, they called the police. It hasn’t been 24 hours yet, so they couldn’t file a report, however it’s safe to assume that the unsub has her. Meaning, that we only have a few days to find her before its too late. The LAPD needs all the help they can get so that’s why the Chief has requested our immediate assistance. We can discuss more on the flight there but for right now we need to leave as quickly as possible. In the meantime, Garcia, I need you to run background searches on all of the victims and see if they have anything in common.”
“Yes, Sir.” The blonde replied, already beginning to type away on her laptop.
“Thank you. Everyone else, please collect your things and meet at the jet. Wheels up in 20.” Hotch stated, before exiting the room and leaving the others to gather their files.
As everyone stood up and dispersed, Garcia managed to quickly grab ahold of JJ and Emily, pulling them to the side.
“Okay, please tell me I’m not the only one who is rightfully spooked here!” She whispered, anxiously.
Frowning, Em glanced over at JJ in confusion, before turning to face Penelope. “What are you talking about?”
“I’m talking about the latest victim, Kayla Shafer! She was attacked, in the rain, after her shift at a diner. That doesn’t seem the least bit familiar to you?”
“…Ohhh, the movie we watched last night…” JJ slowly came to the same realization. “Wait, are you saying you think that it’s somehow connected?”
“I don’t know, you guys are the profilers, you tell me!” The blonde exclaimed. “I mean she even looks exactly like the main character!”
“Hold on a minute,” Emily put her hand out to try and calm her. “I’m sure it’s just a crazy coincidence. It would surely cause alarm if all of the victims were waitresses at diners who were abducted the same way, but Kayla was the only one.” She pointed out, before flipped through the case file. “You see? Jessica was a barista, Sofia was a wedding planner, and Rina was unemployed.”
“Emily’s right, Pen.” JJ rubbed her shoulder, comfortingly. “It’s just a crazy coincidence. But if it makes you feel any better, you can tell us how the movie ended so we can be aware if anything else suspicious comes up in the field?”
“Yeah.. okay.” Garcia sighed. “I guess th— wait a minute. Jennifer Jareau, you better not be tricking me into giving away the ending! Our girl’s night shall resume as soon as you all get back, and only then can you find out. Emily, don’t you dare look it up either! As a matter of fact give me both of your phones. I need to install a firewall that will prevent you both from researching spoilers.” 
The two laughed as they sidestepped Penny’s awaiting hands, and began rushing away. 
“Oh, I see how it is.” She called out after them. “Just remember that I can hack into your search histories!”
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The flight was around 5 hours, so there was enough time for the team to come up with a game plan. Together they all gathered towards the center of the jet as Garcia’s face popped up on the tablet before them.
“My sweets, you have been gone a total of 4 hours and I already miss each and every one of you. This building is not the same when all of your presences are lacking from it.”
“Garcia,” Hotch spoke in a friendly, yet stern, tone that told her she needed to focus back on the case.
“Right! My apologies, Sir. So, I ran the backgrounds of each victim like you requested but they literally have zero connections to one another. I searched from A to Z starting from the day that they were born, but the only thing they seem to have in common is just their physical appearances.”
“Alright, so he chooses random targets who all look the same.” Emily voiced her thoughts. “It could be that the victims remind them of an ex-girlfriend or family member in one way or another. Or, maybe they do remind him of a fairy tale, and he felt obligated to come to their rescue in some dark and twisted way?
“Actually,” Spencer cut in, meddling with his fingers. “I was thinking more about the Snow White theory and some of it just doesn’t add up. The huntsman never actually harmed the princess, he let her go. So if this really was related to those key details, it doesn’t make sense that each of the victims actually had stab wounds because that wasn’t in the story. Not only that but according to these reports, the poison found in their bodies wasn’t ingested, but rather, inhaled. If this unsub really is trying to replicate the story of Snow White, they’re surely doing an awful job at it. I mean, it’s completely inaccurate.”
“Well, Snow White was known for her purity and innocence right?” Derek asked. “It could have something to do with religion. Just like Mary was criticized for being a pregnant virgin, maybe the unsub is targeting morally clean women who he thinks are actually sinners.” He shrugged, before looking down at the tablet. “Garcia, were any of the victims tied to a church or youth group of some kind?”
“Give me one second,” She uttered, as she began typing away on her keyboard. “No, they weren’t. But fear not, my beloveds, because after a bit more digging into their lives I did find out some very interesting things. Jessica Dunnings, the 24 year-old barista, also doubled as a babysitter for her next door neighbors, Darrin and Claire Anderson.”
“Alright… so she was just trying to make a little extra cash. How is that important?” Derek questioned, causing Garcia to smirk.
“Well Sugar, if you call ‘doing the devil’s tango’ with Mr. Anderson while his wife is at work a way of getting a ‘little extra cash’, then consider her heavily rewarded.”
That piece of information made every one of the team member’s eyes widen in surprise. They knew Garcia was never one to beat around the bush, but her lack of a filter never failed to catch them off guard.
“Ah, okay.” Derek nodded, in understanding. “So you’re telling me these girls were the opposite of pure, huh?”
“Not necessarily,” Garcia replied. “Rina was actually as innocent as they come. She had good grades all throughout high school and even graduated with honors and multiple scholarships. She literally had no mean bone in her body and was actually a volunteer at various homeless shelters.”
“Definitely seems too good to be true.” JJ commented under her breath.
“Well, that’s the thing,” Garcia continued. “Her life wasn’t all sunshine and rainbows. When she was 15 she was diagnosed with Leukemia and the doctors didn’t think that she’d make it to her 18th birthday. It was an uphill battle and she was constantly in and out of the hospital, causing her parent’s medical bills to skyrocket. Thankfully, she beat the cancer and made it to adulthood, and she even started a GoFundMe page to assist her parents with the bills.” Garcia’s voice suddenly fell quieter, as a slight whimper was heard from her end. “But it wasn’t even a month after her birthday that she was murdered.”
“God, that’s terrible.” JJ sighed, deep in thought. “I can’t imagine what her parents must be going through. The poor girl didn’t even get a real chance at life.”
Emily suddenly sat up, and let out the breath she didn’t realize she was holding before quickly trying to change the subject. “Okay, so you were right, Garcia. These girls have literally nothing in common, other than the fact that their lives could literally be made into movies. I mean, the mistress and the cancer kid. I can probably think of five different films with those same story arcs. I don’t even have to hear about Sofia and Kayla to know that they probably had similar eventful pasts.”
Everyone nodded at her words, but it was Garcia who was immediately hit with an epiphany. It was a stretch, she knew that, especially given what Emily and JJ had told her before they left. However, it was seeming less and less like a coincidence. Now, she just had to muster up the courage to share it with the group without sounding ridiculous.
“The only accurate lead we have is in knowing that this unsub is clearly targeting young women with dark hair and light eyes, all with similar skin tones and features.” Hotch concluded what they already know. “They have a designated type. That means whatever the motive is, it’s most likely personal for the unsub, and we can see that they continuously show remorse with the bodies. Garcia, I want you to run traces of every woman in California that resembles the victims.”
“But Sir, that’s probably gonna result in thousands of women--”
“I know, but we have to start somewhere. The killings didn’t start until the beginning of the month so look into specific women who have any significance to the time frame. It’s a needle in a haystack, I’m aware. However, until we can gather more information at the scene enough to narrow it down, it's all we have to go on.”
“Well, actually, I, uh, may have some valuable information already for you.” Garcia mumbled, nervously. “I didn’t want to say anything, but the lives of these victims all seem extremely familiar to me. Like Emily mentioned, it's almost as if their lives could’ve all been the main plot to major-hit movies, and…I kinda think they were.”
“What are you saying?” Hotch asked, his interest certainly piqued.
Meanwhile, JJ and Emily both glanced at each other knowingly, wondering where she was going with this. They had assumed the latest victim was just coincidentally similar to the main character in the movie they watched last night, but they couldn’t deny that each and every one of the victims looked exactly like the famous actress that starred in it. Which is why, Garcia’s next words didn’t surprise them at all.
“Sir,” She continued. “I think this unsub could possibly be targeting a famous actress named Sloan Hudson. At first I thought it was just a coincidence, but the resemblance to all of the victims is uncanny. The real kicker, though, is the that it seems like every victim so far has lived the real life of some of the fictional roles she’s played in the media. For instance, Kayla Shafer was a waitress at a diner, and Sloan’s character in the movie “Dining Out” was a waitress at a diner too, both end up being attacked by someone. I originally believed it was just a coincidence, but after more digging and finding out more information, it’s not the only one. Sloan was also casted as a mistress, just like Jessica, in another movie entitled “Secret Secretary”, as well as a cancer patient, similar to Rina, when she guest starred in a surgical tv drama. I know it’s a stretch, and I’m probably not even right. It was just a thought, and I’m sorry. I’ll stop talking now.”
“You know, I actually think you might be onto something, Garcia.” Reid assured her, sitting up in his seat and already coming up with different theories himself. “If I remember correctly, Hudson was also casted as a wedding planner in that romantic comedy you dragged me to see last summer, and Sofia Lombardi was a wedding planner as well. So, without any other current leads I think it’s safe to assume that the unsub could very well be targeting her.”
“Okay, so I’m not just going crazy,” Garcia smiled to herself in relief. However, it wasn’t even a moment later that her smile completely faltered, knowing that Sloan was one of her favorite actresses. “Oh no...Hotch, if this is true we have to warn her. She could be in danger!”
 Hotch furrowed his eyebrows in thought as the others looked towards him.  “Alright,” He nodded. “This is definitely something we can work with. Do you know where she resides?”
On the other line, the rapid clicks of Garcia’s keyboard could be heard, and in less than a minute she already had her answer. “According to Google, she owns a luxury apartment in New York, but she’s currently in LA for her next film.”
“When does the filming start?”
“It actually started filming a few weeks ago. Her fans have been buzzing about it all over social media ever since the beginning of the month.”
“Well it fits the timeframe. So that could have been the trigger.” Emily pieced together. “It definitely seems personal. Perhaps an obsessive fan? Though, that still doesn’t explain the M.O or the end goal for all of this.”
“I think it’s safe to assume that Sloan is his end goal.” Hotch added, before turning to everyone. “Alright we need to know more about each of the victims and why this unsub positions them the way that he does post-mortem. Morgan, Prentiss, I want you both at the latest crime scene. Rossi, Reid, you two head to the M.E facility and examine the other bodies. JJ, you're with me as we meet with the LAPD. I need you to ensure this doesn’t reach the media before we get in contact with Miss Hudson. And Garcia?”
“Good work.” He gave her a small smile. “Find a way to reach Sloan’s management team if you can, but in the meantime, I’m gonna need you on the next available flight to Los Angeles. You’re officially on this case.”
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A/N: i’m really excited to continue this, so please let me know your thoughts and what you would like to see happen!
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emberfrostlovesloki · 11 months
CM Taglist & Thank You [a ramble]
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Photo credits: Left (@hotchs-big-hands) Center (mine) Left (@shallyne)
First I just want to say thank you to everyone who has followed me, either for my Spencer fics during lockdown or my more recent Aaron stuff. I really do appreciate you! The community surrounding CM and Aaron in general has been so kind and supportive -- and that's a beautiful thing.
Next, I might redo my master list a bit, but I'm not sure yet, I just wanted to give a heads-up in case my page gets a bit wonky for a day or two.
Lastly, I wanted to see if anyone wanted to be tagged when I update my page or add a fic for a certain character? Here is the list of tags/characters that you can request to be tagged in:
SFW Aaron fics
NSFW Aaron fics
SFW Emily Fics
NSFW Emily fics (forthcoming)
SFW Spencer fics
My rambles - Just my thoughts about Aaron, updates, CM poetry, and some stuff about my writing process, etc.
My academic Criminal Minds writing
If you would like to be added to any or all of these tags feel free to leave a comment with the number(s) you want to be tagged in or you can message me.
Thanks again for all your love. It means a lot to me - Levi ❤️
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vanteguccir · 27 days
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            welcome to lele's book club !
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@chrispotatos @wh0resstuff @luvr4miya @lov3bug @mainlyoutsiders @klaus223492 @nicksgirlfriend @jupiter1700 @poetatorturadaa @tobesolonelyjess @mattsfavbigtitties @always-reading
(If you want to be added to the cm taglist, go to this post)
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Master List
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Welcome to my master list! I’m a 27-year-old writer (she/her) who’s obsessed with Emily Prentiss. 
Join my tag list here!
Ao3: emilyprentissx
Links to my works are below the cut: 
Is It That Bad a Life? (Emily Prentiss/Ian Doyle)
Bad Day (Emily Prentiss/Reader)
this is me trying (Emily Prentiss/Reader)
Lavender Haze (Emily Prentiss/Reader)
Breakdown (Emily Prentiss/Reader)
black and blue (Emily Prentiss/Reader)
pretty isn’t pretty (Emily Prentiss/Reader)
Bigger than the Whole Sky (Emily Prentiss/Aaron Hotchner) PART ONE
Bigger than the Whole Sky (Emily Prentiss/Aaron Hotchner) PART TWO
Love Story (Emily Prentiss/Reader) PART ONE
Love Story (Emily Prentiss/Reader) PART TWO
‘tis the damn season (Emily Prentiss/Reader)
Midnights (Emily Prentiss/Reader)
Maternity Leave (Emily Prentiss/Reader) 
loml (Emily Prentiss/Aaron Hotchner) 
puzzled (Emily Prentiss/Reader)
Watercolors (Emily Prentiss/Reader) 
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somber-sapphic · 1 year
𝕁𝕠𝕚𝕟 𝕄𝕪 𝕋𝕒𝕘𝕝𝕚𝕤𝕥!
Hi everyone! I decided to make a taglist, because I'm cool like that. If you want to be added comment on this post and I'll make that happen!
If you only want to be tagged in specific posts (ex. just criminal minds) then let me know and I'll make it work!
Who I'm Writing For:
Natasha Romanoff
Wanda Maximoff
WandaNat (+ R)
Yelena Belova
Criminal Minds
Emily Prentiss
Jennifer Jareau
Jemily (+R)
Alex Danvers
Kara Danvers
Lena Luthor
Supercorp (+R)
Station 19
Carina DeLuca
Maya Bishop
Marina (+ R)
Andy Herrera
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incognit0slut · 1 year
A few people sent me messages to be added on the taglist for my ongoing series Right Kind of Wrong and I was stupid enough to reply privately without writing down the accounts. I didn’t know I wouldn’t see my replies ever again, forgive me I’m very new here😭
So if any of you asked me to be added OR you want to be added in the future, please send me another message.
Thank you and I’m truly sorry☹️
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To my wonderful 4 followers and anyone else who is enjoying CM: the Protégé
I am close to posting the next chapter and starting the next case... Man it's long. I'm not sure how many parts it's going to be.
the question is...
Do you want to be part of the taglist?
I live in a weird time zone, so I try to queue my post but I don't think they show up on people's dashboards. To make sure you don't miss out, would you like to be added to a tag list when I post the new chapters so you are notified?
If so just comment a yes on this post and I'll do so.
also if you missed the character mail announcement here it is
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