#criminal analyst nene
dracomeir · 10 months
More info about each main character for my AU Renegade Detective. Angst ahead along with much reading.
Detective Pico Before joining the force, Pico was a guitar player who was dating Boyfriend, a saxophone player, in college. He believed his lover was human, and the day demons attacked the campus was the day his trust was shattered. Truly believing the incubus used magic to influence his love for him, the ginger broke up with him once the battle against Cassandra and her goons was over. That moment was when it felt like a small fraction of his soul was lost. He kept the ivory gun Boyfriend gave him since it allowed him to fend off demons, but it also reminded him of the regret he had for not giving his companion a chance to explain himself.
In the present day, he's now the leader of the Special Crime Forces. His crew operates outside of protocol when necessary to protect the city, and it has garnered negative attention towards him despite the fact less lives were lost as a result. Those related to the few that he couldn't save resented him. Being constantly told that he could've saved everyone if he followed the rules over the years has taken his toll on him. Along with the repetitive taunts from his hallucinations, and the suspects of his most recent cases turning up dead, some members of the SCF are starting to doubt him as a leader.
Incubus Boyfriend In the past, Boyfriend was tasked by an arch demon to infiltrate the college Pico and his friends attended. He used illusory magic to conceal his demonic nature, and completely forgot his mission upon meeting the ginger. His love for him caused him to betray his master when Cassandra, another arch demon, was sent to complete the mission he forgotten. Despite being classed as a lesser demon, his charm magic along with arcane music allowed him to defeat her with Pico’s help. Then his strength was weakened once his partner broke up with him. He was confronted by his former master soon after, and was punished for his betrayal with a curse. A curse that prevented him from gaining the energy he needed to live the same way other incubi/succubi did. Trying to do so would hurt him, and drain him of his energy. With no other choice, he’s forced to kill others while taking their souls to regain energy instead.
Wanting to redeem himself somehow, he decided to take part in the emotional support demon program. He spent years learning more about mental health due to his struggles in learning anything complex, but his innate ability to sense the mood of others made it easier for him to help others. When he heard of the rumours surrounding his former lover, it felt like fate itself has given him a chance to make things right. Then fear struck him when he discovered he was a detective. Will Pico turn on him again once he learns about the curse?
Forensics Scientist Darnell Crime scene investigation isn’t the only thing Darnell does for the SCF. Creator of the anti-magic technology the team uses, he provides any means of self defense against demons. He also makes Pico’s medicine for him, but he’s starting to see that the old prescription is becoming less effective over the years. When the detective is unable to lead due to his mental health, Darnell takes command instead. He tries his best to support him, and tries to convince him to see a doctor again along with Nene’s help, but Pico’s stance on the matter wouldn’t budge. Then an incubus he thought he’d never see again pops up. Despite thinking Boyfriend is too dumb to do anything, Darnell hoped he would be able to do something before Pico’s condition causes him to make a fatal mistake.
Criminal Analyst Nene With all her knowledge on psychology, Nene helps the SCF determine possible patterns to criminal activity, and find ways to resolve things peacefully. Fighting a demon is always a risky endeavour. Even Pico knows to keep his finger off the trigger while she does her thing. She also knows the death of others under his command is affecting him greatly, and does her best to avoid a battle. Even with their anti-magic tech, a smart arch demon who casts aside their superiority complex can overwhelm the SCF. They are only human after all.
John Captain (Tankman) Pico’s foster dad. Very supportive. Much encouragement. Need I say more?
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dracomeir · 8 months
When the incubus shows up with Pico at the SCF for the first time, Darnell and Nene were immediately protective over their brother. They listened to the ginger’s explanation on why Boyfriend was here. Then they waited for their friend to be distracted by work. Darnell pulled Boyfriend aside by wrapping an arm around his shoulders, and Nene stood on the other side a little too close for comfort. Then the pyromaniac whispered,
“You dare to hurt him again, and you’re going to think the Underworld is heaven when we’re through with you.”
Feeling a knife prodding his side, Boyfriend glanced down to see it was the same blade he gave her back in college. “Threat noted.”
“Good.” He let him go as Nene put her knife away. “In all seriousness though, an annoying bastard like you might be what he needs. We tried our best, but it’s hard to do anything when he pushes you away.”
“I see. Wait. You said in all seriousness earlier. Were you two joking before that?”
The duo gave him a sinister look. “Want to find out?”
“Uh… I think I’ll pass.”
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dracomeir · 11 months
Just 'cause I'm really intrigued by this (and more or less tempted to draw..) do you have any designs/references for your Renegade Detective AU gang? Could help to also ramble a bit on their world and setting, even if you don't write it out. Always cool to get info about these fellas, might even help you brainstorm on plots and such for later whenever : )
Luckily for me, this is literally the only AU I have planned start to finish. I could write a whole essay, but I don't want to drop everything at once right now. :3
Also to anyone reading this, spoilers but not really since all of this would be in the prologue/chapter one, and I'm like 70% sure I'll never write this fanfic, but still.
So I'm lazy, and can't be bothered to redraw OG Pico into what Soft Pico is wearing, but that's basically what the uniform of the SCF (Special Crime Forces) is. This squad was created with Detective Pico as its leader, and they deal with any crimes where demons are involved. Forensics scientist Darnell wears a purple shirt. He's also the one who creates weapons, sprays, tranquilizers, and any other means of self defense that are effective against demons. Criminal analyst Nene wears pink. She gathers intel from less legitimate sources, keeps an eye on the black market for items of interests, and helps Pico determine what a suspect's next course of an action could be. She also tore the sleeves off of her blazer since she gives no fucks, and the higher ups can't do shit about it since Pico and his crew are the only one with the balls to deal with demons.
Pico is the only one of the trio to have dual pistols. One is a black one called Noir. He uses this gun for humans, and other creatures that don't require magical means to be harmed. His runic pistol is white, and is called Blanc. BF gave this to him back in college, and its enchanted by magical runes that allow him to harm demons, or any other entity that can't be harmed by non-magical means. He is considered a renegade in the force since he will break protocols/the law, and disobey orders if it meant saving the lives of others. Due to him and his squad being the only ones capable of dealing with demons, he hasn't gotten fired for his insubordination yet.
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I quickly drew BF's design since I never drew him in full yet, but just imagine him with his usual hair, and pants matching his vest. The lines on his horns represent his energy level. This energy is required for him to live, and incubi/succubi can regain this energy by simply seeing certain thoughts/desires of those around them. Unfortunately for BF, he is unable to gain the energy he needs like others of his kind. This is due to an arch demon punishing him with a curse for betraying the clan, and preventing them from killing Pico, Darnell, Nene, and other students at college. This curse harms him if he doesn't actively block out the desires of others, and the only way for him to regain energy is to take the souls of others, killing them in the process. No one else knows about this until way later in the story. This demon attack on the college was also the reason why BF was forced to drop his human illusion, and his use of charm magic in combat causes Pico to jump to the conclusion that the incubus charmed him to make him fall in love, and breaks up with him. With the bad reputation of his kind at this point of time, BF had no chance to explain himself.
BF doesn't see Pico again until a few years later where a new program that employs demons as emotional support was made. This program is an attempt to improve the reputation of demons, and to show the general public that not all demons are a threat. With the help of the ginger's father (tank dad, yippee!), BF convinces the ginger to put an anti-magic bracelet on him to prove that no magic will get in the way of regaining his trust. He also cooks for him, plays his saxophone for BGM despite Pico's annoyance, and helps him fight demons once the detective trusts him enough to not use magic on him or his friends.
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To give you a better idea what BF and Pico's dynamic will be like, here's a short dialogue exchange between the two of them when the ginger trusts BF enough to use lower level magic. A level of magic that allows him to see the thoughts/desires of others.
"Thanks, Pico. I promise to only look when I really need the ener- Wait. Why is your head empty?"
Pico simply shrugged in response despite knowing he had protection against the magic BF was using.
"Has your standards gotten higher since we broke up? Is my ass too small? Too big? Is my chest window not big enough? Is lean and muscular not good enough for you now? Do I have to work out?" He looked at himself in the mirror. "Actually, fuck everything I just said. I'm perfect the way I am. Still though, there's a hottie right in front of you, and you don't even have the smallest dirty thought of him?"
"Hm... Maybe you're not trying hard enough."
"Excuse me? You have no fucking idea how hard it is," he gestured to himself as he walked away to question his abilities as an incubus. "To look this good. Now if you'll excuse me, I need to... Do maintenance on my saxophone."
The moment the door closed, Pico chuckled to himself. "Fucking idiot."
Edit: I forgor that Pico wears reading glasses.
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