#cried a little when the pug I wanted was adopted by someone else. but there was this little rat terrier mutt my dad loved. the name the
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im really sorry to hear about your dog :( i cant even imagine what you must be going through right now, i hope youre doing okay. and about succession- id def watch it if you think id give you like More Thoughts. of course you're going to grief over it being over, but atleast itll give you something to think about yk? idk. its all up to you, wishing you all the best
Thank you for the kind words! Sorry that I didn’t see this until I sat down to watch the ep, but you were pretty much right! I probably would’ve sat around and cried like I did yesterday if I didn’t have something to look forward to and then distract me. I’ve been the same with work—it’s really, really helped keep my mind off it.
#ask box#I do really appreciate the kind words. he was my childhood puppy. my dad promised to take me to an Alicia Keys concert when I was 10 and we#couldn’t make it for some reason and he asked how he could make it up to me. I said a puppy. and he wasn’t even my first choice. i think I#cried a little when the pug I wanted was adopted by someone else. but there was this little rat terrier mutt my dad loved. the name the#shelter gave him was Spanky but we named him Thaddeus after a passed family member. he was the sweetest boy ever especially at the end#I’ve made myself a bit upset but I’ll be alright and I do really want to share his little story because I miss him so much
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her one constant [part eleven: phoenix rising] [drake the bodyguard AU]
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@ibldw-main @jovialyouthmusic @katedrakeohd @moonlightgem7 @pug-bitch @princessleac1 @burnsoslow @notoriouscs @dcbbw @saivilo @rainbowsinthestorm @marshmallowsandfire @marshmallowsaremyfavorite @gardeningourmet @kingliam2019 @nomadics-stuff @kimmiedoo5 ******************************
Leo rested his feet on the table as he leaned his head back. His mobile was in his hand and he was waiting patiently for his contact at Trend Magazine -and occasional fuck buddy- Jennifer Taylor to pick up her line.
‘Hi Leo.’
Leo smiled his typical lazy smile that made women’s knees go weak; even if Jennifer couldn’t see him, she would certainly know he was smiling the smile she liked so much.
‘Jen, gorgeous, how are you doing?’ he asked her cheerfully, picking at his thumbnail.
‘Living the dream,’ she replied dryly. ��How about you? Enjoying being back in Cordonia?’
Leo chuckled. ‘It’s certainly eventful. So, I got something for you.’
There was a silence on the other line before Jennifer spoke eagerly, like a dog gnawing on a bone. ‘What have you got for me?’
Leo rolled his eyes. So predictable.
‘I’ll give you it... but only if you give something to me.’
‘Like what? A blowjob on your yacht like last time before you left to travel to god knows where?’
Lee smiled at her attempt to act casual and non-plussed when really, he knew she wanted him all over again. No woman could resist his charms. It was why he had a roster of women, routinely benching ones who weren’t serving their purpose for him anymore. He was a lethal coach.
‘Something better,’ he said. ‘You ever spent the night in a royal suite in the palace?’
He heard her gasp.
‘No, I haven’t-’
‘You, me, my suite in the palace.. Naked,’ Leo said. ‘That’s what I want. You under me.’
Jennifer let out a low groan. ‘Leo…’
He had her.
‘What have you got for me?’ she asked breathlessly. Clearly, images of Leo on top of her had her feeling a little flustered.
Leo smiled. ‘The Duchess of Valtoria.’
‘Tell me more.’
Camille was catnip for the magazines. So predictable that Jennifer instantly latched on.
‘The Duchess of Valtoria and her bodyguard,’ Leo told her. ‘I saw them making out amongst the coats at last night’s ball. Pretty seedy to be honest.. She’s a Duchess, she can’t be acting like that.’
Jennifer let out a cackle. ‘Says you.’
Leo smirked. ‘I know, right? But we’ve got a standard here. Duchesses have to keep to it. She is supposed to be making out with nobles, not her bodyguard. I think the public deserve to know how much of a common slut she is.’
‘Bit harsh,’ Jennifer said, her voice not in the least bit concerned. ‘I take it you want to be an anonymous tip?’
‘Yes,’ Leo said. ‘A concerned source, if you will.’
‘Why are you even wanting me to write about this?’ Jennifer asked. ‘Why do you care?’
Leo rolled his eyes and decided to ignore her question. ‘See you in my suite tomorrow night, gorgeous.’
He hung up on Jennifer and closed his eyes, content with what he had done. Yes, Jennifer, why did Leo care?
He didn’t.
But he didn’t like being told no. Once the bodyguard was forced to resign, Camille would have nothing standing between her and a night with Leo. Because that’s all Leo wanted; he liked the chase. He liked it when new women entered court and he could shamelessly flirt with them. He enjoyed winning them over. He enjoyed taking them to his room so he could introduce them to Cordonian traditions. If they were special, he added them to his roster, skulking back to them armed with roses and perfume and that lazy smile of his that they loved so much.
It was all fun and games.
Trend Magazine’s cover story for the following week broke the revelation that the Duchess of Valtoria, Camille Montespan, was having an affair with her bodyguard.
‘According to our source, the Duchess of Valtoria was seen getting hot and heavy with her bodyguard during a ball at the palace. Following further investigation, it seems as though Camille and her human shield, Drake Walker, are more close than is expected of a Duchess and her employee. Paparazzi photographs often show them laughing together or going as far as to hold hands. Indeed, in one photograph, the two lovers are pictured sharing an umbrella, love in their eyes, as Camille attended a Beaumont Bash.
This revelation will blow apart the Duchess’ carefully constructed image of sophistication and elegance that she has tried so hard to create in her bid to win approval. Following her rejection of King Liam’s proposal of marriage - which sent shockwaves through the country- it was expected that she would court a fellow noble, perhaps seek a Duke to run the duchy of Valtoria with her, as per courtly traditions. But apparently, the Duchess has other ideas. What is she thinking?
‘If Camille is serious about remaining as the Duchess of Valtoria,’ our source says, ‘she needs to up her game and let go of the bodyguard. It is unbecoming of a Duchess to have an affair with someone she employs; it is unprofessional and makes a mockery of her title. Perhaps she feels affinity with him due to the fact he is a commoner and so was she not so long ago. But she is in a different world now and she should set her sights on someone nearer her station - not his.’
Camille threw the magazine down on the coffee table and sank her head into her hands. Drake stood in the corner of the room, too afraid to move. He didn’t know what to say or do. This was all his fault. If he had just been professional, none of this would have happened.
But he was also furious.
Who made up these accusations and gave them to this poisonous rag of a magazine? What do they have against Camille? I’ll kill them. I’ll fucking kill them.
His inner thoughts were broken by the sound of Camille letting out a choked sob. She clenched her hair with her fingers and her shoulders shook as she cried. Drake instantly abandoned his corner of the room and crossed the floor towards her, sinking down to his knees at her feet.
‘Camille..’ he murmured. ‘Look at me.’
She moved her hands away from her face and Drake could now see her tearfilled eyes. He longed to reach out to kiss her and make her feel better but he found it would be too inappropriate given the circumstances.
‘This is bullshit,’ Camille said, her voice thick with emotion. ‘Complete and utter bullshit.’
Drake sighed. ‘I know. God, Camille, I’m so sorry. This is all my fault. If I had just stuck to being the typical bodyguard, you wouldn’t be in this shitstorm.’
Camille let out a shuddering breath. ‘It’s not your fault,’ she said. ‘I’m not blaming you for this. You are the best bodyguard, you do your job, and I’m not letting you take the blame for something as shit as this. How dare they say such horrible things about you?’
Drake reached out to pick up the magazine. His eyes scanned the words filled with superiority and pretension. ‘But she is in a different world now and she should set her sights on someone nearer her station - not his.’
The sentence was like a knife cutting into Drake. But it was true. Why wasn’t Camille dating a noble? She could date Maxwell if she didn’t want Liam. Maxwell Beaumont was the one noble who actually seemed like an ordinary person; he adored Camille and would treat her right. But instead, Camille was kissing Drake in secret - though not at palace balls as Trend wrongly reported.
‘I’ll quit,’ Drake muttered, his words killing him as he spoke them. Camille’s eyes widened in horror.
‘Drake, no-’
‘If it makes this all go away, I’ll quit,’ Drake said steadily, his eyes penetrating hers. ‘I don’t want your name dragged through the mud and for the nobles to look down on you more than they already do. I said it from the start that your reputation is important; now we’re a cover story which is so far from what I wanted. So, I’ll quit and your reputation can be restored. You’re the Duchess of Valtoria; you are important.’
He waited for Camille’s reaction. He waited for fresh tears to well up in her eyes and for her to break down again. But instead, her eyes had narrowed and she was scrutinising Drake. He swallowed. ‘Camille? Say something.’
Camille cast her eyes to the magazine. She picked it up and got to her feet, magazine in her hand. She strode across the room, her high heels clicking against the hardwood floor, as she made her way to the fireplace. Without hesitation, she threw the magazine onto the logs of wood, ready to be lit for a cosy night by the fire and a glass of wine.
She turned to face Drake. Her shoulders were thrown back and her chin raised defiantly, the signature Camille move she adopted when summoning confidence.
‘I am the Duchess of Valtoria,’ she said with a determined voice, ‘and you are not quitting.’
That night, Camille was invited to a dinner party at the Beaumonts. It was to be an intimate affair with only fifty nobles in attendance but she still didn’t want to go. She was sick of nobles. It was a huge irony for her that she happened to be one herself.
She had chosen to wear a red silk dress and gold heels. Fuck Olivia Nevrakis who didn’t like it when other women wore her favourite colour. Fuck the nobles for thinking they were above everyone else in the world. Fuck Trend. Fuck the expectations set on Camille. She was done. Tonight, she was going to be like a phoenix rising from the ashes and she wasn’t going to show remorse or regret. Let them think she was fucking Drake; he was certainly the best man she knew. It wasn’t an embarrassment for her as everyone believed it should be.
She was angry about the comments about Drake. That was what had upset her. How the article had basically said that he was inferior to Camille. How he was referred to as a human shield. Camille wanted to shout that he was so much more than a human shield and he was equal to her. Nobody was better that anyone else; what was so hard to understand about that?
Drake’s eyes widened when he saw what she was wearing. ‘You look incredible,’ he breathed. Camille smiled and watched his face turn as red as her dress as he realised he had made an ‘inappropriate’ comment. It took him a while to compose himself.
‘If I go missing tonight,’ she said with her eyes sparkling, ‘blame Olivia Nevrakis and her obsession with being the only one to wear red.’
Drake chuckled. ‘She’ll be the first person I’ll interrogate.’
They walked out of the manor towards the car. Geoffrey was leaning against the door, enjoying a cigarette. He quickly stubbed it out when he saw the Duchess and the bodyguard approaching. ‘Apologies, Duchess!’
Camille giggled. ‘I’d kill for a cigarette right now, Geoffrey.’
Drake opened the car door for her, again making Geoffrey feel useless but again, he was used to it.
Drake and Camille settled into the plush seats. As they made their way to the Beaumont’s, Camille chatted easily. It was as if the magazine article hadn’t happened, which to Drake, meant she was on a mission. She wasn’t going to let this faze her.
How could Drake break it to her that no matter how hard she ignored this situation, it wouldn’t go away?
The paparazzi surrounded the car before Camille had even gotten out. The car lit up inside from the flashing and Camille shielded her eyes from the harsh glare. Her hand was trembling.
Paparazzi were still her kryptonite. No matter how confident Camille was trying to appear tonight, she had reached her obstacle. Putting on his bodyguard persona, Drake got out first, shoving past the photographers who were now photographing him.
‘Drake, how long have you been sleeping with the Duchess?’ one shouted.
‘Have you banged her in the car?’
‘Smile for us!’
‘How do you feel about the expose from Trend?’
Drake reached Camille’s door and deliberately used his broad frame to shield her from the cameras. They couldn’t see past his 6’4 muscled body, no matter how hard they tried to push past him to take a picture.
‘I’m scared..’ Camille whispered, her confidence shattering. Why was she wearing red? Why had she been so naive earlier? Why was she such a coward?
‘I’ve got you,’ Drake told her in a low voice. ‘Take my hand and keep close to me.’
Camille grabbed his hand and Drake pulled her into him, holding her close as he shut the door behind her. Her breathing was rapid and she could feel her body shaking uncontrollably. Drake shielded her as he stood in his spot, his eyes looking down into hers.
‘You are the Duchess of Valtoria,’ he murmured. ‘You are strong and brave. You are above these vultures. Don’t let them scare you or they will exploit you for their own gain. Throw your shoulders back, keep your head high and walk into the Beaumont residence like the woman I know you are. I’ll be with you every step of the way.’
Camille swallowed. The paparazzi were still shouting, trying to get the money shot. Drake gave her a terse nod. ‘Ready, kid?’
She looked up into Drake’s face. His eyes were so kind and warm. He had so much faith in her. Camille loved him. She loved him to the point where it felt like her heart was being held tight and she couldn’t breathe. It was all encompassing.
Be brave for him. Show Cordonia that you don’t care about the story. Walk confidently with him by your side.
Camille took a deep breath and gave him a nod. ‘I’m ready.’
Drake placed his hand on her lower back and guided her away from the car, shielding her from the cameras. He watched as Camille stopped shaking and threw her shoulders back, walking with purpose towards the Beaumont residence.
She was a phoenix rising. She was fire and steel, burning brightly beside him. Drake felt his heart flip as he watched her transform in an instant and he longed to take her into his arms and burn with her.
Drake stood in the corner with Lou, Micah and Thomas. The four bodyguards kept their eyes on their Duchesses who were sitting around the dining table.
'So anyone gonna mention the awkward cover story about Walker and the Duchess of Valtoria?', Lou muttered from the corner of his mouth.
Micah sniggered. 'Ironic that he's the only one of us not banging his Duchess and he still becomes a cover story.'
Drake’s jaw set at that comment. Micah instantly stopped laughing to himself and cleared his throat, knowing he should keep quiet.
‘Is she okay?’ Thomas asked quietly.
‘She’s fucking upset,’ Drake said in a low voice. ‘But more about the comments made about me.’
They all watched Camille as she sipped her wine and spoke in low tones to Hana who was sitting by her side. Maxwell was trying his best to engage in conversation with Camille but Bertrand kept diverting his attention. Drake was beginning to suspect it was deliberate. So far, only Hana had acted normal with Camille. The other nobles had not.
Aside from a comment about how red didn’t suit Camille, Olivia had ignored her.
Madeleine wrinkled her nose in disgust whenever she looked at Camille.
Kiara and Penelope avoided Camille’s eyes whenever she tried to make conversation with them, instead finding the table cloth fascinating.
Liam wouldn’t even look at Camille, keeping his eyes focused away from the woman he had proposed to just five months ago.
Bertrand had the waiter serve Camille last.
Drake watched furiously at the passive aggressive actions that were being performed in front of him. He fought every urge to abandon his post and storm across to Camille, taking her by the hand and getting her out of there.
But he knew this would happen. As soon as the story made front page news, Drake knew Camille’s standing at court had been ruined. Already, she was being ostracised and no longer viewed as a shiny new thing at court. To the nobles, she was sullied; dirty; not one of them.
And it was all Drake’s fault.
As the night drew to a close, Camille had become more withdrawn at the table as she realised how much the court had turned against her. When Bertrand announced that they could all retire to the drawing room for champagne, Camille stood up and briskly left the room to collect her coat without excusing herself. She wasn’t going to stay for champagne in the drawing room. She had had enough of nobles. Instead, she was going to light the fire at home, watch the magazine burn into ash and drink wine.
Drake said goodbye to his fellow bodyguards and followed Camille out the door. He had to run to catch up with her.
‘Camille, slow down!’
‘Fuck them,’ she spat, storming across the courtyard to the car. There were no paparazzi waiting outside which was a first. ‘Fuck all of them. Narrow minded, arrogant, patronising bastards!’
Drake grabbed her by the arm; Camille instinctively raised her elbow to jab him in the gut. Drake stepped back, avoiding the blow.
Camille whipped around to face him, her eyes widening in shock as she realised what she had nearly done. ‘I’m so sorry!’ she cried. ‘I didn’t mean to use your self defence training against you-’
‘I’m glad you did,’ Drake said, interrupting her. ‘I trained you well.’
Camille let out a breath and looked past Drake towards Beaumont Manor. ‘I hate them all,’ she whispered, her voice cracking. ‘I hate this world I’m in. It’s stifling. I hate that I am part of these people. I’m never going to be one of them and I don’t want to be. I don’t want to be like Olivia or Madeline who look down on others because they feel superior. I just want to be surrounded by people who are kind and good. Is that too much to ask? The only person I have who is the embodiment of those two things is you and now they are trying to pull me away from you. I won’t have it, Drake! I won’t let them!’
Her voice was rising now, almost hysterical. Tears filled her eyes as she shouted and Drake could only listen helplessly as she vented to him.
‘You’re better than all of them combined, Drake!’ she cried. ‘Fuck them if they don’t see it! They are horrible, horrible people and I hate every single one of them.’
She let out a sob. Drake’s heart cracked open. In an instant, he pulled her into him and held her tightly. ‘Shhh, it’s okay..’ he murmured. ‘I got you.’
Her hands clenched the lapels of his jacket as she cried into his chest. Drake closed his eyes as he held her. ‘Let’s get you home,’ he whispered.
Camille drew away from him and looked up into his eyes. She rubbed hers harshly and allowed Drake to guide her to the car. They settled inside and didn’t speak for the entire journey, instead thinking about the dinner party, the nobles and Camille’s tirade.
They got back to the manor. Camille stormed through to the kitchen and brought out a bottle of wine and two glasses, before striding back to the living room with determination on her face.
Drake stood in the hallway, trying to summon the courage to tell her the one thing that would make it worse. But he couldn’t keep quiet.
Watching the nobles treat Camille like the shit on their shoes had shown Drake just how much he had ruined her reputation. Nobles were lethal and had no qualms about freezing someone out of court if they did something deemed controversial. He thought about the future; Camille attending these events, continuing to be ignored. Camille soon not being invited and spending every night at home in the manor that was too big for her. Camille becoming lonely. Isolated. Unhappy.
Drake couldn’t have that.
Swallowing, he walked into the living room where Camille was curled up on the floor by the fire.
‘I’m giving you my month’s notice,’ Drake said, his voice clear and stark in the silence. ‘I’ll interview potential replacements for you as I know what they should be like. I can’t be the reason for your unhappiness. I can’t stand by and watch as your name is dragged through the mud. I’m so sorry.’
Camille didn’t look at him. But her fingers clenched the stem of her wine glass as his words hung heavily between them. She looked into the fire, willing herself not to cry. She had a feeling he would quit; yet his words still felt like a bullet in her chest.
The magazine was burning, its pages curling into nothing, the image of Drake and Camille sharing an umbrella, smiling at each other and laughing, turning charred and black.
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ten years from now [AU. drake walker x camille montespan] [part twenty one: a drake & camille summer]
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@ibldw-main @pug-bitch @jovialyouthmusic @katedrakeohd @rainbowsinthestorm @emichelle @dcbbw @sirbeepsalot @notoriouscs @burnsoslow @marshmallowsaremyfavorite @gardeningourmet @pedudley @marshmallowsandfire @princessleac1 @kingliam2019 @drakeandkatherine
Big thanks to @princessleac1 for being my sounding board for this chapter!!
No warnings - though I hope I wasn’t too stereotypical when it came to French stuff! @pug-bitch I hope you don’t mind that I used your Bastille Day celebrations as inspiration. I should have asked first now I think about it - so as an apology, I dedicate this chapter to you, my beautiful French friend x
Camille woke up to the loveliest moment. At first, she thought it was a dream, a beautiful, golden dream, but as her vision adjusted, she could see this was real life.
Drake was curled up around her and kissing her cheek softly.
'My girl's awake, yaaay..' he murmured happily, kissing the corner of her mouth.
Camille giggled and rolled over to face him properly.
He looked so happy. Exhausted from their late night but happy nonetheless. His eyes were crinkled up in the corners from his smile that lit up his face like a sunbeam. He was so handsome.
Camille reached up to place her hand on his cheek. 'Hey you,' she whispered, leaning up to kiss him softly.
Drake groaned against her mouth. His hands ran along her sides, feeling her warm skin. He inhaled the scent of her shampoo, unable to believe that he was now allowed to do this.
The night before had been a revelation for both of them. They had reunited properly on the jetty by the lake, their place. As Drake had kissed her desperately and made love to her with all the love he could muster, he had kept having to remind himself that this was real. She wanted him. She loved him.
He was never going to let her go again.
Drake and Camille were becoming a little more enthusiastic with their kissing when Gisele called from downstairs: 'Bonjour mon cheri's! Do you both want coffee?'
Camille pulled away, turning bright red. 'Oh god, she knows you're here!' she hissed. 'Oh god.. She's going to be so embarrassing!'
Drake chuckled, pulling her into him so he could nuzzle her neck. 'I don't care,' he whispered.
'Coffee?' Gisele called again, her voice slightly teasing.
'Be down in a second!' Camille shouted.
'No rush!' Gisele shouted back. 'I know how fun a little morning wake up call can be!'
Drake broke down laughing. Camille curled up on the foetal position, wanting the bed to swallow her up.
Drake and Camille traipsed downstairs soon after that. Gisele was walking on her crutches, slowly but she was improving with every day.
'Let me help with the coffee, grandma!' Camille said, rushing to take the kettle out of her hands. Gisele rolled her eyes but smiled, happy to be fussed over.
Drake stood awkwardly by the door, now realising how weird this situation was. Gisele eyed him, smiling mischievously. 'Drake, you're allowed to sit down,' she said.
Drake turned pink and quickly sat down at the kitchen table. He smiled as he felt Camille ruffle his hair, reassuring him.
'So, our Bastille Day celebrations!' Gisele said, sitting down opposite Drake. 'I know you don't like champagne so I'll get you some whiskey.'
Drake blinked. 'Oh.. You don't have to do that, Gisele! I'm just grateful for the invitation-'
'Pfft, I want you to enjoy yourself,' Gisele interrupted. 'We shall have champagne, whiskey and crepes! Ooh and macarons!'
Camille set the coffee cups on the table and settled down beside Drake. She took his hand and held it on the table. Gisele looked at their hands and smiled. Drake blushed, turning more red when Gisele gave him a wink.
Drake left the Montespan's after breakfast. Camille had walked him to the door, her pinkie finger entwined with his as they chatted easily.
He had kissed her goodbye. 'I'll see you soon,' he murmured.
'Looking forward to it,' Camille whispered, wrapping her arms around his neck so that she could hold him tight.
Drake didn't want to let her go.
But he had and now, he was back at the ranch, high from adrenaline and joy.
'So where did you go last night?' Savannah asked as he entered the kitchen. She was sat at the table with Bartie in her lap, trying to get him to eat mushy banana.
Drake rolled his eyes. 'Out.'
Savannah fixed him with a long steady look. 'You look like you had a late night and you smell of coffee and coconut shampoo. Hmm, who uses coconut shampoo like its the last bottle she will ever have? Hmm, someone with a French name..'
Drake chuckled and sat down, wrinkling his nose at the mushy banana.
'Fine, we slept together,' he admitted. 'I think.. I think we're back together.'
Savannah's eyes widened. 'What? WHAT?!'
Bartie giggled at his mother's surprise.
Drake sighed. 'Are you gonna judge me as usual?'
'Mommmmm..' Savannah called out, her eyes remaining on Drake.
'Shh, Sav!' Drake hissed. 'Don't gossip!'
'Yes honey?' Bianca asked, poking her head around the door. She saw Drake and blew him a kiss.
'Guess where Drake was last night,' Savannah said. 'And guess who he is now in a relationship with.'
Bianca's mouth fell open. 'Camille?' she asked, her voice rising. 'Oh baby, please tell me its Camille!'
'Well, duh,' Savannah said. 'Who else is gonna want to date my brother?'
'Thanks Sav,', Drake said dryly. 'You're so nice to me.'
'Oh my god!!' Bianca shrieked, rushing into the room to throw her arms around Drake. She proceeded to kiss his head all over. 'My baby boy finally has the girl of his dreams! I never thought I'd see the day!'
'Mom..' Drake groaned, trying his best to escape her embrace. But Bianca held on tight, kissing his cheeks and squealing as she did so.
Savannah smirked, enjoying seeing her brother be subjected to motherly affection.
'So is she staying in Texas?' Bianca asked, finally calming down.
Drake nodded. 'She is going to start making plans.'
'And what will you do?' Bianca said, her voice hopeful. 'Move in together? Not that I don't love having you living with me, baby, it would just be so gorgeous to see you set up your own home!'
Drake chuckled. 'Baby steps mom.'
Gisele was very excited to celebrate Bastille Day. She had filled the fridge with bottles of champagne, making sure she had whiskey for Drake. Camille bought ingredients to make crepes and had even ordered macarons from Laduree as a surprise for her grandmother.
Drake was nervous but excited, a strange combination for him. He wasn't sure what to expect - he knew that the Montespan's had celebrated Bastille Day for years but he hadn't ever come along.
He arrived at their house at lunchtime, armed with a bottle of champagne for Gisele and a baguette with a box of camambert. He wasn't sure if he was being too stereotypical with the Frenchness but he hoped Gisele would appreciate it.
Boy, she did.
'MON CHERI, YOU ARE SO SWEET!' she squealed as he handed her his gifts. Drake let her kiss him all over. What was up with mothers always wanting to kiss him?
The kitchen table had been set up with everything they needed. On the laptop was a live feed of the Eiffel Tower and the crowds of Parisians who were waiting for the fireworks to explode.
'A votre sante!' they all chorused, clinking their glasses together. Drake had decided to drink champagne. He wanted to get into the spirit of things.
Camille snuggled up into Drake's arms as they watched the laptop screen. Gisele couldn't stop smiling, she was so patriotic when it came to her home country.
She had been born in the town of Versailles and she had lived in France until she was eight years old. Her parents decided to move to America, eager to chase the American dream, and so, reluctantly, Gisele adjusted to American life. But really, her life didn't properly start until she had met Franklin.
'Look, it's starting!' Camille cried, clapping her hands.
Indeed, the fireworks were now being set off above the Eiffel Tower. The crowds screamed and cheered as the tower shone down on the Parisians.
'This is incredible,' Drake whispered, unable to take his eyes off the screen. 'I've never been out of the US.. God, this is gorgeous.'
Camille squeezed his hand and pressed a kiss to his cheek. 'Maybe we can go together sometime?' she suggested.
Drake smiled. 'I'd love that.'
Gisele watched the screen with her hands clasped to her heart. Tears were filling her eyes as she watched the fireworks explode in the night sky, golden sparks raining down on the Eiffel Tower, illuminating the City of Lights.
Camille leaned over to wrap her arms around her grandmother. 'We'll go together soon, I promise,' she whispered in her ear. 'Me and you, a girls trip. We can go to Angelina and drink African hot chocolate and visit Chanel. How does that sound?'
Gisele wiped her eyes and gave her granddaughter a wobbly smile. 'Magnifique,' she said softly, resting her head on Camille's shoulder.
Drake and Camille spent every day together after that. Their days repeated one after the other, the two of them adopting a routine without meaning to.
After Camille set Gisele up with breakfast, Drake would pick her up in his truck and take them both to the diner in town. They would order coffee and pancakes, sometimes talking without taking a breath, sometimes happy to just read the paper while holding hands over the table.
They would then head back to the ranch and take Lone Star out for a ride. Afterwards, they set up camp by Clover's grave under the apple tree and drank beer, basking in the sunshine and each other.
Twilight would arrive and Drake and Camille would wander to the jetty. They would snuggle up together and watch as the lake began to reflect the stars and the emerging moon.
When it was late, Camille would either stay over at the ranch or he would take her home, promising he would see her in the morning.
It was the start of their endless summer. Their Texas summer. Their Drake and Camille summer.
Camille paced the living room, looking up at the cornices, inspecting every surface. The estate agent waited by the door, watching her with bated breath, hoping that Camille would take this apartment.
One month after becoming official, Drake and Camille had decided to view properties together. They had taken the leap and committed themselves to a plan. They were going to live together.
Today, Drake was running late, so Camille had been shown the apartment first.
It was small. Yes, it was in the centre of town so the location was great but Camille couldn't help but feel that the space was too small for two people.
The kitchen was narrow. There was no space for both of them to cook which made Camille's heart sink as she really wanted a kitchen where she and Drake could enjoy cooking dinner together.
'At this price, it's a steal,' the estate agent said, trying to be persuasive. She could see her commission leaving her clutches from the disappointed look on Camille's face. 'Great location and you get some sunlight.'
Camille bit her lip, casting a glance around the room. 'Hmm..'
She couldn't see a future here. This place wasn't making her stomach flip.
But then her stomach flipped.
Camille stopped walking and stood very still. The estate agent frowned. 'Miss Montespan, are you alright?'
Camille's stomach flipped violently. Realisation dawned on her. She was going to be sick in an apartment she didn't want.
Clapping her hands over her mouth, Camille raced to the tiny bathroom and flung herself down to her knees over the toilet. She vomited.
When she was done, Camille stood up awkwardly. She flushed the toilet and closed the door, wishing the ground could swallow her up.
The estate agent gave her a sympathetic smile. 'Are you okay?'
Camille exhaled, trying to push down the thoughts that were flooding her mind. 'I'm fine,' she said. 'But I don't think we'll take this apartment. Drake can look if he wants to but it will probably be a no.'
She rushed out of the room and out of the front door, needing air.
'Woah, Camille!' Drake cried as she bumped into him. He took her by the arms and looked down at her face, concern flooding his features.
'Baby, are you okay? You look very pale.'
Camille couldn't stop her heart from hammering. She hadn't been sick for years. How embarrassing. As Drake kept asking her what was wrong, Camille couldn't answer.
Her period hadn't arrived yet. But maybe she was just late, it happened. She had been sick because.. Well, apartment hunting was stressful.
But the doubt had began to grow and she started to feel like it was more than just apartment stress.
Drake was looking at her with his eyebrows furrowed, his hands holding her arms tight. 'Camille, talk to me,' he murmured. 'You look so unwell, what happened? Are you feeling okay? Do you need something to eat?'
Camille thought back over the past couple of months.
Her depo-provera shot.
She had last had it injected three months ago when she had been with Liam. But with all the recent upheaval in her life, she hadn't been back to the doctor to have the shot topped up.
It ran out after three months.
Last month was the time when she should have had it done again. But she hadn't. She had been too busy sleeping with Drake and drinking whiskey.
Her mouth went dry.
She looked up at Drake, who was now looking down at her, terrified.
'I've been sick,' she finally told him, her voice shaking. 'In the apartment, I've just been sick.'
Drake pulled her in close, pressing a kiss on her head. 'Oh baby,' he whispered. 'Let's get you home then. You need toast -'
'I need a pregnancy test,' Camille interrupted.
Drake let go of her, stepping back as if he had been shot. His eyes were widening as he studied her face, trying to think of a way to react without making things worse.
'Say something, Drake,' she whispered, her voice trembling. 'Please.'
Drake exhaled. Closing his eyes, he thought about what his dad would say to him right now.
Be a man. Stand up for her. Hold her. Make her feel alright. Tell her it's gonna be alright, son.
Drake opened his eyes and gently wrapped his arms around her. 'It's gonna be alright,' he murmured. 'Let's get you a test and we'll do it together, okay? You've got me.'
Camille swallowed and gripped onto his shirt tightly, not wanting to let him go.
'Be brave,' he whispered in her ear. 'It's gonna be alright. Might be nothing. Let's not jump to conclusions. Baby steps.'
Camille looked up at him now and smiled weakly.
'Baby steps,' she repeated.
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ten years from now [AU. drake walker x camille montespan] [part fifteen: clover]
Warnings: None.
A/N: This is a slow one. I guess I wanted to add some more of Camille’s backstory into this and explore more of Drake and Camille’s childhood together.
@moonlightgem7 @jovialyouthmusic @mskaneko @ibldw-main @katedrakeohd @pug-bitch @gooddaykate @princessleac1 @burnsoslow @loveellamae @pedudley @oofchoices @emichelle @simplymissjulia @dcbbw @sirbeepsalot @rainbowsinthestorm @notoriouscs @fromthedeskofpaisleybleakmore @axwalker @marshmallowsaremyfavorite @nomadics-stuff @gardeningourmet @marshmallowsandfire @kingliam2019 **********************************
Drake had deliberately not seen Camille for a week. After her drunken antics, he felt it was only right to give her the space she so clearly needed. It was a blow for him as he had been hoping to work on building something with her now that she was in Texas, but he knew that if he pushed too hard, he risked losing her for good. So, he stayed off her radar and went about his days as normal.
When he did see her, such as at the farmers market or walking up the road to her grandmother’s house, he would give her a brief wave. She would wave back and go about her business. For Drake, it was an exercise in restraint.
One Sunday afternoon, he sat outside the ranch by the apple tree with a bottle of beer in his hand. The apple tree was old, having been planted by Bianca when Drake was born, and it was the marker of the resting place of his old dog, Clover.
Clover had been a golden labrador and was the most loyal and friendly dog in the state, according to Drake’s dad. She had died of old age and Drake had been by her side when she breathed her last. Clover had been the best dog and had followed Drake around all the time; which meant she also followed Camille around too.
Drake smiled at the thought of Clover.
Drake aged six, Camille aged five
Drake and Camille had met when they were five and six. While Bianca had been friends with Gisele for years, the Walkers were yet to meet Gisele’s granddaughter. That all changed one summer when a little girl with curly dark hair holding a battered suitcase clambered out of her grandfather Franklin’s car to be greeted by Gisele, who covered her with kisses.
Drake had seen her when he was out for a walk with his dad. He had looked at the girl curiously; Jackson had chuckled and teased, ‘Not until you’re older, son.’
Drake caught her eye. She looked at him warily before quickly looking away to scuff her sandals on the dirt road. Jackson waved at Gisele and Franklin. ‘Alright there, folks?’ he called.
Franklin smiled and took the little girl’s hand to guide her across to Jackson and Drake.
‘Hey there, Mr Walker,’ he said warmly. He looked down at Drake and reached into his pocket. Drake held out his hand automatically; as usual, Franklin deposited a candy into his hand with a wink.
Franklin was a gentleman in every sense of the word. He dressed impeccably every day, always with flair. Today, he was wearing a canary yellow suit jacket paired with tartan trousers and a navy cap on his head. Franklin and Gisele always looked like they were off to dinner somewhere fancy instead of just staying in their little house tending to their flowers.
‘Who’s this beauty?’ Jackson asked, gesturing to the girl.
‘My granddaughter, Camille,’ Franklin said softly. ‘Say hi, honey.’
Camille looked up at Jackson, this 6’4 giant, with her huge brown eyes. She stayed painfully silent.
‘She’s a little shy..’ Franklin murmured. He leaned closer to Jackson to whisper; Drake only caught some words, not that he was listening in.
‘Her parents.. Staying with us now.. Devastated..’
Drake looked at Camille. He saw with a start that she was staring at him curiously, as if trying to work him out.
‘I’m Drake,’ he said, raising his hand.
She retreated behind her grandfather’s legs, much to Drake’s disappointment.
Drake turned to see Bianca walking down the road with Clover. Drake grinned and ran to his mother, barrelling into her. ‘Ooof, watch the baby!’ Bianca laughed, placing her hands on her growing bump. She waved at Gisele before her eyes settled on Camille.
‘Who is this gorgeous little thing?’ she asked, joining the group.
‘My granddaughter, Camille,’ Franklin said. ‘Camille, this is our friend Bianca.’
Camille wasn’t listening. Her attention was captured by Clover, who was making it her mission to sniff Camille’s fingers and turn her into her new human friend. Camille was inching back, terrified.
Drake felt like he needed to show her how good Clover was. Who couldn’t love Clover?
‘This is my dog, Clover!’ he told her. ‘She’s real friendly.’
Camille was staring at the dog; her chest was rising rapidly and her eyes were filled with panic. Drake gently pulled Clover back, realising Camille was scared.
‘She’s two,’ Drake continued, focusing on stroking Clover who was now looking at Drake with a look of adoration on her face. ‘She loves people and she loves food! Look, she doesn’t bite.’
He stroked the dog some more, showing Camille that she was a good dog. Camille bit her lip but inched forward slowly towards the dog.
‘If you crouch down a little, she can reach you better,’ Jackson said from above in a gentle voice, watching the children.
Camille crouched down, keeping her eyes on Clover. The dog eyed Camille, her tail wagging, as the little girl got closer. Drake placed his hand around Clover’s collar; she wouldn’t jump but just in case..
Camille’s hand stroked the top of Clover’s head.
‘See!’ Drake cried. ‘She’s nice!’
Clover licked Camille’s finger, making her giggle. Drake grinned at the tinkly sound; it suited her.
‘Why is she called Clover?’ Camille asked in a small voice, surprising Drake. He was beginning to think she couldn’t speak.
‘Oh, well, she was the runt of the litter,’ he told her. ‘Nobody wanted her but I did, so she’s a lucky dog because she got picked! Clovers are lucky.’
Camille smiled as Clover licked her fingers some more.
‘I like her,’ she said simply.
Drake felt a burst of pride; Clover had done it! She had a new human friend!
‘She likes you too,’ Drake said. ‘Wanna play fetch with her?’
As Drake and Camille played fetch with clover, the adults discussed Camille’s situation in hushed tones. With her parents dead, she was now adopted by Gisele and Franklin. She was to start school next week and be in Drake’s class, which seemed a little brighter now that the two children were playing together. She was very shy, thanks to a short life of being neglected by her parents, but Gisele and Franklin were determined to bring her out of her shell.
They felt hope as they watched Camille laugh out loud as Clover caught a stick and brought it back to her. Drake jumped up and down with excitement, prompting Camille to join in with him.
Camille would be okay.
The sun was hot on Drake’s skin. He unbuttoned his shirt so he was now only wearing his white vest. Much better. He sipped his beer and thought about nothing. Or at least, tried to.
‘Hey Drake.’
Drake jumped at the sound of Camille’s voice. She was coming up the road carrying a glass dish in her hands.
‘Hey,’ he greeted her. ‘You okay?’
She got closer. She was dressed all summery today, wearing a red sundress, woven sandals and a white fedora on her head. ‘I hope you don’t mind me dropping by,’ she said. ‘But I was making casserole and made too much.. Do you guys want some?’
Drake smiled. ‘Always. We Walkers like to eat.’
Camille grinned and placed it down on the porch behind Drake. She eyed his beer. ‘Having a nice day?’
‘Yup,’ he said. ‘Just hangin’ out with Clover.’
Camille frowned. ‘Clover? I thought she..’
Drake patted the ground under the apple tree. ‘She’s lying under there.’
Camille’s eyes widened. She looked down at the ground and smiled sadly. ‘Hey, Clover.’
Drake gestured for Camille to sit beside him. ‘Beer?’ he asked.
He opened a bottle of her and clinked his against hers. ‘To Clover,’ he toasted. Camille grinned. ‘To Clover.’
They sat in silence for a moment until Camille broke it, needing to clear the air. ‘I’m sorry about getting drunk last week,’ she said, her voice filled with nerves. ‘I was an idiot. I’m sorry you had to deal with it.’
‘Hey, happens to all of us,’ Drake assured her. ‘Trust me, Savannah’s had to haul me up the stairs after one too many and given that she’s a foot shorter than me, that’s quite a challenge.’
Camille giggled and sipped her beer. ‘Well, I just wanted to apologise.’
She didn’t say anything else. Clearly, she didn’t remember telling Drake she loved him. Drake swallowed; baby steps, he reminded himself. Baby steps.
‘Clover was a good dog..’ Camille murmured. ‘She was always there.’
‘She was so loyal,’ Drake agreed. ‘I miss her.’
Camille nudged her shoulder against his, making Drake feel his heart flutter.
‘She was there for me that day you beat up Dylan Montgomery,’ Camille told him after taking another sip of beer. ‘I was crying and she came up to me and rested her head on my lap.’
Drake frowned. ‘I didn’t beat up Dylan Montgomery-’
‘You broke his nose, Drake,’ Camille interrupted, rolling her eyes. Drake chuckled. ‘That’s not beating someone up. If i had it my way, he’d have been in a lot more pain. Bastard deserved it.’
Camille shrugged. ‘He didn’t know, he was only seven.’
‘Still, you don’t speak to a girl that way.’
The ferocity in Drake’s voice was clear. Camille smiled softly at how protective Drake could be. He always had her back.
Drake aged eight, Camille aged seven
‘I want to be Britney this time!’ Camille protested, clenching her fists. ‘I’ve never been her!’
Madeleine laughed harshly. ‘You can be Beyonce, she’s just as good.’
‘I don’t like Beyonce!’ Camille shouted. ‘I like Britney!’
Madeleine rolled her eyes and continued to practice her dance moves with the other girls, Sophie and Amber. Camille tried to will away the tears forming in her eyes but she couldn’t; she adored Britney Spears. All she wanted was to be given the role of Britney so she could show off her dance routine to Overprotected.
But Madeleine never let her. Madeleine, Sophie and Amber took it in turns to be Britney every lunch break while Camille was always told to be Beyonce or Kelly Rowland or that other one from Destiny’s Child.
Camille had Britney’s CD. She had the doll. She danced to her songs all the time, putting on shows for her grandparents who would give her praise. She had even once managed to persuade Drake to join in with her routine to Oops! I Did It Again, much to her delight and Drake’s horror.
All she wanted was one lunch break where she could be Britney Spears. But it wasn’t allowed.
‘I want to be Britney!’ she shouted again, refusing to give up. ‘I love her! I know her dance routines!’
As she shouted, the kids in the playground were pausing in their activities and watching this drama unfold. Drake was one of them. He had been playing basketball with Rashad and Thomas, but he had stopped when he heard the girls shouting at each other. Abandoning the basketball, Drake wandered over to where Camille was standing, ready to jump in.
‘You can’t be Britney!’ Madeleine shouted back. ‘You don’t look like her!’
‘So?!’ Camille cried. ‘I know the dances!’
The other boys were watching this, some laughing, some feeling bad for Camille. She was a nice girl, always friendly to everyone; she wasn’t popular by any means but she was well liked by some of the children.
Dylan Montgomery was one of the boys laughing. He stepped forward to wade in with his unwanted opinion.
‘You can’t be Britney because you’re not blonde,’ he told her in a patronising tone that went way beyond his seven years. ‘You can’t be her.’
‘Yes I can!’ Camille said, her voice cracking. ‘I can be Britney!’
‘Let her be Britney,’ Drake joined in. ‘She’s really good.’
Madeleine rolled her eyes, as did Dylan. The two of them were the popular boy and girl in the class and they loved to flaunt it.
‘She doesn’t go to dance classes like me,’ Madeleine said. ‘So how can she be really good?’
‘I am really good!’ Camille burst out, tears streaming down her cheeks. ‘I am!’
‘You’re nothing like Britney!’ Dylan told her loudly. ‘She’s blonde and you’re not. You don’t look like her! She’s pretty, you’re not-’
Drake’s fist connected with Dylan Montgomery’s nose.
‘I swear to God, if we were allowed to use corporal punishment, I would do it!’ Jackson blazed furiously, pacing up and down the living room. ‘Jesus, Drake! Why are you beating up a kid?!’
‘He said she wasn’t pretty!’ Drake shouted, pointing at Camille who was sat on the sofa with her legs up to her chest, crying softly. Clover was beside her, resting her head on Camille’s lap, trying to soothe her.
‘Well, he is clearly blind!’ Jackson shouted. ‘But that gives you no right to hit him!’
‘They wouldn’t let her be Britney!’ Drake protested. ‘They all get to be Britney except for her! They tell her to be Beyonce!’
Bianca frowned. ‘What’s wrong with Beyonce? Why wouldn’t Camille want to be Beyonce?’
Franklin and Gisele were looking down at the floor, wringing their hands together. Bianca’s question went unanswered.
‘You burst his nose!’ Jackson yelled. ‘Drake, you can’t afford to have detention! Your report cards aren’t the best, you don’t pay attention in class-’
‘He deserved it!’ Drake burst out. ‘She’s my best friend and he hurt her feelings!’
Jackson pinched the sides of his nose in frustration. ‘I know, son. But that doesn’t mean you can go around hitting people.’
Drake went quiet. He cast his eyes over to Camille who was rubbing her eyes harshly. Feeling his heart tug, he sidled over to her and Clover, sitting up beside her. Camille leaned her head on his shoulder, her fingers still stroking the dog.
‘You two are thick as thieves,’ Jackson said quietly. ‘I get it. You act like it’s you guys against the world. But you gotta learn how to handle all the other kids otherwise it really will be you two against the world.’
Drake felt Camille take his hand. Drake squeezed hers reassuringly. Of course it was Drake and Camille against the world. It always would be.
‘I should go,’ Camille said after finishing her beer. ‘Thanks for the drink. Good to hang with Clover too.’
Drake smiled. ‘Any time, Montespan. She’s always gonna be here.’
‘Do you hang out with her a lot?’
Drake considered the question. ‘Basically every day at this time,’ he told her. Camille looked down at her hands, as if trying to pick her next words carefully.
‘Can I join you tomorrow?’ she asked.
Drake’s eyebrows went up. ‘But you said you needed space and I’m giving you space-’
‘I know,’ she interrupted. ‘But this was.. Nice.’
Drake bit his lip. ‘Camille.. What do you want from me here? You keep going back and forth..’
Camille scuffed her sandal against the ground. ‘I said I wanted us to take baby steps,’ she told him. ‘Hanging out with you, having beer, sitting with Clover.. This is what I wanted. No confusion, no drama. Just us, being easy together. Is that so wrong?’
It wasn’t wrong. It was confusing but it wasn’t wrong. But at least now he knew what she meant by baby steps. She meant easy summer afternoons, hanging out, laughing, remincising. No kissing, no touching, nothing more. She wanted to get to know Drake again.
‘Tomorrow afternoon then,’ Drake agreed. ‘Clover and I will be here.’
Camille smiled, relief flooding her face. ‘See you then,’ she said. Turning on her heel, she started to make her way back down the road before she turned to shout back at him.
‘What happened to Dylan Montgomery anyway?’
Drake laughed. ‘He’s married with five kids now.’
‘Five kids?!’ Camille shrieked. ‘Who would want to have babies with him?!’
Drake shrugged. ‘The nose surgeon’s daughter.’
Camille stared at him. ‘You’re kidding. He got a new nose?’
Drake chuckled. ‘What can I say? I ruined his face.’
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