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hopingforjustice · 4 years ago
@crepcscolo said: ❝ Sometimes I realize one day I could die, I could just disappear and the world would be none the wiser. There’d be no one to miss me and that terrifies me more than death itself. ❞ unprompted ask  /  always accepting.
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ㅤ ㅤ It made sense for someone in his complicated position to have that kind of ominous apprehension. Life expectancy in the mafia was not something to be envied, the amount of years decreasing as power and influence grew. Despite depriving himself of more effusive emotions, Giorno was as human as anyone else — the mere fact that he expressed these concerns aloud was noteworthy. Even though there was no direct threat at that very moment, that Passione's levers and gears were running slowly but continuously, he still expected more for the future. Reimi couldn't blame him, she knew what it was like to be totally forgotten. Painful, humiliating even, the kind of thing that made even the most well-meaning person wonder if anything done in life was really worth it. All the people who claimed to love her were gone, leaving behind a single question: 'am I really that expendable?' ❝ Nobody wants to be forgotten. What’s the point of being alive if you don’t at least try to do something remarkable? ❞ Her voice echoed through the office, words hanging in the air heavy over them. Standing by the window that opened onto a small, well-kept garden, arms crossed against her chest, she did not turn to look at him. ❝ You are wrong about one thing only. Do you really believe that no one will miss you? Not a single soul? ❞ Her tone was non-judgmental, just honestly intrigued.
ㅤ ㅤ Maybe it was a communication problem, nothing more. Fearing that they would seem indecently emotional, people around the young don were not expressing their admiration well enough. ❝ I can think of a lot of people missing you. Not just your friends, and you have some— Few, but true friends. ❞ There was nothing wrong with not being surrounded by a crowd, quite the contrary — the smartest thing Giorno could do was to be extremely selective with whoever frequented his place. ❝ All those people who have had their lives changed for the better because of you, although some of them may not know you at all. ❞ Wasn't it because of them that everything happened, after all? The yearning for power went hand in hand with the desire to protect the most vulnerable, to prevent them from being exploited out of greed. He had already done enough to be remembered for years, even though his name and face were not widely disseminated for obvious reasons. His influence spread across Italy, all social classes, from the richest to the poorest... A type of success that few can achieve, no doubt. ❝ I would miss you too... Especially these little talks of ours. ❞ Pink-colored gaze searching him over her shoulder, a corner of her lips curving upward very subtly. Her importance paled in the face of his empire, but not all the money in the world could buy a dedicated friendship like hers.
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notsodaily-smolkakyoin · 6 years ago
gives him a hug
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[[ Do whatever you want when no one can question you. uwu ]]
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hclius · 5 years ago
crepcscolo replied to your post: Human sports nowadays must seem very… soft. Even...
kars please chill
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         ❝ — Oh. No. I am merely confused. Is that what you call ball games nowadays? ❞
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coollyinterferes · 5 years ago
@xgodlike replied to your post: @xgodlike​ replied to your post: ...
Dio is reduced to a needy sub thot and I hate it Or more recently: la squadra being a family and / or dating each other cause love uwu same goes with Bruno’s gang when they are all fucking gangsters. None of them are good soft people
//No kidding, it’s hard for me to tell which one I’ve seen the most so far: Speedwagon getting the “useless/waifu” treatment and him being reduced to nothing but a “soft and innocent boi” who is scared all the time (that’s what you get when you’re a regular human being standing right in the middle of a bizarre and deadly battle between a vampire and hamon users, i guess), or Dio being reduced to nothing but a needy thot who’s horny for literally everyone all the time.
I kinda get the whole “mom bruno” thing to some extent (and it can be fun in some memes when it’s done right, ngl) but.... reducing the characters to certain traits that they sometimes don’t even have while exaggerating those they do have and pretty much turning them into something they are not and taking that as canon? Ahh, nope.
@crepcscolo replied to your post: @xgodlike​ replied to your post: ...
i’ve been guilty of this but that’s a good point
//I mean, there’s nothing wrong with doing so sometimes and all (i’d be lying if I said I haven’t laughed at some of the speedwagon memes, for example, or used the whole “waifu” thing to refer to him in the past). The issue itself comes when people start taking some of the traits a character has and exaggerate them so SO much while, sometimes, also adding some traits to them that they don’t even have in canon to the point where they turn the characters into something completely different to what they are and overlooking their actual essence and all the things they actually did in canon, like it happens in Speedwagon’s case, where people keep legit thinking he’s useless regardless of all the things he canonly did for Jonathan, Zeppeli and even Poco and the rest of their group despite his own lack of Hamon, and also label him as a completely innocent and inoffensive lad that has never done anything wrong or bad uwu when he was an actual and ruthless gangleader (one with no chill at all, not even in his old age). And, like that one, there are many other cases.
Again, there’s nothing wrong with having fun and doing stuff that falls under the ooc category with any characters and stuff for the fun of it, but it’s a completely different thing when that fanon take starts taking over the canon one to the point where people genuinely starts seeing that fanon interpretation as something canon.
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myentropy · 6 years ago
@crepcscolo replied to your post “my fugo au meta has absolutely no bounds and is completely lawless....”
what if fugo was a cookie
BOY do i have an answer for this one! I’ve decided that fugo would be one of those strawberry jam cookies. (honestly probably not the ones that are really nicely cut out but probably like a single cookie with a thumb print where you put the jam tbh) here’s the synopsis: 
the butter shortbread that’s essentially the base of the cookie doesn’t need to be too necessarily sweet. it’s decently composed and it crumbles really well when it breaks.
 it’s a very classic and standard cookie, a pretty damn good cookie. people overlook it’s potential just because it doesn’t have chocolate in it. that doesn’t mean it’s not a good cookie! people consider it to be an older cookie, maybe it just didn’t get the chance to be a top and current favorite like chocolate chip. it grew up too fast. 
all around it’s a surprisingly soft cookie with a really sweet inside. 
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inevitableshott-aa · 6 years ago
replying to @crepcscolo from x 
      The rare downtimes allowed the Don of Passione and his righthand man some time for companionship. Ones that allowed some sense of normalcy in their chaotic and busy lives. Even if it did come with the unbearable boredom. Heh, “unbearable”, how spoiled it was to not appreciate the moments where he didn’t have to travel here and there telling who and what to do this and that. Yet he felt blessed the fact he could complain. 
      What allowed him to simply lay idly across the Don’s fabio leather cinema sofa, cleaning his revolver for the third time in the last hour, was how meticulous the years had made him. Nothing went unnoticed by this sharpshooter. Not he could even allow it too in the first place. 
      Still, here he was so bored out of his mind he decided to have just a taste of joking around with his what he dare say is his closest friend. Superior, yes without a doubt, but in private moments Mista could just be a bit on the fun stupid side. So he asked his friend for the worst advise he’s bright head could think of. And man, did he get it. 
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       The revolver clicked back forming the gun as whole once more. Laying with his head on the armrest Mista turned his head over with a natural expression. His weapon of choice laid flat against his exposed stomach. “Giorno...” he began, “, I will follow your through the gates of hell, take aim on whoever you point to-- but if you turn my gun into a banana I will break down and cry.” his tone and expression remained flat as he gazed over to the Don who met eye contact over the mountain of paper. Who knew being basically the leader of Italy meant pounds and pounds of paperwork. 
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musaesidereum · 6 years ago
It had been a few days since their latest recruit had joined them--and perhaps, it was finally time to start including him within their activities. Giorno Giovanna had been a mystery when he first came, and Risotto had immediately set Melone and Illuso onto finding more about Giovanna’s background--and they hadn’t come up with much, only that Giovanna had been a student at a school in Naples, had a Japanese mother and an Italian stepfather.
Nothing suspicious at all; just your generic teenager, who had been foolish enough to think that the mafia would be a simple way of earning a living. The boy would open his eyes soon enough, and Risotto would have to ensure that he remained loyal--to their Squad. If not, then the boy would be eliminated. That would be a waste, considering how much potential was held within Giovanna.
Giovanna was bright, incandescent with his words and mannerisms, and full of charisma in a manner that made Risotto wonder--could he be the next leader of this squad? Perhaps he would be infinitely more successful than Risotto had been, too. But that would only be seen with the passage of time.
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“--Giovanna. Come with me.” His words were brusque as he gestured for the boy to come with him. “It is time you learn how we operate.”
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morteesigarette · 5 years ago
It had been weeks since he had signed his fate across indifferent office paper, printed upon them lines and lines of cautious promises. A chance that Prosciutto had barely allowed himself the luxury of taking. Again, why was he still willing to breathe, he was not sure. There was that feeling, like hearing the heartbeat of another, a soft, steady warmth upon knowing that there were life and hope that continued to swell in his chest. 
At least, that is what he dares to call it when he is told from the Speedwagon researchers that his progress has been better than projected. That is what he tells himself when the stiffness in his jaw sets in, tensing right at his temples. When his fingers continue to twitch, and he cannot hide them in his pocket. When he bites his lips hard enough, the dents of his teeth leave a tell-tale mark upon his skin.
That is what the youth, this new don, dares offer him. Another chance at life and hope. Giorno is straightforward. He is careful, serious, a demeanor that spoke volumes of his maturity. In the times that they had interacted, Prosciutto can tell that Giorno is taking great pains to remedy the mistakes of the past. 
So, when that same youth enters the room, Prosciutto takes a deep breath. His shoulders rise in tension as he speaks, greeting the other.
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“Hello, don Giovanna. I received your message and came promptly as I could,” he announces. Prosciutto bows his head respectfully, waiting to take Giorno’s hand in reverence.
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silvercharict · 5 years ago
✣ ——— Giving the Don a reflect of his life as a stand user and all the adventures he’d lived thorough, pouring him a nice fresh brew of mint tea and plate of biscuits. Setting the ambiance for a small afternoon tea. It was the most he could do within the walls of the room he is now tied to for who knows how long.
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                    “Danger. Everywhere I go, I’m ducking danger.” Polnareff nonchalantly recalled to Giorno about the life he’s lead thus far. Even in his current condition he couldn’t seem to catch a break. A sip from his tea, taking in the herbal scent. Turning his gaze back to the young man. “Now tell me, what is it that you wish to know other than my clumsy encounters with near death?”
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bukorcsu · 5 years ago
“ because i know something you don’t know. ”
the princess bride sentence starters,,,   @crepcscolo   }
at that moment, narancia  ( who until now didn’t seem interested in what giorno was saying )  suddenly stops eating the pie & turns his face slowly towards him. suspicious, narrow eyes staring at the other gangster standing right beside him. i mean, it’s no surprise to anyone that he can sometimes prove to have a youthful personality, but there’s also a part of him that doesn’t pay attention to all the frivolous stuff in the world——it needs to be something special to get his attention. the problem here, however, is that giorno appealed to the only thing that could make narancia instantly interested: his curiosity.
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“ what do you mean? ”   he leans with his elbows against the chair.   “ ... and what would that be? about what? if you are talking about mista wearing panties yesterday i already know, i told him to do that ‘cause he lost a bet. ”
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lxgatus · 6 years ago
“  you can’t dictate what’s best for someone else. ”
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          ❝ IT’S NOT dictating, it’s merely a suggestion. What can I say, I see a problem and I naturally seek out a solution. Mind you, you don’t have to TAKE the advice, I am simply… throwing it out there. ❞
     WAS he being nosy? Certainly. But then again, advice was best given from unbiased sources. 
MISC SENTENCE STARTERS || @crepcscolo || Accepting
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heartshredded · 6 years ago
i'm not smart so its easy to feel insecure about writing characters that are idealistic / psychological / philosophical / actual anime Shakespeare, though they're usually the antagonists.
i'm not religious and i'm not a deep person, i don't know what they would say half the time and i just pray it makes sense whenever i write them?
mainly referring to writing fyodor, akutagawa, eto and giorno, like who talks like that in real life seriously
fyodor example: a paragraph about beauty or something, angel and devil and stuff. what.
i find it really awesome when people write those sort of muses so well, mad respect
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notsodaily-smolkakyoin · 6 years ago
just turns all his knives into flowers, checkmate
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[[ No more knives ]]
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20sep1847 · 6 years ago
" scusa, mister but what is that atrocious hairstyle? is that what is considered trendy? "
   “Atrocious? You’re one to talk, young man. Even as mullets go, yours is outrageous in its lack of taste.
   Mine, on the other hand, is striking, don’t you think? Attention-grabbing. Sculpted. Coiffed. Plus, my hair color doesn’t come out of a bottle unlike some people’s.”
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truelightheart-a · 6 years ago
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✾ @ all dios: sorry dio, you stole my first kiss, i'll steal your kids
(( thank u @crepcscolo​ <3 ))
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myentropy · 6 years ago
to @crepcscolo
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“giogio...”  it hadn’t been long, since fugo dedicated his heart, soul, and mind to the don’s dream but the eyes....they always failed to follow suit.  it was a burden to understand just how one part could be so inverse with the other. how often would fugo pause thinking that he was still looking at the giorno from almost a year ago pressed on joining passione? how long could fugo stare without seeing any changes?
“i’m sorry giogio, i didn’t mean to make you wait. i have -i finished the finance report. though if you’re busy we can go through the changes i made another time...”
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