simp-of-the-day · 4 years
If you could live outside of the mansion, would you?
As easy as it may sound thats actually really tough to answer. Would i get to take people with me? It's not right that I'd get to leave and not them. We've been together for years now, im not going to just leave everyone behind.
If i could take them with me though, yes.
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jaspernquartz · 4 years
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simp-of-the-day · 4 years
How many dumb teenagers dose it take to run away from the cops?.....
4 apperently.
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simp-of-the-day · 4 years
Ever heard of a guy named Doby? He might go by Third Base? -DF
Yeah i know him, we're pretty good friends actually.
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simp-of-the-day · 4 years
Hi Alice!! Guess who finally learned how to use this app!💕-Jasper
Lol, hi Jas!😊😊💖💖💖 bout time.
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simp-of-the-day · 4 years
It's been a minute, updates?
Your right it has been a minute, i dont have many updates thou. Lets seeee
Well since winter has set in we've had an influx of jobs being sent out, we've all been pretty busy with that and taking care of the house.
Jas got a new hair cut which is pretty cool, and everyone has been getting pretty close being in the house or put on jobs together all the time.
Thats all i can really think of, but if you want an update on someone specific just let me know.
Alice out!-
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simp-of-the-day · 4 years
List of favorites? (Favorite food, favorite color, etc)
My favorites? Lets see..
Food: zucchini and squash and stuff like that. Espetily in soups.
Color: green and yellow, and of course red.
Animal: cats, and deer are cool.
Music: alt and indie, i don't mind heavy rock either
Flower: sunflowers
Show: game theory ( technical not a show but i love it)
Scent: pine, or Jasper's baking
Baked good: cup cakes, red velvet it the best.
Thats all i can think of but if theres another one im missing let me know
Alice out-
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simp-of-the-day · 4 years
A bit of advise to those that need it.
If all else fails, burn it to the ground.
Have a wonderful night😊 Alice out-
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simp-of-the-day · 4 years
Would you and Salrm party me with me if Jeff died?
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simp-of-the-day · 4 years
You drink & you smoke, who's your dealer?
That ones a secret, sorry man, you either know em or dont
Alice out-
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simp-of-the-day · 4 years
How do you feel about your Mentor?
He's...him. I hate him but he comes in handy at times. He's a dick but he cares in a wired way. Sharing a room with him is hell, doesn't know how to pick up after himself.
A while back Jace and i had fallen asleep on the couch after i cleaned up from a job. Jeff got back from a longer job the same day, didn't like that i was with a BoY. He actually picked me up off the couch while i was asleep to take me back to our room, but Jace woke up and shit went sideways.
He's constantly calling me "soft" or "weak" becasue i care about people. We're constantly getting into fight, both verbal and physical.
He's an ass, but i dont hate him...completely..i think.
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simp-of-the-day · 4 years
Hey, dose anyone have any good recipes? I only know how to cook a handful of things and its getting old
Please and thanks.
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simp-of-the-day · 4 years
Why were you running from the cops? Who else was there?
One of us, im not going to name names, left someone alive in the house down the street and they called the cops. I was with Salem, Lavander, and Atlas.
*Cough cough* Atlas * cough*
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simp-of-the-day · 4 years
Jeff would probably try to murder Astrid... Not that that's a complete con -?
He would come close but i don't think he would kill her.
Alice out-
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simp-of-the-day · 4 years
You're close with Jace, so what about Dr. Smiley?
Well on one hand he's and ass and if i could kill him i would. But on the other he's my smoking/messing with Jace buddy. I hate him but less some times.
Fun fact, i actually stayed with Smily for little under a month so he could teach me how to dress my oun wounds, and do my oun stiches. E.j. got tired of having me in the infirmary so often, so he talked Jeff into handing me over to Smily for a bit to learn the basics.
Alice out-
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simp-of-the-day · 4 years
Is Jace just a danger to himself?? Does he get stabbed like once a week or something?
Yes. Yes he is. He dosn't get stabbed once a week, but it may as well be.
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