navree · 2 months
35 😈
35. A character you just don’t get the hype of
I'd say you want me murdered but I had to work on contentious primary campaigns so no Internet hate train based on fictional characters can keep me down. There's a lot, honestly, I'm very contrarian. The only things I like about show!Daemon are things that his actual fans hate, I was never into Sansa at all she's always honestly bothered me and even if her story is interesting her character isn't to me, I don't know what y'all see in book!Rhaenyra at all, book!Tyrion I kinda get but he's just so misogynistic, a good chunk of the side characters are people that I don't get the hype for but there are also some side characters that I adore that I'm sure people would side-eye, one of my favorite characters in ASOIAF is fucking Aeron Damphair and I'm sure a lot of people find that odd.
Also Rhaegar. Do not get the hype around Rhaegar. He sucks so bad, why does anyone like him? Like, no matter which side you're on in anything, even Robert's Rebellion, you should hate him anyway because he shafted everyone and he's awful and gross and nasty and if I have to hear one more character crow about how he was God's gift to Westeros I will get one of those "reality shifter" kids on TikTok to take me there myself so that I can cave his chest in with a giant hammer. Fuck Rhaegar Targaryen, all the bitches hate Rhaegar Targaryen.
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bikananjarrus · 4 months
thank you @astromechs for the tag!! 💜
My Top 15 TV Shows (not in any particular order):
1. star wars rebels
2. supernatural
3. merlin
4. avatar: the last airbender
5. abbott elementary
6. leverage
7. andor
8. 9-1-1
9. daredevil
10. sense8
11. ted lasso
12. warrior nun
13. stargate sg-1
14. the haunting of hill house/the haunting of bly manor
15. the ones who live (the walking dead) (and honorary mention for like the first 5ish seasons of the og walking dead)
(i’m sure there’s other fave shows that i’m forgetting but these were the ones that came to mind first)
no pressure tagging: @effie-trinket , @dilf-din , @achingly-shy , @creepygnocchi (and anyone else who wants to participate!)
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navree · 3 months
Question for you, oh ASOIAF/F&B analysis queen: Do you think GRRM will ever actually finish ASOIAF? I feel like no, and like he should just hire his former assistant (half of James S.A. Corey) to finish it because GRRM clearly doesn't want to (or feels pressured from the reaction to the show idk). I know you appreciate Dany as a character - do you think that, if the books ever actually did continue (lol), she would've ended up like she does in GOT? (Also, side note: sometimes I think you interpret female characters in ASOIAF with more nuance than GRRM himself appreciated/intended, but maybe I'm just not giving him the benefit of the doubt.)
Unrelated: I don't watch HOTD (I just like Rhaenyra because Emma D'Arcy is a great actor), but sorry they did the B&C scene incorrectly. They should've owned up to the choices Team Black makes.
So, the thing to know about me is I am an eternal optimist. Not unrealistically so, but I am someone whose first instinct is that things are gonna work out in my favor, even if it takes a while. So I do think that GRRM is gonna at least finish The Winds of Winter, if only because he has been actively working on it for, like, ten million years. I'm a bit more iffy about A Dream of Spring, if only because George is not a particularly young man and I wouldn't be shocked if he ended up dying of old age before completing it, especially since the length of wait time seems to double with every new release. If TWOW gets finished this year, than we're supposed to expect ADOS by, what, 2044? By which time George while be in his mid-nineties? Winds also doesn't need to solve every dangling plot thread, since it's still not the last book, which is good because I think part of the issue and wait time, based on George's context clues, is that he's kinda written himself into a corner on at least one key thing and has been struggling to figure a way out of it (along with what I assume is more pressure due to the show's catastrophic ending).
I think it's possible we'll see a version of what we saw in the show with book!Dany, because the issue most people had wasn't necessarily with how Dany's arc ended, but the steps taken to get there, which were rushed and sloppy and made no sense and grotesquely out of character. But I think it's going to look very different, because the show and the books literally cannot end in the same way. The choices made in changing character motivations, character storylines, and even straight up cutting arcs and plots and whole entire swaths of people means that ASOIAF is an entirely different narrative to GOT, and the stories cannot line up in their conclusion. That's part of what sunk GOT, David and Dan knew key beats of how the story ended, but had switched around so much in getting there that all these characters are functionally different people in a different plot, so trying to force them into book storylines didn't work. Like, the whole thing with "the bells". There is a character in the books, Jon Connington, who has a trauma response associated with the bells of King's Landing that could lead to him making dumb decisions that would eventually result in the destruction of the city. But the way that would go about in the books is nowhere near what we saw in that fuckass show. @turtle-paced has a post about how that would work that I cannot for the life of me find but the gist of it is that there will be some bells ringing to signify surrender during the conflict between Dany and Aegon/fAegon, but that Connington will likely ignore it and keep fighting because trauma response, Dany will then continue hostilities herself in the face of that, and at some point the fires involved, cuz she has dragons, are going to reach the cache of wildfire Aerys hid all over the city and blow everything sky high, because that wildfire has been given way too much significance to not matter. Very different from Dany seeing abject surrender and just deciding to become She-Hitler on a whim, because it involves characters that the books set up, like Jon Connington and Arianne Martell and Aegon/fAegon and the involvement of the Golden Company, who were literally all cut from the show. So Dany likely will have a moment where she causes mass destruction in King's Landing, she might even have a moment where she rules and might exhibit some darker tendencies, and she might die (I'm still on the fence on whether that'll happen or not), but it's not gonna be like we saw in the show, and the circumstances of any death on her part is going to be entirely different.
I probably do give more nuance to most characters, especially Fire&Blood characters, than GRRM intended, it's that eternal optimist in me that wants to believe that stuff is well written. But for F&B I at least allow that part of it is straight headcanoning because of how muddled and sparse the information is, especially when it relates to characters from the Conquest. Is there any evidence in the text for my firm belief that Visenya was a lesbian and the real "love triangle" was her and Aegon both super into Rhaenys? No, there is not, but I will go to my grave believing it.
God I wish Emma D'Arcy was in more stuff so I could see more of them, they're so good and I'd kill to have them act out scripts that are, like, well written. Honestly finding out the leaks about how they were doing Blood and Cheese really turned me off of watching season 2 even though I was tentatively back on board due to the Aegon dad stuff, because it's just badly written, and the cop-out excuse of "oh there's some stuff you can't legally do with kids involved" makes no sense because y'all are making a TV show, you're filming, you know editing and cuts and multiple takes and different angles exist. Do you actually think that D&D were having Lena Heady and Nikolaj Coster-Waldau simulate graphic sex, including elements of nudity, literally right in front of ten year old Isaac Hempstead-Wright? No, of course not, they edited that together from two separate takes, oh wow how novel that's never been done before. And they did that because Bran catching the Lannisters fucking is, like, important to the plot, and honestly Blood and Cheese doing what they did in the way that they did it is too. It turns the smallfolk hard against Rhaenyra and her faction, which is important because it's a smallfolk uprising that leads to her fleeing King's Landing and ultimately dying and losing the war, and it's part of a broader trend in ASOIAF about how monarchy is a bad system. Rhaenyra sanctioning Blood and Cheese and not punishing Daemon in the slightest for this egregious action shows that she is not, in fact, the right choice for the Iron Throne. And neither is Aegon. Because there's no right choice, because this war specifically was entirely useless and that's why, narratively, it's the beginning of the end for House Targaryen, and broadly because birthright monarchy is a scam and should not exist. There's a reason why all the kings who've sat the Iron Throne in ASOIAF are bad, that Tommen is a bad king, that Joffrey was a bad king, that Robert was a bad king, that Aerys was a bad king, that even a lot of claimants aren't really gonna be good kings (Renly was an idiot and Stannis, for all I love him, is too hard headed and rigid). And conversely, there's a reason why the rulers we see who are the best morally tend to be the ones who've come the closest to being democratically chosen, Robb was chosen by his bannermen by popular decree, Jon was elected by the Night's Watch in a democratic vote, Dany was willingly followed by free men and women who were given the option not to (and even all three of them have issues when it comes to ruling and are far from perfect monarchs). There's not really such a thing as a "good king", not firmly, because a monarchy is inherently unjust. Rhaenyra's claim is inherently as illegitimate as Aegon's, it rests on "Daddy said it's mine so it's mine" rather than "Mommy said it's mine so it's mine", because that's how hereditary monarchies work and that's bad. And having Rhaenyra allow acts of senseless brutality in her name due to personal hangups is a part of showcasing that. There's no good side in this civil war, there's no good and righteous claimant, and whitewashing so much of Team Black's actions weakens the overall story (but at least makes their stans look like the hypocrites they are, considering they were all about book purity when it came to, like, the concept of sapphics in Westeros but now all the people chanting "we support all of Team Black's war crimes after that boring ass plank of wood got eaten" have gone dead silent about the deviations when it comes to making Daemon and Rhaenyra not be monsters, shrug dot emoji).
Also, how are you, as a writer, gonna say that the core of the story is Rhaenyra and Alicent, and then not include Alicent in Blood and Cheese? Like, she was there, she was physically attacked, by this thing that happened as a result of Rhaenyra's wants and wishes! And you don't do anything with that? You don't want to give Emma D'Arcy the chance to perform that delusion conflict, that she wanted revenge but didn't even get it, and worse, someone she loved so dearly, still deep down loves so dearly, was assaulted and put in real danger as a result? If the leaks are true and Rhaenyra and Alicent are gonna have a secret meeting in the next couple episodes, imagine how wonderful it could be if Rhaenyra has to confront that not only has her side hurt Alicent emotionally in torturing her daughter and murdering her grandson, but physically as well. Imagine Rhaenyra, full of righteous "the throne is mine" crap but having to confront the still healing physical wounds on Alicent's body. It could be so good for Rhaenicent character interaction, even for Daemyra character interaction if they wanted to still whitewash Rhaenyra and have it be Daemon going off script against her wishes, but at this point I'm not entirely sure Ryan and Sara are good at their jobs.
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bikananjarrus · 3 months
✨Lore Drop✨
Tagged by @strwrs (thank u for the tag emily <333)
Do you make your bed? usually yeah! i mean it's not the sharpest made bed, but every morning i straighten everything out again.
Favorite number? 3!
What’s your job? i work for a non-profit family foundation, which provides grants in a variety of areas, including Holocaust education. we do a number of things related to Holocaust education (not just grant work) and that’s primarily my job focus.
If you could go back to school, would you? no lol. my master's degree burnt me out so bad. (but i do love learning, so *IF* i did go back, i would go for a bachelor's in classics and/or archaeology).
Can you parallel park? nope! driving? fine. parking? i’m not good at it lmao.
Do you think aliens are real? absolutely! the universe is too big for there not to be alien life out there somewhere
Can you drive a manual car? also no. i wouldn't be opposed to learning though!
What’s your guilty pleasure? idk if i would consider this a guilty pleasure (bc i never feel guilty doing it) but every once in a while i'll have a day where i just sit and watch romcoms all day. i get myself a little treat and just watch a bunch of romance movies back to back and it's the best <3
Tattoos? yeah! i have 6 of them currently, but i want a bunch more, i just don't have tattoo money rn 😭
Favorite color? blue 💙
Do you like puzzles? i do! i haven't done them in a while bc i don't have the best space in my apartment right now, but i really enjoy doing them.
Any phobias? a reasonable fear of drowning, esp in open water (even though i can swim, and love to swim) and a minor phobia of spiders
Favorite childhood sport? i played softball for a bit as a kid, which i enjoyed. and again, i love to swim, though i was never on a swim team; just did it for fun. my sister played a lot more sports, so i enjoyed supporting her more than actually doing them myself
Do you talk to yourself? oh all the time haha
(no pressure) tagging: @dilf-din @creepygnocchi @tremendouskoalachild (and anyone else who wants to participate!)
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