#creator sitting on the floor bc he gave her legs the snip snip: ๐Ÿ˜
cinnamonest ยท 3 years
How do you think Albedo would react if he found out creator!darling had some sort of fwb relationship with someone in monstat when he went through their journal.
I like to think it doesn't happen on the initial night he reads poor creator's journal. That night, he was just looking for answers -- things about him, desperate to have a reason, a justification to his anger. So he stuck to the earlier parts, the parts that detailed her life with him before abandoning him.
Of course, after a few days or weeks settled into their... new lifestyle, he remembers the journal, now tucked away somewhere with other belongings... and gets a bit curious again. Ends up the same way he was then, sitting on the floor late at night, carefully tracing over each and every word. Perhaps some would find such a thing boring, but for him, every word she's written is precious, he runs his fingers over the slightest of indents where the pen pressed to paper.
To say stumbling upon her records of the affair makes him upset would be an understatement. He feels physically ill, nauseous, finds his hands gripping the sides of the book so harshly his hands tremble. It's made so much worse because it's progressive -- it's not just a blatant entry that says "Oh I fucked this guy," no, it's dread that starts slowly in his stomach as he first reads an entry about having met someone -- that alone isn't a lot. She writes about meeting plenty of people, and although each one makes him grind his teeth a little bit, it doesn't start to get under his skin until he sees the same name twice. It's like walking around in the dark, knowing something is chasing you and will jump out at you any moment, a slow and inevitable progression as the name comes up again and again, more and more in a positive way with each entry. He knows where it's headed, it becomes obvious how it's progressing, slowly unfolding events that he knows he can't do anything about, what's going to happen, and eventually he finally comes across that one final entry.
He's glad it's not too descriptive. If you had detailed the acts, he doesn't think he'd be able to handle it. Part of him wants to just slam the thing shut and never look at it again, but the other part feels a compulsion to take in every word. It goes from a nauseous feeling, dread and hurt, to just pure anger. Blood boiling. At this other guy, at you. At this point, he's already reached the mental stage where he no longer blames himself for anything that happened -- it's an arrogance, a narcissism that would surprise most, but you always saw it, deep down, that even when he would apologize and be so meek, you could tell he never truly believed it. He can never be wrong. Can never accept blame for anything. That's why everything that happened was your fault -- now, including this.
At the same time, he's too proud to directly come to you about it. Some mix of pride and bitterness. But that doesn't stop you from immediately knowing something is wrong, because oh boy does he glare. He gets unusually cold, even quieter than normal. You have to initiate every exchange, he won't even look at you unless you speak first, and even then he just glares with narrowed eyes, gives you one-word responses. He's always had a kinda immature, bitter stubbornness where he wants you to know he's mad, but won't tell you why, leaves you guessing and shrinking back under the intense negative atmosphere be created with silence and narrowed eyes. And you know you're falling for it, doing exactly what he wants, but you cave and you ask what the hell his damage is -- well, the "you" before might have, but you now use a much less inflammatory choice of words.
And even then, the utter petulant brat won't even tell you, just shrugs and says nothing. It's eyeroll-worthy.
After a day or so, he finally brings it up, indirectly. Asks you that hey, you know, you never did tell him about your travels... How about it? Fill him in. You entertain the request, but, of course, don't say anything about the relationship, you're not stupid.
Nonetheless, you immediately know what's up when he asks is that all? Not that he's disappointed -- he knew you wouldn't tell him immediately. Asking was just to see the look on your face, your eyes widening and sheepish shame on your features. So pretty.
Of course he *does* get frustrated if you can't provide him with a location as to where that person may be now. Unless you're lying to him... But even when he implements some pain, you still insist you don't know. Sigh. You really make him go above and beyond for you. He'll have to figure it out on his own. He's still very cold and bitter and pouty for several days, it's honestly childish. You might make the mistake of calling it such to his face, if you are feeling... particularly masochistic that day.
He's not emotionally ready for it so soon, but within a few days he'll ask, and if that doesn't work, force, for you to tell him what you two did together. Can't have there being anything you did with this other person that you haven't done with him.
He doesn't believe you at first when you say nothing, really. You insist over and over again, you didn't do anything special, it was just normal sex! He has trouble believing that, but only after a lot of prodding and specifics do you make your mistake, blurting out that it shouldn't be hard to believe -- not everyone is a fucking degenerate like you!
That, as you can imagine, goes over especially poorly...
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