#creator answers
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napoleoniccandyau · 3 months ago
do they have different flavors
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((Punched/hit them to prove this theory. Yes, they do have different flavors. It's just based on their nations I suppose.))
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ask-ray-sans · 2 months ago
Ooooooh, suspicious! GIVE US THE MASK BENDY!
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[E] Guys- SHHHHH!
[B] yall say something?
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little-game-pv · 9 months ago
Omg Pv has the :3 mouth does that mean he frowns like :<
I just did that for the drawing. It's funny to imagine tho
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askmafiabobvelseb · 1 year ago
what does Beka sound like? :0
she sounds like me! thebekashow ^_^
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highway-road23 · 5 months ago
I'm really curious about your opinion about Guren and Mahiru overall (like as character, their relationship etc).
Guren: he is the best written character and IS a good guy, you will understand him when you are old enough
Mahiru: she is annoying but she is NOT a bad one too but yes she is annoying
Their relationship: I pray for them to end up as friends not a marriage couple because that's stupid for 103982829010103848290101 reasons
These were mine if Admin wants to add more they will edit this post later
This is Admin talking
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vanessa-hyde · 9 months ago
Ah heck- what did you need Floyd?
*keeping a fair distance, not wanting to be surprise attacked*
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livewildlivefree · 1 year ago
Question Box Open!
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Which means I’m open to answer any questions involving with Desolate Paradise, The Creator (Aka: Me), The Characters within the AU and overall the Development of this project.
At this time I will be taking at least a limit of ten questions during this box opening, if it exceeds the limit the question box will close and any extra questions will be put on a wait list and will be answered later on.
So not to worry, if your question hasn’t been answered it will be in due time. If I’m not too busy or nothing comes up that would delay it.
Anyways rules have been placed down below.
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Question’s Limit 0/10
1: No Too Personal Questions
Reasons: I prefer to stay anonymous, if any questions that are too personal will be deleted.
2: No Inappropriate Questions
Reasons: I just don’t care for these questions and I will not answer them.
3: No Harassment
Reasons: Don’t. Just, don’t... It won’t make the project go any faster.
4: No Spam
Reasons: Please do not spam me, because your question will be answer in time. So please be patient.
5: No Hate/Trolling
Reasons: No hate or trolling towards me or others that ask questions. We all want to have a good time, please don’t ruin that.
6: No Requests
Reasons: I’m willing to answers questions, not do your requests.
7: No Role-Playing Questions
Reasons: Please be yourself and don’t confuse me.
8: No Repeated Questions
Reasons: Any questions that I find that are repeating I will delete. I don’t want to be endlessly answering the same questions.
9: No Political/Sensitive asks
Reasons: I don’t care for these questions and don’t want very dark or sensitive questions on here, I just want to have fun and good vibes.
10: No Desolate Paradise Spoiler Questions
Reasons: No Spoilers! Because what’s the point of the upcoming comic if I spoil everything. These secrets are staying in the vault!
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Available Characters for the Question Box
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1: Mike Chilton
2: Chuck
3: Dutch Gordy
4: Texas
5: Julie Kapulsky 
6: Jacob
7: The Mysterious Hooded Stranger (AKA: OC Rose Maiden)
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1: Abraham Kane 
2: The Hunter
3: Kaia
4: The Duke of Detroit
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So to end this off, I’m excited to answer any of your questions during this question box grand opening.
So don’t be afraid to ask, I won’t bite!
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ask-the-celestial-family · 1 year ago
Uhhh okay everyone; if you see a fellow family member- do NOT let them touch you at all- there is a bit of a virus going around
Stop! Stop it! -Eclipse🧡
You must obey. *passes control to Eclipse* -Star⭐
Come along all five of you. *leading KC, Star, Eclipse, Blood Moon, and Harvest Moon* -Creator
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aeons-domain · 2 years ago
Ask Game for someone's OC
🎹 - Do they have any hobbies?
Answered that one here!
❤️ - What is one of your OC’s best memories?
Aside from the obvious answer ((cough cough anything in regards to my OT3 cough cough)), I think one of the best memories Madison had was when she and her foster mother bonded closer due to the losses they faced in life. It tugged on Madi's heartstrings when her foster mother got more comfortable with being called 'Mama' and basically let their walls down each other. This significant moment in Madison's life was like a second chance of being human and being a daughter to someone.
✂️ - What is one of your OC’s worst memories?
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This sounds like a question for me to start lore dumping 😏😏😏 HAHAHKSDJF
I'll put the answers under the cut as it contains mentions of physical and psychological abuse, loss of a loved one, and me rambling away/word vomiting my lore AHA 😃🔫
I'd probably pinpoint 2 of the worst memories she's had because I can never decide on just one hehu….Anyways! I'll probably drop the order of these memories in chronological order here.
At the age of 6, Madison lost her twin brother Mason to a bus accident during their school field trip. The two were in separate sections so they rode in different buses, but it was only found out later in the day that Mason's bus never arrived back. Losing a loved one more so your own sibling took a toll on young Madison, but what made it worse was this inkling feeling that… Mason wasn't dead. Of course, everyone who heard Madison's cries of insisting that he was still alive chalked it up as a trauma response and simply shushed her away. This feeling of denial has haunted her in the years to come when she's alone with her thoughts.
The year after this incident, Madison was then sold to the government by her father for examination on her telekinethic powers as a potential means to be bioweapons. Raphael, Madison's father, hid the truth from his wife under the guise of sending Madi to a correction's institute due to her erratic behavior after Mason's "death".
Brutal experiments aside, I think what made this memory so messed up for Madison was how her own sleeping quarters was modeled to look exactly like that of her own bedroom from back home… the position of her bed, the placement of items and keepsakes similar to the ones she had, how Mason's own bedroom mirrored hers because they practically slept in the same room but with a space of their own… It was mental and psychological torture to see a place that Madison once loved become a place that she detested as it only brought memories of her captivity under the government.
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escapetogetherau · 1 year ago
Checking in once again, how is that hiatus going? And what are you thoughts on Low & Alone, you think they'd get along with the others?
(You're of course not obligated to answer this, in case you have lost interest in LN)
Hello, Hello. Yes, the author is still alive don't worry qvq
I really like Low and Alone! I'm a huge sucker for bird masks, and the safety jacket reaching up till the mouth is funny to me.
As for whether they would get along with the others? I can totally see that (maybe they'd be wary of Six tho, but what do I know)
As for the hiatus. Things are still uncertain but I wouldn't go that far to say the AU is cancelled, not yet at least. It's just I feel like I shouldn't split my attention between two stories (the current one I'm posting), otherwise overworking will happen and nobody wants a dead Xenon.
All in all, we'll just have to wait and see. Thank you so much for checking in 🙏🏼
Hope everyone's day goes well!
- Sincerely Xenon
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napoleoniccandyau · 2 months ago
who is the tallest are they all the same or do they have height differences
((They all have the same height! Except for the duke of Wellington, he's the tallest. Though, they have different body types and noses just to differentiate them all... hopefully it helps people figure out who's who.))
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ask-ray-sans · 8 months ago
Hey hey creators! How are ya doing? Sorry I've been inactive because health reasons but I'm still here and still supporting ya'll no matter what! <3
[E] Been struggling with yk life stuff a bit and demotivation, but I'm doing a lot better now ^^ Thanks for asking, Meelu! Hope everything is well/gets better with you!
[B] camping kinda. The summer heat is unbearable in this ski mask
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s-creations · 2 years ago
🖤 favorite hobbies outside of your blog (Link to Ask List)
Well, to answer this honestly, I'm keeping writing and drawing off the table. XD Because those activities are hobbies (big ones), but they take up the majority of my time.
Biggest one would definitely be playing games, following that would be reading. Those are the two activities that I have when I just want to just relax. While I like all of what I do, it's nice to have an activity that let's me rest my brain.
On the more extreme version of hobbies would be: 1. Writing Books 2. Creating Comics 3. Coding/Writing Games 4. Playing Flute (Very rusty ATM) 5. Getting into Voice Acting 6. Knitting 7. Cosplaying 8. YouTube/Editing Videos 9. Graphic Design
I say 'extreme' because these take up a lot of time and these are hobbies that I want to get better at to help other people. Like, I would love to play my flute with a small band. I have ideas for games that I want to make that will take a while to make. And I count these as hobbies at they're not my main source of income (like if I Freelance some work or sell something).
Hopefully that answered your question!
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askmafiabobvelseb · 2 years ago
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Do all of Eloise’s clones have the same mind, or are they different people entirely?
If they all have the same mind, what would happen if one of the clone’s brain/mind was altered? Would all clones have their brain/mind altered, or would that one clone just be an odd one out?
imma answer this plainly :D All Meepers (clones) are a hive mind. they have the same genetic lines, same liking, etc. if one was to have either altered mind or likings altered, they would just. disappear. Why? Because Grecun clones are suppose to have the same mind and likings. they only have new likings if ELOISE has new likings. hope this helps!
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tfmultiverse · 2 years ago
hey, little dump question about most of your AU's. But what are Madeline and Priscilla Pynch's roles in those AU's?
Their roles don't differ in any besides Apocolypse.
In apocolypse they just work to survive
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th3-symb0ls · 3 months ago
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Welcome to The Symbols! Names Ari. This is the main account, for non official content, go to @th3-symb0ls-rant where I'll post non official art of The Symbols, fanart, memes, reposts, and role play.
You're free to engage in role plays, ask questions, or even just strike conversation.
I'm a busy person so asks might take a few days and uploads will never be frequent or scheduled. During my breaks I might post more, but as of right now. No schedule.
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Rules / expectations:
Be respectful
Keep things as PG-13 as they can
No NSFW (outside of maybe gore[?])
If engaging in Role play please specify which character you're talking to or regarding. I'll have character cards added underneath as characters are made
I'll always be in character as one of my ocs unless stated otherwise. 
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Cheat sheet:
OOC: its me, not a character
🎹: The Symbols
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#Creator Answers #Creator asks #Creator interrupts #The Symbols answers #The Symbols Asks #The Symbols RP #The Symbols #The Symbols repost #Creator repost #Creator draws #The Symbols Draw
As well as the characters the post revolves around. Which will mostly be the main 6:
#Calliope Callis #Kaylie Gardens #Marcus Cleveland #Camren Diaz #Juan Gonzalez #Koiyo Sol
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Enjoy the Blog <3 and keep an eye out for updates under here as characters are being made/designed
(Border creds: @samspenandsword & @sweetmelodygraphics)
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