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natty-top5 · 1 year ago
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nishp · 1 year ago
🌟 Happy World Dream Day! 🌟
Today, we celebrate the incredible power of dreams – not just the ones we have while we sleep, but also the dreams that inspire us, drive us and shape our lives. Dreams are the sparks of creativity, the fuel for ambition, and the whispers of our deepest desires.
On this special day, let's embrace the magic of dreaming. Share your most cherished dreams and aspirations, tag your dream chasers, and let's encourage each other to reach for the stars.
Dreams have the remarkable ability to transcend boundaries and unite us in hope and vision. They've given us some of the world's greatest inventions, art, literature, and progress. They remind us that anything is possible if we dare to believe.
So, whether it's a dream of adventure, success, love, or simply a dream of making the world a better place, let it shine brightly today. Nurture your dreams, set goals, and take those small steps that lead to fulfilling them.
Remember, your dreams are the blueprints of your destiny. 🌠✨
Happy World Dream Day! 💫❤️
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robertglennhopkins · 4 months ago
Fate isn't just what happens to us—it's shaped by the actions we take with the opportunities we're given. Every choice is a step toward creating our own fortune. Embrace the moment, seize the chances, and remember: success is what you make of it! #Motivation #CreateYourDestiny #MakeYourFortune #trending #viral #quotes #facebookreel #instagramreels
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nimixo · 1 year ago
Unleash Your Destiny: The Art of Self-Empowerment
The only person you are destined to become is the person you decide to be. -Ralph Waldo Emerson
#DestinyDecisions #empoweryourself #personalgrowthjourney #decisionmakingpower #createyourdestiny #Nimixo #motivation #motivationalquotes #MotivationBlowByBlow
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infoscape2002 · 1 year ago
"Don't wait for an opportunity; create it. 💫💵 #CreateYourDestiny #FinancialFreedom"
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principal-bipul · 2 years ago
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Embrace this moment as a canvas for the masterpiece of your future. 'Do something today that your future self will thank you for.'
Every choice you make, every step you take, is a brushstroke that paints the vibrant tapestry of your tomorrow. Seize the opportunity to invest in yourself, sow the seeds of growth, and lay the foundation for a future filled with gratitude.
Your journey toward greatness starts with the choices you make today. Let them be the stepping stones that lead to a future that shines even brighter.
🚀💫 #CreateYourDestiny #EmpowerYourFuture #DrBipulSingh #education #Inspiration" Dr. Bipul Singh
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spaladoon · 2 years ago
Learned Helplessness - How you're unconsciously destroying your life
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ateardropintheocean · 5 years ago
For all my prayers earnest
through unwavering faith,
I ask but for your guidance-
Am I not due one miracle?
Indeed you are, my child
That train there- is yours,
Run and make the most
of it, you have my blessing.
The Hard Work Express?
Did I lack in some way?
I thought.. I had done
more than enough already.
In prayers and kind, certainly
thence you can see the train,
now for your life ahead,
you ought to direct the path.
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starseededhippie · 6 years ago
You are the creator of your reality.
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selfcarenlove · 5 years ago
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We create our own reality. What is yours?
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professionallifecoach · 2 years ago
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Weekends are for live music! Everyone sing 🎤 & 💃🏻 dance! #ManifestMagic #ManifestYourLife #TheAOMSystem #GetYourLifeNow #SterlingMire #CreateYourDestiny #LOA #CreateYourLife #Empowerment #SelfHealing #Motivation #livethelifeyoulove PerfectLife #It’sAllWithinYou. (at The World) https://www.instagram.com/p/ClKxDhuOwAQ/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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natty-top5 · 1 year ago
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soulreflectiontarot · 3 years ago
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Today’s Cards Of The Day! Please take what resonates and leave the rest. The cards used are from The light Seer’s Tarot by Chris Anne and The Soul Reflection’s Twin Flame Messenger 3 by Nadine Swiger. (Available on our Etsy Store). , We keep getting this message of TRUST YOUR INTUITION!! Listen to what your gut instincts are telling you!! You are more powerful than you realize!! . When you can fully trust in yourself and where your intuition is leading you, new doors will open. Opportunities will come your way to manifest the future you desire! . Imagine if your wildest dreams were to come true - how does that make you feel? Focus on that amazing energy and let the self doubt melt away! You are on the path you are meant to travel! You are exactly where you are meant to be at this time! Believe in you and your dreams. With some work and patience, all can be possible! 💜💜💜 . . . #oracletarotreadings #oracletarot #mixtarotoracle #oracletarotreadings #manifestationmagic #manifestingdreams #manifestingabundance #manifestations #manifestingmindset #createyourdestiny #yourrightwhereyoursupposedtobe #listentoyourintuition #trustyourintuition #letyourintuitionguideyou #believeinyou #believeinyourselfalways #yougitthis #manifestinglove #manifestinglight #manifestingyourdreams #whoyouaremeanttobe #tarot #oracle #lightseerstarot #lightseers #lightseerstarotreading #chrisanne #twinflamemessenger3 #nadineswiger #twinflamemessenger #soulreflectionoracle https://www.instagram.com/p/ChfQ7VDOs6N/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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leyasfabweightloss · 6 years ago
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As you create your #vision for your life and set your #2019goals.... make you see things as YOU desire to see them and set them as YOU desire and that alone! It's your future and Destiny. Now go after it! #thisiswhatafighterlookslike #thinkpositive #goals #iloveme #positivity #positivevibes #success #leadership #successwomen #survivor #sistalove #sistatosista #sisterhood #speaklife #fearlesswomen #createyourdestiny #futurefocused #missionmotivated #inspiration #purposedriven #beautifulsoul #melaninrocks #beautiful #beautyremixed #destinydriven #keepit💯 (at Florence, South Carolina) https://www.instagram.com/p/BrtgYbOnimP/?utm_source=ig_tumblr_share&igshid=11ft8fbr7rdnl
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phonzeejunior · 6 years ago
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“I’ve been on the low key grinding - learning on the low key shining...” • • ‘Tis the season of hard work. Manifestation of dreams. Laying low. Minding your business. Securing that bag. Finding true happiness. Taking risks. Giving love. Consistency. Discipline. Keeping your commitments. Speaking up. Being aware. Taking action. Being prepared. Seizing opportunities. Learning. Educating. Advancing. Creating. Voting. Laying foundation. Building. Budgeting. Growth. Spiritual awareness. Mental health awareness. Sustainability...and so much more. • • The grind is real. I feel it now more than ever. There’s this constant need to feel we have to share all of our accomplishments - but sometimes they’re more for ourselves than for other people. I’m currently working on sharing with others but also keeping some things for myself. Every move should not be announced - some shit should be protected and respected and used for self-evaluation. • • At this time - if you’re reading this - I wish you love - health - prosperity - growth - favor - clarity - financial freedom - strength and courage. May you be released from the burdens that restrain you and step into the things that bring you the most joy. Not happiness but J O Y. For that shall not be taken away from no (Wo)man. Remember to keep grinding. Keep shining. Sing out loud. Be bold. Smile. Smile. Smile. - this was on my heart this morning. I love you all. Peace and blessings! • • REMEMBER TO VOTE. It matters now more than ever! • • • #MotivationalMonday #Peace #Love #Blessings #Joy #Favor #Create #MasterOfMyFate #CaptainOfMySoul #CreateYourDestiny #ART #GoodMorning #NYC #Global #ExpressYourself #Freedom #Practice #Adidas #Stripes #DirtyShoes #Concrete #Jungle #ProperPreparationPreventsPoorPerformance #GetIt #WorkIt #ThisIsAmerica #AWJ #EGOT #AlphonsoWalkerJr #Virtus (at New York, New York) https://www.instagram.com/p/Bo9YSXYjmGt/?utm_source=ig_tumblr_share&igshid=u7wwc0i1a1iz
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cgfhftcw · 3 years ago
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This year's Shefootball event located in Lagos Nigeria hosted by Ayisat Yusuf Foundation. I was so excited to be able to attend this event and see the great work that Ayisat Yusuf Foundation have put towards empowering these young girls in football. #womeninspiringwomen #selflove #positivity #womenempoweringwomen #empowermentofwomen #womenempowermentcoach #womenscoach #blackwomenempowerment #womensports #embodiment #liveyourtruth #selfbelief #feminineleadership #createyourdestiny #womensupportingwomen❤️ #womensmovement #personalempowerment #shefootball2022 https://www.kick442.com/2022-shefootball-conference-speakers-educate-girls-on-power-of-media-and-sports-law/ https://www.instagram.com/hftcwinc/p/CYyx_zpuvMB/?utm_medium=tumblr
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