#created b y archmage
ashenpumpkin · 3 months
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thewizardcouncil · 2 years
Application Form to Be an Evil Wizard. Please file to your local plane, it will arrive at the city of towers as appropriate
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Text Only Version:
APPLICATION FORM TO BE AN EVIL MAGIC USER (Colloquially known as evil wizard)
Form A1-B1893-C.59.(p)
SECTION 1: Basic Information
NAME (Last, First, Middle, True, Draconic, Wizard)
AGE (if unknown place general epoch of birth)
(See Note A)
Archmage ☐
Artifice ☐
Angel ☐
Angel (Fallen) ☐
Aboleth ☐
Bard ☐
Book (item of power)☐
Demi-Lich ☐
Devine (Holy)☐
Devine (Unholy) ☐
Diet-Lich ☐
Diet-Djinn ☐
Djinn ☐
Head Mage ☐
Hedge Mage ☐
Lich ☐
Mage ☐
Old One ☐
Other ☐
Sorcerer ☐
Warlock ☐
must be preapproved by patron; Clause 1-A: If not  preapproved by specific patron you accept the wizard council as your patron  and shall abide by the laws of magic created by this Pact (to be discussed in  detail at a later time) by checking the box above you are agreeing tacitly  that this box, uncheck or not without the express written consent of your  patron pre-filed to the wizard council. By checking the box at the end, you  are assuring that you agree that the wizard council is to be your new patron  regardless, by leaving the box at the end unchecked you are giving the wizard  council full wherewithal to contact or arraign your specific patron for  questioning, counseling, capturing, contract transferal, or other power attainment  at the cost of, but not limited to, your own magical abilities.
Warlocks Only->☐
Wizard ☐
Reason For  Evil Wizardry (select all that apply):
I am    choosing to be unaffiliated with the wizard council
I am filing    for an enchanted land that falls within the evil wizard category
I am compelled    by prophecy to duel a known chosen one and so must abide by my destiny
My Patron has    compelled me to fill out this form as punishment/reward for not listening/listening    to him/her/them/it
I am    seeking vengeance via magical means
I am filing    this form out of spite
I give off    evil wizard vibes
I am    attempting to gain unlimited power and none shall stand in my way
Assigned    Evil at Salem
Late-Stage    Capitalism
NOTE A: Not all Magic Types or sources of magic  are fully categorized upon this list. Select the one that is closest to your  source of magic. If you have multiple sources of Magic refer to Note B:
  NOTE B: Select the most powerful source of your  magic, and check the multi-magic source box in Section 3
Section 2-a:  Preliminary approval to the wizarding council: Perform Standard Magical  Interview B17-A and check the boxes below as appropriate.
1.        Is the wizard in question sufficiently evil (see evil as defined in standard magical interview 1A)  
(Y ☐ N ☐)
2.        Will their evil (through  action or inaction) specifically negatively affect the wizard council?          
(Y ☐ N ☐)
  (Continued on Following  Sheet)
 3.        Are they currently engaged in an epic battle  of good and evil?                                                  
(Y ☐ N ☐)
a.        If question 3 was  marked Y, are they on the side of evil in said battle?
                                (Y ☐ N ☐)
4.        Does their magic, magical items, or other  abilities warrant a threat to the planet/plane/multiverse
(Y ☐ N ☐)
5.        Do they have an evil familiar magical or  otherwise (including but not limited to hench persons)?       (Y ☐ N ☐)
Evaluator’s  additional comments:  ____________________________________________________________
Final Review
To Be Filled out  By Applicant After Interview within Section 2-A
Were you  determined to be a multi-magical source entity by the evaluation performed in  Section 2-A?
(Y ☐ N ☐)
The following  Checkbox asserts that I agree with the assessment that I am a multi-magical  source entity and all sources of magic have been identified ☐ (leave blank  if otherwise)
At any point  were you determined to have a planes-walker spark? (Y ☐ N ☐)
Are you still  intending to be an evil wizard after being informed by an authorized  competent person performing a magical interview? (Y ☐ N ☐)
(Check All Boxes)
☐ I hereby certify that despite my affiliation  as an evil wizard I will take no action against the wizard council
☐ I hereby certify that any additional  councils that I may create or be involved in will either be subservient to  the council that created and tracks this form, or, will take no action to undermine,  overthrow, or otherwise negatively affect, or effect, the aforementioned  council.
☐I  hereby affirm that I never have been or intend to be a member of the wizard  council that created this form.
☐I  affirm that any minions/familiars/homunculi/golems or other sentient or  semi-sentient creatures that I create will not take negative action against  the aforementioned council.
☐I affirm that any action that may reflect  negatively or be directly against council action will either be on a plane  the council has deemed acceptable to perform said action or, or will be  contained within a demi-plane
 Sign Here with True Name  ____________________________________________________________________
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crystalliccs · 4 years
@makersruins​ – Crystal Tower Era.
ONE SKILLFUL HAND GRABBED for one particular SCROLL in one of the wooden boxes on his humble desk - one incredibly valuable relic of ancient past who he had managed to acquire just several suns ago, claiming it could help to provide a  p o s s i b l e   SOLUTION to enter the central spire. Yet, as he realized merely a few hours later after studying such ancient document, it was naught more than another heroic tale, more likely written after the Crystal Tower’s construction. Indeed, the lecture itself was still quite  v a l u a b l e  – in its own aspect – but unfortunately without any further clues. At least it could now function as example to prove his THESIS, if Thyra could afford time to indulge in the written text. And if she insisted, he was more than  w i l l i n g  to read it out for her, of course.
MINDLESSLY THE YOUNG HISTORIAN carefully placed the scroll on top the PILE OF TOMES he already arranged for her, placing his thumb underneath his chin, clearly in thought. He had spoken about the Second Astral Era to explain the newly found approach and the significant importance of the mages centuries later and naturally, in order for her to understand the true origins of the Allagan Empire, he had to briefly mention the Third Umbral Era as well. He was certain to have  f u l l y  explained the relation to these historical events; yet he was uncertain how to proceed now, after having started to elaborate the details of the Allagan Empire. As young boy it always had been quite helpful for him to associate certain topics with certain faces and names – alas history itself was not as easily told and remembered. Ruins and remains of the past were so easily  b u r i e d  underneath the ground or have turned to DUST over the eons. Truthfully, it was an historian’s lifework to be as utmost  a c c u r a t e  as possible lest knowledge would endure with severe misinformation.
REDDISH EARS FLOPPED to his head in slight frustration as a rather grim expression filled his  u n e q u a l  colored eyes. Perchance he should not be so easily  a g i t a t e d  as he was right now – and it was most certainly not her fault that his mood had been rather  f o u l  lately. At least she seemed interested to learn; one TRAIT he could greatly respect. And truthfully, to be able to talk like this – freely, without any unnecessary interruptions, was indeed comforting his mind if only for a little. The young man slightly sighed, shrugging as he faced her again.
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  ❝Alas I fear most names of the Third Astral Era are long forgotten to history.    Well, with a few exceptions.     The most prominent and important individuals of this age     such as high-ranking archmages,     imperial generals or members of the allagan royalty are fairly     commonly mentioned in different ancient scripts, studied     by my Baldesion colleagues. For instance, you fought General Phlegethon,     a known rebellion leader who was later captured, imprisoned and     then altered through means yet unknown to us. Indeed, there is so much     we still do not understand so many centuries later. ‘Tis easy to     assume that the allagan’s invented aetherochemistry played great role     in such endeavor, however. ’Twas such ambition of creating an easier     life for everyone, not solely through bloodshed, which lead to the     golden age of prosperity. Well, I already told you that the Crystal Tower     was constructed to collect and store the endless energies of the sun –     one fathomless undertaking to our current aetherical knowledge.     Nevertheless, the crystal spire now stands tall in front of us     as last remaining witness of unlimited knowledge,     erected during peaceful times. Say my friend, can you comprehend yet     how discovering the origins of such technology will lead us     to be eternalized in historian annals?     My blood already sings with anticipation!     I wished I…❞
THE YOUNG MAN PAUSED IN HIS WORDS, eyes widening upon seeing the dim flickering of oil lamps behind her, outside his cramped tent. He was no fool to  n o t  realize it was night by now – albeit he failed to fathom  h o w   he could not have realized this much sooner. How long had she been with him? Listening to his endless monologue for too many countless hours? Guilt dripped into his limbs upon such REALIZATION that he had, i n d e e d, shamelessly used her to forget his own frustrations for a little while. Forgetting this nagging FEELING OF UNCERTAINTY; of numbing helplessness upon his own  c o n d e m n e d  fate. He was so very used to only be by himself, brooding over his studies and troubles in a veil of silence, that he had forgotten how it was to have company. Particularly someone like  h e r – a praised hero whose strength was indeed worthy of its tales. Perchance because it has been the  v e r y   f i r s t t i m e  to be able to enjoy such moment with another was why he had failed to notice – and mayhap even made her uncomfortable with his bold explanations of HISTORY.
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    ❝My apologies, my friend.       ‘Tis true you asked me to elaborate the events of the Third Astral Era       but I fear I’ve taken too much of your attention and time.❞
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netherwar-rpg-blog · 7 years
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Welcome to the Wardens, Mandi! Your application for a MAGE OC has been accepted with a Torrance Coombs FC.
I am thrilled that such an exciting character is joining the Wardens! It was a delight to read through such a well-developed app with so many thought out twists and turns. Soren has been emphasized as this intruiging mastermind with a special talent for politics and manipulation which will be really interesting to see in play. Especially as he has strong connections with the Star Tower’s Council of Four and the other Mages in the group! These could be really useful links for the Wardens to take advantage of. His desire to be a leader and to prove himself as the best will surely create a lot of tension too. He was forced into the world of politics and power from an early age, so it will be interesting to see whether he will be able to reconcile with his Archmage father or not. No doubt the Star Tower will eventually have to work with the Wardens so it may force Soren and his father to address their family disputes! We are really excited to see how he interacts with everyone.
The application can be found under the cut. You have 48 hours to create a roleplay account (cannot be a sideblog) for your character and we will be updating our opening date soon!
O O C - I N F O
Name: Mandi
Age: 19
Timezone: EDT
Activity Level: I try to go for daily, but that’s kind of a lie. Several times a week.
Extra: Please love my beautiful mage-daddy.
C H A R A C T E R - I N F O
T H E - B A S I C S
Title: The Mastermind
Name: Soren Archeim
Gender: Male
Age: 74
Class: Mage
Faceclaim: Torrance Coombs
C H A R A C T E R - D E T A I L S
Nationality: Dawnish
Appearance: Soren stands with confidence, his eyes fixated on whoever he is speaking to with a chilling intensity. His brown hair is kept short and neat and he only wears the finest clothing. There is a boyish look about him that can be noticed if an observer looks closely. He has clear skin and is clean of blemishes, with the exception of a burn scar on the inside of his calf that he hides at all cost. When speaking, Soren leans in close to the other person, often smiling and calculating all the while.
+Orderly: Soren is not about to let a mess ruin his fun. His clothing is always folded and neatly put away, and he adheres to a strict schedule. If chaos reigns, then Soren cannot function.
+Determined: Nothing will stop Soren from getting what he wants, when he wants it. He has gone through years of training and racing to the top, and he will not be stopped.
+Ambitious: Soren came from a high-ranking family in Dawnstar and has always been expected to take on a leading role as a mage. He cannot disrupt tradition. He knows that he is best suited to guide the weak and the ignorant.
+Knowledgable: After decades in the Star Tower of learning magic and having access to the largest amount of information in Eldris, it is no surprise that Soren is incredibly intelligent, almost to a terrifying degree. He knows how to maneuver his way through politics as well as control his magical abilities.
-Stubborn: Soren is very firm in his beliefs and rarely wavers from them. He is fearsome in a debate, not only because he will win, but because he will destroy the other with his temper. When tasked with leading a project, he can be unbearable to get along with.
-Arrogant: Soren was born into the Archeim family, an ancient family of mages stretching back for generations. Soren takes great pride not only in his lineage but in his abilities as a full mage of the Star Tower.
-Judgemental: Especially when it comes to witches, Soren is quick to judge those who are not training in the Star Tower. He is under the delusion that all other matters of fighting are vastly inferior. He also looks down upon those in the lower classes.
-Manipulative: The Game of Houses has been present in Soren’s life for as long as he could remember. He learned from the example of those around him, along with the ruthless attitude in Dawnstar. He is incredibly compelling and is willing to influence his most powerful enemies to bring them down.
C H A R A C T E R - B A C K G R O U N D
Soren Archeim was born to Daereth and Giselle Archeim, the product of a loveless marriage between an Archmage and a niece of the High Lord and Lady of Clan Morvel. The boy’s affinity for magic showed earlier than most, at the young age of six. His father promptly enrolled Soren in the Star Tower when the Spark showed itself, using his position as Archmage to allow such a young child to join. Soren had no childhood to speak of, no time to rest, and certainly no time to play. His parents fought constantly, with his mother attempting to groom Soren into the perfect political mastermind and his father simply telling him to hit the books. He always had possession of a golden amulet in the shape of an owl, the symbol of his family. It was a powerful artefact that enhanced earth elemental magic, the element that Soren’s father specialized in.
The life of a young mage in training taught Soren more than he ever could have imagined. He learned quickly and tirelessly aimed to please his parents, knowing precisely how to do so. Daereth only needed Soren to excel in his training, while Giselle could be satisfied if he attended parties and wooed all the right ladies. This led to Soren becoming a master over the mind, able to determine what would make an individual bend to his will.
The combined personalities of his parents crafted Soren into a ruthless child feared by his fellow mages. His father was a man with no sympathy, often punishing unruly mages for his pleasure, and always tirelessly defending the ideals and traditions of the Tower. Soren’s mother, on the other hand, was a crafty woman who, though she wasn’t a mage herself, wielded a tremendous amount of power in her position. Soren had always been taught by his father to look down on his mother for not being a mage, but in truth, Soren had respect for the woman. As Soren began to prepare for his testing, however, he distanced further and further from his mother. At the time of Giselle’s death when Soren was 48, she had long since been abandoned by her husband and son. Soren found himself stoic and unaffected by the death. She meant nothing to him, after all, she was no mage.
Soren passed his test at age 60 with flying colors. He went on to become a full mage and adored every moment of the attention he now received, eyeing the position of Archmage for himself to take up one day. His father wasted no time in training Soren to be his successor and pressuring him to take a mage as a wife to continue to Archeim name. Soren thrived in the Star Tower as a researcher and a battle mage, gaining as much respect as those a century older than him. He was the very image of perfection in the Tower and seemed to excel at everything he touched.
Everything changed, however, when Soren learned of a rising order known as the Wardens. He claimed to want to join in order to take over and lead it himself, but his father was outraged and attacked his son. The two fought for what seemed like hours, but there was no contest. One was an Archmage and the other was a recently- formed Mage. At last Soren found himself near death and fled, using all of his energy to escape to the small town that the Wardens met up in. He was furious, having his entire life taken from him, but knew that the Wardens should not be allowed to venture into such dangerous territory without a powerful mage of the Tower among them. After joining the Wardens, Soren sent a series of letters to his father to attempt to patch things up. So far, no response has been sent.
Reason for joining the Wardens:
Soren has joined the Wardens in order to take charge and ensure that the major operation goes smoothly. He also wants to glory that would come from leading such an order. Though he’d hate to admit it, Soren is also curious, having rarely left the Tower to explore other regions.
Desired Connections:
-THE ELEMENTALIST (Lisselá De Sauveterre): Though the two were never close, Soren always knew of the older mage and her obsession with power. He’d mostly heard of the woman’s name from his mother, who was always warring in the Game of Houses alongside Lissela, a close ally. It was a shock to Soren to hear that Lissela left, but he was soon to follow. Little does he know that they both were headed in the same direction.
-THE ENCHANTER: The Enchanter has always been a useful ally for Soren’s father, the Archmage. Soren envies the man’s creations and sees him as an example he must strive to become. If there was one man who was skilled at research, it was The Enchanter, and Soren would do anything to surpass him in skill.
R O L E P L A Y - S A M P L E
I have already proven myself.
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netherwar-rpg-blog · 7 years
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Welcome to the Wardens, Isaac! Your application for THE DRAGONBORN has been accepted with a Colin Morgan FC.
It was a genuine pleasure to read through such a detailed and thorough application. You really made this skeleton profile your own precious character and I can see how much thought you put into it! The misc links at the bottom show that you’ve really imagined this Dragonborn clearly and you’ve explored his personality, his motives and background so perfectly! It makes me, as a worldbuilder, so delighted that you clearly read the Crywrenian and Fenarious lore, and used it to make a really well thought out character! I couldn’t imagine a more wonderful Dragonborn in the Wardens. I can totally understand why Aneirin wants to be free from the Elders’ watchful eyes and find his place in the world, with his dragons calling him to freedom, so we will all be cheering him on to reach those skies he so desperately deserves to explore!
The application can be found under the cut. You have 48 hours to create a roleplay account (cannot be a sideblog) for your character and we will be updating our opening date soon!
O O C - I N F O
Name: Isaac Age: 21 Timezone: EST Activity Level: I’m a university student that works Thursday – Saturday most weeks, so I’m mostly able to be around on my off days! Extra: Anything to do with seizure activity makes me uncomfortable.
S K E L E T O N - I N F O
T H E - B A S I C S
Skeleton Title: THE DRAGONBORN Name: Aneirin Eruantien Myrddin Frey Nickname: Eirin (air-in) Gender: Cisgender male Age: 25 Class: Ranger Faceclaim: Colin Morgan
C H A R A C T E R - D E T A I L S
Nationality: Crywrenian Appearance: Composed of sinew and skin, pale porcelain and delicate wrists, one would not expect the appearance of the Dragonborn to be that of the fair fae folk talked of in legend. Hair dark and thick, curling around teacup ears, eyes as blue as tumultuous seas, lips pouty and pink, long lashes fanning over impossibly high cheekbones, sharp collarbones and lean muscle: Aneirin is a man that’s beauty can be compared to that of a flower’s fragility in the chilly frost of a Crywrenian spring morning; and yet the power set deep in his bones makes him anything but fragile. But perhaps the most notable physical traits of the Dragonborn are those that connect him to his dragon kin. The Dragonborn’s Mark was given to him by the Druids the day he came of age, all painted with a Celtic brush; knowing that wherever he travelled, the Dragonborn could not be mistaken. The other unmistakable feature that few have yet to see is the way Aneirin’s eyes glow molten gold as a dragon’s when his power moves through him, connecting him to the earth and sky; an ancient magic making his gaze foreboding and ethereal as storms churn overhead.
{ + } Courageous – Aneirin has never been described as faint of heart. Even as a boy, he had a lion’s heart, his mother having to hold him back as he thrashed, hoping to run and save his father from the flames of execution without a thread of fear in his entire body.
{ + } Gentle – The boy’s always had a sweet disposition ever since he was just a babe, something he inherited from his father that was nurtured by all his mother’s love. Though his voice could move mountains, it is often as soft as his touch, light and delicate. It is simply not in his nature to be brutish.
{ + } Kind – Not even becoming the prized caged bird of the Fenarious elders could change the kindness in Aneirin’s heart. His mother always taught him that kindness is the most valuable thing in the world and that his ability to give it freely is a gift from the gods.
{ ­­- } Brash – Bold, unafraid of speaking his mind, Aneirin will not be silenced. He has spent too long bending to the elders’ will to allow himself to roll over for anyone in the Wardens; though, diplomacy is not always his strong suit.
{ - } Unrepentant – Aneirin stands resolute in his beliefs and this means that he is never sorry for standing up for what he deems is right; no matter the dissension it may bring. If he feels strongly enough about something, you will never hear him apologize for his actions.
{ - } Impatient – At the ripe age of twenty-five, Aneirin has been treated as if he was born for greatness his entire life. Kept tucked away and restrained from following the calls carried on the wind has made him antsy, fidgety, and impatient in all matters; be it waiting for a meal or running with the wind to find what the Singing Tree has gifted him.
C H A R A C T E R - B A C K G R O U N D
History: It began one fateful El Dyine nearly twenty-six years ago, when a young maiden – with complexion fair, blue eyes, and red hair – walked up to a fisherman (tall, dark features, locks thick waves that fell around his shoulders; a danger to all women’s hearts) and tucked a pretty pink flower behind his ear. Aneirin was born less than a year later.
He seemed no different from any other babe, perhaps apart from the storms in his eyes (the storms that raged just outside the night his mother borne him) and the brightness in his laugh, twinkling like starlight. And though his uncle – his mother’s brother, a healer more dedicated to the gods than any man could hope to be – warned Aneirin’s parents of the power set deep in the boy’s bones, claiming terrible things had come to him in his dreams, they simply would not listen; would not risk confiding the strange happenings around the house to the elders; would not risk the boy being taken to the Singing Tree, being taken away from them.
Inevitably, he was; after the early morning Aneirin’s father was set to be executed for crimes that Aneirin did not understand, for he was just a boy, barely eight years old. Fires climbing up the pyre, licking the leather toes of his father’s boots that still smelt of sea salt, thunder crashed overhead as the boy screamed, the hot gold of the flames reflected in eyes that shed the tears of a soon to be fatherless child, barely able to be held back as the rains came down in buckets, lightning striking fury down around those who dare accuse the man set to burn before their eyes.
Slick with water that came down like heaven’s wrath, the boy broke free from those trying to hold him back. He did not hesitate to jump into the flames. Aneirin will never forget the sound of his mother’s screams. But when the rains washed the flames away, all that was left was the boy, untouched, eyes on fire, hands and feet blackened from the ashes, clutching the dagger that had hung from his father’s belt.
The storms waged war for three days.
And so the elders took him to the Singing Tree, set him before the Great Goddess, with her barked limbs spreading wide as if to encompass the whole earth. His mother said she’d never seen the Tree blossom as beautifully as it did that day, petals lush as the winds whipped up around them. And it is the wind Aneirin remembers most vividly, knowing for the first time that it is a dragon’s blood that flows through his veins (his family’s reputation’s only saving grace after the flames).
It is perhaps the greatest grief of all that from that day forward he became a caged bird unsung, taken in by the elders and raised as a delicate thing, kept in captivity. A precious flower too fragile to tamper with, the elders did not allow him to follow the call of the winds, did not allow him to train with a sword, and didn’t even allow him to study and harness his own abilities to control the heavens.
In fact, the only skill he was allowed to hone was his natural inclination for medicine, his uncle’s healing hands seeming to run in the family. And so this was how he learned – his uncle sticking his nose in book after book until he was as well learned as a Crywrenian Druid could be. If he could not run with the winds, he would escape through means of any book he could get his hands on.
But as he grew the cage felt smaller, and the winds grew incessant in their taunting, never leaving him a moment’s peace. He knew he needed to break free, and when he heard of the faction forming in the south, he saw his opportunity.
He carries little more than the clothes on his back and his father’s dagger.
Reason for joining the Wardens: When Aneirin heard of the new faction forming in the south, he fought the Fenarious elders tooth and nail just to be able to procure a horse in order to ride south and join them. Tired of being treated like he might break at any moment, he put his foot down, kissing his mother goodbye, wishing he could spit at the elders’ feet, before spiriting away with not much more than the clothes on his back. The elders could not give him answers; the Archmages would not give him answers; clearly he had to seek them out for himself, and the Wardens could very well be his only opportunity to do so.
The Singing Tree granted him a great destiny, and it is his right as a Druid to answer the wind’s call. He will not waste it.
R O L E P L A Y - S A M P L E
There is a rustle in the leaves of the Singing Tree as lightning strikes above, silhouetting the Great Goddess in all her glory; branches spread wide, standing silent and apathetic. It is purely to taunt him, he knows, as the water comes down and soaks him through sinew and skin and straight to the bone, frame slight, pale as the fabric of the shift he’d been sleeping in clings to every curve, and shaking as shivers run down his spine; wind like icicles prickling just behind his ear as it whips up around him, pushing him forward, to his knees, carrying away the soft sob as his forehead touches dirt, fingers curling into the earth.
He wants to scream; wants his body to heave with the force of it, wretched and broken as his hand scrape the earth, digging his claws in as if he could choke the roots of this Tree that borne him. The leaves rustle, and the Goddess is laughing.
And so he does, eyes snapping up and flashing molten gold as he lets out a lion’s roar, thunder rolling; all the anger and frustration of a wounded animal, kept caged for far too long poured forth as the heavens above him wage the rage of his war.
The elders will find him sleeping at the feet of the Goddess come morning, having run as far as his feet could carry him not for the first time, but the night will bear his agony like the cliffs bear the waves in a storm.
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