#crazy things to be saying while hes still inside you but whatever george you gotta do you
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yrsonpurpose · 1 year ago
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Mary & George (2024) Episode 3 'Not So Much as Love as by Awe'
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darkredehmption · 5 years ago
From This Life To The Next
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#SL - From This Life To The Next
Written by @DamagedBrother and @OfFeatherNFang 
This was it. Today was the day that I was going to be officially mated to my angel. I still couldn’t believe it. Like somehow, this was all a dream that I was going to sadly wake up from. But it wasn’t. He was mine and would be mine until we went into the fade. 
Quietly, I slipped out of bed and left him to rest while I moved to our closet. Finding the ceremonial robes in the back as well as something special I had Vishous make for me as a gift to my male. With my arms full, I give the angel one more glance before I head out to get ready in another room. 
My head lifts to see Phury already waiting in the hallway, a huge grin on his face. “Figured I could lend a hand.” Chuckling as I made my way over to my twin, turning to watch as Rhage came up from the stairs with four donuts in his hands and one shoved in his mouth. 
“You. Go help him get ready and make sure he doesn’t sleep through it.” Hollywood flashed a bright smile that would make hundreds of women swoon. 
“You got it chief!” He replied with his mouth full, practically skipping off towards our bedroom where I just left my male. 
“Crazy.” I mutter, gazing at my Brother. “Rhage might send Malachi running for the hills.”
“The angel isn’t going anywhere, he loves you too much.” My twin replied as we made our way to one of the guest rooms on the other side of the stairs. 
“You say that, but somehow I feel like I’m gonna fuck up.” As I reached for the door, I felt his heavy hand on my shoulder. 
“Hey...He loves you, and you love him. Matings...are wonderful...and yes you will fight, but the love doesn’t go away. And if his does...so help me I will-”
I cut him off with a laugh. “Okay. Easy now. Please don’t scare him away.” Phury smiled at me as we moved inside the guest room to prepare for the ceremony. 
I felt the soft rustle of sheets as Zsadist slipped from the bed. Half asleep, I didn’t bother trying to follow straight away, not until I heard the soft click of the door as it closed. There was a murmur of voices beyond it, and with a slow blink I opened my eyes. 
A lull, brief enough that I barely got to feel the anxious thrill as I thought of what the day held, before the door burst in and I started up. Rhage stood on the threshold, grinning around a donut then sauntering in as he shut the door.
“Rise n’ shine princess! It’s the big day! Gotta get you up and ready!”
I actually rolled my eyes and groaned as I flopped back to the sheets. I was glad my wings weren’t out, but then again, keeping them retracted seemed the better idea when I was going to have a name carved into my back. 
Zsadist’s name.
The thought earned a smile as I extracted myself from the sheets without any prompt from Rhage and rose, stretching with a yawn and a pleasant smile. Moving past the Hollywood-worthy male, I snagged a donut amidst protest, and entered the closet. Rhage followed, grinning at the robes I ran one hand down.
“Can’t believe this is actually happening for me.”
Somewhere in the manse, my mahmen was with the females, helping prepare for the day. The Brothers had no doubt set up whatever else happened in a mating ceremony, and Z had no doubt gone to get ready with Phury. My heart gave a nervous flutter as my stomach backflipped.
“Hey, you n’ Z? I’ve never seen him happier. N’ you look a lot different than the first time I saw you,” he added thoughtfully. 
Surprised at his words, I glanced back to him.
“How did I look?”
Rhage shrugged, taking a bite of his last donut. “Lonely. Cold. Real quick on the defence, y’know? Like you were used to always fighting to survive. To live. But since you’ve been here?” His smile, unfairly, could’ve stopped traffic in Times Square. “You’re lighter. All bright n’ shiny. You laugh. Did you laugh a lot before?”
The question stunned me for its accuracy. For all the talk that Rhage was a pretty face, the dude was damn insightful. Maybe Mary was rubbing off on him.
“Not really…”
A nod, a grin, and the last of the donut vanished. “Well, now you get a new family. A new life. N’ a new reason to laugh and be happy or whatever. So c’mon. Let’s do this! You need me to step out while you drop drawers or you want help arranging the robes?”
I moved into the closet to slide on the ceremonial robes, while Phury changed in the bathroom. “I can’t believe this is happening…” I call out. “Like whoever thought I’d be getting mated.” Snorts.
“Oh I knew you would.” Phury chimes in. “I didn’t know when it would be, but I knew it would happen sooner or later.”
I hear shuffling around then a deep breath. Pausing as I look in the full length mirror only to see my twin standing behind me. “Well…?” I murmur as my hands smooth down the robes. 
“Perfect.” His golden eyes shine bright as he stares at me through the mirror, turning to meet his gaze. 
“Let me show you what Vishous helped me out with.” Phury perks up as I move to grab the black velvet pouch off of the bed. Slowly I pull out two twin silver daggers. They were so light that they almost looked white, and at the hilt were black wings on each side that V carved himself into the metal 
Phury’s jaw drops. “Whoa. Okay he’s going to love those, and can I get a set?” He chuckles, landing a hand on my shoulder. “They look amazing.” 
Nodding as my fingers move over the blades. “Let’s go down and make sure everything is ready, true?” My twin nods as I secure the daggers back into the bag, heading out of the guest room, and making my way down the grand staircase to find my family already waiting. 
The robes almost remind me of the Chosen, and then of angels. Not sure why. It’s not like I ever met my father to know how he dressed, and Lassiter has clearly got to be the exception to the rule of the whole ‘angelic presence’ thing. Nothing ‘angelic’ about his presence. Staring at myself in the mirror though, I can’t help but think of the father I never met. The angel blood in my veins. 
Would he have approved of this? Would he have come? Would he care?
“You clean up nice,” Rhage complimented, slapping my shoulder in that brotherly way as he examines me in the mirror too. “Y’ready to head down? Need anything else? If you need to puke now’s the time.”
I elbowed him with a faint smirk. His words had the desired effect though; thoughts of my father faded into the background. And while I didn’t need to upchuck, my stomach definitely had a bad case of the butterflies going on.
“Fuck off. Y’know I still don’t remember half of the ceremonial stuff. I can recite a latin incantation to exorcise a demon but I can’t fucking remember how my own mating ceremony is supposed to go,” I mutter, glancing down and fiddling with the lining of the robe.
Rhage waved off my concern like it was an insect he was swatting.
“S’just nerves my man. You’ll be fine n’ everything’ll be great. You n’ Z being happy are all that matters, so if the day ends with that it was a success, right?”
My smile’s lopsided in the mirror. “Right.”
“Then let’s go!” He declared, grinning as he backed his massive frame out of the walk in and moved to the door. 
Before leaving, I moved to my weapons shelf - mine being the one that housed demonic tools in addition to Lesser fighting gear - and opened the small box I’d tucked in amongst the others. Something I knew Zsadist wouldn’t notice. 
Nestled amongst the velvet cushions inside was a pendant, the silver chain that looped through it long and pooling in the bottom of the box. The pendant itself was perfectly smooth, clear resin, and within it, in an almost gentle curve, was one of my feathers. It was small, glossy dark, and came from that sensitive spot right by my back. The spot only Zsadist got to touch. 
Swallowing a fresh hit of nerves, I closed the lid and spirited the box in amongst the robes. Then, squaring my shoulders, I followed Rhage out into the hall and downstairs, having zero idea what to expect, but ready for it anyway.
I was gathered with my family in the foyer. Everyone was there, even most of the Doggen. They all had these big smiles on their faces, and I swear a few of them were crying. Like yeah, the big bad scarred one is getting mated. As if this day would never come.
Though honestly, I never thought it would. I thought that I was doomed to spend a life by myself, and I’d accepted that long ago. But things have changed; I have changed for the better. That’s the thing about finding your other half, they make you a better person. 
“Z man, you gonna puke?” Butch chimes in and I swear I saw Fritz giving him a dirty look. 
“He does look as green as the field in Fenway Park,” Vishous replies back with a smirk. 
“Everyone shut up, and no mention of the Soxs at my mating ceremony,” I growled out, hearing both Brothers crack up. Then one throat clear from Wrath had them both silenced. At a quick glance, I saw them still smirking at me, but a heartbeat later, all amusement left their faces as their heads snapped up towards the stairs. 
And there he was. My male.
I watched with light in my eyes as he descended the grand staircase with Rhage trailing close behind. He looked so handsome in the ceremonial robes that I couldn’t wait to peel off later. Biting back a growl as they reach us, nodding off Rhage as I take Mal’s hand. 
Lassiter soon appeared beside us, asking if I would basically do anything for my mate. Which of course, I replied that I would, but I couldn’t help but get lost in Mal’s eyes. He was finally going to officially be mine. 
After Mal is asked much of the same, I tug him into my arms to share a passionate kiss with him. Trying not to get too crazy as everyone erupts with joy. The clapping dies down as I pull back to begin the carving. Tugging free the shash, the robe falls to reveal my bare chest, scars and all. I give my male one final look before I move down onto my knees. 
Wrath steps forward first with George close behind. His hand blindly reaches out until it makes contact with my back. “What is the name of your Hellren?” The King’s booming voice echoes in the foyer. 
“Malachi.” I say proudly. 
In a quick swift movement, I felt Wrath dig the tip of the dagger into my flesh to form an M in the old language. I didn’t doubt for one second that he couldn’t do it properly. Blind or not, the male still could slice up anything with a blade. 
One by one each Brother stepped forward to mark a letter, when it was finally Phury’s turn, I couldn’t help but stare into his eyes that matched my own. 
With unshed tears in his eyes he mouthed ‘I’m so proud of you’.
I nod in return, feeling him at my back to dig in the final letter. Once it was all said and done Fritz stepped forward with a pitcher of water and a bowl of salt. This was one wound that I didn’t mind scarring my flesh. 
After the water is mixed with the salt, Phury dumps the thick, briny liquid down my back. But I don’t cry out. I just accept the pain as I stare into the eyes of the one I loved, my Brothers growling in approval. 
Soon after Phury bent down and opened the lacquer box, taking out a pristine white cloth. He dried the wounds then rolled the material up and put it back inside. 
“Rise my twin.” He spoke.
Slowly I got up. Across my shoulders, in an arch of Old English letters, was the angel’s name in my skin. 
My twin handed over the box with a big smile on his face. “Take this to your Hellren as a symbol of your strength, so he will know that you are worthy of him and that your body, your heart, and your soul are now his to command.”
Slowly I turned around to face the angel and I quickly dropped to my knees, lifting the box to present it to him. “Will you take me as your own?” I asked as my eyes just stared deeply into his.
Standing aside to watch Zsadist have my name carved first was a test of willpower. I’d never actively stood by and watched another make my mate bleed, and I swallowed every growl and every snarl that rose in my throat as the scent of his blood stained the air.
My mahmen stepped in beside me, the only female here that truly knew me, and I gratefully accepted the grip of her hand as she held on and squeezed. She was smiling though, the look on her face one that could only be described as proud and happy. Because I’d found someone that made me happy. 
Bending down, I brushed my lips to her cheek, earning a gentle pat to my chest in response. Then I was focusing on Zsadist again, watching as the blades made every line of my stupidly long name. Should’ve just gone with ‘Mal’. 
As Phury placed the clothe in the box, and Zsadist came to me, kneeling, I somehow kept my hands from trembling as I accepted it, instead of spinning him and examining the wound like I wanted. Later, I would pin him to the mattress and examine every line, every etching, to make sure he was alright.
“I take you as my own. From this life to the next,” I whisper back, my heart ‘aching’ with raw affection and love. 
As soon as he was back on his feet I stepped in, pressing my lips to his in a further affirmation of that vow. Vampires believed in the Fade, but reincarnation wasn’t out of the picture. If I didn’t get forever in the afterlife with Zsadist I would find him again, in another life, another time. I would always find him.
Managing a smile and a wink, I carefully set aside the box and unfastened my own robes to reveal my back. Glancing amongst the Brothers, I then took a knee, sensing as Wrath approached again. His voice rang with approval. 
“What is the name of your Hellren?”
I smiled. At the word. At this moment. At what my life had become after so long being alone.
The sharpness of the blade made the first cut almost painless, though with each additional mark, the sting deepened. I didn’t flinch though, didn’t move as one after another the Brothers approached and sliced into my flesh. The muscles that supported my wings shuddered, and I fought the need to summon them, keeping my back smooth and feather-limb free. Though the idea of a Brother accidentally touching my wing and Zsadist ‘accidentally’ flipping a table during our mating earned a small smile. 
When they finished, and the salt water etched my mate’s name forever into my skin, it was Rhage who approached with the box. I flashed him a grin, which he returned, and then I was facing Zsadist, kneeling as he had, and lifting the box to him. 
“Will you take me as your own?”
Watching Mal get carved up was harder than I thought it was going to be. I mean, I knew my Brother's weren’t hurting him. This was the ceremony, but I couldn’t help the bonded male in me that wanted to tear everyone off of him. 
“Easy now…” Phury said in my ear.
I turned to meet my twin’s gaze with a raised brow. 
“I can smell your bonding scent, it’s telling me to back the fuck off right now.” He chuckled quietly, eyes shining bright as they gaze into mine before focusing on my male. “It’s almost over, enjoy this moment.” He breathed.
Slowly my head moves to gaze back at my angel on the floor. He was really doing this, becoming mine. Fuck. What did I do to deserve him? 
Suddenly I felt an unfamiliar hand at my back, causing me to stiffen. Jerking my head to the side to watch Mal’s Mahmen retreat her hand carefully. 
“I’m sorry to startle you.” She whispers. I could feel Phury’s eyes burning at the back of my skull. 
“No need. I uh...you just caught me off guard.” I grunt.
She smiles softly then murmurs. “It’s okay, big day for you two. I’m so proud and happy to have...another son.” 
I stare, dumbfounded for a moment. Another son? Me? Suddenly I felt my chest tighten, wishing somehow I got to spend more time with my real Mahmen. Clearing my throat after I realized I was taking too long to answer. 
“Of course, Elieanora,” I replied, watching as she smiled at me before we both turned our attention back to her son on the floor. 
Moments later he was up, heading over towards me with a box, just like the one I presented to him moments ago. 
“I will take you as my own, from this life to the next,” I replied calmly as I reached for the box, handing it off to my twin so I could pull my male up and into my arms. When my lips met his, a loud roar from the family filled the foyer. But I didn’t even bother to look up, I just continued to kiss the male that was officially mine. 
Soon as we break the kiss, the chanting starts, followed by a song in the old language. My angelic voice breaks through all the others in the foyer as I join in. My eyes on the angel, like he was the only one in the room, and I was singing for him. 
My shoulders ached in a way I savoured, but nothing was better than Zsadist’s lips as he pulled me to him. The kiss seared through me, turning my blood to liquid fire as I clung to the male, /my/ male, and relished in this moment. The cacophony around us was a nice backdrop, but more than anything I wanted to taste him. Hold him. Drown in the bliss that he was mine, and I was his. 
Easing back from the kiss, my heart ached as he lifted his voice with the others, the pure melody bringing tears to the eyes of the females and rendering me utterly speechless as I watched him. He was a gift. 
As the song came to a beautiful end, I didn’t hesitate in claiming that perfect mouth again, as if I could taste the music, the melody on his tongue. There was wolf-whistling from the males and ‘awwwwwws’ from the females, and then the smell of food and delicious things that weren’t Zsadist.  
When I finally stepped back my mahmen approached, placing one hand over my heart, and the other over Z’s. The message was clear, and as she smiled up at me I finally let go of my male to sweep her into my arms. My mahmen, who’d raised me all alone, who’d found us a life and a purpose and done everything in her power to make sure I was safe. And now she blessed me, my union with this male I loved. Took him as her own. 
“Thank you,” I whispered to her, not trusting myself to let go yet, feeling the lump in my throat. “Thank you for being my mahmen.”
Her hands stroked at my back, reassuring as she laughed gently. “I don’t think either of us had a say in it,” she replied softly, “but I wouldn’t change anything. My beautiful boy. My angel.” She leaned back to cradle my face, then pressed a kiss to my brow. 
Around us, the first family and every other occupant of the house had begun to chatter and drift toward the food, celebrating with Zsadist. Elieanora nudged me.
“Did you like it? Was it how you wanted it?”
I blinked then reached for the box amongst my robes, withdrawing it with a relieved smile and a nod.
“It was perfect. Thank you.” Between my mahmen and the doggen, they’d found the right jeweller to make what I’d asked for. Looking to Zsadist, another gentle nudge was all it took for me to cross the distance, holding out the box. When his golden gaze alighted on it, my heart skipped.
“I… I wanted to get you something else. You have my name… but I wanted you to have a piece of me too. With you always.”
As Mal and his Mahmen had a private moment, I took it upon myself to receive some hugs and handshakes from my Brothers. Even from afar, I saw Hadrian had joined in on this celebration. He stood off to the side with Lassiter as they shared some drinks. Raising my head as I gave him a nod, implying that I was grateful he was here and celebrating with us today. When I received one back, I turned my attention back towards my male. 
When he pulled away from Elieanora, I watched with a curious stare as he handed me a box. What in the world could he have gotten me? Slowly I open the lid. My golden eyes go wide as I see a single feather, his feather, attached to a silver chain that I could wear around my neck. 
Holy shit.
I’m speechless as I stand there gazing at it, my fingers dragging over the coated feather that I almost didn’t notice Phury nudging me. 
“Z...the daggers.” He whispers in my ear. 
“Shit, right.” I grabbed the black velvet bag from my twin and handed it off to my mate. Watching with amusement as he opened the gift I had made for him. 
“You are one of us now.” I say as he pulls the blades out and inspects them. “So you need something epic to carry when you are on rotation.” I grin.
“Yeah, and you better not lose them.” Vishous calls out from across the room.
Snorting at my Brother as I clasp the chain around my neck, dipping my head to watch the black feather rest upon my chest. I wore a part of him around my throat, his name on my back, and together we were one. 
So I reached out to grab his hand and shared one more kiss before we moved to enjoy this night filled with food, laughter, family, and friends. 
#EndSL #FromThisLifeToTheNext
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poorvioletdraws · 5 years ago
Tom vs. The Underworld
Chapter 1 | Chapter 2 | Chapter 3 | Chapter 4 | Chapter 5 | Chapter 6 | Chapter 7 | Chapter 8 | Chapter 9
10. New Girl
By the time Indigo reached the arcade, Tartarus, the old demon owner, Campé, just opened up for business by unlocking the front entrance. Indigo won’t be going in yet however; they always wait out front for everyone to show up before entering. 
Indigo was always first to arrive, although technically her and George were usually the first since they live in the same neighborhood and walk there together. But he always goes inside of the coffee shop next door to read instead of waiting outside, knowing full well how long some of their friends take to show up.
Punctuality was always important to Indigo, which stems mainly from her nosy personality most likely. She always wanted to know what was going on and didn’t want to miss a chance for the latest news or gossip. Especially after the abrupt end to their night last night, Indigo wanted to know if news was circulating of Tom’s appearance at the show and if others were talking about him. She couldn’t believe how crazy everything got just for the fact that the Prince of the Underworld was there. Tom and his family weren't anything like what those rudeboys thought so how dare they spread rumors about their friend like that. She hoped that that’ll be the last time they would have to deal with such a situation. 
While Indigo continued to think over the troubles from last night, she was soon focused on someone running towards her from down the street. 
“Indigo!” Raya shrieked to her as she hastily approached.
“Whoa, you’re actually early for once? What’s--” Indigo started to say.
“Indigo, Indigo! I need to talk to you so bad!” Raya spat out in a panic while rushing to her friend and completely latching onto her arms as if she were salvation itself. She proceeded to gush incessantly, “OMD, OMD, I don’t even know how to feel right now! I thought I would be fine because when I went to sleep I was fine--ecstatic really to the point of not being able to almost sleep--BUT when I woke up I just couldn’t stop thinking about it, and now I’m SO nervous to even see him, like how do we even act towards each other now?! Are we together together or technically not yet not yet!” She gripped her hoodie and pulled it over her face as she continued, “Eeegh, I can’t believe this happened! I mean I wanted this to happen and it did!” She waved her arms in the air as if cheering to an imaginary game-winning move. She then hugged onto Indigo before finishing her hyperactive ranting, “This is like the first time EVER where I wanted something to happen so badly and it actually did!”
Indigo blinked a few times, still trying to process what Raya had told her. She freed herself from the other girl’s grasp, cupped her shoulders, and nudged her back so she could look her directly in the eyes as she said, “Whoa, whoa, whoa, you need to chillax, girl. I have never heard you freak out like this before. What exactly is going on? What actually happened?”
Raya closed her eyes and took a deep breath to calm herself. She then opened them and told the other girl in one relief-filled gasp, “Tom asked me out on a date.”
Indigo’s eyes widened as she dropped her hands from her friend’s side. She was startled at first but then grew a huge grin and shrieked excitedly, “OMD, that is wicked, girl! Congrats, it’s what you wanted right--”
“Ugghh, I know, I know!” Raya gripped her hooded head again and collapsed it into Indigo’s chest for asylum.
Indigo was confused and asked the her, “So…? What’s the big deal? I for one am SUPER jealous. You have a date with THE Prince of the Underworld, what could you even be freaking out about?”
“That’s it!” Raya whined while shooting her head up to meet Indigo’s gaze. “He says being a prince doesn’t matter, but what if he thinks I’m boring since I’m just a city girl--I mean, his last girlfriend was a princess after all! What if he thinks I’m not as special…”
Indigo furrowed her eyebrows at how overdramatic her friend was being (which is saying something coming from Indigo’s--Queen of the Drama Queens’--perspective). She gave a sigh and held onto her friend as she assured her, “Look, Raya. We both know Tom isn’t like that--he isn’t shallow and he isn’t a tool--he treats us all as equals to him. He obviously already likes you or he wouldn’t have asked you out on a date. And how clueless can you be if you don’t see the connection you two have; you both get along and always have fun together. Yea it’s a date, but this is just like hanging out like you both have already done before, except this time it will be way more… intimate.” Indigo seemed to smirk mischievously.
“Ugh, but that’s the part I’m freaking out about too. I’ve never been on a date before, how am I suppose to act?! And it isn’t until tomorrow night. How am I suppose to act toward him TODAY?!” Raya groaned.
“Um, like yourself, duh.” Indigo answered with a reassuring smile, causing her friend to look up at her and realize how right she was.
Raya thought it over and returned the other girl’s smile with one of her own. “You make it sound so easy, you know.”
“Well, I am an expert at this sort of thing so you were right to come seek out my wise advice!” Indigo said as she wrapped an arm around Raya’s shoulders. Both girls continued to giggle together as they waited for the rest of their friends to show up.
 I stepped out onto one of our castle’s balcony that hung low enough so I could pet Little Lord Fool-Leroy goodbye before jetting off with my flames to Chernabog City. Raya said to be there when it opens before I left her at her house last night and I should definitely make it there right on time. My parents weren’t home last night so I wasn’t able to ask them about what those demons and monsters were saying about all that stuff. Hopefully they will be back later this evening and haven’t gone on one of their long trips away because I really wanted to know what that all was about, especially the abductions... 
I had just made it passed the suburbs and into the beginnings of the demon city when I heard blood curdling screams from below. I quickly stopped in midair and searched behind me, wondering if that wasn’t just my imagination. It penetrated through the air like knife to butter considering how loud it already was this early in the morning. Someone else must’ve heard that too, right?!
The screaming started again, confirming its existence of whatever was in distress. I couldn’t just ignore it; I had to know what it was. So I descended to the height of some of the lower rooftops of the buildings and spied for some sort of sign in the alleys below. From what it sounded like, it came from right around--
“AIIIEEEE!” the scream was definitely in the alley I was now looking down in. It was dark but I could make out something wriggling around--something big!
I landed below and could see a large red serpent-like beast screeching towards three dead-ended individuals before it. Two of the demons were cowering together in a tight hug against the walls that blocked any kind of escape while the other stood in front of them facing the creature with arms spread out--was she protecting them?
The leviathan opened it’s drooling jaws to reveal its sharp teeth as it screeched again and moved in towards its victims. I definitely need to act now before they are harmed!
“Nuh-Uh, not today!” I shouted loud enough to gain its attention. The creature turned its head toward me just at the right moment for a blast of fire to engulf it with enough force that sent it into the air. I unleashed a little more--not too much like back in the Musty Mountain--just enough to shoot the creature away over the rooftop and out of the area.
During my unloading of my wave of fire, it lit up the alley up for me to witness the two demons that had been huddled together run past me in a panic and leave their friend behind. Not even a thank you for saving them or anything?! 
I turned off my flames and sighed. Were creatures like that really roaming around the city? Would it return? I’ve never even seen anything like it before, yet it looked like one of those beasts that live in the Lake of Fire I’ve seen stitched into the tapestries in the castle… But why would it be all the way out here?
However, before I could think anymore about that leviathan, the other victim from the attack finally stepped up to me, though with enough distance that presumed some caution. She wasn’t a demon due to her having no horns on her head and she looked to be around my age. She was a dark purple monster wearing white boots, denim jeans and a shirt with a moon orbiting a planet on it. Her eyes were hidden behind the thick lenses of her glasses but her eyebrows and mouth were turned up in a way as if she was confused over my sudden heroic deed. 
“Are you alright?” I asked her.
“Hm?” Was her reply. 
And that was all, followed by nothing but silence...
Now I was equally confused by her response. Maybe she didn’t understand my question? So I clarified for her, “That… thing… It didn’t hurt you did it?” “...” She didn’t answer me.
I itched the back of my head, trying to make sense of her demeanor. She seemed ok physically, but mentally? I’m not so sure. “Well, I hope you’re alright, you might want to report that attack to the Furies.” I said while checking my compact phone for the time. Realizing I was going to be late, I tried to tell her, “Oh! I gotta go now--”
“Who are you..?” She interrupted me with a very curious tone as the light from bits of fire that still clung to the walls around us hit her glasses just right to give her a rather eerily and ominous presence against the backdrop of the dark alleyway behind her.
“Oh, I’m…” I hesitated for a moment, remembering last night and how some of the inhabitants of Chernabog City feel about my family. Would I receive the same negative response from telling her who I am? Should I lie? … No, what good would hiding my identity do? How some of the people of the city feel is lied to already and I need to stop that misconception.  
So I looked at the female monster and confidently told her, “I’m Tom Lucitor.”
She quietly hummed to herself. “Hm…”
Silence again...
… Alright, this is just getting weird. At least she isn’t enraged over my presence but I don’t think I have anymore time for this. “Sorry, I’m in a hurry and I have to go now.” I said while running off down the alleyway, “See ya!”
Unbeknownst to me, the mysterious female monster slowly walked out of the alley to watch me depart down the sidewalk. She quietly pondered to herself,  “Lucitor... Could it be…?  Tom was actually the last to arrive at Tartarus thanks to that incident in the alley. However, as he ran up to meet his group, he felt really nostalgic seeing them all standing there at the entrance together. It reminded him of meeting up with Star and all her friends back on Earth, but this time these were friends all his own.
  Everyone was glad to see Tom show up as they each greeted him. Blair excitedly jumped up and down as Kraven nodded and George raised his coffee mug. Tiras gave him one of his friendly pats and commended him on following their plan for when situations like last night happen. And then Tom came to Raya.
“H-Hey, Raya.” Tom blushed as he greeted her.
“H-Hi, Tom.” Raya replied, equally bashful.
“Hey, here’s a suggestion, let’s all go in and have some fun since we know everyone avoided capture from last night!” Indigo interrupted the both of them before they made it awkward between each other. She wrapped her arms into each one of theirs to guide them toward the entrance and muttered to herself, “Seriously, you two and your dorkiness is perfect for each other.”
“What was that?” Tom and Raya said in unison.
“Exactly.” Indigo sighed with a smile. 
The group of friends finally entered the arcade while a figure waited observantly from a rooftop overhead.
Inside the arcade, everyone seemed to act as if they were not just the catalyst to an anarchist brawl less than 12 hours ago. Kraven and George headed for a booth while Tiras was challenged by Blair to a game in a different part of the arcade. They really didn’t bring up the argument at all, but Tom was somewhat relieved they didn’t. He wanted to talk to his parents first before letting his friends know of any developments.
Tom was able to take Raya aside to tell her how excited he was for tomorrow. He also wanted to talk to Tiras about something important too so he promised to catch up with her later as she went off with Indigo to play Dance Dance Revoltion together. They’ll have enough time to spend together tomorrow either way. 
Tom found Tiras over in the game table area of the arcade with Blair. Since they were finishing up a game of Foosball, Tom decided to wait patiently before talking to him.
“Haha! That’s game again!” Tiras boasted after winning a third time against his friend.
Blair puffed out zir cheeks in frustration with the losing streak ze was having. “Hmph. I’m done, rather play DDR with Raya and Indigo anyway.” Ze huffed as ze stuck zir tongue out at him.
And with that, Blair created a shadow and hopped into it--en route to the other side of the arcade where the video games were most likely.
“When you’re ready for another whompin’, come find me, haha!” Tiras gloated before zir shadow dematerialized. 
Tom finally approached him and said, “Dude, can we talk for a sec?” 
“Sure, play me though, I’m on a roll.” The other teen beamed pridefully while setting the ball up ready to serve. As they began, Tiras asked him, “So what’s up? Still stressing over last night?”
“Nah… Not that, well sorta actually…” Tom responded while easily knocking the ball passed Tiras’ offensive and defensive line and into the goal, scoring the first point.
Tiras watched dumbfounded and Tom’s smooth skill but shook himself out of it. He set the ball up and they started to go at it again. He told him, “Hey, you know we got your back. We wouldn’t let those rudeboys lay even a finger on ya. They are just on that bullhonkey all those tinfoils be spewing lately. They’re just scared of mewmans or whatever. Don’t pay it no mind.”
“Yea, I’m not really worrying about that right now. It’s just… Well… I’m not sure how you’ll take this but…” Tom began to mumble while still maneuvering the ball through Tiras’s player figures yet again and scoring another point. 
“Huh?!” Tiras yelped surprised and seemed to get serious now as he set the ball back up to serve. “Well, we’re buds, right?” He said, “I can take anything you tell me, so go on and spill. What’s bothering you?”
Tom inhaled deeply while keeping his focus on the Foosball table. He finally revealed, “I asked Raya out on a date.”
Tiras darted his head up from the sudden news with a shocked expression covering his face, completely leaving his team vulnerable as Tom scored another point on him.
Tom removed his hands from the playing rods and rested them on the game table as he continued further, “You see… I really like her… Probably before we all started hanging out together… I don’t know if she might want to be my girlfriend after all of this--I hope she does… But, I think--well, I know--you seem to kind of like her too, and you’ve known her way longer than I have... So that’s why I wanted to be up front with you and tell you because your feelings matter to me too. We started off kind of on the wrong foot but I really value our friendship and I hope you won’t be mad with me...”
“Mad?!” Tiras spat out but then began to laugh, causing Tom to finally look up to him with some peculiarity. He then sat the ball up again before explaining, “Tom, I’m happy for you--about time!”
Both boys began to play again but Tom asked, “Ok, I’m confused… Didn’t you have a crush on Raya? It was rather obvious from when we first met.”
“Yea I did…” Tiras said it with a little despondence as it was his turn to take his hands off the rod and stare down at the game table. He looked back up to Tom with a half smile of reassurance and told him, “But I realized it is more like a sibling kind of like. I just want to protect her and make sure she doesn’t get hurt. And even though we haven’t known you that long, it is the same way I feel about you too. We aren’t just friends or bandmates, we are like a family.”
Tiras looked up to Tom with a wide grin, causing Tom to do the same in return. Both boys returned to playing Foosball.
“You don’t know how happy I am to hear you say this to me, I’m glad we are all cool now. You really are like the brother I never had.” Tom praised him.
“Yea, yea… Well, wish I really was your brother to have a mom as hot--” Tiras began to say but then Tom shot a disapproving glance his way. He laughed it off after seeing how Tom would react if he finished that sentence, “Haha, just kidding, man. Haha.”
Tom playfully rolled his eyes and brought the conversation back on task, “Anyway, I’m so stoked for tomorrow, I can’t believe we are going to go out on a date!”
“Duuuude, I’m so proud of you--you finally got that courage to ask her! The way it was looking I was about to ask her for you, haha!” Tiras congratulated his friend, “Where are you guys going to go?”
Tom scored another point on Tiras before answering him, “Well you see, I’m not familiar with Chernabog City so… I don’t really know, heh…”
“What?!” Tiras gasped loud enough for the whole arcade to hear. -
After playing for a bit longer at Tartarus, the group of friends finally emerged back out onto the city sidewalk to discuss what they should do now. Tom was even able to get some great suggestions from Tiras of where to take Raya tomorrow since he was lacking in knowledge of the city. If he were still able to use portals, it would probably be an easy decision for him.
“I’m in the mood for a change of scenery for lunch. Let’s all go eat at Grimdonald’s. We haven’t been there in a while.” Indigo proposed their favorite burger place as their next destination.
“That’s a no for me. I’m pretty low on funds and we stayed here longer than I thought we would playing all those rounds of flamethrower tag.” Tiras denounced that idea.
“I crave a more nutritious sustenance momentarily.” George concurred with him.
“Hey, you guys wanna come back to the castle instead? If my Mom’s home now then she can probably fix us up something.” Tom suggested.
Kraven seemed to perk up at the mention of going back to Lucitor Castle and feasting on all of the delicious food Tom’s mother makes.
“Well, that’s one for the Queen’s great cooking! I second it, just to be in the presence of the Queen, hehe!” Blair agreed after noticing Kraven’s interest in the idea.
“No lies detected.” Tiras nodded smugly in Tom’s direction.
Tom groaned. “Maybe I shouldn’t have suggested this.”
Raya nudged Tom’s side happily, “What are you trying to say? That the Queen isn’t worth such admiration for her beauty?”
“Not you too, Raya.” Tom held his hands to his cheeks and faked a horrified expression.
Everyone began to laugh.
“To the castle, yea!” Blair cheered.
As they all continued to chatter and tease Tom a bit more, a figure from the rooftop above was also cheering over what was heard from the group below.
“Yes, yes, yes, teehee! I knew it wasn’t a coincidence! He is THE Tom Lucitor, Prince of the Underworld! This is an absolutely, astronomically out-of-this-world find!” The purple female monster from early had been observing Tom and his friends from up above a building rooftop and was ecstatic to confirm who he was.
“The stars are definitely in my favor for having him happen upon my capture of those two back in that alley! Wait ‘til the Boss hears about this, he might even make me, Astrobell, second in command for this find! Teehee Heehee Twaahaa Haahaa!” Her uncontrollable giggle turned into a fit of maniacal laughter. 
Suddenly, the leviathan creature that had been blasted off from before lifted its own head to reveal itself from the underside of the ledge. Astrobell proceeded to hop on its back and it slithered her away; down and through the darkness of the alleys as her cover until she was outside of the city to inform her Boss of this new change of plans.
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ofheroesandvillains · 7 years ago
Playing To Lose (3) - Bucky Barnes
Well...it sure has been a while since I posted. Uni has been hectic but that’s no excuse! I hope you guys can forgive me, and enjoy this update! This one is for @whatimreadingrnatm - ask and you shall receive! 
Words: 2.7k Warnings: None, AU! Summary: Bucky being Bucky, reader having none of it! And meet your new best friend! 
(gif not mine!)
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The office was chaotic.
This was your busiest day yet, and after 2 weeks of being in charge you knew it would only get worse from here on out. Maria was glued to the phone, taking call after call. There had been an incident on site in Moscow, a worker who had accidentally dropped $800,000 worth of glass for the windows.
It was an unfortunate accident, but there was little that could be done about it. They’d need to clean up, order more, and not let it happen again. But all of a sudden a million people were calling in to question safe working practices and the OH&S team was driving you crazy. To make matters worse, the one person you needed in this situation had decided to not show up.
James had been surprisingly helpful in the last few days, and you had to admit that while it made you awfully suspicious, it was a nice change. He’d actually arrive to work on time, get all of his work done, and even offer to help out if he noticed that you were especially busy on a particular day.
You should have known it wouldn’t last.
“Where the hell is Barnes?!”
Everyone bustling about the office seemed to come to a halt, and Maria’s eyes widened a fraction when she noted just how angry you were. It was a rare sight, it took a lot to get you this angry usually. But after raising your expectations, and showing you the he really was capable -that he wasn’t a lost cause where running the company was concerned- James crushed whatever hope you had for him. Maybe that’s why it made you so angry…you knew he could do better, so why couldn’t he just try?
“He-He hasn’t come in yet, ma’am.”
The whole room seemed to hold its breath, waiting to see how you’d respond. It was already 1pm, and Bucky was supposed to start at 9am. Despite the reading you had done, you had no real experience with the company prior to your appointment 2 weeks ago. The most suited person to help you in this situation was god only knows where, and you were not happy about that fact. How did he expect you to take him seriously if he couldn’t even come to work on time?
Had it not been for Loki, you would have torn someone’s head off hours ago. The man had a way with words and you were impressed by how easily he dealt with all the questions and concerns thrown the company’s way. Not for the first time did you inwardly delight in having hired him.
“Maria? You’re in charge, I’m heading out. I’ll be back in 20.”
“What do you mean, you can’t make it? You promised!”
You sighed, pinching the bridge of your nose as your driver pulled up at a red light. “I know, I know I did and I’m really sorry about this. You know I wouldn’t cancel if it wasn’t important.”
Wanda’s shoulders slumped in defeat, not that you could see them on the other end of the phone. The fact of the matter was, that your plans to go out for drinks for the first time since your return to New York, had been trampled the moment you stepped foot into work that morning.
“You know, my brother was looking forward to seeing you…”
You chuckled half-heartedly at her attempt to persuade you, but you knew that work took first priority. Pietro was your ex, someone you still remained friends with, despite the worldwide belief that exes couldn’t do such a thing. Was there casual sex in the deal? Well, sure…but that didn’t mean it was anything more or less than friendship between you.
“Yeah, well…he can see me next weekend instead.” You paused for a moment, your small smile dropping. “I really am sorry, Wanda. I know how long we’ve been planning this, but James didn’t bother showing up this morning so I gotta go drag his ass out of bed.”
“James? The Barnes guy?”
“The Barnes guy.” You confirmed with a nod.
Wanda snorted on the other side of the phone. “Why do you have to drag him out of bed?”
“Because he’s an asshole.” You automatically shot back, but felt a little guilty - he wasn’t that bad, you just weren’t in the mood for him today. 
“No, it’s just…he’s irresponsible. He doesn’t show up to work on time, and when things go wrong he’s nowhere to be found.” You shook your head in exasperation. “I just don’t get why someone who wants to be in charge so bad, acts like he couldn’t care less about the company.”
Wanda hummed in thought. “The kids in my class sometimes act out when they want attention, or when things aren’t going their way…”
You scoffed, but allowed an amused smile to settle on your lips. “Okay, he’s not that much of a man-child.”
“You’d be surprised at how much men and children have in common.” You both laughed at that.
“Yeah, you might be onto something.” You watched the streets go by, and knew you were nearing your destination. “I don’t know, I guess I’ll talk to him about it and figure all of this out.”
“That’s a good idea, who knows? You might even become friends.”
You rolled your eyes at her optimism. “Yeah, and maybe if I’m really lucky, we can braid each other’s hair and talk about boys!”
Wanda laughed. “You’re in a bad mood today.”
You sighed. “I know. I might leave that chat for tomorrow, or I’ll tear his head off.”
The car came to a slow halt and you knew your time was up. “Hey listen, I gotta go, but I’ll call you later.”
With a final farewell, Wanda finished up her lunch break, and you braced yourself for your journey into the unknown. You didn’t know what to expect when you entered James Barnes’ man-cave, but you knew it couldn’t be good.
Bucky woke up with a loud gasp, eyes wide as they darted around his surroundings frantically. He hadn’t even noticed his latest conquest screeching beside him when his pale gaze found the unimpressed glower of his boss. It took him a moment to realise what had happened. The empty vase you were placing on his bedside table, the cold water soaking through his sheets and all over him and the blonde beside him-Cassie? Casey? Carey?
“What the hell?!” 

Whatever her name was, she was making a racket. Bucky groaned at the shrill sound of her voice. He was certain she hadn’t sounded like that the previous night, or maybe he just hadn’t really cared enough at the time to notice.
You weren’t fazed in the slightest. You couldn’t care less that James and his latest floozie were butt-naked underneath that thin sheet, and you definitely couldn’t care less that said floozie was losing her damn mind about a little water. Why? Because you weren’t George, you weren’t going to baby the man-child that was James Buchanan Barnes like his father did, and you definitely weren’t going to let him get away with insubordination just because of his last name. Your anger came rushing back as soon as you stepped foot inside his penthouse.
He was late, no, he was beyond late. People were depending on him to get his work done, and now they were a day behind schedule already, just because he thought he could get away with doing whatever he wanted. Well, he was in for one hell of a surprise if he thought that was the case.
“You know, it’s funny. I walked into work today with high hopes for you, thinking it’d all be smooth sailing, that you’d actually live up to the expectation tied to your name…but here we are.”
The blonde’s jaw dropped open in outrage on Bucky’s behalf.
“Excuse me? Who do you think you a-”
“Y/N Stark. I’d say it’s a pleasure, but after the first three, I really couldn’t care less about meeting another name on the long list of conquests that James here has.”
Bucky’s jaw clenched in a mix of embarrassment and even pity for the woman beside him, but his head was still pounding from both his hangover and the shrill screams he had woken up to. He would have kicked her out eventually, but he wouldn’t have been that harsh about it. She had tried to defend him after all, but you were out for blood and he had no doubt that he was next on your hit list as soon as Carey (?) left.
She looked at him, checking to see if he would come to her defence as she had for him. She scoffed when he remained silent, eyes slipping shut as his head thunked back on the headboard.  
Your glare remained on James, pointedly ignoring the blonde who had angrily thrown the sheets off of herself and snatched her clothes up before storming out of the bedroom.
“You know, that was awfully rude, doll.” He spoke up for the first time, a hint of a smile playing at his lips.
You didn’t reply, but he let his eyes ease open when he heard footsteps approaching. You sat on the edge of his bed, and he cocked a curious brow. He almost smirked when he saw the gentle expression on your face, a dozen flirty comments running through his head as he thought that maybe, just maybe he would get away with it this one time.
“You’re right, I’m sorry.”
His pulse raced at the almost breathy tone your words had adopted, and he almost jumped out of his skin the moment a soft hand came to rest on his forearm. Bucky’s eyes dropped down to your lower lip -the same one you were biting gently- and was it just him, or were you getting closer?
Your fingers lightly drummed against his arm as you leaned closer to him. He was tense with anticipation, it wasn’t too obvious, but his eyes gave him away. Pupils dilated and flickering between the fingers on his forearms and the buttons of the tight shirt straining against your chest. He was lucky that your eyes were on his own and not lower, while he didn’t mind you seeing the effect you had on him in the moment, it would probably come back to bite him later.
“Sometimes I just can’t control myself…”
“Yeah?” He sounded out of breath, but he didn’t care what he sounded like as long as your fingers continued gliding up and down his arm. You hummed with a knowing smile, leaning closer.
“And seeing as this is the only way you’ll actually pay attention to what I’m saying, listen and listen well, sweetheart.” Your soft tone remained, but god, you weren’t wrong. He’d give you his undivided attention if it meant hearing that voice. Damn, that voice was something he would be replaying in his head over and over again, he was sure of it.
“The next time you decide that your wants are more important than your company’s needs, don’t bother coming in at all.” Your breath ghosted over is lips teasingly, and it took every ounce of restraint in his body to not take what he wanted right then and there.
“I’ll take it as an immediate resignation.” You pulled away suddenly, your previously seductive expression melting away into the usual indifference, and cold air replacing the warmth of your hand.
And just like that, the spell was broken and Bucky’s brows furrowed as he blinked rapidly out of his stupor.
“Now get your ass out of bed. You owe me five extra hours of work today so get ready for a late night, Barnes.”
Bucky watched your hips as you sashayed out of his bedroom, groaning audibly the moment he noticed his new problem. Even another vase full of water wouldn’t be enough, this time he needed a cold shower for sure.
You weren’t kidding when you had told him he’d be in for a late night. It was already 10pm and Bucky could feel his eyes drooping as they tried to focus on the computer screen in front of him. Usually he was at the bar by this time, well into his third round of drinks, but he couldn’t even think about anything but sleep after the day he’d had.
On the bright side, he’d managed to fix things up over in Moscow. He wouldn’t admit it, but Loki had done a good job of keeping OH&S happy, so it gave him time to focus on everything else.
Dragging a hand over his weary face, Bucky realised just how quiet the building was. Everyone had long since left to go home, well…everyone except for you. He had to give it to you, you really didn’t half-ass your job. You’d spent the whole day taking calls and fixing a mess that had occurred halfway across the world. But he also noticed that it had gone eerily silent in the whole building, including your office.
Bucky’s brows furrowed and he pushed himself up and out of his seat. Straightening his suit, he quietly made his way to your door. It was open enough to let him poke his head in. He opened his mouth to call out to you, but paused as soon as he saw the scene before him.
Apparently he wasn’t the only one who was dead tired. Bucky’s eyes softened when he saw your sleeping form slouched over your desk. It looked incredibly uncomfortable, and he took a moment to really look at you. The conflicting feelings he had where you were involved often made him forget that you were only human at the end of the day. But seeing you as you were now, reminded him that you were just a woman doing the best you could do. You weren’t immune to the pressure and you weren’t a machine.
Bucky slowly made his way over to your desk, gently giving your shoulder a shake. You stirred in your sleep, face scrunching up in irritation. He was wary, knowing how angry you had been with him earlier in the day. It wasn’t his intention to be so late to work, but your temper had ensured that he stayed well away for the rest of the day.
He felt a small smile settle on his face when you frowned sleepily and turned your head away from him.
Bucky sighed. Even when you were half asleep you were still in charge apparently.
“Y/N…come on, you need to go home and get some sleep.” He quietly pleaded.
“Nnngghh…no.” You groaned, barely hearing a word he said.
Bucky’s jaw clenched the way it always did when he was determined, not that you could see it anyway.
He was almost certain you had fallen back asleep, the lack of protest when he gently scooped you out of your office chair told him as much. Bucky swallowed dryly when your face burrowed into the crook of his neck but he tried to ignore the sensation.
Leaving the office with a woman in his arms would send the paparazzi into a frenzy - and he knew you wouldn’t appreciate all the crap they’d post in their articles if you were identified. So the couch would have to do.
After easing you onto the couch, he gently slid off your heels, smiling at the way you curled up to get comfy.
Bucky sighed.
It was moments like these that made the guilt hit him full force. She’s a good person, she doesn’t deserve…no. No, he couldn’t let a pretty face sway his resolve. You may have been a good person but you weren’t good for the company. You rejected his ideas and you were hiring people like Loki Odinson. It didn’t matter how hard you worked if all your time was invested in making the wrong decisions.
It’s for the best.
He needed to believe it. He needed to remember that you were a rival, a rival he didn’t want to have, but a rival nonetheless.
That didn’t stop him from shrugging out of his blazer and gently laying it over your sleeping form before he left. Nor did it stop the small smile spreading across his face when you clutched the expensive material tighter.
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hotdogjumpingfrog5 · 7 years ago
It’s Strange - Chapter 19
Previous Chapters: Chapter One, Chapter Two, Chapter Three, Chapter Four, Chapter Five, Chapter Six, Chapter Seven, Chapter Eight, Chapter Nine, Chapter Ten, Chapter Eleven, Chapter Twelve , Chapter Thirteen, Chapter Fourteen, Chapter Fifteen , Chapter Sixteen, Chapter Seventeen, Chapter Eighteen
April 25th, 1987
It is Saturday afternoon, and for the first time in a long time, Stanley returned with his seasonal bird watching, now that the weather was warmer, and the grass was getting greener
Stan had convinced Mike Hanlon to come along with him, and just him. The two of them were really close, and he wanted to spend time with just Mike today.
Sometimes they would ask the other losers or party (the ones who were interested), but every once in a while they would just want to spend time together one on one.
They had took in the breezy 15 degree weather, while laying down in the tall grassy field observing the birds
“Hey look! I spotted a canary over by that tree!” Mike pointed out
“Impressive,” said Stan, “So we got one canary, two robins, six sparrows, and I guess we’ll just keep watching.”
“This is actually amazing,” said Mike, “And this is a hobby my grandfather finally approves of.”
Stan smiled at just about everything Mike had said, and the fact it was a lovely day outside, and the only sound in the air was the breeze swaying in the trees or the sound of birds tweeting. 
They were now there an hour, just watching and chatting away. 
After a while, they just decided to lay down in the tall grass, taking in the peace and waiting for more birds.
From a distance, the sound of twigs could be heard snapping in the forest, which made both Stan and Mike perk up their heads.
“Did you hear that?” Mike whispered
“Yeah, sounded like -”
“Footsteps? How many?”
“I don’t know,” said Stan, “It’s probably nothing.”
The two of them brushed it off, while their bodies faced up towards the sky, closing their eyes again.
Minutes had passed, and both Stan and Mike now felt as if they were being watched by someone, or something. Hopefully birds.
“Do you think we should cut this short for today?” said Stan
“Yeah, feels like we’re being watched,” Mike replied, “It’s kinda creepy.”
As soon as they had gotten up, they felt the urge to look in the forest, to find out the source of the sound. 
They leaned closer, and noticed four shadows lurking in the woods, close to the steep hill by The Barrens. 
“I told you fuckfaces, don’t mess this up, or I will have to kill you guys the same way I killed my father.” said a familiar voice in the distance, “Do you understand me? Now we gotta wait here for Billy to arrive, he’ll be here in a minute. He will tell us what to do next.”
“Shit is that - Fuck.” Stan croaked
“That sounds like...Bowers.” Mike muttered
Both of them were ducked underneath bushed, and they were about 70 feet away from then
“I don’t get it either, I thought they were dead a long time ago!” said Mike, “This can’t be them.”
“Yes Henry, we understand.” said another familiar voice, “Belch and Victor won’t let you down either.”
“Yeah, you three better fucking hope not. Now keep wearing the goddamn wigs in public, no matter how hot it is.”
Stan turned to look at Mike
“Sorry Mike, but I think they just might be.” Stan gulped
“But how??” 
The two of them couldn’t bare to stick around any longer, to avoid bad memories flooding back and to avoid getting caught by the now undead Bowers gang
They had made their way back to the trail which was by the field they were in, and hopped on their bikes, and managed to not get spotted by the Bowers gang
May 15th, 1987
The party had all gotten together that weekend, as they had managed to set some time together before exams in a couple of weeks. 
The weather was getting slightly warmer, and they had decided to make their way to the quarry that afternoon.
“I can’t wait for school to be over,” said Dustin, “Two more months of no nonsense.”
“You and Richie.” said Lucas, “Best of luck to you both.”
“At least I’m the smarter one.”
“Not by much though.”
“Can you guys stop bickering?” Max rolled her eyes, “I’m trying to enjoy the sunset here.”
On the other side of the trees, Eleven and Will had happen to wander into the trees, and Mike followed them
Eleven and Will were now basically siblings after Joyce and Hopper became official weeks ago. Eleven and Will had formed a special type of bond since then, getting along very well.
Yet they seemed to communicate in a strange sort of way; non verbally. Not even Mike could understand their way of communication, and he was both their friend and boyfriend.
Then again, the rest of the party and just about everyone else they knew couldn’t understand either.
“Hey, I’ve always wondered,” said Mike, “I know you guys are now siblings, but what does it mean when you look at each other like that?”
“I told you.” Eleven responded
“We’re psychic.” Will finished
“You even know what each other are going to say next!” Mike laughed, “Come on, I think you should just tell us.”
“We would but, we can’t.” El looked down
“What? Why not?” Mike asked, “Everything okay?”
Will nodded
“Yes,” he responded, “It’s just…not right if we do.”
Just then, Lucas, Dustin, and Max came from around the corner, rustling of the trees moving making the three of them look over
“Mike, tell Dustin I’m right, like I always am.” said Lucas
“No, I’m the right one here!” argued Dustin
Max stood behind them with her arms crossed, huffing in silence at their bickering.
“Guys, now’s not a good time!” Mike insisted
“I think we need to tell you guys something.” said Eleven, “And swear to me and Will, you won’t tell anyone.”
The group nodded and agreed, while her and Will went around to whisper the same thing in everyone’s ears; “We had a vision. The older girls you saw with Billy are not who they say they are.”
“Well, obviously.” Max rolled her eyes, “They’re always at Billy’s plotting some sort of ‘weird scheme’ -”
“Shhh!” said Will, “Don’t let them hear you.”
June 25th, 1987
An entire month has past, and both parties only now started to hang out again a few days ago, now that exams were over. Their studying sessions for exams did not count as hanging out unlike junior high studying, which was much easier at the time now that they realize it. But as for high school, as all they did was study.
During that time, none of them got up to anything too exiting or crazy, nor did anything weird happen.
Mike and Bill sat at the Wheeler-Tozier’s kitchen table, as it was a rainy day, while Richie and Georgie were outside sailing boats. Two introverts coming together, and Mike and Bill got along just fine, drawing, and were the ones who made the paper boats for them.
It was the first time Mike was learning how to make paper boats, but Bill showed him how to properly do so.
Sucks that it had to rain on the last day of school, but at least Georgie and Richie were having the time of their lives.
“Does your mom know you and Georgie are -”
“I’d m-much r-rather be up here than with my w-weirdo parents.” said Bill, “T-They don’t really c-care what me and G-Georgie do. So we just d-do our own thing.”
Bill’s stuttering was now improving. Aside from the weekly speech therapy, Bill was no longer afraid of stuff, what people thought of him, his somewhat strange parents, he managed to overcome a lot of things in the past year or so.
“You’re lucky your parents don’t care what you do,” said Mike, “My parents are always on me and Richie’s back about everything, more our mom than our dad though.”
“I t-think it’s because you and R-Richie are the y-youngest.”
“One of the youngest, Bill.” Mike continued, “We are much older than Holly, and our mom still flies over us.”
After being out in the pouring rain for a half hour, Richie and Georgie finally come back inside, their clothes dripping wet.
“I had so much fun!” said Georgie, “We need to do this again!”
“Yeah, I agree George,” Richie sighed, “I’m really exhausted.”
As soon as Georgie ran upstairs, Richie turned to Mike and Bill, and they knew something was a bit off.
Richie didn’t have that usual goofy smile he had after having fun, especially saying he was tired right after it.
“Did you and Georgie have fun out in the r-rain?” Bill broke the silence
“Yeah, though Georgie was acting really fucking strange, even stranger than you, Bill.” said Richie
Bill looked down
Mike rolled his eyes knowing that Richie never apologizes for his lack of filter.
“Don’t think he means to offend you,” whispered Mike, “His imagination is just running wild like always.”
“W-What happened?” Bill asked
“Well we were walking along,” said Richie, “And I got distracted and started to pet this old lady’s cat. When I turned back around he’s looking down the sewer, with some creepy expression on his face staring back at me.”
“You should’ve been watching him! Are you crazy??” Mike butted in
“I’m not done,” Richie ignores, “We continued and he started saying weird shit for a few odd minutes.”
“W-What were they?” Bill asked
“I don’t even know, it ranged from complete gibberish to ‘Do you like floating’ and ‘Want a balloon’ in these weird voices. Then he went back to his normal self.”
All of them had confused expressions on their faces, something was weird about what Georgie did, but they could not lay a finger on it. They knew, but they didn’t. It’s like whatever the clue was as to why Georgie was acting weird, was erased from their minds.
“Really fucking weird if you ask me.” Richie shrugged
Next Chapter: To Be Continued
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shirtlesssammy · 7 years ago
The French Mistake: 6x15 Recap
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On a dark and stormy night, our hunter heroes are all out of hunter’s helper, so Bobby’s on a booze run. Suddenly, Balthazar flaps in, and talking really quickly about the Godfather while gathering some supplies, he informs the boys that Raphael has consolidated his base and is on the move. Cas is deep underground, so Raphael put out a hit on everyone that’s helped him --including the Winchesters (wouldn’t the list just be the Winchesters?) He draws a sigil on the window, reveals a very nasty torso wound, and hands Sam a very important key (who then keeps it in his UNZIPPED coat pocket --did he learn nothing in Bad Day at Black Rock?). Virgil, one of Raphael’s minions appears hell bent on attacking the brothers, but Balthazar casts his spell and angel-crashes them through Bobby’s bay window.
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We’re through the looking glass, people. Dean and Sam appear to be on a television set. The brothers stress about whether they should be killing anybody while the production crew stress about a botched take. Director Brian Doyle Murray Robert Singer agrees to go with a freeze frame to save production time. “Fine. Whatever. Season six. Moving on.” The brothers television stars are whisked away to their own respective hell.
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Sam surmises that the world Balthazar zapped them to is the set of a television show based on their lives. “Why would anybody want to watch our lives?” Dean ponders incredulously. Sam answers with a  “Well, I mean, according to that interviewer, not very many people do.” Heehee. We might be few, but we are mighty. Dean is also incredulous that Sam is now Polish. (12 years later, he’s still hung up on that bit of news.)
The boys exit the studio, and like a homing pigeon, Dean finds the Impala. Well, one Impala, getting mud thrown on it, unlike the other Impalas that are in various states of distress. Dean’s not dealing with this new world too well.
Dean decided to pray to Cas.
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And once again, his angel arrives with little cajoling. 
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After Castiel explains this new world they’re living in, Dean goes off on Balthazar’s idea of a good time, and Sam wonders about all this “TV crap.” Cas checks his notes and wonders if they changed the script without his knowledge. Dean grabs the script and realizes that they’re not talking with Cas. His name is “Misha.” “Misha?” It’s a great thing that these guys all have crazy names --it just wouldn’t be as funny. As the brothers walk away, Misha laughs and can’t believe how they punked him this time! He’s totally going to tweet about it.
Sam and Dean find Fake Dean’s trailer, and head inside for a respite. It appears that Fake Dean has an aquarium AND a helicopter in his trailer. This whole scene is meta madness! I want to talk about everything I see --and everything I don’t see! I’m woefully unqualified to even be looking at the episode, I think. Here’s some fun thoughts from others.
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Sam gets to researching their new lives. It looks like Jensen is from Texas (Dean approves), and was on a soap opera (Dean does not approve). What I really want to know is, is that clip from Days real? They didn’t dub something else over her words to make it sound more absurd, did they? It’s clearly young Jensen talking in the clip, but ... “If I didn't have cancer, and I wasn't married, and I had plenty of money... Would you – would you want to run away with me?” I miss watching soaps some days.
Anyway, Dean ”I have a photographic memory and I’m resourceful as heck” Winchester remembers Balthazar’s spell and so they decide to gather the ingredients to get themselves back to their universe. Unfortunately, all the ingredients they find on set are props.
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They need to get back to the real world, so they head to the Impala and start driving, but don’t get far since it’s just a broken down prop. 
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The guys eventually get a ride from their bodyguard Clint Cliff. Dean tells him that he’s going to tag along with J-Jared so they can work on their acting. For the show.
They make it to Jared’s modest abode, where Sam realizes that he’s the star of the show. Dean calls bullshit. Dean finds a tanning bed in the living room (?!?) and Sam wonders if he’s Dracula. “George Hamilton Dracula.”
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The Warhol-esque pictures of Jared and Genevieve just slay me. This whole house is so ostentatious, and vainglorious. Just as Dean notices the camel alpaca in Jared’s backyard, Ruby shows up to throw side-eye at Dean’s confusion. She kisses Sam in greeting and asks how his day went. Dean quickly puts it together that Sam “married Fake Ruby.” 
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The alpaca getting a photo on the mantel = hearts. Genevieve wonders why Jensen is even there --he’s never even been to their house. Gen needs to leave to go to her the International Otter Adoption charity dinner, which leaves Sam and Dean plenty of free time to locate the ingredients for the spell to get back home. They’re able to gather the ingredients quickly because Jared Padalecki is loaded. “Money, man, there is nothing like it.” #truth.
Later, as Sam wanders the monstrosity of his home, Gen comes home. Sam asks her about all the apocalyptic events in the past year. She tells him that she remembers them on the show, and that he’s been Sam Winchester too long. Then she takes his hand and leads him upstairs (to where they went to sleep and were 100% platonic strangers, because I can’t think the worst of dear Sam.)  
The next morning the brothers pick up packages that haven’t cleared customs and are completely un-illegal, and head to set nice and early.  
Back at the set they settle into “Bobby’s cabin” to open the package and do the spell. They’re rudely interrupted by a herd of people heading into work. Robert Singer is pleased to see their dedication to the craft by arriving early. Dean swaggers over and tries to use his Jensen star power to get the set cleared for an hour so they can do the spell “actor stuff”.
Ha ha, no.
“You do your ‘actor stuff’ and we’ll do our ‘camera stuff’,” Singer tells him, firmly putting him in his place. Elsewhere on set, Sam sits in Jared’s chair with Misha perched behind them. Misha wants to know what’s in the box.
“Part of dead person,” Sam says. Dean wanders up and tells Sam that it looks like they’re gonna have to do some acting. What comes to pass is one of the golden moments of the show that never fails to cheer me up when I see it.
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Dean’s intent on acting his face off, even lowering his voice so he can be like Misha/Cas. Meanwhile, Sam really, really doesn’t know what to do with his hands. He’s never seemed overly tall on this show but the way he flails in the background makes him stand out like one of those inflatable car sales lot guys. Flop. Flail.
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Misha just...endures.
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The production staff is agog and suggests the editors get creative to try to splice together a usable scene.
The dude abides and Meta!Misha tweets. “IMHO, J&J had a late one last night. ROTFLMAO”
Singer calls Sera Gamble for help. There’s something wrong with Jared and Jensen. (And Misha’s celebrity tweet indicates illegal drugs.) While this call goes on, Dean and Sam paint the sigil on the window and ready the spell. They jump through the window, landing right next to Singer and his assistant after the spell fails to activate. “Drugs,” Singer spits in disgust.
Back in Jensen’s trailer, they try to figure out what went wrong. Sam wonders if it doesn’t work because there’s no magic or monsters in this world. “No hell, no heaven, no God?” Dean asks. Seems like it, yep.
That may be the case, but back on set a window outside of a hotel room begins to glow. Virgil breaks through on the hunt for the key.
Dean and Sam decide to head back to America and try to figure out another way to get home. They’re on their way out of the studio when Virgil finds them. He tries to brain melt Dean with his hand but his mojo’s missing. Dean and Sam go to town on Virgil - at last on equal footing, they start beating him to the ground. When the crew sees this they fly into action to restrain their rogue actors and Virgil gets away after slipping the key from Sam’s pocket. (ZIPPERED pocket, Sam!)
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Singer calls Sera again. “It appears that Jared and Jensen were seen beating an extra to death.” Well, that’s the final straw so she relents and decides to fly in to talk to them. But...Singer’s against that plan. It seems that she’s too new and J&J don’t actually know who she is. (This is funny, and so obviously done so they can shoot up Kripke later. But still. Ouch, Supernatural. Ouch. This is such a BRO centered episode, even for Supernatural. This is the only part of the episode that I wish had been written differently.) Anyway, Kripke created the show and probably has the clout to talk Jared and Jensen off of their crazy drug-induced spiral. Kripke’s off in a cabin somewhere working on a script after he sold “Octo-cobra” so somebody’s gotta find him first.
As the production crew begins Operation Kripke, Misha heads home after a long, weird day on set. “Good night, little fella,” he tells an assistant and then gets into his car to drive off. God, Meta!Misha is just the best. Before he drives, he decides to take just a moment to tweet. “Ever get that feeling someone’s in the backseat? Frowny face.” Virgil pops up and holds a knife to his throat.
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On set, Singer meets Dean and Sam in “Bobby’s cabin.” He tells them he hopes they see him as...almost an uncle to them now. “Uncle Bob.” Jensen goggles at this and then scoffs at naming a character after someone who works on the production. Yeah, well…
“You can't come to work on poppers and smuggle kidneys in from Mexico and make up your own lines as you go! You cannot make up your own lines!” Bob Singer has HAD IT. (Boris is reminded of the time in “Slumber Party” where Jared and Jensen switched the lines: “You're gonna read the books?” and “Yes, Dean. I like to read books -- you know, the ones without pictures.” I can’t find where I read that now, but blerg. Dean reads, Jensen.)
“Screw our careers, Bob,” Sam says and storms off.
Yeah! Dean delivers a delightful diatribe about brotherhood that should really be spoken over swelling orchestral music (but isn’t). Bob takes it all in, realizing that right now, Jensen actually thinks he’s Dean. “We've all had our psychotic breaks, right? I can work with this,” Bob says. Except, Dean/Jensen quits.
Outside a dark alley, Virgil pulls Meta!Misha from his car. He asks him how they manage to live in such a dark, unmagical world before slamming Misha up against the wall. Meta!Misha begs for his life as Virgil holds up the knife and slices his throat to try to use blood magic to make a call.
(Extreme side note: I adore the philosophical underpinnings of this episode. Virgil asking how people can “live in this grubby, shabby desert? Nothing greater than yourselves.” Well, this kind of talk is my JAM. I’m just gonna wrap these questions of bleak existential despair around me like a warm blanket and purr.)
Dean and Sam arrive back at Jared’s house, only to be greeted by Gen who tells them that Misha has been killed. “Where?” they respond, ever the hunters.
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At the crime scene, the boys walk into the alley. There’s a man being interviewed by a detective. “The scary man killed the attractive crying man, and then he started to pray. And the strange part – After a while, I swear I heard this voice answering.” It turns out that Virgil did make contact with Raphael, who’s gonna activate another bespelled window to bring Virgil and the key back to the regular Supernatural universe. (Is blood magic > Enochian magic?)
Dean and Sam get ready to stop Virgil. After all, here he’s just a man. What could go wrong?  Meanwhile, Virgil loads up on weapons and ammunition. While Virgil is probably cutting a bloody swath over to the studio, Dean and Sam have a BM moment in “Bobby’s cabin.” Dean wonders if Sam wishes he could stay in this world - where there’s no Supernatural. No horrible blood magic or demon curses… But Sam thinks that the Winchesters wouldn’t mean the same thing in any other world but their own. He’s gonna walk back into their dark, magic-filled world with open arms.
Outside the studio, Kripke rolls up and meets up with Singer and assistants. They commiserate/celebrate over Misha’s untimely demise...and the fact that this has propelled them into front page entertainment news. SUCH a tragedy. They spot Virgil approaching. Oh, great! It’s the extra who was getting whaled on. Kripke waves him over to smooth things over and, western shootout style, Virgil lifts his gun and pumps Kripke full of holes.
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Virgil proceeds to take out a large chunk of the Supernatural cast. Except for some…
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Sam and Dean take on Virgil, beating his ass into the floor. They grab the key and get sucked back through the window.
Raphael approaches the Winchesters in a new meat suit. Raphael, in a woman’s body, grabs their balls and squeezes - at least that’s what I always like to imagine. Give him the key!!!
Then Balthazar swans in smugly. The key is useless, it turns out! It opens an empty locker at a bus station. But that key, plus the Winchesters, were a truly terrific distraction. Because while Raphael and Virgil were looking the other way, Cas got the weapons instead. Cas appears and warns Raphael away. Lightning flashes and we get wing shadows of DOOM.
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Bonus: Reaction shot:
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Raphael flaps away. “Now that you have your sword,” Balthazar tells Cas, “try not to die by it.” He flaps out, leaving Cas alone in the parking lot with the Winchesters. Cas flaps them both to Bobby’s cabin. He tells them that using them as decoys was Balthazar’s plan. However, he regrets nothing. If he loses against Raphael then the entire world gets swallowed up by the apocalypse again. Cas apologizes and he’ll explain when he can. Boom. Cas OUT.
Alone with Dean again, Sam approaches Bobby’s cabin wall slowly and slaps it a few times, just to ascertain that it’s real.
Dean: Yeah, real, moldy, termite-eaten home sweet home. Chock full of crap that want to skin you. Oh, and, uh, we're broke again. Sam: Yeah. But, hey...At least we're talking.
No Heaven, No Hell, No Quotes:
I’m a painted whore.
I feel like this whole place is bad touching me.
That’s fake me. This must be fake mine.
Wow, I must be the star of this thing.
Well alpacas are the greenest animal.
If there's a key...then there has to be a lock. And when we find the lock, we can get the weapons, and then we can have the weapons. And the lock. We'll still have the lock, I imagine, because we've opened it, and, of course, the initial key.
If I hear one more conversation about hockey I’m gonna puke.
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ftgeorge-blog · 8 years ago
Mums || Self-Para
Sneaking in was never something George had tried before in the twenty years of life. 
If there was ever a time he wanted to do it successfully it would’ve been now. He needed to get into the house and past his mother to change and figure out how he was going to hide the hickeys Harry had left scattered across his skin. A sweater would do, but some marks were too high up. Too visible and dark. He’d have to cover them with makeup or find some poor excuse as to why they were there. George was already arriving home a little later in the morning than he had initially intended. Pulling up the hoodie on Harry’s sweater, he gently slid the key into the keyhole to unlock the door and push it open as quietly as he could. Stepping inside, it seemed like the coast was clear. He could hear his mum in the kitchen, but he figured that if he timed it right he’d be able to sneak past her and up the stairs to his room.
“Look who’s finally decided to join us! Where are you going in such a hurry?” she chimed from behind him just after he passed through the hall. The playful tone in her voice let him know that she wasn’t angry. He wasn’t expecting her to be. She was always really chill. She was one of his favorite people and his best friend. His mum knew pretty much everything about him, except for this. George just wasn’t sure he was ready for her to see him like this just yet so he kept his back turned to her. “Ah..” He stumbled at first in search for a quick excuse. “I’ve gotta wee and change, but I’ll be down in a second!” He called back to her over his shoulder as he went up the steps to go to his room. The house was small so getting from the top of the stairs to his bedroom didn’t take very long. He closed the painted over wooden door behind him for just a little privacy. His body still ached from the night before. Moving that quickly didn’t help him at all. If it was up to him he’d just want to stay in bed all day. Get some food and just sleep. He couldn’t do that though. He had promised his mother he’d help her. He knew she wouldn’t fuss too much if he decided to stay in, but that’d only lead to her worrying about him and an interrogation that he did not need.
George rid himself of Harry’s clothes as quickly as he could given his position. He grabbed a pair of jeans. He was almost sure just arriving in shorts in this weather was enough to alarm his mother, but luckily she didn’t create too much of a fuss about that. George didn’t want to step out of Harry’s sweater. It still smelled of him and he had only just left him not that long ago, but he already missed the male. He considered texting him already but decided it was best if he was left waiting a little while. George couldn’t risk seeming all too eager. He’d stick to texting him later on. Just as he said he would. Pulling the hoodie over his head, he picked out a regular cream colored t-shirt and a lighter neutral colored pullover sweater to put on. His next plan of action was covering up the marks that were left visible on his skin. It was getting cold outside so he could put on a scarf, but he wanted to cover the bruises with a little makeup as a backup plan. It was the most logical thing to do. Only when he did make his way to the bathroom finally he couldn’t find anything that’d help him. He had no idea what any of what he had found was. Some things looked familiar, but he was looking for foundation or, as he thought of it, the skin colored stuff. Which he eventually found after sneaking around in his sister’s room. It felt wrong to go through her things, but he needed it. There weren’t many other choices that he was left with.
Apparently, he also needed help with applying the foundation as well. It was a lot wetter than he thought it’d be. He spilled a little too much onto his finger, but he had taken it to the bathroom by then so the excess liquid only fell onto the sink. Whatever he had gotten on his hand went straight to those spots on his neck. It didn’t look or feel very well, but it would just have to do. He couldn’t spend very much time on it. He’d just have to keep the scarf, which he also knicked from his sister, on if anything. Returning to his sister’s room after cleaning and finally washing up, he quickly replaced her foundation and closed the door before heading back to his room to grab his things so he could head back downstairs.
“Are you alright lovey?” Toni asked as she noticed her son finally reappearing downstairs in a change of clothes. She was just cleaning up from breakfast that morning, Harriet was helping her wash the dishes. George smiled at his mum and nodded quickly as he made his way over. He wrapped his arms around her shoulders and pressed a kiss on the top of her head. “Yeah. I’m okay. I’m sorry I’m late again.” He apologized, still hugging her and by now she had turned to hug him as well. Her head was to his chest since she was shorter than he was and his cheek rested on the top of her head. “It’s alright chipmunk. The shops aren’t going anywhere. Are you hungry?” She asked, gently patting his lower back. “I’ve saved you some food just in case. There’s a plate in the microwave if you want it.” Clearly, by his initial movement at the mention of food, George wanted it. They separated from each other just so he could go and grab it to heat it up before they left.
“So what have you been up to huh? Were you out partying all night huh?” Toni asked, initiating a playful interrogation from behind him. “Oh yeah. I’ve been out all night can’t you tell? Everyone at Uni gets crazy on Friday nights.” He joked back as he waited for his food to warm. “But no..” He spoke in his more neutral tone now. “I just..stayed up a little late working on my final project.” He lied, making sure he kept facing away from her. The lie was probably evident in his voice already, he didn’t want his expression to give it away as well and he knew it would. Toni had gone quiet for a moment and George began to wonder if she knew already. He wasn’t even sure how to begin to explain himself. But that was a mom thing right? They always already knew everything before you can even think of something to say. Maybe she had already seen the hickeys. She knew about them before he had even gotten there somehow. “Ah!” She exclaimed after a few more moments of silence, clearly only keeping silent to mess with him. “That’s no fun.” She pointed out only to walk over to him and give him a nice little slap on his bum. Of course causing George to jump and bite on his lip from the surprise and the pain. He couldn’t make a sound. It was awful, but he needed to act like he was alright. “How is that coming along though? I am excited to see it. You said there’s a class gallery at the end of the semester right?” She questioned as George carefully reached for his now warm food. “Uh yeah. You can only see it then though.” He teased “No peeks this time. I really like this one. I’m not completely finished with it, but I really like how it’s coming along. I’m excited for everyone to see it.” Walking over, George carefully sat at the table with his food. Extremely cautious now not to show off what his lower end was feeling at the moment.
“It’s going to be great babe.” She told him, always one of his best supporters. Stepping over to him, she returned his kiss from earlier. Just one soft and loving kiss to the top of his head. “You smell good. Have you gotten a new soap?” She commented, gently running her fingers through his hair. Here came the real questions. She knew her son all too well. George was a terrible liar yet before he could even think of an answer she had already moved onto something else. “Oh. You’ve got a little something..” She trailed off, the pad of her index finger swiped up along his neck to wipe away some of the foundation that he hadn’t rubbed into his skin. “Have you put makeup on?” She questioned, inspecting her finger as a smile curled at her lips and her brows furrowed when she leaned in to take a closer look at him. “What? I-No—” He responded quickly, mouth full of food. “Ah..I think I see what you were up to.” She nudged him gently and George’s eye’s widened at that. He could feel his heart begin to pulse a little faster in his chest. Terribly afraid now of what was to come. She knew. Of course, she knew. He was so wrong to think that she wouldn’t know. He had done such a terrible job at trying to cover them up and he had forgotten to actually tie the scarf around his neck entirely. He had no words for her. He shook his head and tried to swallow what was in his mouth, but she began speaking again. “It’s alright love. Eat up! We’ve got places to be!” Her hands rustled through his hair and she chuckled, knowing not to pressure her son too much.
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coldeternalarchive · 8 years ago
Matt’s Winter 3
Matt’s parents met him at the bus station and he figured he must have looked really bad because they instantly took him home, made him something to eat and put him to bed.  No one asked about the tour, or why he was coming back alone.  They asked about his head, the hospital stay and what the doctors had said.  They also told him they were taking him to a local doctor for a follow up and he agreed more readily than he ever expected to.  
 The first thing he did was strip off his clothes and take a long, hot bath, knowing he would not be interrupted.  His mother brought him a plate of food in his room and he almost fell asleep while eating it, exhaustion and hunger duking it out for control of his body.   He slept until the doctor’s appointment the next afternoon, got an xray and a full check up.  The doctor advised him to stay in bed for a few more days and Matt was never so happy to comply with anything in his life.  They stopped for food on the way home and again before he could even finish he had fallen asleep.  The bed felt like heaven and it was wonderful to have a room to himself once again.  All thoughts of suicide faded away as he enjoyed being warm and comfortable in a private, safe place that was quiet and all his own.  He should have been depressed, now finding himself with no band and no friends, but the truth was he was just too tired and grateful to be home.   He still wasn’t sure why his parents hadn’t pried or said “I told you so” but he was in no mood to probe the subject further.  Two days later he still had only left his room to eat.  He didn’t feel sick so much as just lazy.  When someone knocked at his door he was sure it was his mom and he sat up and smiled, telling her to come in. Instead it was Aron. Matt stared at him like he was a ghost. “Do I owe you money?”  He asked quietly, unconsciously scooting back further against his headboard. “What?  No!  I came to check on you, dude.  Why’d you leave?” “WHY’D I LEAVE?!”   Matt cursed himself and lowered his voice.  “You kicked me out!  You didn’t even have the decency to tell me yourself!  You sent Dylan!” “WHAT?!” “Shhhhh!”  Matt practically growled, motioning Aron to come closer even if he didn’t want to.  “No one visited me, not once!  Dylan said you replaced me.  I was gonna have to hitchhike home and I could barely even walk.  I called my folks. What the fuck did you want me to do??” “No, no!  George got us kicked off your floor.  We couldn’t go see you, we weren’t allowed. And Dylan……...he didn’t mean we kicked you out of the band.  In order to have enough money to get home we had to play two weeks of local gigs.  We found a local guy to fill in.  That’s all.” Matt was quiet for a moment. “Sorry I ruined the tour.”  He said quietly after a moment, refusing to look over at Aron. “That was my fault.  That’s why I’m here.  I wanted to tell you I’m sorry.  I’m really fucking sorry, Matt.” Matt held up his hand.  He didn’t want to hear it. “Jorel’s right about everything.  You should go.” “No, he’s not. It was a terrible thing to do and I’m sorry!” Aron grabbed his hand and then leaned forward to kiss him.  Matt jerked away so fast that pain shot through his head all over again as he raced to close his door. “Have you lost your mind?!  My parents don’t know that about me!”  He hissed, falling back on the bed, holding his head. “Yo, dude, I’m sorry!  I wasn’t thinking.  I just wanted to apologize. I’m so sorry.  I knew it wasn't right and I did it anyway and I hurt you and I’m so sorry.” “You’re just sorry I fucked up the tour, you don’t care about me!  You left me as soon as Jorel so much as looked in your direction!” “I’m sorry!  Come stay with me! We can be alone. I’ll take care of you.” “Oh I’ll bet!  You and Jorel will take real good care of me I’m sure!” “Jorel feels horrible.” “Whatever.”  Matt sighed. “How are you feeling?”  Aron seemed to want to try another route of questioning. “I’ve been sleeping for three days and I still want to sleep more.  I’ve never been this tired in my life.  Doctors say I’m okay though.  I’m just so stupid.  Jorel’s right. I’m a pussy.  I shouldn’t have ran off.  I’m so fucking stupid.  I didn’t even turn on the RV, I just lay there all night and froze to death.” “I’m sorry.  Matty, I’m so sorry.”  Aron sounded like he was about to cry and Matt had no idea what he should do.  “Come over.  We can be alone.  No one will bother us.  Aren’t you sick of your folks yet?” That was the crazy thing:  He wasn’t. “Tomorrow.”  Matt promised.  “I still don’t feel good.”  It wasn’t a lie.  “You swear George doesn’t hate me, doesn’t want me out of the band?” “George stayed with you for the first three days.  He was scared to death.  He thought he had pushed us too hard and that’s why you collapsed.  We were taking turns until you woke up and yelled at Dylan and then George got mad and threatened the nursing staff and got us all kicked out.  Please come hang out tomorrow.  Just you and me.” Matt sighed and shrugged, feeling only marginally better than no one hated him and he wasn’t kicked out. “Okay I’ll come get you tomorrow morning.  I...you don’t look good.  No offense.  You probably shouldn’t drive.” Matt nodded, the closeness to Aron was intoxicating, bringing up all those memories he did not want to think about.  “So…..does anyone hate me?  I mean other than Jorel?” “No one hates you, Matt.  I swear.”  Aron leaned in and kissed his face and the scent of him flooded Matt’s memory like an ocean tide.  “I’m sorry.  It was a stupid thing to do, it was an awful thing to do.  I am so sorry.  This is all my fault, you falling, you getting hurt.  I’m sorry.”  In an instant he was wrapped in Aron’s arms and for just that moment everything was exactly the way it was before.  He sighed and whimpered a little bit before pulling away.   “I’m exhausted, you should go.”  He sighed. Aron didn’t fight him on it and promised to come back the next day.  Matt fell asleep fighting himself over thinking about Aron again, trying not to and finally giving in and remembering the good times in spite of himself.  Matt’s mom was overjoyed he was getting out of the house and didn’t give him any problems about Aron coming to pick him up the next day.  She gave him a funny look when he offered to help with the laundry and sent him to bed.  Unsure whether to be happy about this or not, he lay down still thinking of Aron’s touch and scent and the feel of his arms around him.  Around ten am there was a knock on his door and Aron stepped through in a ratty pullover that said YALE that looked like it had been fished out of a trashcan, skinny jeans and sneakers. “Ready?” “Sure.”  Matt hefted himself up off the bed and followed Aron out. Aron had a trailer on the other side of town.  It wasn’t much but it was private.  The tires made a familiar crunching sound on the loose gravel as they pulled up and as soon as they were inside Aron’s arms were around him like snakes. “I’m sorry, Matt.”  Aron pressed his face into the warmth of Matt’s neck making him shudder and taking him by such surprise he was at a loss as to what would happen next.  Everything was familiar once more, the touch, the sounds of their breathing, the smell of the trailer that was also the smell of Aron’s clothes, the scent of shampoo clinging to his hair.   It was dark and slightly chilly inside, all the more reason to get closer.  Soon their clothes were mostly off and he was touching Aron’s chest and pressing his face to his neck and Aron was gently pulling at his dark curls, pushing his head back to kiss his mouth.  It was then Matt knew that all was lost, as angry as he was, as hurt as he was, they were going to have sex and he was going to pretend Jorel didn’t exist.   Maybe this meant Aron had come to his senses.  Maybe his being in the hospital had caused his friend to wake up and see what was right in front of him.  Matt forgot everything that had been weighing him down and they made love furiously and noisily in the chilled safety of the trailer, away from all prying eyes once and for all.   When it was over Aron lay on his back, staring up at the ceiling, not saying much.   Matt had begun to doze when the front and only door to the trailer opened.  He sat up grabbing what he could to throw around him, looking in terror at Aron, not even finding the breath to ask if he was expecting anyone. To Matt’s horror, Jorel walked in.  He strode into the bedroom, glanced at both of them, leaned down and kissed Aron’s cheek and whispered something in his ear. “What the hell?!”  Matt jumped up, throwing on his clothes as fast as he could.  “Is this some kind of game?!  What?  He told you to fuck me?!” “Nah, man, nothing like that.”  Aron drawled. “But we don’t keep secrets.” “You’re still with him?? You had no inention of leaving him?!  And you still fucked me?”  Matt had managed to get on all his clothes and was heading to the door.  “I hate you! I hate both of you!  Why do you do this?  What the fuck is wrong with you?” “Dude.”  Jorel stepped in front of him and Matt froze.  He got a good look at him for the first time.  His hair was longer.  God, he actually had started to look a bit like Aron.  It was disconcerting.   They’re turning into the emo twins! I gotta cut my hair now! Shit! “He loves you.  I can’t tell him no.  And I’m sorry.  I am so sorry.  All this is my fault. All of it.  It was my idea. You could have died.  All because of me.  I am so sorry.  I didn’t mean those things, I didn’t mean any of them.  If you guys want to see each other---” “I don’t want your permission!!!  I wanted him to love me enough to choose me!!  Oh my god, I got played again, what the fuck is wrong with me?” “Dude, nothing is wrong with you.  He loves you….I just….god I’m trying to do the right thing!!  He wasn’t going to lie to me.  I know you’re mad but….I just...I don’t wanna mess with you, dude and I’m so sorry.  I just thought this would help.” Matt stared at Jorel in disbelief, his gaze swinging from him to Aron and back. “You knew he was going to show up and you asked me here anyway.  You are the most fucked up person I’ve ever met in my life, Aron!  Damn it!!”  Matt began to walk backwards to the door, already imagining the long walk home. Aron seemed to come to life then, pulling on his pants and advancing on him. “Look, if you don’t believe I love you, fine.  I won’t...this won’t happen again.  I just wanted you to know if you still wanted to be with me, it’s okay with Jorel….it’s ….we’re...I dunno...open minded….” “Ahhh!”  Matt threw his hands in the air, turning to go. “Wait, wait, there’s something you need to know.” Grudgingly Matt turned round to face Aron once more. “Have you ever thought about George?” Matt made a face, the sudden change of subject making him dizzy. “What about George?” “He’s ….I ...I don’t know if he’s in love with you but he definitely wants to hook up.” “Oh my god, another fucking joke.  Fuck you, Aron.”  Matt turned to go. “Matty, wait!  I swear.  He sat for days next to you when you were unconscious.  One day I slipped in, he didn’t know I was there, he was talking to you.  I heard him.  He has a thing for you.  I swear to god.” Matt glared at Jorel.  “You put him up to this!!” “I wasn’t even there.  I can’t tell you shit.”  Jorel shrugged. “Why the fuck are you telling me this?!” “Well…...if you don’t want to be with me, at least give him a chance.  Maybe he’ll make you happy.”  Aron looked down.  “I just want you to be happy.” “Fuck you, fuck your happiness, both of you could die for all I care!!”  Matt finally got to the door and ran outside without looking back. (end chapter, more to come)
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